#Game key provided to Randomised Gaming
randomisedgaming · 1 year
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New promotional artwork drawn for the 2023 release by ININ Games, Bliss Brain & Ratalaika Games:
Wonder Boy Anniversary Collection
Gameplay and impressions video here: https://youtu.be/hFNO014fx-s
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entropy-game-dev · 5 months
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A Postmortem for Phylogenesia Automatorum
It's finally time for the retrospective on my 2 week roguelite/incremental cellular automata game jam hybrid!
It all started when, in late December, I saw a post on Reddit about the New Years Incremental Game Jam. I was both excited and hesitant to participate - excited because I had, for a long time, wanted to try my hand at an incremental-style game, and hesitant because I had already spent a few months working only very sporadically on my main game, Stellar Terminus. Nevertheless I thought it was a good opportunity to learn some more about Gamemaker Studio 2, and also to get back into regular programming.
What went right
There were a few defining moments when it came to developing this game. My favourite types of incrementals were ones that had awesome visuals that evolve over the course of the game, in the forefront of my mind as I had recently played and enjoyed (the) Gnorp Apalogue. With that in mind, I chose to base my game on Conway's Game of Life - a dynamic, interesting interface that could directly present and represent the choices you make in the game. When I streamed my first programming session to Z, which was just a 1:1 implementation of the Game of Life, he suggested a roguelite direction for this game, and that immediately resonated with me - I could absolutely see randomised upgrades (styled as genetic mutations) being a way to shape your simulation, while keeping things fresh and interesting over the course of the game.
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I am a sucker for music in videogames that dynamically changes. When I asked @weaponizedslob for another (who's doing a similar thing for the music for Stellar Terminus), he suggested that each unique plant would have their own looping instrument, and I fell in love with the idea. Having a song that you personally build up depending on your choices and combination of plants was very appealing, and he worked in the background to provide this while I kept on programming.
The next key moment in the game's development was adding all 10 plants, but specifically the 0range. What started as just a dumb pun (all of its values were set to 0 (except point values) so it had 0% chance to spawn and generate points) turned into one of the defining characteristics of the game whereby you had to manage buying it not so early that it would impact your points, but not so late that you'd need to spend a ton of points fishing for the right mutations to make it produce points.
And the final moment was something I have already previously talked about - Lucinius suggested the player be given 5 free resets at the start of each game. This solved so many problems at once: the fact that point gain was probabilitic and variable, that some plants were more tempramental than others, mitigation of bad luck when it came to upgrades, etc. It also provided a metric in which I could balance each plant such that on average, they would yield at least 1 and at most 2 upgrades within those 5 resets, more than enough in most runs to get a foothold.
Other positive aspects:
It was my first true solo game that I had completed and released! I had previously done some gamejams with the help of Lucinius and Maza, of course, but relying only on yourself is a feeling I enjoy.
I was able to stick to a timeline and scope. While there was a bit of scope creep, I had accounted for it and had the majority of the planned features done by week 1, allowing time for polish and balance.
Testing commenced early and often, although I have a bad habit of not playtesting things myself, which I need to do more of!
Porting the aesthetics and some generic UI code from Stellar Terminus saved me a heap of time and headache
The logo for the game, despite me doing it 1 hour before submission, turned out really well and I always discount how a little bit of effort presentation-wise can have a huge impact on people's perception of things.
So what could have been improved upon?
The biggest issues people have raised through both playtesting and comments on the game, were that the game could use more work on its balance. I completely agree with this assessment, and I touched on this in my previous blog. I think incrementals in general are incredibly hard to balance as humans do not have a very good sense for exponentially increasing numbers. Without completely reworking some systems, I tended towards an easier game. Making the game brutally hard would have stifled creativity, experimentation, and different builds, as players would have to tend towards an optimal strategy every game. There is definitely a balance to be struck, but considering the appeal of a lot of roguelites is "popping off" with a certain build, I was not too dissatisfied with how things turned out. Plus, players could always compete with others or themselves for the least amount of simulation resets to victory.
The simulation and overall concept of the game was also quite difficult to understand. This was something I really should have realised earlier, as given an initial configuration of the Game of Life, it is almost impossible to predict how it will evolve. When you throw in multiple plants with different rulesets, a random starting configuration, and probabilistic spawning and dying, a player has no real chance to understand the ins and outs of the system. Of course, I had designed it with a vision that you wouldn't need to, rather, the aim was to just get a sense of the overall vibe (for lack of a better word) of the simulation, and nudge it in the direction you want it to go. Given more time, I would have had a before/after demo play when you're hovering over each upgrade to help players' understanding.
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My biggest technical misstep was definitely not having a web version of the game on release. The incremental genre is largely played in a browser, and while previously we had always submitted downloadables for gamejams, I really neglected to think about the audience for this one. I ended up rectifying this about a week later, but the web version is not at parity with the downloadable version, with its performance being worse, and its lack of music. And in the end, the most amount of votes came in the initial rush, and so I definitely missed the boat there!
Other negative aspects:
Some plants definitely could have felt/behaved in more unique ways. However, that would have required adding more parameters into the database, which would further muddy the underestanding of the entire simulation, so I decided against it for this version of the game.
UI is still an ongoing struggle for me. Everything here had buttons and mouseover text which was great, but low-res pixel art and my lack of artistic talent doesn't lend itself well to UI-heavy games.
The spaghetti code was REAL, especially within the button object. There was quite a bit of technical debt I had to overcome implementing new features, but at the same time some features were implemented blazing fast by disregarding encapsulisation and robust coding principles.
The name. Argh! It's not bad, but it doesn't really tell the average player what the game's about, and, confession time, every time you've seen me write it, I've just copy-pasted it from the itch.io page because I'm afraid I'm going to spell it wrong. At least it ranks well on Google (when it stops trying to auto-correct it)!
BONUS: Stuff I learned about Gamemaker Studio 2!
They reverted back to a 1-time payment model, a huge step in the right direction from their previous monthly subscription model. Not only that but now, you can export your game for any platform (except consoles) for free, and you pay a $100 1-time fee if you want to then make money from your game.
Having CSV files open doesn't result in compilation errors, unlike GMS1. This saved so much time as I was able to tweak plant values on the fly. Also, GMS2 now has a native CSV import function, which is nice.
Its code flagging features were really nice. I honestly hated Feather, which is their smart code comprehension system, but just simple things like "hey you haven't used this variable name yet", and color-coding for local vs instance variables were awesome when it came to intercepting bugs early.
There were some weird editor behaviours that I noticed - from the sometimes blurry rendering of text, having multiple of the same code window open, and inconsisten behaviour when it came to tabbing/highlighting text, it was definitely something I had to get used to, and felt like a step backward from GMS1. The way the windows were arranged were a lot nicer though which partially makes up for it.
My .exe files don't get flagged by windows! I think GMS1 is just too old at this point but sending files to friends for testing was a lot smoother here.
And that wraps up the postmortem… well, almost. I'm going to make another small post later because this one is already getting to be a monster, regarding future directions and wishes for the game. But in terms of positives and negatives, that pretty much everything I wanted to say. On the whole? Super happy with how this turned out and the wonderful comments from everyone wherever I posted about the game. I felt it was a nice, self-contained project that was able to nicely achieve the very specific vision I had for it upon conception, and it even resonated with some of my playtesters who were either indifferent to, or actively disliked, incrementals, which is a huge plus in my book!
Here are some bonus stats from itch.io regarding how it has gone over the past week and a bit:
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Thanks for reading as always!
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technotidbits · 2 months
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In today’s hyperconnected world, cyberattacks are a painful reality that both individuals and organisations must deal with. Poor cybersecurity can lead to ransomware attacks and data leaks, among other terrible consequences. Don’t panic, though; there are tried-and-true techniques to improve your internet security and fend off hackers. We’ll go over ten useful tactics to strengthen your online defences in this piece. We’ll provide you the skills and resources you need to protect your sensitive data via cyber security training video, from creating strong passwords to putting multi-factor authentication into place. We’ll also discuss the significance of regularly backing up data, updating software, and using caution when navigating the perilous waters of public Wi-Fi networks.
1. Maintain Software Updates
Similar to a well-kept landscape, your software requires consistent upkeep in order to flourish. Antiquated software acts as an open invitation for online thieves to enter and cause chaos. Keeping up with software updates allows you to acquire the newest features as well as essential security updates that close any holes that malicious actors might try to exploit. One easy, yet incredibly powerful, strategy to improve your cybersecurity is to update your operating system, web browsers, office suites, and any other software you use on a regular basis.
2. Use Robust Password Techniques
Weak passwords are like leaving the front door wide open for hackers. Passwords are the keys to your digital kingdom. Make sure every account you have has a long, complicated, and one-of-a-kind password to up your password game. To develop an unbreakable code, aim for a minimum of 12 characters and incorporate both capital and lowercase letters, numerals, and special characters. Better still, have strong, randomised passwords created and stored for you by a reliable password manager. Eliminate the use of phrases that are simple to figure out or using the same password for several accounts.
3. Turn on two-factor verification (2FA).
Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a crucial first level of protection since even the strongest passwords can be cracked. Two-factor authentication (2FA) enhances security by requiring an additional form of verification, such as a biometric factor like fingerprint or facial recognition or a one-time code delivered to your phone. Consider two-factor authentication (2FA) as a virtual guardian that posts themselves at the entrance to your accounts to request appropriate documentation before allowing admittance. You greatly lower the chance of unwanted access by turning on this function whenever you can, even in the event that your password is hacked.
4. Make Use of Malware and Antivirus Programs
In The foot troops of cyber attackers, viruses, malware, and other dangerous software are out to destroy your systems by infiltrating them and turning them into a digital battlefield. That’s why enhancing your cybersecurity requires having solid antivirus and anti-malware software installed. These electronic sentries put in endless effort to identify, isolate, and get rid of any possible dangers before they have a chance to do any damage. You can better defend your digital castle and repel these sneaky cyber attackers by keeping your antivirus and anti-malware software updated and scanning your devices on a regular basis.
5. Frequently Make Data Backups
There’s always a danger that anything could go wrong, even with strong cybersecurity protections in place. Because of this, routinely backing up your data is a crucial precaution against any data loss or damage. Consider backups as your electronic lifesaver: a redundant, safe copy of your valuable data that you can depend on in an emergency. Whether your backup plan is cloud-based, on external hard drives, or a combination of both, you can rest easy knowing that your priceless data is secure and recoverable no matter what disaster may strike if you have a thorough backup plan in place.
6. Protect Public and Residential Wi-Fi Networks
The internet is a huge and amazing digital thoroughfare, but it’s also rife with dangers that could appear at any time. Because of this, improving your cybersecurity requires that you secure both your private and public Wi-Fi networks. For your home Wi-Fi network, start by creating a strong, one-of-a-kind password and turning on encryption to safeguard your data while it passes via the air. Use caution when utilising public Wi-Fi and refrain from sending private information or logging into sensitive accounts because these networks are frequently popular targets for hackers and cyber snoopers.
7. Guard Against Phishing Attempts
Phishing scams are the baited hooks that cybercriminals deploy in the murky seas of the digital world to entice gullible victims into their traps. These dishonest strategies can take the kind of phoney phone calls, texts, or emails that are intended to deceive you into divulging private information or jeopardising your online security. It’s important to remain watchful and dubious in order to avoid falling for the trap. communications that are not requested, particularly those that instil a sense of urgency or call for quick action.
8. Put network security and firewalls into practice
Firewalls and other network security tools act as virtual fortresses, defending your devices and network against malicious attacks and illegal access, much like a physical fortress does the same for a kingdom against invaders. While network security technologies like virtual private networks (VPNs) and secure socket layers (SSL) encrypt and secure your data as it travels the digital highways, firewalls serve as gatekeepers, monitoring and managing incoming and outgoing network traffic.
9. Get Knowledge About Cybersecurity Best Practices for Yourself and Your Team.
In the constantly changing field of cybersecurity, information truly is power. By learning about best practices, you and your team will be more capable of spotting and averting such dangers. Furthermore foster a cyber vigilance culture throughout your company. Attend pertinent workshops or training sessions and subscribe to reliable cybersecurity sites to stay up to date on the newest cyber trends and dangers. Promote transparent communication and knowledge exchange among team members, creating an atmosphere where all feel empowered to voice concerns or report questionable activities.
10. Examine and update your cybersecurity measures on a regular basis.
The greatest threat in the dynamic field of cybersecurity is complacency. To remain ahead of the curve, your security measures must also change and adapt in tandem with cyber threats. Make sure your cybersecurity procedures, policies, and tools are up to date and efficient by reviewing and updating them on a regular basis. To find such weaknesses, conduct regular risk assessments and put the appropriate countermeasures in place.
Cybersecurity is now a need rather than a luxury in the digital age. By putting the ten tactics listed in this article into effect and utilising cyber security course video, which range from using strong passwords and keeping software up to date to training your team and yourself on best practices, you’ll be well on your way to improving your cybersecurity and protecting your digital assets. Recall that the fight against cyber attacks is a never-ending one that demands alertness, flexibility, and initiative. Encourage everyone in your organisation to contribute to strengthening your digital defences by embracing a cybersecurity culture.
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Pseudo-Random Algorithms
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Randomiser software has been utilized in virtually all businesses and industries as a means of data collection and analysis in order to understand customer behaviour, predict trends, and optimize marketing strategies.
For example, online stores use randomiser software to randomly select customers to participate in market research surveys; financial institutions utilize randomisers to select transactions that require extra scrutiny or approval; scientific researchers use them to randomly assign experimental groups or participants; schools use the software for lottery-style student selection when there's not enough space for everyone interested in participating. In each instance, the user of the randomiser is looking for a fair and impartial method of selecting data points without bias, which often requires a pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) algorithm.
A PRNG algorithm is an algorithm that uses mathematical formulas to generate sequences of numbers perceived as random even though they are created from a system with predetermined parameters and state. This allows for repeatable outcomes since each “random” selection can be recreated if the starting parameters are known.
Randomiser software developers frequently employ various PRNG algorithms dependent upon their own application requirements—for example, the Lehmer algorithm may be used for games, while an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process could be used for business applications like stock analysis. By understanding these algorithms and how they work, one can more accurately design and develop customised randomiser software suited for their business application.
Discussions on Potential Challenges
Developers who work with pseudo-random algorithms often face numerous challenges. To begin with, as the algorithms are only beginning to be understood, it is difficult to accurately predict their results and know what kind of pattern to expect at any given moment. Furthermore, handling large numbers for a simulation that requires randomness often results in more predictable patterns which may not provide an accurate representation of actual randomness. This can lead to discrepancies between the predicted results and actual events when using such software.
In order to overcome some of these issues, developers must familiarise themselves with the pseudo-random algorithms being used and clearly understand how they operate before attempting any kind of practical usage. Other potential solutions involve implementing multiple layers of randomness or slightly varying parameters within a given algorithm to avoid persistent patterns sometimes seen in simulations or rendered outputs. Additionally, a variety of test cases should also be run in order to evaluate the accuracy worthiness provided by the particular pseudo-random algorithm being used when coding software.
Impact of Randomiser Software in the Business World
Randomiser software has revolutionized the way businesses operate in the modern world, particularly in terms of efficiently managing data and other business activities. By utilizing algorithms based on pseudo-random numbers, these computer programs are able to generate true random values that can be used to accomplish specific tasks such as predicting outcomes and appropriately generating prices.
Working in tandem with artificial intelligence technologies, datasets produced by these applications can be employed for predictive analysis purposes where software agents are trained to recognize key trends and subsequently take action upon predetermined signals.
From a practical perspective, randomiser software has been enormously beneficial to a wide variety of industries that make use of large amounts of online data. Its impact is evident in marketing and advertising departments where it is employed to capitalize on key trends as they occur, while also helping companies better understand their customers by gaining valuable insights from analyzing their behavior patterns.
Furthermore, randomiser software tools have become invaluable tools for entrepreneurs seeking to establish reliable models for pricing commodities or financial products offered through digital channels.
Overall, there is no denying that algorithms based on pseudo-random numbers have had a profoundly positive effect on the way businesses operate today. By aiding in financial decision making and helping organizations capitalize on emerging trends effectively, valuable insights derived from predictions generated by such software have become increasingly integral elements of business operations across virtually all industries today.
Troubleshooting Common Problems
Pseudo-random algorithms are often used when developing randomiser software, as they can generate data that appears as if it is randomly generated. However, there is a certain science to creating and implementing these algorithms. Unfortunately, this means that developers can often run into issues while trying to implement them.
Common problems encountered when using pseudo-random algorithms include difficulty controlling the size of the dataset generated (as is done in randomisation testing), and difficulty managing internal states for multiple invocations across a single session of operation (e.g. a server). Other problems can include general bugs related to mistakes or misunderstandings of the algorithm implementation or API documentation surrounding its usage.
The key to resolving such issues lies in having an understanding of the principles behind these algorithms, such as modular arithmetic, prime numbers and linear recurrences, so that developers have the skills needed to customise their own implementations according to their needs.
Additionally, it is important for developers to read up on existing pseudo-random libraries created by experts and understand why particular settings are employed in those implementations before they embark on writing their own code from scratch. Finally, post implementation debugging techniques should emphasise investigating how well the produced sequence fulfils all its requirements; this could involve running tests on already known sequences whose output runs are known to contain many desirable statistical properties such as disorderness/lack of pattern among other evaluation metrics used for assessing whether a specific sequence qualifies as pseudo-random or not.
Comparison to Other Algorithms
Pseudo-random algorithms are algorithms used to generate non-repeating, yet predictable, sequence of numbers. They come in the form of mathematical formulas and utilize the concepts of iteration and permutation to provide different sequences for each software system. Pseudo-random algorithms are often used in gaming systems as well as many other software applications that require a sense of randomness without compromising on accuracy. The significance of such an algorithm lies not only in its randomness but also its performance: pseudo-random algorithms are typically very efficient and reliable due to their ability to provide accurate simulations.
When it comes to developing a randomiser software, developers must consider both the level of randomisation needed and the ease with which a program can be created. Pseudo-random algorithms offer developers significant flexibility and convenience when it comes to designing these types of programs since they can tailor their algorithms accordingly.
As far as comparison is concerned, pseudo-random algorithms have mostly been found to outperform competitive approaches such as linear congruential generators (LCG) or shift register sequences (SRS). This is because LCG mechanisms tend to produce more predictable patterns whereas SRS can become bogged down easily by high loads due to complex calculations needed for more rigorous sequences. Therefore, pseudo-random algorithms offer an optimal balance between simplicity and robustness when it comes to creating effective randomisers.
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thetoxicgamer · 1 year
Skyrim Mod Finally Makes Stealth Interesting in Bethesda Rpg
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If you’ve ever felt underwhelmed by Skyrim sneaking, a new Skyrim mod overhauls the stealth system of the Elder Scrolls RPG game. That’s right: no more easily cheesing the oblivious enemy AI as you creep around just outside their search radius with stealth archery. Instead, you’ll have to deal with smarter, more thorough enemy checks and searches as they treat that surprise arrow to the knee as more than a minor inconvenience. Listen, I love the simple pleasure of Skyrim stealth archery as much as the next person. You crouch in the shadows, ping off a cheeky headshot crit at the nearest foe, then chuckle maniacally to yourself as the other nearby enemies stumble around before declaring that it must’ve just been the wind. However, the idea of actually demanding stealth promises to completely overhaul the experience of exploring Skyrim dungeons. Skyrim mod Sneaking Out Sneaks comes from creator Aixcalibur, and it provides a number of key changes to enemy AI and behaviour aimed at making stealth more challenging, while still ensuring that it’s a viable (and fun) playstyle. Firstly, enemies won’t be so quick to dismiss the threat to their lives after being struck themselves or seeing a companion fall. Once they set out to search, ‘intelligent’ enemies such as humanoids, automatons, and dragon priests will actually patrol the dungeon for intruders, with behaviour somewhat randomised but potentially taking them all the way to the lair’s entrance. Not only that, but they’ll often decide to pair up with a pal to make it a little tougher for an assassin to pick them off one-by-one, though you’ll occasionally still catch a foolish lone wanderer. You can watch the mod in action courtesy of JustMeMatt below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwosRTVHhZs If you’re ready to truly test your sneaking skills, you can find The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Sneaking Out Sneaks at Nexus Mods. Excalibur says they’re contemplating ways to make enemy behaviour even more sophisticated in the future, and even implementing a dungeon lighting system where enemies can relight areas that you have plunged into darkness. We’re still waiting for news on The Elder Scrolls 6 release date, with no showing from the next entry at the recent The Game Awards 2022 showcase. Fortunately, we’ve got some of the best games like Skyrim to play on PC while you wait for more information. Read the full article
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ratliffjames · 2 years
Acyl CoA dehydrogenase and Its Restorative Prospective within the Treatment of Continual Lymphocytic Leukemia: A shorter Evaluate about Growing Files
Results: 50 Acyl CoA dehydrogenase families of carriers regarding GM, the location where the sexual intercourse with the offspring ended up given, were discovered from the books plus logbooks of a pair of nearby genetic devices. Moms during these people have been relatively younger: just 8% of mums ended up 35 years old along with more mature at the time of shipping and delivery of the first impacted offspring as the proportion regarding grandmothers around the Game master carrier's facet aged Thirty-five years and also elderly had been significantly higher (39%). Postzygotic relief regarding T21 because of error inside the meiosis I had been suggested like a procedure involving parent Game master development throughout 78% from the families together with acknowledged source from the T21. For that various other 22%, save of mistakes in the meiosis II or even postzygotic mitotic non-disjunction ended up being presumed. Mosaicism regarding T21 inside consecutive generations has been described in at least Twelve families. The particular amount involving mosaics amongst affected women kids (14%) is really a lot increased to this amongst impacted man young (0%). Men preponderance (SR Is equal to 1.A few) can be found in neo variety liveborn children using possibly maternally-or paternally carried T21. Amid unchanged young regarding man carriers involving GM there is a distinctive more than females (SR = Zero.27). Conclusion: Each immediate (outcomes of cytogenetic along with molecular research with the origin regarding trisomic collection) and also oblique (superior grandmaternal grow older along the side of Game master service provider) facts let assume that significant proportion in the variety mom and dad had been developed since trisomics. Female-specific trisomy recovery as well as anatomical frame of mind in order to postzygotic non-disjunction has been advised since systems involving development associated with each General motors and also somatic mosaicism. Common guy variety in influenced low variety offspring together with sometimes maternally-or paternally carried trisomy 21, signifies as compared to meiotic events aren't in charge of the particular manipulated intercourse rate within Nintendo ds. Nonetheless a lady extra amongst untouched children associated with men service providers of GM might be the selleck chemicals llc results of meiotic no homologous co-orientation associated with chromosomes 21 years old and also By inside spermatogenesis.Seeks and goals. This papers identifies when and exactly why tactical investigation can be used and also describes making use and model in the strategies most often came across in medical novels. This can be executed making use of good examples removed from key healthcare Cabozantinib manufacturer periodicals. History. Survival evaluation is actually widely used within clinical as well as epidemiological research: within randomised clinical trials pertaining to comparing your efficiency of therapies along with observational (non-randomised) study to discover and try out the information on epidemiological affiliation. Style. This particular paper presents the principles, exercise and language of success investigation.
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31 Days of Apex Legends
Little bit behind, but I combined Days 1 & 2 (Pride & Friendship)
Chapter 1 of an upcoming fic I am still writing.
Title: Pride & Assumed Prejudice
Chapter 1: Masks
Something sour lingered on the tip of his tongue, on the razor’s edge of every thought; like a granule of poison sinking slowly into a beverage, unseen as the hapless victim takes a sip. Unnecessary, unnerving, and oddly enough, inducing a curiously debilitating sensation of anxiety for the first time in well over a decade. An emotion long-ago thought cordoned off, and utterly aggravating in its resurgence.
One could theoretically shut it out with enough mental fortitude and regimented distraction, but this tended to only provide short-term relief, for it always returned; faster, stronger, more pervasive than the last time. A creeping sense of wrongness that seemed to seep through every vein, clutching tightly to each breath as it worked to enter his lungs, twisting his stomach at random intervals, and reigniting old memories best left buried in unmarked graves. Unmourned and unwelcome.
At least, that is what Caustic tells himself.
There seems to be some level of psychological impairment at work, he rationalises in the depths of the night when he can barely think for the voiceless fears that make his heart race and air withdraw from ravaged lungs before it can fully impart its gift. The only hypothesis that makes even the vaguest sense is that there is likely a chemical agent of some kind, a poison, being introduced into some facet of his daily routine that is affecting his mental faculties?
Caustic is perplexed to find that his bloodwork runs clean each time, as do random samples of his food stores, lab equipment, clothing, cleaning products, furniture, air filtration units, plants and even toothpaste. Though he runs them often, at random, in hopes of locating the culprit for these uncomfortable sensations, these distractions from his research. Randomising events on his mental schedule each day in order to avoid any other human or non-organic being from identifying his routine again; if they ever even had. And yet, it persists.
Denial is perhaps the only shield that he will not admit to using, in this instance. Though for all his great logic, his knowledge and emphatic belief in the fundamental laws of science… there is still a strange feeling that persists in coursing through his veins. If he would allow himself but a moment to acknowledge it, to let it in and experience the sensation then it may lead to a breakthrough… but at what cost? If the facade falls, then who would he be?
Yet still his whole body feels electrified from within; as if sensing a change coming, like the increased atmospheric pressure before a thunderstorm. Everything that had been built was starting to decay, and it was not clear why now, why this year… why this ridiculous event was the catalyst. Even though such an obvious connection between this heightened emotional state and the particular time of year never actually occurred to the unnaturally overwrought man.
As the days between the present and the event grew shorter, and the other Legends began to ramp up their ridiculous displays of personal expression, the odd physiological effects increased exponentially, until simply existing in the same dwelling had become almost unbearable. It was merely because the others were younger, more prone to ludicrous displays of ebullience, constantly impeding his research with their tomfoolery… yes, that must be it. The reassurances ring hollow, even to his own mind.
Yet still the simple fact remained… that the year previous, as a new Legend, this whole event had been laughably easy to ignore. So why did it bring such distress, such melancholy? What variable had changed between these two points in time that was bringing this insidious juggernaut of disruption to his mind, body and experiment schedule?
Despite what he, at the time, perceived as his best efforts to provide a front of general indifference and borderline contempt for the ‘nonsensical festivities’ of the majority of the other Legends; it became apparent that these actions were not nearly enough to stave off the eyes of the irritating coworkers. Without even realising, Caustic was shrinking away, becoming distant once more and this, in turn, naturally raised a few eyebrows.
Certainly, he was not the most extroverted or beloved amongst their ranks, but at the insistence of Miss Pacquette, that damnable Gibraltar, and the unerringly difficult to evade Salvonian he had been making small forays into socialising in the name of increasing battle compatibility with the others. In the name of increasing battle efficiency, of course.
Caustic’s sudden detraction from even the few low-key communal activities he had begrudgingly begun to attend on a generally regular basis in their shared lodgings, such as the occasional movie night or weekly shared meal, was a blatant signal to the more empathetic and suspicious of the Legends that something was not right here. Some moved immediately to paranoid delusions, others queried if the scientist was unwell or had been caught up in work and forgot; Caustic could always feel Miss Pacquette’s eyes on him these days. Waiting for him to do something she could no longer forgive.
The sting of her derision only made matters worse, silencing all explanations he might give to the others when they arrived at his assigned room; so that all any who arrived saw was a brief silhouette before the door slammed shut in their faces. Assuming hostility, when the words were simply trapped inside; not wanting to admit this disgusting weakness that clawed, bit and screamed every moment of every day.
However, it was the unintended actions that gave rise to what came next; and he could blame none other than himself. For, as the foolish often do, a handful of those in the complex began to conjecture… rumour, if you will, and they spread like an unchecked wildfire. Caustic was not able to tell if they had been an errant thought turned unintentionally malicious or the deliberate attempt of one of his detractors like Loba or Crypto; and as much as he wished to close off the side of himself that felt anguish at these new beliefs swirling between his coworkers… he could not.
To say the rumours were incorrect would be an understatement, but even he could see how the gossip-mongers amongst their ranks had extrapolated a tenuous but alluring hypothesis that slandered his character, from such limited data points as were available. Especially after their foray to… the planet of his youth, most recently.
It seemed wherever he went, that blasted Crypto seemed to be hovering nearby with a smug look on his face; as if waiting for the opportune moment to mention a few inconvenient truths. Did the younger man realise what was happening to him? Could he use that drone of his to deliver a toxic compound into Caustic’s chambers when the scientist was absent? No, no of course not. Mystik would never forgive him… unless he could provide a plausible alibi. Even that particular train of thought was beginning to wear on him, feeling more tangible each time his brain brought the concept up. Actual poison was not the hacker’s style; but social poison, the slow and cruel kind that seeped from mouth to mouth, assassinating without a blade… that might be plausible.
These days, Caustic found his pulse always quickened when he caught sight of the hacker in the living complex, the anxiety making his mind rush through the worst possible scenarios of his secret being openly divulged to the masses without warning; even though some seemed utterly ridiculous. What would happen, after all? The worst case scenario? Repulsion from the others would be one thing, a natural consequence of their newfound awareness of his misdeeds and discovering the depths of his past, somewhat less than legal, activities. A strong possibility that perhaps the Legends would take the rash step of immediately contacting authorities to attend the Legend dwellings; something even Caustic would understand as rational.
Yet still, with his normally formidable intellect being absolutely and utterly subsumed under false assumptions and fallacies; the kind only a mind shuddering on the verge of collapse could generate… far worse fates arose like apparitions behind his eyelids. Such as the bizarre and somewhat infuriating insistence of his anxiety-ridden mind that the other Legends could hear of his past and simply decide to take matters into their own hands; pretending all is well until an opportunity arose to publicly execute Caustic themselves, mid-match with his beacon deactivated, for all the world to see. To denounce him in such a way that none could ever assume they had kept his secret; the disgust on their faces as they would wipe his blood from their skin would be proof enough.
Often in the depths of night Caustic muses on this highly improbable outcome. Yet, he finds that the variable of the scenario that keeps him awake is simply that, in this outcome there was the uncomfortably very real possibility of his Mother inadvertently bearing witness to the second death of her son; a thought that makes his chest constrict with a nameless horror. She loved to watch the games, according to that brat she favoured so much… and he could not put her through that grief again.
No matter how nonsensical, the idea and an uncountable number of similarly impossible scenarios would repeat over and over again every waking moment of the day. And again throughout every second of sleep he managed to wrest from this endless void of uncertainty, until it felt like the only true outcome. Caustic was aware he was not thinking logically, or even assessing all the variables… but his mind clouded it all out with whispered worries to distract, to isolate and distress.
These imagined ends and their outcomes added an almost unfathomable heaviness to his existence; adding unearned gravitas to the myriad of little concerns, worries and secret guilts until they felt like a thick fog that obscured all rational thought. Every little concern, so often hidden from his own conscious mind by a never-ending series of experiments and day-to-day tasks he employed to quiet the thoughts he did not wish to entertain, was now screaming inside. Some days he felt not unlike a speaker, reverberating from the harsh beating of his heart, and almost surprised none other than himself could hear.
No, this was ridiculous. He could not allow this to continue, not if he wished to remain Caustic. As a Legend, as a researcher with endless funding as long as he gave the right results in battle, as a scientist seeking additional data, and… as reluctant as Caustic was to admit it, as a member of the rag-tag team that shared the Apex-funded lodgings. A collective, almost like a-...
The thought always shut off there, twisting to a rapid mental analysis of the other Legends for the sake of anything else to focus on. Certainly some of the other ‘champions’ were irritating and he found it difficult to deal with them for long; but others he had to concede were fascinating, and startlingly brilliant in their fields, many of whom were willing to engage in discussions about their expertise and experiences. Even with mild distrust guarding their words to begin with, until passion for the subject overtook their misgivings.
But, as loathe as he was to admit this to even himself; to Caustic... the legends themselves were something he was starting to feel part of. Somewhat like they were a-... the word lodged in his chest like a blunt knife, something that could cause harm if he ever admitted how far he had fallen into the illogical void of social intelligence. He railed against the term, but logically it was the only apt one available to describe this group of strange people; and that was… family.
Bile scorched the back of his throat as he allowed the thought to flow through him like a soundwave, the sentiment of it far more distressing than the physical sensations; as Caustic been under the strong impression of having successfully managed to cut off all sense of sentimentality, along with his fingers, on Gaea. This feeling, this potential vulnerability, was therefore repulsive.
However… it could not be denied that recently the increased socialisation had brought out some surprising connections and insights with the others. Even simple interactions such as providing a gruff thank you to a teammate for pinging a weapon component whilst looting was noted by the others; and the way that Caustic made certain to inoculate his squadmates before a match. Inconsequential activities, but seen… apparently. He had never noticed their eyes on him during these moments before… and now he felt as if they never ceased their burning gazes on his every breath, every twitch and thought.
As it stood, he was closer to some Legends than others; and had forged several, somewhat tenuous but holding, connections he was not wholly ashamed to admit.
For example, Caustic found Horizon’s expertise on astrological matters an excellent way to pass sleepless nights, when both found themselves in the kitchen for coffee at 2am. Minds full of half formed ideas, or regrets, and unable to speak them aloud to anyone; there was an odd companionship between the Legends, so close in age and so vastly apart in lived experiences. Or, at the least, the experiences of their alibis.
Even through the distress he felt, Caustic could not help but smile as he recalled that their first two meetings at such a location and hour had not gone quite so well as in recent times. For the good Dr Somers had been blissfully unaware that a rather prominent side effect of Caustic’s initial and continued toxin exposure often expressed itself as a bright green glow about his irises; therefore the first time they had met in the pitch-black kitchen at an ungodly hour, the astrophysicist had said some truly profane things and thrown a mug of hot coffee in his direction. Lifeline had not been pleased to deal with burns at that time, no matter how Horizon had insisted they needed a proper assessment of the damage, but the young woman seemed to have found the whole situation quite humorous in hindsight. Often making smart ‘Be careful, Doctor, that’s hot!’ quips when she caught either of them holding coffee.
Ah, but their second meeting of this nature had been different. Caustic had merely been resting his eyes at the kitchen island when Horizon had carefully crept inside the darkened room, footsteps barely audible, and proceeded to make herself coffee on the quietest setting possible. It was, in fact, the sound of her sipping the beverage that had roused Caustic, and Horizon had promptly performed an almost perfect spit take in shock at his ‘sudden appearance’. The stain in the wall had never quite come out and neither of the older Legends had bothered to inform the younger Legends how it had manifested. Though some had their suspicions...
There was a calming energy to Dr Somers, and she seemed to have a distance in her eyes that he could relate to without ever broaching the subject. When they spoke of stars, of technology to traverse the time and space between the worlds, there was a communion of unspoken camaraderie there that soothed in an inexplicable manner.
Of the others, Caustic had occasionally found himself ensconced in fascinating discussions and discourse with Mirage when the pair had found themselves trapped in a social setting, such as lunch in the common area, fumbling for topics. Or more accurately, Mirage visibly sifting for a safe topic to be polite, and Caustic pointing at whatever the man was tinkering with at that moment, in silent question. It was rather intriguing how the younger man’s stutter settled when he was intensely focused on a subject he enjoyed. Although it must be said that now the scientist knew entirely far too much about holographic projection technology, and he was hard pressed to find an application for just such knowledge in his research.
On a more irritating note, was Gibraltar’s continued attempts to convince Caustic that attending events such as karaoke night or some roleplaying adventure evening with the rest of the Legends would be fun, positive, and a good bonding experience; and not at all humiliating, bizarre or definitely subjecting himself to the mortifying ordeal of being known by the other champions. Disgustingly, Makoa Gibraltar was a weapons-grade optimist with a sharp mind behind that disarming smile of his.
Recognising that the current stratagem was not working as it allowed the subject too much free will, Gibraltar had added additional variables to his socialisation experiments with Caustic. Even since, Gibraltar had been occasionally dropping by with a small portion of some homemade meal or other; often with one of the other Legends as an unspoken form of backup. More often than not, in recent times, Fuse would be the person of choice.
The rescue specialist was a very large, very polite man who had gracefully accepted the times Caustic would shut the door in his face to avoid allowing anyone to breach his inner sanctum of isolation and research. Walter Fitzroy was decidedly not.
Fuse was a very charming man, but he genuinely believed that any closed door was an invitation to trial his knuckle clusters on it, ‘in the name of friendship’. The pair would then invite themselves inside, and somehow a conversation would occur about the most randomised of topics, amidst the hidden garden-like interior of Caustic’s quarters. After weathering the scientist’s myriad of multisyllabic protestations about property damage and right to privacy, with mildly amused expressions on their faces, of course. Now that he thought about the subject in detail, the visits had been increasing in duration rapidly in the past two months or so; detracting from his research, yes, but at the same time… Caustic had begun to find himself not wanting to reduce this contact in the slightest.
Rampart had recently asked Caustic, in a quiet moment, if he wanted something strong enough to withstand a knuckle cluster barrage whipped up, because he was more often without a door than with one these days. Caustic had found himself smiling under the mask as he declined; not catching her sly grin of understanding in response. “It’s your funeral mate…” she teased as she left. He still had not had a chance to analyse her meaning or motives in relation to that interaction.
Still skeptical of his motives, but warming, was Lifeline. On the odd occasion, the healer would simply come into the common area to ‘hang out’ with whomsoever was present, and initially this had been a frustrating strain on his limited social endurance. Especially if the runner joined in, or she decided that the volume was far too low for her chosen programs at the time. They had engaged in arguments, which tended to resolve when he left, seeking solitude and silence in his own quarters.
Although, to review the past month or so in subjective data; Caustic was intrigued to find himself less irritated by Lifeline’s choice of audible and visual entertainment than previously.
However, the woman’s unerringly pleasant but smug grin as she would turn and catch Caustic’s fingers tapping the datafile laden table in subconscious adherence to the rhythm of the background music, was still a nuisance. At present, if he attempted to tell her so, Lifeline would laugh or roll her eyes and throw a quick, ‘Whatever yuh say, Doctor…’ in his direction.
Caustic believed that the newfound camaraderie between Lifline and himself was either in relation to a number of recent matches wherein he had had to shield her bodily from a hail of incoming fire while she revived a teammate; or pertaining to his begrudging assistance in formulating an altered version of stim for Octane, with lower health impacts. While it seemed counterintuitive to his stated goal of wiping out humanity; the challenge of forcing a volatile substance into a different composition to improve health on use rather than detract from it, had been exhilarating. While the current formula, Stim 2.3, was by no means perfect, it could always be improved in future testing. In fact, Caustic had been surprised to find himself looking forwards to improving upon the newly created formula with Miss Che in future. Her mind was agile, quick and experienced around medical, political and Octane-related matters. Verbal sparring with Miss Che was akin to mainlining caffeine, and possibly her persuasive arguments may have something to do with how thin his facade was feeling at present. How he was starting to regret his actions, when previously they were buried deep, untouchable, as Lifeline skillfully pointed out fallacies in his logic and ideologies.
Of all the Legends, the hunter Bloodhound, he hunter, was a mystery that continued to intrigue and distract from his research. Caustic had honestly been certain that there it would be highly improbable for the pair to have anything in common; given they were from a world that despised the very technology that his homeworld had embraced with open arms.
He had also felt that perhaps the hunter would avoid him, given Gaea’s reputation around such things as diversity in attraction and gender identification; he knew what was said and not all of it undeserved.
Somewhat surprisingly, it was a shared interest in plants that began their interactions; as the hunter had peered from their room at the right moment to catch Caustic returning home with a new specimen of unknown origin. The GAVN 1.2 bot stationed at the nearby Solace City plant nursery had no knowledge of what species it may be of, but the important matter was that the machine had recalled Caustic’s request to contact him if anything ‘interesting’ came through. Bloodhound had stopped him to ask how a Crentular Vynth bush had made its way to this planet; and Caustic had been so distracted by the conversation that followed that he did not realise they had moved to Bloodhound’s room until his second cup of herbal tea.
That had been the oddly auspicious beginning of… whatever this was. Whether they were now coworkers, or something slightly below comrades in arms, their companionship had been cemented nearly a full three months later on Olympus, when a bullet shattered Caustic’s mask mid-match.
Things had not been going optimally at the time. Their third squadmate was dead; some nameless human who had dreamt of glory and fame, and was now likely in a respawn pod beyond the arena commiserating their loss with the other failures.
Bloodhound was in the process of scouting for activity within and without the building they were currently camping inside; at the far end, if the faintest of footsteps could be believed. Skirting carefully about Caustic’s traps despite the pre-match inoculation provided that assured temporary immunity for the other two.
He had been calculating the potential ring trajectory of the next round, and automatically reloading the mozambique in his hands mechanically, when a careless step had placed him directly before one of the many damnable slatted windows of the building. The first he became aware was a crack, and a split-second realisation that made him jerk back just in time for the kraber shot to hurl his mask clean off and away.
Ducking automatically, not risking a second looking for the person who was definitely chambering a new round in anticipation of taking him out, Caustic had snatched the shattered mask up and slid through the rails to the floor below. Landing with a jarring impact that raised dust, forced air from his lungs, and inspired a violent coughing fit. Panic began to stir, as the reality of his vulnerability became apparent.
To counter this, Caustic set off a nearby gastrap deliberately, obscuring himself amidst the swirling green smog; allowing a moment to focus purely on the issue at hand, and forestall the intense anxiety that the cameras could be observing his features or condition too closely. He could already see the mask was beyond repair, the hoses hissing upon his shoulders as his filtered supply fed into nothing; despair was starting to claw at his chest, tightening it until it burned...
And then Bloodhound was there. Without a word, those impassive goggles took in the scene in its entirety as they crouched down by his side; pulling a small spare mask from one of the many pouches on their belt, without the slightest hesitation, and pressing it to Caustic’s face. “Here, breathe easy felagi fighter.” they said, nothing more, nothing less.
The filtration hoses hissed a moment more before the hunter had them shut off at the valve, so as not to waste more of the carefully balanced components. The mask adhering quickly and filtering the more violent components out of the air automatically; as Bloodhound needed, given their own damaged airways. Caustic may not believe in their All-Father, but he could almost admit to himself that it was very fortuitous they had been there that day.
When the smog cleared, vanishing as it dispersed to a minimal level, the crisis was over and his panic subsumed. Bloodhound clapped a hand to his shoulder and rose, making a statement of thanks in relation to receiving ammunition. A weak cover, but one they hoped viewers would be satisfied with; feel no great desire to dig for more information on this brief ‘green-out’.
“Come, there are three squads remaining, we have foes to slatra.” they offer, and he rises quickly to follow. Win or Lose, Caustic had felt confusingly like he had already received some small victory that day; though to put it in words was beyond even his skill.
Unfortunately, the downside of increased awareness of other human beings was that they tended to request opportunities to strengthen the bond. Of all things, the Hunter and the Salvonian now wished Caustic to go camping with them; in Kings Canyon or some equally feral locale, where they may all die of undercooked food or rabid wildlife. As disagreeable as he found the idea, Caustic found himself rapidly running out of excuses as to barriers that would forestall his presence on such an experience. And just the other day, before this intense sensation of dread descended, he found himself considering purchasing a prowler-proof sleeping bag… which had been a definite call for self-reflection at the time.
Indeed, when he thought back over the past few months… Caustic found that he had had at least one small interaction of moderate-to-positive success with all of the other Legends. Even with that know-it-all Crypto. Though Caustic strictly maintained that the whole scenario had been pure happenstance; and not any display of coworkerly or implied sibling affection.
If the young brat had just so happened to be tinkering with his little drone at the kitchen island and required a tool that Caustic, also present and working on his own project, had just so happened to have on him at the time… so be it. Truly, Caustic was not even certain if Park had realised who had supplied the multitool that had readily slipped into his grip on request; although, the fact that it had been returned nonetheless to his quarters, possibly by drone through a window he had forgotten to close overnight, gave a different impression.
Ironically, whenever Caustic finds himself thinking about the other Legends recently, shades of distress, distrust and uncertainty began to fill his limbs with lead and his mind with a million illogical questions. Did Loba’s smile at breakfast mean she was intending to out him to the others? Was it normal for Revenant to ask to view his research on gases with compounds that could corrode organic metals? Was the laughter between Wattson and Wraith about him? What made Bangalore watch him instead of the screen during the movie night two weeks before? Why did so many whispers stop when he moved closer? When was the last time Gibraltar had used the phrase ‘hey buddy, you doin’ okay?’ with any other Legend?
Who. When. Why. How. What. An endless merry-go-round in a carnival of horrors, all of his own devising… and there was no way to signal to the ride operator that he wished to exit. What was wrong with him?
Or, was there something wrong with him, at all?
Perhaps this was normal, for someone whose life was close to its ending. Didn’t people feel distress over regrets and mistakes in their life?
Desperate for a concrete reason, Caustic ran diagnostics on his blood and biometrics at least twice a day, and yet felt disappointed to find no significant progression in the disease. For if not the disease… then what was this?
Days wore on as he remained confined to his quarters for all but the most necessary outings. He did not see or hear how the household was becoming more and more colourful and the Legends pre-celebrating. Glancing out his window at the billboards in the city beyond, his lip curled derisively; ah, the corporations became more sycophantic as time wore on, disgusting. But all he could focus on was the manner in which this swelling sensation of anxiety was drowning him; Caustic was awash in a sea of tumultuous negative emotions with no sign of rescue. Quietly hoping that none would come.
It felt, constantly, as if he had an anchor bound to his ankles; the chain a cruel twisting thing, cold and rattling in the currents, always just long enough so he could bob above the despair for short periods of time before another wave crashed down. Caustic was beginning to wonder if it was worth trying not to drown at all...
Unbeknownst to the scientist, his absence was noted, and some were more concerned than others. The sudden withdrawal from household life drew attention from concerned parties with irritating accuracy; and he found himself subject to gentle half-questions that sent his blood pressure skyrocketing, his hands balling into fists to hide their shaking, and his mind racing to decode the hidden trap within the questions. Overwhelmed, Caustic responded by pulling back from the internal life of the Legends with greater fervour, trying to handle this situation himself; hating that it had come to such a ludicrous turn of events as this.
It was only when he was in the depths of despair and fighting to hide this from himself, that Caustic himself began to hear the rumours swirling about. Abhorrent, pervasive, and inaccurate… but easily believable if you lacked critical thinking skills. They made him feel more vile and misrepresented than the original advertisement campaigns for his arrival as a legend ever had. All that fabricated nonsense about being a verified and diagnosed sociopath; when it was only partially true, mixed with showman’s flare for the sake of selling him as the villain to the public. But these rumours… gossip rag conjecture, utter debasement and filth. Easy to believe… and in the mouths, hearts and minds of the people he had somewhat began to trust.
“It ain’t his fault, he’s from Gaea, yuh know?” whispers one legend to another, in a tone so casual that the sentence was doubly alarming to have come from seemingly out of nowhere. Caustic nearly drops the mug he is holding, mind shocked into momentary pause, at the statement. At the implication behind it.
The other sighs, “I know they’re, uh, different about things… but I thought that being in Solace City this whole time might have…” There’s a pause. “Well, you know, shown him a different reality… he’s already made progress in being an okay human, or something like it. Thought things were going okay, caught him smiling at one of Rampart’s jokes the other day… ”
“Yuh best keep it quiet though, don’t want the media gettin’ wind of this or it’ll be a problem.” hisses the first, acutely aware of how the media at large takes any vague hint of something, right or wrong, and runs with it. For the last six months magazines had been declaring that she was ‘going to propose to Wraith anyday now’ because they’d been snapped shared a sandwich at a Legend event a while back. The online forums were a constant minefield, even if some of the fanart was well-done.
“Oh yeah, I’m not going to put anyone through that deliberately, my dearest fiance-to-be…” the other laughed back. “You think surprise-portalling him into the middle of the parade would help? Or do Gaeans drop dead if confronted with new ideas without any warning?”
Just as despair was filling his heart like a lead weight, the rumours like tiny knives in his heart, filleting the memories he held about someone now lost… another combatant enters the ring. So to speak.
“Enough!” snaps a third, highly unexpected but nonetheless welcome, voice. The word hissing between what can only be clenched teeth, in a normally serene face.
Caustic finds himself holding his breath as he presses close to the kitchen wall nearest the common room entrance; desperate to hear more, despite his stomach churning, wanting him to flee this whole situation. It boggled the mind, after all he had done… Miss Pacquette, coming to his defence? How could she find it in herself to speak on the behalf of such as him?
“Listen to me, and hear me when I say that not all of Gaea’s citizens think in such a backwards manner… you cannot assume because people are poor, from a small place on their world, or work on farms that they all perceive things so narrow-mindedly. There is acceptance on Gaea, in much the same way that there are pockets of intolerant people on Psamanthe and Salvo who believe that robots are not sentient, or people of different races cannot be allowed to love one another. There are good people there too...” Wattson says, voice rising with the internal fervour of righteous anger. She was so very like her father, unable to allow someone she cared about to go undefended when people brought slander to their doorsteps. If someone raised a knife to his back, she would put up a fence to bar their way, and then continue to tell him off for his inappropriate actions from the months before.
In the brief silence following her statement, shuffling is heard, and it is clear something is happening though he dare not attempt to see in. He would be sighted for certain.
In a calmer tone, almost too soft, Wattson continues. “I once knew a man from Gaea when I was very small. He was… very important to my Papa, and to me. They worked together for many years, and I believe that they loved each other just as deeply as Papa and Mama did. He was always very kind to me, like a father you could say, even on his darkest days he was always ready to make me feel happy.” She took in a shaky breath. “Many of my youngest memories involve him, from my first baking soda volcano, to my recovery from the ‘ghost’ incident; not to mention the first attempt to create my sparks… and then the hour or so we spent resetting the powergrid for the whole map due to the short we made. He was a good man, if very obsessed with his work; as Papa was. Driven, you could say.” She sighed sadly, in a way that made even Caustic’s shaking arms want to wrap around the younger woman in comfort. “But he was forced to go home many years ago because he was having a disagreement with the company overseers about a new project they assigned to his research team. He was so angry when he left, and I wish I could have had a happier memory to keep of him. I only discovered later why he was so… you see, Papa mentioned that his team was assigned the goal of manufacturing a way of purging unwanted biological urges through aerosolised disbursement in the general population, and, well… he did not agree.”
There’s a sharp inhalation of breath from a few too many voices for simply two other people to be present in the common room. Given what the ruling bodies of Gaea were known to stand against, it did not take much guesswork around the applications of such a project.
Caustic had always liked to break accepted ethical conduct on the odd occasion to get breakthroughs that pushed science to the edge of a new frontier, but even he had been abhorred by the very concept. Caustic closed his eyes, recalling the very arguments he had had with his then-superiors about the situation; and how he had even held out the ‘impeding human rights’ card as a final way to thwart the project. The cold smirk on thin lipped faces as he was informed that none who would be affected could be counted as a true human until they were cured of their odd notions… it was a miracle he had restrained from using his fists there and then.
His ‘compliance’ was bought with a simple reminder of how very important the company’s healthcare policy was to Caustic’s mother, at the time, and how it would be a shame to have it terminated alongside his employment. Feigning defeat, and hating himself, he had made a show of deferring to their wishes. Those pompous, self-inflated fools had taken him at his word. That was their first mistake.
Caustic jerks slightly, as if he has fallen out of his own memories and back to the present, bodily. Finding Miss Pacquette still speaking, her voice growing ragged with emotion.
“He… he died shortly after leaving us. I was devastated that he was gone, but even more so for the way it had happened. I could not imagine the fear and sadness he must have felt as the lab burned around him, with his entire research team. All they ever found was a charred corpse and two fingers that had enough DNA remaining to confirm his identity.” A soft sob shocked out, before she masterfully pushed it back. “U-Unfortunately for the company it seemed that all of his research and specimens on the topic burned with him; and some kind of alternate chemical residue coating the lab after the fire made the building unusable. Sometimes… I wonder if it was deliberate, for him to have taken it all with him. To be honest it would not surprise me in the least, he was as stubborn as Papa…” Natalie trailed off, clearly upset by the recollections. “Oh mon dieu, I do not mean to be so silly… I just miss him and Papa so much! And now you are all being so awful about the only person who… who reminds me of them, and I know he is difficult but there is good there, somewhere.”
Caustic’s teeth grind until it is agony. He longs to comfort her, even now as a full fledged adult and not the doe-eyed little girl who always wanted his attention... but how would that look to their comrades? Would she accept it after what he had tried to do? The anxiety wrings his stomach out like a wet rag, and locks both legs firmly in place. The scientist is disgusted with his weakness, debasing himself internally even as he countered with the simple truth of not being able to fight your own brain when it had decided on a Freeze response to distress.
He can clearly hear Lifeline and Wraith providing quiet soothing statements to Miss Pacquette, and it lessens his own distress over hers. Until he hears the one voice he would prefer never have been party to the conversation, speak up. “What was his name?” A general query, curiosity and a hint of foreboding there, as if the puzzle pieces were sliding together in the younger man’s mind.
Caustic’s heart freezes in his chest. Of all the Legends, why must Park be the one to overhear this tale? He who knows too much already...
There’s a soft muffled sniffle, muted most likely by Wraith’s shoulder, before Wattson replies; utterly unaware of how she was putting the final nail in his aliases’ coffin. “Oh, did I not say? His name was Alex… or I suppose Alexander. Dr Alexander Nox…”
The sound of Crypto’s drone clattering to the floor almost swallows the high pitched shattering of the ceramic mug meeting the kitchen floor. Almost, being the operative word.
By the time anyone has a chance to check the kitchen, Caustic has long since made a tactical retreat to his room. The racing thoughts feel like they are wrapped about his throat, constricting his chest until he can barely breathe. Hoping that none saw his frantic flight back to the safety of familiar walls.
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soggytumbleweed · 3 years
Lucien: Development Post
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At this stage, I’ve finished the implementation of the gameplay mechanics: the movement mechanics and Shadow Arts have been finalised, which are all detailed in the progress report below this post. Learning from previous mistakes with the platformer prototype, tutorials and controls menu have likewise been added to hopefully remove confusion with controls. All that’s left to do is to find ways to vary the moment-to-moment gameplay further to reduce repetition, whether that’s through improving enemy AI or adding new mechanics.
Things learnt while using Gdevelop
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One of the most valuable features that I have discovered while using Gdevelop is the extensions, which can provide new events, objects, conditions, actions and more. A collection of community-created extensions is directly available through the software, which I have utilised during the development of Lucien.
One of the most useful extensions is the StayOnScreen extension, which forces the object to stay visible on the screen. Combining this extension with the “Center the camera on an object within limits” action, where the camera stops following the object when it’s out of specified limits, I made the player character stay within the map boundary without the need for placing collision objects.
Readings that influenced my game design
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Fullerton was once again a significant factor in my game design. In chapter 3 of her book, she discusses the subject of designing game rules and the importance of ensuring the players understand those rules "so that they do not feel cheated by the consequences of certain rules" (Fullerton, 2018). Too many rules might make it difficult for the players to understand the game, while leaving rules unstated or poorly communicating them might confuse or alienate players (Fullerton, 2018).
This was the problem that I faced with the platformer Einar, as some playtesters were perplexed with the mechanics due to a lack of their explanation. Therefore, the key for Lucien was to create a balance so that rules aren't overwhelming yet clearly explained via the 'How to play' level.
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Another reading which influenced the prototype design was Hoffman's article about player choices. In the article, he touches on numerous topics regarding player choices, but one of them was concerning avoiding repetitive situations. Presenting the player with the same scenarios repeatedly will cause players to repeat the same decisions, consequently creating boredom (Hoffman, 2004). Thus, I made the AI spawning location randomised so that the encounters are unpredictable, and thus the micro-choices players make during the game are varied.
Fullerton, T. (2018). Game Design Workshop: A Playcentric Approach to Creating Innovative Games, Fourth Edition (4th ed.). CRC Press LLC. http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/qut/detail.action?docID=5477698
Hoffman, S. (2004, March 10). Improving Player Choices. Game Developer. https://www.gamedeveloper.com/design/improving-player-choices
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randomisedgaming · 1 year
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Screenshots from the 2023 release of the classic arcade from Mitchell Corporation:
Cannon Dancer / Osman
You can watch our playthrough video here: https://youtu.be/mJcvd8b496Y
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batflipshop · 3 years
What are essential pieces of football training equipment
The ability to beat a player with sheer pace is of paramount importance in the modern game, which means selecting the right coaching drills is essential. Speed is something that can be developed and improved on through specialised coaching sessions.
To facilitate effective player development, you will need the right tools at your disposal. Having a Football Training Aids and Bags and a full inventory of training equipment will promote learning and enhance your player’s speed and agility over time. Specialised training tools also help players focus on three key areas of performance: speed and agility, skill development and recovery. Whether you get training simple with cone drills I want to invest in more advanced football training equipment to improve development, there is a checklist that will help you prepare to take your team to the next level.  Let's discuss them in this article.
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1: Speed ladders – These are used for speed and endurance training. A ladder is recommended for men. They will pack away quietly into a storage bag. If you want to see improvements in your teams' movement, balance and acceleration then a training ladder should be part of your equipment. This is a perfect piece of training equipment for improving stride, footwork and coordination. It can be used in several different ways and the adjustable rungs allow you to easily change the difficulty.
2: Training hurdles – If you are looking to improve agility and speed then a set of training handles is an essential piece of kit. Different type of sized hurdles are available and you can choose among them according to your suitability. Setting up a course of training hurdles will ensure that you see quick improvement in jumping heights, coordination and lateral movement. The challenge they provide will improve core and lower body strength and help balance.
3: Traffic cones – A set of high visibility traffic cones can give you countless option on the training pitch. Not only are they made from durable and reliable plastic, but they also have large bases to keep them in place at all times. Get Softball Batting Training Aids for improving your training practice. A grade training drill to develop players speed and agility in the box drill.
4: Speed rings – A set of speed wings offers you the chance to very quickly set up some impromptu, random training courses in developing leg speed, agility and coordination. You can experiment with formations and spacing, or you can simply randomise each course by skating them at will. These durable rings come with their carry bag that you can buy from Baseball and Softball shop.
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No matter what football equipment you are using for your training sessions, remember to keep it fresh, change the content and have fun.
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Diablo 3 For Mac Air
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You may also sync your account between your Mac and smartphone so that you can access your messages anytime anywhere, and read and reply to the messages right on your desktop. Download facebook messenger for mac.
Serato dj crack for mac. In addition, it provides the beat coordination component with a simple interface to assist in coordination.
“Death, at last, shall spread its wings over all . . .”
Diablo 3 For Free
Improve Diablo 3 Performance in Mac OS X Diablo 3 system requirements are fairly lenient but as many Mac users have discovered, performance on some computers just isn’t that great. Even some of the newest Macs with the best GPU’s are experiencing performance issues. Download games and applications from Blizzard and partners. The older my MacBook Pro gets, the more its cooling fan spins, and the less pleasant it is to use. If your MacBook is also prone to running hot, there are seven ways you can keep it cool and quiet. Owners of MacBook Airs, if you have the 13-inch that I have, you’re fine. Diablo III will run on it and be perfectly playable. Take a look at the video here to see it run on my late-2011 Air at.
The defeat of Diablo, Lord of Terror, should have given rise to an age of hope. Instead, it has drawn out a shadowy being of immense power, whose malevolent purpose is yet to be revealed. Diablo III: Reaper of Souls, the upcoming expansion to Diablo III, opens a dark and terrifying new chapter in the ongoing conflict over the mortal realm of Sanctuary.
Malthael, the fallen Archangel of Wisdom, vanished after the events depicted at the end of Diablo II: Lord of Destruction. In Reaper of Souls, he returns as the Angel of Death and seizes the Black Soulstone, which contains the essence of the Prime Evil. It now falls to the players to track down Malthael and stop him before he unleashes irreversible havoc on the world.
Fortunately, a new hero is ready to join the cause and bring Malthael to justicethe Crusader. Driven by a centuries-long quest to cleanse the corruption blighting their beloved Zakarum faith, Crusaders are warriors of righteousness who have been hardened through relentless, brutal combat with the foul evils plaguing eastern Sanctuary. In addition to wearing immensely heavy armor and wielding a wide range of cruel and punishing weapons, this new playable class in Reaper of Souls uses battle magic to strengthen allies and weaken foes. A natural walking tank, the Crusader adds power and versatility to any party of adventurers.
In addition to taking the story of Diablo III from the legendary city of Westmarch to the unhallowed halls of the Pandemonium Fortress in Act V and introducing the incorruptible Crusader class, Diablo III: Reaper of Souls increases the game’s level cap to 70. Players continuing on with their existing Barbarian, Witch Doctor, Demon Hunter, Wizard, and Monk characters will benefit from an array of fearsome new spells and abilities as they advance in level.
Microsoft exchange outlook for mac os. The expansion also accentuates the key features of the Diablo franchise, with a greater emphasis on randomised environments to explore; epic new quests; horrific new monsters to defeat; and substantial updates to the loot experience, enabling players to further customize their characters with new and improved multilevel Legendary items, new Blacksmith and Jeweler item-crafting options, and more.
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Diablo III’s Paragon progression system is also being majorly upgraded for the expansion, adding even more end-game character advancement and replayability. Two new game modesLoot Runs and Nephalem Trials are being added as well, providing fun and rewarding challenges for players to tackle when they’re not busy saving the world.
Game Features
Charge forth as the Crusader – Impenetrable armor, gleaming weapons, and heavy, heavy damagewield the power of the Crusader, unbreakable new hero of the mortal realms.
Take Act V by storm – From the sprawling streets of Westmarch to the ancient walls of the Pandemonium Fortress, battle with a host of deadly new enemies throughout the all-new Act V of the Diablo III storyline.
Rise to new heights of power – Advance your hero of choice through additional levels of supremacy, mastering bold new powers of raw, demon-slaying potential along the way.
Conquer new gameplay modes – The new Adventure Mode opens up all of Sanctuary – you can travel to any waypoint in any Act. It also introduces Bounties and Nephalem Rifts, two new game features with boundless replay value.
Discover powerful new treasures – A redesigned loot system improves your Diablo III experience with targeted “smart drops”, new and improved Legendary items, and the item-augmenting powers of the Mystic.
Feb 22, 2010
Reaction score
Diablo 3 For Free
I installed Diablo 2 on my MacBook Air a few months ago. Last week I decided to pick it up again, but the game is running extremely slow. It loads up well enough, but after about 3-4 minutes of play the game becomes unplayably slow/choppy. I don't recall having problems like this when I first installed Diablo II on my MBA. I've been playing single player, so internet connections aren't an issue. Specs: MacBook Air running OS X v10.5.8 Intel Core 2 Duo 2.13 GHz processor 2 GB memory NVidia GeForce 9400M Graphics 256 MB VRAM Not sure if I need anything else. Does anyone know what the problem is?
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gamerszone2019-blog · 5 years
Catherine: Full Body Review - Put A Rin On It
New Post has been published on https://gamerszone.tn/catherine-full-body-review-put-a-rin-on-it/
Catherine: Full Body Review - Put A Rin On It
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Imagine that you wake up one morning and, to your horror, discover that you had inadvertently committed an act of infidelity. Think about the kind of confusion and dread that might race through your head at that moment. How did it happen? What the hell are you going to do? How on earth are you going to explain and amend the relationships with all parties involved? What kind of deep-seated anxieties might have led to this moment? In 2011, Atlus’ Persona studio explored this predicament with Catherine, using a peculiar blend of social simulation and Sokoban-influenced action-puzzling. Eight years later, Catherine: Full Body is a remaster that demonstrates how well the game’s distinctive premise and exploration of adult themes still hold up, even if its new additions to the plot don’t fit in seamlessly.
Vincent is a 32-year-old man in a long-term relationship with his girlfriend, Katherine, and at a stagnant point in his life where he isn’t exactly sure what he wants for his future. His core group of friends are in different circumstances, but they share similar dilemmas; being in your thirties is hard. Vincent has recently found himself plagued by frequent nightmares of scrambling up a crumbling tower, and he’s losing sleep and in a constant haze because of them. One morning, after a big night of drinking, he wakes up next to someone who is absolutely not his girlfriend, and what follows is a frantic, weeklong crusade to try and deal with the repercussions and decide what he wants to do with his life before Katherine can discover what’s really going on.
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Central to Vincent’s coping process is his aforementioned core group of friends. Every night after work, they all get together at their local bar, The Stray Sheep, to hang out. It’s in these regular social scenarios where Vincent can confide in his friends, talk through his state of mind, sound off on his next course of action, and, hopefully, find a resolution. The conversations between characters are mostly predetermined, though the onus to spend Vincent’s limited time having them is on you. A key component which you do have influence over, however, is your cell phone. Vincent will regularly be contacted throughout the night (by Katherine and his new fling, Catherine), and how you choose to respond to their text messages and calls, if at all, will impact Vincent’s ethical compass–represented as a meter with opaque binaries.
Time ticks along as you perform actions in the bar, and its patrons will come and go. You can skip these social sections entirely if you wish, but doing so robs you of the game’s most engrossing component. Vincent’s journey is a deeply introspective one, and though the plot’s major beats unfold in the cutscenes that bookend each day, the nuances of his character come through in his interactions with other people. Managing Vincent’s connection to his phone, and, in turn, how he treats the women in his life from a distance, sways how he might later react to significant plot points and revelations. Getting to know Vincent’s deeply flawed but sympathetic friends, as well as peeling away at the backstories of the other bar patrons as the week goes on, helps to explore themes revolving around maturity and the nature of human relationships. Full Body’s inclusion of the Japanese vocal track also provides an interesting and different take on character performances if you’ve already experienced the English version before.
The ebb and flow of your social actions–chatting to your friends, ordering another drink, checking your phone intermittently, and spending time with Vincent’s idle thoughts–make the ritual of whittling away time at the Stray Sheep strangely satisfying in its mundanity. The evocative soundtrack helps to foster this relaxed contemplative state, as does the game’s holistic but understated audiovisual style. It’s an incredibly pleasant atmosphere to be in, and it succeeds in replicating the quiet delight of spending a night drinking with friends with no particular occasion.
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It’s nice to have that safe haven, because when Vincent goes home to bed each night, the nightmares start, and that’s when things get really stressful. What’s causing the nightmares is a mysterious unknown at first, but from the outset, it’s clear that they act somewhat as a lucid metaphor for Vincent’s internal strife. You need to guide Vincent up a sheer, crumbling tower constructed entirely of cubes and other cuboids, sometimes while being chased by a monstrous personification of one of Vincent’s objects of anxiety. The tower is rarely more than three cubes deep, and while its construction might sometimes form a natural staircase for Vincent to climb, you’ll frequently need to create a path upward yourself by pushing and pulling the cubes around in strict, grid-based arrangements.
This task quickly escalates in difficulty, as the sheer tower faces become higher and harder to navigate. There will be fewer pieces to work with, while blocks with unique properties will also appear, such as being immovable or shattering after being stepped on twice. These scenarios stop you from creating an ordinary staircase, and they force you to think of more unorthodox ways to arrange and move around the tower. Vincent can hang on the edges of blocks, and blocks will support each other so long as a horizontal edge connects; both these rules are fundamental to many of the techniques required to work your way up.
Finding that potential path takes careful consideration and forward-thinking, and this can be nerve-wracking. You need to keep up your momentum, lest the stage crumble under your feet and you fall, and the soundtrack–rousing renditions of an inspired selection of classical pieces–ratchets up the urgency of your ridiculous predicament to a high degree. It’s very easy to put yourself in a dead-end situation, even with the game’s generous undo mechanic, and at times you might stare at the pieces you have to work with for what seems like an eternity without any inspiration. But when you do have a sequence of moves in mind, successfully put them into practice, and start flying up the tower without pause, that sense of mastery and accomplishment is incredibly exciting.
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This remaster also includes a number of additional difficulty options and assists, however, if reaching those moments of elation are too few and far between. These include, among other things, a “Safety” difficulty level, which eliminates failure, and an auto-climb option that can be disabled on a whim. Catherine’s puzzle difficulty does spike in places, so it’s a boon over the original for anyone who wants to keep up the momentum with Vincent’s story. If you love the puzzles, though (and I certainly do), Full Body also includes a handful of additional modes, which dramatically increase the amount of available stages. The story mode offers a “Remix” variant featuring new block types and stage layouts; the in-game “Rapunzel” arcade cabinet boasts a buffet of new stages in the same vein, too. Babel returns as a discrete puzzle mode with challenging, randomised stages for one or two players, and there’s also a head-to-head competitive mode with local and online options. There’s a lot here, but the biggest addition to Catherine is the inclusion of another potential love interest for Vincent, named Rin.
While Katherine is sensible and Catherine is uninhibited, Rin acts as a sheepish but wholehearted personality for Vincent to fawn over. She’s introduced right from the get-go and woven into the game’s existing story beats, both in new cutscenes and into the social segments at the Stray Sheep. However, perhaps unsurprisingly, Rin’s integration isn’t an entirely seamless one.
On a superficial level, story moments involving Rin will often play following whatever cinematics were part of the original game, and with that come some pacing issues. These new scenes have a strong, stylish direction, featuring more interesting edits and creative shot compositions than existing ones, but they unfortunately make the rhythm of cycling between social simulation, nightmare puzzles, and stretches of cinematics feel a little unbalanced. More significantly, though, the integration of Rin completely dismantles the game’s enigmatic sense of mystery.
If you’ve played the original version of Catherine through to one of its many different endings, then you’ll have at least some idea of how Vincent’s real-world difficulties and his nightmarish tribulations are related. However, it was previously hard to get any tangible sense of how things might fit together until the original game’s penultimate chapter. Conversely, as soon as Rin appears on screen in Full Body, it is immediately clear that something is amiss, and this feeling of peculiarity is ever-present whenever Rin is involved in a scene. Even though her arc is an enticing new mystery in itself, and does feel additive to someone who already knows everything about the original Catherine’s narrative, it’s a shame. As soon as Full Body starts, Rin acts as a big, flashy distraction from the largely grounded and plausible story that Catherine revels in during its real-world sequences for most of its running time.
Chasing Rin through the new branching path in the story feels a little inelegant overall, too. Actively choosing to pursue either Catherine or Katherine as Vincent’s ultimate goal always feels like trying to hit a moving target. Trying to push Vincent in a certain direction on the game’s ethical meter was difficult because of how hard it was to decipher which choices represented what–not just in Vincent’s text messages, but also during the series of confronting “confessional” questions that you’re asked in-between nightmare levels (eg. Would you rather kiss an alien or a corpse?). Pursing Rin feels far more blatant–a series of questions are flagged upfront as opportunities to “break” the meter and set off on a whole new path.
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Once you do break onto that new path, things go to some fascinating places. But the broad feeling of the new story branch is that it feels, well, too broad. Rin’s enthusiastic earnestness rubs off on the direction of the new content a little too much, and even though the scenarios posited are genuinely interesting to see unfold, it lacks a more grounded subtlety that invites a similar level of contemplation to the existing branches for Katherine and Catherine. What’s more dismaying is that the ultimate conclusion to Rin’s story branch actually feels like it undermines the otherwise positive themes the new chapters work so intensely to convey, seeming to suggest that the kind of love that Rin and Vincent can potentially share is fantastical in nature.
But Rin’s presence still brings an intriguing new edge to Vincent’s crisis, and Full Body still tells a fascinating, personal tale. The nightmarish block puzzles are still weirdly intense and satisfying to surmount, and the Stray Sheep is still a wonderful bar to spend your nights in. Full Body does a great job in refining and refreshing the Persona studio’s fascinating foray into the social lives of adults, and Catherine continues to stand out as a game that feels both incredibly bizarre and authentically intimate.
Source : Gamesport
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In purchase to safeguard your pursuits of the partners, which are not necessarily wedded, however cohabit with each other; professional family legal professionals may created certified contracts called cohabitation agreements. Spotting the potential for a spike in violence in Chicago this summertime, people of the Relationship are also collaborating to support an instant treatment by grassroots and regional groups working to maintain our city's interests radiant and secure. The collaboration, known in your area as the United Says Injury Prevention Relationship or USIPP, has proved helpful since June 2015 to gather unknown info on the location and timing of chaotic events and using that information with existing rules enforcement records to generate regional maps of where assault takes place.
Irrespective of the target populace, interventions led by theory possess been demonstrated to be more effective than those without a theoretical foundation 27 Theoretical frameworks are tested http://www.emgraf.pl/ versions that can help the specialist understand antecedent and moderating factors and consider principles that may be relevant to the phenomenon of interest.
The Game Modification program is usually one component of a $1.5 million home violence and sexual assault prevention effort developed by the Kraft Family and the New Britain Patriots Charitable Basis. Go to the link below to find out more about this initiative, how it aims to address the impacts of extractive industries on the intimate and reproductive system health and privileges of Indigenous organizations, how you can get included or share your understanding, or other methods you can support.
Youngsters assault is certainly a significant general public wellness issue that causes considerable damage to youthful people, households, and neighborhoods. Mexico - from Government to civil society - provides been a key participant within the End Violence partnership since day time one. The SAVP Division assists interests stay concentrated and moving towards their prevention goals by trading time and work into utilizing the Strategic Avoidance Structure (SPF).
Although encountering IPV was not a criterion for taking part in the research, the descriptive analyses revealed that more than half the ladies in both groupings (61% in the control and 67% in the involvement group) screened positive for IPV. If a friend or enjoyed one is definitely not departing an violent romantic relationship, you may feel frustrated at moments.
Variants had been observed in literacy levels, which were higher among males in the treatment supply (76%), likened to those in the control arm (68%). This approach serves as a platform for DOJ to straight indulge with metropolitan areas to identify and prioritize resources that will help regional interests address their violent crime crises. By empowering guys to initiate their personal initiatives to prevent violence against females and young ladies within their interests, the Male Advocacy Programme's influence appears most likely to endure.
The partnership launched today seeks to bring jointly governments, UN firms, civil culture, the personal sector, research workers and teachers to build political can, promote solutions, accelerate action and strengthen cooperation to prevent assault against children. In reality, more than half of ladies in Viet Nam report experiencing violence at some point in their lifetime, according to the Authorities and the United Nations' Country wide Study on Household Assault Against Females in Viet Nam.
Follow-up investigations after data collection by the intervention team found no adverse results from involvement in the analysis. This work was backed by funding from the Novo Base, the Sigrid Rausing Trust and the Economic and Sociable Research Authorities (ESRC). Data gathered in 2005 discovered that females experience two million accidental injuries from partner violence each yr.
Pronyk PM, Hargreaves Junior, Kim JC, Morison LA, Phetla G, Watts C, Busza L, Porter JD: Effect of a structural treatment for the avoidance of intimate-partner violence and HIV in rural Southerly Africa: a group randomised trial. On the basis of the study outcomes, national and comparative analysis reviews plus a set of politics recommendations were created and distributed among specialists and policy-makers across Europe.
Accomplishments of the avoidance sub-group to day have got included support for the development of local violence workplace procedures including disseminating concepts for employers to apply the plan into practice. Challenges stay however in applying these laws, limiting females and women' gain access to to protection and justice. Primary prevention of assault against women and girls.
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humansoulsarg · 7 years
Super Spice World Sister Location Solve Part 1
[This ask was submitted by Pangent Technologies]
This is the third guest post and string of puzzles from the Pangent Technologies Sister Location, a group of dedicated followers of the Pangent archive who are auditioning as part of Project Touch.
The last two guest posts were terrific, and this is no exception.
The Sister Location were provided ten data points on mediafire to use for their projects. Nine are now filled, which means Project Touch is not over just yet.
A photograph of the Spice Girls, with Victoria, Emma and Mel C on their telephones, contains a hidden image of Nintendo’s video game star Mario, as well as a graphic by artist Anne Noise and hidden (very light) text in the blue channel reading ‘guest puzzle by our sister location,’ in an Apple II font.
There are two asks, submitted by Sister Location members timescape and randomiser. Pangent’s responses are provided as hidden (very light) text in the blue channel.
timescape wrote about joining the Spice Girls fan club, in response to this post:
Pangent responding to timescape:
‘sometimes i think this spice girls thing has gone too far’
‘as a Fan Club member you receive our magazine’
There is then a link to scans of issue 2 of the official Spice Girls magazine - an issue with “The Power of Five” on the cover.
“The Only Official Girl Power Magazine,” “written by the Spice Girls just for YOU!” The magazine was a quirky affair, with comedic word balloons added to photos, and interviews with the girls, giving their young fans some life advice. The first issue told the story of the TOUCH auditions, and how the girls ran out on their first producers, to take control of their image and work as a group.
The ask from Randomiser mentions that February 16, 2017 is the one year anniversary of when the Pangent archive was discovered by the internet. (The first Youtube uploads date to January 29, 2016 in your timeline.)
Randomiser promises a “Special new release,” and he’s not kidding.
An image follows of a box for a Super Nintendo Entertainment System video game titled “Super Spice World.” “Five days. Five girls. Five rocking worlds!”
The game is real, and a hack of Super Mario World (1990).
Pangent’s hidden response to Randomiser:
'Amazing work. Input accepted at 100%. Thank you all.’
As we’ll find out, the game itself has these credits:
Lead Game Director: Randomiser Ginger Sprite Artist: Fanboy Gamer Spicetrogram Expert: Taurtini Phone Center Operator: Timescape Ginger QR-tist: Omega12 and Lucario, Cube, Tron, and Doctah
More on that in a moment.
But first, the end of the post links to a video at the Signal and Noise Youtube channel:
Let’s Play Spice World! (PS1)
[Timescape writes: “which are four words that would likely send me running away in terror, but this is Pangent, so we have to rush into the danger. Let’s investigate!”]
Spice World was an “Interactive Music Experience” for the original Playstation in 1998. It is a strong contender for worst videogame on that system, and among the worst major-release games you’ll see.
We played it during a livestream in late January 2017, also showing the 1991 film Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead (an old favorite), and playing Penguin Land for Sega’s MegaCD and Master System, beating the first six levels of the latter. Future Signal and Noise content was also shown.
The PS1 Spice Girls are fairly hideous to look at. For a game with very little content, it was surprisingly frustrating to correctly complete a dance routine, and access bizarre easter eggs, like an ending where the girls dance around some handbags, and an image of the PS1 Spice Girls apparently naked behind some chairs (as in the song “Naked.”)
Honestly, the game is an insult to girl power in every way imaginable. Although it is full of low quality video clips of the girls which would have been entertaining at the time. Like a VHS tape.
In “Let’s Play Spice World! (PS1),” the soundtrack is 16-bit-ish MIDI versions of “Spice Up Your Life,” “Stop,” and “Who Do You Think You Are.” The video is somewhat glitched.
As Geri rubs her stomach, we hear telephone dial tones, and voices saying:
“Operator.” “This is Victoria, otherwise known as Posh Spice.” “Hi, this is Geri from the Spice Girls.”
This is audio from a Spice Girls toy phone. More about that in a moment.
The DTMF phone tones are the post ID for the Sister Location #3 post 157348322572.
[Timescape writes: “The video shows a special easter egg from the game where entering a sequence of button presses at the right time can lead to this scene where the Spice Girls are dancing around a pile of handbags. Not sure if they are planning to burn them as part of an elaborate symbolic protest or what. The video closes with Pangent’s 3D model of the Sister Location logo, interpreting it as a hexagon rather than a cube. The DTMF tones lead back to the post which has the Sister-Location submitted box art for Super Spice World, which is where this adventure really begins to take form.”]
Randomiser’s box art for “Super Spice World” has a peculiar holographic stamp in the lower right corner [by Omega12].
It seems to be an image of the Spice Girls Emojis created by Fanboy Gamer and Taurtini (seen in the first Sister Location post), but glitched out to abstraction.
The red channel of the image can be identified as an emoji of Ginger Spice, with bits of QR code surrounding her. Isolating just the Ginger image in grey, we can scan it to get this result:
http://v.gd/gingerhs#6986626827566717717688974853413363426126825 4855472000025800353897659772569065668266034999217594394936263838 3405292263259104277431129034042592511655952068673330682597726682 6610070025124481493433373226616826986826720000100158503423411493 40726682661400936015959853170602
The string of numbers seems to be irrelevant, included only to draw Ginger’s image. The first bit, though, is a shortened link that leads to a puzzle by Timescape:
This toy “Mobile Spice Phone” featured “5 Live Recordings” of the Spice Girls. Two of which we heard in the PS1 video. It was manufactured in Hong Kong for Spice Girls Limited in 1997.
You can dial # or * for Melody.
The puzzle is a 7x26 grid of numbers, colored Red, Green, Blue or Grey.
Each number and color combination corresponds to a letter found on a standard telephone keypad.
Unfortunately, the Spice Girls telephone shown is not quite standard, having skipped three letters. You’ll need to keep in mind that the 7 key should be “pqrs” here. 6 is mno. 9 is wxyz.
This is a very long string to decode. It results in: fourdeltafourfivefourfourfourninefouronetwozerofivet hreefourfoxtrotfourtwofivethreefivethreethreesevenfi vefourfivethreefivetwothreefourthreeeightthreeeightt hreeeightfoursixfourdeltaz
4d 45 44 49 41 20 53 4f 42 53 53 37 54 53 52 34 38 38  38 46 4d z
This is hexadecimal code for “MEDIA SOBSS7TSR4888FM.”
Since mediafire links are lowercase, this leads us to:
[editor’s note: mediafire links are not case sensitive]
This is an MP3 file by Taurtini, titled Spiectrogram.
Looking at the spectrogram, we see emoji images of the Spice Girls,
in this order:
Ginger Sporty Ginger Ginger Sporty Scary Posh Sporty Scary Sporty Posh Sporty Scary Ginger Ginger Baby Sporty Ginger Ginger Sporty Baby Scary Sporty Baby Scary Ginger Scary Posh Posh Baby Scary Scary Sporty Scary Posh Posh Sporty Posh Baby Scary Ginger Sporty Baby Ginger Sporty Sporty Sporty Posh Posh Baby Posh Sporty Sporty Ginger Ginger Scary Ginger Posh Baby Scary Ginger Sporty Ginger Ginger Scary Ginger Sporty Posh Scary Baby Sporty Scary Scary Ginger Baby Scary Sporty Ginger Ginger Sporty Baby Sporty Ginger Baby Ginger Scary Scary Sporty Scary Scary Scary Scary Sporty Sporty Ginger Baby Ginger Baby Baby Sporty Ginger Ginger Sporty Baby Sporty Ginger Sporty Posh Sporty Sporty Sporty Posh Ginger Scary Ginger Scary Sporty Ginger Ginger Sporty
These emojis were created by Fanboy Gamer and Taurtini for the first Sister Location project:
In that solution, they were provided in this order:
Posh Scary Sporty Ginger Baby
They were used in groups of two to represent letters as “Tap Code.” The same is true here.
These are the taps:
…. …  …. ….  … ..  . …  .. …  . …  .. ….  …. …..  … ….  …. …  ….. ..  … …..  .. ….  .. .  . …..  .. ..  … ..  . .  … .  ….. ..  …. …  ….. ….  … …  … .  . …..  . …  … ….  …. ..  …. .  ….. ..  …. …  …. ….  .. ….  … .  .. …..  … ..  .. ….  ….. ..  … ….  …. …  ….. …  …. …..  …. ..  .. …  .. ..  .. ..  … …  …. …..  …. …..  ….. …  …. ….  … …..  … ….  … .  … …  … .  …. ..  …. ..  … ….  …. …
This decodes as:
We can decode this as a vigenere cipher with the password “spicegirls,” getting this:
Or, as numbers:
Changing the 9 to a 1, this can be decoded as octal in groups of three, becoming: [editor’s note: in tap code, 'c’ and 'k’ share a cell. Changing the 'k’ at that position to a 'c’ results in the desired 'a’ in the solution string]
This is a mediafire link to Randomiser’s wonderful “Super Spice World.”
This is a customized hack of the 1990 Nintendo classic “Super Mario World.”
The game features custom music.
Title screen and map: Wannabe Sporty Hills: Stop Ginger Caves: Holler (A song from the Ginger-less album Forever?) Posh Castle: Say You’ll Be There Baby Beach: Naked Scary Mansion: Too Much 555: Penguin Land (Sega Master System)
While it plays as you’d expect from Super Mario World, each of the six levels also provide a scavenger hunt to find all six pieces of a puzzle, to assemble a QR code.
In Sporty Hills, Mario comes across a series of raised platforms.
We can look at the height of each platform and assign it a number, with the highest being zero and the lowest being 9. You could also count the number of coins vertically above the platform, which will match that number. These platforms are placed in groups of two, which suggests hexadecimal code.
69 64 67 76 41 30 63 64 66 34
That gives us “idgvA0cdf4.” That’s not quite right.
We can consider the coins higher above (two levels above “zero”) to be modifiers which change a 1 into an A, a 2 into a B and so on, as in a classic IBM Punch Card computing system.
69 6d 67 76 41 30 6c 6d 66 34, or “imgvA0lmf4”
This gives us a link to imgur: http://imgur.com/vA0lmf4
A portion of a QR code is shown, with the note “1/6”
We’ve completed the first part of the scavenger hunt.
There is a bar code hidden in Ginger Caves. You’ll get a message from Ginger pointing out the hidden room, so don’t go up that pipe just yet or you’ll miss out!
This one’s a bit tricky. At the beginning of the last cave there is a door which can reset the room if you get stuck. Grab the green spring and don’t grab all the coins next to the tall pipe. Set the spring down in the center so that there are still two coins to its right. Then jump.
Later, when you reach the blocked-off stone wall, have Yoshi eat the P-block on the other side. Then backtrack to the tall green pipe. Use the P-block, then jump off Yoshi. Grab the green spring and place it on the coin blocks next to the pipe. Then jump. Get back on Yoshi and eat the spring through the pipe before the P-block runs out and it falls.
Use the door at the beginning of the level if you mess up.
Head back to the stone wall on Yoshi. Use the spring to jump over the stone wall, and jump off Yoshi to reach the end of the cave. You’ll see a pink barcode which you can screenshot.
The barcode says “img rWLw1xg”
That’s another piece of a QR code, marked 2/6.
Next is Posh Castle. Since this is a castle stage, you won’t be able to play it again after beating it without using a savestate. You might want to save in your emulator now.
You’ll reach an autoscrolling room full of colored coins. It’s guarded by a Mega Monty Mole and exactly two yellow spikes, as well as the usual pitfalls.
You might remember the Pangent color and emoji code which is already established, where red equals 1, orange equals 2, and so on. Here’s the key to that:
The colors of the coins are a code. 151 155 147 153 125 120 104 122 151 164
This is octal for “imgkUPDRit”
Another piece of the QR code. 3/6.
In “Baby Beach,” you’ll get another message from a Spice Girl.
“Oh no! I lost my key somewhere by the beach! Can you help me find it?”
You’ll do some tricky platforming to grab the key and bring it back.
When you find the key, you’ll get this message:
Olno!Mpovzmdoedtxq jwkgrihyxlnfkjhl!C ftyouhfqyrjfirdjv?
It resembles the first “Baby” message, but it’s been vigenere ciphered. Using the original message as the key, we get this:
Aeaa!Eeadgafeafbje fadcaegaeejegjfe!A fgaaaabfjffaaeabc?
If A=1, B=2, etc., we get a string of numbers we can group in threes:
151 155 147 165 162 056 143 157 155 057 065 167 111 126 066 115 123
This is octal code leading us to:
Another piece of the QR puzzle. 4/6.
In Scary Castle, it’s easy to miss but you can go left at the beginning of the stage and find a door. You’ll reach a room full of blocks, in strings of eight. If you jump under every block in the room, some blocks will be revealed as solid, and others as spinnable yellow blocks.
This is binary code, which you’ll read from top to bottom, left to right.
01001011 01101110 01101001 01110000 01111001 01101101 01011010 01001010 01100111 00110010
It’s another piece of the QR code puzzle. 5/6.
Now it’s time to save the Princess, or rather Ginger Spice [with Sprites edited by Fanboy Gamer]. The last level is “555.”
Cleverly, it uses music from Penguin Land on Sega Master System and is a strange blue world which gradually glitches out on the player. There’s nothing here to hurt you, so keep going.
Grab the fire flowers and the cape leaves, in that order.
You’ll fight Bowser, AKA King Koopa, identified here as “Gangow,” which is what polar bears are called in space, for some reason, in the American instruction manual to Penguin Land SMS.
He throws Escargobots, mechanical snails which you can stun by jumping on them (or with your cape), then pick up and throw upward at him, so they fall back down into his clown car. Spin jump over the rolling balls, avoid the falling fireballs, catch Ginger Spice’s powerups, and duck down on the left side when Gangow bounces around.
When you save Ginger, she’ll say:
Thank you Mario. You will be [string of emojis] as a true member of the Spice Girls.
The string of emojis are tiny but identifiable as snails, penguins, cats, cakes, frying pans, and chickens.
That’s Pangent’s emoji code, decodable as:
151 155 147 115 117 61 106 124 114 66
That’s octal code for “imgMO1FTL6”
That’s the last piece of our QR puzzle. Job well done! 6/6.
The credits roll with lots of references to the Spice Girls, and to Pangent. Instead of the names of enemies, we get slogans taken from the poster booklet from the first Spice Girls CD.
At the end of the credits, we are linked to a special image:
The whole Super Spice World experience is a delight, and the Sister Location have outdone themselves once again.
Album of screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/qMySz
Pangent's Playthrough: https://youtu.be/rH4Fs4KVEkw
Egg Fact: Actor Bob Hoskins portrayed both Mario and Ginger Spice in major feature films.
The next step is to assemble the six pieces of the QR code. This is more difficult than it seems, to the point where I wanted a hint.
So here is a hint. Ignore pieces 1 and 2 to begin with. Assemble 3, 4 and 5 first. It should come together logically from there.
Here’s another hint - it comes together like this, if Red equals 1, orange equals 2, etc:
The final QR code looks like this.
The code scans as “b6ov815u5qpfqjx”
This leads you to:
I’ll let you take over from here.
[editor’s note: This marks the end of the Sister Location contributions, but the trail continues in Part 2, created by Pangent and solved by the Players available here: http://humansoulsarg.tumblr.com/post/157469944913/super-spice-world-sister-location-solve-part-2]
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jamesbyerj · 4 years
Stay Home. Make Mods. Win Prizes. - Week 4
Are you bored being stuck at home? Looking for some inspiration to finally realise that mod idea you've been thinking about? Well then: [b]Stay Home. Make Mods.[/b] for your chance to win prizes each week between [b]6th April and 4th May[/b]!  In light of recent world events, we wanted to do our part in helping our community cope with social distancing and self-isolation by giving you something to focus on during this challenging time. So why not make some mods?  We've also teamed up with our friends at [b]GOG[/b], [b]Warhorse Studios[/b], and [b]Bethesda[/b] to offer you a different selection of prizes each week.  [b]Week 4 Prizes (27th April - 4th May 2020) [/b] [list] [*]1x Game of your choice (up to £50) - for an entry selected randomly from the top 20 mods of the week - ranked by unique downloads.  [/list] This week we've partnered with [url=http://GOG.com?pp=a120fe5cad51f0d0942d7c283478628047d6cfce]GOG.com[/url] who have generously provided the following game keys for the event: [list] [*]5x [url=https://www.gog.com/game/crypt_of_the_necrodancer?pp=a120fe5cad51f0d0942d7c283478628047d6cfce]Crypt of the Necrodancer[/url] [*]5x [url=https://www.gog.com/game/machiavillain?pp=a120fe5cad51f0d0942d7c283478628047d6cfce]Machiavillain[/url] [*]5x [url=https://www.gog.com/game/witcher_adventure_game?pp=a120fe5cad51f0d0942d7c283478628047d6cfce]The Witcher Adventure Game[/url] [*]5x [url=https://www.gog.com/game/dead_cells?pp=a120fe5cad51f0d0942d7c283478628047d6cfce]Dead Cells[/url] [*]5x [url=https://www.gog.com/game/frostpunk?pp=a120fe5cad51f0d0942d7c283478628047d6cfce]Frostpunk[/url] [*]5x [url=https://www.gog.com/game/blade_runner?pp=a120fe5cad51f0d0942d7c283478628047d6cfce]Blade Runner[/url] [*]5x [url=https://www.gog.com/game/thronebreaker_the_witcher_tales?pp=a120fe5cad51f0d0942d7c283478628047d6cfce]Thronebreaker[/url] [*]5x [url=https://www.gog.com/game/the_messenger?pp=a120fe5cad51f0d0942d7c283478628047d6cfce]The Messenger[/url] [*]5x [url=https://www.gog.com/game/chuchel?pp=a120fe5cad51f0d0942d7c283478628047d6cfce]Chuchel[/url] [/list] Any mod uploaded with the tag "Stay Home. Make Mods." this week will be entered into a randomised draw to win ones of these keys. [b]How to enter[/b] [list=1] [*]Upload a new mod for [b]any [/b]game between [b]27th April - 4th May 2020[/b] (Safe for work mods only).  [*]Include the competition tag "[b]Stay Home. Make Mods.[/b]". [*]That's it! Your mod has been entered. [/list] You can add the tag either by choosing the new "Classification" option at the bottom of the mod upload form or by adding it with the other tags.  [img]https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/2295/images/26/26-1586179188-1566464397.jpeg[/img] [b]Get involved [/b]Even if you aren't uploading mods, there are plenty of things you can do to get involved in the event. [list] [*]Download and endorse awesome new mods to support your favourite authors. [*][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/images/add]Share screenshots in our image share[/url] to showcase mods you're enjoying. [*][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/videos/add]Add your YouTube videos [/url]showing off your top picks. [*]Use the hashtag #StayHomeMakeMods on [url=https://www.facebook.com/pages/Nexus-sites/71629282833]Facebook[/url], [url=https://twitter.com/nexussites]Twitter[/url], Twitch and anywhere you find the conversation about mods.  [*]Join us on the [url=http://discord.gg/nexusmods]Nexus Mods Discord server[/url] where we'll be hanging out in the voice channels and hopefully showing off some of the new mod content.  [/list] [b]Terms and Conditions [/b] Participants - Entries - Mods [spoiler] [list] [*]Participants are required to submit at least one (1) mod in order to enter the event and become eligible for winning a prize. [*]Submitting several mods is possible, however, prizes are limited to one per selected winner each week. [*]A maximum of 5 mods may be entered into the draw by a single user. If more than 5 mods are entered, the newest 5 will be considered valid entries. [*]All entries must be submitted between the dates posted on this article. [*]Unless otherwise specified, the weekly entry period runs from 12:00:00am on the starting day until 11:59:59pm on the last day (GMT+1). [*]Mods must be uploaded to the Nexus Mods website and assigned the "Stay Home. Make Mods. 2020" tag. Mods that do not include the tag at the end of the competition period are not eligible to win prizes. [*]Mods in a "Work in Progress" state will be allowed provided they are in a playable state. [*]You may collaborate with others on entries, but only one prize will be issued if your mod wins. [*]You must be the copyright holder i.e. creator of the mod content. [*]Mods must not include assets from other creators without explicit permission and should display appropriate credit. [*]Mods entered must conform to our site rules (inappropriate content) and must not contain any adult content (as defined by our [url=https://help.nexusmods.com/article/19-adult-content-guidelines]Adult Content Guidelines[/url]). [*]Entries found to be in violation of any of those rules and/or our general terms and policies will be disqualified. [/list][/spoiler] Prizes - Winner Selection [spoiler] [list] [*]A different selection of prizes will be available during each of the four (4) weeks of the event, as detailed in the article at the start of the relevant week. [*]One (1) "Game of your choice" prize will be awarded to the uploader of a randomly chosen entry featured in the top 20 most downloaded or endorsed for that week. [*]The "Game of your choice" prize consists of either: [list] [*]Any game that can be purchased as a redeemable code, up to the maximum value of £50. [*]OR If we cannot source your chosen game, £50 gift card to be redeemed in the Steam game store. [/list] [*]Additional prizes will be contributed by the weekly partner of Nexus Mods as specified in the article for that week.  [*]Additional prizes from our partners will be awarded to randomly selected entries with the competition tag excluding the winner of the "Game of your choice" prize.  [*]A maximum of 1 prize per user, per week will be issued.  [*]Prizes will be issued to winners via private message on the Nexus Mods forums by the Nexus Mods Community Managers.  [*]Some prizes may feature an expiration date by which they must be used. If the prize expires before it is redeemed you will not be able to request an alternative.  [*]The Nexus Mods team reserves the right to disqualify any entry at their sole discretion, with or without providing a reason.  [/list][/spoiler] General Terms and Conditions [spoiler] By submitting a competition entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these terms and conditions. [list] [*]Promoter name. Black Tree Gaming Limited incorporated in England and Wales with company number 06360077 of Balliol House, Southernhay Gardens, Exeter, EX1 1NP  (referred to throughout these terms as the “Promoter”, “we”, “us” and “our”). [*]Deadline. All competition entries must be received by the Promoter by no later than the Closing Date. All competition entries received after the Closing Date are automatically disqualified. [*]How to Enter. You may enter by sharing a mod on the Nexus Mods website and adding the appropriate tag. You must complete this initial entry to be eligible to win. You do not have to pay to enter the competition, however, you are responsible for any phone or internet charges you may incur when entering. If you are unsure about these charges, you should contact your phone or internet operator before entering. Entries will not be acknowledged and we do not accept responsibility for entries that are lost, delayed or which we do not receive. [*]Eligibility. 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The Promoter will not admit entries which: are automatically created by a computer or bot or script or other automated technology, created in bulk, have been altered or forged or tampered with, are illegible or incomplete or which generally in Promoter’s reasonable opinion are inappropriate to admit. [*]Selection of winners. The winner will be chosen by the Nexus Mods team. If you cannot be reached by private message or email address when entering we may choose a new winner. [*]Ownership of competition entries and intellectual property rights. The Promoter does not claim any rights of ownership in your competition entry. The promoter is granted a non-exclusive, worldwide, irrevocable license to use, display, publish, transmit, copy, edit, alter, store, re-format and sublicense the competition entry and any accompanying materials for its marketing or other commercial purposes. [*]Data protection and publicity. 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Insofar as is permitted by law, the Promoter, its agents or distributors will not in any circumstances be responsible or liable to compensate the winner(s) or runner(s)-up or accept any liability for any loss, damage, personal injury or death occurring as a result of taking up the prize except where it is caused by the negligence of the Promoter, its agents or distributors or that of their employees. Your statutory rights are not affected. The Promoter will NOT accept responsibility for competition entries that are lost, mislaid, damaged or delayed in transit for any reason or in any way. [*]Social media. You acknowledge that the competition is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by, or associated with any of our partners, Facebook, or Twitter. You agree to release our partners, Facebook, and Twitter from any responsibility to you in relation to the competition. [*]General. (a) We may use the information which you provide in entering this competition to contact you for the purposes described in these terms and conditions. We will process and store your information in accordance with our privacy policy which can be found at: http://help.nexusmods.com/article/20-privacy-policy [*](b) We may wish to transfer all or a part of our rights under these terms to someone else without obtaining your consent. You agree that we may do so provided that the transfer does not significantly disadvantage you. (c) If there is any reason to believe that there has been a breach of these terms and conditions, the Promoter may, at its sole discretion, reserve the right to exclude you from participating in the competition; (d) The Promoter reserves the right to hold void, suspend, cancel, or amend the competition where it becomes necessary to do so; and (e) These terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of England and the parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England. [*]For questions, Please contact [email protected] [/list][/spoiler] Published first at Stay Home. Make Mods. Win Prizes. - Week 4
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ciathyzareposts · 5 years
MUD1: Wading In Once More
Thought I was dead, didn’t you?
I am in fact very much alive, and ready to resume blogging. Over the last year I’ve had a hellishly long commute to work, and I haven’t had the time or the mental energy for writing.  But due to certain very positive changes in my life that commute is gone, and I’m able to resume blogging.  I can’t guarantee that I’ll stick to any kind of decent schedule – because when have I ever – but for the moment I’m back, and I’m ready to continue exploring MUD1.
To be honest, though, when it comes to MUD1 I wasn’t exactly looking forward to starting up again.  It’s not that it’s a bad game, but it is a nebulous one that has little in the way of concrete goals.  It’s more of an environment to facilitate multiplayer interaction rather than a single player experience, so I’m struggling to find the motivation to play it.  I like a game with an end point.  I suppose I’ll have to set my own goals to decide when I’m done with MUD1, but for now I’m not sure what those are.  Maybe I’ll just explore it until I run out of interesting things to find.
In an attempt to finish MUD1 as quickly as I could, I went looking for a walkthrough or a guide.  I didn’t find one, but I did find the following map on the website of Richard Bartle, MUD1’s co-creator:
I’ve explored pretty much all of the large eastern area, but I haven’t managed to get to the shipwreck or the island to the west.  I’d like to check them out before I give up.
Running from north to south, here are some points of interest to be found:
There are some ruins at the far north of the map.  The only thing I’ve found there is a “silvery cord” which is actually the web of a giant spider, which will gruesomely kill you if disturbed.
The jetty has no boat, but it does have an empty lobster pot.
There’s a railway line that cuts across the entire landmass, from the beach to the mine entrance.  About halfway along the track a golden bolt is embedded, but I haven’t been able to lever it out.
The mine is quite large, and a light source is needed to explore it.  The only light I’ve found so far is made by setting a branch on fire, but that lasts forever as far as I’m aware so I may not need another one.  Most of the mine is just empty tunnels, but I did find a valve that can be used to flood the whole complex, and a series of narrow tunnels that can only be navigated if you drop your entire inventory (light source included).  The most interesting find I made was an entrance to the Dwarf Realm, but I was killed by a dwarf very shortly after trying to enter.
The mausoleum can be easily entered, though not so easily navigated. There are six tombs, and each one has a puzzle that must be solved before you can enter.  Rather than the more abstract, inventory-based puzzles that most adventure games go for, these are based on logic and mathematics, and I have no idea where to even begin.
Your guess is as good as mine.  Probably better, to be honest.
The misty graveyard is full of headstones, each with a message of varying levels of relevance.  Once you enter it’s impossible to escape unless you type OUT.
At the front of the cottage there’s a vegetable garden and a flower bed.  In the former there are usually potatoes, and in the latter a hyacinth and some herbs.  Off to the side of the cottage there’s a gardener’s shed, where I’ve found an axe and some keys.  As for the cottage itself, it has enough interesting features inside that I’m going to cover it in-depth below.
Also not far from the cottage is a large yew tree.  It can be chopped down, exposing a series of tunnels underneath.  At the bottom there’s a fancy temple.  I tried meditating and praying there, but all it did was put me to sleep for a while.
There’s a tunnel that leads from the beach, which can only be accessed by jumping from a cliff known as Lover’s Leap.  The tunnel is blocked by a grate that’s too heavy for me to move alone.
Also at the bottom of Lover’s Leap is the base of a waterfall.  Behind the falls there are some tunnels.  I found a lever there that dumped me into an underground complex that was full of goblins.  I managed to fight my way through two of their lairs, and found a chamber that was loaded with treasure.  Unfortunately I wasn’t able to find a way out, but the good news is that I was able to quit the game without my character being erased.  So I couldn’t get the treasure, but I also don’t have to start with a new guy.
Off to the east of the river is a swamp.  You can dump treasures into the swamp as a way of scoring points, which so far I’ve done with a parasol and a winged stallion.  (Yep, I totally Artax’ed a pegasus, and I don’t feel bad about it at all.)
I have no regrets.
There are a bunch of things in the large forest to the south: a mysterious sundial; a birdbath; a badger’s home, complete with badger that tries to claw your face off; a tree with a golden apple.  There’s also a shrine, at which I just tried to meditate, only to be told that “there isn’t sufficient meditation going on elsewhere to provide the psychic energy to meditate in such a small shrine as this”.
The cottage lies at the centre of the map, and has the highest concentration of interesting features.  I couldn’t cover them all in a single paragraph, so I’m breaking them up as follows.
In the bathroom there’s some medicine.  I think I know where to use this, which I’ll discuss below.
Halfway up the stairs there’s a ghostly voice reciting A.A. Milne, which is yet another mystery I haven’t solved.
In an upstairs bedroom there’s a rattle.  Every time you shake it your score increases, but only so long as you’re at the lowest rank.  More on this below.
I’ve barely explored the cellar, because it’s completely overrun with giant rats.  They’re not too difficult to defeat on their own, but as far as I can tell, there’s a never-ending supply of the buggers down there.  Once I develop a stronger character with a better weapon I plan to try and wipe them all out.
In the study there’s a bookcase that leads to a secret tunnel, where a zombie guards a rune-covered door.  The zombie can be killed in battle, although it takes a while.  The runes should be avoided, as reading them causes a fatal explosion.  Knocking on the door, however, whisks you into a sorcerer’s laboratory, with all sorts of weird objects: a potion, a black cat, an oracle, a crystal, an amulet, a looking glass and a stethoscope.  I’ve barely scratched the surface of this stuff, but there’s a book in the study that gives clues as to their respective purposes (as well as a warning about the exploding runes, and a hint about knocking on the door).  It seems that the potion and the medicine mixed together will do something, but I haven’t been able to try this yet.   The clue regarding the cat tells me to “do as my curiosity directs”, which I guess means I have to try to kill it?  The oracle, it seems, can be used to locate items.  The crystal, if sniffed, will change your gender.  The amulet can be used to force other players to take an action.  Finally, the looking glass seemingly has the power to let you spy on other players.  I have no idea about the stethoscope.  I tried just now to do some experimenting with all of these items, but a player named Good the Sorceress had scooped them all up before I got there.
There’s a lot more to this game than what I’ve detailed above, as it’s full of small details that serve to make it come alive as a dynamic environment.  There are animals that wander about, such as a seagull that’s currently moving in and out of the area my character is idling in as I write this blog.  It rains occasionally.  Other players can be seen wandering around.  And of course, there are monsters: a skeleton, rats, a zombie, a dryad, dwarves, goblins, and more I’m probably forgetting.
As in a number of early text adventures, such as Colossal Cave Adventure and Zork, these monster can be engaged and defeated in combat.  So far I haven’t discovered any tactics that can be used: it’s just a matter of typing FIGHT or KILL, and watching the results slowly scroll by until one combatant is dead.  The main survival method is to flee, which is easy enough but results in you dropping your entire inventory.  It’s better than dying though.
Backhanding a Zombie to death.
Death in this game is odd, in that sometimes it’s permanent and sometimes it isn’t.  If you’re killed by a monster in battle, your character is dead and gone forever.  Other deaths, such as the explosive runes I mentioned above, are a temporary setback, as they don’t result in your character being erased, just stripped of items and sent back to the start of the game.  I’m not sure what happens if you’re murdered by another player, or if that’s even possible.
The game does have a system for leveling up, which is tied to your score.  You begin as a Novice, with a score of zero.  Once your score reaches 400, you become a Warrior, which is the highest rank I’ve achieved so far.  Usually, I do this by using the rattle: every time you shake it you gain two points.  It only works while you’re a novice though, so you can’t use it to progress further than one level.  Shaking the rattle 200 times can get tedious, but thankfully your commands stay typed in after you hit enter, so you only have to type it once and then hit enter repeatedly.  Whatever you do, though, don’t hold down the enter key to speed things up; you’ll hit 400 points quicker, but you’ll also have to endure like 20 minutes of messages that scroll by afterwards.  It ain’t worth it.  (I was also reminded that you can do the same thing by repeatedly kicking a deaf, dumb and blind beggar.  I guess you can pick which if the two is more fun for you?)
In addition to a level, your character has stats: Strength, Stamina and Dexterity.  These are randomised for each character, but my current guy has scores of 60, 52 and 38 respectively.  Upon becoming a Warrior, all three of these stats increased by 10.  There’s also an inventory limit of five items, which increased to six when I leveled up.
The only other thing to talk about is the multiplayer aspect, which I’ve had a couple of experiences with.  Mostly it results in the odd sighting of other players wandering about, and in items being relocated from place to place.  Fairly often I’ve gone to pick something up and found that it’s not where I thought it would be.  Several times I’ve seen said item being carried around by someone else.  Once a character even stole an item right out of my inventory.
I’ve only ever had one extensive interaction, with a player named Saruman.  He explained the rattle to me, and a bunch of other stuff that I’d forgotten until going back over my game logs.  At one point he asked me to follow him, so that I could help him raise a portcullis.  At another, just as I was exploring beneath the yew tree, he used a spell to summon me to his location.  It was somewhere in the Dwarf Realm (I think) and it had a magic button that could be used to reset the world back to its default state.  The whole time we were playing simultaneously I could hear things he was doing: a dragon dying, a cannon being fired, various other screams and shrieks.  He was very helpful, actually, and it was nice to actually experience this part of the game.
So that’s my current status on MUD1: still finding new things, and thus not yet giving up and moving on.  With my current schedule, my goal is to update once a week, so hopefully I’ll be back with more of MUD1 next Saturday.  Given my blogging history it’s unlikely, but miracles can happen.
source http://reposts.ciathyza.com/mud1-wading-in-once-more/
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