#Gabriele Cappellini
eirene · 1 year
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Portrait Of Laura Pisani, 1525 Gabriele Cappellini
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gogmstuff · 1 year
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Touring the 1500s -
Top left  1525 Laura Pisani by Gabriele Cappellini (location ?). From tumblr.com/eirene; partially fixed.
Top right  Diane de France, princess of France and daughter king Henry II of Valois by François Clouet (location ?). From tumblr.com/roehenstart/695196156597256192/portrait-of-diane-de-france-princess-of-france; fixed spots, but not cracks w Pshop 2048X2894.
Second row left  Woman by ? Musée des Beaux-Arts de Dijon - Dijon, Côte-d'Or, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France). From tumblr.com/blog/view/history-of-fashion 597X800 @72 208kj.
Second row right  1550s Laura Battiferri by Agnolo Bronzino (location ?). From tumblr.com/blog/view/papered-in-rose-toile 1370X1795 @72 677kj.
Third row  Woman by Florentine painter, possibly Jacopo Zucchi (Metropolitan Museum of Art). From tumblr.com/historical-fashion-devotee/700705910778216448/artthatgivesmefeelings-florentine-painter; fixed spots & cracks w Pshop 2015X2615 @72 1.5Mj.
Fourth row left  1545-1550 Lady, probably Philippine Welser, probably by Corneille de Lyon (Veste Coburg - Coburg, Bayern, Germany). From tumblr.com/blog/view/lenkaastrelenkaa fixed spots $ some cracks w Pshop 828X1200 @72 482kj.
Fourth row right  ca. 1565 French Princess by the school of François Clouet (Morgan Library & Museum - New York City, New York, USA). From tumblr.com/dashboard 1078X1445 @72 665kj.
Fifth row lef.  1570 Probably Camilla Martelli by Alessandro Allori (St. Louis Art Museum - St. Louis, Missouri, USA). From tumblr.com/pipouch/696978340783030272/alessandro-allori-portrait-dune-dame 1741X2048 @72 1.3Mj.
Fifth row right  Jungen Frau by Nicholas Hilliard (Bassenge - 1Dec22 auction Lot 6038). From their Web site 1070X2498 @144 7.6Mp.
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lamilanomagazine · 8 months
Monza: con BarLegend il FuoriGP 2023 è tutto una festa
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Monza: con BarLegend il FuoriGP 2023 è tutto una festa. Ad animare il FuoriGP2023 scende in campo per la prima volta BarLegend e per quattro giorni in tutta Monza si fa festa. Il brand organizzatore di eventi, nato poco più di un anno fa per volontà di Gabriele Viola Boros, di Stefania Aliprandi e di Massimo Peronetti, soci di tre capisaldi della nightlife, della mixology e della ristorazione monzese (il fine dining restaurant Saint, il cocktail bar Liquors e il Mexican food&cocktail Gomez), firma gli eventi più cool della ricca programmazione della quinta edizione del mega evento parallelo al Gran Premio di Formula 1, in scena a Monza dal 31 agosto al 3 settembre. Sette le location del capoluogo brianzolo a cura di BarLegend dove gustare ottimo street food, sorseggiare cocktail realizzati a regola d’arte, assistere a concerti e ballare gratuitamente sulle note di fantastici djset. Ai Boschetti Reali, ogni giorno dalle 10 di mattina alle 2 di notte, il BarLegend Red Bull Village dove vivere esperienze di realtà aumentata e con sette Airstream (i famosi tondeggianti motorhome americani in alluminio) di varie misure e brandizzati ad hoc dove deliziarsi di sfizioso cibo di strada e drink di ogni tipo secondo le ricette dello chef Michele Cioffi e della bartender Elisabetta Ciceri del Saint. Nel caravan dedicato a cassa, oltre a gadget ricordo come t-shirt, cappellini, adesivi e spillette BarLegend (realizzate da Mezzopieno Studio, agenzia veronese che ha curato tutta l’immagine coordinata del brand) si potranno acquistare i token necessari per gli hamburger e pulled pork di Jurassic Pork, per i fritti e le salamelle di Fattyssimo, per le pizze e pinse di Pizzawagon e per la pasta e i ravioli (ricotta e spinaci o bufala ed erbette) al sugo o cacio e pepe di Pastarda, così come per il beverage scegliendo, oltre a birre Nastro Azzurro, Red Bull e The Organics by Red Bull, spritz by Freni e Frizioni, anche tanti cocktail speciali a base di Vetz e Angostura rum e di Big Gino gin e Roby Marton’s gin, nei rispettivi motorhome. Il tutto condito da musica tutta da ballare, già dalla mattina con tanto di dancefloor di 300 metri quadri, tra dirette radiofoniche e djset con il sound di Miky Garzilli di Radio Studio Più. Serate clou sabato 2 settembre a tutta house con in console PRZI del Nameless Festival affiancato/da vari guest; domenica 3 con l’Autpop festival, una serata speciale ideata da Shorty e Matteo Perego, con in console i ragazzi e ragazze diversamente abili delle Associazioni Facciavista e Il Veliero affiancati da dj di Radio M2O (Shorty Lrnz, Walter Pizzulli, Mauro Miclini, Rino Sparacino, Lori B e Vittoria Hyde), Maurino e Tato di Radio Deejay, Dj Marietto di Silver Music Radio e Dj Funky. In Piazza Trento e Trieste, ogni giorno con la colonna sonora di Radio Number One il chiringuito di BarLegend sarà il punto di ristoro per chi assisterà ai concerti serali: il 31 agosto Millenium Star con la Zurawski Band; venerdì 1 settembre con Andy dei BluVertigo & The Bowieness che omaggiano il Duca Bianco e il Queen Live Show con la Live Queen Tribute Band; sabato 2 con la voce unica di Giusy Ferreri. In Piazza Cambiaghi, ogni giorno dalle 10 di mattina alle 2 di notte, il cibo di strada di 18 food truck con al centro il bancone bar BarLegend, tra djset di Alem K e Isa Diamond e musica live: giovedì 31 agosto, dalle 22, con le tre band finaliste del Monza Live Sound Festival e una giuria tecnica che decreterà il vincitore del talent contest; venerdì 1 settembre il live rock della The Next Band; sabato 2 pop e soul con Morena Martini e la Woody Band. BarLegend Jazz&Spritz in Piazza Carrobiolo, dove ogni giorno dalle 10 di mattina a mezzanotte, di mattina si esibiscono ensemble di musica jazz, swing, bossanova, soul e blues, per un pubblico che vuole vivere un’atmosfera più intima sorseggiando cocktail e drink, tra cui lo speciale spritz by Spill e gli innovativi sparkling cocktail in bottiglia Bellini e dall’analcolico RossiNO di Sei Bellissimi (progetto del bar consultant di fama internazionale Giancarlo Mancino), in tutto relax su comode sdraio e sotto ombrelloni in stile Saint-Tropez anni ‘60. Infine le iniziative FuoriGP nei tre locali di BarLegend: al Saint in Piazza Duomo 8 la special drink list Portofino-Velier in un allestimento a tema; al Gomez in Piazza S. Paolo 4 una “playa” con il Red Bull Kombibar (un furgone d’epoca con bancone bar) e al Liquors in Vicolo Molini 14, cocktail speciali a base di whisky Monkey Shoulder. Insomma un incredibile impegno di risorse umane e non per il primo FuoriGP di BarLegend, reso possibile grazie al coinvolgimento di tanti partner/sponsor (Acqua Panna, Amaro Lucano, Angostura rum, Big Gino, Chiarella, D&C Food&Beverage, Freni e Frizioni Bar Selection, Giass Milano Dry Gin, Mancino Vermouth, Monkey Shoulder, The Organics by Red Bull, Peroni Nastro Azzurro, Red Bull, Roby Marton’s, San Pellegrino, Sei Bellissimi, Smirnoff, Spill, Tanqueray, Trussoni Beverage, Velier, Vetz) che hanno aderito con entusiasmo all’iniziativa. Maggiori dettagli sulle molte altre iniziative del FuoriGp sul sito monzafuorigp.it. Tel. 340.8905128, [email protected].... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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sensei70 · 10 months
La mia è stata una Vacanza in Toto.
Una settimana di Piacere Puro:musica ,buon cibo ,bel mare e soprattutto Bella Gente.
Mia madre ha preparato per me e ho potuto godere ,ancora una volta, della buona cucina dai sapori familiari e genuini: Rigatoni alla carbonara, Spaghetti alla San Giuannin, lenticchie condite , granetti con composto di uova sode ,tonno ,maionese ,sale e pepe, friiselle con datterini olio origano e sale ,agnello arrostito, bistecca con friggitelli ....
Mio padre è mattiniero e alle ore 7 00 eravamo pronti per andare in spiaggia....Libera o abusivamente occupata ,era Splendida sempre ...al mattino il colore del mare si confondeva con quello del cielo e l aria fresca ben si sposava con una spiaggia ancora sfollata di turisti....
Gabriele era ben disponibile e puntualmente lo ammiravo sotto i miei occhiali da sole mentre ci trivellava l'ombrellone nella buca di sabbia e mi apriva, con un solo scatto, il lettino ....un bellissimo Moro dagli occhi grandi, forse adulato dalle donne anche non malintenzionate come me 🤣
Marina di Pescoluse è incantevole ma confonde😁.... risiedevamo a Salve marina, scendevamo al mare a Posto Vecchio dopo aver parcheggiato a Morciano e ,la sera ,passeggiavamo a Torre Vado😸
Io adoro Pino Daniele e una sera abbiamo fatto tardi per una Cover in piazzetta tra gli odori della Paranza e quello degli Hamburger, fast food e ,in lontananza,una Ruota Panoramica sempre in movimento e seggiolini danzanti nell' aria a ritmo di musica.
Di Tutto e sopra Ogni Cosa ,non dimenticherò nessun volto .....nessuna persona conosciuta da Salve a Pescoluse passando per Santa Maria di Leuca: Luigi e Giannina del Ferrarese ; i nostri vicini romani , Alessandra e Domenico; Zeno ,un indiano dagli occhi sinceri e puliti; i ragzzi dei gonfiabili ; il professore indiano ; Saverio il Giramondo e poi.......
Lui.....unico ....Alesassane Senghor.
Voglio soffermarmi a parlare di questo ragazzone dalla pelle color cioccolato. Alasassane,per noi Alessandro, passava di là con la sua pila di cappellini sulla testa e le muscolose braccia contornate da pinzoni, mollettoni e bandane colorate , tutte le mattine....tu ti aspetti che possa insistere ,che possa farci tenerezza e dispiacere ...per chissà quale nostra stupida motivazione; ebbene no! Alasassane ci ha preso il cuore per le sue Parole e il suo grande sorriso sincero di denti bianchi e perfetti . Il nostro gigante buono si fermava per conversare con la gente non solo per tentare di vendere le sue Cose....si fermava a parlare con noi....di tutto ...
Una mattina fa una Metafora: "Dio è un albero e noi i suoi Rami , tutti diversi e tutti uguali. Non importa il nome del Dio a cui crediamo . È Uno . Uno soltanto."
Poi ....l indomani ripassa e parla di sé: Alessandro ha due mogli , è di Gambia . È spiritoso. Ci parla degli effetti afrodisiaci dell' aglio e del potere che esso ha sulla coppia ....ma ..,..devono mangiarlo entrambi
Alasassane ci saluta emozionato e dice che non ci scorderà.❤️
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jeannepompadour · 3 years
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Laura Pisani by Gabriele Cappellini, aka Calzolaretto, 1525
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moon-soo-ah · 6 years
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ISU World Championships 2018 World Championships Milan / ITA 19.03.2018 - 25.03.2018
Mar. 21:
Ladies’ SP 10:45
Pairs’ SP 18:20
Mar. 22:
Men’s SP 10:05
Pairs’ FP 18:55
Mar. 23:
Short Dance 11:00
Ladies’ FP 18:30
Mar. 24:
Men’s FP 10:00
Free Dance 15:20
Mar. 25:
Gala 14:30
Match Arena
Stream 1, Stream 2, Stream 3, Stream 4, Stream 5, Stream 6, Stream 7, Stream 8
Match tv
Stream 1, Stream 2, Stream 3, Stream 4, Stream 5
Russian Eurosport
Stream 1, Stream 2, Stream 3, Stream 4
Fuji TV
Stream 1
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vasiljevsdeniss · 7 years
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[Event] Deniss Vasiljevs was picked to be one of the guests this Fantasy on Ice 2017! He will be participating on the Kobe(June 9-11) and Niigata(June 16-18) leg.
For more information please visit the Fantasy on Ice website and Facebook page.
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ventocaldodellest · 5 years
Portentosa creatura
Ti ho pensato quando ho letto questa citazione da "Cent'anni di solitudine" di Gabriel García Márquez.
"Benché Aureliano fosse un amante feroce come il suo rivale, era Amaranta Úrsula a comandare col suo ingegno assurdo e la sua voracità lirica in quel paradiso di disastri, come se avesse concentrato nell’amore l’indomita energia che la trisnonna aveva consacrato alla produzione di animaletti di caramello. Inoltre, mentre lei cantava dal piacere e moriva dal ridere per le proprie invenzioni, Aureliano era sempre più assorto e taciturno, perché la sua passione era introversa e calcinante. Tuttavia, arrivarono entrambi a tali estremi di virtuosismo che, quando si sfinivano nell’esaltazione, sfruttavano ancora meglio la stanchezza. Si abbandonarono all’idolatria dei loro corpi, scoprendo che il tedio dell’amore ha possibilità inesplorate, molto più ricche di quelle del desiderio. Mentre lui massaggiava con chiare d’uovo i seni erettili di Amaranta Úrsula, o ammorbidiva con burro di cocco le sue cosce elastiche e il suo ventre di pesca, lei giocava alle bambole con la portentosa creatura di Aureliano, e gli dipingeva occhi da pagliaccio con il rossetto e baffi da turco con la matita delle sopracciglia, e gli metteva papillon di organza e cappellini di carta stagnola. Una notte si spalmarono da capo a piedi con pesche sciroppate, si leccarono come cani e si amarono come due matti sul pavimento del porticato, e furono svegliati da un torrente di formiche carnivore decise a divorarli vivi."
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sywtwfs · 6 years
which skaters, in all disciplines, would you say are almost certainly a lock for their country's olympic spots? discounting injuries and such, of course.
ETA: This post will be updated with official Olympic team announcements.
Many national championships will happen in the next month or so, so we’ll soon know most countries’ Olympic teams. This is a short overview of which skaters are likely going to the Olympics, and which spots are still under contention.
Australia (officially announced)
Men (1) - Brendan Kerry
Ladies (1) - Kailani Craine
Pairs (1) - Alexandrovskaya/Windsor
Austria (officially announced)
Pairs (1) - Ziegler/Kiefer
Belgium (officially announced)
Men (1) - Jorik Hendrickx
Ladies (1) - Loena Hendrickx
Brazil (officially announced)
Ladies (1) - Isadora Williams
Canada (officially announced)
Men (2) - Patrick Chan, Keegan Messing
Ladies (3) - Kaetlyn Osmond, Gabrielle Daleman, Larkyn Austman
Pairs (3) - Duhamel/Radford, Seguin/Bilodeau, Moore-Towers/Marinaro
Ice dance (3) - Virtue/Moir, Weaver/Poje, Gilles/Poirier
China (officially announced)
Men (2) - Boyang Jin, Han Yan
Ladies (1) - Xiangning Li
Pairs (3) - Sui/Han, Yu/Zhang, Peng/Jin
Ice dance (1) - Wang/Liu
Czech Republic (officially announced)
Men (1) - Michal Brezina
Pairs (1) - Duskova/Bidar
Ice dance (1) - Mansourova/Ceska
Finland (officially announced)
Ladies (1) - Emmi Peltonen
France (officially announced: 1, 2, 3)
Men (1) - Chafik Besseghier
Ladies (1) - Mae Berenice Meite
Pairs (1) - James/Cipres
Ice dance (2) - Papadakis/Cizeron, Lauriault/Le Gac
Georgia (officially announced)
Men (1) - Moris Kvitelashvili
Germany (officially announced)
Men (1) - Paul Fentz
Ladies (1) - Nicole Schott
Pairs (2) - Savchenko/Massot, Hocke/Blommaert
Ice dance (1) - Lorenz/Polizoakis
Great Britain (officially announced)
Ice dance (1) - Coomes/Buckland
Hungary (officially announced)
Ladies (1) - Ivett Toth
Israel (officially announced)
Men (2) - Alexei Bychenko, Daniel Samohin
Ladies (team event only) - Aimee Buchanan
Pairs (1) - Connors/Krasnopolski
Ice dance (1) - Tankova/Zilberberg
Italy (officially announced)
Men (1) - Matteo Rizzo
Ladies (2) - Carolina Kostner, Giada Russo
Pairs (2) - Marchei/Hotarek, Della Monica/Guarise
Ice dance (2) - Cappellini/Lanotte, Guignard/Fabbri
Japan (officially announced)
Men (3) - Yuzuru Hanyu, Shoma Uno, Keiji Tanaka
Ladies (2) - Satoko Miyahara, Kaori Sakamoto
Pairs (1) - Suzaki/Kihara
Ice dance (1) - Muramoto/Reed
Kazakhstan (officially announced)
Men (1) - Denis Ten
Ladies (2) - Elizabet Tursynbaeva, Aiza Mambekova
Latvia (officially announced)
Men (1) - Deniss Vasiljevs
Ladies (1) - Diana Nikitina
Men (1) - Julian Yee
North Korea (officially announced)
Pairs (1) - Ryom/Kim
Philippines (officially announced)
Men (1) - Michael Christian Martinez
Poland (officially announced)
Ice dance (1) - Kaliszek/Spodyriev
Olympic Athletes from Russia (officially announced)
Ladies (3) - Evgenia Medvedeva, Alina Zagitova, Maria Sotskova
Men (2) - Mikhail Kolyada, Dmitri Aliev
Pairs (3) - Tarasova/Morozov, Zabiiako/Enbert, Astakhova/Rogonov (Stolbova/Klimov not invited by IOC)
Ice dance (2) - Bobrova/Soloviev, Zagorski/Guerreiro (Stepanova/Bukin not invited by IOC)
Slovakia (officially announced)
Ladies (1) - Nicole Rajicova
Ice dance (1) - Mysliveckova/Csolley
South Korea (officially announced)
Men (1) - Jun Hwan Cha
Ladies (2) - Dabin Choi, Hanul Kim
Pairs (1) - Kim/Kam
Ice dance (1) - Min/Gamelin
Spain (officially announced)
Men (2) - Javier Fernandez, Felipe Montoya
Ice dance (1) - Hurtado/Khaliavin
Sweden (officially announced)
Ladies (1) - Anita Ostlund
Switzerland (officially announced)
Ladies (1) - Alexia Paganini
Turkey (officially announced)
Ice dance (1) - Agafonova/Ucar
Ukraine (officially announced)
Men (1) - Yaroslav Paniot
Ladies (1) - Anna Khnychenkova
Ice dance (1) - Nazarova/Nikitin
USA (officially announced: 1, 2, 3, 4)
Men (3) - Nathan Chen, Adam Rippon, Vincent Zhou
Ladies (3) - Bradie Tennell, Mirai Nagasu, Karen Chen
Pairs (1) - Scimeca Knierim/Knierim
Ice dance (3) - Shibutani/Shibutani, Hubbell/Donohue, Chock/Bates
Men (1) - Misha Ge
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mysticseasons · 6 years
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isufigureskating: 🎉 The #GPFigure Final will take center stage in a few short days ⏱ The participants of the ISU Grand Prix Ice Dance Final are: 1 Gabrielle PAPADAKIS @gabriellapapadakis / Guillaume CIZERON @guillaumecz 🇫🇷 2 Tessa VIRTUE @tessavirtue17 / Scott MOIR @scottmoir14 🇨🇦 3 Maia SHIBUTANI @maiashibutani / Alex SHIBUTANI @alexshibutani 🇺🇸 4 Madison CHOCK @chockolate02 / Evan BATES @evan_bates 🇺🇸 5 Madison HUBBELL @splashmadison / Zachary DONOHUE @zachtdonohue 🇺🇸 6 Anna CAPPELLINI @kapanna87 / Luca LANOTTE @lulanotte 🇮🇹
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shadowetienne · 6 years
Quick Predictions for ISU GP Skate America 2017
This is the final event of the GP, so a lot is at stake in terms of who qualifies for the GPF.  Some people have already qualified, but between surprise withdrawls due to injury and some people bombing one of their events, it’s really up in the air who will be at the final with only one competition yet to go.  Depending on how this weekend goes, we could see several different configurations at the final.
As always, these quick predictions are based on a combination of some math with scores, some of my impressions about the trends of a skater so far this season, and of course a little bit of my personal preference that sneaks in.
1 -  Nathan Chen (USA)  2 - Jin Boyang (CHN) 3 - Adam Rippon (USA)
Potential Spoilers:  Sergei Voronov (RUS), Maxim Kovtun (RUS), Takahito Mura (JPN), and Yan Han (CHN).
I think that unless someone messes up dramatically, third is again the spot that is most in question.  Nathan and Boyang are capable of drastically outscoring the rest of this field on sheer technical content.  And they’ve both been skating reasonably well so far this season for how this season has been going overall.  Sergei had a great competition for his first GP event, but he has a history of not holding it together all through a competition, and one competition is not enough for me to predict a change from him.
1 - Ashley Wagner (USA)  2 - Satoko Miyahara (JPN) 3 - Gabrielle Daleman (CAN)
Potential Spoilers:  Polina Tsurkaya (RUS), Kaori Sakamoto (JPN), Alena Leonova (RUS), Serafima Sakhanovich (RUS), and Karen Chen (USA).
Most of the ladies field has the potential to be on the podium here, and honestly I have no strong idea who will be.  The three I put up there have the highest historical scores, but Gabi and Ashley are both inconsistent, and Satoko is still coming back from an injury.  Satoko was looking better at her last event, but not 100% back up to speed yet.  Hopefully she’s a little closer to where she was before the injury at this point.
1 - Meagan Duhamel/Eric Radford (CAN)  2 - Aliona Savchenko/Bruno Massot (GER) 3 - Alexa Scimeca Knierim/Chris Knierim (USA)
Potential Spoilers:  Yu Xiaoyu/Zhang Hao (CHN), Kirsten Moore-Towers/Michael Marinaro (CAN), and Natalia Zabiiako/Alexander Enbert (RUS).
I don’t have a ton to say about this pairs field.  None of my absolute favorites are here, and it will be interesting to see how it goes, but I’m mostly interested in how it affects overall standings.
Ice Dance:
1 - Maia Shibutani/Alex Shibutani (USA)  2 - Anna Cappellini/Luca Lanotte (ITA) 3 - Piper Gilles/Paul Poirier (CAN)
Potential Spoilers:  Victoria Sinitsina/Nikita Katsalapov (RUS) and Kaitlin Hawayek/Jean-Luc Baker (USA).
Other than the Shib Sibs being pretty strong favorites to win this, I’m not too sure on my predictions.  One interesting thing that will be going on in the background will be the continuing competition for best Asian ice dance team between Wang Shiyue/Liu Xinyu (CHN) and Kana Muramoto/Chris Reed (JPN).  They’ll be back towards the middle/lower end of this field, but their best scores are hovering right close together with Muramoto/Reed having a better combined total, but Wang/Liu have beaten then multiple times in competition.  I’ll be looking forward to seeing how that face off goes.
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ohtheseskaters · 7 years
Favorite performances of the season 2016-2017
Picked by YOU (although some picked more than one, you naughty girls and guys:))
Nathan Chen's LP at US Nationals (picked by kpopadvocate)
Anna Pogorilaya's SP at Rostelecom Cup (program picked by sociallyawkwardseal, performance picked by me)
Adam Rippon's LP at Trophee de France (picked by suzuranao)
Vanessa James and Morgan Cipres's LP at World Team Trophy  (picked by swizzlesandtwizzles and 4u4a-by) 
Gabrielle Daleman's LP at Worlds (picked by lilycobalt)
Wenjing Sui and Cong Han's LP at Worlds (picked by gixininja,  zetcentrum and 4u4a-by)
Maia and Alex Shibutani's FD at Worlds (program picked by noa-noa-noa, performance chosen by me)
Kaitlyn Weaver and Andrew Poje's FD at World Team Trophy (picked by kaleidodreams)
Jason Brown's SP at World Team Trophy (picked by a-kingdom-or-a-fencepost)
Vincent Zhou's SP from US Nationals (picked by pflcarolina)
Yuzuru Hanyu's LP at Worlds (picked by idealisticmaterialism and zetcentrum)
Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir's SD at Worlds (picked by nerd502)  
Anna Cappellini and Luca Lanotte's FD at Worlds (picked by zetcentrum)
Marin Honda's LP at Junior Worlds (picked by selenadover)
Mao Asada's SP and LP at Finlandia Trophy (programs picked by artemisofthemoon, performances picked by me)
Anna Scherbakova's (13 y. o. Tutberidze's student) LP (picked by kimyunaaa)
Aliona Savchenko and Bruno Massot's LP at Worlds (picked by nerd502)
Yuzuru Hanyu's exhibition 'The Swan' from 4CC (picked by idealisticmaterialism)
Wenjing Sui and Cong Han's SP at Worlds (picked by zetcentrum and 4u4a-by)
Madison Chock and Evan Bates's FD at US Nationals (picked by nerd502)
And some more picked by me, just because it’s my blog and I do what I want here:D
Mariah Bell's SP at Skate America
Kaetlyn Osmond's SP at GPF
Adam Rippon's SP at Skate America
Aliona Savchenko and Bruno Massot's SP at Nebelhorn Trophy
Gabriella Papadakis and Guillaume Cizeron's FD at Worlds
Satoko Miyahara's LP at GPF
Wakaba Higuchi's LP at World Team Trophy
Ksenia Stolbova and Fedor Klimov's LP at Worlds
Boyang Jin's SP and LP at Worlds
Denis Ten's SP at Trophee de France
Natalia Kaliszek and Maksym Spodyriev’s FD at Europeans
Cheng Peng and Yang Jin's SP at NHK Trophy
Jun Hwan Cha's SP at Junior Worlds
Charlene Guignard and Marco Fabbri's FD at Skate America
Elena Radionova's SP at World Team Trophy
Zijun Li's LP at World Team Trophy
Patrick Chan's SP and LP at Worlds
Victoria Sinitsina and Nikita Katsalapov's SD at Cup of China
Piper Gilles and Paul Poirier's SD at Worlds
Xuehan Wang and Lei Wang's SP  and LP at NHK Trophy
Vanessa James and Morgan Cipres's SP at Europeans
Carolina Kostner's LP at Europeans
Piper Gilles and Paul Poirier's FD at Skate Canada
Han Yan's SP and LP at Asian Winter Games
Laurine Lecavelier's SP  and LP at Europeans
Carolina Kostner's Clair de Lune exhibition at Europeans
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byopiapress · 7 years
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Laura Pisani by Gabriele Cappellini (Calzoloretto) student of Dosso Dossi in Ferrara - 1525
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New stars will shine at figure skating world championships
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New stars will shine at figure skating world championships
Editor’s note: CBCSports.ca is live streaming every short and free program at the ISU World Figure Skating Championships, beginning Wednesday at 6 a.m. ET. The event will also be featured on Road to the Olympic Games on CBC Television Wednesday through Friday at 7 p.m. local time and Saturday at 3 p.m. ET. Here’s Pj Kwong’s breakdown of what to expect at worlds.
Several of figure skating’s biggest stars will be missing from the world championships. That list includes some two-time  Olympic gold medallists — Canada’s Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir and Japan’s Yuzuru Hanyu — as well as two-time world champ Evgenia Medvedeva of Russia. With those marquee names out, many fans are looking at this year’s event as the typical post-Olympic letdown.
I don’t agree, though. While it’s true that several big-time skaters have withdrawn, I’m excited to see which newer stars will emerge when the worlds begin Wednesday in Milan, Italy.
Here’s what I’ll be looking for in each event:
Ice dance: Pap and Ciz ready to reclaim gold
At the last post-Olympic world championships, in 2014, Italy’s Anna Cappellini and Luca Lanotte won the ice dance event. If you look a little further down the results sheet, you’ll see the names of Gabriella Papadakis and Guillaume Cizeron appear for the first time at worlds. Although the French duo finished 13th, they were already creating a buzz, and they’d go on to win the next two world titles, the next four European crowns and the 2018 Olympic silver medal, behind Virtue and Moir.
The French duo took home the ice dance gold medal at the ISU Grand Prix Final in Nagoya, Japan 7:52
There’s no doubt in my mind that Papadakis and Cizeron are going to claim their third world championship in Milan, but I’m also pulling for Cappellini and Lanotte to get back on the podium in front of a hometown crowd.
Men: Chen won’t make the same mistake
The men’s event looks like it belongs to the kids. Twenty-year-old Shoma Uno of Japan is the 2018 Olympic silver medallist and the highest-ranked man skating in Milan. This is only Uno’s third trip to the world championships and he took the silver medal a year ago. He’ll be up against two-time American champion and jumping phenom Nathan Chen, 18, who rebounded from a disappointing 17th-place showing in the short program at the Olympics to win the free skate and finish fifth. 
I don’t expect Chen to make the same short-program mistake in Milan. I think as he gains competitive experience and confidence in the glare of the spotlight, he’ll become a consistent force to be reckoned with. Chen vs. Uno is a great rivalry that could go either way.
The American took gold at the the ISU Grand Prix Final in Nagoya, Japan one year after winning silver in his debut senior season 8:38
Pairs: Olympic champs go for first world title together
In 2014, two pairs skated together for the last time. Aliona Savchenko and Robin Szolkowy won their fifth and final world title a month following their second Olympic bronze medal. Further down the list, Bruno Massot and Daria Popova competed together at the world championships for the first and final time. Both partnerships dissolved and Savchenko and Massot found each other.
In Pyeongchang, Savchenko and Massot’s free skate was magical and put them on top of the podium as Olympic champions. It will be a treat to see them skate again and, if all goes according to plan, it will mean a first world title in their third appearance together at worlds.
The German pair won both the free skate and short program at the ISU Grand Prix Final in Nagoya, Japan. 9:50
Women: Canada’s Osmond and Daleman are medal threats again
Canada’s women are very much in the mix for the podium in Milan. Both Kaetlyn Osmond and Gabrielle Daleman have extraordinary ability, and when they’re “on” it shows in the results. At last year’s worlds, Osmond was the silver medallist while Daleman took the bronze. Osmond, of course, went on to win Olympic bronze last month.
Both skaters are aiming for the podium in Milan but will have to get past the dazzling 2018 Olympic champion Alina Zagitova. The 15-year old Russian has, incredibly, only been competing internationally since the 2016-2017 season. In 11 international events, including the Olympic Games, Youth Olympic Games, Junior World Championship and both Junior and Senior Grand Prix Finals, Zagitova has won 10 times.
Zagitova posted a total score of 223.30 points to claim gold at the ISU Grand Prix Final in Nagoya, Japan. 8:05
While the world championships in Milan will mostly be a chance to catch a glimpse of new stars on the horizon, we’ll also see some skaters take their final bow. Carolina Kostner, 31, will make her remarkable 14th appearance at worlds since 2003. In her history-making career she earned the first world and European titles for an Italian woman and is widely regarded as one of skating’s premier artists. Regardless of the result, her performance will be one to savour on Italian ice.
Pj’s gold-medal picks
Men: Nathan Chen (United States)
Women: Alina Zagitova (Russia)
Pairs: Aliona Savcheko and Bruno Massot (Germany)
Ice Dance: Gabriella Papadakis and Guillaume Cizeron (France)
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elfilibusterismo · 6 years
Hi! Im starting to reeeally get into figure skating and I want to join the fandom (cause it looks really fun) but I dont know where to start,,, there is so much content and so many amazing skaters and I just feel overwhelmed. It would be amazing if you could help me out and guide me into the right direction. thanks so much
hi there! it’s nice to see that people are getting into the sport. i’ll keep it under the cut.
for starters, i think you should check out soyouwanttowatchfs. it’s a blog that shows all the basics you need to understand figure skating: spins, jumps, etc. the moderators of the blog also provide streaming links for live events. 
figure skating is mainly divided into the seniors and juniors division, but i’ll mostly be talking about the seniors here.
it’s easy to get overwhelmed with all the skaters in the scene. but since the olympics are upon us, i’d go with the “top 6 men”: yuzuru hanyu, shoma uno, patrick chan, javier fernandez, boyang jin, and nathan chen. adam rippon, mikhail kolyada, and denis ten are also those to look out for.
for ladies, it’s evgenia medvedeva, alina zagitova, carolina kostner, mirai nagasu, satoko miyahara, karen chen, gabrielle daleman, kaetlyn osmond, and kaori sakamoto. 
i’m not so big on pair skating but sui wenjing/han cong, vanessa james/morgan cipres, and ryom tae ok/kim ju sik are big fan favourites. watch out for alyona savchenko/bruno massot as well.
ice dance fandom is crazy as hell, but big names to watch out for this february are tessa virtue/scott moir, gabriella papadakis/guillaume cizeron, maia shibutani/alex shibutani, madison chock/evan bates, madison hubbell/zachary donohue, anna cappellini/luca lanotte, and kaitlyn weaver/andrew poje.
some fan favourites that won’t be competing in these olympics include ashley wagner, wakaba higuchi, sergei voronov, anna pogorilaya, marin honda, and mai mihara. (i’m biased towards the ladies, rip)
most of my faves are retired/not competing at the olympics rip
the fandom is fairly small, since figure skating isn’t that popular compared to other sports. we have communities on twitter and tumblr, and it’s easy to jump in. hope you have a nice time here!
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moon-soo-ah · 6 years
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ISU GP Skate America 2017
ISU Grand Prix Lake Placid, NY / USA 24.11.2017 - 26.11.2017
Pairs’ SP 18:25
Men’s SP 19:55 
Pairs’ FS 14:00
Men’s FS 16:00
Short Dance 19:30
Ladies’ SP 21:20 
Free Dance 13:55
Ladies’ FS 16:00
Gala 19:30
FSLive Youtube
Stream 1, Stream 2, Stream 3, Stream 4, Stream 5, Stream 6, Stream 7, Stream 7, Stream 9, more
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