wacadoodles · 8 months
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Whistlepaw and Frostpaw go on vacation
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manthemoth · 2 months
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My god these cats are gay good for them good for them
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lalutani · 2 months
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Let's go lesbians, let's go!!
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leafpool-loves-ashfur · 2 months
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fallenrain40 · 21 days
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^^^^ they are gay.
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cheerclaw · 3 months
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bonefall · 2 months
Opinion on WhistleFrost: do you see it as platonic or is there something more there in your eyes? If seen as romantic, how high are the odds that they’ll be a canon couple in the rewrite in some way? I know you say no changes done until the arc is done but I gotta know what your brain is thinking about them in the moment because they are my favoritist thing ever rn
I definitely see them as not entirely platonic. They're giving me big Mothwing/Leafpool vibes.
It's the way that whenever they're at their lowest, the only person that could come through to them was the other. Throat slashed and losing blood fast, her mother's command to trust no cat swirling in her fading mind, Frostpaw's heart still guided her towards Whistlepaw. The whole world crashing down, her Clan having punished and mocked her for how she'd helped her friend, the only one who could pull Whistlepaw out of her self-destructive desperation to save her sister was Frostpaw.
Like they remain the one stable thing in the chaos. I'm reminded of the way Leafpool was afraid Mothwing wouldn't belive a vision she had, especially knowing she was faithless, and she simply responded, "I believe in you, Leafpool."
So when it comes to BB, I know that there needs to be one or two significant moments where Frostpaw's love of Whistlepaw makes her realize things about herself. One of them I'm pretty deadset on.
Instead of it being Smoky that goes against Frostpaw's wishes while she's injured, violating her trust in him, and this somehow NOT causing a massive backslide in Frostpaw's tentative ability to trust people (thanks i hate it), Frostpaw realizes that she's forcing Whistlepaw to watch her die.
Whistlepaw is too inexperienced to deal with these injuries, but she's doing everything Frostpaw asks. She didn't grab her mentor. She isn't going to the humans. She's desperately trying to treat her best friend and feeling her slip away below her paws.
How can Frostpaw let this happen? Whistlepaw loves her so much, she'll lose her. It's then that she lurches up from her deathbed, drags herself out onto the moor, and calls the humans.
In BB, they're a team of researchers who study the Clan cats. It's why they were able to field dress her so easily, as opposed to this... random horse farmer who happens to carry a syringe of cat tranquilizer in their pocket. Minor detail that bugs me more than it should lmao.
BUT that aside... I need to know how ASC ends before considering if they can be a canon couple or not. As much as they love one another, I feel like it's unlikely Whistlepaw would leave WindClan, and she is a Cleric subject to the Vow.
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rudymentari · 1 month
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Frames from my Frostpaw + Curlfeather PMV/AMV [15/15]
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echoeyee · 2 months
i love how people were shipping frostpaw and whistlepaw even before the arc started when they hadn't interacted at all and the authors just went "okay bet" and made mothpool 2.0 out of them
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daily-whistlepaw · 5 months
daily whistlepaw until star becomes PoV whisversary part twenty three
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frostpaw and whistlepaw by @booksofstars
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starryumbreons · 6 days
my fav little meows
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i-luv9 · 2 months
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Ragggghghghgh. Wind proved it…. These two are so hurt/confort….
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ethantheannus · 1 month
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gay cats
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splashtailstar · 2 months
as a disclaimer: i ship WhistleFrost
you can’t complain about the NightFrost age gap if you ship WhistleFrost, as Whistlepaw and Nightheart are the same age
The only reason Whistlepaw doesn’t have her full name yet is because she was training as a warrior before she switched to being a medicine cat apprentice. She could even be older than Nightheart.
Featherpelt (Whistlepaw’s mother) is listed as a queen in the allegiances for Squirrelflight’s Hope, meaning that she must’ve kitted by the second full-moon Gathering of the book, and Nightheart is born after the second full moon Gathering. Furthermore, Whistlepaw is an apprentice in The Silent Thaw, along with Flamepaw.
There is one full moon Gathering in Lost Stars, taking place three quarter moons after the beginning of the book. Whistlepaw is not announced as an apprentice, but Frostpaw’s birth is announced. One moon passes to the next full moon Gathering in The Silent Thaw, where Whistlepaw, Flamepaw, and Splashpaw are all apprentices, meaning they were all apprenticed in Lost Stars sometime after the Gathering.
The age gap between Frostpaw and Nightheart is four moons (13 moons and 17 moons respectively), while the age gap between Frostpaw and Whistlepaw is at least five moons if not more. Whistlepaw is older than Splashtail, who is also 17 moons old like Nightheart.
I’m not saying you shouldn’t ship WhistleFrost or that it’s ‘problematic’ (I myself ship WhistleFrost). You can still dislike a ship because of a power imbalance, but please acknowledge that age is not the only factor in play when it comes to power differences.
I am just saying don’t be hypocritical when discussing these ships
edit: I accidentally messed up when Whistlepaw becomes an apprentice. She is listed as an apprentice in the allegiances for The Silent Thaw, not Lost Stars. Whistlepaw is still older than Frostpaw though.
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can you imagine if warrior cats pulled a destiel with whistlepaw and frostpaw
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afalconfromalcyoneus · 2 months
Before I read Wind, I just want to say that I freaking LOVE FrostWhistle. I think Thunder gave me the most shipping fuel for this ship. The way Frostpaw, even in this paranoid "I can't trust anyone" state, she still lets Whistlepaw treat her wounds. She still trusts Whistlepaw not to tell her mentor about helping her. She trusts Whistlepaw, even if she wouldn't admit it.
Whistlepaw keeps the fact that Frostpaw is still alive a secret because she knows that's what Frostpaw wants. Even if Whistlepaw cannot stand lying to her whole clan she still helps Frostpaw in secret. She lies for Frostpaw. She helps Frostpaw fake her death even if she's hesitant.
I know all these things don't scream romance to some people, and obviously it probably is all platonic to the writers. But I just freaking love this ship, it's so cute. Maybe too cute.
Anyways. Time to read Wind.
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