#Franco Berardi “Bifo”
fashionbooksmilano · 10 months
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Identità mutanti
Contaminazioni tra corpi e macchine, carne e tecnologia nelle arti contemporanee
Francesca Alfano Miglietti (FAM)
Prefazione di Lea Vergine, Postfazione di Franco Berardi "BIFO", Intervista a Orlan, Intervista a Stelarc a cura di Antonio Caronia e FAM
Shake edizioni, Milano 2023, 176 pagine, Brossura, ISBN 9791280214515
euro 20,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Definito la “Bibbia” delle contaminazioni e degli scenari performativi dell’età contemporanea, Identità mutanti è stato identificato e riconosciuto nel tempo come il manifesto teorico di una rete di contaminazioni tra universi teorici della mutazione. Da Ballard a Cronenberg, da Artaud alla Body Art, e ancora Tsukamoto, Stelarc, i Survival Research Laboratories, macchine biologiche, Brazil, Crash, i Mutoid Waste Company, Serrano, Orlan, Sterbak, Franko B., Aziz+Cucher, e altro, l’Autrice sviluppa un percorso che intreccia tre modalità: la carne, la contaminazione carne/tecnologia, le macchine. In sostanza, lo spazio invisibile di una umanità che sta inventando un nuovo mondo, tra voci, culture, modi di comunicare, slittamenti tra lingue e identità. Nel libro compare così il tracciato di un’arte che si dispiega fuori dalle costrizioni dell’addestramento culturale, un’arte che già utilizza il prelievo, lo spostamento, il campionamento, il mixaggio, il riutilizzo. Un’arte che già agisce in uno dei futuri possibili.
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juliansummerhayes · 1 month
“In the wake of the Neoliberal proclamation of the end of class struggle, the only social categories remaining are winner and loser. No more capitalists and workers; no more exploiters and exploited. Either you are strong and smart, or you deserve your misery. The establishment of capitalist absolutism is based on the mass adhesion...to the philosophy of natural selection. The mass murderer is someone who believes in the right of the fittest and the strongest to win in the social game, but he also knows or senses that he is not the fittest or the strongest. So he opts for the only possible act of retaliation and self assertion: to kill and be killed.” ― Franco Bifo Berardi, Heroes: Mass Murder and Suicide
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dominicrojas · 8 months
El nazismo está en todas partes | Franco ´Bifo´ Berardi
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Pasado el umbral de la pandemia, el nuevo panorama es la guerra que enfrenta al nazismo contra el nazismo. Günther Anders había presagiado en sus escritos de la década de 1960 (Die Antiquiertheit des Menschen) que la carga nihilista del nazismo no se había agotado con la derrota de Hitler, y que volvería al escenario mundial como resultado del poder técnico, que provoca un sentimiento de humillación de la voluntad humana, reducida a la impotencia. 
Ahora vemos que el nazismo resurge como la forma psicopolítica del cuerpo demente de la raza blanca que reacciona airadamente a su implacable declive. El caos viral ha creado las condiciones para la formación de una infraestructura biopolítica global, pero aterroriza la percepción de la ingobernabilidad por proliferación caótica de la materia, que pierde orden, se desintegra y muere.
La mente occidental ha removido la muerte porque no es compatible con la obsesión del futuro. Remueve la senescencia porque no es compatible con la expansión. Ahora el envejecimiento (demográfico, cultural e incluso económico) de las culturas dominantes del norte del mundo se presenta como un espectro en el que la cultura blanca ni siquiera puede pensar, y mucho menos aceptar. Así que aquí está el cerebro blanco (tanto el de Biden como el de Putin) entrando en una furiosa crisis de demencia senil. El más salvaje de todos, Donald Trump, cuenta una verdad que nadie quiere escuchar: Putin es nuestro mejor amigo. Ciertamente, es un asesino racista, pero nosotros no lo somos menos. Biden representa la ira impotente que sienten los ancianos cuando se dan cuenta del declive de las fuerzas físicas, la energía psíquica y la eficiencia mental. Ahora que el agotamiento está en una etapa avanzada, la extinción es la única perspectiva tranquilizadora.
¿Podrá la humanidad salvarse de la violencia exterminadora del cerebro demente de la civilización occidental, rusa, europea y estadounidense, en agonía? Sea como sea que evolucione la invasión de Ucrania, que pase a ser ocupación estable del territorio (improbable) o que acabe con una retirada de las tropas rusas tras haber llevado a cabo la destrucción del aparato militar que los euroamericanos han proporcionado en Kiev (probable), el conflicto no puede resolverse con la derrota de uno u otro de los dos antiguos patriarcas. Ni uno ni otro pueden aceptar retirarse antes de haber ganado. Por tanto, esta invasión parece abrir una fase de guerra tendencialmente mundial (y potencialmente nuclear).
La pregunta que actualmente aparece sin respuesta se relaciona con el mundo no occidental, que durante algunos siglos ha sufrido la arrogancia, la violencia y la explotación de europeos, rusos y estadounidenses. En la guerra suicida que Occidente ha librado contra el otro Occidente, las primeras víctimas son los que han sufrido el delirio de los dos Occidentes, los que no quieren ninguna guerra, sino que deben sufrir los efectos. La guerra final contra la humanidad ha comenzado. Lo único que podemos hacer es ignorarla, abandonarla, transformar colectivamente el miedo en pensamiento y resignarnos a lo inevitable, porque solo así puede suceder lo impredecible en los contratiempos: la paz, el placer, la vida.
Fuente: Franco 'Bifo' Berardi: “El economicismo neoliberal es una enfermedad mental” | Perfil
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sun-death · 2 years
If I lived in Kiev and there was someone who explained to me that I had to defend the Free World, Democracy, the Values of the West, all words with a capital letter, I would defect. But maybe I would decide to join the resistance to defend my home, my brothers: all words with a lower case letter. So I don’t know how to answer the questions I ask myself: whether I would participate in the Ukrainian resistance, whether I would shoot Russian soldiers or not. What I do know for sure is that the capital reasons why the Free World calls Ukrainians to resistance are false. And false is the rhetoric of the Europeans inciting to continue the show.
Franco ‘Bifo’ Berardi, “The Precipice”
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ortodelmondo · 11 months
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zzzaaafffaaarrr · 2 years
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dipnotski · 1 month
Franco “Bifo” Berardi – Başkaldırı (2024)
‘Başkaldırı’, belirsizliğin hüküm sürdüğü zamanımızda, toplumu manipüle etmek için kullanılan büyüme fikrine ve borç kavramına karşı Otonomist bir manifesto ve neoliberalizmin yarattığı kriz karşısında bir toparlanma nidası olarak okunabilir. Dünya kaçınılmaz olarak protesto ve şiddet dalgalarına sahne olacaktır ancak eski direniş modelleri artık geçerli değildir. Mevzubahis ekonomik bir krizden…
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koufax73 · 2 years
Franco "Bifo" Berardi, Marco Bertoni, Bobby Gillespie, "Desert": recensione e streaming
"Desert" è il nuovo ep di Franco Bifo Berardi e Marco Bertoni: tre pezzi sul tema della diserzione, che si rapportano al contesto sociale che stiamo vivendo in questi anni
Desert è il nuovo ep di Franco Bifo Berardi e Marco Bertoni: tre pezzi sul tema della diserzione, che si rapportano al contesto sociale che stiamo vivendo in questi anni e ne danno il punto di vista, sempre senza compromessi e mai banale, di una delle figure più emblematiche della controcultura italiana. L’ep è un ritorno, a più di due anni di distanza da Wrong Ninna Nanna, dove al solito i…
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Most important books for you this year?
Heroes: Mass Murder and Suicide by Franco Bifo Berardi
Smoke gets in your eyes by Lutz Bacher
The Clip-on Method by Cady Noland
Negative Space by BR Yeager
The Family by Ed Sanders
Crazy for Vincent by Herve Guibert
currently reading RIP Tales by Jordan Stein it will also be important
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blackcoffeestudies · 4 months
Similar effects of submission, impoverishment and exploitation are produced by the imposition of an all-pervasive system of debt over the body of society. Debt functions as a weapon against the autonomy of society, transforming money into blackmail. Young people are obliged to borrow money from the bank in order to pay for their studies, since the public system of education has been destroyed by Neoliberal fanaticism, and private schools are prohibitively expensive. Upon leaving university, they are obliged to accept any kind of precarious job in order to repay their debts, suffering all measure of blackmail in the process. Money, which is supposed to be the measure of value, has been corrupted such that it now acts as a tool for complete submission. Debt has become a sort of metaphysical curse. Within this metaphysical debt, money, language and guilt are all entwined. Debt is guilt, and as guilt, it is entering the domain of the unconscious, where money translates all objects into each other.
Franco "Bifo" Berardi, Heroes: Murder and Mass Suicide
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Franco "Bifo" Berardi
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lapistenegative · 4 months
[...] I wonder if Israel’s leaders have an idea of the tsunami of horror they are unleashing on the global psychosphere. A month of uninterrupted horror which first of all erased the horror of October 7th from the collective psyche, then produced the conditions for a monstrous mutation in the perception of Israel by the planetary mind.
And above all, the state of Israel is today isolated throughout the world: Young people are identifying themselves with the Palestinians, not so much for historical and political reasoning, but for the perception of a common, claustrophobic condition. The common absence of the future makes Palestinians the vanguard of the last generation.
The Epicentre by Franco "Bifo" Berardi
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kenyatta · 4 months
I am not referring to the direction of time. I am thinking, rather, of the psychological perception, which emerged in the cultural situation of progressive modernity, the cultural expectations that were fabricated during the long period of modern civilization, reaching a peak after the Second World War. These expectations were shaped in the conceptual frameworks of an ever progressing development, albeit through different methodologies: the Hegel-Marxist mythology of Aufhebung and founding of the new totality of Communism; the bourgeois mythology of a linear development of welfare and democracy; the technocratic mythology of the all-encompassing power of scientific knowledge; and so on. My generation grew up at the peak of this mythological temporalization, and it is very difficult, maybe impossible, to get rid of it, and look at reality without this kind of temporal lens. I’ll never be able to live in accordance with the new reality, no matter how evident, unmistakable, or even dazzling its social planetary trends.
- After The Future by Franco ‘Bifo’ Berardi, 2011
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ortodelmondo · 2 years
(...)Elaborare collettivamente la depressione è il più grande problema politico del prossimo futuro. Per attraversare l’epidemia depressiva occorre adottare un metodo interpretativo e terapeutico-politico che sia fondato sulla disperanza. Occorre interpretare la depressione come forma di conoscenza e non solo come patologia: la forma di conoscenza più prossima alla verità. (...)Non stiamo solo attraversando una trasformazione economica geopolitica e sociale, ma una vera e propria ridefinizione cosmologica e quindi epistemica. Una nuova percezione del cosmo in cui ci muoviamo e dell’episteme, come facoltà di interpretare il mondo.
Franco Bifo Berardi
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The silence of God resounds as chaos, as we have grown unable to breathe at the rhythm of our own respiration, which has been captured by the apocalyptic force of the algorithm of financial capitalism.
'Breathing Chaos and Poetry' by Franco 'Bifo' Berardi
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soldan56 · 7 months
Dal 7 agosto del 2023 ho cominciato a tenere il conto delle aggressioni dei coloni israeliani contro i contadini palestinesi e delle violenze dei soldati di Tsahal contro i giovani rinchiusi nei territori occupati o nel campo di concentramento di Gaza, e delle profanazioni degli ultra-ortodossi contro i luoghi sacri agli islamici sulla Spianata delle Moschee. Principale fonte delle informazioni è l’agenzia ANBAMED, curata da Farid Adly.
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