#Founders Challenge
agawinsims · 8 months
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holds them gently
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mapleclangen · 6 months
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Mapleclan Founders!
Whistlestar Confident Very Clever & Good Fighter A dark ginger she-cat with vitiligo Apprentice, Firepaw
Appledusk Thoughful Good Speaker A brown smoke and white she-cat Apprentice, Caterpillarpaw
Medicine Cat:
Cragfreckle Rebellious Unnatural Senses A light brown ticked tabby she-cat
Patchmouse Childish Good Mediator A long furred pale gray and white she-cat
Snuffluff Oblivious Great Storyteller A silver ticked tabby and white she-cat
Firepaw Sincere Oddly observant A speckled golden brown she-cat
Caterpillarpaw Adventurous Lover of Stories A dorsal-striped pale and white she-cat
Not to be bias but Firepaw is def my fave so far
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laneelliot12 · 9 months
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LETS GO CLANGEN TIME: Moon 0 - The Beginning
Meet the four founders of PoppyClan- a group of kits washed away by a flood into the wet plains miles away. Their home destroyed and loved ones gone, the eldest apprentice, FallenPaw, steps up to lead them out of the dark. Taking the name FallenDapple, she guides her three young clanmates out of the much and into a warm clearing to dry. That night, she is plagued by haunting dreams of cats clawing their way out of the water, pulling her under the waves- until she resurfaces in a cold, dark place. There, she is greeted by her lost brother, OleanderPaw, who tells her that this is all who could follow them from their once bursting StarClan. She can feel his loneliness. Begging for answers, she pleads with her brother to tell them what had happened; why had StarClan punished them so? "None of that now, FallenDapple. I've come here for a reason." Solemnly, he blesses her with the last of his strength as a spirit, gifting her eight extra lives to make it through the coming moons. When she awakens, a single Poppy has grown between her paws, watered by the excess droplets that had clung to her wet fur.
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honeytoastie · 5 months
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The Joy of Life Legacy! \ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ/
i'm thrilled to start The Joy of Life Challenge by @simlune with my best friend - @graveyard-gumbo! and what better way to start than introducing you to my legacy founder "Brie Brigadeiro"
From the nostalgic aroma of sugar and flour in the kitchen to the bittersweet twists of life's unexpected turns, Brie's baking journey unfolds like a chapter from a heartwarming novel.
Brie's love for baking started at a very young age, thanks to her beloved grandmother—Majorie. Brie would eagerly watch her mix and bake, the smell of sugar and flour filling the air. As the years passed, Brie went from observing to assisting, the sweet scents of baked goods with memories carefully folded into each recipe.
However, life had other plans; Brie's world was shattered when Majorie passed away. The home that once echoed with laughter—stood still. The grief was overwhelming, leading her to pursue a path far from the flour-dusted haven in "Henford-on-Bagley" and baking, the once-beloved art now wrapped in memories that brought tears to her eyes.
Years passed, and Brie struggled to find her place in the world. She earned a degree in business and landed a big corporation job. Despite these achievements, she felt unfulfilled, as if she were just going through the motions of life without any real purpose. One day, in the midst of losing her job due to corporate downsizing. Brie received an unexpected letter from Majorie's lawyer, revealing a surprise that awaited her—the inheritance of the house and property upon turning twenty-one. With a heart heavy with memories, Brie decides to return home to Henford-on-Bagley.
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thepettymachine · 5 months
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With that being said, Generation 1 is complete
Goodbye Bridgeport!!
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navarice · 1 year
my dearest fellow mdzs stans, i really don't want to spoil anyone's fun but sometimes some things must be said. please do NOT mistake fanon characteristics for canon characteristics because by GOD is it frustrating to dissect a character when all anyone wants to do is blindly turn away from the very vivid and metastasizing flaws.
jiang cheng is an extremely complicated character, and that's why we love him. but by god, he is a jealous, self-victimizing asshole with a massive inferiority complex who likes to torture (probably) innocent look-a-likes of his (as far as he knew) dead adjacent family member. jesus christ this isn't some simple case of miscommunication (well it is but, you know no amount of communication will ever mend the giant chasm that developed between them. especially not with asians raised within the most classical case of asian parenting, i mean come on now) but a matter of deep and intense self-loathing developed since early childhood projecting violently outwards. let me be clear. he hates wei wuxian. he loathes him. he wants to kill him with his own hands again and again so some part of his convoluted sense of justice and superiority will be fulfilled. he's a classist, a bully, and abusive to everyone around him. ong at the end of mdzs, i was nearly crying tears of joy when jin guangyao flayed him flat on his ass bc that man needed to hear it. he needed to feel it. he needed to stop blaming others and blame himself.
and!! he's homophobic!! the entire cultivation world is, yes, but he's the only one we see give wei ying and lan zhan active shit for it!!
point is...his complexity makes him interesting. as a child, he was pretty alright tbh. he was understandably upset when three of his dogs got taken away and he saw his dad give a completely random kid such a gentle hug when jiang cheng never received one so far. he was a kid, and it was sad and helped the readers get a glimpse at the already dysfunctional family dynamics before wei ying came into the picture. as an adolescent/teen, yes he had a lot of unresolved rage and inferiority issues building up when he was constantly being compared to wei wuxian by his mother and not given enough reassurance from his father (once again, all present before wei ying...everyone just likes to dump the shit on him bc it's easier to point fingers at others than at yourself). perhaps he could have turned out differently if literally either of his parents stepped up and took accountability. however, after the burning of lotus pier? after the golden core transfer? after wei ying stuck around as his subordinate just as he promised, and protected jiang cheng like he promised, and defected just to save the yunmeng clan's reputation so jiang cheng doesn't have to put up with the other clan's shit, still continuing to keep his promise? after wei ying's death? idk abt y'all, but all bets are off bro.
mxtx makes it a point to make him so irredeemable. he's an exploration of what can go wrong if you let your traumas, self-hatred, and revenge fantasies blind you. he has the worst traits of his parents for a reason, directly contrasting with the other sibling, who is a perfect picture of eldest daughters born into a dysfunctional family. jiang yanli has the best traits of her parents (in terms of compassion and standing up for her family), but the family dynamics also made her the way she was. the responsible, the mediator, the occasional mother, stepping in where madam yu cannot.
there's just so much potential to hold him accountable buried under the pretense of misunderstandings and kinnie moments. he just had so many chances, more than any other character, to make a different choice. to actually look past his misgivings and unlearn the bad habits he used to protect himself as a child. i'm not saying he has to magically heal from all his traumas, but at the very least know not to be like his parents. but he wasn't written that way. because that is what happens when you give into your insecurities and generational trauma.
bottom line: jiang cheng is a fantastic archetype that needs to be explored in all his authenticity, including his moments of loyalty and cruelty.
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matchalovertrait · 3 months
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whimhaven · 1 year
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finally completing the country caretaker aspiration, sable has completed all of the farmer generation goals! 🌾
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antiquatedsimmer · 1 month
Farewell The Doyle Legacy!
A small compilation dedicated to Eddy & Helena Harrington the founders of my Doyle Legacy♥
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Helena Doyle Harrington was a woman of unwavering strength and resilience, She endured hardships from a young age, losing her mother to illness and began selling herself in Finchwick to survive. Yet, she never lost her spirit or her drive to make a better life for herself.
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She squatted in a abandoned hunters cabin in the Bramblewoods which ultimately would lead her to meet the owner & her future husband Edward Harrington who had lost everything in the 1893 Silver Panic along with his entire family to Illness.
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Helena was a victim of sexual & physical abuse, she was often afraid but Eddy despite coping with the loss of his family prioritized caring for Helena.
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Even with Helena's negative reputation while working as a prostitute Eddy showered her with gentle care.
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They quickly went from Roommates to lovers and with an unexpected baby on the way they became husband and wife. The pregnancy forced the couple to dive head first into working hard to turn the property into a functioning farm so their family could survive.
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the couples wedding was simple and very private.
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The couple Maxed out their gardening skills as they raised their children & sold the produce for profit.
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Eddy and Helena always wanted the best for their kids and raised them strictly on the life of farming & teaching skills they deemed important for men & women to learn!
Being self sufficient was very important to them & they were confident their children would have a place to raise their own children on the property in the future.
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But, as Eddy and Helena's children grew older they found it more difficult each day to keep their goals aligned with their own.
This left a lot of unresolved around the house and ultimately resulted in Eddy & Helena making major life decisions for their children in order to force their lives into the way they thought was best.
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Silas was forced into a arranged marriage via ultimatum to ensure he'd take control of the family farm and Lucile was left to hurt own devices with the impression she would be always be taken care of. Lucile was often left alone and her goals were put on the back burner since Silas was the first born meant to shoulder ownership of the property.
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After Eddy fell Ill Helena heavily devoted all her time to caring for him which lead to her getting the illness herself.
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Eddy and Helena both started to deteriorate from tuberculosis and their care fell heavily upon their children's shoulders.
At this point I could no longer continue playing the save but eventually Helena and Eddy would've passed along side each other as the era entered the 1910's. Eddy and Helena were devoted to one another and worked hard their whole lives to turn an abandoned property far from town into a livable space their children could inherit.
Several times Eddy & Helena went hungry so their children did not.
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Farewell Eddy and Helena you will be greatly missed!
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rainymoodlet · 1 year
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sometimes you just gotta take an insanely good, maybe too good deal on an abandoned general store-turned-minimart in hopes of converting it into a bakery one day!!🪴🍞
this was built in @ratboysims’ ratsave 1.2! 🐀
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simmancy · 8 months
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CAS Birthday Challenge by @aliengirl 🍰
Eliza Story
Race - July -> vampire
Gender - Even No -> female
Eye Color - Summer -> hazel
Hair Color - 00h-03h -> black
Aesthetic - Cancer -> cottagecore
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softietrait · 7 months
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zion is now a toddler & he now also has a baby sister named sienna! ♡
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bloomingkyras · 7 months
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Its time! but.. Sienna have to make pinky promise to Lily, that what ever happen to her, Lily have to promise her to take care of herself, wait her to come home or finding someone to replace her.
that her late mum and Sienna's half blood sister Xienna (zianna)
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mirtylebuns · 1 month
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here's i'm introducing Camilée Boucher — a romantic, creative and foodie girl that dreams get one bakery on your pretty city: Paris (Britechester).
she lives with her grandma since your mother left to other city to work in the business sector. It's not like her mom had abandoned everything, in fact she was very ambitious and wanted to give Cami's a decent life; Camilee's dream is to study cooking and her grandma has always supported her in this.
during your childhood her grandma teach cooking every desserts type, like your speciality: cinnamon rolls! (its very taste)
Camilee's want make a great and cozy bakery, find your soulmate and being happy <3
This is my The Joy Of Life Challenge start! (the original version is by @simelune)
* i only changed and delete some rules/generations for my gameplay so if you see something different is bc this*
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weyounbodycount · 1 year
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aridridge · 3 months
does anyone have any recs for legacy challenges that have drama in them/let you really dive into storytelling & dynamics moreso than focusing on collections/careers/etc. ??
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