#For all twelve gods
stil-lindigo · 8 months
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the fox god.
a comic about a trickster.
creative notes:
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all my other comics
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thatonebjp · 1 year
Red commons
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ghostkingdoesstuff · 1 month
Truly though, Poseidon went soft after the Odyssey. Luke Castellan had the audacity to piss off Poseidon's only living Demigod son and then LIVED ON A BOAT AND POSEIDONS JUST LIKE "hahaha yeah cool bro." When the Odyssey is actually just a thing that happened historically in cannon. Odysseus is in Elysium with Penelope FUMMING when Luke walks in and tells him his story "THAT SON OF A BITCH LET ME DRIFT AT SEA FOR 11 YEARS AND HE NEVER EVEN ROCKED YOUR BOAT A LITTLE???" (Non of yall should be surprised I got into Epic)
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kairospy · 11 months
Stuart sending Neil a copy of every fbi report to his name and the foxes making a day out of flipping through every file
Matt: “You WATERBOARDED someone?!?”
Neil: “Twice. The other file must be here somewhere”
Nicky, whispering: “…what the fuck is joy riding”
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yesokayiknow · 2 months
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human au. some of these guys spend too much time on here and it shows
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horuslupercal · 5 months
post your astarteskeeping takes that will have you like this
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I'll go first: I don't think it's possible to ethically keep thousand sons as pets. I know they're popular for their beauty and intense hobbies but their social needs are incredibly complex and hard to meet even for professional keepers, not to mention the psychic aspect
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hilarioushilarity · 3 months
I don't feel like Simon was breaking up with Wille.
When he said, "I can't do this anymore", what I heard was: "I can't keep suffering like this, only to watch you suffer like this".
Throughout this season, Simon has been slowly losing pieces of himself. He lost his voice. He lost his identity. He lost his happiness. The only thing he didn't lose, in his mind, was Wille.
It felt like Simon was willing to sacrifice a lot for Wille, and my god did he sacrifice himself. He swallowed his pride and joined the sit-in. He set aside his own worries countless times in order to focus on Wille's. He forgave and forgave and forgave. And through it all, I think he genuinely felt it was worth it for Wille to be happy at the cost of Simon's own happiness.
But as time went by, I think Simon began to get the sense that Wille wasn't happy. And of course, on Wille's fateful birthday, he found out that not only was his boyfriend not happy, he was actually slowly shattering on the inside. And that, I think, was Simon's true breaking point.
He'd given up so much just so Wille could be happy (which isn't a healthy thing to do, of course, but we know that Simon has a strong tendency to sacrifice things for others). And Wille was miserable. And I think in Simon's mind, this was the final straw because everything he'd given up was for nothing.
I think when Simon got into bed and said, "I can't do this anymore", he was saying that I can't keep just standing by while you slowly self-destruct, I can't keep stuffing myself into a box so I can be with the Crown Prince, when being the Crown Prince is killing you too, because then what is the goddamn point? Insanely enough, I think if Wille was truly happy continuing on as the Crown Prince, Simon would've been willing to give the consort thing a go, even though god knows that would've been a fucking awful way for him to live his life. But if Wille's miserable, and Simon's miserable, then there's truly no point anymore in continuing this charade, and I think what Simon is trying to tell Wille is: enough is enough. Do something, change something, because this is not working out.
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charmac · 10 months
thoughts on the people harassing glenn and rob on twitter from the macden fandom? they gave us so much s16 and ppl throwing it in their faces by tagging them and asking if they hooked up irl
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Don’t care how famous they are, how old they are or how married they are, it’s literally never okay to directly tag and try and out someone. You said it, that’s harassment.
And what’s the end goal here? Like at best they don’t see it and you just look like an asshole, at worst they do see it and feel extremely fucking weird about it. At like, extreme worst, if either of them are queer, you drum up enough weirdos to back you (the Heartstopper kid situation) and you force one of them to out themselves.
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This pisses me off the most because, like, it’s all fun and games to call MCD their ‘failsonas’ or whatever, but Glenn especially hates people comparing him to Dennis. How is this any more ‘ok’ than commenting on instagram that he’s D.E.N.N.I.S. System-ed Jill? (Hint, it’s really not). In both cases, it’s people trying to apply the character to the actor to entertain themselves and justify their fantasies of Glenn’s real life. Dennis is not. Glenn.
Again, what’s the end goal here? Like what’s the ideal situation you get out of this if one of them sees this and, god forbid, responds? This is such an icky sticky thing to even want to touch on publicly.
So they give us gay content and in return they get Reddit complaining about it and Twitter demanding they ‘admit’ that they’re actually gay themselves. Huh. Wonder why we haven’t gotten anything explicitly gay on screen from Mac yet? Huh. What a mystery?
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aq2003 · 5 months
it IS weird that the general consensus on twelve is that peter capaldi is an excellent actor but his episodes are bad (esp in comparison to the general consensus on series 5 being that it's some of the best the show gets) bc i am overall really enjoying series 8, a lot more than the last 3
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dark-elf-writes · 8 days
As soon as Nico is done in Camp Jupiter after seeing Percy, he goes to his brother to complain and whine. Zagreus knows when something is caused by his aunts and uncles being stupid nearly as well as he can tell his father is doing something stupid. Zagreus also pokes in on the quest to Alaska to think them for saving his boyfriend and meet his Roman sister.
God Nico breaking Hazel out of the underworld and Zag being their ultimate cheerleader. Like decades of Zag meeting with Hazel in Asphodel and trying everything he can to get her pardoned but he can’t and it is killing him. Then one day he’s on a run and she’s gone. He’s not too proud to admit that he panics. Bianca has the choice of rebirth and it definitely ached something fierce when she took it but he knows she will make it back the next two times she needs to make it to isle of the blessed. But Hazel? She should be as bound as he is. As trapped. There is no escape. He’s terrified he will be the one sent after her. He knows the defenses the best after all. He would be the to scour the underworld but… the order never comes.
What does come is his little brother, wild eyed and terrified as he tumbles out of a shadow rambling on about how he “fucked up bad this time zag but I can’t leave her gods how could I leave her she deserved more she needs out she-“
(He’s glad one of them got to escape. He’s glad she got to see the surface. Maybe she’ll find that horse she always told him about.)
He has a special interest in the quest to Alaska. Both because his other little sibling is headed for the place she died and because someone took Thanatos. He pops in more than a few times and gets to stay longer because dying isn’t exactly working for anyone right now even him.
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magdaclaire · 10 months
and when i write a fic about bobby callin ellen in a panic because dean, sixteen years old, has been left by john at sonny's and there's nothing he can goddamn do. what then
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lovedazai · 1 month
this week was so stupid
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foreversaba · 3 months
in case anyone worries that I just said I've discussed walrus fairy with my partner for two hours, it's not a fight discussion, we're just two autism-bained academia suckasses and we LOVE getting into long profound discussions, and right now is "how the fairy/walrus dichotomy of humans reflects their stances on religion (my argument, I vote walrus) and ultimately proves how dangerous thought patterns lead to the prevalence of scams (his argument, he votes fairy)
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ghostkingdoesstuff · 1 month
Truly though, Poseidon went soft after the Odyssey. Luke Castellan had the audacity to piss off Poseidon's only living Demigod son and then LIVED ON A BOAT AND POSEIDONS JUST LIKE "hahaha yeah cool bro." When the Odyssey is actually just a thing that happened historically in cannon. Odysseus is in Elysium with Penelope FUMMING when Luke walks in and tells him his story "THAT SON OF A BITCH LET ME DRIFT AT SEA FOR 11 YEARS AND HE NEVER EVEN ROCKED YOUR BOAT A LITTLE???" (Non of yall should be surprised I got into Epic)
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nymphdiariesdotcom · 1 year
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Hell yeah, they're EDGEWAVE ready! 🎸
Alex- Keyboardist/band leader/part-time parent to a dumbass. Please don't touch his face or hair or like. Anything of his, thanks
Sean- Drummer/multi-faceted and can carry the band if he has to. Second tallest of the group. Looks intimidating and snobbish but really is just super anxious and feels annoying at all times.
Hunter- Bassist. His dad gave him a cool moped when he was 13. No he's not going on a date with you, he has a girlfriend. As a matter of fact, he's wearing a t-shirt with her face on it right now.
Jor- Lead guitarist/professional instigator. Tallest in the group. Their deep voice gets them mistaken for a dude. They like that. The mask stays on, don't ask them to take it off. Come to think of it, does anyone even know their real name?
Cody- Lead vocalist/unofficial band "leader" because he's hot and fangirls love him more/the dumbass in question. Confuses a chinchilla for a small dog. Like, multiple times a week. It's quite concerning. Anyway he snapped you a pic of the pads confused and asked why aren't all vaginas the same size #Himbo
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camellcat · 4 months
WTFFF I thought thirteen would be my new girl crush love of my life heart eyes wife you-came-after-twelve-you-must-be-better-than-they're-all-saying bbygirl and then I had to sit down and watch as she told a man who (if he were not a murderer, of course) literally every regeneration before her would've LOVED and FULLY SUPPORTED that "the systems aren't the problem. how people use and exploit the system, that's the problem. people like you" </33333 !?!?
#WHERE IS THAT POST THAT SAID NINE WOULD KILL THIRTEEN FOR BEING A CLASS TRAITOR#WHY WOULD YOU SAY “ERODE PEOPLE'S TRUST IN AUTOMATION” ALL WORRIED AND CONCERNED LIKE THAT???#WHEN DID YOU START LIKING AUTOMATION OVER PEOPLE THINKING AND DOING THINGS FOR THEMSELVES???#AND WHY ARE YOU TRAVELING WITH A COPPER??? WE HATE COPPERS??????#did we FORGET into the dalek?? how about how he treated danny?? god there's so much more I can't even remember off the top of my head#(I understand soldiers are different from cops but c'mon don't even PRETEND twelve would've been any nicer if blue or danny were just COPS)#also a bit off topic bUT MAY I JUST TALK ABOUT ARACHNIDS IN THE UK FOR HALF A GODAMNED SECOND—#I know the companions are usually the ones to do the doctor's dirty work here but like#I just can't see the other doctors NOT having the business man lure the spider for being so fuckin annoying about it#like I was genuinely surprised when they had him do that whole song and dance about not doing it and then he actually just. didn't do it#the doctor LOVES fucking with evil rich business men this is PERFECT. plus why not get back at him for being awful to their companions?#absolutely gobsmacked thirteen let him act like that. I am wrong in thinking that the others would've shut his shit down a LOT quicker??#anyways. I love jodie whittaker and it's just so upsetting to have her doctor do something so wildly off#THIRTEEN PLEASE I HAD SUCH FAITH IN YOUUU I WAS IGNORING THE HATERS AND FOR WHAT#I can SEE the other doctors in her still I can FEEL them they're there she's doing an AMAZING job but. oh my god. what did they make her do#I can't even say she feels ooc as a whole because jodie is bloody brilliant. it's just these... moments. that don't make ANY sense to me...#especially coming off of twelve?? I get the radical personality switch but that belief is a core part of the doctor. or at least I THOUGHT#thirteenth doctor#doctor who#I still love all of you who love her and reading ur posts/fics but I. will not be making any myself. I do not think.
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