#Flirting Failure
katabay · 3 months
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desmond & friends modern day assassin sequences…..I miss you……..
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call-me-strega · 4 months
Dc x Dp Prompt # 12: Wanna Help Me Win a Bet?
So our scene opens with an older team Phantom (Everlasting trio, Jazz, Val, and Dani) at a bar/club of some sort in New York. They're all catching up on how their lives are going (college, work, internships, milestones, travels, wacky happenings, etc.). Somehow the topic shifts to romantic relationships and the gang begins ribbing Danny for his awkward teen romances. He was an absolute disaster at flirting even if his exes found it charming at the time. It's all good-natured and fun.
Then Danny's like "Hey well least I've improved now" which earns him an eyebrow raise or two. The gang goes "Oh yeah? Prove it. Bet you 100 bucks you can't get that person's number" *points to an attractive black-haired individual sitting at the bar*. And of course, since Danny isn't one to back down from a bet and has his pride to defend he goes off to flirt with a stranger.
On the flip side, we have a Batfam member (or other black-haired DC character) of your choosing (you already know my fav is Jason) sitting at the bar. Why are they there? Idk maybe it's for a case? Maybe they wanted to meet up with friends outside of Gotham? You decide. Anyways, the point is that their minding their own business when a fairly attractive twunk walks up and starts hitting on them awkwardly. And man, this guy is not smooth in the slightest but he's dorky and awkward and kinda cute. They talk to him a bit, teasing and doing some light flirting back. They aren't taking him too seriously, really they're more amused than anything else.
Finally, the guy kinda just gives up trying to be smooth and sighs. He looks at them with a serious look on his face and goes "Look I'll level with you, my friends over there bet me a 100 bucks I wouldn't be able to successfully flirt with you. I'm gonna lean over and whisper in your ear and if you could just agree laugh like I said something witty and give me your number then I'll split the cash with you."
Then he leans over and whispers "Whaddya say, wanna help me win a bet?"
And they let out a genuine laugh and go "You know what? Sure, why not. You're not half-bad and I won't say no to an easy 50" and they grab a napkin, pull a pen out of seemingly nowhere, and give Danny their number (and their Venmo/PayPal/cash app or whatever). They hang out a bit more that night before going their separate ways. A day or two later they get a notification that someone sent them $50 and a message "wanna get coffee/lunch/dinner sometime?"
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Yes, of course I have a thing for the rich lady that sets up elaborate games to hunt and eat people for sport. She’s British she’s posh she’s old she’s commanding and she’s morally revolting. How the hell am I supposed not to have a thing for her
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awildofnothing · 10 months
Shared nat 1 for stealth is 100% Imogen and Laudna flirting awkwardly, conspicuously, and loudly at the back of the pack and Ashton and Fearne fully walking backwards to observe
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the-mushroom-faerie · 2 months
i love how rodney keeps calling john "kirk" when hes very clearly tom paris
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shadowqueenjude · 6 months
I brushed the cake off my hands. "When I was at the River Styx, turning invulnerable . . . Nico said I had to concentrate on one thing that kept me anchored to the world, that made me want to stay mortal." Annabeth kept her eyes on the horizon. "Yeah?" "Then up on Olympus," I said, "when they wanted to make me a god and stuff, I kept thinking—" "Oh, you so wanted to." "Well, maybe a little. But I didn't, because I thought—I didn't want things to stay the same for eternity, because things could always get better. And I was thinking . . ." My throat felt really dry. "Anyone in particular?" Annabeth asked, her voice soft. I looked over and saw that she was trying not to smile. "You're laughing at me," I complained. "I am not!" "You are so not making this easy."
Man, Percy is so fucking hot and badass sometimes I forget what an epic failure he was at flirting. Low key giving Tamlin energy ngl.
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mo-ok · 2 months
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Tsurugi + Hayate
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geryuthespacesquid · 1 year
Imagine Revali being in no way as smooth a flirter as he is an insulter. He tries to flirt with Link and ends up running away because he stuttered 17 times in a seven syllable sentence and Link has to chase him down to make him not freak out anymore.
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
can we laugh together about leon’s “seems this isn't your first time running from creeps” line? i can’t blame ashley for being confused 😭
god the way i flinched, covered my mouth, and shook my head when he said that the first time
that is what we refer to in the industry as "a swing and a miss" LMAO
the way that nick delivers that line is so "hey gurl i'mma tell u in a lowkey way that i think ur hot" like he lowers the pitch of his voice by half an octave and you can almost see him give her the up-down
but then it completely fucking whiffs
and the fact that he doesn't respond when she says "i can't tell if that's meant to be a compliment" makes it so much more hilarious because he just has to stand there in his shame
and like
when you consider the point in the story that it happens, it's like
leon has this bright idea of "you know... she's scared and she doesn't fully trust me, what can i do to try to ease the tension... hmm... let me try and hit on her and see if that makes her feel better"
god he's so fucking stupid
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burned-lariat · 28 days
Okay since we're getting close to the end of "how to keep house while drowning," I should get started on my next project. Not sure which one though...
Check the tags for more info!
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elmasinthetree · 1 year
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Local Man Fucks Up Immensely: Definitely Going Into The Bartender’s Cringe Compilation.
(they haven’t left my brain)
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lokiina · 10 months
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lcstpaths · 5 months
reasons su.perb.at is my favorite dc ship: "i knew you didn't bring me back because you liked me" "i don't... not like you"
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royaletiquette · 8 months
What are Hibiya preferences when it comes to courting? How does he act whenever he sees someone he finds attractive?
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Courting is extremely public and a really difficult thing to be subtle about. Especially with the fact that he had a somewhat dramatic falling out with his ex-fiancee (at least by a teenager's standards). He's somewhat known for being too involved with his work, and a little awkward outside of anything not work related, so he isn't exactly set up for success among the nobility.
Him trying to relax and hang out and be a normal fucking person can come off as disingenuous by accident. When he likes someone, he tries to use that boyish charm he does actually have, believe it or not. A smooth gentleman, but it's easy to know that it's part of the act to swoon, so its success varies. On top of that, this requires him to have a level of confidence at the time, which he doesn't always. But it isn't all lost if he doesn't because if forced to confront his crush, it just turns into an awkward charm that can work surprisingly well.
Having the self-confidence of a rock, with the unrealistic standards he holds for himself, Hibiya's just too protective of his image and ego to actively go after people he's attracted to. He prefers to be as slow as fucking possible, for as long as possible. Talking publicly at events, trying not to go off on private walks too often to be noticed in case it doesn't work out because then he'd be sad and embarrassed and who knows maybe he'll just die if that happens.
Moving towards seeing another outside of events and actually visiting, maybe having an actual date, he'll have to trust that they won't be a loudmouth about it, again, just in case it doesn't work. But, if they've lasted that long and got to that point, he might honestly have bigger than just a crush and start trying to swoon them into bed. This is when he truly shoots himself in the foot because he's waited so long to make a move that he's excited and willing to, but may come off as sudden and impulsive to the other person.
Given, if it's not someone ya know "business related" and a person he met in the city or organically what have you, he's a liiiiittle faster on the draw. He's being himself when they meet, not a prince, so he tries to stay at that casual level. Hibiya's maybe a little more forward, but still slow to see how they are. A gentleman with his flirting, seeing it's a safe bet that most people like, maybe a little teasing if they play back. He's still slow, just bolder with it because this person and their opinion of him doesn't matter as much compared to those at his events.
But this! Is why Hibiya has almost only ever been in a relationship with muses because he was forced to!! But also why he's so horribly awkward with them. Because for him, there were at least 6 public dances, 3 long and drown out conversations, 2 secret dates that they skipped over before being excepted to just relax and be himself around them. The moral of the story is if he has to make the moves, it's more likely that nothing is going to happen because he's a scared bitch. But if the other person pushes him along while respecting his boundaries, then maybe he'll actually get to sleep with someone again.
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pennyserenade · 7 months
chris carter’s gotten to me. i’m starting to be especially fond of mulder and scully’s friendship, even outside of a romantic context. he’ll never get me completely though bc i do believe they should would and could have a lot freaky raw sex <3
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I might turn some of my sims into ocs lmao.
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