#First Year looks like a weird office flavor of me and tbh that was not intentional
purplesurveys · 4 years
What are you currently listening to? I currently have a playlist of Good Mythical Morning on, as I do these days. September has only been a shitstorm so far and Rhett, Link, and the rest of the GMM crew have been keeping me company and letting me end the days sane, haha.
Has your father met the boy you currently love? I don’t love any boys in the way that you’re asking. I do love my guy friends but my dad has met none of them.
Are you closer with your siblings or cousins? I’m close to one cousin but I’m also pretty close with my sister. I don’t think it’s fair to give a generalized answer since I’m not close with most of my cousins, and I’m certainly not close with my brother.
Wear make up & jewelry everyday? I do not. I did wear a little makeup today for my job interview, which was such a weird sensation since I never do it myself lol. I’d have asked my sister to do my makeup, but I had to leave the house at 7:30 and she wakes up at 10.
How many people have you really fell for? Only one. I intend to keep it that way.
Will you kiss anyone tonight? No, and probably not for a long time anymore.
How many things do you own from American Eagle? Zero. Not my store of choice and we don’t have a lot of American Eagle stores here anyway.
Think of the last person to text you, who, & do you talk to them daily? My dad. I’ve certainly talked to him daily the last few months since he’s had to stay in the country ever since lockdown started; but usually, if he’s working abroad which is most of the year, I talk to him probably once or twice a week.
Last thing to make you smile? I ran a sudden, super last-minute errand for my dad which required me to drive, and he was so thankful he offered to buy me a drink from Starbucks :)
Last thing you said out loud: I was probably making some baby talk/gibberish noises to Cooper.
Where is your best friend? They’re both at home, but I know Angela has had to stay somewhere else (but still near her place) because apparently the street she lives on is filled with people who have contracted Covid :(
Next event you’ll wear a dress to: If I get this job, I definitely have some sundresses I can use as work outfits.
Do you live with your Mom and Dad? I do, have been for the last 22 years. I’m in no rush to move out now that I’m very aware of today’s apartment/condo prices and how much entry-level employees earn haaaaaaah.
Is there anyone you would throw in front of a bus? I have people in mind, sure.
Why did you last cry? I don’t feel like getting into it yet because it’s a big life change/adjustment sort of thing and I’m still processing it. But I will be crying for a while, that I’m sure of.
Can you go a whole day without eating? Yes. I just need to be depressed and I can skip meals for as long as I can, tbh.
Last text message you received says: So the errand that my dad needed help with was that he needed some car tools that were delivered to our house this morning, but he missed the delivery and since he’s already at the car repair shop, he asked me to bring it to him. The last text he sent was the name of the repair shop that I had to go to.
Do you eat raisin bran? No. Given my strong dislike for raisins, I would not want to try it. I don’t even like cereal so raisin bran is pretty low on my list lol
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? 20-30 minutes, depending on how early I manage to get out of bed.
Is there someone in your past you thought you’d never get over, and then did? I don’t know, but I’m putting that to the test at the moment.
Would you ever take back someone after they cheated? Probably. I tend to be foolish and stupidly patient when it comes to love.
Will you be under the influence of alcohol today? No thanks. The only drinks we have are a few bottles of wine and plum-flavored soju, and I hate both of those.
Do you regret doing anything you’ve done this week? Yes.
Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum? Art museum. I have a very hard time appreciating zoos unless it’s made clear to me that the zoo performs ethical practices and that all animals are cared for properly. Plus I love all kinds of museums, so this was a rather easy choice to make.
How many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now? Zero.
Do you know how to drive? Yep. I finally drove outside of my city today! My first time since March. It was so weird but also felt so, so cool. I felt pretty independent and I missed that sensation.
Will next Friday be a good one? I’m not looking forward to the rest of the month, so I have low expectations for future days from here on out.
Describe your life in one word? Turbulent.
Do you think age matters in relationship? For me it does. I prefer people who are my age or at most, a year or two older.
If you could make your lips bigger, would you? No, I’m okay with mine.
What were you doing at 9:00 am? By 9 AM I was in the office of the company I’m applying for, waiting for my interviewer to meet me. The company is so nice, they gave me a drink and a snack while I waited :3
Do you currently have a hickey? No.
Do you ever think about the past? Always, both for the good and bad. I don’t forget easily.
Last night you felt? Nervous, exhausted, and also bloated because my dad made these amazing burritos that I got SO full from.
What are you wearing right now? I haven’t changed out of my interview attire, honestly. I only removed my blazer, but I’m in a black tank top and slacks still.
Do you want to see somebody right now? Angela. I wanna bake cookies with her and watch Friends and catch up and spend hours on her bed doing nothing. I miss her so much.
What were you doing 1am this morning? I was fast asleep. Those burritos really knocked me out hah.
Do you have any tattoos? Nopes.
Have you ever kissed underneath the stars? I’ve probably had.
Could you picture yourself getting married and having kids? For sure, but I don’t mind if it doesn’t happen to me. I’ll be happy either way.
What do you tend to drink a lot of? Love me some cold water.
Did the last person you kiss have a tattoo? No.
Do you miss anyone? A lot of friends.
Do you get distracted easily? I do, unless it’s super necessary for me to be focused on a responsibility.
Were you intoxicated the last time you threw up? I think so.
Have your past mistakes made you wiser? I like to think that way, yes.
Have you ever felt replaced? Sigh, yes.
Are you a jealous person? I can be, but I’ve been able to work on it in the last few years and I’m a lot less aggressive now when it comes to jealousy.
Should you be doing something more important? Nope. This day was well-spent.
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mxstshamelesswoman · 4 years
49 questions I’ve never been asked tagmeme
Thanks @oediebees​ for tagging me to answer some random questions :D tbh feel like I don’t know that many peoples on here so I’ll tag @enemy0gene​ @halcyonnhood​ @kitsnicketts​ and also any of my followers who want to do this, answer some questions. Let’s get this thing going :D:D
1. What is the color of your hairbrush?
I have really long thick hair, so I have about 4 different brushes and combs. I have a shower comb that’s light blue, a purple hairbrush, a yellow and pink hairbrush, and I think I might have a green one too somewhere. 
2. A food you never eat?
I cannot stand mayonnaise, ketchup or other condiments. 
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold?
I feel like it alternates, but usually I’m too cold. 
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
Driving my mom’s car
5. What is your favorite candy bar?
I really love York bars, with mint in them. 
6. Have you ever been to a professional sporting event?
I’ve been to a Rockies game. I really want to see a professional MMA match, but we’ll see. 
7. What was the last thing you said out loud?
Told my brother where to find his shoes. 
8. What is your favorite ice cream?
Mint chocolate chip or butter pecan
9. What was the last thing you had to drink?
Milk, probably. I’m a cold glass of milk in the morning. 
10. Do you like your wallet?
Yeah, I guess. It’s a rip off of Yves Saint Laurent that I got from some street cart in Turkey.
11. What was the last thing you ate?
I had a waffle with some strawberries for breakfast. 
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
Nope. I haven’t gotten new clothes since last winter, I haven’t really needed any. I think I might buy some cute bras soon, I moved up a cup size :/
13. The last sporting event you watched?
I have no idea...I watched like 5 minutes of some tennis match rerun on TV the other day, does that count. 
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
I love caramel kettle corn. 
15. Who was the last person you sent a text message to?
My dad
16. Ever go camping?
Yes! I love camping, I actually went backpacking last with some classmates as part of our school’s orientation program. We went to Shenandoah Valley in Virginia and it was really awesome. Before I’ve been with my family and on some group trips. I really want to go on a big camping trip with just friends and no family. 
17. Do you take vitamins?
I take one of those gummy multivitamins everyday, don’t really know if it does anything but my dad’s kind of a nut about that stuff so I just do it. I also take those vitamin c packets you put in water, more as like yummy juice than anything else. 
18. Do you go to church every Sunday?
I’m Muslim, so that’s a big nope. I also don’t go to Masjid on Fridays (I did while I was at school, but not since coronavirus and never before going to college) I’ve been to church a couple of times for friend’s holy communions and family friend’s baptisms. 
19. Do you have a tan?
Kinda. My skin is pretty tan, but I’d love to just sunbathe and get a good tan going. 
20. Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza?
Probably Chinese food, but good Chinese food, not like Panda Express or something. 
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw?
Don’t drink soda so I guess that answer is no. 
22. What color socks do you usually wear?
Usually grey or black, depending on what I’m wearing. I wear neon socks when I go running, because they’re fun. 
23. Ever drive above the speed limit?
Omg, yes. It’s really bad, but there’s a lot of roads in my town that have like a “unofficial speed limit” that’s usually 5-10 mph higher than the actual limit. 
24. What terrifies you?
Everything. Real question is what doesn’t. I’m so scared for the future, especially the immediate future with coronavirus, and the state of our world and the election. 
25. Look to your left what do you see?
The couch back up to the wall in the office. My dad’s weird giant globe. My dog’s leash, abandoned on the couch where my brother left it after walking the dog. A pretty painting of some white flowers. 
26. What chore do you hate?
I hate filling the dishwasher with dirty dishes. I just don’t like touching dirty dishes in general. 
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?
The Hemsworth brothers, tbh. Or my friend Sydney, who got her name because she was born on the first day of the Sydney olympics. 
28. What is your favorite soda?
I haven’t really had soda in a few years, but I really like Izzy’s which I guess might be soda. I like La Croix too. 
29. Do you go into a fast food place or just hit the drive through?
Always drive through. I hate going them, always smell like grease and bleach. 
30. Who was the last person you talked to?
My brothers,
31. Favorite cut of beef?
I love a good steak, so probably some cut of steak. 
32. Last song you listened to?
Right this minute, I’m listening to Lego House by Ed Sheeran. Before this, it was Bright by Echosmith. 
33. Last book you read?
Right now, I’m reading How to do Nothing by Jenny Odell, but the last book I finished before this was We Wish to Inform You that Tomorrow We Will be Killed with our Families by Phillip Gourevitch, which details the Rwandan genocide and its progression. It’s really graphic and depressing, but a good read. 
34. Favorite day of the week? 
I really love Tuesdays and Fridays.  I feel like they both have really good vibes. Nowadays though, all days feel the same. 
35. Can you say the alphabet backwards?
Probably yeah. I tried just now and my dog started staring at me like I had three heads. 
36. How do you like your coffee?
Little cream, a lot of sugar. 
37. Favorite pair of shoes?
I have ratty pair of black vans I like. And a pair of faux leather half cut cowboy boots. 
38. At what time do you usually go to bed?
I get in bed by around 10 but I don’t fall asleep until like midnight. 
39. At what time do you normally get up?
6:30 or 7, I like to go for runs in the morning before work. 
40. What do you prefer - sunrises or sunsets?
Sunsets, they’re so calming. 
41. How many blankets are on your bed?
I have 4 blankets on my bed right now, along with a plain old sheet. By the time I wake up, usually all but one have been karate kicked off the bed by yours truly. 
42. Describe your kitchen plates?
Um, at school I have just one blue plastic one, cause that’s all I need. At home, we have these white square ones with green flowers on them. 
43. Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage?
I don’t drink alcohol, but my friends make these mocktails out of grapefruit juice and Sprite that I like. I also like mojito gummy bears, so maybe I'd like mojitos. 
44. Do you play cards?
Yeah, I like poker, usually play 5 card draw. I also like Speed, Spoons, and BS, which I feel are more childish games but very fun. 
45. Can you change a tire?
Do I know how to? Yes. Would I be able to physically use the jack and lift a tire if I needed to? Guess we’ll see if I ever end up with a flat. 
46. What is your favorite province?
In Canada? British Columbia, I really love Victoria Island. 
47. Favorite job you ever had?
Right now, I’m an intern at a nonprofit and it’s a really great job. 
48. How did you get your biggest scar?
I have a lot of stretch marks, which I guess are scars? I was really small as a kid, because I was born premature, with a lot of growth issues. When those all got fixed, I shot up and out, and so I ended up with a crap ton of stretch marks, especially on my back, legs, ass and boobs. 
49. What did you do today that made someone happy?
I haven’t done much of anything today, but I went to see this car and that made my dad happy, even though I didn’t want to. So I guess that. 
If anyone read this to the end, thanks for playing along. If you decide to do it, tag me, I wanna see other people’s responses!
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polygarnstars · 4 years
part 1: 4, 12, 15, 18, and 19
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If you think I’m going to have common sense and not answer all of these in a single post, I have Bad News lmao
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you? Smart, mostly. “Gifted”. This very much Did Not Last lmaoooo
12. name of your favorite playlist? I literally never make playlists I’m a stupid fuck who uses their spotify premium to skip freely through all my thousands of liked songs on shuffle until I find something I want to listen to lmaooooo (Having said that: Rey and I put together a playlist for some characters we were entering a contest to win last fall which I titled Story and Song after the TAZ arc and also because we wrote Way Too Much for it and I’m Very Proud Of That)
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment? Okay upon reading this I initially genuinely couldn’t remember any of the books I read in school because for the last several years of my schooling I just fuckin Sparknotes and TV Tropes-ed everything lmao... having said that, I do remember enjoying Maus! It was neat having a graphic novel assigned amongst all the “literary classics” that I couldn’t sit through a sitting of without falling asleep, and it may be the furry in me but the depiction of the characters/people as animals was Good :0c See, if all history was depicted with methods like this, I’d maybe actually be able to remember it ghfdjhgjfkdl
18. ideal weather? Depends on the day, but generally: Between like 65-80°F, not humid, not a lot of wind, and either sunny, partly cloudy, or drizzly but not outright storming. Basically decent temperatures without feeling like I’m walking through soup because of the humidity and weather that’s not completely gray and boring. Aka what Maine basically never is lmaoooo
19. sleeping position? I change positions every five minutes I swear to god (don’t take that out of context gfhdjbhvjd). Usually with at least one arm draped over a pillow that is Definitely Not Being Mentally Portrayed As A Character I Like To Supplement The Fact That I Did Not Get Enough Affection To Be A Functional Adult As A Child ghfdjknbhgfjdk
21. obsession from childhood? bold of you to assume i don’t still obsess over nintendo games (and just video games in general tbh)
28. five songs to describe you? Speeding - LightsDaydreaming - ParamoreMusic - Mystery SkullsNo Lullaby - SIAMÉSLonely Dance - Set If Off+Bonus because it came up on Spotify while I was shuffling for songs for this and it’s a Mood: Pineapples Do Not Belong on a Pizza - Vargskelethor
29. best way to bond with you? I don’t know I usually just scream about ocs or video games with people and suddenly it’s been a year??? @riskreyes how has it been a year since we started talking but also how has it only been a year??? Wild bvhfdjkbhvgfjdk
30. places that you find sacred? Lmao I’ve never had anywhere like that really. Need a goddamn lock on my door :p I guess... the woods by my house? As a little kid before things got shitty my neighbor’s cousin or niece or something would go out there wandering around catching frogs and stuff in the spring or almost falling into the frozen streams during winter. When things started to go to shit in my life as a teenager I would hide out there to get away and nobody would find me. I haven’t been recently but the last time I did my friend and I walked along the train tracks and dove off into the woods by the side to avoid the amtrak coming by, it was great lmao. Uhh, other than that... I dunno, Boston and New York and New London all make me feel good to visit. Probably mostly because during those trips I don’t feel trapped in a dying land like Maine feels like bgvhfdjkhvgfjd
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names? ......my entire wardrobe is my work outfit, excessive graphic tees, and jeans. So uhh... I dunno. I guess my NWTB shirts are pretty rad, I’d kick a dude’s ass wearing Nate’s merch
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head? if i have to see another ad for some fuckin branch of the us military while i’m just out here trying to watch people play video games i swear to god-
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school? Oh boy I don’t know how weird these are but do you want a list??? I can give you a list hang on- In 4th grade we had a day of class where we all just had a party and ate chips and salsa and stuff because the pats won the super bowl and our teacher was Obsessed- In middle school my math class started working out of college textbooks, which is a bit much when you’re 11, advanced classes or no. Yet somehow none of the other students had any problems with this- Also in middle school, the school counselor really wasn’t very Good at his job so I usually just ended up playing Rock Band in his office instead of talking out any of my Many, Many Problems. I played the drums, for the record- Also in middle school, one time I straight up fell down a flight of stairs? Like, a full flight of stairs. Fuckin somersaulting down the stairs. The binder I was carrying broke open, papers went everywhere, my arm got cut open somewhere along the way and started bleeding. I get to the bottom, the other students are staring at me in horror, aforementioned counselor fuckin steps out of his office which is, of course, right at the bottom of the stairs, all concerned because what the fuck a kid just fell down the stairs, right? And so I, laying on the floor disoriented and laughing, declare, and I quote: “That was fun, let’s do it again!”- THE MOTHERFUCKING MAC AND CHEESE MUFFINS IN HIGH SCHOOL. Macaroni and cheese baked into the sweet batter of a muffin. I refused to touch the stuff but a friend of my did and it was bad enough he had to go to the trash can and fucking empty his stomach in it.- SAID FRIEND ALSO MANAGED TO GET A CARTON OF MILK THAT EXPIRED A MONTH BEFORE SCHOOL STARTED AT THE START OF ONE OF OUR YEARS IN HIGH SCHOOL and if I didn’t trust cafeteria food before that sealed the deal on me Never Trusting It Again- OH BUT SPEAKING OF CAFETERIA FOOD one time in the old school before the renovation, in like freshman year I think? I laughed so hard a piece of spicy chicken strip flew up my windpipe and got stuck in my nose and it was too big for me to snort out so I had to suck it back down and for the rest of the day all I could smell was burning- ON ANOTHER FOOD RELATED TOPIC down in the library I was on my iPad and 3DS because I had Long Since Given Up On School and some asshole dudes threw a rotting orange at me and it splattered all over the screens of both? So I picked up the remains and chucked it back at them and yelled “Do you wanna fucking NOT?” and they all ran off. The librarian heard me yell and saw me throw the orange back at them and she just didn’t give a fuck lmao- The librarians at my school were cool as shit really during one of our years we had to do x hours of volunteer work so I did some adjustments to the library catalogue for mine but the thing is I was fast enough at it that there really wasn’t enough to fill up my required hours so instead of giving me more to do they just sort of let me and my friends hang out playing Yu-Gi-Oh and called that good lmao. (For the record I only had one starter deck so I let my friend pick half of the cards and I would use the half she didn’t want. I managed to fuckin WRECK her with throwaways it was Iconicque)- OKAY ONE LAST LIBRARY STORY on the last day of finals I was hanging out in one of the smart tv rooms in the library right? My last finals weren’t for a few hours and lord knows I wasn’t gonna study, ADHD ass couldn’t do that and I’d already given up on school lmao. So I fucking... I brought my Wii U to school, hooked it up to the smart tv, and just started playing Splatoon there in the library. One of the librarians walked past to check on everyone, stopped at my room, watched me play for a minute (I noticed her and just sort of nodded and waved like ‘Sup’ so she Knew what was going on), and then just LEFT. Like, she didn’t give a fuck. Shoutout to the librarians, the Chillest- ALRIGHT LAST STORY LAST STORY I straight up never got all the credits I needed to graduate lmao. I was missing half a credit but they let me go anyway and to this day I cite the reason as being my high scores on the SAT/PSAT? I was the first student at the school in like, a decade, to have gotten an award from the National Merit Scholarship Corporation for my performance on them, and I guess they must have thought that me failing to graduate on time would look bad on them because, uh, yeah, it would, if people found out their teachers couldn’t handle a ~smart kid~ to the point that they did poorly enough to not even graduate with the rest of their class nobody would be willing to send their kids there lmao. And that’s the story of how I graduated when I wasn’t technically supposed to!!!
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have? That’s a good fuckin question hey shit memory what was that thing that made us laugh so hard we couldn’t breathe again?...Don’t remember? Yeah I thought so lmaoI dunno, probably a joke in some let’s play? Or... god. Now that I think about it was probably the Slicer of T’pire Weir Isles moment actually. Holy shit, that was good.
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried? That I’ve ever tried? Jesus, I dunno, I have issues with texture more than flavor. I Refuse to eat my mother’s stuffing because it’s literally just soggy ass bread. In terms of pure flavor alone? Her shepherds pie. It’s just... there is no flavor. It’s like eating cardboard. I’m begging you, De, use seasoning. If I ever have to eat shepherds pie that just tastes like tin from canned peas and vague hints of unseasoned beef again I’m going to go on a murderous rampage.That said? F in the chat to Cameron for that mac and cheese muffin. Rest in pieces
93. nicknames? Gar, Garn, Lane, Bill, Master, Pants, Shortpants. The first three are self-explanatory, first two are shortenings of my name and then my masc/surname. The latter four come from usernames of mine - Bill from Bill Ciforce (If you stack a Bill Cipher on top of two other Bill Ciphers, you get the Ciforce), Master, Pants, and Shortpants from MasterShortpants in reference to one of Link’s nicknames in Skyward Sword
95. favorite app on your phone? Does the internet app count? No? Lmao. Spotify I guess :p Need me some Tunes
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ratmonologue · 4 years
odd numbers
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?Uhh I guess water bottles, but the refillable kind, because I like being environmentally friendly when I can~
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?neither tbh. cotton candy if I absolutely had to pick but ehhhh
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?I like the fancy old timey glass soda bottles a lot. I pretty much only ever drink tamarind jarritos these days though, and I buy it by the big bottle bc it’s cheaper, so… I guess glass cups more frequently. though not even cups because all of my drinking glasses are old pasta sauce jars…
7. earbuds or headphones?earbuds
9. favorite smell in the summer?barbecue with a side of fruity and refreshing beverages. alternately, that faint, specific ice-cold-river-in-dry-pine-forest-mountain-air scent that I associate with summers at camp and the tahoe area in general. I miss that
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?lately, croissants
13. lanyard or key ring?key ring
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?HAMLET but also most shakespeare plays
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
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they’re v comfy
19. sleeping position?on my side. it varies which side
21. obsession from childhood?S P A C E. specifically black holes I was OBSESSED(it never really faded)
23. strange habits?sometimes I spit in toilets while they’re flushing, I guess that’s pretty strange. no idea why or how that started
25. first song you remember hearing?probably something by Enya
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?stay inside and play Skyrimor just horse around in the snow, if there is snow, but I haven’t lived anywhere with snow for years
29. best way to bond with you?have in-depth discussions about character arcs in semi-obscure sci-fi media
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?the above boots, favorite jeans, uh... really any random black tanktop and button-down shirt? that’s just my day to day outfit really
33. most used phrase in your phone?I have no idea how I would even look that up
35. average time you fall asleep?hahahHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA that’s a good one….
37. suitcase or duffel bag?I’m actually a fan of my big backpacking backpack
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?not a massive fan of either but I guess lemon cake
41. last person you texted?I’m simultaneously texting you, Belle, and also the pretty dude I’m dating
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?honestly all of those except cardigan. hoodies for being lazy around the house/office and/or layering; the others for going outdoors
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?I like combinations of sci-fi and fantasy. I’m sick to death of superheros
47. favorite type of cheese?oohhhh that’s a hard one because I like a lot of cheese, but it’s hard to beat the versatility of good ol’ pepper jack
49. what saying or quote do you live by?I don’t really have one tbh
51. current stresses?work and being sick
53. what is the current state of your hands?in front of me on my laptop keyboard as I type this….?
55. favorite fairy tale?shit you know what…….I forget most of them
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?freshman year of college, the summer after freshman year of college, and I guess depression but who knows if that’s ever truly overcome
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?“yeah that’s fair.” dunno what kind of video game would have context for that but I’ve been saying it too much recently
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?but there are sO MANY GOOD LINES IN SO MANY GOOD BOOKS AND SHOWS AND MOVIES AND STUFF
63. five songs that would play in your club?I don’t listen to any music that would really work in a club setting so I’m just gonna say the mos eisley cantina music from star wars, unironically
65. any permanent scars?probably a few small ones
67. good luck charms?my brain, when it functions
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?duck penises
71. least favorite pattern?patterns of continuing abuse I guess? those are pretty shittyif you mean like, fabric, uh idk I’m not a fan of houndstooth
73. favorite weird flavor combo?I don’t think any of the combos I like are that weird, though…. chocolate and bacon, maybe?? but that’s still A Thing. Tamarind whiskey sours?? idk
75. when did you lose your first tooth?I think I was six and it was wiggly and flopping forward and I tried to push it back behind the non-wiggly teeth and there was a *crack* and a shitton of blood and then it wasn’t in my mouth at all anymore. I was a lil freaked out
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?I like succulents and bamboo but I haven’t managed to keep any plants alive long-term
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?driver’s license. and both the DL and the old school IDs look better than my passport photos
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?Aren’t they the same thing….? Maybe….? (don’t hurt me I’ve never lived in a place that had either)
83. writing or drawing?Both, not that I’ve been doing much of either lately
85. fairy tales or mythology?I guess mythology but they can be related
87. your greatest fear?Dying in obscurity? Being forgotten? Plane crashes? Jellyfish?
89. who would you put before everyone else?Urdnot Wrex from Mass Effect
91. boxes or bags?They both serve important yet different functions and can’t really be swapped out for the other-
93. nicknames?nah
95. favorite app on your phone?discord and groupme so I can talk to all my friendos
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?mine, my mom’s, possibly my dad’s, and our ancient landline that’s been out of commission for over a decade but is still attached to our safeway club card so
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mischiefs-hawk · 5 years
Hi! Same anon about the one in ORLANDO. It will be my first time and my family will visiting other parts of the park. I hear a lot saying about getting the FROZEN Butter beer, is it that good? Just give me a run do list on what are the most important parts to visit, but I'm most looking forward to HP world. BTW, are you able to get your own wand and be sorted?
Hi Anon! 
Admittedly I haven’t physically been to HP world for a few years but via Theme Park Youtubers I keep myself on top of the goings on there. (Because I’m weird lol). To answer your Q’s first, I don’t remember drinking frozen butterbeer BUT I remembered/know without a shadow of a doubt that Butterbeer is delicious so frozen butterbeer is probably amazing. If you aren’t a big fan of sweet things you probably won’t like the froth on top (that’s my fav tbh) but it’s good. Yes you can get your own wand. IDK if you’re going to Universal Studios or Islands of Adventure or both. Both Harry Potter areas have a wandshop (and they’re Ollivanders!) They do little show type things where the Wandshop employees will pick a customer to get his/her wand. Usually they pick a kid but sometimes they’ll pick an adult/teen. With wands, you can get one of the characters (Harry, Ron, Luna, Sirius, etc) or you can get one of the original wands. They’re roughly the same price if memory serves. I haven’t been back since Fantastic Beasts came out so I couldn’t say for sure if they sell Newt, Theseus, etc wand. There are two kinds of wands, too. There are the interactive wands and non-interactive wands. The interactive wands will respond to different places around Diagon Alley and possibly Hogsmeade, too. Unfortunately, no there is no sorting that goes on. (That would be a logistical nightmare lol). 
Okay so IMO you should start in the Studios Park, and go to Diagon Alley. If you are claustrophobic be aware that Diagon Alley is very narrow, just like the movies. The restaurant there, the Leaky Cauldron is pretty good and has the same/similar menu as the Three Broom Sticks over at Islands of Adventure in Hogsmeade. It’s pretty dang good, it is solid quick service meal and you can get butterbeer there. There is also a Ice cream shop that has Butterbeer flavored ice cream- it was sooooo good! 
There are a ton of little shops in Diagon Ally, including Ollivanders, the Weasley Wizard Wheezes, and a Robe shop, and a sweet shop. And a Quidditch supply shop. They have cool stuff, sweaters, jewelry (time-turner) notebooks for each house (Remember in COG, Albus was carrying different colored notebooks? They sell those). They do sell actual robes but they’re SUPER expensive. Also, chocolate frogs in the sweet shop do have cards which is cool (more likely than not you’ll get one of the founders). Note the chocolate frog is legit like a block of milk chocolate. It’s good but it isn’t hollow, lol. 
SO what to do there- there’s the escape from Gringotts ride, which as a coward when it comes to rides, is a lot of fun. It goes through Gringotts and is an absolute must. It happens sometime around the Deathly Hallows Part 1. For whatever dumb reason, you can’t carry like bags onto the ride with you. They do provide free lockers for an hour use so you store your stuff in there and after the ride you can pick it up again. 
It is a 3d ride- you wear glasses- and is on a track. It’s v cool. 
On the outside of the building of Gringotts is the dragon, and you’ll notice quickly that it breathes fire. It happens every 15 minutes and its signals this by roaring first. Do know that if it is windy, the dragon won’t breath fire. 
If you’re on the side of the Leaky Cauldron there is a hidden path that is kind of dark but it leads to Borgin and Burkes. It’s pretty nifty and sells death eater stuff. Also there are shrunken heads around there that sing “Show me the way to go home.” This is a reference to the JAWS ride which was there before Harry Potter took it over. 
Gringotts is the only ride in Diagon alley. If you exit Diagon alley and go towards the San Fran area you’ll pass the entrance of King’s Cross-from there you can catch a ride on the Hogwarts Express to Hogsmeade. I reccomend going from the Studios to Islands so you can have this experience of riding into Hogwarts. It is unforgettable and cool as heck. 
On a side note if you exit Diagon Alley and walk in the opposite direction towards MIB, keep an eye on the windows of the brick buildings. You may spot Kreacher, the Black’s House elf. 
Okay- now in Hogsmeade is a ton of cool stuff too. There are a lot of similar shops, Ollivanders, Honeydukes, it sells a lot of the same stuff but still deserves a look through. There is also an Owl post near the Train exit. You can actually send postcards from there (which I did it was cool as heck). In there and in Hogwarts Castle (the shop in there) are stuffed magical creatures like dragons, owls, etc. If you’re going June 13th or after it, there will be a new ride called Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike adventure. Which does look fun. 
There is another ride there called Flight of the Hippogriff, it’s kind of a kid’s coaster? It’s cute. Definitely deserves a ride. 
The ride in Hogwarts, the Forbidden Journey is dope as hell. There is the same rules as with Gringotts, you can’t carry your stuff onto the ride (and for that one trust me its true) and there are lockers. You get on line and then do the lockers with this one unless they’ve changed it. 
The ride experience is actually cool? You get to go through Hogwarts, including Dumbledore’s office which is cool. I’m not going to tell you exactly what the entrance of the ride is just know its cool as hell and scared the fuck out of me when I first went on it. 
(I went when it first opened, and the line took five hours I shit you not). 
The Three broom sticks there is super yummy, my family always wants to eat there. Same deal with butterbeer. 
Also, according to my ‘rents the Voodoo donut shop in city walk is delicious!
If you want other tips around the parks, including Disney World feel free to send me another ask! I absolutely love theme parks. 
Also, I’m gonna add some links to my favorite youtuber whose tips you might like, too. (Some of these are about Volcano Bay, the waterpark there. )
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A little more about ME
1. If you could buy any type of food what would you buy?
-right at the moment I would have to say cheese fries and wings from the hood store where I used to live.
2. What color is your tooth brush?
3. If you could be any animal what would it be and why?
-a kangaroo, they have strong ass legs and I have a few people I would like to kick the shit out of
4. What is one of the things you would put on your “bucket” list?
-travel to Greece
5. Who is your favorite super hero and why?
-I'm more of a villian fan tbh. My favorite is Heath Ledger as the Joker
6. Who do you admire the most?
-my mom
7. What is your favorite summer activity?
8. If a movie was made of your life what genre would it be, who would play you?
-I feel like they would ruin my life story and try to make it a lifetime movie or some shit. And some skinny bitch would be horrible at capturing my essence and thickness lol
9. If you could be any flavor of ice cream what ice cream flavor would you be and why?
-brownie batter, because I'm chocolate and chunky
10. Who is your favorite cartoon character and why?
-Tina Belcher, she's awkward and misunderstood. She just wants to be loved for who she is
11. If you could go any where in the world where would you go and why?
-Greece, because it is breathtakingly beautiful
12. What is your dream job?
-author of a best selling book series
13. Are you a morning or a night person?
-nightowl #vamplife
14. What is your favorite hobby?
-crafting or watching horror movies
15. What is one thing that annoys you the most?
-people who judge other people because they don't agree with their life choices
16. What is the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?
-olives and nutella when I was pregnant with my youngest daughter
17. What is your favorite thing about someone in your family?
-they are unapologetically themselves no matter what
18. What is one of your weird quirks?
-I'm awkward?
19. Describe your self in 3 words.
20. If you could trade lives with anyone for a day who would it be and why?
-my youngest daughter, because she is still so young and oblivious to how fucked up the world is. And I'm tired of being an adult
21. If you could talk in your sleep what would you say?
-I do talk in my sleep and I say random shit. I wake myself up sometimes
22. What is the first thing you do when you get up in the morning?
-kiss my baby girl
23. What is your favorite movie quote?
-You is kind. You is smart. You is important.
24. What is your favorite joke?
-how do you make a tissue dance? You put a little boogie in it.
25. What would you do on Mars for fun?
-Fuck martians, get money
26. If you could get yourself anything, what would you get?
-the will to live 😂😂😂 nah but seriously, a billion dollars
27. Where is the worst place you could get stuck?
-anywhere with my ex
28. What would you do with your “15 minutes” of fame?
-be too afraid to say anything
29. Where would you go if you where invisible?
-a bank vault
30. What is your favorite flavor of “Berty Bots every flavored beans”.
31. What is the one thing you own you wish you didn’t?
-a cell phone
32. Describe the perfect kiss in 3 words.
-Passionate. Long. French.
33. What is your biggest addiction?
-it was weed. Now, I guess it's my phone
34. Do you have a song that reminds you of a relationship if so what song?
-3005 by Childish Gambino
35. How many books have you read so far this year?
-zero and that makes me really sad
36. When I dance, I look like…?
-like a hot mess
37. Who have you met that you wish you hadn’t?
-any dude I've ever fucked
38. If you were famous what would you be famous for?
39. What is the worst job you could have?
-call center. I hated all the call center jobs I've had
40. What is your favorite T.V. channel?
-I don't really have a favorite channel
41. What is the thing your most afraid of?
-losing my mom or my kids
42. If you could paint anything what would you paint?
-a galaxy far away
43. What celebrity annoys you the most?
-any of the Kardashian's
44. What is the most interesting thing you have in your purse/wallet?
-my keychains
45. What is the meanest thing you’ve ever said to someone?
-I don't care what happens to you anymore, you're someone else's problem now.
46. If you could get a yacht what would you call it?
-Rocket Juiceboxx
47. What is your life long dream?
-for me and my family to never ever have to struggle financially again
48. If you could talk to the President what would you talk about?
-I'd only want to talk to Obama, Trump can kiss my natural black ass
49. Have you ever tried to do something you know you would be really bad at, what was it?
-riding a bike. Which I cannot do btw
50. On a scale of 1 to 10 how “cool” are you?
-10, duh
51. What is the best advantage to being really tall?
-I wouldn't know
52. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
-it depends on what I'm getting ready for
53. What is the one thing you have always wanted to do?
-runaway and start over where no one knows me
54. What TV sitcom family would you be a member of?
-Black-ish but only because I would be the one who would need to put Dre in his place.
55. What store do you shop at the most?
-Kroger lol
56. What new technology will transform the future?
-none of it, technology will be the future's downfall
57. What supply in your house is running low?
58. If you could be any nationality what would it be?
-uhhhhh..... Egyptian???
59. What is the most delightful word you can think of?
-fuck 🤷
60. What is your least favorite beverage?
-beer 😷😷
61. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
-if they have a nice beard
62. If you were stranded on a tropical island what 2 things would you want with you?
-fresh water and a fucking boat!
63. What is the first thing you notice about someone when you first meet?
-their vibe
64. If you where running for office what would your campaign slogan be?
-I know some of these words!
65. What was your favorite book growing up?
-The Napping House
66. What city in America should not be included on a map, why?
-Roanoke, Va. Because it's a piece of shit
67. What compliment does people give you the most?
-I have a beautiful smile
68. What word would you add to the dictionary if you could, what would it mean?
-shizzle dizzle fizzengarr it's a cool way to say "shit"
69. What product would you refuse to promote?
70. What is your favorite pet’s name?
-Zero, RIP Old man 😭
71. Use one word to describe your computer ability?
72. If your plane was about to crash, who would you want sitting next to you?
-nobody, I wouldn't want someone I know to die with me
73. Which of the presidents was your favorite?
74. How long of a consecutive time have you spent in a car?
-5 hours
75. What is your favorite Halloween costume?
-when me and my oldest went as zombie nerds. It was our own "revenge of the nerds"
76. How can you tell if some one is a nerd?
-wtf kind of question is that?
77. If you could teach any grade or subject what would it be?
-kindergarten art
78. What fashion trend do you just not get?
-cowboy boots and dresses/skirts/shorts. Or fucking Crocks
79. If you where a wicked tyrant what country would you rule?
80. What is the lowest grade you have ever been given what class was it for?
-like a 35 and it was probably chemistry or algebra
81. If you could choose your nickname what would it be?
82. What is your best feature?
-my smile (when it's real)
83. If you could swim in any liquid what would it be and why?
-and not get hurt or die? Lava maybe? I think that'd be cool
84. What is the song you hear most often?
-Baby shark, Carl Poppa, Ew by Jimmy Fallon and Will.i.am, and Perm by Bruno Mars
85. What have you done that you are most proud of?
-divorced my ex. I got out of an emotionally abusive relationship and I'm raising my two daughters by myself
86. How many keys do you have on your key ring?
87. What is your favorite song?
-Peace sign/Index Down by Gym Class Heroes and Busta Rhymes
88. How old where you when you had the worst hair cut ever what style was it?
-I don't get hair cuts
89. What advice did you get that was the most rewarding?
-know your worth
90. If you could change one thing about your looks what would it be?
-grow 3 more inches
91. What is your least favorite type of music?
92. If you where a super hero what would your powers be?
-shape shifting, mind reading, compulsion, and super strength
93. What fortune would you want to get from a fortune cookie?
-Your soul mate will find you within the month
94. What is one food you wouldn’t want to give up?
95. If you won a million dollars what would you buy?
-a big house
96. If you had access to a time machine where and when would you go?
-whenever and wherever Woodstock was
97. If you could add a person to Mount Rushmore who would it be, why?
-Barack Obama
98. If you could win any award what would it be, why?
-I'm not sure to be honest
99. If you could teleport where would you go, why?
-to the bathroom because I need to pee right now but I don't want to move
100. What was your favorite cartoon growing up?
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evenstevensranked · 6 years
#1: Season 3, Episode 5 - “Band on the Roof”
I cannot believe I’m publishing the #1 ranking. Next month will mark two whole years since I created this blog and now, after countless hours spent on 64 reviews, we’re finally here! Never thought I’d see the day. I never anticipated that I’d be this emotional about it either. I’ll save the mushiness and some final thoughts for the end of the post. 
When The Twitty-Stevens Connection gets back together, Tom shoots a documentary -- excuse me, “rockumentary” -- detailing the highs and lows of the band’s reunion! What we get is a rollercoaster of an episode featuring (almost) all of our favorite characters, the most legendary quote in the entire series, a mockumentary approach to filming that was ahead of its time, a heartwarming plot for our two main siblings, and one hell of a catchy song to boot. 
For the last time... 
Let’s get into it!
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I know I throw the word "Iconic" around loosely sometimes but this is genuinely an iconic episode for the series. I feel like everyone remembers this episode. Even if you didn't watch the show too often, you still remember this episode. This one kinda makes me wish that Even Stevens was one of the first popular American comedy sitcoms to pioneer the mockumentary style gimmick for the entire series. (i.e. The Office, Modern Family, Parks & Rec) Because it works here. Really well. I’ve mentioned a few times before that The Office is my other all-time favorite comedy show, so I absolutely ADORE those strong vibes here. 
According to Wikipedia and their list of “Mockumentaries” (which includes this episode!) -- as far as the genre in television goes, it seemed to become a big thing in the UK first and then spread to places like Australia and Canada. The United States mockumentary television format boom started in the early-mid 2000s, specifically at or around 2003 with Arrested Development and then in 2005 with the humble beginnings of The Office. "Band on the Roof” premiered in 2002. Hmmm. Very interesting! Not sayin’ Even Stevens was ahead of its time once again but that’s exactly what I’m saying. It’s almost like this show trial-runs ideas before they take off. First with “Influenza” and then this. Even though this episode was definitely more of a spoof of VH1′s “Behind The Music,” it still totally falls into that mockumentary TV category. 
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It opens with the introduction to the documentary, narrated by Tom in a super unnaturally deep voice with a little reverb slapped on there for dramatic effect: “First, there was The Alan Twitty Project... Then, there was The Louis Stevens Experience... The coming together of these two musical forces begat the supergroup The Twitty-Stevens Connection! ...But the band broke up temporarily when bassist Artie Ryan’s mom made him take pottery lessons.” 
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Tom introduces himself as “Thomas Gribalski: Rockumentary Filmmaker.” Wow, he’s wasting no time loading up his IMDb page. You document one Junior High band and it’s all uphill from there. He goes on to explain that when The Twitty-Stevens Connection got back together, Louis Stevens asked him to capture those “little moments” for them to look back on once the band becomes “rich and famous.” But, of course, no road to stardom is without its bumps. 
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I wanna know how Tom, a 14-year-old, got this swanky studio to record in...
It cuts to band rehearsal in the Stevens basement where they’re jamming to “Crazy” from the Battle of the Bands episode!! Everything’s fine until the band randomly stops playing in the middle of the song and Louis goes off on a never-ending drum solo that he refers to as “a groove.” It always bothered me how the music just… stops. Why did everyone but Louis decide to stop playing for seemingly no reason?! Whoever was in charge of audio here couldn’t be bothered to make it sound more organic lol. It’s really weird and abrupt. Sorry for the nitpicking there. 
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I love how Tom got that shot of a messy hamper in the foreground. It really amps up the grittiness. 
It’s pretty great how Louis subtly changed roles from the band’s manager to the band’s drummer. For once, this was an arc in Season 3 that actually aired in the correct order. In Episode 2, Louis became interested in playing the drums and was gifted a drumset. In Episode 4 he started taking lessons, and here in Episode 5, he’s officially the drummer of the band. Shia is playing for real here as well! So that’s very cool. 
While Louis is drumming his lil heart out during his self-indulgent extended solo, it cuts to shots of everyone killing time and I love it. 
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Tom, lol. 
Ren eventually rips the drumsticks out of Louis’ hands and the two start arguing. Tawny reminds them that they promised to get along if the band got back together. Just then, we hear that shrill, annoying and unmistakeable voice chime in: “Can I say something?” The camera searches around until it lands on Beans just chilling there like he owns the place. Oh my god. 
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Louis: “Where is he? BEANS! HOW DID YOU GET IN HERE?!?!” -- Why is that mockumentary style sooo funny though?! The shaky camera looking around and zooming in is what makes this.
I seriously wish every episode was filmed this way. But honestly, just getting this liiiittle glimpse into what a mockumentary version of Even Stevens might’ve been like is enough to make me feel #blessed. If a reboot ever happened, I’d definitely looove to see it reborn à la Modern Family for at least an arc or one special season. I know the gimmick is a little outplayed at this point but I mean, the Stevens are an eccentric enough family for a documentary crew to follow! Am I wrong?! All of the flagship American mock-doc shows have already ended or are ending soon. The door’s open for a new one. Just sayin’. 
It cuts to Louis ranting about Beans in the first interview portion or “talking head” of the documentary. This is the greatest thing. Holy crap. He says: “Beans is like that policeman in Terminator 2, you know who I’m talking about? I swear, he goes liquid! He can fit through cracks in windows... under doors... through little keyholes!!” And right on cue, Beans appears outta thin air -- “I’m hungry. Let’s get a sandwich!” Again, the camera work makes this 10x funnier and Shia’s face is just too good: 
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Note: “Terminator 2″ is yet another completely solid reference to make! 
Something I’d like to point out before I forget: While reviewing the series, I couldn't help but notice that the show could be even funnier if there was no background music all the time. (I tested that theory with this edit and was proven correct, tbh.) If you pay attention.. you'll notice that there's some sort of background music during almost every scene. Sometimes it works if it's heightening a moment or adding some flavor comedically. But during scenes where there’s just dialogue, I feel like it would be much better with silence -- because 1. It's more raw/realistic, and 2. the performances/writing is already so strong, it doesn't need extra sound clogging the material. And that's one of the reasons why this episode is so great! It's dead silent the entire time except for the Twitty-Stevens songs of course and some transitional music for the documentary. I love it. 
So, yeah. Turns out Beans is a bassist?! He walks over to Artie and tells him “you’re horrible. Read my lips -- take a lesson!” Artie quits on the spot and leaves in a fit of rage (”I don't have to take this! I’M ARTIE RYAN!”). Beans backs up his insult by showing off his sick bass skillz to the gang, immediately earning himself a place in the band as Artie’s replacement. I love how Beans isn’t even touching the neck of the bass at all at one point. Seems legit. 
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It cuts to an interview with Artie and it’s so good: “I was thinking about quitting the band anyway. I didn’t like the direction it was going... NOWHERE. Since then, I’ve started my own band. Artie Ryan and the Funky Kats. I had some promotional materials made up!! Tom, you want a free one?!” 
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Tom (off-screen): “N.. no, thanks.” 
Also... A frisbee?! LOL. I had to write out that whole Artie quote because it’s the last we hear from him in this episode and Artie is the best.
Next, it cuts to an interview with Twitty who claims that there was a whole new energy after Beans joined the band. It’s hilarious because Beans is this tiny, annoying 8-year-old, yet Twitty’s talking about him as if he’s some amazingly respected bassist who helped take them to the next level. He goes on to say that the ~revitalized spirit~ Beans brought to the table motivated everyone to work on new material... Including Louis & Ren, who teamed up to write a song together!! Ahh! It shows us the two of them writing out the skeleton of “Another Perfect Day.” I always laughed at how they’re not just writing lyrics like most middle schoolers would do... Nah. They’ve whipped out the staff paper and suddenly know music theory like it’s nothing. They’re literally transcribing their ideas by ear. I’m a Berklee grad and I still struggle like hell with theory. 
Donnie happens to walk by and notices that his brother and sister are getting along for the first time, like, ever... and calls for Steve and Eileen to come quick and bear witness to it themselves!! 
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This show throws in some great little lines here and there that are easy to miss sometimes. When Steve and Eileen come running, Steve shouts “Donnie! Hang in there! You still have 5 minutes left on that hot oil treatment!!” thinking Donnie desperately needed help with his hair. HAHA! I never paid attention to that until recently. We get interviews with Donnie as well as Steve and Eileen here. 
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Donnie: “It was just... the sweetest thing. I wanted to hug them!! But I didn’t wanna ruin my hair. Wait!!! That sounded stupid. Don’t use that, ok?” 
Gotta love the trophies as a backdrop lol. 
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Eileen: “It was amazing! It was as if the music brought them closer together.” 
Steve: “Those were the happiest days of our lives. It was bliss! Sheer bliss!” 
Hey! This is real stuff, though. Never underestimate the power of music!!
One of the funniest things about this episode is that Tom prefaced the documentary by saying the reunion happened a mere TWO WEEKS AGO! These interviews are so extra, as if they’re recalling something that happened years ago when it literally just happened and is fresh in their memories. It’s great. 
We get a voiceover from Tom elaborating on Steve and Eileen’s sentiments, telling us that Louis and Ren had “reached a new level in their relationship” over corny footage of them casually playing freaking cat’s cradle like a couple’a besties! hahaha. 
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At their next rehearsal, the band starts working on “Another Perfect Day.” Once they have it down pretty well, Louis decides that they have a hit on their hands and need to do something big to get the word out. He comes up with the idea to hold a free concert on the school roof. Twitty interjects “Ya know, that’s not a bad idea because The Beatles did a free concert on the roof once!” Tawny adds: “So did U2!” and Louis finishes: “And now... The Twitty-Stevens Connection.” -- As if they’re anywhere near the level of either of those bands and should easily be mentioned in the same breath. That always cracked me up. (Speaking of The Beatles, the title of this episode is supposed to be a play on the Paul McCartney song “Band On The Run.” Or at least, that’s what I’ve always assumed.) Also, take a look at their single art. Amazing. 
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Things start to go sour now. Everyone’s on board for the rooftop concert except for Ren. That’s a shocker! She’s totally against the idea. She agrees that free publicity is great as long as you’re not violating any rules. She even double checks with Wexler who confirms that students on the roof is “strictly forbidden.” 
At lunch the next day, Louis is super excited about the concert and giving Twitty and Tawny a rundown of his plans to set everything up. He says they should “get there early. Really early. Like... before school starts early” so they can get all the equipment and set it up on the roof. Another little exchange that’s easy to miss here is between Twitty and Tawny. Twitty says: “Sweet. What if we wore camouflage?” And Tawny sarcastically bites back: “That is a brilliant idea. What if we dressed up as giant metal vents to blend in with the roof decor!” HAHAHA. I’m just imagining that in my head right now and all I can picture is them looking like Eric Matthews dressed as a couch. Oh, yeah. They’ll blend in, no problem. 
When Ren starts approaching their lunch table, Louis invites her over yelling “Hey, sis!!” Awww. Since we all know that Ren is practically Vice Principal, he asks her for help and advice on how to get up to the roof and such. But then it does a hard cut to Tom:
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This needed to be gif’d. 
Ren starts blabbing about how they’re forbidden to step foot on the roof and that she got a permit to perform in a public park instead, but Louis cuts her off before she can ramble any further: “Ren. You’re chickening out.” Ren protests and insists that she’s not a chicken and is just being smart about the situation, but Louis ain’t having it and explodes: “JIMINY H. CRICKETS THE THIRD JR., REN!!! We’re not robbing a bank or anything!! We’re singing on the roof!!!"-- I love this so much. He tells her to take a risk for once in her life. But, Ren being Ren, decides that she doesn’t want to get in trouble and essentially quits the band. As Ren storms away from them, Louis stands his ground and shouts at the top of his lungs: 
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Possibly the single most-quoted quote of the entire series. Actually iconic. I have this quote on my Facebook, it's my © footer quote on this very website, people have used this quote in their high school yearbooks. Yeah. It’s a big deal. Plus, it’s a pretty great quote to live by if you think about it tbh. 
Ren leaving the band was only the beginning of their downfall. I love this photo the ‘documentary’ uses to illustrate the in-fighting lol. 
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There’s super melodramatic music with an ~emotional~ guitar lick playing here. It always gets stuck in my head. I’m humming it right now. As hilarious as the music is, it actually does make me feel a little upset... 
And just like the ending of an America’s Next Top Model episode, Ren disappears from this photo of the band: 
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At home that evening, an instrumental knock-off of “Kiss Me” starts playing in the background of the doc while Ren contemplates the meaning of life. Tom does a voiceover saying that Ren’s decision to leave the band would lead her down a path to “self-discovery.”
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She ends up having a heart-to-heart with Eileen about why she’s so reluctant to take risks. We get a glimpse into Ren’s childhood with “home video” showing her being a total caution freak at her 8th birthday party. She ate a single potato chip so she waits an extra 20 minutes before going into the kiddie pool with her friends. I’d like to point out that Young Ren is played by Alexa Nikolas, who would later go on to be a regular on Nickelodeon's Zoey 101. 
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Eileen assures Ren that she’ll find something worth taking a risk for someday and go for it!
CUT TO THE DAY OF THE CONCERT! Ren’s decision to leave the band causes everyone else to rethink the rooftop performance as well. Twitty decides to back out because he has one too many detentions already and can’t afford another. His initial poor attempt at an excuse plays out in the most hilarious way possible. (”TWITTY, I WROTE THAT NOTE FOR YOU LAST WEEK!”) Tawny just agrees with Ren. She decides it’s not a good idea and peaces out. And lastly, Beans calls at the eleventh hour and says he can’t make it because he has a hamster cage stuck on his head -- which amazingly, is not a lie. In the end, Louis is the last one standing. Or as Tom says, “A man without a band.” 
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At lunch, the sound of someone drumming starts to fill the air, leaving everyone confused for a minute. It’s Louis, of course. He’s up there drumming away and singing his background vocals alone and fully intends to perform the whole song that way. His determination to continue with the concert as the lone remaining member of the band is so admirable and badass honestly. It really shows how bold he can be and how he’ll always try to see his ideas through. Not only does this highlight Louis’ fearlessness, it also leads to an amazing moment for Ren as a character. As everyone runs to get a view of Louis, Ren starts remembering what Eileen told her. She slowly realizes that this could be her chance to seize the moment. 
One by one -- Twitty, Tawny, and Beans join Louis up on the roof! They pick up their instruments and jump right in, each one building and building on the song. All leading up to Ren being the last one to finally run up there as the final piece of the puzzle! It’s a cheesy and predictable climax, but it’s still amazing. Seeing Ren take a chance like that always makes me emotional, not gonna lie. You can FEEL the happiness radiating off of everyone here. It makes me beam every time. 
This gives me legitimate goosebumps. God. Watch this and tell me it isn’t freaking epic and CLASSIC. The final interviews paired with that tasteful background music always tugs at my heartstrings, too. 
The gang ends up facing the consequences of their stunt and are punished by Wexler putting them on trash pickup duty. ^ That ending (seen in the video) is probably my favorite Louis/Ren bit ever. Seeing them both secretly admit to the camera that they had a great time together just warms my heart. I love how they say the same exact thing at one point too: “Don’t tell her/him I said that” lol. It’s so simple but so effective and really sums up their relationship. Two siblings who are always at odds, but at the end of the day, they’re family and have that unconditional sib love whether they want to admit it or not. I love the little slideshow of photos from the rooftop gig to wrap everything up. 
...and the very last frame of the episode is this picture of THE GREATEST DISNEY CHANNEL SIBLINGS OF ALL TIME and it’s so precious. This photo is so genuine. You can tell it captured more of Shia and Christy than Louis and Ren. It's just so nice:
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I would have this framed and hanging in my house somewhere if I were them. Wow! Also... What could possibly be a better final shot for the episode that’s concluding my specific project?! Tell me. I’ll wait. 
And that’s it.
This is one of those ~special fun plot~ episodes, but it’s not super wacky or zany. Like most of the schemes Louis pulls, they somehow manage to make it seem like a couple of middle schoolers could successfully put on a school rooftop performance like this irl. There’s super solid humor, great dialogue, some incredible character moments and plenty of heart to top it all off! It ends on such a satisfying and happy high note. And even though I prefer Comedian Louis over Musician Louis, this episode is just too damn fun for me to care. It sort of benefits from the “Influenza” effect. If you add a song to an episode, odds are it’ll automatically make it that much more memorable. The only difference between this episode and “Influenza” is that it has a lot more going for it story-wise. 
This episode has everything for me. The way it's filmed is unique to every other episode in the series. The humor is extra dry and a little different for the show here, but still feels very distinctly Even Stevens and stays true to what we love about the show. This episode includes practically every major character, too! Let’s round up everyone who makes an appearance here: Louis, Ren, Twitty, Tawny, Tom, Beans, Steve, Eileen, Donnie, Coach Tugnut, Principal Wexler, and even Artie Ryan! My only complaint is that Larry and Ruby should’ve made appearances. Like, just a little scene of Larry taunting Ren about not having the guts to go up on the roof or something would’ve been cool.
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Just adding some extra photos from the episode to break up this sea of text.
This is the only episode other than the finale that actually manages to make me shed a tear. But the tear this episode squeezes outta me has more meaning behind it imo. In the finale, I’m pretty much solely crying over the resolution to the Louis/Tawny saga and the fact that it’s the last episode of the series. Here, I’m crying over the pure relationship between brother and sister (the root of the show) as well as the gang’s friendship. No other episode gets me in my feelings like that across the board. It honestly feels like a finale in its own right and I can’t think of a better one to wrap up this countdown with. 
Is this the best episode of Even Stevens? You tell me. Is it one of the most memorable, iconic, hilarious, unique, and feel-good episodes of Even Stevens? Absolutely. Is there even a way to determine what episode is "objectively" or scientifically proven to be the best? lol who knows! If there's anything this whole project has taught me, it's that perhaps this show is just so good, there simply is no "best" episode. In which case, this whole blog has been a complete waste of time. 
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SIDE NOTE: It was brought to my attention that this episode shares similarities to a Saved By The Bell episode titled “Rockumentary.” While the overall outline is pretty dead on (the rise, fall, and rise again of a garage band) the actual episodes themselves are extremely different. Annnnd Even Stevens did it better. No surprises there. So, WHO CARES?!
Aside from this being my personal favorite episode of the series and meeting my ranking requirements, I have a few little bonus stats to back up my decision to deem "Band on the Roof" worthy of the top spot:
It's the highest rated episode of the entire series on TV.com, boasting a 9.6, which I wasn’t aware of until a few days ago and was honestly surprised.
Back in 2003, while the show was still popular/on-air, some fans held a march madness style poll for the Best Episode of All Time and "Band on the Roof" was the winner.
This episode has popped up on various nostalgia articles as one of the greatest in the series. One of my favorites is by a published author and screenwriter in the biz who also ranked it #1 on her Top 7 favorite episodes of Even Stevens list. [article] 
In the comments of this episode on YouTube, (which I probably should’ve saved before Disney recently deleted the video... ugh) the general viewer consensus was that it's a widely beloved episode and one of the greatest/solidly written/most memorable. Easily Top 3 or Top 5 in the opinion of others.
I've gotten quite a few comments across the socials for the blog from readers asking about where this episode will be ranked and/or simply randomly stating that ‘Band on the Roof’ is the greatest and iconic.
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Basically, there is massive love for this episode. No matter what, there’s a good chance you'll consistently see this one mentioned as one of the best or at least in someone's personal favorites -- Myself included. Obviously, me being a musician and loving the mockumentary style/drier humor here has contributed tremendously to my favoritism -- but the general fan love and praise, mixed with the actual solid content of the episode, makes me feel like ranking it #1 is justified. As objective as I tried to be throughout this process -- I created Even Stevens Ranked to get some personal thoughts and opinions out of my system. Well, that, and to do my best to highlight how fantastic this show is. Please remember, at the end of the day, this is my list. So. :)
Now that I’ve finished the project, I’m honestly quite satisfied with the outcome here. Not only am I so unbelievably proud that I actually saw this thing through to the very end -- I feel like my Top 10, in particular, (or the Top 25 on a larger scale) is the most solid crop of episodes I could’ve ever come up with. I think they all include nice and important moments for all of the characters, some of the strongest humor, and capture the spirit of the show the best. They’re objectively pretty darn good ones to subject a newbie to if ya ask me! 
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This project was extremely difficult. It was time-consuming and stressful, but it was also such a blast and only solidified Even Stevens as my favorite show of all time in my heart even more than it already was. When I started, I always knew that “Band on the Roof” would be #1, “In Ren We Trust” would be dead last, and “Influenza” would be #15, but other than that I made countless changes to the list as I went on. The closer I got to the end, I was worried that I’d look back and hate my list, but I’m so relieved to feel very confident in my final decisions and reasons for those decisions. If there’s anything I’d change, it’d probably be to rank “Stevens Manor” sliiiightly higher. But still, I don’t even wanna say that because I have no real problem with placing it at #17. It’s not a bad slot. As I’ve said many times, anything in the Top 25 is pretty much top notch to me.
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So... What else is there to say? Here we are. 65 episodes down. 0 to go. The entire series ranked and reviewed. Mission accomplished. From the moment I posted my very first review, I always hoped I’d make it to this point but for whatever reason, I never thought I actually would. I talked about this a little bit when I hit my one-year milestone. Milestones like that are what kept me going, though. Even the littlest ones. I’ll seriously never forget when I completed 5 reviews and hit #59! It felt like the greatest accomplishment ever. And so on and so forth...
For years, I felt like I was some weird, lone fan of this show. I thought that maybe 5, 10 people tops, would care enough to read this blog. I am shocked at the decent following Even Stevens Ranked has garnered over the last two years across Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and right here on Tumblr. My strange urge to rank and review every episode of this fantastic show has somehow turned into a ~community~ that is 1k+ strong if you combine all four social accounts. That is staggering. Meeting other fans of the show through this blog has been so, so awesome and I plan on keeping Even Stevens Ranked alive because of that. I can’t just leave it behind. I have some cool ideas moving forward, including a pending podcast. :D
I can’t thank you enough if you’ve actually bothered to read even just one of my reviews and found it the least bit interesting. We went on this weird little journey together. So thank you! Truly.
I’ve completed what I initially set out to do, but you can definitely expect a bonus video review for a change of The Even Stevens Movie sometime in the near future. I mean, how could I do a project like this and NOT discuss the big finale film?! 
Just a reminder that there’s a Twitty-Stevens Connection design up on Redbubble! Available in black text and white text. 
Thank you sooo much for reading. You know the drill! Please, journey into the Disqus comment section below if you’re so inclined. I’d love to hear any of YOUR thoughts now that this crazy project is complete. Ahh.
- Brittany
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littledonkeyburrito · 7 years
Some lint
1. Have you ever punched someone and broke their nose? Haven’t broken their nose but I’ve certainly hit a few in the face bc karate
2. What is the longest time you have gone without sleep? Forty-something hours without even a nap
3. Have you ever been someplace tropical? Several places
4. You see an ant on the ground, do you squish it? If it’s in my house, yes.
5. Have you ever baked a pie? I don’t think so.
6. What is your favorite social networking site? Instagram probably
7. Has anyone in your family fought in any of the wars? Dad’s dad was in WW2. Dad fought in Belfast in the 70s I think
8. Would you make any changes to your current bedroom? Yeah, I would like $100,000 to magically appear under my mattress.
9. Has a stray dog ever tried to bite you? Playfully. I stop playing with strays when they get boisterous bc rabies
10. When riding a bus, do you prefer to sit up front, down back or the middle? Middle-back generally
11. Have you ever been on a cross-country train ride? Yes, in a few places. I freaking love sleeper trains, I think they’re so fun with a group. On one of the sleeper trains I went on in China we accidentally taught the guy with the food/drink trolley the english word for beer because we bought more every time he went past.
12. Is there currently any caffeine in your system? No
13. Look around, are things organized? Yes, I keep my apartment very tidy.
14. Is there any TV show that ended that you wish hadn’t? Don’t Trust the Bitch in Apartment 23
15. Know what you’re planning to do after this? Attempt to kill time for a couple of hours until I can go to bed
16. How often do you update your Facebook status? I don’t really do statuses, just post photos from my instagram.
17. Do you even wear any jeans other than skinny anymore? All my jeans are of varying levels of skininess. From slim-fit to practically painted on.
18. Are you sensitive to caffeine? Yes. I would have a rum and coke right now but 1) I don’t have any coke, and 2) if I drank any it would take me a long time to get to sleep.
19. How do you usually get around? Walking or metro
20. Which languages do you wish you could speak fluently in? It would be nice to be fluent in spanish but if it happened magically overnight it wouldn’t be fun because I like the challenge. It would be cool to magically become fluent in arabic and/or mandarin.
21. Have you ever been accused of being too clingy? No
22. Can you speak any French? No.
23. Have you ever stayed in a hotel? Dozens. I travel a lot.
24. What is in your pocket? Some lint.
25. Is there a secret you’ve never told your parents? There are certainly some details of my life that I have omitted. Such as some experiences with sex, drugs and alcohol.  
26. Who was the last person to smoke a cigarette in your presence? People from that office I briefly worked at. Or probably more recently just random people on the street.
27. Have you ever lived with a friend? Yeah, a few.
28. What are a few of your favorite tv shows? iZombie, Brooklyn 99, Jane The Virgin, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Club De Cuervos, Parks and Rec 29. What kind of socks do you like to wear? Brightly coloured ones with wild patterns 30. Do you have your own house key, and how often do you actually use it? Whenever I need to get into my apartment. (This question must have been written by a teenager)
31. How often do you eat chocolate? Not actually that often. I don’t have as much of a sweet tooth as I did when I was younger. 32. How often do you wash dishes at your house? Every 1-3 days depending on how lazy I am.
33. How much sleep did you get last night? ~7 hours 34. When was the last time you went to a cemetery and why were you there? Last year on halloween myself and a few other drunk people from the party I was at decided to go wander around the nearby cemetery. 35. What were you doing when you heard about the attack on the twin towers? I don’t remember specifically hearing about it. I was only 7 so I wouldn’t really have cared anyway. Mostly what I remember is that they took cartoons off tv to play non-stop news for at least a week. 36. Doesn’t John Mayer suck? I have no opinions on him. 37. When was the last time you saw the sun rise? When I was in Colombia. One night in Cartagena I stayed up with a swedish and a colombian guy chatting in spanish while we watched the sun rise over the river. Then the cops came over and told us to leave.
38. What was the last picture you took? It was of my DS because I started playing pokemon in spanish and I was sending the picture to a couple of friends to say that the pokemon names are still the same in this language.
39. Are there many traffic incidents in your area? I don’t drive anymore so I don’t pay attention. 40. Have you ever been for a ride in the back of a truck? Probably at some point during travels. I’ve done a lot of weird shit 41. Are you currently downloading anything? No. 42. Does your father have any facial hair? No
43. Have you ever played golf? My mum attempted to get me into golf when I was a kid (maybe young teen?) and I absolutely hated it. It was the most infuriating game I’ve ever played.
44. What was the last tv show you watched an episode of? The Defenders 45. Do you like beer? If so, what’s your favorite brand? Beer is fine. I’m pretty used to Moritz and Estrella Damm because they are common local brands. The fucking worst beer is Balboa in Panama. God it was so awful. Also not a fan of San Miguel which is common across all of spain. 46. Do you feel bad when you throw food out? Yes 47. When was the last time you waxed anything on your body, if ever? I’ve never waxed. I just shave. 48. What’s your favorite fast food place? I don’t have one. I don’t really eat takeout here. 49. When was the last time you went out for a meal? A few weeks ago. 50. Have you ever been in a car accident? A few minor ones but not while I’ve been driving. 51. What colour shirt are you wearing right now? Navy blue
52. Have you ever had a bonfire on the beach? Y’know I actually don’t think I have... I should get on that.
53. Are you skilled when it comes to working in the kitchen? I don’t burn anything. That’s a skill, right?
54. When was the last time you went to a campground? That would have been back in April, camping in the Sahara Desert.
55. Do you listen to music while driving? Yes, and I sing along Very Loudly.
56. When was the last time you hung out with people younger than you? I have absolutely no idea. 
57. What is the closest blue object to you? Box of tissues on the coffee table.
58. How much did you spend on your last shopping trip? Probably about 25 euros at the grocery store
59. Have you ever gone over your cell phone plan by accident? I used to go over my data limit pretty regularly at my old job.
60. Can you honestly say you’ve been drunk before? Very, and many times. (this question must have been written by a teen)
61. Where did you get your last bruise from? Probably that mystery bruise I got in my armpit in central america. I’m pretty sure I got roofied that night so I don’t remember anything at all but I am still sooooo curious how I got that bruise. Nobody I was with knew how it happened either but then again they were all pretty trashed anyway so even if they saw they might not remember.
62. Are you a person that likes to take chances? Depends. Sometimes I take calculated risks.
63. Would you consider your life to be great right now? Right now it’s pretty mediocre but a month ago it was freaking awesome.
64. Do you remember the dream you had last night? Not exactly but I think it involved me getting tattoos on my arm
65. Do you get emotional easily? I don’t really have emotions tbh
66. Do you get obnoxious when you’re drunk? Nah, I get fun when I’m drunk
67. Who was the first person to ever give you flowers? I’m not sure anybody has ever given me flowers.
68. What was the last thing you heated up in your microwave? Chicken and veggies to go with my baked potato the other day
69. Were you born somewhere other than a hospital? No.
70. What was the last flavor of ice cream you had? Mango. It was homemade by a woman in Comuna 13 in Colombia 71. When you go out drinking, what do you prefer to drink? Beer or rum and coke 72. Is there a trash can near you? Yeah
73. When and where was the last time you took a picture of yourself? I think I took a selfie in my kitchen a few days ago 74. When was the last time you stayed up throughout the entire night? Cartagena, Colombia. ~8 weeks ago. But I stayed up until 2 or 3am a few times after that.
75. Have you ever considered a foreign-exchange program? No, I just fucked off overseas on my own accord.
76. Are sex and sexual activities something you enjoy? Yep 77. What’s an interesting fact about the state in which you were born? I know literally nothing about the region I was born in.
78. What’s one aspect of your life that did not turn out as you expected? Well I definitely didn’t expect to learn spanish 79. Is there a subject about which you know a great deal? Probably, but nothing immediately comes to mind 80. What was the last thing that you put off doing? I should probably vacuum and mop my apartment 81. What did you do instead of that activity? Anything else.
Before and after: 3 years ago, today
82. What size is the last bed you kissed on?  - Double.  - A single bed in a twin room in a hotel. Tbh I probably could have swapped to a double room but at that point I didn’t realise he’d be staying with me
83. When was the last time you were sick? - I got the flu pretty bad in 2013. Probably should have gone to hospital but instead I only took 2 days off work. - I had a mild cold when I got home from my last trip. 84. Do you have any summer plans yet? - I ditched summer in favour of going skiing in Japan - Summer just ended. I don’t know whether my next summer will be here next June/July, or back in Aus in January. Will depend on whether I find a job 85. When was the last time you shaved your legs? - Probably within 2 weeks - Earlier today 86. Is there someone you wish you were closer with? - I think I had just started developing a crush on a guy that I later dated briefly and then he cheated on me, lied about it and broke up with me by facebook message while I was on holiday overseas. So, not the best idea really. - I’m all g. 87. Do you tend to waste a lot of money? - I made 1 or 2 poor decisions with money but I was earning enough to cover my ass. - It’s not a waste when it’s something I actively want to spend the money on. 88. What did you last drink? - Probably pepsi - Orange juice 89. Have you ever received an injury from a hook up? - Uhhh no? - Not unless that’s how I got that mystery bruise in my armpit. 90. Do you have any good friends of the opposite sex? - Yes - Yes, the same ones 91. When was the last time you had a crowd at your house? - Probably around this time 3 years ago was my housewarming - I have never had more than 2 people visit this apartment at a time. Last time I had a crowd would have been my moving out party (from the place I just moved into 3 years ago) which was a bit over a year ago.
92. How many cell phones have you had? - 5 - 7, if you include the work phone I had 93. Where do you get all your clothes? - JayJays - H&M, C&A, Mango etc 94. Have you ever regretted kissing someone? - Nah - Nah 95. Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket? - No. - I got one just under 3 years ago 96. Would you rather sleep with someone else or alone? - Alone - Depends. Sometimes I wouldn’t mind having someone here 97. Do you think age matters in relationships? - To an extent - Not really 98. Have you ever lived with a girlfriend/boyfriend? - No. - No 99. When will your next kiss be? - Probably the next party I went to. I made out with a lot of people that year - No idea 100. Add up all the digits of your cell phone number. What do you get? - 40 - 50 101. When you lost your virginity, do you honestly feel like you were ready? - I didn’t regret it but I probably wasn’t emotionally ready for it. - Same as above I guess. You only lose it once.
102. Was the person you lost your virginity to younger or older than you? - Older. - ^^
103. Were you sexually experienced whatsoever when you lost your virginity? - Not at all - ^^
104. Have you had sex with more than one person? - Yes - Yes by a larger amount
105. Have you ever had sex with the lights on? - Yes. - Yes
106. Have you ever had sex on a floor? - No - Yes
107. When is the last time you had sex? - Probably like at least 6 months before - About a month ago (can’t believe my trip ended so long ago)
108. Do you care for that person? - Eh - I guess
109. Is this your boyfriend or girlfriend? - No - No
110. The first time you got drunk, how old were you? - 16 - ^^
111. Where were you located the first time you got drunk? - The afterparty of my highschool formal. It was in the backyard of a girl in my grade - ^^
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Hi! 👋 hope you, and your loveones are well. Ask game: 1-20 17 25 27 33 47 56 78 87 99 100
Hey! Hope things are great with you. Thanks for the ask, much love to ya! (ps. sorry it took a while to get to it.)
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? I think I end up having more milk than cereals. Don’t really like having dry ass cereals. 
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? Yes, very much. Love winter in general. 
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? I’ve used my phone when I couldn’t find paper but only when I need to leave the room while reading in bed. Other than that just random paper. 
4: how do you take your coffee/tea? I don’t. Not a coffee lover and I only like Ice Tea. The mango one is my fav. 
5: are you self-conscious of your smile? Really like my smile but sometimes I do get self-conscious about it, especially when I’m somewhere I don’t really feel comfortable.
6: do you keep plants? Yep, I have three. A cactus, an aloe vera and this other little plant that I have no idea what type it is but it was dying when I saw it at the shop and I had this need to buy it and nurse it back to health, which not to toot my own horn, is currently thriving now.
7: do you name your plants? Nope, but now I totally want to because it’s such a Lorelai Gilmore thing to do. 
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? Writing, I guess. Drawing too but I haven’t done any in a good while. 
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? Yeah but I only do it when a song is stuck in my head or when music is playing. 
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? On my stomach. 
11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends? There are a few, and they’re just so weird and difficult to explain. One has to do with a soda can, KA to be specific.
12: what’s your favorite planet? Saturn. Simply because E and I want to have milkshakes on the rings of Saturn, and I just love that thought. 
13: what’s something that made you smile today? Well, Gilmore girls. Was watching an episode during breakfast. It never fails to make me smile.
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? No idea, but there would be a lot of books and movies in my room. (just like now tbh) We would jam music with her Alexa. There would be pizza in the freezer and loads of pasta in our cupboards. Skincare and hair care products that would mostly be her's in the bathroom. A gin bottle and maybe some wine here and there. 
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! If you drilled a tunnel through Earth and jumped in, you would reach the other side in 42 minutes and 12 seconds, and your top speed would be 17,670 mph. An epic slide. Might be a little hot and death will be at the end of it but you know...fun. lol.
16: what’s your favorite pasta dish? All of them tbh but I guess mac and cheese and spaghetti bolognese are my favs to make and eat. 
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? Purple! Wanted to for a good few years now, but I love my hair and its natural colour too much to change. 
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. I can’t think of anything rn, but my cousin likes making fun at the fact that when I was little I jumped on an Argos book and slipped on it and hurt myself. I also remind my bestie of the time she tripped while running in the library at school. Love the fact I got to see that. Really great moment. 
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? Yeah, I finished the first one I made a few years ago and so I started an online one which I kept up to date for a few months and then forgot about it. So I recently started writing and updating a new physical journal. My hand hurts from all the writing. It’s mostly just writing and sometimes it becomes a scrapbook when I have tickets or little things from events to add to it. 
20: what’s your favorite eye color? Probably blue but honestly they’re all so beautiful in there own way. 
25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into? Don’t think I have ever broken into anywhere. I guess I’ve been in places I probably shouldn’t have been like classrooms (during lunch and break), teacher’s office and the upstairs area of the library that ended up being like a clubhouse for me and my friends in our last year of school. 
27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor? Don’t think I have one but I like fruity flavours better. 
33: what’s your fave pastry? Damn this is hard because I just want to say all of them. Here are a few though: Danish pastries, croissant, pain au Chocolat and Palmier.
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? Carob. My Dad got it once when we were in Maderia and I just hated everything about it. Its smell makes me want to throw up. Not my thing for sure. 
56: what are some things you find endearing in people? I love how unique people are. No one is exactly the same and I love that.
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? Don’t hate em, don’t love em either. 
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? Back to the future, It happened one night, Casablanca, bringing up baby and The Philadelphia Story. Some classics I’ve fallen in love with and need more love shown to them. 
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. I was wrong by ARIZONA, Hatefuck by Cruel Youth, Ocean Eyes by Billie Eilish, Wasted Roses by JT Roach, You're Not Missing Me by Chelsea Cutler, Numb by Hayden James and Right Where You Should Be by Quinn XCII, just to name a few.
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? I think I would go with five years in the past. I would be nice to relive somethings again knowing the future and being able to appreciate it more. 
Thanks again for the ask, this was fun to do. All the best to you!  💕
0 notes
wheres-the-bear · 4 years
February 2020
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans? Coffee mugs and water bottles.
2. chocolate bars or lollipops? Chocolate bars.
3. bubblegum or cotton candy? Bubblegum.
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you? Bright and happy.
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups? Glass cups. With a lot of ice.
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear? Sportswear/tomboy.
7. earbuds or headphones? Earbuds.
8. movies or tv shows? Both, son! They hit different.
9. favorite smell in the summer? Just after it rains on a humid morning. It has always reminded me of summers I spent with my grandparents in Florida.
10. game you were best at in p.e.? None of them. Lol. Volleyball or basketball maybe? I was a beast at shotput.
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day? Usually overnight oats, or fruit and a protein bar like an RX Blueberry bar.
12. name of your favorite playlist? I don’t listen to many playlists tbh.
13. lanyard or key ring? Lanyard.
14. favorite non-chocolate candy? Sourpatch kids.
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment? To Kill a Mockingbird or The Old Man and the Sea.
16. most comfortable position to sit in? On a comfy couch, legs spread out with a warm dog sleeping in between them.
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes? My black Converses.
18. ideal weather? 75 and sunny with a breeze.
19. sleeping position? On my sides with a pillow wedged between my torso/chest and the bed.
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)? On my laptop.
21. obsession from childhood? I had a lot, but none that I can remember specifically.
22. role model? I honestly don’t have any. I learned the hard way in my late 20s that heroes and role models are a waste of time.
23. strange habits? I have to clean out the dirt from under my nails, like, right away. That’s why I always try to keep my nails super short.
24. favorite crystal? Amethyst probably.
25. first song you remember hearing? “Baby, Baby” by Amy Grant
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather? Hang by the beach or hike.
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather? Reading or writing in a library.
28. five songs to describe you? Bigger than my Body by John Mayer; Adore You by Harry Styles; Everything is Alright by Motion City Soundtrack; Time by Hootie & the Blowfish; and Good as Hell by Lizzo
29. best way to bond with you? Quality time or a good, deep conversation
30. places that you find sacred? My husband and I’s bedroom; Nature, especially along the Appalachian Trail; Old temples
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names? Lol, I don’t do that.
32. top five favorite vines? I don’t remember Vine having that big of an impact tbh.
33. most used phrase in your phone? definitely “lol”
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head? The Goldfish tagline.
35. average time you fall asleep? 10-11pm
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing? The Shiba Inu one.
37. suitcase or duffel bag? Most of the time, a duffel bag unless it’s a bigger trip.
38. lemonade or tea? Most days, it’s tea.
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie? Lemon cake
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school? Which school?
41. last person you texted? My husband
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets? Pant pockets
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket? Hoodie, but I think I’d rock a mean bomber jacket.
44. favorite scent for soap? Fresh scents. I think BBW has a sage and something else scent, and I love that every time I smell it.
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero? Sci-Fi
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in? Shorts and tank top
47. favorite type of cheese? Colby Jack usually.
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be? Pineapple or honeydew because I eat SO much of them!
49. what saying or quote do you live by? “In a gentle way, you can shake the world.” by Gandhi
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have? I have a lot of people in my life who do that.
51. current stresses? Finances as I get older - paying off student loan debt to be able to do things I enjoy more often.
52. favorite font? Verdana, size 9-10.
53. what is the current state of your hands? A little on the dry side.
54. what did you learn from your first job? How to be personable, and patient (they were patient with me). Along with how to develop a trustworthy, hard-working reputation.
55. favorite fairy tale? Meh.
56. favorite tradition? Probably going out and getting a Christmas tree or a pumpkin every year.
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome? Negative self-talk with stemmed from a negative self-image; Believing I shouldn’t take up too much space; Being more confident in what I know how to do well.
58. four talents you’re proud of having? I’m a great proofreader/editor; I’m a really good listener; I have a huge heart and am capable of holding and giving a lot of love; I’m an efficient worker.
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be? “Oh hell yeah” or “Bruhhh.”
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be? Lol, I know nothing about anime.
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.? Probably that line from The Office in the very last episode where Andy or Pam is talking about the “good old days,” and how we’re actually living them right now.
62. seven characters you relate to? Ron from Harry Potter; Jess and Schmidt from New Girl; Leslie from Parks & Rec; Pam from The Office; Elizabeth from Pride & Prejudice; Peter from The Darjeeling Limited
63. five songs that would play in your club? So Close by Calvin Harris; I Like Me Better by Lauv; Kings of Summer by ayokay and Quinn XCII; Roses by the Chainsmokers; I Like It by Cardi B
64. favorite website from your childhood? Myspace was up there. Lol
65. any permanent scars? On my lip from where my dog bit me.
66. favorite flower(s)? Poppies, peonies, dahlias.
67. good luck charms? None.
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried? Fish sauce is horrifying to me on its own.
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned? Definitely something my husband has told me, but nothing I can recall right now.
70. left or right handed? Right-handed
71. least favorite pattern? Big fan of stripes.
72. worst subject? Physics.
73. favorite weird flavor combo? Salt on my fruit.
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen? For a headache or heartburn, like a 1. Lol
75. when did you lose your first tooth? Hell if I remember that.
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)? Fries.
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill? Something vining.
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store? Sushi from a grocery store.
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo? School ID photo.
80. earth tones or jewel tones? To wear, jewel tones. To have as, like, home decor, earth tones.
81. fireflies or lightning bugs? Lightning bugs.
82. pc or console? Console
83. writing or drawing? Writing
84. podcasts or talk radio? Podcasts
84. barbie or polly pocket? Barbie
85. fairy tales or mythology? Mythology
86. cookies or cupcakes? Cupcakes
87. your greatest fear? Losing everyone I love at once.
88. your greatest wish? That my family has eternal happiness.
89. who would you put before everyone else? Myself. And then my husband.
90. luckiest mistake? There are quite a few.
91. boxes or bags? For what? Context makes a difference.
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights? Sunlight, then fairy lights.
93. nicknames? Bug from my mom, babe from my husband.
94. favorite season? Spring or summer.
95. favorite app on your phone? Instagram.
96. desktop background? Vacation from this summer when we camped by the beach of Lake Michigan at Sleeping Bear Dunes NL.
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized? Like, two.
98. favorite historical era? It changes. Right now, early American history (1500-1600s).
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Friday, January 25, 2019
post #382
main points:
- pb + banana bread with sheena for breakfast + the office
- smash online doubles with sheena
- mess around with glidecam / some more research into sony cameras
- smash online for 3 hours
- dinner with the fam
- trying to learn how to cut my own hair 
- looking through old blog posts
today i:
- woke up to my alarm at 9:15am. but snoozed for quite a bit until like 9:45am. i woke up earlier thinking i had a nose bleed around 7am. i covered my nose with a tissue... then after a few minutes i pulled it away and was surprised there was no blood except for a dot. i think my nose must’ve gotten dry last night and felt it go down my throat
- sheena had off today cause it was the end of the marking period. so we made breakfast which was some pb + banana + whole grain toast. we watched the office on sheena’s ipad. she was on S9E21
- sheena said she wanted to play smash so i was like sure. we played a few rounds against each other and then she asked if we could play online. i was like... good question. so we played doubles online and it worked fine. we were killing it. i played snake and she played zelda. playing snake in doubles is so fun, cause the other people aren’t really expecting/focusing specifically on me. i also had a clutch 1v2 situation which was amazing that i somehow pulled it off. we played until about 12:15pm or so. sheena went to shower to go to rehearsal at 1pm
i decided to pull out my glidecam to see how well it’d work cause i’d gotten a glidecam vs zhiyun crane video in my youtube recommended feed
- i tried messing around with it and it sort of worked. the 50mm on my canon just is too cropped still. so the smallest shaking will show. (also just fyi i had uncovered my glidecam from cleaning my room a few weeks ago). dad came home for lunch and brought back some wawa smoothies for me and sheena. i hadn’t had them before, it was interesting. dad got me a strawberry flavor and sheena banana mango one. i wanted to see if it would be worth to bring the glidecam with me to asia but after trying it with the 50mm i was like.... nahh....
- made a sandwich for lunch and watched some youtube videos while eating. learned about airdodge mechanics
- ordered a humidifier on amazon for my skin and nose
- i talked with a b&h rep about the sigma lens cause i was considering getting it. then went down the rabbit hole looking at some sony cameras, namely the sony a6400 intended for youtubers. i watched potatojet’s video, which he had actually just released like 14 hours ago. i guess all the youtubers just were allowed to post about it today or something cause there were a bunch of videos on it
- played smash online with snake for like 3 hours from 3pm-7pm. i played elite smash, going from 3.3mil to 3.4 mil. then back down to normal, then back into elite smash. it was fun just playing him. but tbh i feel like i’m kind of just spamming grenades. and i still feel like he’s somewhat broken cause i was winning against people who clearly had much better control of their characters. but snake’s attacks are so darn strong it’s kind of crazy. projectile game is crazy
- ate dinner with the fam. sheena went with her friends to hang out for the evening. so dad made eggs + tomatoes and some tofu skin + pork. and some vegetables. it was a really good meal. the kitchen guy was working on the backsplash today and got done with most of it. our kitchen’s almost done! and it looks pretty dope. just need to finish the sink, dishwasher, lights and some more of the backsplash and that should be it
- i asked dad if he could help me learn how to cut my own hair. i used a 4 for the sides and the back. he helped me out a lot on the back cause i couldn’t see. even with a mirror, it was pretty hard. and then also on the sides, i needed to take off my glasses which made it hard to see LOL. cutting the top was also rough. he let me try out using a hairbrush and scissors but it just didn’t work out very well, based on the angle i was trying to position my hands. so he gave me a 6 with the buzzer to shave. i gave it a try but eventually gave up and he cut the rest of the top. and now cause i used a buzzer, everything on the top is cut evenly instead of leaning to the right... so i now kind of look like a monk o_o
- took a long shower
- around 10pm i wasn’t sure what to do but felt kind of tired. i played one game of fortnite and felt way too tired to play so i was like i’m outtie
- i sat in bed looking through my old blog posts. nick eh posted a video that fortnite thanos came out a year ago today
i was like... ?? i’m pretty sure i just started playing fortnite like this time last year, there’s no way it came out then. and can confirm, i went through the archives to january 2018 and dimitri brian and i first started like january 20 something. thanos came out in like april or may (based on the yt comments)
but while i was looking through that, i just read some random posts from march, may, june. it was weird looking back. some stuff i remember pretty specifically but others not so much. i guess i wonder if doing all this blogging worth it or not and i still think it is
- sheena just got back from hanging out with her friends. it’s currently 11:46pm. i’m gonna check on her and how she’s feeling. also gonna apply some more hemorrhoid cream cause i didn’t apply any today. i had small stool/watery stools 3 times today. something ain’t sitting right... also my chest had some sharp pains today like 2 or 3 times randomly when i was taking a deep breath
okay that’s about it
the end
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