#Fat loss treatment ahmedabad
anshobecure · 2 months
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drapurvaradiance · 11 months
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Kidney Cancer Treatment in India for Foreigners
Kidney cancer is known as renal cell cancer. Nowadays kidney cancer is most common in India. It starts inside the kidney, where blood is filtered. Kidney cancer is a harmful disease that attacks the healthy cells of the kidneys. It can be dangerous in the last stages. Our kidneys are two bean-shaped organs. Cancerous cells start to grow uncontrollably and form tumors in the kidneys. This tumor can extend beyond the kidney. Some cells can detach and spread to other parts of the body. In adults, renal cell carcinoma is a very common type of kidney cancer. Other less common types of kidney cancer can happen. Surgery is the most preferable treatment for different kidney diseases. A kidney cancer patient may have these symptoms, a lump can be felt in the abdomen, fatigue and unexplained weight loss, anemia, passing of blood in urine, unexplained fever for lasts weeks, etc. There are many types of kidney cancer.
Renal cell carcinoma - renal cell carcinoma has three main types clear cell, renal cell cancers, and papillary chromophobe 
Urothelial carcinoma - this type is used to be called transitional cell cancer (TCC) of the kidney or ureter. It can change shape and stretch. The renal pelvis is the place of the kidney where urine collects. 
Sarcoma - This is a rare type of soft tissue sarcoma of the kidney. This means the cancer started in the connective tissue muscles, nerves, fat, blood vessels, and fibrous tissue of the kidney. 
Wilms tumor - this is a type of kidney cancer that can affect children. It is different from kidney cancer in adults.
This type of kidney cancer can develop in both kidneys. In rare cases, kidney lymphoma can start as a tumor in the kidney.
The cancer spreads outside the kidney, to distant parts of the body, such as the liver, lungs, or bones.
Kidney Cancer Treatment Cost in India
Kidney cancer treatment costs in India are much lower than in other countries. The accurate cost is based on the diagnostic test, cost-affecting factors are doctor experience, selected hospital, accommodation, post-surgery care, etc. The average cost of kidney cancer treatment in India starts from 3600 USD and goes up to 7500 USD.
Best Kidney Cancer Treatment Doctors in India
Finding the best doctor for kidney cancer treatment can be crucial but India has several kidney cancer treatment surgeons. These doctors have years of experience in medical technology and work in reputable hospitals. They offer cutting-edge treatments and compassionate care, giving hope to numerous patients. Some best doctor's names are include:
Dr VineetGovinda Gupta (DM Medical Oncology–Gold Medalist, renal cancer specialist)
Dr.ArunHalankar (Nephrologist, MBBS, MD, Fellowship, USA)
Dr. Raghunath S.K (consultant and director of the uro-oncology and robotic surgery department)
Dr Pradeep Bansal (Kidney Transplant & Cancer Specialist)
Dr. Deepak Dubey (HOD & Chairman of Urology Department and Renal Transplantation)
Dr.SureshAdvani (Memberships of (ISO) Padma Shri and Padma Bhushan winner 
Top Kidney Cancer Treatment Hospitals in India
 India has many best hospitals for kidney cancer treatment. Now India is known globally for advanced medical technology of kidney cancer treatment. They provide radiofrequency ablation (RFA), cryoablation, radiation therapy, targeted drug therapy, immunotherapy, and chemotherapy as per the stage of cancer and the patient's overall health. Some of the best kidney cancer treatment hospitals' names are given below:
Tata Memorial Hospital (Mumbai)
Devasya Hospital (Ahmedabad )
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) (New Delhi)
Fortis Memorial Research Institute (FMRI) (Gurugram)
Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute & Research Centre (New Delhi)
Apollo Hospitals (Chennai)
Medanta- The Medicity (Gurgaon)
Al AfiyaMedi Tour is a leading medical tourism company in India. We offer medical tourism services such as finding the right doctor, the right hospital, and cost estimation etc. Some of the main countries are Bangladesh, South Africa, Egypt, Uganda, Zambia, Sudan, Dubai, Namibia, Iraq, Kenya, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Nigeria, and so on. We provide free medical assistance for TURP surgery cost, lung cancer treatment, blood cancer treatment cost, the best hospital for heart valve replacement, arthroscopic surgery, bone marrow transplant cost, best liver transplant hospital, cosmetic andplastic surgery, heart surgeryliver transplant cost, top knee replacement surgeons, etc.
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nimbanaturecure · 2 months
Her Health, Her Power: A Manifesto On Hormonal Harmony
Women’s health is a multifaceted subject, and among its intricacies, hormonal imbalance stands out as a complex yet crucial aspect. Hormones, the chemical messengers secreted by the endocrine glands, orchestrate optimal changes in specific organs, playing a pivotal role in the normal functioning of a woman’s body.
This highly sensitive communication mechanism can falter due to various factors, leading to either an increase or decrease in hormone levels and subsequent hyper or hypo-function of associated glands. For instance, issues with the thyroid gland may result in hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, illustrating the delicate balance within the endocrine system.
Environmental Influences on Hormonal Health
The endocrine system proves remarkably sensitive to environmental factors such as pollution, artificial food flavors, food colors, pesticides, insecticides, stress and chemicals found in cosmetics etc. Even the micro plastics, from water stored in plastic bottles which can act as endocrine disruptors. These substances, being fat-soluble, gradually disrupt normal hormonal functions once settled in fat tissues.
The functioning of the adrenal glands can be influenced by emotional stress, losses, and physical trauma, while estrogen levels particularly affect the ovaries. As women enter menopause, the function of the ovaries declines. However, a backup mechanism kicks in if the adrenal glands are healthy, as they start balancing ovarian function by producing ovarian hormones. This helps prevent estrogen dominance that can occur after menopause. Factors such as the consumption of commercially processed foods, the use of birth control pills, and the intake of meat from cattle or poultry injected with hormones or antibiotics not only impact the health of the endocrine glands but also disrupt the beneficial bacteria in the gut. Additionally, all endocrine glands are increasingly sensitive to insulin resistance.
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Conscious Choices for Optimal Endocrine Health
To safeguard the health of the endocrine system, women must be vigilant about their lifestyle choices, especially in terms of nutrition. Paying attention to warning signals, such as abnormal cravings, hair fall, dry skin, abdominal obesity, irregular menstrual cycles, abnormal facial hair, mood swings, etc. is crucial.
Taking proactive measures to address hormonal imbalances involves exploring alternative systems of medicine that treat holistically. Prioritizing natural remedies before resorting to allopathic interventions should be the guiding principle.
Managing Stress Levels: A Holistic Approach
Stress, often at the root of health issues, calls for conscious management. Integrating practices like meditation, yoga, and pranayama can contribute significantly. Positive hormones like serotonin, oxytocin, dopamine, and endorphins can be stimulated through healthy and happy relationships, outdoor activities, nature trails, and therapeutic treatments like hydrotherapy, therapeutic massages, raga and acupuncture.
The Role of a Nourishing Diet
A vital aspect to consider is maintaining a balanced and organic diet. Opt for fresh, seasonal sun-grown produce that breathes life into your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Choose Natural Healing
In the journey toward holistic well-being, detoxifying the body is paramount. Accredited by NABH, there are several good Naturopathy & Holistic Wellness Retreats. Among these, Nimba Nature Cure & Holistic Healthcare Centre stands as a beacon of natural healing. Situated in the heart of Gujarat near Ahmedabad, this retreat offers a haven for women seeking to address hormonal imbalances naturally.
Nimba Nature Cure is renowned for its expertise in naturopathy and holistic wellness, providing comprehensive solutions for hormonal balance. As a NABH-accredited center, it ensures the highest standards of quality in its natural healing therapies.
Empower yourself with the knowledge and resources to achieve optimal hormonal balance for your lifetime. Nimba Nature Cure & Holistic Healthcare Centre is your partner in this transformative journey toward holistic well-being!
Read More:- Her Health, Her Power: A Manifesto On Hormonal Harmony
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advaitayurved · 6 months
Ayurvedic Treatment for Weight Gain in Ahmedabad
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Ayurvedic Treatment for Hypertension in Ahmedabad
Advait Bariatrics Care
ABC-Advait Bariatrics Care (Obesity Management Program)
Obesity is a complex disorder involving an excessive amount of body fat. Obesity isn’t just a cosmetic concern. It increases your risk of deasess and health problems, such as heart deases, diabetes, and high blood pressure.
 Unhealthy food is the curse of modern day life. That joined with a sedentary life that is so common nowadays adds to the growth of fat and the associated illnesses that come with it. Weight loss is the only way out. What happens if the condition is neglected is that it converts in the form of hypertension, diabetes, poor self-esteem, osteoporosis and so much more.
At Advait Ayurved, you will go through a specific treatment to ensure that the excess fat is reduced and the metabolism is corrected. The body channels get cleared with our therapies and you will get a renewed boost of energy. For weight loss, we have specific treatment with a deep dry massage using herbal powders and pastes called Udavartana.
 We will also give synchronized massage with specific oils and steam bath which will help loosen the accumulated fat. This along with a specially designed diet and regular walking will help reduce weight.
Our weight loss treatment packages are designed to give an individual total well being. Our combination of therapies, treatments, medicines, and counseling will keep you motivated throughout the course of treatment. Here you will get the solution for a lifetime if you follow a certain lifestyle and disciplines.
Benefits of Obesity Management Program
5-7 kg weight loss in one month (Minimum)
No need for excessive control over food
No need for surgery
No need for excessive exercise or gym or any other body stress
Energetic feeling
Effective lifestyle changes make life happier
Customized advised for different category and their regular life and work style
No weight fluctuations after completing the course
Other deasess treatment can run simultaneously during this course
Prevention from the complication of obesity
Without any side effect
More convenient and less invasive procedures
Ayurvedic Treatment for Weight Gain in Ahmedabad
Contact Us
Addres:  A 222, Shakti ETC ( Extol Trade Centre, Vandematram Circle, NR Vandematram Cross Rd, Gota, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 382481.
Call us for Appointment - +91 99045 57565
Website :  www.advaitayurved.com
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dr-divakar-jain · 11 months
Fatty liver treatment in Ahmedabad
More and more patients are getting diagnosed with fatty liver and fatty liver, if not treated in time, can lead to serious complications. Fatty liver treatment in Ahmedabad is possible at most hospitals which have physicians, medical gastroenterologists and liver specialists.
What is fatty liver?
Fatty liver is a condition where excess fat builds up in the liver and it is also known as hepatic steatosis. We define fatty liver by excess fat deposition in liver which is not secondary to alcohol, certain medicines and certain hereditary disorders. It is commonly associated with diabetes mellitus, obesity and dyslipidemias like hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia.
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) is a broad term, encompassing a spectrum of fatty liver disease from fatty liver to steatohepatitis to liver cirrhosis. It is categorized in NAFL (Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver) and NASH (Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis). NAFL is a condition where there is 5% or more fat deposition in liver without liver cell injury. NASH is a condition, characterized by 5% or more fat deposition in liver with inflammation and liver cell injury with or without fibrosis.
Magnitude of the problem
The incidence of fatty liver disease is rising in the general population worldwide and it is now one of the commonest causes of liver cirrhosis. NAFLD affects approx. 20-30% of general population worldwide and NASH affects approx. 1.5-6%. Sedentary lifestyle, increasing prevalence of diabetes mellitus and unhealthy food habits have contributed to increasing incidence of fatty liver disease. In fact, NAFLD and NASH more often affects high-risk groups like people with obesity, diabetes mellitus and dyslipidemias!
What are the complications of fatty liver?
Fatty liver disease is a progressive disease. With continuing injury to the liver, the NAFL stage progresses to NASH. With time, progressive fibrosis sets in, and NASH progresses to cirrhosis of liver. A cirrhotic liver is a fertile ground for developing liver cancers (hepatocellular carcinoma). A peculiar thing about NAFLD is that liver cancers can develop even in absence of cirrhosis in NAFLD.
How to diagnose fatty liver?
Blood investigations like liver function tests and imaging studies like abdominal ultrasound, fibroscan, MR Elastography (MRE) and CT scan for liver attenuation help in diagnosing fatty liver. Most of these patients may not have any symptoms in the initial stage of the disease. An abdominal ultrasound, done as a part of routine health check-up or for other indications and sometimes mild derangement of liver function tests may diagnose fatty liver in most instances. Fibroscan and MRE are very accurate to confirm the diagnosis of fatty liver.
How to prevent fatty liver?
Fatty liver is a lifestyle disease and lifestyle modifications can prevent fatty liver and keep liver healthy. Keeping the weight controlled by active lifestyle and avoiding unhealthy and junk foods goes a long way in keeping the liver healthy. Adding regular physical exercise in daily routine also helps in a big way to avoid fat deposition in liver.
How to treat fatty liver?
Fatty liver treatment is possible in most hospitals in Ahmedabad. The treatment requires guidance from liver specialists, diabetologist, dietician and physiotherapist. The treatment of fatty liver pivots on 3 things
Weight loss by diet control and physical exercise
Strict diabetes control in diabetic patients
Treatment of dyslipidemias like hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia
Weight control is the key to treatment of fatty liver. Studies have found that higher the degree of weight loss, the better is the improvement in fatty liver. Even, 5-7% weight loss in a person causes marked improvement in fatty liver. Diet control (restricting the calorie intake) and physical exercise in any form help in reducing weight.
Strict diabetes control is very important in diabetic patients with NAFLD to prevent progression of the disease. Also, medical treatment of dyslipidemias is also imperative for control and reversal of NAFLD.
Once cirrhosis sets in, in NAFLD, the treatment is very much like other patients of liver cirrhosis and most of these patients will ultimately require a liver transplantation.
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teamarhamphysio · 1 year
Weight Loss Center in Ahmedabad: Achieve Your Health and Wellness Goals at Arham Physio
Embark on a transformative journey towards achieving your weight loss goals at Arham Physio. Our comprehensive weight loss services in Ahmedabad are designed to support you every step of the way, empowering you to make positive lifestyle changes and create sustainable habits for long-term success.
Our team of experienced professionals understands that weight loss is a multi-faceted process, influenced by various factors such as nutrition, exercise, and mindset. Through personalized assessment and consultation, we develop tailored weight loss programs that cater to your unique needs and circumstances. We focus not only on shedding excess pounds but also on promoting overall well-being and improving your relationship with food and body.
At Arham Physio, we offer a holistic approach to weight loss, combining evidence-based strategies with compassionate guidance. Our qualified nutritionists provide expert advice, crafting balanced meal plans that take into account your dietary preferences and health requirements. Additionally, our fitness trainers design customized exercise routines that target fat burning, muscle toning, and improved fitness levels.
We understand that sustainable weight loss requires ongoing support and motivation. That's why our team provides continuous monitoring and coaching throughout your weight loss journey. We celebrate your achievements, offer guidance during challenging times, and adjust your program as needed to ensure optimal progress.
Beyond the physical aspects, we prioritize your mental and emotional well-being. Our weight loss programs encompass strategies for cultivating a positive mindset, managing stress, and developing healthy coping mechanisms. We believe that a healthy lifestyle involves not only achieving a desired weight but also fostering self-confidence, self-care, and body positivity.
Experience the difference of a supportive and compassionate approach to weight loss at Arham Physio. Take the first step towards a healthier, happier you by joining our weight loss program today. Together, we'll empower you to achieve sustainable weight loss, unlock your potential, and embrace a lifestyle that nourishes your body and mind.
For more information visit:  https://www.arhamphysio.com/services/weight-loss/
#arhamphysio #hospital #physiotherapy #clinic #ahmedabad #nikol #rehabilitation #physiotherapists #physiotherapycentre #weight-loss #dieting 
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drdeepakparikh · 1 year
How can you remedy the problem of dark lips with the help of a dermatologist?
Skin, being our largest organ that protects, nourishes, and through which we feel sensations, is also responsible for our external appearance. Taking care of the skin is not just important for our health but also to have healthy, well-cared-for looks and appearances, which are important for us as social beings.
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Today, the focus on appearances has increased, leading to a plethora of products and cosmetics to help us maintain and enhance our looks. But many times, due to environmental effects, an illness, or the ill effects of medicines or cosmetics, our skin develops pigmentation or dark blotches, including the darkening of the lips. Although the darkening of lips is not a health concern except for cosmetologically concerns, to find the remedy to reverse the effects, you first need to find the best dermatologist in Ahmedabad or your city for professional advice and treatment.
Smoking: Smoking is injurious to health and also to the skin and lips. Long-term tobacco smoking can make your lips dark gradually over time as the smoke stick contains nicotine and benz pyrene along with tobacco, causing your skin to produce more melanin.
Exposure to the sun: Prolonged exposure to the sun causes the skin to produce more melanin in order to absorb the ultraviolet rays. This absorption creates protection against skin damage but, in the process, makes the lips or skin dark. Consult a good dermatologist by searching for a dermatologist near me to know the possible remedies best suited for your skin.
Pregnancy: During pregnancy, hormonal changes can cause the darkening of the lips and certain areas of the skin in some women. Usually the pigmentation disappears postpartum, but if it does not, consult a dermatologist.
Medical conditions: In certain medical issues, the immune system stops the adrenal gland from making adequate essential hormones, causing hyperpigmentation.
Medicines: Medicines often have side effects, one of which is hyperpigmentation, which can occur with certain medicines. In most cases, the skin regains its original colour once the medicines are stopped.
Dark lips treatment by dermatologist
Let us take a look at the possible remedies a dermatologist can help with for treating dark lips.
Chemical peels: Lip scrubs and chemical peels can exfoliate dead and pigmented skin cells, resulting in hydrated, new-pink lips.
Topical creams: Certain medicated topical creams help in depigmentation by lightening the skin and reducing melanin production.
Dermal fillers: Certain reasons can cause a loss of fat on the lips, leading to thin and dehydrated lips. This can cause the lips to appear dark and can be remedied with the help of dermal fillers, which induce volume to the lips and hydrate them to make them look fresh and pink again.
Laser treatment: The most commonly recommended laser treatment for dark lip treatment by dermatologist is the Q-Switch Nd:Yag laser to lighten the lip colour for both women and men.
Permanent makeup: A permanent makeup remedy is suggested in certain cases by the best dermatologist in Ahmedabad, in which a specialised ink is injected into the lips to give them a permanent colour. Although the procedure requires more than one sitting for long-lasting results.
Lips and eyes are the most attractive and delicate features, requiring special care to maintain their natural beauty. Apart from finding a good skin doctor by searching for a ‘dermatology clinic near me’, you can also look after them to maintain the suppleness and dewiness of the lips. Like keeping yourself well-hydrated, protecting from direct sun exposure, maintaining a regular cleansing and moisturising regimen, avoiding cheap and unregulated cosmetic items, not smoking or chewing tobacco, and having a nutritious diet along with regular exercise.
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divawomenshospital · 1 year
How to Authentically Increase Egg Quality For IVF
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Motherhood is a feeling like no other. It’s a mixture of love, joy, fear, and exhaustion that can only be experienced by those who have gone through it. Becoming a mother is a life-changing experience that brings with it a range of emotions. From the moment you first hold your baby in your arms, you are hit with a wave of love and joy that you’ve never felt before. But there are many women who are facing issues and difficulties getting pregnant. Egg quality plays a crucial role in the ability to get pregnant. The quality of an egg is determined by several factors, including age, hormonal balance, and genetic factors. 
In general, younger women have higher-quality eggs compared to older women, and a healthy hormonal balance can also improve egg quality. As a woman ages, the number and quality of her eggs decline, making it more difficult to conceive. Poor egg quality can also increase the risk of miscarriage, chromosomal abnormalities, and other pregnancy complications. To optimize egg quality and increase the chances of getting pregnant, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Read this blog carefully to understand how you can increase the quality of your egg authentically. Also, if you are looking for the best Ob/Gynec in Ahmedabad, then get in touch with Diva Women’s Hospital as they will guide you throughout this process as we have well-qualified nurses, a well-equipped back-office team, and professional support staff. 
Here are some tips that women can follow to increase their egg quality when trying to conceive and to have safe pregnancy as well:
Eat Healthy: Ensure that your diet includes nutrient-dense foods while avoiding processed and high-fat, sugary items. Reduce your consumption of alcohol and caffeine, as they can affect your fertility. Opt for a diet rich in natural fruits, vegetables, nutritious carbohydrates, lean protein, and nuts. 
Avoid Stress: Stress-related hormones such as cortisol and prolactin can disrupt or halt ovulation by lowering egg production. To reduce stress and tension, engaging in activities such as yoga, mindfulness, spirituality, taking a warm bath, or other stress-relieving practices can be helpful. Those women who are trying to conceive must not take stress as it can affect their mental and physical health as well. 
Improve Your Blood Flow: Ensuring adequate oxygenated blood flow to the ovaries is crucial for egg health. This can be accomplished by staying hydrated with at least 6 to 8 glasses of fluid daily, exercising for a healthy heart and optimal circulation, as well as incorporating massage therapy and yoga into your routine. Get in touch with the women’s specialist at Diva Women’s Hospital to have tips for safe pregnancy and motherhood. 
Quit Smoking: Women who are trying to conceive or undergoing IVF should avoid smoking as it causes rapid loss of eggs in the ovaries and alters the DNA of the egg cells, making them unable to conceive. This can be harmful to both the woman’s and her baby’s mental health. 
Balanced weight: Maintaining a balanced weight is important for improved egg quality because being overweight or underweight can affect hormonal balance, which can negatively impact fertility and egg quality. A balanced weight helps to regulate hormones and improve overall reproductive health, increasing the chances of a successful pregnancy.
Using other alternatives such as freezing eggs: Freezing eggs can help to safeguard future fertility by preserving a woman’s eggs at a younger age when they are typically of higher quality. This can give women the option to have children later in life, when their fertility may have declined due to natural aging or other factors. Additionally, freezing eggs can also protect against loss of fertility due to certain medical conditions, treatments, or lifestyle factors that may affect reproductive health. However, it’s important to note that freezing eggs does not guarantee a successful pregnancy, and other factors such as the age of the eggs at the time of freezing, the method of thawing, and fertilization success rates can also impact the outcome.
The importance of egg quality
The quantity of a woman’s eggs is often emphasized in discussions of fertility, but egg quality is equally important. As a woman ages, the quality of her eggs naturally decreases, leading to an increase in eggs with abnormal DNA. Healthy DNA is necessary for a successful pregnancy, and a higher proportion of abnormal eggs leads to lower rates of fertilization, increased risk of miscarriage, and an increased likelihood of genetic disorders in a baby. This is why it becomes harder for older women to get pregnant and why IVF success rates decline with age. Currently, there is no way to test for egg quality, but fertility tests such as checking anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) levels can indicate the number of remaining eggs.
Our fertility specialists can predict the success of ovarian-stimulating treatments based on factors such as age, health information, and results from various ovarian health tests. To maintain healthy eggs and maximize the chances of success with IVF, it is recommended to follow certain lifestyle guidelines. Some tips for maintaining egg quality include: Do visit Diva Women’s Hospital and book your appointment with the best fertility specialist in Ahmedabad today to know more about your fertility situation.
This is blog is originally posted here: https://divahospital.com/blog-post/how-to-authentically-increase-egg-quality-for-ivf/ 
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advaitayur · 1 year
Ayurvedic Treatment for Weight Gain in Ahmedabad
Ayurvedic Treatment for Weight Gain in Ahmedabad
 Advait Bariatrics Care
ABC-Advait Bariatrics Care (Obesity Management Program)
Obesity is a complex disorder involving an excessive amount of body fat. Obesity isn’t just a cosmetic concern. It increases your risk of deasess and health problems, such as heart deases, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Unhealthy food is the curse of modern day life. That joined with a sedentary life that is so common nowadays adds to the growth of fat and the associated illnesses that come with it. Weight loss is the only way out. What happens if the condition is neglected is that it converts in the form of hypertension, diabetes, poor self-esteem, osteoporosis and so much more. At Advait Ayurved, you will go through a specific treatment to ensure that the excess fat is reduced and the metabolism is corrected. The body channels get cleared with our therapies and you will get a renewed boost of energy. For weight loss, we have specific treatment with a deep dry massage using herbal powders and pastes called Udavartana. We will also give synchronized massage with specific oils and steam bath which will help loosen the accumulated fat. This along with a specially designed diet and regular walking will help reduce weight.
Our weight loss treatment packages are designed to give an individual total well being. Our combination of therapies, treatments, medicines, and counseling will keep you motivated throughout the course of treatment. Here you will get the solution for a lifetime if you follow a certain lifestyle and disciplines.
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 Benefits of Obesity Management Program
 ·         5-7 kg weight loss in one month (Minimum)
·         No need for excessive control over food
·         No need for surgery
·         No need for excessive exercise or gym or any other body stress
·         Energetic feeling
·         Effective lifestyle changes make life happier
·         Customized advised for different category and their regular life and work style
·         No weight fluctuations after completing the course
·         Other deasess treatment can run simultaneously during this course
·         Prevention from the complication of obesity
·         Without any side effect
·         More convenient and less invasive procedures
 Address :- A 222, Shakti ETC ( Extol Trade Centre, Vandematram Circle, NR Vandematram Cross Rd, Gota, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 382481.
Call us for Appointment - +91 9904557565
Website :  www.advaitayurved.com
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milkmor0 · 1 year
Benefits Of Gir Cow Ghee In Ahmedabad
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It is a type of clarified butter that has been used for centuries in Indian cooking. Since ghee has a higher smoke point than butter, it is often used in Indian cooking. A2 pure ghee Online manufactured by Milkmor has many health benefits. Milkmor is renowned for making Gir cow ghee in Ahmedabad. This blog covers Desi Gir Cow Ghee Benefits for our wellbeing.
A2 Cow Ghee? What is it?
There are two types of beta-casein protein in cow's milk: A1 beta-casein protein and A2 beta-casein protein. Recent studies appear to indicate that A2 protein is healthier than A1 protein. A2 ghee is made with A2 milk, which contains A2 beta-casein exclusively. Only a few native Indian cow varieties contain this type of protein. Milkmor in Ahmedabad uses only A2 cows to make Gir cow ghee. Gir Cow Ghee has many benefits, including nutritionally being a good source of A, D, E, and K. It aids in the administration of many Ayurvedic medications and treatments. It is also used in several religious rituals.
A2 Desi Ghee: How is it Made?
Milkmor Gir cow ghee in Ahmedabad. Kalyan A2 Ghee Online is made from pure-breed, premium-quality milk from gir cows. Milkmor A2 Desi Gir Cow Ghee is made using the traditional "Wooden-Churned Bilona Process" which minimizes heat generation and preserves the maximum amount of nutrients. Due to its exclusive beta-casein protein, our hand-churned A2 gir cow ghee contains the benefits of desi cow ghee because it is made from the A2 milk of Indian desi cows. By using a bilona, pure A2 milk is converted into curd and then churned into butter. This butter is then cooked over a wood fire in a pot made of cow dung cake to produce pure, healthy, nutrient-dense A2 desi ghee. A2 ghee contains a variety of key vitamins, such as vitamins A, E, K, and D, which are essential nutrients that strengthen immunity and are added benefits of desi cow ghee as well. Additionally, A2 ghee enhances gut health, which improves digestion by detoxifying or purifying the entire body, which improves gut health. Additionally, A2 desi ghee provides the body with a balanced balance of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, which in turn prevents many diseases. A2 desi ghee is also beneficial for increasing bone density.
Benefits of A2 Desi Cow Ghee
Let's take a look at benefits of desi cow ghee
1. Ghee is a digestive stimulant (A2).
The fact that A2 ghee strengthens and controls the digestive system is one of its main advantages. The lower chain fatty acid concentration of A2 ghee makes it easier to absorb and enhances the release of several enzymes as well. For those with digestive problems, A2 Desi Gir Cow Ghee will make their meals break down more smoothly and effectively. It has been proven to relieve constipation and remove toxins from the colon by consuming one tablespoon of A2 ghee with lukewarm water every day.
2. Provides Weight Control
No matter if you want to gain or lose weight, A2 ghee can help. It is believed that conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which is found in A2 ghee, can improve metabolic conversion, which can result in weight loss and belly fat loss. It has been shown that A2 ghee is capable of reducing insulin resistance and lowering diabetes risk.
3. Helps in holistic development of children.
I believe that children can benefit greatly from A2 Ghee because it houses their body, promotes the proper development of their bones, brains, muscles, and other body parts, as well as reducing dental decay in your kids. An added bonus is that it also serves as an energy booster.
4. Provides nutrition for children
It helps to increase brain power or serves as a brain tonic for sharp intellect and memory. Because it is enriched with Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, it also lowers the likelihood of ADHD and other neurological conditions. As well as providing sufficient energy for children's growth, A2 Ghee provides a wide range of fat-soluble vitamins that are important to providing adequate nutrition and enhancing immunity. It has always been a fantastic component of many Ayurvedic treatments, and it also plays a crucial role in the promotion of health due to the fact that pure cow ghee plays such an important role in promoting good health.
5. Supplies Skin Care Nutrition
In addition to soothing the skin, A2 desi ghee can also be used to treat various skin constituents when applied to dry or even burned skin. In addition to providing softness and suppleness to your lips, ghee can also help relieve the chapping of your lips. Besides promoting the health and glow of your skin, hair, and nails, ghee is also well known for improving the health, glow, and radiance of your skin, hair, and nails if you consume milk before bedtime.
6. Healthy, Strong Bones
There is one fat-soluble vitamin included in A2 ghee called vitamin K2. This vitamin is essential for maintaining bone density and is one of the fat-soluble vitamins in A2 ghee. Using vitamin K2 in the right dosage can help prevent tooth decay in children and adults as well as support healthy bone development and growth. It can also prevent bone degeneration.
7. Increased Smoke Point
Compared to cooking oils, A2 ghee has a higher smoke/burning point, meaning that it releases no free radicals or impure gases when heated at a high temperature, as opposed to cooking oils, which are characterized by producing harmful smoke when heated at high temperatures.
8. Neutralizes Bladder Pain
A spoonful of A2 ghee taken in the morning helps relieve bladder pain, and A2 ghee and garlic cloves can aid in the treatment of chronic fever.
9. Ensure the Health of Arteries
Having high levels of vitamin K2 in A2 ghee can reduce the amount of calcium that builds up in the arteries, the arteries are protected and healthy blood cholesterol is kept at a healthy level.
10. Heals Injury
Furthermore, A2 ghee helps hasten the healing process of external wounds as well as treating internal injuries.
11. Encourages a Healthier Pregnancy
In order to ensure the fetus is healthy and gets a strong immune system for a normal birth, choose A2 cow ghee as a crucial component of their diet during pregnancy as it may moisturise the body and provide essential vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids to the future mother.
We all know that ghee is essential for our health and wellbeing, however, it must be made from cow's milk and be of a high quality. Only ghee can enhance our bones and internal organs while also providing us with nutrition. The best way to keep your health is to buy authentic and unadulterated A2 Ghee online. Desi Gir Cow Ghee, made from pure desi cow milk, is always good for you. It contains a huge amount of good fats, which improve our overall health and well-being. There is a recommended daily intake of three spoonfuls of Gir Cow Ghee for the general health of adults. Gir Cow Ghee Benefits have long been lauded by Ayurveda as "healing food." The A2 ghee, which is a key source of nutrients for the cells in the body system as it enhances cell renewal and treats all the internal organs, is said to act as a lubricant when added to warm desi cow milk at night. As the age-old Bilona technique is used to make the authentic Desi cow ghee, it becomes crucial to consume it. If you would like more information or to place an order for 100% pure desi cow A2 Ghee, which is made according to the Vedic tradition, you can visit https://www.milkmor.com/. We are your best source for A2 ghee online.
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anshobecure · 4 months
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Explore the connection between sleep apnea treatment and weight gain. Discover how treating sleep apnea can boost your weight loss journey.
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drapurvaradiance · 1 year
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Liver Transplant Cost in India | Shalby Hospitals
Examine programs that liver is the 2nd many transplanted body organ in the body. Liver illnesses are ending up being increasingly more typical today. It is essential nevertheless, to know the different circumstances under which a liver transplant might be thought about.
Right below are a few of one of the most typical factors for a liver transplant:
Persistent Viral Hepatitis B, C, Decoration
Hepatitis is triggered by a viral infection that leads to swelling, swelling, and cell fatality. All this results in liver damage or scarring. The various kinds of hepatitis are A, B, C, Decoration, and E. Hepatitis B is the prominent indicator of liver cancer cells around the world.
Autoimmune Hepatitis
In this kind of hepatitis, the body’s body immune system is unable to acknowledge it is very own liver cells. It, therefore, starts to hurt the liver cells which lastly results in scarring, liver cirrhosis, and a finish phase of liver illness. Unlike persistent viral hepatitis, this illness is not triggered by an infection.
Laennec Cirrhosis
Laennec cirrhosis is triggered by the harmful impacts of extreme alcohol. Alcoholic abuse can trigger fantastic damages to the liver which is just one of the prominent triggers for liver transplants.
Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Illness
The fat build-up in the liver cells triggers this illness. It’s stated that extreme alcohol is the primary reason for a fatty liver. However, this problem is likewise seen in clients with diabetic issues and weight problems. This problem can trigger liver cirrhosis.
Cryptogenic Cirrhosis
In some cases, the liver establishes cirrhosis for no obvious factor-like alcoholic abuse or viral infection, and so on. This is called cryptogenic cirrhosis.
Biliary Cirrhosis
In some cases, there’s an obstruction in the bile air duct. The liver creates bile which streams from the bile air duct to the gall bladder. From right below it’s gradually launched to the little intestinal tract and assists in absorbing fats. When the bile air duct is obstructed, all the bile that’s created builds up in the liver and triggers swelling and ultimately loss of liver work.
Main Sclerosing Cholangitis
In this illness, the bile air duct ends up being gradually harmed by swelling. This leads to scarring that narrows the bile air duct and triggers blockage to the stream of bile.
Caroli’s Illness
The bile ducts ended up being expanded and lead to the development of cysts or sacks. This triggers infection and blockage of the bile ducts.
Choledochal Cyst
This is a hereditary condition. A choledochal cyst is developed because of a structurally problematic bile air duct.
Energetic Liver Failing
People struggling with severe liver failure triggered by various other factors such as viral infection, fatty liver, and so on. can go through liver transplant surgical treatment.
Harmful Exposures
Direct exposure to specific chemicals, herbicides, lead, asbestos, and various other dangerous contaminants can be the reason for a possible life-endangering liver illness.
Hepatic growths
Growths that spread out either from various other components of the body or those that establish in the liver itself can trigger major damages to this body organ.
Well, this was a wide conversation of all the problems that might result in a liver transplant. Not restricted to these, there are a number of problems that can be dealt with at the appropriate facility for a liver transplant. Various other factors might consist of injury from mishaps, glycogen storage space illness, and great deals more.
Shalby Hospital is the best liver transplant hospital in Ahmedabad that provides outstanding solutions for Liver Transplantation with the finest liver transplant cosmetic doctors in India. Liver Transplant Cost in India is inexpensive as compared to other countries.
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sadbhavnahospital · 2 years
Gallbladder Surgeon | Gallbladder Stone Surgeon In Ahmedabad,Gujarat.India
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Getting rid of stones is now very easy. With natural health research studies being published daily, we now know more about gallstones and how you can remove cholesterol gallstones naturally. Unfortunately, hospitals and surgeons don't want you to know about these secrets. As you can imagine, gallbladder surgery is a multi-billion industry. Did you know that more than half a million Indians undergo this surgery every year? And more and more people are choosing to keep their organ Gallbladder Surgeon In Ahmedabad,Gujarat and try natural remedies. fact! Longitudinal studies have found that removing your gallbladder can increase your risk of both bowel and colon cancer.
If you are thinking of removing stones at home, then these 10 secrets can become your recipe for success. 10 secrets to get rid of gallstones
1.Your diet has a major impact on your body and your gallbladder. You should immediately stop consuming those foods which have high fat content. Similarly, you should also stop consuming those foods in which the amount of cholesterol is high. These foods can add to the structure of your stones and cause stones in the future
2. You should really focus on a healthy diet until your stones go away. A good nutrition tip is to eat plenty of fiber. For grains, you should aim to eat bread and pasta with 3 grams of dietary fiber.
3. Vegetables are probably the best food for your money. Vegetables are low in sugar and high in fiber (water-soluble). It is great for flushing gallstones naturally.
4. Some vegetables contain a lot of chlorophyll which gives even better results. For example, by eating spinach or asparagus, which are rich in chlorophyll, the gallbladder will drain even more.
5. The best treatment is that which cures and prevents. Prevention is the best medicine when it comes to this disease. In addition, you should drink plenty of water to keep your body running efficiently and flush your organs. Water keeps cholesterol flushed which contributes to healing.
6. Many sufferers start their day with a bowl of bran cereal. Oat bran has also been shown to flush the gallbladder.
7. Many people take vitamin C supplements to boost their immunity. Little do they know that this miraculous vitamin will also convert cholesterol into harmless bile? This is great for stones.
8. Herbal therapy has also been extremely popular. Cholagogues have been shown to cause the gallbladder to contract. This can help your stones pass through painlessly. Along with good health, do herbal remedies as well.
9. Another herb that is extremely popular for this disease is milk thistle. This herb in tincture or capsule form has been shown to cleanse the liver and stimulate bile production.
10. A smart lifestyle is important. Try to stay healthy with smart exercise and healthy eating. Being overweight can contribute to this disease. If you are overweight, try to lose the extra weight in a healthy way. A good rate of weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week. gallstone treatment Imagine calling your doctor and having to cancel your expensive surgery because you passed your gallstones painlessly. This is happening every day with thousands of people who try natural remedies to remove stones.
Try this Gallbladder Stone Surgeon In Ahmedabad,Gujarat report that's 100% guaranteed to work for a simple and step-by-step home remedy. 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE! Sadbhavna Hospital has researched natural health for nearly 10 years and wants you to learn how to get rid of gallstones with his step-by-step treatment report. get rid of stones
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advaitayurved · 7 months
Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes in Ahmedabad
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Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes in Ahmedabad
Advait Diabetes care
ADC- Advait Diabetes care (Diabetes Management Program)
Diabetes mellitus, commonly known as diabetes, is a metabolic deases that causes high blood sugar. The hormone insulin moves sugar from the blood into your cells to be stored or used for energy.
With diabetes, your body either doesn’t make enough insulin or can’t effectively use the insulin it does make.
Untreated high blood sugar from diabetes can damage your nerves, eyes, kidneys, and other organs.
Diabetes is a complex disorder involving an excessive amount of blood sugar. It increases your risk of deasess and health problems, such as heart deases, obesity, thyroid, and high blood pressure.
Unhealthy food is the curse of modern day life. That joined with a sedentary life that is so common nowadays adds to the growth of metabolical changes and the associated illnesses that come with it.
At Advait Ayurved, you will go through a specific treatment to ensure that the excess blood sugar is reduced and the metabolism is corrected.
 The body channels get cleared with our therapies and you will get a renewed boost of energy. For Diabetes we have a specific treatment called panchakarma using herbal medicines.
We will also give synchronized massage with specific oils and steam bath which will help loosen the accumulated fat and increased metabolic rate.
This along with a specially designed diet and regular walking will help reduce blood sugar n get eradicated Diabetes from uproots.
Benefits of Diabetes Management Program
Customized advises for different category and their regular life and work style
Blood sugar management in positive manners
weight loss in positive manners
No need for excessive exercise or gym or Walking
Energetic feeling
Effective lifestyle changes make life happier
No Blood Sugar fluctuations after completing the course
Other deasess treatment can run simultaneously during this course
Prevention from a complication of Diabetes
Without any side effect
More convenient and less invasive procedures
Generally most of the patients pulled out from Insulin dependency
Address :- A 222, Shakti ETC ( Extol Trade Centre, Vandematram Circle, NR Vandematram Cross Rd, Gota, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 382481.
Call us for Appointment - +91 9904557565
Website :  www.advaitayurved.com
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