sprinkleskirby · 6 months
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wildtornado-o · 1 year
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Posting this too <3 Cleuce ily
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meiko333 · 5 months
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Monster High Icons
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ghostlymarauder · 6 months
Maybe that sounds crazy. Maybe it's been said a million times. Anyway, I'm just ranting about my 3 am thoughts.
I know in G3 we have non-binary Frankie (who also has a prosthetic leg), and the Draculaura doll is more curvy. But as far as I'm concerned, they took everything else that made Monster High inclusive.
For starters, and I know it was never actually confirmed, but still, Clawdeen is lesbian (bisexual at best). Once again, it was never confirmed, but in my opinion is a theory popular enough for the Monster High management to hear about it.
If they really wanted to make it more inclusive, why did they not confirm Clawdeen sexuality and give her a female romantic interest?
No, they had to break up one of their best couples. This leads me to my next point, what the fuck are Cleo and Deuce doing being separated?
The first G1 dolls literally came as a package. If you got one, you got the other. That's how much of an obvious couple they were. And not only that, in the Boo York movie, they broke up for like five minutes before realizing they didn't want to be without each other.
Which, in my opinion, it's so fucking cute because they come from completely different worlds. Cleo is royalty, Deuce is just a normal guy. Cleo is a little too superficial, and Deuce looks like he never showers. But they love each other and that's enough.
And you know who else loved each other and that was enough? Clawd and Draculaura. What do you even mean with "Clawd likes Cleo"? That man was in love with Draculaura, that man would've done anything for her, and you're telling me they also broke them apart?
Especially since they made Draculaura curvy, it would've been beautiful to see them together. Because it would've been a great plot point to have jock, almost-bully Clawd evolve into falling in love with curvy, smart, witchy Draculaura. But no, they just separated them.
On a completely different note. What the fuck is Gil doing without his tank? Do I even have to explain why this is taking inclusivity out of the Monster High concept? He couldn't live without his tank outside the water. Ergo, he was limited without his tank. If you ask me, this is Monster High equivalent to something like hearing aids (and this is just an example, there are many other things you could compare Gil's tank to)
Also, Ghoulia talking bothers me a lot. First of all, she was the smartest of the group, but we couldn't understand what she was saying, which added a lot of comedy since us, the spectators, were only pretending to know what the fuck Ghoulia's plan was. And I repeat, she was the smartest of the group.
The smartest of the group couldn't communicate like everyone else. I won't even explain why that is fascinating in itself, because it just is and it added so much depth to whole story. And to add more to my problem with G3 Ghoulia, why is she standing straight and walking at a regular speed?
Ghoulia standing like a zombie was, again, to me, a form of inclusivity to all the kids out there who had some walking impediment, or, in general, had any chronic illness that stopped them from moving around. And her walking slow as fuck was just straight-up funny (especially that one web episode where she got a motorcycle).
There's a lot of things I do like about G3, as I think it improves the brand in wonderful ways, but they definitely took some of the most essential things that made Monster High what it was.
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beemers-hell · 1 month
it is once again time for dolltism posting because THE MONSTERFEST DOLL ARE IN MY AREA
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minus Lagoona cause her doll doesn't appear to be in stock yet </3
Anyway, holy shit these dolls are GORGEOUS, they stepped the fuck up for this line. I'm so happy I get to look at them IRL now!!
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Also, something a few people pointed out on twitter, in Frankie's locker from Skultimate Secrets Series 1, there's this photo of their and Cleo's hands together:
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And guess what bracelet accessories Monsterfest Cleo and Frankie come with!!
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that's just so cute, idk if this was something that was planned a year ago or not but that's just so adorable. I love my queer dolls sm
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I need payback for this I need Cleo running her finger down the stich scar on Frankie’s check while calling them cool or a sweetie or saying ‘hey one of your stiches is loose lemme get my beetle babies to fetch some thread so I can fix that’ and she’s never stitched anything before but Frankie is having the time of their life holding still while she very carefully figures it out like that one meme about the girls with the make up only its a mummy putting fresh stiches in their franken monster themfriend wait what was I saying
oh yeah or maybe Cleo could smooch them on that cheek or clean a smudge of oil off while they're making another robot and they start sparking and blushing like a dying toaster or idk anything please just let them be cute together again
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Things I love about G3 part two: Clankie and other queer relationships
The next part of my G3 appreciation series! I’m sure I wasn’t the only one thrown a curve ball when we all realized Cleo and Frankie would be together in this generation instead of her and Deuce! What a change! I love it though. It took me a little while to see them together as a couple (based purely on them as characters and chemistry) but the writing of this series is so cute and well-done that Clankie won me over!
I think it’s amazing we have a queer couple among the main cast. Yes, Monster High isn’t the first series to do so, but it is one of few (if any) kid’s shows on a major cable network right now to portray queer love! That’s a pretty bold risk in today’s environment.
We see even more lgbtq+ couples represented in Deuce’s two moms, Lyra and Medusa, and with Bram and Deadward, seen during the Monster Matching montage!
I’m sure I don’t need to tell you all how important it is to normalize lgbtq+ couples and relationships. There are queer kids growing up right now who need to see that they deserve love just like everyone else, and that there is nothing wrong for wanting that. Then there are kids growing up with two moms, two dads and gender non-conforming parents: they deserve to see their families treated with the same equal validation as cis/hetero families! No one should feel ashamed of living outside of society’s forced “norm.” And no one should get into their heads that it’s okay to make fun of these “other” students either - be it for their families or who they are. Monster High is, as I’ve said, a wonderful step in the right direction and I really hope it sees enough longevity to make a difference in some kids’ lives.
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bluebelleisabelle · 1 year
G3 Clankie headcanons:
Cleo calls Frankie “precious” or “my precious” in reference to her voiceover towards the end of Horoscare, in which she referred to them as a “precious monster”.
Frankie likes doing the nose-to-nose boops/rubs that they give Watzie with Cleo, and every time they do it, it catches Cleo off guard and makes her a little flustered.
Frankie lets Cleo borrow their jacket, and when she returns it to them, they hug it to their chest and smell her scent on it jdjdj
Cleo always fakes being full when eating screechza (pizza) with Frankie, so that they don’t feel bad eating the last slice
 Whenever Cleo puts her canopic jar bag down, Frankie guards that shit with their UNDEAD LIFE like it’s an unattended drink at a party. And if Cleo ever asks them to hold a jar for her, Frankie will clutch onto that thing and make sure nothing happens to it
*Insert Frankie doing something silly goofy* *Cleo responds with a “omg I love you, you little dork” look*
Frankie makes Cleo things when she’s having a rough day. Whether it be jewelry or a cute art piece of the two of them holding hands with lots of glitter and glue djjdjd
Though Cleo has every piece of jewelry imaginable that she inherited from her royal family, she still chooses to exclusively wear the homemade jewelry that Frankie makes her
Frankie infodumps to Cleo about their interests and vice versa. Cleo will talk about one of her favorite influencers (showing pictures and gushing), and Frankie will enthusiastically respond with questions
Frankie likes having their face cupped in someone’s hands (Cleo’s hands specifically)
When the two of them are having creepovers, Frankie will ask really strange, philosophical questions to Cleo at late hours of the night. Things like “can vegetables feel pain when you bite into them” or “is cereal a soup”. Cleo considers the questions for two seconds, realizes she’s too tired, and says meekly “go to bed, Frankie”.
Frankie doesn’t understand that salmonella exists, so Cleo has to keep a close eye on them when they’re baking together to ensure that they don’t eat fistfuls of cookie dough
Whenever Cleo and Frankie are watching pep rallies from the audience, when the fearleaders enter the stage, Cleo always looks over at Frankie to assess their expression and make sure they’re okay. They always have a beaming smile on their face.
Cleo has become Frankie’s safe space to let out emotions if they need to. When Frankie approaches her needing someone to talk to, Cleo can sense that the vibe is off, and she gives them a safe space to talk it out
I’ve mentioned this is a prior post of mine, but Cleo definitely allows Frankie to gently stim with her mummy wraps when they’re alone together <3
Lots of nose kisses !!
Cleo will approach Frankie after class like “um… hey, precious, what was the homework?” And Frankie will give her all of their class notes and offer to help her study
Cleo told Frankie that, as someone who appreciates healthy emotional processing, her favorite acronym is “MILF” (Man, I Love Feelings), and Frankie goes around saying “milf”, having no idea what it actually means
Cleo will send Frankie vague messages like “aw I’m sitting all alone in the creepateria. I wish a cute monster would sit with me :( ”. And Frankie is like “awww Cleo, I’ll sit with you !! :D ”, having no idea that Cleo was referring to them the whole time
Frankie will try to eat something off the floor and Cleo will slap their hand away. Frankie will look sad, and Cleo will kiss the back of their hand with a timid apology
Frankie loves treating Cleo like royalty, but not in the alienating way. Like, they love serving Cleo breakfast in bed, kissing the back of her hand, and playfully bowing before her when they volunteer to help her with something djdjd
Will I make more parts? Honestly, don’t be surprised if I do jdjdjd
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bitchy-ish · 6 months
Frankie Stein Headcanons!!!
runs cold naturally, wears a lot of layers (fleece lined tights really come in handy so they cans till wear cute outfits)
their joints get sore sometimes, especially when its cold
they really love to experiment with fashion, willing to try anything and everything
sometimes they bind if they’re feeling dysphoric (or if they think it would work better with their outfit)
Cleo also gets cold easily, it doesn’t get as cold in Egypt so when winter comes to New Salem her and Frankie cuddle up to stay warm together (im obsessed with their dynamic)
they are so clueless and were sad for weeks because they assumed Cleo didn’t like them back and Draculara and Clawdeen had to spell it out for them that Cleo had been flirting with them the whole time
Cleo does their makeup for them, and teaches them how to do it too, even learning how to do more masculine makeup to help them when they want to appear more masculine
Cleo has so many guys going after her all the time and sometimes Frankie feels like they aren’t good enough for her. Cleo always makes sure to reassure them that she loves them and only them, and shoots down every boy who asks her out
Frankie sparks when their nervous sometimes
their stitches come undone sometimes and all their friends have started to tighten them for them when they notice it
okay thats all for now! i just love frankie and i literally just today discovered clankie and i love it so!!! ahh!!
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ratstuckinamarble · 3 months
Time for first impressions of season two! (Some mild spoilers will be here, obviously)
Aaand starting right off with a new werecreature character (Foxford?) and Clawdeen in her wereruler get up, which seems... Entirely inconvenient, she can barely get about, someone free her.
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I feel like this dude will have his fans. My feelings are: he needs to chill.
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Aww Cleo and Frankie are going back to school together... Goodness, I missed these two. And Hissette is there! Yay! (Plus Twyla and Manny in the background)
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The happiness of seeing each other again is adorable, but they're building up some potential conflicts I'm not necessarily looking forward to... We'll see.
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Oh? Together? That's so cute, I wish we could have seen a little of that.
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Travel by garbage goblin. I repeat, TRAVEL BY GARBAGE GOBLIN. I love that so much-
Alright, I'm not gonna go into more detail so people can experience this for themselves, but my overall feelings are... Positive, I'd say, if a little apprehensive, but that's to be expected. I'm really excited to see what this season will have in store for us.
(you can find the video I got the screenshots from on the monster high YouTube channel)
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t4tails · 3 months
Can you do a top five of the Brand Boo/Core Refresh dolls?
theres only 5 core refresh anyway so yeah sure. under cut bc long images
5. clawdeen. she glowed up from her first core doll do not get me wrong but she still dresses like she shops at justice. its weird i feel like this is ALMOST good like if her hair was darker brown, her pants were a better material and full length instead of capri, her boots were more detalied... this couldve been fun but alas
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4. draculaura. shes fine i just think all of her dolls blend together. theres no improvement here its just like wow drac got another 7/10 outfit yayy. also i dont really tend to like the fabric her sleeves are made of bc it smooshes easily. theres some cute details but its nothing special
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3. cleo. okay now the good ones LOL honestly im just not a huge fan of cleos style, but this is peak for her so far. she successfully hits what she wants to, its not her fault im not the target. special shout out to her face, i think the blue pupils look weird a lot but theyre great here
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2. frankie. FRANNKIIEEE. aughh they cant keep being one of the best in every line theyre in 😭 theyre making the others jealous... ik some people dislike their mismatched pants/socks but i personally love it every time. and the patterns on their torso are so cute - the only wish i have is that they kept the lips black instead of dark blue
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1. lagoona. it is HER YEAR she heard people talking shit about her pink skin and decided to show them what she thinks. shes stunning and i need her immediately
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thatavatarchick · 2 years
Rating the new Monster High designs 'cause I honestly love them.
1. Clawdeen
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I love that they gave her actual fur and a wolf nose!
All the moons incorporated into her look pull the whole thing together
The whole "half-human" is new but I kinda like it
My only problem is that her lighter hair with the purple streaks is too much purple; i feel like her darker hair would have balanced it put more.
2. Draculaura
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Her hair seems a lot more vampiric; the split color with the pointed bangs? Nice
I like that they kinda made her a rebel. wants to be a witch when its forbidden? I get that
kinda wish she had more Victorian elements.
3. Frankie
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I love their neon vibe a lot more; it fits the idea of lightning, electicity, etc.
The head shave = 😍
Literally I love them. They're perfect.
Edit: I forgot to point out that I also like her new blue skin. Everyone’s hating it, but skin technically turns blue when it’s cold and dead, not green. So I am liking the blue.
4. Deuce
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I love the actual snake skin and teeth they gave him. The snakeskin jacket is also a nice touch
Only wish they gave him piercings or something; as im typing this I just realized they missed the chance to give him snakebites #wastedopportunity
5. Cleo
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A literal QUEEN
I am LOVING her darker skin, and the golden highlights? Go offfff
All her little beetle friends are so cute :)
She is beauty. She is Grace. She is CLEO DE NILE, BITCHESSSS.
6. Lagoona
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Everyone is hating on her new look but...I like it?
I'm loving the mermaid vibes. The pastels, the pearls, the starfish earrings...
The bigger webbed ears are so cute
She got new parents and new ethnicity but me dont care
dont really have any problems with her new look; I love the vibes she gives so im satisfied.
7. Heath
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He's the only one I dont really like; its more firey than his old one but a little bland
Son of Hades is pretty sweet tho
I like the fact that he has outbursts and gets worked up over little things; honestly relatable
All in all, I like it a little, but I feel like they REALLY could've done better with his design.
8. Torelai
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Again with the fur and nose! Love!!
I love the purple in her outfit, it goes so nicely with the red
The hairrrrrrrr 😍
I NEED that claw mark choker its so cute
comes from an elite family but is a bad girl who wants to preserve monster society? UH YES
Shes giving me Sam manson vibes
I honestly like this new Torelai; I just know shes once again gonna be iconic
9. Headmistress Bloodgood
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I am seriously LOVING her new look
Her horseshoe belt and brooch are really clever. And the ax/scythe earrings? YES
All in all, I'm a fan of their new looks (except Heath, sorry bud) and I cant wait for the new series!
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Dracugoona, Clankie, and Spawdeen: What personal item from their S/O do they keep on themselves at all times?
Lagoona: she keeps Nosbearatu together with Senior Squeaky in her bag. Despite Draculaura telling Count she’s too old for the stuffy to make her feel better it was still very important to her and she figured with Lagoona’s love of cute things she’d appreciate the meaning of such a gift. She very much did.
Draculaura: A small sketchbook Lagoona kept back in her Castillo that was already filled by the time she arrived at Monster High. The first time Draculaura flipped through it she couldn’t help the feeling that she gained a deeper understanding of who Lagoona was. What her fears and dreams were, it was all in those pages which Draculaura treasured greatly.
Oh and she wears Lagoona’s hoodie every chance she gets that Lagoona has to (playfully) fight her to get it back, so there’s that too.
Clawdeen: The first ICoffin charm Spectra had ever gotten is now the first Clawdeen has ever gotten. It’s of a small Purple Heart, wrapped in chains and held together with a lock. When Clawdeen asked if there was a key that came with it, Spectra’s answer of “She’s the one holding it” completely knocked the wolf out of her until she was nothing but a crying mess.
Spectra: Clawdeen spent days thinking of what to give Spectra after the charm incident. She wanted to give the ghost something just as meaningful but the most important thing to her was the Moonclaw and she couldn’t give that. Or could she?
The first time Clawdeen took it off to put it around Spectra’s neck it was Spectra’s turn to fight tears. This was her lost mom’s necklace and though she wasn’t quite giving it to her Clawdeen was telling Spectra ‘I trust you to keep it safe.’ A job Spectra took quite seriously as she refuses to let anyone too close to it or even remove it unless Clawdeen asks for it.
Frankie: at first they had to fight with Cleo when she tried to give them the jar with her heart in it. Yes it was very sweet and incredibly swoon worthy a gesture but they didn’t want to be the reason Cleo turned heartless around others if they were too far apart. Cleo was too beautiful for that and so they settled on something else just as sweet but slightly less important. The only stone Cleo had that meant more to her than a shiny bauble for it was one of the first Nefera had ever given her back when they were children and their relationship wasn’t as strained. It didn’t look like much because it wasn’t, it was something Nefera picked up off the ground and thought her sister would like. She never knew Cleo kept it all this time.
Cleo: body parts. Maybe an eye here or an ear there it tends to differ every day but will often be one of those two. Frankie insists it’s because they like being near, and while they can’t always be at least a part of them still can. And no matter what part it is Cleo takes very special care of it until the next time they see each other again.
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eminsunnytoons123 · 1 month
Emin's multiple childhood crushes
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After I said yesterday that i'll make a post of my childhood crushes that I still have, and that have started my era of liking both genders, so heres the post =^_^= And this is a post for all my besties, sisters, Brothers, pen pals And girlfriend to know like: @ilovescaredysquirrel2 And @iggyguyy And @sophia-does-skits And @muppet-fan-real And @mysafespaceblog13 And @ducktoonz903707 And @peaceforpeople And all my other besties, Sisters, Brothers, pen pals =^////^=
I have literally lots of crushes, And I might make this in parts since not only these are my crushes, I have MULTIPLE more =^///^= And also, before I start now saying these crushes of mine, I would literally daydream the entire relationships with these characters/celebrities I have a crush on =0.0=
Now, lets start with The male crushes I started having since my childhood:
1. Sunny Bridges (class of 3000) - heck, I started having a crush on him because of his voice, his looks, And just.... His personality. And I literally would smile whenever he was either talking, singing, or was on the screen. And I can say, I have a thing for black People because I always think theyre beautiful. =^///^=
2. Tony the talking clock (DHMIS) - I dont know why did I have a crush on him, but Its because I really liked his voice And just his accent, And I always liked the fanart of him I found on the internet.
3. Duroro (keroro gunso) - I think I have a crush on him because of his voice, especially in the Bosnian dub, And I really liked his looks.
4. Tamama (keroro gunso) - Im not sure if he is either a boy or a girl... But i'll put him here ^///^; I really liked him because of his cute personality And just his kind of jealousy side when he would feel like someone gets near keroro.
5. Poco (brawl stars) - oh... I certainly remember this guy, I can now sometimes be embarassed when I remember my crush on poco, but I just thought he was an very like, "attractive" Guy in brawl stars.
6. Surge (brawl stars) - I remember having surge as an favorite character from brawl stars, And I even used to ship my brawl stars OC named Cathy with him (i'll draw her soon again), And I would sometimes get jealous when Surge And Max would be "shipped" together.
7. Josh (blue's clues And you) - I remember when this Show actually came out to Nick jr in my Bosnian dub somewhere maybe in 2020, And I really liked Josh, I thought he was cute And I still do.
8. Foxy (fnaf) - oh god... I remember having a slight crush on him too, its because I founded pirates very attractive, especially female pirates, even tho they can sometimes be evil, I still really liked them.
9. Espresso cookie (Cookie run Kingdom) - I really liked this Guy because of his voice, his looks And just his personality, And I used to ship him with Madeleine cookie, because I really liked the Idea of them being shipped together. (I have always made lgbtq ships I think since 2021)
Now, heres the female crushes I started having when I was a little ass kid And that I still have a crush on now And how they started my liking girls side:
1. Fi (tractor tom) - I really liked her english voice, And even her voice in Bosnian dub, And my cheeks would sometimes turn red-ish whenever I hear her talking, And I really liked her personality.
2. Violet, Fifi And primrose (Fifi And the flowertots) - first Violet, I really liked her voice in both english And Bosnian dub, And I really liked how her hobby was painting And drawing. Second Fifi, I really loved her personality, And whenever I would hear her talking at the start of every episode, I would blush And giggle. Third primrose, I know she is kind of narcissistic And bossy, but I still really liked her sense of Fashion And voice.
3. Frankie, draculaura, clawdeen, robecca, Venus, Abbie, Spectra, Rochelle, cleo, ghoulia, lagoona And operetta (Monster high) - first Frankie, I really liked her sense of Fashion and her kinda clumsyness, the way she sometimes loses her body parts would make me Chuckle. Second draculaura, she is my number ONE favorite ghoul from Monster high, I really liked her voice in both english And Bosnian dub, And I really love her sense of Fashion, And I always found her ponytails cute, And I wanted my ponytails like that. Third clawdeen, I really liked her looks, personality And voice, whenever I would see her on the screen, I would hide my face, not because I was scared of her, its because I would get flustered whenever I see her. Fourth robecca, heck, I literally had a big crush on this girl too, I even would sometimes imagine myself brushing her beautiful long black And blue hair, And even hugging her, And I really love her voice. Fifth Venus, I really liked her sense of loving Plants, And I loved her hairstyle And voice in both english And Bosnian dub. Sixth Abbie, oh fuck, I literally love this girl too just like draculaura And robecca, I literally loved her hairstyle, voice, looks And personality, I always imagined her hugging me or being my girlfriend. Seventh spectra, I really liked her voice, sense of Fashion And hairstyle, I would sometimes imagine her holding me by my hands And just we both are flying around like normal ghosts. Eighth Rochelle, Heck, I really love this girl too, I literally founded her so pretty just like all the ghouls And female And male crushes I had And still have, I always wanted her to be my girlfriend And I really like her voice. Ninth cleo, I know she can sometimes be narcisstic And bossy just like primrose, but I still really loved her, And I imagined her hugging me And being my girlfriend. Tenth ghoulia, I really like geeky And nerdy characters, especially if theyre girls, I always wanted ghoulia to be my girlfriend even if she was with slo-mo, I would sometimes get jealous when theyre together. Eleventh lagoona, I really liked sea gals like lagoona, I really love her looks And her inteligence. And twelveth operetta, I really love her too, I really love her hairstyle, her voice And her sense of opera And drama, I sometimes would imagine myself in a theatre stage with her, dancing with her And singing with her.
4. Karai (tmnt 2012) - I know karai is evil And Works with shredder, but I really liked her looks And her voice in both english And Bosnian dub, And that one episode where she like dissapears somewhere, I was very sad And would rewatch the episodes where she was in.
5. Piper (brawl stars) - I really liked her voice And her looks, I would even sometimes imagine her baking me some muffins after I saw that video of her making muffins, And I just found her very pretty.
6. Clover And Mandy (totally spies) - first clover, I loved her voice And sense of Fashion, And I really imagined her being my girlfriend And being on missions with her, Alex And sam. Second Mandy, I know she is a rude popular girl just like how cleo And primrose can be rude And narcissistic, but I still really loved her, And I would imagine Mandy being Nice to me except for others.
7. Kesha - heck, she was my first celebrity crush, I really love her voice And songs, AND her looks, she is still my favorite Singer, And I would sometimes imagine myself being at her concert And hearing her beautiful voice
8. Britney Spears - she is my second celebrity crush, And I really love her voice, her looks And her songs, I have always founded her pretty just like kesha And Melanie. And like kesha, she is still my favorite Singer.
9. Melanie Martinez - she is my third celebrity crush, I really love her voice And her songs, even her sense of Fashion, And I would even imagine being at her crybaby And K-12 concerts. And I really found her beautiful just like kesha And Britney, And ofcourse, she is still my favorite Singer.
10. Cici (roary the racing car) - I know she is a car, but I founded her voice very beautiful in both english And Bosnian dub, And I would sometimes imagine her giving me compliments.
11. Raibaru (yandere simulator) - heck, I founded her very pretty, And I would sometimes even imagine raibaru being MY bodyguard And girlfriend at the same time And protecting me.
12. Tiger Lily (cookie run Kingdom) - I really founded her cute And I imagined her protecting me along with her big Tiger, I always wanted to brush her long hair.
13. And lastly fluttershy And rarity (MLP) - first fluttershy, I really loved her sweet And kind personality, I always wanted to help her take care of her pets, And I liked her cute soft voice. Second rarity, I really liked her sense of Fashion And her voice in both english And Bosnian dub, And I always imagined her making me dresses And helping her make dresses.
And those are my childhood crushes that I still have for now, And i'll ship my persona with Clifford from muppets, Sunny Bridges, And many more other favorite muppets of mine =^////^=
Note 1: my persona's Age is Unknown, but he is actually in his early 20s
I hope y'all will like this ^////^; 💕
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sweetsweethate · 5 months
My favorite Monster High dolls (gen 1)
(this is a long post and i have to clarify that, while i think there are more designs i love so much, i don't think they look that good on dolls like they do on illustrations, ex: OG Abbey Bominable)
Clawdeen Wolf
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My favorite, she is just iconic, THE werewolf ghoul, i love violet and golden together and boy their dolls make it work, also her brown skin makes everything better (special mention to her 1600 doll she definitly slay with that outfit)
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She invented pink, never seen that color before the first Draculaura dolll hit the market, while she has a lot of dolls, i kinda prefer the ones that are more 'simple' but omg the Japan Exchange one? never seen something so pretty
Frankie Stein
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Blue and silver neker look so great together until Frankie, i dont know how her style is called, but i love her academic chic vibe(? love her cold palette and her hair is my favorite thing ever
Cleo de Nile
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THE QUEEN of Monster High, every putfit screems royalty and glam, turquoise and golden is just chef kiss, and personally i love when her hair is fully black
Lagoona Blue
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Oh Lagoona i love you, her pink accents are so cute and her blonde hair with blue highlights, wish they focused more on her 'sporty laid back style' like her OG doll but he is so cute after all
CA Cupid and Viperine Gorgon
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If someone says 'you can get 1 monster high, whatever you want' i would say CA cupid without doubt, everything about her is so delicate, precious and creppy and the same time, yeah she is cupid but also she has wings made with bones, how cool is that? and the black gradient? everything i ever dream in a doll
Viperine is so cool, i never pay atention to Deuce but the concept of a gorgon doll is so creative and so here is Viperine, while i always complain about the numerous dolls with pink accents or pallets, i think the pink looks so good on her and the texture of her skin and her glasses are my fav thing
Sirena Van Boo, Skelita Calaveras and Operetta
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Sirena Van Boo, i fell in love with her design since i watched the movie, like i already said, i love black gradients and her hair? its perfect, i love her color pallet and her mermaid tal is one of the prettiest things i've seen in a mh doll
Skelita is a skeleton doll, a s k e l l e t o n d o l l, obviously i have to add her cause thats alone is madness, i chose this version of her cause i love the pink and turquoise together and her bad is so pretty
Operetta is one of my favs cause her concept is so cool to me, like she has a mask and yep she got me there ngl, her white, black and red style is everything plus her 60's vibes
Thats all! thanks for reading :)
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Clawdeen: Do you ever get the feeling that Cleo and Frankie are like, less than one centimeter away from accidentally becoming super villains?
Draculaura: Well yes, but they're so CUTE together!
Clawdeen: Worryingly cute.
Draculaura: Besides- they're both too full of love and kindness to ever REALY turn evil.
Clawdeen: Uh huh. And what if they read somewhere that it's romantic to give your partner "the whole world"?
Draculaura: Hm.
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