cosmica-galaxy · 1 year
could you do some Fake Peppino x a fem Y/N?
asking for a friend 😳
Ayo, can you send your friend over here so I can talk to them? /lh /j
Have a domestic work morning with Fakey Boi!
The sound of your alarm blaring wakes you out of your slumber and you find yourself slamming your hand down onto the noisy device in an attempt to silence it.
Groaning when it finally stops, you pull the covers away from your head. Revealing your messy hair and disgruntled expression to the world as you sigh in frustration.
Upon laying there dozing for a few minutes, you take notice of the secondary presence laying on your bed. You already knew who it was as you wordlessly smiled and turned over in the sheets, wrapping your arms around a familiar squishy midsection. You hear a familiar "mrrp" come from your lanky companion who was laying beside you in response to being hugged by you.
You snuggle into the soft midsection as familiar purring starts up just underneath your head and you let out a comforted sigh as two familiar hands press into your back. Locking you in a lazy embrace.
"Morning, Peppy..." You yawn, getting a slow and grumbling distorted response from the creature laying on the bed. His version of a "good morning".
You both lay there silently and embrace one another before you let out a sigh.
"Well. Time to start the normal routine all over again. It's Monday after all. Come on...we gotta get up, Peppy." You yawn once more, slinking out of Peppy's embrace as you sit up, ignoring the way he whines in an upset manner.
You sling your lower half off the bed and you stretch before standing up completely. Looking over your shoulder, you can see Fake Peppino stretching as well, letting out a large yawn of his own before his expression focuses on you and the semi-permanent smile returns. Seemingly unaware of the fact that his tongue is hanging out slightly. You couldn't help but giggle a bit in response to his expression.
Now, your shared routine begins.
You get up and head to the bathroom to clean up and get ready for the day while Fake Peppino topples out of your shared bed, like he does every morning, before striding off to get you some breakfast ready before you head off to work.
You brush your teeth, go to the bathroom, wash your face, and get your uniform on while the aroma of something cooking fills your home. It was certainly an improvement to when you lived alone...you couldn’t imagine going back to a work schedule where you had to go to work without eating breakfast.
You slip on a familiar work outfit that you have worn numerous times before effortlessly, it was almost scarily automatic at this point. But once you were ready, you headed into the kitchen, where your tall housemate was.
Fake Peppino's lanky form walks around your kitchen with ease as his malleable arms and legs bend and stretch across it with grace. It was almost hypnotic in the way he moved from one place to another so quickly. He then notices you taking a seat at the table and smiles widely at you and gives you a wave. You smile and wave to him in return as he collects your breakfast.
"So...what's on the menu this morning, Peppy?" You say as the clone in question pours you a glass of your favorite drink.
"Setelemo! (Omelets!)" He replies happily, placing a freshly made omelet down in front of you.
"Oh, wow! Thank you so much, Peppy!" You grin as you scratch his chin lovingly, enticing a series of purrs to come from his throat. "Remember to get you some breakfast too! You have to be at Peppino's in 2 hours!"
He nods before he turns back to the stove. Allowing you to calmly eat your food and both of you made small talk about what was on the agenda for this week.
Once breakfast is concluded and you’ve eaten, you take a peek at the time and let out a huff.
"Well...sadly, it's time for me to get to work. I'll be back home at my usual time...if they don't keep me for an overtime shift again." You sigh as you stand up and fetch the keys to your car.
Fake Peppino whines as he hurries over and places his long arms around you, causing you to let out a series of laughs. Patting his flexible arms gently, you turn to him and give him a hug, which he returns.
"Aww...don't worry, big guy! I'll be back soon! Someone has to pay for all these nice things after all! But, hey! At least you came free! Heeheehee!" You giggle as Fake Peppino gives you a couple of gentle licks before releasing you.
"Have a good day, Peppy! I'll see you when I get home!" You finish as you open the door and wave goodbye, trying to resist the puppy-dog look he was giving you, but you waggle your finger at him before you head out the door.
Some people may find your current living predicament strange.
A creature that's the clone of a local pizza-maker and is mixed with partial animal DNA is currently living under your roof and sleeping in your bed...but you wouldn't change a thing.
You love your tall goopy housemate and nobody would be able to change your mind about him.
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