planetmosh · 2 years
BLOODSTOCK 2022 - Latest update
BLOODSTOCK 2022 – Latest update
THE COUNTDOWN IS ON!  79 DAYS TIL BLOODSTOCK 2022! The clock is ticking!  There’s just 79 days left until the marauding hordes thunder their way through the gates of Catton Park, pitch their tents, crack some beers and kick off the best heavy metal weekender of the year!  As is often unavoidable in these still uncertain times, there have been a couple of changes due to travel logistics for some…
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keanureevesisbae · 4 years
Mister Cavill, your dog is kinda fat - Chapter 19
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Summary: Veterinarian Olivia Tran has zero time for bullshit. After becoming a mom at age twenty three, the one thing she wants is a good life for her daughter Vanessa. Her ex didn’t want anything to do with her nor the baby and she decided that man are officially banned out of her life. But then she meets Henry Cavill at her clinic and her ban slowly starts to crumble apart. Henry on the other hand is looking for one thing: a family. And when he meets Olivia Tran, he finds just that.
Henry Cavill x Olivia Tran (ofc)
Warnings: None
Wordcount: 3.1k
A/N: Oh my God, everyone. This story has reached 70k and I have to write another chapter. This is a full on novel that I wrote in about a month... 🤯🤯🤯
Masterlist // Previous chapter // Next chapter
Olivia is thirty weeks pregnant and since a week she is on maternity leave. Henry doesn’t want to be the kind of man that is really possessive about his girlfriend, wanting her around every single second, but he is happy that she is at home now. Working the hours that she did, became too much for her, though she didn’t want to admit it. He even suggested to buy her some extra maternity leave, but she insisted that she was going to work up until twenty nine weeks.
But now she is at home and God, does he love every minute that she’s here with him. This pregnancy has been a dream for Henry. His family is growing and that was what he wanted. He started with Kal and then he met Olivia. Because he met Olivia, he gained not only a beautiful girlfriend, but a marvelous young daughter like Vanessa and now they are expecting a baby girl.
His brothers asked him if he didn’t mind that he’d only have women at home, but to be entirely fair: he doesn’t care one single bit. Vanessa already said that when her baby sister is born, they are going to put make-up on him, he should lift both of them up at the same time and he should participate in fashion shows.
And that is a future he so desperately wants.
Tonight Vanessa will go to his parents place, since his mom really wants to have her over. His dad is on a camping trip with some of his friends and mom can use some company. But for now she joins Olivia and him on a little trip to a tattoo shop.
According to Olivia, it had been quite some time since she last went there, probably for the tattoo of Vanessa’s name after Vanessa was a year old. Olivia places her hand on his. ‘You sure you still want to do this?’ she asks.
‘I do.’
‘And remember, only Vanessa’s name,’ she tells him, when he parked the car. ‘I don’t want you to regret it.’
‘I could never regret you, sweetheart.’ Henry opens the door of his own side and walks around the car, to open her door and the back door, so Vanessa can get out as well.
The three of them stand on the curb, as he hears Olivia and Vanessa have a discussion. ‘Because the tattoo is permanent,’ Olivia says, holding Vanessa’s hand. ‘And I know that daddy is not going to regret you, but he and I could break up.’
Vanessa frowns. ‘But I don’t want you two to break up.’
‘We will not break up,’ Henry says to Vanessa, but he also looks at Olivia with a stern look, causing her to roll her eyes. ‘Come on, ladies. Let’s go.
The three of them walk inside the shop and he opens the door for them. ‘Remember,’ she says, ‘only Vanessa’s.’
The man behind the counter looks tough, but when he sees Olivia, his entire face lights up. ‘No way, is that you? Olivia Tran?’
‘The one and only,’ she chuckles.
‘Look at you, all glowing.’ He walks over to them, to give her a hug. ‘I’m so happy to see you.’ The man looks at Vanessa, giving her a big hug as well. ‘And you are so tall already, little V.’
‘I know, Frankie,’ Vanessa smiles, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. ‘And I’m going to be a big sister.’
‘That’s lovely, little V.’ He places her on the floor again and he looks over at Henry. ‘Isn’t this the actor?’ He wipes his hands clean on his pants.
Olivia chuckles. ‘This is my boyfriend Henry, the actor indeed. Henry, this is my favorite tattoo artist, Frankie. He did all of my tattoos.’
‘Mister Henry it’s a pleasure to meet you. I loved you in the Witcher.’
‘Oh thank you,’ Henry says, blushing a bit, as he shakes Frankie’s hand.
‘You want a tattoo, sir?’
Henry nods. ‘I wanted the same one as Olivia has. The one with Vanessa’s name.’
Franke tries to process it, but when it’s becoming obvious that he has trouble understanding, Olivia helps him out by saying: ‘Henry officially adopted Vanessa and with the new one on the way, he wanted to start off with a tattoo of Vanessa’s name.’
‘Oh, you found yourself a good man!’ Frankie says.
‘He is my new daddy,’ Vanessa says, jumping in Henry’s arms.
‘I’m so happy for you, Olivia,’ he says. ‘You and Vanessa deserve it. When is your new baby due? Is it a he or a she?’’
‘She is due at the end of November.’
‘Wonderful, wonderful. I know for a fact that she is, just like her older sister, going to be a heartbreaker.’ Frankie playfully pinches Vanessa in her cheek. ‘Mister Henry, please come with me, so you can lay down on the chair and get ready.’
Henry answers all the questions. Where he wants the tattoo, if he wants it in the same thin cursive font as Olivia has and if he had eaten well.
Vanessa and Olivia sit next to him on a stool, as he takes place in the chair. Frankie designs the tattoo, so Henry can look at his girlfriend and daughter again. ‘You sure you don’t want your name on here as well?’
‘I’m sure, Henry. I don’t want you to regret it. If we break up, you are going to have my name on you forever.’
Henry simply shrugs. ‘Vanessa, don’t listen to this, okay. You never tattoo someone else’s name on your body, you hear me?’
She nods. ‘Okay, daddy.’
‘But, Olivia, my love, you are the mother of our children. I would cherish you forever. If you really don’t want it, I understand, but I honestly wouldn’t mind. And by the way, how dare you think we are going to break up?’
She chuckles, as she rolls her eyes. ‘Well,’ she says, ‘it’s your body and if you want to, please do it. Just make a wise decision. Wesley has my name tattooed on his body and I bet he isn’t too happy with that.’
‘Seriously?’ he asks. She never told him that, but when would this ever come up in a conversation? He’d rather not talk about that lowlife.
‘On his chest.’
The idea of her name tattooed on Wesley’s chest, makes him want to hurl, but he holds it in. ‘Love, I’m going to be forever grateful that you are the mom of our kids and that is the most important thing for me. Even if we broke up—knock on wood—I would still treat you with the upmost respect, so Vanessa, baby girl and maybe our other kids can see how the most important woman in their lives should be treated like.’
‘Daddy, look what you did,’ Vanessa says, smacking his arm. ‘Mommy is crying.’ She wraps her arms around her mom’s neck and gives her a kiss. ‘Don’t cry, mommy.’
‘I’m sorry, sweetheart.’ He holds her hand to press a kiss on it.
Olivia wipes away the tears, gives Vanessa a peck on her temple and whispers that she is all good now, thanks to how good Vanessa is comforting her.
‘Okay, what about this?’ Frankie asks, as he shows them the design.
‘This looks exactly like mommy’s,’ Vanessa says.
‘It does,’ Henry says, as he nods in approval. ‘Can you write Olivia’s name in the same font?’
Frankie smiles. ‘Sure thing, sir. You are really serious about her, aren’t you?’
‘I sure am and please just say Henry.’
‘Well, Henry, you are a lucky man. Had I not been married to my wonderful wife, I’d stole Olivia right away.’
‘Shut up,’ she chuckles. ‘Henry, are you sure?’
‘I’m sure,’ he says with a smile. ‘I want this.’
Frankie says he’ll be right back and Vanessa walks over to the big tattooed up man, so she can look at how he is designing the tattoo.
Olivia smiles at him. ‘What do you want to do after we dropped of Vanessa at your mom’s?’ Kal is already there, since he has been keeping his mother company since dad left for camping.
‘I think you know,’ he laughs.
‘You horny piece of shit. My hormones should rage, not yours.’
He can’t help but laugh a bit louder. ‘See it as sympathy lust. Why are you complaining? You don’t her my whining every time you want me: five times a day?’
‘You are impossible, mister Cavill.’ She stands up and massages her lower back. ‘Don’t you worry,’ she whispers. ‘It’s nothing serious, honey. Comes with being pregnant, so please calm your tits.’
He looks around, only to see that Frankie pulled Vanessa on his lap and explains some tattoo technicalities. He pulls her closer to the chair and presses a kiss on her bump. She looks absolutely adorable pregnant and he still can’t believe that she is his girlfriend. What did he do in life to deserve her.
‘Still hundred percent sure about the tattoo?’ Olivia asks. ‘I don’t want you to regret it.’
‘I am, baby.’
‘And you know they use needles when setting tattoos?’
He nods. ‘I know. Just stay here with me, okay?’
‘We don’t want a Kal has to get his shots two point o, do we?’
‘Shut up,’ he laughs.
Frankie walks back to the chair, Vanessa plops on the stool and after all the preparations (taking off his shirt), he feels the first sting of the needle in his skin. He doesn’t want to look like a baby, but this hurts. He breaths in slowly as he focuses on Olivia. He could’ve known that it would hurt like shit, because he looked it up, but this spot was the only one he wanted. He feels Olivia’s fingers run through his hair and he closes his eyes, leaning against her touch as he lets out a breath.
‘You’re doing great, sweetheart,’ she whispers. She checks the progress and nods in approval. ‘As usual, Frankie, you are doing an amazing job.’
‘Have to make it perfect for my favorite customers baby daddy.’
‘I want to hit you, but you’re lucky that I love my boyfriend very much and don’t want to screw up his tattoo.’
‘Does it hurt, daddy?’ Vanessa asks with a smile.
‘Don’t lie to your daughter,’ Olivia says.
He closes his eyes. ‘A bit, sunshine.’
Olivia keeps on massaging her lower back and finally says: ‘I’m going out for a bit, to walk around, okay?’
Henry nods. ‘Call me if you need me, love.’
‘Will do. Vanessa, you want to stay here or go with me?’
‘I’m coming with you, mommy.’ The two of them give him a kiss and together they walk out of the shop.
‘Lucky man,’ Frankie says, wiping over the tattoo. ‘Not that Olivia is unlikeable or unlovable, but I never thought she’d find someone again after that prick Wesley, who I, by the way, banned out of my shop. Fucking idiot.’
Henry can’t stop his chuckle. ‘I’m indeed such a lucky man. I’m just happy that she allowed me to be her boyfriend, to be honest. She is way out of my league.’
Frankie looks him right in the eye and says: ‘She is out of your league. You better not walk away, otherwise I have to gather some friends and kick your ass. Though your size is intimidating, we care too much about Olivia. When Wesley left her, we threw him out of the shop, even threatened him.’
‘What for?’
‘If he ever showed his ass in the neighborhood again, we’d kill him.’
‘Well,’ Henry says, ‘he is a fucking idiot, so if you see him in the neighborhood, hold him hostage, so I can punch him in the face.’ He quickly tells Frankie about their meeting with Wesley back in February. ‘I had to fight the urge not to break his neck right there and then,  but Vanessa was watching, so I contained myself. I just don’t think I have ever hated someone with that amount of passion.’
Frankie finishes up the tattoo and while Henry admires it in the mirror, Olivia and Vanessa come back. ‘Oh it’s done. Let me see, let me see.’
He turns around and shows them the finished tattoo. He loves it, the cursive font, both of their names and enough space for the name of their future daughter, as well as other kids. She smiles as she places her hand on his waist. Vanessa nods in approval, holding his hand tightly in hers.
‘It’s beautiful, honey,’ Olivia says.
‘And I don’t regret it at all, sweetheart.’
After the three of them came back from Frankie, they dropped Vanessa off at his mothers, because he had other plans for him and Olivia. The earth shattering sex they’ve been having, it’s absolutely mind blowing, but he isn’t complaining at all. He walks back into the bedroom, after he got a bath ready for Olivia. He sees her beautiful naked body on top of the blankets, a faint blush on her cheeks and the after glow of her two orgasms still apparent.
She looks up with a smile. ‘Such a shame you can’t join me in bath,’ she admits.
He smiles, as he holds out his hand for her to take. ‘It sure is, love. Careful now.’ He pulls her up and together they walk to the bathroom. He helps her step into the tub, making sure she doesn’t slip. When she is nicely seated, he tells her he will be right back. He puts on a shirt, so he isn’t just in his boxers.
‘What are you going to do?’
‘I’m going to get us something to drink, my love,’ he says with a smile. ‘You need to stay hydrated.’
‘No,’ she pouts, ‘don’t leave.’
Sometimes she does this because she is just being in a whiney mood, but today he senses that she means it. He even notices the tears in her eyes. ‘Oh no, honey, don’t cry.’
‘Don’t leave me, Henry,’ she whines.
Henry can’t help but chuckle. ‘Sweetheart, I’ll be right back.’ He presses a kiss on her temple and leaves her in the tub, though she is a sulking mess. He quickly walks downstairs and making both of them a cup of tea. He clears his throat and can’t help but think about their new baby.
The nursery is all set and done. Though they could move into a bigger place—he has the money—the both of them figured that they aren’t in a hurry. Since they want to wait at least a few years before they want an eventual third kid, they’ll manage in this place. He has yet to put up his home on the market, but he figures he should do that soon. In less than ten weeks their daughter will be here and he don’t think he has time or energy to do it then.
He walks up the stairs and sees she is now relaxing in the bath tub. Since he can’t join her, he sits on a tiny stool next to the tub. ‘I was thinking about some names,’ he says. ‘I know I told you before that I liked Heather, but I feel like you and I should think about some more names. Just like you did with Vanessa. I’m just scared that if we look at our daughter when she’s born and the name doesn’t fit her.’
She nods. ‘I still like Chloe. So if you like that name, we have two to choose from. I think it’s just hard to think of more names. Every name seems to be connected to stupid people.’
He smiles. ‘That is true.’ He never thought he could love her more, but with every passing second, his love for her grows even more. He can’t believe himself. He fell in love over the course of his lifetime, but never felt he like this. Sometimes he fears that one day she’ll get enough of him, but seeing her pregnant with their kid… It’s evident that she’ll probably not get sick of him. He is so head over heels with her, it scares him sometimes.
‘Henry, why are you staring at me?’
‘Nothing, just love you.’
She frowns. ‘No, it’s not just that. Be honest with me, Henry, you like me being pregnant, because I’m helpless, horny and ugly.’
Though he’d agree that he likes to do things for her (not the helpless part, he loves her independence) and he loves the way she initiates tons of make out sessions which on its own leads to sex, he can’t believe she says she’s ugly. ‘Don’t say you’re ugly,’ he says in disbelieve. ‘You are not ugly, everything but ugly for that matter.’
‘Henry,’ she whispers, ‘I’m fat and I have stretch marks. I gained so much weight already, while you still look like perfection.’
‘That’s because you are growing a baby inside of you. Sweetheart, I love you so much and you look beautiful.’ He takes her hand in his. He wondered what she thought when she was pregnant with Vanessa. Was she like this as well? ‘I have to be honest with you: I do love seeing you pregnant, simply because you are glowing so much and you are doing something so amazing. But I can’t wait for you to see you as the mother of a baby. I can’t wait to be an even better partner in crime with you, when we raise two daughters instead of one.’ He presses a long kiss on her fingers. ‘My beautiful girlfriend,’ he whispers, ‘don’t ever call yourself ugly or fat because otherwise I will have to tape your mouth shut.’
She sniffles. ‘I’m sorry.’
‘No, no, no, don’t feel sorry,’ he says with a smile. ‘I love you.’
After about half an hour, he helps her out of the tub and with a big shirt of him and some shorts, she lays on her side on the couch. She is fast asleep and Kal curled himself up near her legs, placing his head on her thigh. Henry cleans up a bit, before he walks over to her and sits next to the couch, pushing her shirt up.
While Vanessa spoke to her bump without a problem from the moment she found out Olivia was pregnant, he found it hard to talk to the baby. He’d smile when he watched his oldest daughter talk to her sibling, already thinking about sneaky plans they are going to do together. At first he couldn’t seem to do it, but eventually he would do it in the early mornings, when Olivia was still asleep. He was scared that she’d notice or hear him, thinking it was weird. However he felt this desperate need to do it and when the entirety of London was asleep, he kneeled beside the bed and started whispering little stories to her bump.
But one morning she caught him and though he felt like such an idiot, she thought it was adorable. ‘You can always do this,’ she told him that day. ‘This baby is also your kid. He or she should get to know your voice.’
And now he loves doing it. Sometimes he and Vanessa sit on both sides of Olivia and talk to the little baby girl, about all the things they are going to do as a family.
‘Hi baby girl,’ he says, ‘you’re almost here. We can’t wait for you to show up, but you stay in there until you are all grown and ready to face this world. I wonder what you will look like, whether or not you’ll be a Heather, a Chloe or something completely different.’ He places his heavy hand on Olivia’s belly, his fingers tracing her stretch marks. ‘Today I got the names of your mom and your older sister tattooed on my ribcage,’ he says, but it only ears him a kick against the palm of his hand. ‘No, no, no, don’t you worry about a thing now. There is a spot left for you. You mean so much to me, my love and I can’t wait for us to meet. Now be nice to your mommy, okay?’
‘She is being nice to me now,’ Olivia whispers. ‘I love you, Henry.’
‘I love you too, my love.’
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My True Story of Being Targeted
Some people won’t be happy until they’ve pushed you to the ground. What you have to do is have the courage to stand your ground and not give them the time of day. Hold on to your power and never give it away.” ― Donna Schoenrock
As an adult I became a victim of an Organize Stalking Campaign. Organize Stalking also called group stalking, community mobbing, gang stalking, Multi stalking, mobbing, is when a group of people bann together to destroy their targets life & they conn others into believing lies about you.
I started to become aware that there was a huge problem in 2014, when odd comments started popping up about me online. Before I became aware that I was being I started being gang stalked, I was well liked & very successful. I served on a Speakers Bureau, advocating for those with Mental Health disabilities. I was a professional Jewelry maker. I helped out at many Mental Health events and was very happy to do so. 
Then came the storm, a small yet powerful emotional Hurricane,
That struck like a mass of confusion.
Leaving a path of.devastation in my life & pain was all I had left.
Little did I know that there was a enemy trying to take over my life. .One of the first things I became aware of was that they showed up on several forums & an anonymous message board with false information and lies about me. Then she started a mobbing campaign against me unlike any other to destroy me and everything that I had worked so hard for, . In the same way that hurricanes and tornadoes ruin lives. Little by little, Lies & slander shattered my life, so I started feeling nothing but Anger &Pain…at the world that was acting as if I am the cause of their misery. The mobbers tried to ruin my life-not once, but many times as they made accusations that didn’t even exist.
I could not believe it as I read their lies and slander about me all over anonymous websites and forums “She’s a Scammer, a hacker, a troll, a stalker, crazy, fat, ugly, a faker, and other labels that didn’t even exist.
I tried so desperately to hide my true feelings, as they had my online shops closed down for no reason. .As they tried to stop me from going to a church summer camp.. As they contacted all my supports and; brought them into the mobbing. As my accounts were hacked over and over again. As they tried to get me evicted many times. As they filed false complaints about me, everywhere. As they got fake victims. As they fabricated evidence against me. As people’s treatment changed towards me. I couldn’t understand what I did to make people hate me so much. they encouraged everyone I came in contact with to destroy me, and spread lies about me. A smear campaign was started against me. It almost seemed as if there was one person doing it behind the scenes. They were like the wicked witch from the wizard of oz, sitting in their castle, ordering their flying monkeys to do their dirty work,
At first everyone did not believe tbe lies of the stalkers.
Then everything changed. They blamed me for it all, even though it’s not me. If only they saw what this person does behind the scenes, behind closed doors, how she minipulates other people, how she’s like a professional victim, how she professionally lies about me, trying to “link” me to all sorts of stuff that I had nothing to do with, stuff that I didn’t even know about, how she is very obsessed about me, how they gets fake witnesses or “witnesses” how they play victim how they try &; “link”; me to stuff, How they gas lights others about me & how naive “flying monkeys” believe their lies. She they keeps trying to “prove my guilt”, of stuff I would never do. And no one looks out for me anymore & it’s all because of that person. She made me think that the world was a dark and dismal place filled with bad people, who did not have my best interest at heart, and so I trusted no one as she kept finding very sneaky ways to try & falsely “connect” me to her crimes. Using my likes, dislikes, disabilities, fears & what makes me human against me. I grew more paronoid everyday as she literally had a whole community of people stalking me,
Because they have been conned into believing her lies.
People expressed their opinion of me by baiting me in whatever way they can way-by intentionally creating noise, digging up dirt on me, letting me know that I am being watched, following me, trying to isolate me, singling me out, slandering me, discrediting me, & trying to control me in many other ways too. And then when I try & voice what is happening, I get accused of being crazy. I lost my voice because of this. It saddens me that people think I am the enemy cause I am not. My life had never been easy.I had dealt with being bullied my whole life, But nothing could have ever prepared me for this. .
Yes I do have a Mental illness but there was a healthy & well side to me & someone took that side of me & filled it with abnormal experiences, altering my reality. At times it seems as if I am not in reality but what is really happening is this person is stalking me in very strange ways & I’m not even sure what all she is doing 
& it is so frightening that it impairs my perception of the world around me.
If only people saw what really went on if only….. If only they could see the constant harassment that I face by passive Agressive people. .People are so busy living out their lives that they are not seeing my side of the story.
If only people saw all the anxiety I saw because of this. Because of what has happened, I felt alone, anxious, ashamed, guilty, hopeless, overwhelmed, ugly, and unworthy.Almost every night I had dreams of being chased and or losing everything. I had panic & anxiety attacks. I had strange happenings That I can’t even explain. I lost interest in things that I love…
I stopped smiling as much. I second guessed everything in my life. I felt isolated and alone.
I am very determined to get my life back and to make this all go away so I can have days that are filled with more joy and less anxiety.
What will help me are:
People stopping this campaign against me, people giving me my voice back, & people having faith in me& them disbelieving their lies,
People can change and grow,
I don’t need to be brought down by a person who wants to ruin me,
Why let her win! I am not connected to anything she has said I did! I am a law abiding citizen! I will say that Loud & clear.
Hi, my name is Andrea and I am an advocate for people with disabilities. I started doing research on Organize Stalking and I am writing about my experience.
What I see happening is this:
Victims of mobbing & Organize Stalking being driven crazy.
people are zeroing in and making false accusations on one individual Soon lots of people start being dragged in and soon lots of people are stalking them. After I started being mobbed, I simply researched everything that was happening, and was totally misjudged because of that too.
As Dr Janice Harper says, Humans are reasonable people, but when acting collectively, they don’t always think about what’s right or wrong. All they can think about is how “angry” they are at the target, that it never occurs to them that they are going after an innocent person, and their emotions replaces reasoning and any logical thinking they may have and they follow a path that enables them to act on their emotions out of fear and anxiety and even peer pressure.
and we justify our actions as being OK, And we tell ourselves whatever lies we have to about the target that we once loved and respected, even though we may know deep inside ourselves that the rumors may be false.
Anne Frank once said that she believes that all people are good at heart, but even good people do bad things. Its important to remember that MOST mobbers‬ are not evil people. They’re just normal people that do inhumane things to others. .But what you can do is say no when others want you to join in and help educate others. Mobbing someone & gang stalking & digging up dirt on a person is never OK. You can make the choice not to join in. We all have our own skeletons somewhere in our past. We all have made mistakes and have done wrong. We all have dirt. putting someone else’s “dirt” up on thedirty .com or pastebin or any other website is never ok, when everyone has our own dirt. And when we do wrong, we suffer the consequences of our actions. We shouldn’t have to suffer the consequences twice.
It’s so wrong to put a Mentally ill person through this or anyone at all.
My message is to be kind and when you see someone being mobbed do not JOIN IN. In fact, if you know those accusations aren’t true, you can even advocate for them and help them prove their innocence. We need to look out for each other more. We need to teach everyone to speak up when we see that others are being hurt and that silence is not acceptable. If we don’t allow Mobbers & organize stalkers
to destroy others, it’ll quickly stop.
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donnerpartyofone · 5 years
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I don’t ever remember feeling good. I don’t mean to say that I’ve never had moments of happiness, that I don’t love my friends, that I regret getting married; I’m not denying that I’ve had the opportunity to pursue passions in life, or that I feel incredibly lucky to have led my privileged life. I mean that I wanted to kill myself when I was a really little kid. I suffer from an incredibly detailed long term memory that goes back before I reached the age of two, and what I remember about childhood is the scathing heat of embarrassment, itching under a layer of cold sweat, revulsion at the hideousness and impracticality of my own body, horror at a world that was ugly, dirty, cheap, boring and airless, a world that was all these things and that required mandatory participation, a factory that makes nothing. I vacillated between mindless rage, and violent sobbing, which I indulged on purpose in pursuit of catharsis. There wasn’t much that I wanted, because everything seemed so repulsive. The main thing was that I wanted to be left alone, and unseen. Each morning I would wake up gripped by panic, because I knew that once I left my bedroom to come to breakfast, everyone was going to look at me. It would take me what felt like hours to work up the nerve to open the door, and when I did I would begin to scream “DON’T LOOK AT ME! DON’T LOOK AT ME!” like a toddler version of Frank Booth. It’s pretty hilarious to think about, but the truth is that I still feel like doing that every time I show up somewhere.
My earliest memory is of my mother trying to take my picture. It took place in an apartment I couldn’t exactly place, so at first I thought it must have been a dream. I was very little, but I understood enough about what the camera meant--that I was being stared at. I turned away, and was repositioned; then I tried to run away. My mother chased me, increasingly infuriated, until I was cornered behind the hilariously prison-like bars of my crib, where she could photograph me whether I liked it or not. I eventually found the resulting picture of myself agonizing behind the crib, confirming that I remembered being about one-and-a-half, living in an apartment before the house I grew up in. The memory serves as something like a metaphor for everything I have been afraid of--helplessness, captivity, surveillance, and of course, my mother.
There is no doubt that I had a serious chemical problem that caused my catastrophic rages and suicidal ideation, even so early in life. (I would find out about that...well, just a few years ago) But, lest I fall into the trap that therapy so often creates--the belief that everything that is wrong with you is within your own power to change, that sadness and anger are only the result of your own bad attitude, which just needs an adjustment--I have to admit that there is something within all this about my mother. I have traditionally categorized this particular woe as a void of maternal relationship. My mother and I “didn’t get along” or “didn’t really relate”, and then before I was old enough for us to have our first adult conversation, she was dead. As I teased out some anecdotal details of our absence from each other’s lives with my first therapist, that doctor once started one of our sessions by blithely declaring, “So you say your mother hated you!” Actually I never said that, but thanks for illuminating things so brightly, you...fucking asshole. Ironically, one of the things I didn’t like about this young, attractive, waspy therapist was that her Kelly Bundy-ish work attire made it impossible for me to bring up any anxieties I had around my own attractiveness, or my alienation from the rest of my gender. The alienation from the rest of my gender that had certainly begun with my alienation from my mother.
I don’t remember a single nurturing, initiatory experience with my mother. I had my first period young, and when I naturally went to her for help--well, to be fair, I probably told her that I more or less understood how things went, but I still think we probably should have had a longer conversation than just her telling me not to flush maxi pads down the toilet, and coolly dismissing me. I remember the first time I tried on makeup, her makeup of course; as soon as she spotted me, she asked “Are you wearing makeup?” in this razor sharp tone, and scowled at me until I followed her unspoken instruction to go to the bathroom, wash my face, and send myself to my room. Again, no further discussion of makeup, clothing, or general womanhood issues ensued. Similarly, I remember a day when I had become just old enough to pick out some of my own clothes. We went shopping for underwear, and every model she suggested, I just wanted in black. I didn’t realize what kind of rage this was stoking in her until she suddenly snapped, “DON’T YOU WANT ANYTHING OTHER THAN BLACK?” and spun away from me. I had no idea what rule I was breaking to deserve this, although the truth is that probably some primitive part of me understood that it was kind of a sexual problem. In the following years I developed into a huge comic book nerd, spending almost all my time copying what I didn’t really know were pretty sleazy pinup images of female characters out of X-Men comics. I had an inkling that these were sort of horny-looking, but I was really attracted to the drawings, which were heavily cross-hatched and compulsively detailed, according to the predominant style of the '90s. That kind of intense, microscopic linework has always attracted me, and one day I stupidly asked my mother, an artist herself, what she thought of a certain drawing I was studying. Most unfortunately, it was of the White Queen, a really idiotic character whose costume is essentially lingerie. What really interested me about it was the linework, but my hopes of discussing art were dashed when my mother spat “I THINK IT’S BORDERLINE PORNOGRAPHY!” and promptly stormed off. That probably would have been a pretty good time for her to talk with her insecure, confused eleven year old girlchild about feminism, body positivity, or any of the other facts of being a woman that I desperately needed to hear. I didn’t get any of that either when, around the same time, I started trying to talk to her about feeling fat and ugly, and she just threw a diet book at me. When I remember my mother, I most immediately remember the back of her head.
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This all makes my mother sound like some sort of tyrannical throwback housewife, but none one would have told you that about her. Mom was “cool”. A playfully subversive hippie painter from Brown who loved kitsch and camp, she filled our house with old pulp novels, 3D horror comics, bootlegs of Mystery Science Theater 3000, tapes of Warhol’s Frankenstein and Dracula. She was a striking dresser, imperiously intelligent, and brutally funny. She was outrageously popular among everyone who knew her. The strange truth, though, was that while she had the outward appearance of a mischievous hipster on the cutting edge of culture, on the inside she had a rigid resistance to anything she considered psychologically or emotionally abnormal. Sadness and frustration were unacceptable, antisocial qualities, inconveniences that were grounds for rejection. So, as if she’d been cursed by a spiteful witch, instead of having a fun, affectionate, curious, creative mini-me, her first born turned out to be a taciturn suicide case, constantly quivering with fear and rage--the ultimate in uncoolness. I have a recollection of being around 12 and complaining to her about a friend of mine who was (also) sort of a drip and a drama queen. My mother’s advice to me was to say to my difficult friend, “I’m sorry you feel that way,” which is a clever way of expressing sympathy while giving no credit at all to the sources of the person’s pain. Even at that young age, I kind of thought...hey wait a minute, that’s exactly what she’s been saying to me!
Lest anyone think of her as some sort of roundly superior specimen, I can also say that she was sort of a nerd. She had a huge number of allergies, and also asthma, which she passed on to my brother and me. (And ironically, my lifelong snorting and snuffling and sneezing became one of the many things about me that visibly disgusted her) This, combined with my father’s amorphous environmental illnesses (see: the brilliant Todd Haynes movie SAFE), compelled my parents to try to move house. When I was about 11, we moved across our grimy, depressed city to a much bigger house in a nicer neighborhood. Shortly after we got settled, my mother was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. Her doctor’s advice was to go home and make her peace, immediately, but she shocked everyone by surviving for at least another three years. When people hear that, they always respond as if it must have been some sort of beautiful miracle. No one who has lived with the dying could think this. Our lives turned into NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD, quickly and consistently, every day a frank, unromantic confrontation with mortality, until it was over.
What could I possibly feel? This person who was a virtual stranger to me, who didn’t like me, who turned into a rotting corpse in front of me, had died in agony. Instead of trying to raise a happy, healthy person, she had sat back expecting me to seduce her, and I had failed. So, I didn’t know what the loss of her really meant. I would never understand anything about maternity, and I would never figure out anything about being a woman that I didn’t ultimately make up for myself. The only thing I really knew about first hand was death. I didn’t understand much of anything about my mother’s actual biological reality, because no one really communicated with me about it, but I knew for sure that the human body is a bunch of bullshit and there is just no reason to be precious about it, ever. Unfortunately, one is never left in dignified solitude with their own interpretation of death. Death is a curse that befalls the living, who are then suddenly and disproportionately responsible for each other’s feelings. This is never more true than when you physically resemble the dead. You become everybody’s confessor, the person with whom they try to relive their experience with the living, and you better be nice about it--even if you are technically more entitled to grief and resentment and anguish than anybody in the room. And of course, this was never more true than with someone who had always frightened me more than my mother: my mother’s mother.
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Imagine Jamie giving Brianna a birthday present for the first time in his life.
Sometimes the questions that Jamie asked Claire made her world tilt.  He would draw her handsclose to his chest. Warm fingers held cooler fingers over his heart.  His questions would electrify her love forhim while simultaneously make her heart ache for each moments that he had lost withBrianna.
After an ellipses of silence, in which she wouldcollect her thoughts and words, she spilled it all onto a quiet canvas.  Sometimes the memories were watery, requiring some measure of artistic license to construct a moment worth telling.  Still other memories were so vivid in her mind thatevery insignificant detail poured from her, splashing color, bold andintentional.
He wanted to know about their celebrations – the happiestmoments.
They covered Christmas. Presents, fat primary-colored bulbs, trees, and sweets.  She explained Thanksgiving. Turkey and tart cranberries, the parade with its balloons and bands.  First days of school and walks to the schoolbus stop. Tears streaking down cheeks and a pink backpack.  Summer camp. Mosquito bites, skinned knees, and bruisedelbows.
And then birthdays.  
Jamie wanted to know about Brianna’s birthdays and how theycelebrated.
Claire breathed an entire two decades’ worth of informationinto him, hands absorbing the pounding of his ascending heartbeat.  Her fingers heaved under the rise and fall ofhis chest as his breathing quickened and slowed, deepening and then goingshallow.
Birthdays in Boston were always the same, she explained.
No matter how late her shift at the hospital ended, she alwaysmanaged to clear the morning of Brianna’s birthday for breakfast and the afternoon for some sort of special trip.  Claire made pancakes and squeezed oranges into afrothy, pulpy juice.  She brought thespread to Brianna’s room on a tray.
“When she was really little, she would pretend to be asleep whenI came into the room. Oh, Lord, Jamie… she was so sweet. She would pretend towake up with this theatrical yawn…. Like she was up for an Oscar–”
“Say again?” he asked. 
Claire could tell, even in the darkness of their bedroom, that his brows werefurrowed.  The touch of whisky on theirbreath made her more flippant with her words – sometimes she avoided sayingthings about her time (mostly nouns, things he had never seen). She kept herself from telling him just so he would not feel like he was free floatingin her stories. She wanted to ground him in the feeling of missing out, not to sethim further adrift. But with alcohol in her bloodstream, his own touch heavywith intoxication, she was loose with her words.
“It’s a sort of… well, I guess… a prize for acting… theAcademy gives out–”
“Like a university academy?”
Claire sighed gently, arching forward and pressing her lipsto his forehead. Patience. “No, love.Not academia. Like… a group of important people who make films. You know… movies. I told you about–”
“Yes, Claire,” he interrupted. “I ken verra well by now what a movie is.”  
He paused for a long moment and only spokewhen it was clear that Claire would not fill the silence. 
“Anyway… Brianna and her theatrical yawn.”
“Yes, well, uh… I would sing to her and we would eat pancakeswith plates resting on our thighs.”
Jamie had always been the storyteller in their relationship –the vocabulary, the voices, the broad gestures, the openness as his entire bodygot into it, the facial expressions, the ability to captivate and suck everyonein a twenty-foot circumference into his gravitational pull.
But since being back, Claire had, out of the necessity ofsharing everything, grown into moreof a storyteller.
She wanted him not just to hear it and remember it, but to see it and have something imprinted in his mind.  So she shared the details of ruffled yellow curtains in Brianna’s bedroom, her pajamas with feet, the presents with bright paper and intricate plastic bowsaffixed with tape, and syrup-sticky fat fingers on a mother’s neck.
“I always had a plan, Jamie. Like… the zoo, a park, the movies, the equestrian center.” For a moment she was taken back, thinking of knee-high boots, a shiny mahogany horse with a jet-black mane. "She was such a beautiful rider – that longrope of hair peeking out of the small helmet, biting down on her lip like shedoes now. Watch her tomorrow, you’ll see–”
“I ken what ye’re saying,” he said, his voice a littleshort. “About her lip. She chews on it when she’s thinking.”
There were some things Jamie had learned about Brianna since shecame to the Ridge, and he was always quick to point them out to Claire. He needed toshow that he knew their daughter,too.  It was an almost instinct in him toclarify that he was watching, to makeit apparent that he knew things.
“Yes, well, she’s done that for as long as I can remember.”
Jamie sighed, drawing her hands up to his mouth and pressinghis lips over her fingertips.  “More…tell me more, Sassenach. I to ken everything.”
His plea brought tears to the corners of her eyes.  There were not enough lifetimes for her totell him everything, but she couldcomply with this simple request to the very best of her ability.  
And soshe did.
Claire explained that in her pre-teen years Brianna started to think that birthdays were “cheesy.” Claire told Jamie how she would pretend to think about whether Briannashould be allowed to play hooky from school (the answer was always “yes”).  Making a face to show him how she feignedsurprise when Brianna would shriek “it’s my birthday, mama!” brought such a beautiful laugh from Jamie’s mouth that she could not help but to smile. 
His laughter died when he vocalized a question: what role he would have played in this lifethat occurred without him?
After a moment, a solemnity, he urged her on. 
“It was like she thought I would have a random Tuesday orWednesday off of work… like I did not have a plan to celebrate.  God, Jamie. It was precious.” Claire lost herself in the memory for a moment – tryingto put words to it to help him understand – the rush of the pancakes, thewarmth of golden sunlight through sheer pink curtains, the softness of theirdaughter’s cheeks under a damp napkin as Claire wiped away syrup.  
“She had this little birthday crown with fake jewels.  I put it on her bedside table.  When Bree woke up she would go absolutely mad.  She would scream until she woke the wholehouse.  It was like she thought it hadbeen put there by a birthday fairy–”
“Hmph. Verra Scottish of her.  Faeries.”
Claire smiled and pulled their hands towards her face,pressing her lips to his work-worn palms. Left,then right.
Claire did not disclose that as Brianna got older, theentire thing took on a little less whimsy. Breakfast at the kitchen table instead of in bed. Crown dispatched to amusty box in the basement with remnants of other childhood memories.  She kept to herself that the show became less elaborate as Briannabegan to express preference for just spending her day alone.  (Shopping, manicures,sitting on the couch, seeing movies with friends after school.)
“And what of… him?”
“What about him?” Claire asked, her voice like a blade.Jamie rarely asked of Frank – knowing that it bothered Claire.  
“The man was her father, Claire.  Dinna pretend as if he was no’ her da.”
Frank also had a routine for her Brianna’s birthdays.  He would show up after work and pile gifts infront of her – hastily-packaged things wrapped in the college newspaper.  One present for each year of Brianna’s life.Records and candy, cash and roller skates, beautiful silk scarves and the keysto a car that they could not afford and had never discussed purchasing forher.  
Claire had a physical reaction to Frank – to his pile ofpresents, to the fact that while Brianna grew weary of Claire’s birthdayroutine, she never tired of hisbirthday attentions.
“I don’t know, Jamie. There were presents.  He lovedher.  What do you want me to tell you?”
That was apparently enough because she felt him shrug, thequilt over them shifting as he moved closer to her.
Claire told him about one of her last days in Boston before coming back through the stones. They hada makeshift birthday celebration.   They ate pancakes – Claire mostly pushing hersaround on her plate in a flood of syrup.  They wandered Filene’s, touching expensivesilk scarves, sniffing imported fragrance on little paper strips, lettingthe women at the cosmetics counter talk them into shades of lipstick they wouldnever deign to wear on anything other than a special occasion.  Claire left the lipstick in Brianna’scosmetics case when she went back through the stones.  They tried on jeans and sweaters that Clairewould never have an occasion to wear. 
Claire overspent, a function of guilt.
Brianna just accepted, a function of the same.
That evening, Brianna unwrapped presents while they sat cross-legged onthe floor.   Claire hadjokingly wrapped the deed to the house and various financial miscellany in brightpink and green wrapping paper. Brianna had offered only a short smile and asigh, setting the documents aside.
Brianna had indulged her mother in this final birthday –blowing out candles, gushing over a record (oneshe already owned), kissing her mama on thecheek and whispering “thank you”after they saw a movie.
Telling him these things, Claire felt his ache – felt it in her ribs, in herlungs. It radiated off him; it was contagious. She wanted to burst out withwords and touches to fix it, but she couldn’t. So she just nestled closer.  Jamiefell silent, his body settling flush to his wife.  He yearned for the nearness of her. Theirhands still twined together and resting between them, they fell asleep.
Brianna did not know what to expect on her first birthday onthe Ridge.  She wondered, in an absentkind of way, whether her birthday would even be a passing concern in theirhighly-regimented life in this place. After all, there were far more important things to worry about out here– day-to-day survival, planning for tomorrow. It was hardly notable that she had a birthday. It was just one day in a series of threehundred and sixty-five days.
She smelled pancakes when she woke.  Her body warm and slow, protesting atthe prospect of rising into the cold room. Blinking, she let the familiarity of the scent wash over and her heart leapt a little.  She had not expected the pancakes, but it wasclear from the sweet, bready aroma, that Claire was attempting them on theRidge. She gave her body a quick wipe down with a rag and lukewarm water beforedressing, arranging her hair in a thick braid that wrapped around her hairline.
“The birthday girl!” Claire sang when she heardfootsteps.  The fact that her mama could identify her footfall from the others who lived at the Ridge made her smile.  Claire was crouched infront of the fireplace, a wooden utensil working at the edges of a pancakecooking on cast iron over a low, almost-extinguished fire.
“Thanks, mama.” Brianna cleared her throat; her voice was stiff from a night of disuse.
“I’m going to give you a birthday kiss as soon as I finishup with this – cooking these without the benefit of a regulated flame… well…the animals will have a charred treat later.”
Brianna mused momentarily that her smile might crack herentire face apart.
When Jamie joined them, he kissed his daughter on the top ofher head.  “Happy birthday,Brianna.”  
Brianna’s heart skipped a little at the phrase, her name stillunusual and startling in his accent. It rebounded as an echo in her ears.  “Thanks, Da. Another year.”
“Och, aye, weel, when ye get to my age ye’re going torealize each year’s a blessing, lass.”  
Jamie settled in the chair next to her, reaching for a chunkof the salty ham that Claire had fried until the skin blistered.  Claire could tell that he had an absolute warin his head as they settled in to their first birthday breakfast together as a completefamily.
The pancakes were similar to her memories, but they drenched with honey and tart autumn berries instead of syrup and butter. Fresh, frothy milk stood in for the juice. And it was perfect.
Table cleared and morning chores done, aquiet Sunday unfolded like many other quiet Sundays. With a kiss, fingers lingering behind Claire’s ear, Jamie excusedhimself and slipped out of the house. “Dinna fash,” he had whispered when hermouth began to quirk with a question.
He returned and just watched them through the window. 
Theywere his whole life.  Bree was fiery andanimated, hands moving and eyes rolling. Claire laughed, her fingers working across the spine of the book shewas reading.  
When he entered, arms behind his back, he was suddenlynervous. He had been to war twice.  Hehad lived in a hell on earth, watching men starve and be taken by all manner ofdisease.  He had lost the love of hislife and been found again by her.  He hadchildren stripped from him – at birth, by circumstance, through time.  
And yet this moment – a simple one that she had shared before with another man she called “daddy” – was almost too much forhim.
“I’ve got somethin’ for ye, Brianna,” he started. The undercurrent quaking in his voice made Claire’s ears prick up.  She set her book side and leaned forward to watchhim.  Brianna turned on the floor and Jamie knelt in front of her, bringing the most beautiful bow Claire had ever seen from behind his back.
It was long and gracefully arced with striated tones wherethe tree’s rings had been sliced by a knife to carve it and mold it into theperfect curve.  Rawhide was drawn tight betweeneach end.
Jamie plucked the string with fingertips and it sang with strengthas it snapped back between the handholds. The sound reverberated with thepromise that it would kill for its owner, that the power it harnessed couldprotect and provide.
“Did you make this, Da?” The astonishment in Brianna’s voice wassomething that Claire had not heard in years – probably since before she was ateenager.
 It was pure wonderment at the gift.  
“Och, aye.  I ken it’sno’ much, but–”
“It’s beautiful.”  
She was all wide eyes, parted lips, mouth upturned at thecorners.  She accepted the bow from himas he held it extended it to her.  He slipped a leatherbag from his shoulder and removed a handful of arrows – obviously handmade but sturdy,long, and imposing with a pheasant fletching.
Jamie pressed a thumb on the tip of the arrow.  A drop of red bloomed into a globe on the tip andhe brought it to his lips.  
“Be careful, these’requite sharp.”
Resting the bow against her shoulder, Brianna took thearrow, turning it over and over in her hand, running her finger tips reverentlyalong the dusky feathers.
“I’ve done a little practicing with it, just to make sure it’s a braw weapon…”  Jamie’s voice trailed off, unableto take his eyes from his daughter’s face.
“Yeah?” Brianna asked, turning her attention to the bow againand laying the arrow across it, just to see its geometry.  “And…?”
“Och, weel, ye’ll have no problem killin’ with it.” Helaughed when her face broke with a full grin. 
“Da… it’s beautiful.” She set the bow aside and leaned forward on her knees, winding her armsaround his shoulders.  “I’ve not donemuch bow hunting, but I cannot wait.  Do you have one? Will you show me?”
“I’ve had one for a while, lass,” he said, absorbing thewarmth of her embrace as long as she would allow him the moment. The moment imprinted itself on him - the smell of her hair, the feeling of her long thin arms, the swell of pride in his gut for creating a moment.
“Can we go out and do a little hunting then?”
Exhaling deeply, feeling like he knew at least one more thing firsthand, henodded.  “Of course, lass.” 
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Most people of average fitness will certainly have the ability to do it though; it is just an issue of what does it cost? time it will take you to develop fully 8 reps. Training might consist of speed/interval/threshold sessions, 1-2 longer runs, along with easy/recovery runs. For the first team squad there is the Efficiency Centre, where the likes of Joe Hart, Vincent Kompany, Yaya Toure as well as Sergio Aguero will be training. While high intensity interval training is the best workout to drop fat, recurring fasting is without a doubt the most effective method to reduce weight total. 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2.    Khalid - Location 
3.    Migos - Pretty Little Lady
4.    Russ - Pull The Trigger
5.    Russ - Losin Control
6.    Gnash - I hate you, I love you
7.    Lyfe Jennings - S.e.x.
8.    Lil Wayne - Drop The World
9.    Rihanna - Consideration
10. Beyonce - All Night
11. Beyonce ft Kendrick Lamar - Freedom
12. Beyonce - Love Drought
13. Drake - Child's play
14. Britney Spears - If U Seek Amy
15. Drake - One Dance
16. Beyonce - Hold Up
17. Jeremih ft Tink - Don't Tell Nobody
18. Dreezy ft. Jeremih - Body
19. Fort Minor - Where'd You Go
20. Harry Hudson - Stop
22. Sorry Not Sorry — Bryson Tiller
23. Come And See Me — PnD ft. Drake
24. Still Brazy — YG
25. One Dance — Drake
26. Work — Rihanna ft. Drake
27. Waves — Kanye West ft. Chris Brown
28. Don't Let Me Down — The Chainsmokers ft. Daya
29. Panda — Desiigner
30. Too Good — Drake ft. Rihanna
31. This Is What You Came For — Calvin Harris ft. Rihanna
32. Sorry — Beyonce
33. Never Be Like You — Flume
34. Needed Me — Rihanna
35. Champions — G.O.O.D Music
36. That Part — ScHoolBoy Q ft. Kanye West
37. LUV — Tory Lanez
38. For Free — DJ Khaled ft. Drake
39. Pick Up the Phone — Travis Scott ft. Young Thug & Quavo
40. All the Way Up"— Fat Joe ft. Remy Ma & French Montana
41. Oui — Jeremiah
42. Born in the USA — Bruce Springsteen
43. American Idiot — Green Day
44. American Woman — Lenny Kravitz
45. Living in America — James Brown
46. American Pie — Don McLean
47. Made in America — Jay Z, Kanye West & Frank Ocean
48. Made in the USA — Demi Lovato
49. Party in the USA — Miley Cyrus
50. American Boy — Estelle ft.Kanye West
51. American Woman — The Guess Who
52. Surfin USA — The Beach Boys
53. American Girl — Bonnie McKee
54. American Girl — Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers
55. Firework — Kate Perry
56. Born to Be Wild — Steppenwolf
57. God Bless America — Lil Wayne
58. Don't Stop Believin' — Journey
59. Summer of 69 — Bryan Adam
60. Summertime — DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince
61. American Badass — Kid Rock
64. "HOME" — TINK
78. Kanye West – "Waves"
79. Nicki Minaj – "Truffle Butter"
80. Frank Ocean – "Godspeed"
81. Nicki Minaj – "Save Me"
82. Kanye West – "Famous"
83. Tyga - "Faded"
84. Migos - "Pretty Little Lady"
86. P.I.M.P. - 50 Cent
87. Hard For You - Tyga
88. Rich $ex - Future
89. Do It Again - Pia Mia Feat. Chris Brown, Tyga
90. Fuck Up Some Commas - Future
91. Blow a Bag - Future
92. Watch Me (Whip / Nae Nae) - Silento
93. Cha Cha - D.R.A.M.
94. White Iverson - Post Malone
95. The Worst - Jhene Aiko
96. Fun - Pitbull
97. Stick Talk - Future
98. Exchange - Bryson Tiller
99. Party Favors - Tinashe
100.             Here (Lucian Remix) - Alessia Cara
101.             Ten Nine Fourteen - Bryson Tiller
102.             Overtime - Bryson Tiller
103.             Come Get Her - Rae Sremmurd
104.             No Role Modelz - J. Cole
105.             Let 'Em Know - Bryson Tiller
106.             Superwifey - Tyga
107.             Dope'd Up - Tyga
108.             Again - Fetty Wap (covered by Pia Mia)
109.             My Love - Majid Jordan
110.             How Deep is Your Love - Calvin Harris
111.             Take Ya Tights Off - Problem
112.             Ice Cream Man - Tyga
113.             Drama - Roy Wood$
114.             Liquor - Chris Brown
115.             Jugg -Fetty Wap
116.             Drama - Roy Woods
117.             Come Get Her - Rae Sremmurd
118.             Come Thru - Drake
119.             Thirsty - PARTYNEXTDOOR
120.             If I Can't - 50 Cent
121.             Exchange - Bryson Tiller
122.             Sorry - Justin Bieber
123.             Been That Way - Bryson Tiller
124.             Say It - Tory Lanez
125.             Weekend - Mac Miller
126.             IV. Sweatpants - Childish Gambino
127.             White Iverson - Post Malone
128.             Shot For Me - Drake
129.             Been That Way - Bryson Tiller
130.             Slum Anthem - K Camp
131.             Liquor - Chris Brown
132.             My Driver - Skate
133.             Antidote -Travi$ Scott
134.             F**k The Summer Up by Leikeli47
135.             I Won - Future Feat. Kanye West
136.             Here - Alessia Cara
137.             I'm Yours - Justine Skye
138.             Rack City Bitch - Tyga
139.             Anaconda - Nicki Minaj
140.             I Don't Mind - Usher
141.             Drama - Roy Wood$
142.             Doped up - Tyga
143.             Ice Cream Man - Tyga
144.             Right Now - PARTYNEXTDOOR
145.             On & On - Justine Skye 
146.             Sorry Not Sorry - Bryson Tiller
147.             So Listen - Cody Simpson
148.             Where Ya At - Future Feat. Drake
149.             The Hills - The Weeknd
150.             The Feeling - Justin Bieber
151.             7/11 - Beyoncé
152.             Bartender - T-Pain
153.             Skrt - Kodak Black
154.             In Vein - Rick Ross Feat. The Weeknd
155.             You're A Thot - K.E. ON THE TRACK Understand - Legacy Feat. Tyga
156.             Phone Down - Erykah Badu Woosah - Jeremih Love Yourself - Justin Bieber Workin - Puff Daddy Facts - Kanye West Days In The East - Drake Runnin - Kehlani Panic Cord (Hucci Remix) - Gabrielle Aplin Ratchet - Borgore SKRT - Kodak Black Party At 8 - PARTYNEXTDOOR Slow - Lido Feat. Halsey Addiction - Kanye West Real Friends - Kanye West Bad Boyz - Shyne Top - Lil Uzi Vert Like Dat - Kodak Black  Woosah - Jeremih Party At 8 - PARTYNEXTDOOR Drunk On The Mic - Mickey Shiloh IN2 – WSTRN
157.             Tuscan Leather – Drake
158.             King Wizard - Kid Kudi  Super Rich Kids - Frank Ocean Bodmon - Ramriddlz Uber Everywhere - MADEINTYO Different Hos - Blackbear
159.             Hella Os - Lil Yachty
160.             Top - Lil Uzi Vert
161.             Just Another Interlude - Bryson Tiller
162.             Let 'Em Know - Bryson Tiller
163.             Self Righteous - Bryson Tiller
164. ��           Girls Like You - Miguel
165.             502 Come Up - Bryson Tiller
166.             Consideration - Rihanna
167.             Needed Me - Rihanna
168.             Hella Os - Lil Yachty
169.             Pilates - DonMonique
170.             1Night - Lil Yachty
171.             PILLOWTALK - ZAYN
172.             Famous - Kanye West Feat. Rihanna
173.             Where Ya At - Future
174.             Potty Mouth - Tyga
175.             FML - Kanye West
176.             Heartburn - Wafia
177.             Worthy - Jeremih
178.             Yeah, I Said It - Rihanna
179.             Ice Cream Man - Tyga
180.             Planez - Jeremih
181.             Pass Dat - Jeremih
182.             Impatient - Jeremih
183.             Famous - Kanye West
184.             Waves - Kanye West
185.             f**k Up Some Commas - Future
186.             Make It Nasty - Tyga
187.             Highlights - Kanye West
188.             Same Ol' Mistake - Rihanna
189.             Ultralight Beam - Kanye West
190.             Feedback - Kanye West
191.             Waves - Kanye West
192.             Highlights - Kanye West
193.             What The F**k Right Now - Tyler The Ceator
194.             Stop - Harry Hudson
195.             Panda - Desiigner
196.             Men - Tink & DJ Dahi
197.             Don't Tell Nobody - Tink Feat. Jeremih
198.             Stimulated - Tyga
199.             Kylie Jenner - YOG$ Feat. Elwood
200.             Come And See Me - PARTYNEXTDOOR
201.             Slow - Lido Feat. Halsey
202.             Minnesota - Lil Yachty
203.             Like A Drug - Ty Dolla $ign
204.             So High - Doja Cat
205.             Candy - PARTYNEXTDOOR
206.             Real Friends - Kanye West
207.             Wolves - Kanye West
208.             I'm Different - 2 Chainz
209.             Drunk on The Mic - Mickey Shiloh
210.             Been That Way - Bryson Tiller
211.             Deja Vu - TWENTY88
212.             Ayy Ladies - Travis Porter Feat. Tyga
213.             Work - Rihanna
214.             One Dance - Drake
215.             Ba-lon - SZA Feat. Kendrick Lamar
216.             Baller Alert - Tyga
217.             Myself - Nav
218.             Birthday Sex - Jeremih
219.             Candy Shop - 50 Cent
220.             I Know - Big Sean
221.             Wrist - Chris Brown
222.             Top - Lil Uzi Vert
223.             Stop B**chin' - Kirko Bangz
224.             Yeah, I Said It - Rihanna
225.             Down In The DM - Yo Gotti Feat. Nicki Minaj
226.             Panda - Desiigner
227.             Drama - Roy Woods
228.             Sorry Not Sorry - Bryson Tiller
229.             Don't - Bryson Tiller
230.             Come And See Me - PARTYNEXTDOOR
231.             Father Stretch My Hands Pt. 1 - Kanye West
232.             6 Inch - Beyoncé
233.             Girls Love Beyoncé - Drake
234.             Drunk On The Mic - Mickey Shiloh
235.             Treat Me Like Something - Tink
236.             Love Drought - Beyoncé
237.             Without U - Spooky Black
238.             Myself - Nav
239.             Feel No Ways - Drake
240.             Controlla - Drake
241.             Shot For Me - Drake
242.             I'm Yours - Justine Skye
243.             Beautiful Day - Burberry Perry
244.             One Dance - Drake
245.             No Rush - Ella Mai
246.             Don't Tell Nobody - Tink
247.             One Dance - Drake
248.             Losin Control - Russ
249.             U With Me? - Drake
250.             Girls Love Beyoncé - Drake
251.             Consideration - Rihanna
252.             Location - Khalid
253.             Heartburn - Wafia
254.             Pull The Trigger - Russ
255.             Too Good - Drake Feat. Rihanna
256.             Pretty Lady - Migos
257.             Talk That Talk - Rihanna feat. Jay-z
258.             You Was Right - Lil Uzi Vert
259.             Mixtape - Chance The Rapper
260.             Love Lockdown - Kanye West
261.             Back To December - Taylor Swift
262.             Boss - Tinashe
263.             Vulnerable - Tinashe
264.             Ecstasy - Tinashe
265.             Too Good - Drake feat. Rihanna
266.             Been That Way - Bryson Tiller
267.             Rambo - Bryson Tiller
268.             Ain't Ready - Tinashe
269.             Hype - Drake
270.             Circles - Pusha T feat. Ty Dolla Sign & Desiigner
271.             Offended - Meek Mill feat. Young Thug & 21 Savage
272.             Litty - Meek Mill feat. Tory Lanez
273.             Make It Work For You - Juelz Satana
274.             Girls & Guitars - Tyga feat. Kirko Bangz
 275.             source: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmFnE7p5vkyH9u-5bIz4vQg
276.             ♪ French Montana (ft Quavo) - Migo Montana
277.             ♪ French Montana (ft Future) - No Pressure
278.             ♪ French Montana (ft Travis Scott) - Jump
279.             ♪ Playboi Carti - Magnolia
280.             ♪ Travis Scott - A man
281.             ♪ Rae Sremmurd - Do Yoga
282.             ♪ Belly ft Future - Frozen Water
283.             ♪ SZA - Supermodel
284.             ♪ 2 Chainz ft. Travis Scott - 4 AM
285.             ♪ Amy Winehouse - Tears Dry On Their Own
286.             ♪ Amy Winehouse - You Know I'm No Good
287.             Russ - What They Want
288.             Migos - Slippery (feat. Gucci Mane)
289.             SZA - Normal Girl
290.             Bryson Tiller - Don't 
291.             Bryson Tiller - Rambo
292.             Daniel Caesar - We Find Love 
293.             Migos - Kelly Price (feat. Travis Scott)
294.             Madison Beer - Dead
295.             Travis Scott - Butterfly Effect
296.             GoldLink feat. Brent Faiyaz & Shy Glizzy - Crew
297.             Lana Del Rey feat. The Weeknd - Lust for Life
298.             Bryson Tiller - Somethin Tells Me
299.             DJ Mustard (feat Quavo & YG) - Want Her
4 notes · View notes
imagekeepr · 7 years
*** VIDEOSS A "A Day in the Life" – The Beatles (1967) ... BBC - suggestive line, "..we’d love to turn you on..” "A Pair of Brown Eyes" - The Pougues ... BBC's Top of the Pops - a music video ban "A Rose and a Baby Ruth" – George Hamilton IV (1956) ... BBC - thought to be advertising, although the candy bar Baby Ruth was not sold in the UK "A Russian Love Song" – The Goons (1957) ... BBC - ridicules the cold war "A Theme from the Threepenny Opera (Mack the Knife)" – Louis Armstrong (1956) ... banned by: NYC radio, BBC - bloodthirsty words *** "A Whiter Shade Of Pale" - Procol Harum (1967) ... Top Of The Pops - the usage of Vietnam War newsreel footage. "A Worried Man" – The Kingston Trio (1959) ... BBC - didn’t like the word “closet” being used for “cupboard”. "A-huggin' and A-chalkin'" – Johnny Mercer (1946) ... BBC /USA - offensive to fat people ** "All For You" - Janet Jackson (2001) ... Singapore - lyrics to 'Would You Mind', were too sexually explicit and not acceptable to their society "Anarchy in the UK" - Sex Pistols (1976) ... BBC - banned following their controversial appearance on the TV news programme, Today. "Annie Had A Baby" - Hank Ballard & The Midnighters (1954) ... banned for radio play by the FCC. overtly sexual lyrics "Annie's Aunt Fannie" - Hank Ballard & The Midnighters (1954) ... banned for radio play by the FCC. overtly sexual lyrics "Angels in the Sky" – The Crew-Cuts (1955) ... BBC - Thought too offensive by the head of religious broadcasting "Answer Me" – Frankie Laine (1953) ... BBC - objection by head of religious broadcasting as a "sentimental mockery of Christian prayer" "Armchair Anarchist" - Kingmaker (1992) ... BBC/others - offensive lyrics "Bomb the idiots" and "Viva Dynamite" ** "As Nasty As They Wanna Be" (1989 album) - 2 Live Crew ... USA - Southern District of Florida ruled that the album was legally obscene. B "Baby Got Back" - Sir Mix-A-Lot (1992) ... MTV - briefly banned the outrageous video about women with big butts, and men who like them. "Baby, Let Me Follow You Down" – Bob Dylan (1962) ... BBC - objection by head of religious broadcasting "Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) - Cher () ... BBC - banned during Gulf War "Baubles, Bangles and Beads" – Kirby Stone Four (1958) ... BBC - "pop" version of classical piece, Alexander Borodin's String Quartet in D "Be Prepared" – Tom Lehrer (1953) ... BBC - sexually suggestive "Beep Beep" – The Playmates (1958) ... BBC - the mention of Cadillac and Nash Rambler considered advertising, also promoted dangerous driving. "Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!" - The Beatles ... BBC - the phrase "Henry the Horse", contains two common slang terms for heroin. "Big 6, Big 7,Big 8, 10 etc" - Judge Dredd (1972-75) ... BBC - sexual references and swear words. "Big Boys Bickering" - Paul McCartney ... BBC - overtly political message "Bitch" - The Rolling Stones ... many radio stations - sexual content and outrageous title. "Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered" – Ella Fitzgerald (1958) ... BBC - content where considered objectionable. "Be Chrool To Your Scuel" - Twisted Sister (1985) ... MTV - banned the video for excessive violence and gore "Blurred Lines" - Robin Thicke (2013) ... YouTube - banned the music video featuring nude models. (a new video was shot with clothed models) "Bobby Brown" - Frank Zappa (1979) ... USA - sexually explicit lyrics "Bring The Boys Home" - Freda Payne (1971) ... American Forces Network - fear that it would "give aid and comfort to the enemy" "Body Language" - Queen (1982) ... MTV ... music video blatantly sexy and too racey "Boom Bang-a-Bang" – Lulu (1969) ... BBC - banned during Gulf War "Burn My Candle" – Shirley Bassey (1956) ... BBC - risqué connotations C "(Celebrate) The Day After You" – The Blow Monkeys and Curtis Mayfield (1987) ... Australia, BBC Can't Stand Losing You - The Police (1978) ... BBC - morbid content (teenager who commits suicide) Cardiac Arrest - Madness (1981) ... BBC - lyrical content, "gasping for the hot air, but the chest pain it won't go" etc "Charlie Brown" – The Coasters (1959) ... BBC - the "disgusting, delinquent word" spitball "Come Together" – The Beatles (1970) ... BBC - product placement with the lyrics "He shoot Coca-Cola" "Come Again" – Au Pairs (1981) BBC ... refers to orgasms "Cop Killer" - Body Count (1992) ... USA / New Zealand - vile messages and promoting anti-police sentiment. ”Cortez The Killer” - Neil Young (1975) ... some Spanish speaking countries/stations - criticism of one of their national heroes "Cradle Song (Brahms' Lullaby)" – Frank Sinatra (1944) ... BBC - disrespectful to classical music "Croce di Oro (Cross of Gold)" – Joan Regan (1955) ... BBC - objection by head of religious broadcasting as sentimentalisation of religion "Crazy Horses" - The Osmonds (1972) ... South Africa - "horses" is a slang term for heroin there, so it was thought to be referring to drugs. "Crying in the Chapel" – Lee Lawrence (1953) ... BBC - objection by head of religious broadcasting because it was "nauseating". "Cuddle Me" – Ted Heath ft Dennis Lotis (1954) ... BBC - lewd and suggestive D "Damn, I Wish I Was Your Lover" - Sophie B. Hawkins (1992) ... MTV - rejected the original version of the video on grounds of erotic content. "Danny Boy" – Conway Twitty (1959) ... BBC - Conway Twitty holds the distinction of having recorded the only version of “Danny Boy” to have been banned! "Deep in the Heart of Texas" – Bing Crosby and Woody Herman (1942) ... BBC - too infectious "Devil Woman" - Marty Robbins ... Eire - adulterous theme ** "Devils and Dust" - Bruce Springsteen (2005 album) ... Starbucks, USA - concerns about adult content and his stances on corporate politics "Diggin' My Potatoes" – Lonnie Donegan (1954) ... BBC - lyrics not suitable "Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead" - Judy Garland ... BBC - found it disrespectful when a Facebook campaign and other anti-Thatcher camps tried do make the song a No.1 hit after the sad death of former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher. "Dinner with Drac" – John Zacherle (1958) ... BBC - lyrics considered despicable "Don't Let's Be Beastly to the Germans" – Noël Coward (1943) BBC ... WWII reminder of Germany "Don't Stop (Wiggle Wiggle)" - The Outhere Brothers ... BBC / others - shockingly explicit "Disarm" - Smashing Pumpkins (1994) BBC ... banned the song from appearing on Top of the Pops, because of the lyric "cut that little child". E "Ebeneezer Goode" – The Shamen (1992) ... BBC - drug fuelled song, "Eezer Goode..." in the chorus sounds like E's are good. "Ebony Eyes" – The Everly Brothers (1961) ... BBC - death song, too morbid. "Eight Miles High - The Byrds () ... USA - drug connotations in its lyrics. ** "Electric Ladyland" - Jimi Hendrix Experience (1968 album) ... many retail stores - the cover depicted nineteen nude women lounging in front of a black background. "Eve of Destruction" – Barry McGuire (1965) ... BBC - on the restricted list, for its bombast; USA - "it was an aid to the enemy in Vietnam" F "F--k tha Police" - N.W.A (1988) ... USA / other countries - encouraged violence against, and disrespect for, law enforcement officers. "Fairytale of New York" – The Pogues ft Kirsty MacColl (1987) - BBC/UK MTV - banned the words "faggot" and "slut" "Fat Bottomed Girls" - Queen (1978) ... Shops and Stores - the cover featured a nude woman riding a bicycle; the new version was the same image with panties drawn over the woman. "Feel Good Hit Of The Summer" - Queens of the Stone Age (2000) ... many radio stations / Wal-Mart - the lyrics list drugs: nicotine, valium, vicodin, ecstasy, marijuana, alcohol and cocaine "French Kiss" – Lil Louis (1989) ... BBC - too much heavy breathing G "Gimme a Pigfoot (And a Bottle of Beer)" – Bessie Smith (1933) ... BBC - unsuitable content "Girl Don't Come" - Sandie Shaw (1964) ... Because of this song although it reached number 42 on the Billboard Hot 100, Sandy was unable to do US promotion – including a Shindig! appearance scheduled for March – due to the U.S. Federation of TV and Radio Artists refusing her a US work permit "Give Ireland Back to the Irish" – Wings (1972) ... BBC - political, references to Northern Ireland. "Glad to Be Gay" – Tom Robinson Band (1978) ... BBC - refernces to the gay community "Gloomy Sunday" – Billie Holiday (1941) ... BBC - just.. bad taste! "God Bless the Child" – Billie Holiday (1942) ... BBC - unsuitable for broadcast because of its title - prayers in popular music were not allowed. "God Only Knows" - The Beach Boys (1966) ... Some USA radio stations - deemed as blasphamy having a pop song with God in the title. Because of this, it was released as the B-side of "Wouldn't It Be Nice" in the United States. In other countries, "God Only Knows" was the single's A-side. "God Save the Queen" – Sex Pistols (1977) ... BBC - vulgar and offensive Goodbye Earl - Dixie Chicks (1999) ... Some radio stations - stirred controversy for its take on spousal abuse and banned by several male radio programmers. "Great Balls of Fire" - Jerry Lee Lewis () ... Some radio stations - sexual innuendoes "Green Jeans" – The Flee-Rekkers (1960) ... BBC - mutilation of the classics, "distortion of melody, harmony and rhythm" "Greensleeves" – The Beverley Sisters (1956) ... BBC - mutilation of the classics, "distortion of melody, harmony and rhythm" "Guess Things Happen That Way" – Johnny Cash (1958) ... BBC - objected to by head of religious broadcasting "Gypsy Roadhog - Slade (1977) ... BBC - references to drugs H "Hall Of The Mountain King" - Nero & The Gladiators (1961) ... BBC - the banning of pop versions of classical tunes policy. "Have a Whiff on Me" – Mungo Jerry (1971) ... BBC - drug references "Hard Headed Woman" – Elvis Presley (1958) ... BBC - religious theme, BUT it could be played, only with special permission "He" – Al Hibbler/Robert Earl (1955) ... BBC - objected to by the head of religious broadcasting as being solely for commercial gain. "He Bought My Soul At Calvary" - Jo Stafford (1951) ... BBC - objection by head of religious broadcasting as a 'misguided' presentation of the Gospel "Hi, Hi, Hi" – Wings (1972) ... BBC - explicit sexual lyrics "High Class Baby" – Cliff Richard and the Drifters (1958) ... BBC - considered to be advertising Cadillac cars "Hold My Hand" – Don Cornell (1954) ... BBC - objection by head of religious broadcasting, a girlfriend cannot be compared to the "kingdom of heaven" **"Holy Wood (In The Shadow Of The Valley Of Death)" - Marilyn Manson (2000 album) ... many retail stores - refused to stock the album, the cover art, depicting Manson on a crucifix "Homosapien" - Pete Shelley (1982) ... BBC - banned because of the line "Homo superior in my interior" "Honey Hush" – The Rock and Roll Trio/Johnny Burnette (1956) ... BBC - sexual lyrics and promotes violence. "Honey Love" – Dennis Lotis (1954) ... BBC - objection by head of religious broadcasting, lewd and suggestive "Honeycomb" – Jimmie Rodgers (1957) ... BBC - objection by head of religious broadcasting "Honky Tonk Angel" - Cliff Richard (1975) ... Cliff found out a "honky tonk angel" was a hooker he withdrew the record. "(How Little It Matters) How Little We Know" – Frank Sinatra (1956) ... BBC - objection by head of religious broadcasting, lewd and suggestive "House Of The Rising Sun" - Josh White ... BBC - lyrics about prostitution I "I Am the Walrus" – The Beatles (1967) "I Can't Control Myself" – The Troggs (1966) ... BBC - sexual reference "I Hear the Angels Singing" – Frankie Laine (1954) "I Leaned on a Man" – Connie Francis (1957) "I Want To Be Evil" – Eartha Kitt (1953) ... BBC - title and content where considered objectionable. "I Want You to Be My Baby" – Annie Ross (1956) "I Want Your Sex" - George Michael (1987) ... BBC - banned between the hours of 5:50am-9pm "I Went to Your Wedding" – Spike Jones and His City Slickers (1953) "I'll Be Home for Christmas" – Bing Crosby (1943) "I'm Always Chasing Rainbows" – Perry Como (1949)/Ken Dodd (1963) ... BBC - "pop" version of a classical piece, Frédéric Chopin's Fantaisie-Impromptu. "I'm Nobody's Baby" – Frankie Howerd (1948) "Imagine" - John Lennon (1971) ... BBC - banned during the Gulf War "In the Air Tonight" – Phil Collins (1981) ... BBC - banned during the Gulf War "In the Beginning" – Frankie Laine (1955) ... BBC - objected to by the head of religious broadcasting "In the Hall of the Mountain King" – Nero and the Gladiators (1961) "Invisible Sun" – The Police (1981) ... BBC - due to the content of the song, violence and turmoil in Northern Ireland "It Is No Secret" – Jo Stafford (1954) "It Wasn't God Who Made Honky Tonk Angels" – Kitty Kallen (1962) "It Would Be So Nice" – Pink Floyd (1968) "I've Come of Age" – Billy Storm (1959) J "Jackie" – Scott Walker (1967) ... BBC - refers to "authentic queers" "Je t'aime... moi non plus" – Jane Birkin and Serge Gainsbourg (1969) ... BBC - sexual references "John and Marsha" – Stan Freberg (1950) ... BBC - sexual, too suggestive "Johnny Remember Me" – John Leyton (1961) ... BBC - death song, too morbid. "Jungle Fever" – The Chakachas (1972) ***"Justify My Love" - Madonna (1990 video) ... MTV - sexual content . K "Keep Me in Mind" – Lita Roza and Al Timothy (1955) "Killing an Arab" – The Cure (1979) ... BBC - banned during the Gulf War "Kodachrome" – Paul Simon (1973) ... BBC - would not play the trademarked name. L "La Petite Tonkenoise" – Josephine Baker (1930) "Lazy Mary" – Lou Monte (1958) ... BBC - Italian lyric deemed objectionable "Leader of the Pack" – The Shangri-Las (1964) ... BBC - death song, too morbid. "Let the People Go" – McGuinness Flint (1972) "Let's Spend the Night Together" – The Rolling Stones (1967) ... BBC - encourages promiscuity "Light a Candle in the Chapel" – Frank Sinatra (1942) ... BBC - objection by head of religious broadcasting, the song was "so nauseatingly sentimental that it debased the Christian religion". "Light My Fire" – Jose Feliciano (1968) ... BBC - banned during the Gulf War "Lili Marleen" – Lale Andersen (1939) "Little Star" – The Elegants (1958) ... BBC - objection by head of religious broadcasting to use of God in a pop song. "Louie Louie" - Kingsmen (1957) ... Indiana USA declared it pornographic "Lola" – The Kinks (1970) ... BBC - banned for advertising coca cola, until they changed the lyrics. "Louie Louie" - The Kingsmen (1963) ... USA - FBI investigation supposed obscenity of the lyrics, an investigation that ended without prosecution. "Love for Sale" – Cole Porter (1930) / Ella Fitzgerald (1956) ... BBC - sexual references, prostitution. "Love Is a Word" – Alma Cogan (1965) "Love Is Strange" – Mickey & Sylvia (1956) ... BBC - the line "love is money in the hand" would encourage prostitution "Love to Love You Baby" – Donna Summer (1975) ... BBC - too much heavy breathing, grunts and groans. ** "Lovesexy" - Prince (1988 album) ... Shops around the world - nude photo of Prince on cover "Lovin' Machine" – Wynonie Harris (1951) ... BBC - crude implications associated with a "lovin' machine" "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" – The Beatles (1967) ... BBC - drug refernces M "Mack the Knife" – Bobby Darin (1959) ... banned by: NYC radio, BBC - bloodthirsty words "Made You" – Adam Faith (1960) ... BBC - sexual references "Maggie May" – The Vipers Skiffle Group (1957) ... BBC - song is about a prostitute "Maybellene" – Chuck Berry (1955) "Mighty Mighty Man" – Bobby Darin (1958) "Minnie the Moocher" – Cab Calloway (1931) "Miss Morse" - Pearls Before Swine (1967) ... USA radio - Tom Rapp was singing F-U-C-K in Morse code "Miss You" – Bing Crosby (1942) ... BBC - The War Office felt that it too sentimental and might lower morale at home "Monster Mash" – Bobby "Boris" Pickett and the Crypt-Kickers (1962) ... BBC - it was offensive and in poor taste. "Moonlight Love" – Perry Como (1956) ... BBC - mutilation of the classics, took it’s melody from Debussy "My Christmas Prayer" – Billy Fury (1959) ... BBC - religious grounds. "My Friend" – Eddie Fisher (1954) "My Friend Jack" – The Smoke (1967) "My Generation" - The Who (1965) ... BBC - initially refused to play the song because it might offend people who stutter. "My Little Ukulele" – Joe Brown and The Bruvvers (1963) ... BBC - "too rique" N "Night of the Vampire" – The Moontrekkers (1961) "Ninety-Nine Years (Dead or Alive)" – Guy Mitchell (1961) "Nobody Loves Like an Irishman" – Lonnie Donegan (1958) ... BBC - Line about the Quran deemed to be offensive to Muslims O "(Oh) Pretty Woman" - Van Halen (1982) ... MTV aired the video very sparingly - too racey and distasteful "Old Man Atom" – The Sons of the Pioneers (1950) ... BBC - Controversial topics such as the atom bomb "One Has My Name (The Other Has My Heart)" – Jimmy Wakely (1948) ... BBC - encouraged adultery "Open Your Box" - Yoko Ono Plastic Ono Band (1970) ... BBC - banned because of the line "Open your legs" "Original Prankster" - The Offspring (2000) ... HMV stores - refused to stock the record after the band decided to give the track away as a free download on their official website, prior to it's release. P "Paper Doll" – The Mills Brothers (1943) ... BBC - theme of feminine unfaithfulness. deemed unacceptable during war time. "Peaches" – The Stranglers (1977) ... BBC - too "woman baiting" "Peaceful Street" – Ernest Butcher (1936) **"Permission To Land" - The Darkness (2003 album) ... Wal-Mart - the album sleeve featured a woman's bottom. "Plastic Jesus" - King Earl Boogie Band ... BBC - on grounds of blasphemy. "Please No Squeeza da Banana" – Louis Prima (1963) Q R "Radio Times" – The BBC Dance Orchestra (1935) "Randy Scouse Git" - The Monkees (19--) ... BBC - title was "actually somewhat taboo to the British audience" it was re-released as "Alternate Title" "Reefer Man " - Fats Waller () ... BBC - drug references "Relax" – Frankie Goes to Hollywood (1984) ... BBC - sexual references "Rock You Sinners" – Art Baxter and His Rock 'n' Roll Sinners (1958) "Rockin' Through The Rye" - Bill Haley and His Comets (1956) ... BBC - the song went against traditional British standards and used 50's hip slang. "Rum and Coca-Cola" – The Andrews Sisters (1945) ... BBC - advertising Coca -Cola ”Rumble” - Link Wray (1959) ... USA certain stations - although an instrumental the title was thought too suggestive of teen violence. S "Sad Affair" – Marxman (1993) ... BBC - contains IRA slogan "Saturday Nite at the Duckpond" – The Cougars (1963) ... BBC - "pop" versions of a classical piece "Say a Prayer for the Boys Over There" – Deanna Durbin (1943) "Send Me to the 'lectric Chair" – George Melly (1953) "Shall We Take a Trip" – Northside (1990) "She Had to Go and Lose It at the Astor" – Johnny Messner (1939) "She Was Only a Postmaster's Daughter" – Durium Dance Band (1933) **"Sheryl Crow" - Sheryl Crow (1996 album) ... Wal-Mart - The song "Love Is a Good Thing" contains the lyrics "Watch out sister, watch out brother, watch our children while they kill each other with a gun they bought at Walmart discount stores". "Sincerely" – Liberace (1955) ... BBC - "Sixty Minute Man" – The Dominoes (1951) ... BBC - sexually suggestive "Song of India" – Tommy Dorsey (1938) ... BBC - because it was based on a classical work, Rimsky-Korsakov's Sadko. "So What?" – Anti-Nowhere League (1981) ... BBC - obscene, contains the word fuck countless times, references to drugs, bestiality and STIs. "Soldier" – Harvey Andrews (1972) ... BBC - lest feelings be exacerbated in the nationalist community of Northern Ireland, or the British public be incited to attack innocent Irish people. The Ministry of Defence still advises British soldiers not to sing the song in pubs "Somebody Up There Likes Me" – Perry Como (1956) ... BBC - head of religious broadcasting objection . "Spasticus Autisticus" - Ian Dury (1981) ... BBC - deemed the lyrics offensive "Statue of Liberty" – XTC (1978) ... BBC - the lyrics "In my fantasy I sail beneath your skirt". 'Star Star' - Rolling Stones (1973) ... BBC - it contained the word "Star-fucker" in the chorus a dozen times. "St. Therese of the Roses" – Malcolm Vaughan (1956) ... BBC - head of religious broadcasting felt it was contrary to Catholic and Protestant beliefs "Stranger in Paradise" – The Four Aces (1953) ... BBC - "prohibited from broadcast due to unacceptable performance" disrespectful to the classics. "Street Fighting Man" - Rolling Stones (1968) ... several radio stations in Chicago, IL. - Authorities feared it might incite public disorder. "Such a Night" – Johnnie Ray (1954) ... BBC - lewd and suggestive "Summer Smash" – Denim (1997) ... EMI self-banned - the planned release date was in the same period when Princess Diana died by a car crash. T "Teen Angel" – Mark Dinning (1959) ... BBC - death song, too morbid. "Teenage Prayer" – Gale Storm (1955) "Tell Laura I Love Her" – Ray Peterson/Ricky Valance (1960) ... BBC - death song, too morbid. "Terry" – Twinkle (1964) ... BBC - death song, too morbid. "The Ballad Of John and Yoko" - The Beatles ... Spain/USA various radio stations - mention of crucifixion offended radio listeners. "The Battle of New Orleans" – Johnny Horton (1959) "The Blue Danube" – Spike Jones and His City Slickers (1945) ... BBC - takes liberties with a serious work of music "The Christening" – Arthur Askey (1943) "The Cover of Rolling Stone" – Dr. Hook & the Medicine Show (1973) "The Deck of Cards" – T. Texas Tyler (1948) "The Devil Is a Woman" – Herb Jeffries (1957) "The Foggy, Foggy, Dew" – Peter Pears (1950) "The Garden of Eden" – Frankie Vaughan (1957) ... BBC - song is "fairly blasphemous" "The Heel" – Eartha Kitt (1955) "The Man with the Golden Arm" – Eddie Calvert (1956) ... BBC - although it's an instrumental, the BBC objected to the sordid nature of the film!! "The Mocking Bird" – The Four Lads (1952) "The Monster Mash" - Bobby (Boris) Pickett and the Crypt-Kickers (1962) ... BBC - too morbid *** "The Next Day" - David Bowie (2013 video) ... Youtube (temporarily) - its graphic content "The Old Dope Peddler" – Tom Lehrer (1953) "The Reefer Song (If You're a Viper)" – Fats Waller (1943) "The Sabre Dance" – Woody Herman (1948) "The Shag (Is Totally Cool)" – Billy Graves (1958) ... BBC - the shag is a dance, but also it is slang for sexual intercourse "The Silver Madonna" – Kirk Stevens (1957) "The Sky" – Petula Clark (1957) "The Story of a Starry Night" – Glenn Miller (1954) ... BBC - distorted representation of the original Tchaikovsky's Sixth Symphony "The Story Of My Life" - Alma Cogan (1958) ... BBC - too morbid, refers to death "The Story of Three Loves" – Ray Martin (1957) "The Test of Time" – Robert Earl (1959) "The Tommy Rot Story" – Morris & Mitch (1957) "The Unbeliever" – Guy Mitchell (1957) "The Voice in My Heart" – Eydie Gormé (1958) "The Winker's Song" - Ivor Biggun (1978) ... BBC - sexual references "They're Coming to Take Me Away Ha-Haaa!" – Napoleon XIV (1966) "Three Stars" – Ruby Wright (1959) "Til the Following Night" – Screaming Lord Sutch (1961) "Till the End of Time" – Perry Como (1945) "Ting Tong Tang" – Ken Platt (1958) "To Keep My Love Alive" – Ella Fitzgerald (1956) "Toll the Bell Easy" – Les Hobeaux (1957) "Too Drunk to Fuck" – Dead Kennedys (1981) "Tribute to Buddy Holly" – Mike Berry and The Outlaws (1961) U ”Unknown Soldier” - The Doors () ... USA - political, the song’s anti-war stance. "Urban Guerrilla" – Hawkwind (1973) V W "Wake Up Little Suzie" - Everley Brothers ... USA certain stations - would influence and corrupt teenagers. "Walk Hand in Hand" – Tony Martin (1956) ... BBC - religous reasons, disrespectful to God. "We Call It Acieeed" – D-Mob (1988) "We Can't Let You Broadcast That" – Norman Long (1932) ... BBC - made fun of the BBC's policies of 'banning' recordings "(We Don't Need This) Fascist Groove Thang" – Heaven 17 (1981) ... BBC - concerns by Radio 1's legal department that it libeled Reagan. "We Have to Be So Careful" – The Beverley Sisters (1953) ... BBC - because it ridiculed BBC policy "We Will All Go Together When We Go" – Tom Lehrer (1959) "Wet Dream" – Max Romeo (1969) ... BBC - due to its lyrics which are of an explicit sexual nature "When I'm Cleaning Windows" – George Formby (1936) ... BBC - Sexual innuendo, too racy, "A disgusting little ditty" "Whoa Buck" – Lonnie Donegan (1959) "With My Little Stick of Blackpool Rock" – George Formby (1937) "With My Little Ukelele in Hand" – George Formby (1933) "Woman Love" – Gene Vincent (1956) ... BBC - lyrics offensive and can't be understood. "Work With Me, Annie" - Hank Ballard & the Midnighters (1954) ... banned for radio play by the FCC. overtly sexual lyrics "Worried Man" - Kingston Trio (1959) ... BBC - didn’t like the word “closet” being used for “cupboard”. X Y "You'll Get Yours" – Frank Sinatra (1956) *** "You're All I Need" - Mötley Crüe (1987 video) ... MTV - because of the level of violence.
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foursprout-blog · 6 years
Buffalo Chicken Lettuce Wraps VIDEO
New Post has been published on http://foursprout.com/health/buffalo-chicken-lettuce-wraps-video/
Buffalo Chicken Lettuce Wraps VIDEO
Lose the tortillas and make these Buffalo Chicken Lettuce Wraps for a healthy lunch throughout the week! They are gluten-free, packed with veggies, and extra flavorful when topped with green goddess dressing. These lettuce wraps are easy to meal-prep and great for an easy weeknight dinner. 
Happy Sunday, my people! I’m back in my old stomping grounds (Milwaukee and Chicago) for the weekend getting some much-needed QT with Marky’s family in Milwaukee and my fam in Chicago. And tomorrow Lin and I are camping out at a coffee shop for a full-day Healthy Glow Co. strategy sesh with Monique before heading home for another fun week at FFHQ. Now that’s what I call a weekend well spent.
Before we leave my parents’ casa you bet we’re going to set them up with these delish buffalo chicken lettuce wraps meal-prepped and ready for the week’s lunches. This recipe is easy-peasy and packed with SO. MUCH. FLAVOR. I’ve been craving all the greens lately, and even though Minnesota really can’t let go of winter this year, these lettuce wraps have me dreaming of patio dinners and lake walks. I mean, how perfect would these chicken lettuce wraps be for a picnic lunch?! Plus, they can be meal-prepped and stored in the fridge for the week so you can easily whip them together and be on your way. A win-win.
When Lin and I were brainstorming for this buffalo chicken recipe, we knew we wanted to incorporate lettuce wraps. First: we know how much you love ditching the tortilla for a leafy green (find a few of our other fave lettuce wrap recipes are below!), and second: we can’t get enough of this healthy green goddess dressing. Make these delicious lettuce wraps NOW and lettuce know what you think (see what I did there?)!
Other Fit Foodie Finds Lettuce Wraps
Buffalo Chicken Lettuce Wraps VIDEO
Lose the tortillas and make these Buffalo Chicken Lettuce Wraps for a healthy lunch throughout the week! They are gluten-free, packed with veggies, and extra flavorful when topped with green goddess dressing! 
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Total Time: 35 minutes
Author: Lee Hersh
Yield: 4
For the Buffalo Chicken
1.5 lbs. boneless, skinless chicken breasts
2 teaspoons garlic powder
1 teaspoon paprika
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
1/3 cup franks
2 tablespoons maple syrup
Green Goddess Dressing
1 cup chopped basil
1/2 cup parsley
3 green onions, whole
1 clove garlic
2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
1/4 cup greek yogurt
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon honey
For the Wraps
8 large romaine leaves*
1 cup corn
2 avocados, sliced
fresh parsley
For the Buffalo Chicken
Preheat oven to 375ºF and line a baking sheet with tin foil. Spray tin foil with cooking spray and set aside.
In a small bowl, mix together garlic powder, paprika, salt and pepper. Then, rub both sides of chicken breasts with spices and place on baking sheet.
Bake at 375ºF for 20-25 minutes or until fully cooked.
Once chicken breasts are cool, cut into cubes and place into a medium-sized bowl.
Whisk franks sauce and maple syrup together in a separate bowl and pour over chicken cubes. Mix until all chicken is covered with franks mixture. Set aside.
For the Creamy Green Goddess Dressing
Prepare your green goddess dressing by placing all ingredients in a blender or a food processor and blend until smooth. Place into the refrigerator until you are ready to eat the wraps.
For the Wraps
Assemble your wraps by laying out all of your lettuce leaves on a flat surface. Fill your leaves with an even amount of chicken, corn, and avocado.
Lastly, drizzle about a 1/2 tablespoon of green goddess dressing over each lettuce wrap and enjoy!
*Use any type of large lettuce leaf that you would like!
Serving Size: 2 lettuce wraps
Calories: 362
Sugar: 11
Fat: 16
Carbohydrates: 23
Fiber: 7
Protein: 37
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One hundred Day Physique Transformation, 100..
One hundred Day Body Transformation, one hundred..
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Children like the ball too and in case you have multiple you can carry out simple routines together. Each drastic food regimen, with big weight loss in a brief time period of time, has uncomfortable side effects and certainly one of most typical one is termed the yo-yo effect (while you invest in back all misplaced weight, after solely few weeks). Informal conferences are usually time wasters. Utilizing weights, strive squats as they're very effective in creating the thighs. It can be tougher to be taught at first - Using free weights takes good type and approach to get the complete advantages. Therefore day by day sleep on right time and take full and seep sleep. I spent so much time attempting to determine what works and hoping for outcomes, though extra typically then not, I would come up disillusioned. Or if it really works higher for you, eat a number of smaller meals throughout the day. Girls and men alike feel and look better with lean muscle mass.
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Now to answer our question: "Are we burning calories after our workout?". However spinning courses are additionally accessible as a result of the gear needed for them is minimal, and the classes provide a low-influence cardiovascular exercise that burns plenty of calories. I can even see how lengthy I've trained in each coronary heart rate zone and how many calories I've burned. Do you could have a date this weekend? Everybody's fearful about their jobs, their homes, and their cash -- there appears to be little incentive in going out and meeting new ladies. Usually talking, don�t purchase anything that you just haven�t tried out for your self - which implies that you can not get that special offer from the shopping channel, unhappy to say. What this implies is whenever you land from a jump, you need to have the ability to absorb all of the force shortly, take control of your self after which once more be in a position to jump back as excessive as you as you can.
The chrome plated steel rails use prime quality rollers to make sure the seat glides smoothly for a nice, non-jarring rowing expertise. You may drop extra pounds by making use of the very same character strengths you use in different areas of your life-style. At the same time, you must swing your arms back and forth as nicely. After 5 minutes, hit the flooring for pushups or the kids' swing set for Planet Fitness on facebook pullups. Your flexibility and cardiovascular fitness degree will enhance with swimming. A really powerful issue at this degree is to give attention to this feeling, give your body the train that he wants. link Lean your upper physique backward, bending your knees slightly. Great suggestions and solutions that will motivate me to get off the pc. In general, if a muscle is labored constantly and recurrently, it's going to enhance in energy. Stott Pilates incorporates modern exercise principles, together with contemporary information of spinal rehabilitation and improved athletic performance to improve core power and stability the muscles around the joints. Our bodies are made up of 1/3 water and our muscles are 70% water!
Drinking a number of water has a number of benefits to your well being. After inspection is completed, you should learn the way to hold the hand cuffs to correctly apply them fast and easily. Grip the bar in a large hand grip and pull down slowly and easily behind your head. Drop your heels down then press up by way of your toes. Be candid about what you’re keen to do — then let your trainer be frank about the outcomes you'll be able to anticipate. There are completely different applications you can select from. Your GP can provide you with recommendation or provide you with a referral to an train physiologist, each of which are lined by Medicare. Impact of Exercise on 24-Month Weight reduction Upkeep in Overweight Women. Train Routines for Newcomers The Artwork of Manliness. Gagnon provides that your belly button should be sucked up into your spine, creating a robust flat again. It's a great technique to lose stomach fat rapidly and total weight loss.
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5 Issues You must Check Earlier than Shopping for A Used Bell Mobile phone On Categorised Websites
5 Issues You should Verify Before Shopping for A Used Bell Cellular phone On Categorised Websites
Or maybe you would like a nice unfold of nuts - peanuts, walnuts, chopped almonds, sunflower seeds, poppy seeds, granola, any of those might add a lovely crunch. The sides of rice and black beans were a bonus, however the bland plantain chips didn’t add a lot. The chips have been okay however obviously not contemporary. I especially love the banana cream pie blizzard and they've a really good BLT sandwich, too. The good news is that it can be repaired quickly and simply, with out having to fork out for an costly repair invoice. This are given to poor families so their youngsters can attend college. Nevertheless, this time our youngsters shocked us! Writer: alicecybsga Xmas is a enchanting time of year, also as adults we get captured inside the awe of the spirit of the season. The entrees had been pretty costly, not just "upscale" costly, but a "for this price I might better get a pedicure too" sort of costly.
go hit the strip in concord square where macaroni grill is. Best beggin spot
— out here 4 the kids (@partedhairedned) January 25, 2017
Totino- it's essential get someone to edit your shit. Whereas I sometimes camp in a very minimalist method (a lighter, my pillow, toothbrush, toothpaste and jugs of water) these are a few of the issues that I'd record as the things I feel I must take alongside. Since Indonesia's considered one of the largest coffee producers on the earth, which means you don't need to fret about the quality. As an illustration, when you've got 3 creditors, John, George, and Paul, you can combine them into one creditors' account. Animals have totally different dietary needs than people, and in some cases treats that we get pleasure from might be extraordinarily dangerous to a canine or cat's well being. And it may have taken a week from arrival for some bizarre reason, but on that evening I Lastly obtained some real Japanese ramen. I had got it caught in my head that in an effort to practice at the weight platform you bought to appear to be Arnold in his prime.
Use about 3cm of ginger for this smoothie recipe, I know it seems like loads, however I find that a few of this doesn’t blend within the smoothie maker or blender so I use extra. this Use this section if you happen to could not match solutions into the earlier components of the kind. The second vital factor to contemplate is the quality of the product, the food. The OnePlus 5 can also be thin at 7.25mm and gentle at 153g - however feels stable within the hand with undeniable build quality. There are thousands of recipes on every meat listed. Purchases are all the goods purchased by the corporate for production or resale. Sidney Frank of Sidney Frank Importing Firm came up with the concept in 1996 and eventually offered the brand to Bacardi in 2004 for a hefty sum. The corporate is not liable if the supplier of any part of a prize fails to satisfy its obligations to furnish its portion of the prize. Tailor-made to the night-owl crowd, the grilled-cheese/cheeseburger hybrid is part of Jack within the Box's recently launched Munchie Meal lineup that's obtainable "for the opposite 9-to-fivers" between 9 p.m.
Traders are paying close consideration to the charts of Jack In the Field Inc (JACK), because the shares are holding above the MACD Histogram zero line. Ship a film on video, a box of popcorn, and a pack of M & M's. Thankfully, Leslie was the first one there and instructed them that a relatively well-known native meals blogger was coming! Publisher: Cole Rees There's nothing that fairly compares to the style of foods which have been freshly prepared within the oven at dwelling. Publisher: Alex Wu10 Wu10 Ahmedabad is often referred to as Amdavad and is the fifth largest city and the 6th largest metropolitan city in India. Content material has the ability to sell and make what you are promoting widespread though shopper recommendations. As you'll with another dog, be sure border collie puppies are educated and socialised while young.
To create a visible impact with your garden, listed here are a number of suggestions. Try the overview Right here. If the debut album by Little Silver, an intriguing folks-rock quartet out of Brooklyn, has echoes of the spacy jangle-rock of the late nineties and early 2000s, so what? When will Yahoo go out of enterprise? Bathrooms and kitchens will at all times asks for mending work no matter the state of the financial system. Advanced pizza luggage keep meals scorching and crisp right to the purchasers' Starbucks on facebook door step. Did you know that eighty% of pizza customers ordered their pizza earlier than halftime every weekend? Take sun bath at the grey seashore and have tasty food in perched lodges. Fifty p.c have dined at a local casual dining restaurant chain up to now month. Manager of Worldwide DVD and Poster, Mr. Smith is another lifelong Hanover local and a figure of quite a bit of lore on campus. Patrons reduced or eradicated their visits to Chipotle starting in late October 2015 amid an E.coli outbreak and different meals security concerns.
Fast meals doesn't have to imply "fat food. " The winner of the fattest is the one on high. All of our managers have labored their manner up through the ranks of our associates," he says. "Each single one in all them has finished that. Stick to one cup. When you love your coffee with a bit of contact of fusion, then try their well-known Creme Brulee Caramel Coffee (IDR 44k), top suggestion. You'll be able to really spot slightly Caesars franchise in Honduras, Korea, Dominican Republic, Slovakia, and the Philippines. At the moment it’s about challenging ourselves and seeing what all of us on the group can obtain. A big surprise consider both path sometimes can lead to a significant swing in the stock worth in the hours and days after the report. Whereas on a leisure stroll round Pike Market, you are kidnapped and held for ransom. Digitrax DN166I0 decoders are in.
0 notes
5 Things You need to Verify Before Shopping for A Used Bell Cell phone On Categorized Websites
5 Things You should Test Earlier than Buying A Used Bell Cellular phone On Labeled Sites
Or maybe you prefer to a nice unfold of nuts - peanuts, walnuts, chopped almonds, sunflower seeds, poppy seeds, granola, any of these may add a lovely crunch. The sides of rice and black beans have been a bonus, but the bland plantain chips didn’t add a lot. The chips had been okay but clearly not recent. I especially love the banana cream pie blizzard and they have a very good BLT sandwich, too. The good news is that it may be repaired shortly and easily, without having to fork out for an expensive repair bill. This are given to poor families so their youngsters can attend college. Nevertheless, this time our kids stunned us! Writer: alicecybsga Xmas is a enchanting time of year, additionally as adults we get captured throughout the awe of the spirit of the season. pizza hut locations in medford The entrees had been pretty expensive, not simply "upscale" expensive, however a "for this value I'd higher get a pedicure too" kind of costly.
go hit the strip in concord square where macaroni grill is. Best beggin spot
— out here 4 the kids (@partedhairedned) January 25, 2017
Totino- it is advisable get somebody to edit your shit. While I generally camp in a very minimalist approach (a lighter, my pillow, toothbrush, toothpaste and jugs of water) these are a few of the issues that I'd list because the things I feel I have to take along. Since Indonesia's one among the biggest coffee producers in the world, that means you don't need to worry about the quality. As an example, you probably have three creditors, John, George, and Paul, you'll be able to mix them into one creditors' account. Animals have different dietary wants than folks, and in some cases treats that we take pleasure in will be extraordinarily harmful to a canine or cat's well being. And it may have taken a week from arrival for some bizarre reason, however on that evening I Lastly obtained some actual Japanese ramen. I had received it stuck in my head that with the intention to prepare at the load platform you bought to appear like Arnold in his prime.
Use about 3cm of ginger for this smoothie recipe, I understand it appears like so much, but I discover that a few of this doesn’t blend in the smoothie maker or blender so I exploit more. Use this section when you couldn't fit solutions into the earlier components of the form. The second necessary factor to think about is the quality of the product, the meals. The OnePlus 5 can be skinny at 7.25mm and mild at 153g - however feels stable within the hand with undeniable build quality. There are literally thousands of recipes on each meat listed. Purchases are all the goods purchased by the corporate for manufacturing or resale. Sidney Frank of Sidney Frank Importing Firm came up with the concept in 1996 and finally offered the brand to Bacardi in 2004 for a hefty sum. The corporate just isn't liable if the supplier of any part of a prize fails to satisfy its obligations to furnish its portion of the prize. Tailor-made to the evening-owl crowd, the grilled-cheese/cheeseburger hybrid is part of Jack within the Field's not too long ago introduced Munchie Meal lineup that is out there "for the opposite nine-to-fivers" between 9 p.m.
Buyers are paying shut attention to the charts of Jack In the Box Inc (JACK), as the shares are holding above the MACD Histogram zero line. Ship a movie on video, a field of popcorn, and a pack of M & M's. Thankfully, Leslie was the first one there and told them that a relatively well-known native food blogger was coming! Publisher: Cole Rees There is nothing that fairly compares to the style of foods which have been freshly ready within the oven at dwelling. Publisher: Alex Wu10 Wu10 Ahmedabad is usually referred to as Amdavad and is the fifth largest metropolis and the 6th largest metropolitan metropolis in India. Content material has the facility to sell and make your small business fashionable though shopper suggestions. As you'll with another canine, be sure border collie puppies are trained and socialised whereas young.
To create a visible impact together with your garden, listed here are a number of suggestions. Try the assessment Here. If the debut album by Little Silver, an intriguing folk-rock quartet out of Brooklyn, has echoes of the spacy jangle-rock of the late nineties and early 2000s, so what? When will Yahoo exit of business? Bathrooms and kitchens will at all times asks for mending work regardless of the state of the financial system. Advanced pizza bags keep food sizzling and crisp right to the purchasers' see door step. Do you know that eighty% of pizza customers ordered their pizza before halftime each weekend? Take solar bath on the grey beach and have tasty food in perched accommodations. Fifty p.c have dined at an area informal dining restaurant chain up to now month. Supervisor of International DVD and Poster, Mr. Smith is another lifelong Hanover native and a determine of quite a bit of lore on campus. Patrons reduced or eradicated their visits to Chipotle beginning in late October 2015 amid an E.coli outbreak and other meals safety considerations.
Fast meals does not have to mean "fats meals. " The winner of the fattest is the one on high. All of our managers have labored their approach up by the ranks of our associates," he says. "Every single one in every of them has carried out that. Stick to one cup. If you love your coffee with somewhat touch of fusion, then attempt their well-known Creme Brulee Caramel Coffee (IDR 44k), high recommendation. You'll be able to truly spot a little Caesars franchise in Honduras, Korea, Dominican Republic, Slovakia, and the Philippines. Right this moment it’s about difficult ourselves and seeing what all of us on the workforce can achieve. A big surprise consider both direction typically can result in a major swing within the stock worth within the hours and days after the report. Whereas on a leisure stroll round Pike Market, you're kidnapped and held for ransom. Digitrax DN166I0 decoders are in.
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jahkartoday-blog · 7 years
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Growing up as a kid in West LA, Adidas was never a thing. No one played basketball in Adidas, or wore Adidas on the first day of school. To be frank, I wouldn’t be surprised if a handful of my peers from Crescent Heights Elementary could even pronounce Adidas correctly. The only brand that mattered on the playground was Nike. If you didn’t have a swoosh on your tennis shoes or t-shirt you simply weren’t cool. My personal favorites were the all-white Air Max 90s and all-white Air Force 1 mids. I liked the all-white colorways most because I could color and write on my shoes and customize them to my liking. As time went on during the early 2000s, I learned more about Nike products, specifically Jordan Brand sneakers and it started with the Jordan 1. Then, in about 2006/2007 SB Dunks became popular and while I was skateboarding at the time these became my newfound obsession. My cousin Sage and I would spend hours on end in his room learning about the various Dunk models and memorizing everything about them. From the color of their boxes (silver, pink, etc), to discussing skinny tongues vs fat tongues, we were Nike experts. Fast forward to now as sneaker culture has changed in ways that were unforeseen. The current hype around Adidas in the United States has everything to do with KanYe West signing with the sportswear brand sometime during 2015. Before KanYe released his first model with Adidas––the 350 Boost, which is a blatant rip-off of Nike’s 2012/2013 best-seller the Roshe Run, he was spotted wearing various Adidas models like the Stan Smith, SL Loop, and the dreadful Adidas Ultraboost. All of those sneakers instantly became hyped “grail” items for KanYe stans and hypebeasts ranging from ages 13-29. This resulted in them being the most sought after shoes at brick and mortars and on the resale market for quite some time. I call this sequence the “Yeezy Effect”––where KanYe wears or does something and it instantly becomes oxygen to his followers. For example, KanYe started making his tour merch less “merchy” and more streetwear. He started doing pop-up shops around the world where his “Pablo” merch was available only at select locations. Odd Future did this first, but it didn’t seem to have the same domino effect on the industry as Ye’s did. Nowadays, brands like Zara and Forever 21 recreate his overpriced Yeezy Supply products that are manufactured by Adidas. People tend to troll and call this “Post Apocalypse Fashion” at a much lower price point. Prior to signing with Adidas for a rumored $10,000,000.00, West was a member of the Nike Boyz during 2009-2014 where he created the Air Yeezy 1 and 2. During his stay at Nike through 2009-2014, he was often seen wearing Jordan 1s, 3s, 5s, 6s, and 8s as they are products of the Nike house, but this changed when the Yeezy line came into fruition. These years were also the years when Nike and Jordan products were basically untouchable. Resellers, “Plugs”, and camp-outs only mentioned Nike and Jordan sneakers even when the quality was subpar like the 2013 Jordan Bred 1s. Although, plenty of people were buying and rocking Jordans before KanYe came along, he definitely helped the trend of Jumpman stay popular. The later period of 2010, was the definitely the beginning of a weird period for sneaker culture as a whole where people were basically buying more luxury sneakers and slippers instead of Nike sneakers. Seeming to not know what to do, it was a pretty quiet period for Nike where they weren’t really releasing any good products. It was practically a year full of one-off trainers that no one ever seemed to be interested in like the Nike Air Huarache ‘92, Nike Air Max CB94, strange Nike SB dunks, a pair of black Air More Uptempo which is now the official Supreme fanboy shoe of 2017, and a plethora of Basketball sneakers. Adidas was practically unheard of in the states and was surely not a topic of conversation in regards to “Must Cop Releases” as their year consisted of re-releasing the Super Star 2, ZX 500, Somoa, and Nizza Hi the predecessor to the Adidas Matchcourt which has recently been highly coveted thanks to signature models from Nakel Smith and Mark Gonzales of the Adidas Skate Team. In 2015, West was spotted wearing various Adidas sneakers such as the Stan Smith, ZX Flux, Ultraboost, and ZX 710 and the Yeezy Fanboy Club immediately begin hitting up their local shoe retailers to grab a pair for themselves along with a pair to resell. This is when the energy of the sneaker world took a sharp turn, for the worst. Nike began to lose its “star power” affiliated with the brand other than NBA players, Adidas began to steal the popularity spotlight amongst the hypebeasts, Youtubers, and “influencers” from Nike by releasing a slew of new models in a McDonald’s inspired quick and fast manner which ended up playing a part in their early demise. In 1985, Nike released the Air Jordan 1 in a Chicago Bulls themed colorway. Overtime, this sneaker has been remixed in plenty ways which is acceptable from time to time and simply unwanted at others. However, the shoe is 32 years old which makes both the failed attempts to revamp the shoe and the re-releases of OG colorways understandable. The NMD from Adidas has basically taken the same route as the Air Jordan 1 but at a bullet train pace. Which is not acceptable, but understandable as Adidas is obviously trying to capitalize on the hype around the brand at the moment. Recently, Adidas has seemed to step away from releasing the NMD R1 in a bunch of different colorways but trying to rework the sneakers in puffy “updated” versions like the NMD R2 and Pharrell’s second take on the NMD sneaker the “NMD Tennis Hu”, serving as an underwhelming modern twist on the Stan Smith. Both brands have tried to retro runners from the past like the Air Max TN Plus and the Iniki Runner which have both sat at retailers for the past month and will soon end up on the sales rack. So far this month, Nike’s Jordan Brand has also retroed the Air Jordan Red Metallic 1s and Air Jordan Pure Money 4s which aren’t receiving nearly as much as attention as they would have a decade ago. Adidas has recently released the Samba and NMD City Sock which are also stuck on the shelves and aren’t exactly exciting to Adidas’ new found American market since the sneakers are not flashy or a collaborative project with a designer or musician. My personal interest in sneakers has grown frail as I have outgrown the attitude of “more of the best, and less is more” and find myself looking to purchase higher quality sneakers in lower quantities. Now with emerging footwear brands coming to the forefront of the sneaker market such as No.One Systems, VEJA, Aprix, and Victory Sportswear, I have high hopes that my appreciation and love for trainers will be restored and I will become a sneaker hoarder again.
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kittykates · 7 years
#vaKATEtion: Baguio City with the Bunny Sam
My first vacation in the Philippines after a year away calls for an out of town trip with the best friend. She’s on the list of my utmost important people to spend time with while I’m on my annual leave from work because she’ll definitely give me a hard time if I didn’t get to see her. Kidding! But honestly, I was so psyched to see my Pachamcham. You see, we have that type of friendship that does not hover. It does not matter how long we did not speak or see each other but once in a while, when opportunity arise, when we talk, it’s like you can tell each other everything without a single judgement on each others eyes. All you see or hear are words of encouragement, frank remarks, unfailing compliments and empathizing on each others situations may it be good or bad.
The kind of friendship you know would be foreves.
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                               Sam and Katie. Summer 2016
And since it was a summer, we went to Baguio, the summer capital of the Philippines to chill, drink hot coffee while eating sumptuous cakes , talking while watching the rain and having the best weather in the Philippines.
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                        Good Shepherd Convent Viewing Deck
I’ve booked us an AirBnb which was actually my first time but definitely not my last, rode a bus from Bataan to Baguio for 7 hours ( soul searching feels) while the best friend was already coming from Tarlac to Baguio since she had an event there. 
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Nice room? Not much but the place is actually big for the price we’ve paid. SCORE!
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                          Plus artsy decor? CHECK CHECK CHECK!
Once we’ve arrived, the first thing in our plan was to eat at Good Taste Cafe & Restaurant because I heard, and Sam confirmed that the food does really taste good and is reasonably priced plus open 24/7! BTW, my best friend lived there for four years since she went to college at St. Louis University.
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               Did not disappoint me. And look at that serving!?
We then decided it’s time to hit the night market and burn all the fats consumed after eating those yummy goodness.
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                       Ukayle: Ukay sa Kalye: Night Market
After walking until the wee hours of the morning, we headed back at our place to get ready for a full day of Baguio exploring.
First stop was Bencab Museum.
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It houses the works of our National Artist Ben Cabrera hence the name, and his art collection which I would proudly say were exceptional.
Time to photo vomit now. I’m so sorry! The place is just so picturesque.
I’ve singled out my favorite painting upon entering.
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                                    Bulol and Ifugao by Ben Cab
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 The museum is open with floor to ceiling windows and glass doors which enhances the vividness of the art work.  
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                                     Legit katutubo
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                             You’ve been warned
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I did not notice the sign when I entered this place and I was like, neenuuuneenuuuneee.
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Notice something weird from the sculpture? I called this, Pre-teen.
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                             Dancing Man by Orly Ipon
This painting made me stare for a complete minute. It was so beautiful.
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                                            Sina B1.
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                                             at B2. Laging magkasama.
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“Wag mong damdamin ang mga bagay dahil ang mga bagay ay walang damdamin”. Makes a lot of sense.
The Bencab Museum vicinity is also where Ben Cabrera lives. 
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There’s a pond in the back of the museum and they also have a cute little cafe.We didn’t eat since we wanted to try another place.
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I wanted to post plenty of photos but I don’t want to spoil it for the people who haven’t seen it. The museum is one of the best site to visit in Baguio which is not part of the regular touristy places we know since childhood. ( Hello Burnham Park, Mines View Park lol)
After roaming around, we were hungry so we headed downtown to try this famous place called Cafe By The Ruins. 
The cafe is located in Upper Session Road where all the live bands, great local shops and other cafe’s can also be found. 
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Unfortunately, there was a fire that wiped out the place and I’m not sure if they were able to restore the original restaurant. But the good news is there is another branch which is called Cafe by the Ruins Dua. I haven’t tried it yet but they say that the food is great and some even say that it taste better. Only way to find out is to try it for ourselves.
After eating time to head to Camp John Hay.
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                               Pine trees! Smelled so fresh!
Had hot chocolate while it was drizzling at Everything Nice Cake Shop and Cafe. 
Went back to the city to get a massage and see the quirkiest little bookstore.
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There was a small theater inside which shows indie films. Probably the hippest place in Baguio.
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                                            Dramatic colors.
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    They only sell locally published books and I bought 2. #golocal
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                                    North Haven Spa was chill AF
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                      Artsy spa. You can never go wrong in Baguio.
We didn’t do anything in Baguio but to relax and eat and my bestie brought me to all the cool places not many people get to see in Baguio like another hipster place called Artists Cafe! The place is an eye candy to hipsters for you.
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                                              pretty bebe
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                                              Baguio at night
After dinner, coffee session at this cafe where live bands play. Unfortunately I forgot the name. :)
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It was one of the longest day of my life catching up for a year of not seeing each other. Once of the best and one for the books. Baguio will always be a swell place. For us. 
0 notes
viralhottopics · 7 years
Can Trump really make America great again?
In a Pennsylvania county with a proud industrial past, why did voters who were loyal to Obama turn towards Trump and what do they expect now?
Donald Trumps face made it official. As his presidential victory was declared, the upper 32 stories of the Empire State Building, which for election night had been turned into a giant news screen, flickered, wept light, and revealed his portrait. The 45th president, it said.
The exterior of the building the part that reflected Trumps face is mainly limestone. The skeleton is steel. Half of the metal was delivered in the early 1930s by a subsidiary of Bethlehem Steel, a company that not only shaped the Manhattan skyline but built some of Americas greatest bridges and its most formidable warships.
Eighty miles west of Manhattan, on the night of Trumps election, the blast furnaces at Bethlehem Steel sat silent, as they have for 20 years. But on 8 November, the community whose generations tended Bethlehems fires helped to build something bigger than the mill ever had. They helped to put Donald Trump, and not Hillary Clinton, in the White House.
Northampton County, Pennsylvania, where the remains of the old Bethlehem Steel plant sits, had voted twice for Barack Obama for president, but local Democrats saw early on that 2016 might be tricky. The Clinton camp seemed confident though, and most forecasters believed that the long tradition of Democratic politics in the region, historically reinforced by labor unions in the mills, mines and manufacturing plants, would carry the day.
The intellectual Democrats who were running the show, which included Hillary, all thought they were smarter than people like me, Frank Behum, a Bethlehem steelworker for 32 years, told the Guardian last week. What do they know? But you know what, people like me, even though I voted for Hillary, were smart enough to know that the crap that we went through we didnt want any more of it.
northampton county
Trump won Northampton County by four points on his way to becoming the first Republican presidential candidate to win Pennsylvania since Ronald Reagan. And in two days, he will take the oath of office.
Former steelworkers alone did not account for Trumps victory in Northampton. Nor is the countys vote readable as a result, simply, of long-term economic decline. Unlike the Pennsylvania coal country to the north, which also flipped from Obama to Trump, Northampton has been adding residents in recent years instead of bleeding them, while incomes and home values have crept upward. Businesses have been moving in.
Northamptons vote for Trump was not only an act of frustration.As too many of Trumps opponents may have taken too long to realize, it was also an act of hope.
Buying the promise
Bruce Haines, the proprietor of the Historic Hotel Bethlehem. This year, when I went out on the street, people coming into the hotel, it was Merry Christmas. For the first time, and people were sort of proud of it. Saying Merry Christmas. And before it was Happy Holidays. Photograph: Mark Makela for the Guardian
Nearly 63 million Americans voted for Trump for president. Three million more than that voted for Clinton. The defeat, for many Democrats and others around the world, feels like something much worse, as if a trapdoor in history had clumsily sprung open and the country fallen through.
Trump supporters dont feel that way. For many of them, his election feels like a rebirth. A country that had grown unfamiliar suddenly resembles itself again. They see needless restraints on the basic functions of commerce and civic life loosening, and a needless sheepishness that had crept into public life dissipating.
The two realities Trump joy and Trump angst keep close company in many towns and cities across the country. Yet places like Northampton are rare. Out of more than 3,100 US counties, there are only 209 that, like Northampton, voted twice for Barack Obama and then fell for Trump in 2016. The basic electoral narrative in many of those places was similar: some Democrats stayed home, some new voters excited about Trump came out, and some Democrats crossed party lines to vote for a promise Trump made over and over, that he would make America great again.
What does that promise mean for those who voted for it? And will Trump deliver, in the eyes of his supporters? For a new series, the Guardian has been spending time in Northampton County, talking with voters who have embraced Trumps promise, and those who doubt it. Well continue to do so as the Trump presidency progresses, to find out how Trump has risen or fallen in the estimation of voters who confounded the pollsters and shocked the political classes by making him president.
Trump has divided America. Can he really make it great again?
Demographically, Northampton fits the description of favorable Trump territory. It has a larger white population than the national average (88% versus 77%), slightly more senior citizens (18% versus 15%) and a slightly lower rate of college graduations (27% versus 30%). But the countys unusually large footprint of heavy industry, a proliferation of colleges and universities, the influence of two extensive healthcare networks, a growing commuter class and other factors complicate the picture.
Initial conversations with area Trump supporters reveal great expectations that the new president will take decisive action in the arenas of trade and manufacturing jobs especially; that he will get rid of what business owners describe as the suffocating costs of Obamas healthcare law; and that he will police illegal immigration more thoroughly. Apart from the issues, voters expect Trump to keep up what they describe as his straight talk and to stick with the old way of doing things, which among other things does not involve an explicit embrace of religious and cultural pluralism.
This is going to sound really silly to you, but this is the Christmas City, said Bruce Haines, the managing owner of the Historic Hotel Bethlehem. Bethlehem is the Christmas City. And this year, when I went out on the street or wherever it was, people coming into the hotel, it was Merry Christmas. For the first time, and people were sort of proud of it. Saying Merry Christmas. And before it was Happy Holidays.
Weve always marketed ourselves as the Christmas City. But over the years, people got a little anxious about saying that. So now its like, its almost like I left the country for eight years, and now its back. Like the country that I grew up in is now returning.
Now, whether all that will happen or not, who knows.
The county that built 20th-century America
It is difficult to arrive overland to New York City without passing across one edge of Northampton County. Bounded at top and bottom by interstates 80 and 78, the county occupies an anvil-shaped stamp of land on the banks of the Delaware river. The river is the boundary protecting Pennsylvania from the attitude, taxes and traffic of New Jersey. Northamptons relative lack of any of those three, in addition to its singing highways, make it a transportation and distribution hub, and account for its dual nature as a bedroom community and an industrial center.
The area was settled 35 years before the American revolution by members of the Moravian church, a Protestant missionary sect with roots in the present-day Czech Republic. The Moravians communal lifestyle and knack for building with stone are largely responsible for the ample charm of present-day downtown Bethlehem, which boasts a 270-year-old bookstore the nations oldest, they claim, though the merchandise these days runs more to souvenirs and a national historic landmark district.
The historic downtown of Bethlehem. The area was settled 35 years before the American revolution by members of the Moravian church. Photograph: Mark Makela for the Guardian
The Moravians were also talented engineers, devising the countrys first municipal water pumping system the waterworks still stands on Monocacy creek, which feeds the Lehigh river at precisely the place where, a century later, an ironworks was established that would grow into the second-largest steel producer in the US.
Early in the 20th century, the Bethlehem mill devised a unique, wide-flange beam that enabled the modern skyscraper, and inscribed the regional destiny. The mill fabricated steel for the Golden Gate bridge, the Chrysler building, 30 Rock, the Waldorf-Astoria, and war munitions and ships. At its peak in 1945, it occupied a 4.5-mile-long campus and employed 33,000 local employees. Whatever American greatness means, that might have been it. But the rise of versatile mini-mills and cheap foreign imports, and the loss of big contracts such as the World Trade Center, fed the plants demise. It rolled its last beam in 1997.
The people took pride in their work. There were generations that worked in the mill, said Behum, the author of 30 Years Under the Beam, an oral history of Bethlehem Steel. We were fat, dumb and happy. Then the bomb came over the top of the hill and went off.
The old Bethlehem campus now hosts a mix of historic and cultural sites, condos, packed industrial parks, and one remaining heavy forge operation with 165 employees. The most visible and lucrative business at the old mill site, however, is a more recent arrival. In 2007, Sheldon Adelson, the Republican mega-donor, agreed to preserve four rusting blast furnaces as part of a development deal to establish the Sands Bethlehem casino, which opened for business in 2009 on the former grounds of an immense ore yard. It grossed $534m in the past fiscal year. Everyone in town says only out-of-towners go there.
Trump was pointing to the change
Larry Hallett in his Trolley Shops restaurant with his wife, Joan, in East Bangor. On Trumps appeal, Hallett said: I think it was his ordinary mans conversation. It wasnt rehearsed. He said it like he felt it was. They all identified with the guy. Photograph: Mark Makela for the Guardian
Larry Hallett is 81. He has 11 stents from 12 heart operations. He owns a construction and paving company, and a restaurant. He teaches prophecy classes out of an ice-cream stand attached to the restaurant. He also paints oil landscapes and builds classic cars from scratch. He no longer skin-dives. Every Saturday in summer, people come from across the region for car shows he hosts in the restaurant parking lot.
The restaurant business is year-round. Tables fill with regulars for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Every day at about 10am, Larry is there with his wife, Joan. For morning coffee, not for breakfast, which they eat around 6am. The couple has been married 61 years.
We have several tables. A lot of old guys. Theyve been Democrats all their life, Hallett said last week. A few years back, Id say 80% of them voted for Obama. And I dont think theyre going to change. But this time, voting-wise, they had to vote for Trump.
With the majority of them, I think it was his ordinary mans conversation. It wasnt rehearsed. He said it like he felt it was. They all identified with the guy.
A lot of them are retired. Some of them have businesses. Some of them work. They look forward to something better happening, all of them. Theyve got a better attitude.
Halletts establishment, the Trolley Shops restaurant, is in the town of East Bangor, in the far north-eastern corner of Northampton County. The drive from Bethlehem, 25 miles to the south, takes about 45 minutes. As you head north, stoplights disperse and grain silos appear. The drive goes through Nazareth, another historic Moravian settlement, whose collection of businesses indicates a diverse economy with significant green shoots: an old cement plant, a new Amazon warehouse, a BMW parts distribution center and the Martin Guitar factory, local since 1854.
Farther north, around Bangor, the green shoots are less apparent. While the Bethlehem area in the south once thrived on steel, the north of the county once thrived on slate, which was sold worldwide for roofing tiles, chalkboards and gravestones. The north also boasted a robust apparel industry. The slate trade fell apart in the 1920s. The apparel industry breathed what seemed a final gasp in 2007, when Majestic Athletic Ltd, which had an exclusive license to supply uniforms for Major League Baseball, relocated hundreds of union jobs to the south of the county. Now even those jobs are in doubt: last month, Majestic lost its baseball contract to Under Armour.
For 70 years, visitors to the so-called slate belt have been stopping by Jewells, a combination bar and ammunition sales shop where Jon Jewell, 42, is now the third-generation owner. The two enterprises have separate entrances, but share a wall with a door through which Jewell can move from tending bar to selling bullets and back. One day last week at sunset, there was a lively pool game and friendly talk among Jewell and five patrons. The locals call the place Gas, Guns and Beer. There used to be gas pumps out front, too, Jewell explained.
Jon Jewell, the third-generation owner of Jewells Bar in East Bangor. On the local economy, Jewell said: Maybe people are holding on to jobs they had, as opposed to finding jobs. Photograph: Mark Makela for the Guardian
Jewell said the area economy had struggled for decades, and people now were commuting much further than they ever thought they would for work. Things had improved ever so slightly in the past year, he said maybe.
Maybe people are holding on to jobs they had, as opposed to finding jobs, he said.
Jewell said he had voted in November for candidates from both parties in down-ballot races but sat out the presidential race, unable to get inspired by either contender. He declined to speculate whom his neighbors had supported for president. But one thing was certain: turnout was huge.
More people came out for that election around here than any other election ever, Jewell said. People who were 60 years old and never voted in their life. When I went at noon to get my number, they gave me 198. Usually they would get to 130 at the end of the day.
None needed wonder whom Hallett was for. He passed out stickers by the hundreds and put up Trump signs outside the restaurant, right in the blacktop.
We had one man who was here every day, Hallett said. Two, three meals a day. It made him mad because so many people were taking bumper stickers. Hes just enough of a Democrat not to think about who it is, it just had to be a Democrat. And hes never come back.
Two people is all [that left], that I know of. But I had so many more people coming in, shaking hands.
Hallett echoed Jewells judgment of the local turnout.
pa county by county
In Washington township, at the municipal building at 8 oclock at night and it had been all day was a line all the way around the building and clean out across the parking lot. I dont think they got done taking votes till 11 oclock, he said. Records every place you went here. Theres not even any comparison. It was fascinating. An absolute fabulous turnout, it really was.
Glenn Geissinger, a Republican county council member, said he witnessed that kind of pro-Trump enthusiasm during his unsuccessful run for the Republican primary nomination for the local US congressional seat.
Months before the election, he said, everywhere he went, voters skipped over his campaign pitch to ask the only question that mattered: whom did he support for president?
There were people who, from the time he started getting traction, who said: I havent voted for 20 years. Im going to vote for Donald Trump, said Geissinger.
County executive John Brown, a Republican, said he saw the same thing in his run last year for state auditor.
I spent a good portion of the year canvassing the entire state of Pennsylvania, Brown said. For those that we met who were disenchanted employees, I think they just gravitated directly to Trump. There was nothing that they could articulate or share that Hillary Clinton was talking about that was new or different. What was her campaign even about?
After eight years, I think people were just going to go: Hey, no more of that. I think Trump was pointing to the change.
He hit a homerun with these folks
Father, mother, and son Brian Grimshaw Sr, Anie, and Brian Jr drink in Jewells Bar. Photograph: Mark Makela for the Guardian
A vote for Trump in Northampton County was in many cases more than a catchall vote for change. Trump supporters interviewed by the Guardian also talked about specific issues including taxes, Obamas healthcare law, trade policy, manufacturing jobs, immigration, and social issues such as same-sex marriage. For those voters, on issue after issue, Trump was the plain answer.
The Historic Hotel Bethlehem is the centerpiece of a resurgent downtown business district in the town that steel built. Bethlehem titans established the hotel in 1922 to accommodate visiting dignitaries, who have included Sir Winston Churchill, John F Kennedy and Muhammad Ali. But as the regional economy slid off, the hotel went under, and when Bruce Haines and his partners bought it in 1999, there were boards on the windows and talk of turning it into a nursing home.
The boards are gone and, judging by two visits in two weeks, business is back. Guests eat dinner on the original hotel terrace, overlooking the Moravian settlement. A bar and grill gridded with pictures of famous visitors this year saw the addition of both vice-presidential contenders hosts a bustling lunch crowd. A large Nativity scene overhangs the front entrance, in a nod to Bethlehems designation, for marketing purposes at least, as the Christmas City. The hotel staff includes 80 full-time employees, Haines said.
Haines, a lifelong Republican, said the feeling in town was good since Trump had been elected. Obviously a large portion of people are distraught about what happened, he said. But theres a large portion of us who are very happy about what happened.
Atop Hainess to-do list for Trump are a renegotiation of trade deals, tax reform and an overhaul of Barack Obamas healthcare law, which Haines said had threatened his hotel with hundreds of thousands of dollars in penalties.
We provide healthcare for our full-time employees, always have, Haines said. And we pay a good portion of that, 80% of the cost. But they redefined full-time as somebody who works 30 hours, not 40 hours. We always defined full-time as 40 hours.
Penalties built into the healthcare law were supposed to encourage businesses to expand coverage. But with part-time employees essential to the hotels seasonal flux and banquet-and-weddings business, Haines said, the only realistic solution was to cap part-time employees at 30 hours.
swing counties
Im sure they expected us to pay some kind of penalty, Haines said. But were not going to be paying that penalty. Because we cut back our employees to less than 30 hours. They assumed, probably, that the 40 employees that I had that were working less than 40 hours, that we would just pay their healthcare. Well, that isnt the way business works. It might be the way government works. But it isnt the way business works.
The unintended consequence for employees was, they lost hours.
Haines, himself a former steel executive, said that Trumps messaging on trade in short, that bad trade deals were hurting American manufacturers was also right on target, in a region whose economy had decades earlier been sunk, in part, by foreign goods dumped for less than what they cost to make.
Hopefully were going to bring some manufacturing jobs back, Haines said. That hit home.
In the former capital of steel, Trumps trade talk found a receptive audience not only with Republican executives such as Haines, but with a lot of erstwhile residents of the opposite end of the political spectrum: union members.
Gregg Potter is president of the Lehigh Valley Labor Council, a subsidiary of the AFL-CIO, the countrys largest federation of trade unions. Potters group counts 47,000 members, plus a significant number of retirees, in Northampton County and neighboring Lehigh County. A third of those are registered Republicans. Potter himself was a Clinton supporter. But more than half of his members, he said, voted for Trump.
He hit a homerun with these folks, Potter said. He hit their issues head-on.
Potter described talking with members who admitted that, against the recommendation of union leadership and their own Democratic identities, they backed Trump.
He would give you that look like hes going to tell an off-color joke, Potter said. Look around, make sure no ones there. He looks both ways and says: Yeah, Im going to vote for Trump. Its called the lean-in vote. He wont say it out loud, but hell lean up close to you and say: Im going for Trump.
We focus so much on the free trade, and our members learn about this. So when Trump came out there first and says Bullshit on these trade agreements, they were right with him. And Hillary Clinton did not have even a lukewarm message, let alone a strong one.
Ken Kraft is the business agent for the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades, which counts about 100 members in Bethlehem and thousands regionally. There are obviously tons of Democrats who voted for Trump, he said.
Kraft did not feel good about it. He said some union members he spoke with seemed caught up in the momentum of the Trump candidacy, which he said was fueled by the bullshit press, and he described his frustration at trying to explain to members why Trump did not have their best interests at heart.
I was in union meetings saying: You know, these are the facts, guys. Listen to what he said. Youre a union member. He wants to make everybody right-to-work. They just look at me. Just nod.
Trump just built up momentum because hes a clown show. And he got billions of dollars of free advertising because every news show had to follow him. Everything he said, everything he did was reported on every news channel around the country.
So they made him. They built him into what he is with their nonsense.
Former steelworkers voted for Trump, too. Larry Neff, who worked at the Bethlehem plant for 25 years, did not, but he said family members had, and that Trumps promise to bring back jobs had found purchase.
I think what swayed a lot of people to vote for him in this area was his pushing, pushing, pushing that hes going to bring jobs back to this country, said Neff, whose essential memoir of life in the mill is called Rigger. Im hoping that America isnt that stupid. If you looked at it logically, what he talked about was bringing jobs back, but he never did that before. He always had foreign workers. It was almost like PT Barnum running for president.
Behum, the oral historian, did not vote for Trump but he could see how someone might.
Seeing companies making landslide profits because they moved overseas, and then they get tax breaks on top of it? Give me a break, Behum said. Thats some of the stuff Trump said that I agree with. He may be a jerk, but he said a lot of stuff in the business sense, related to working people, that made a lot of sense. But whether he follows through with it is another thing.
A portrait of Vice President-elect Mike Pence is displayed at the Hotel Bethlehem, after his visit late last year. Photograph: Mark Makela for the Guardian
Kraft has low expectations.
I dont think this president would defend the worker if his life depended on it, Kraft said. Thats all bullshit. Hes not going to defend us at all. Hes a millionaire, billionaire. Hes made his fortune by not paying people like us who work for a living.
Trump supporters in all three groups union Democrats, former steelworkers and Republican business owners had one more thing in common, according to interviews: they didnt want to talk about backing Trump.
On the night of the election, there wasnt a businessman that I know of that wasnt rooting for Trump, said Haines. But they didnt necessarily want to talk about it. Because they were considered deplorables, or some of their employees maybe were Clinton supporters. But when I talked to the business people one-on-one, everybody was cheering him on, everybody was saying: Im voting for Trump, but I better not say it. That was why the pollsters were all screwed up.
Behum recalled Reagans upset victory in the region in the 1980s, against decades of union-driven, Democratic party dominance.
That was the most amazing thing that ever happened, in my lifetime, Behum said. And I always used to say to people in the plant which is more or less like a holding company for the Democratic party I said to everybody: How the hell did this guy get elected if nobody voted for him? Well, people would actually turn away and walk away. You knew automatically they voted for Reagan.
Trump inspires a similar reticence, Behum said.
Go ask people how they voted, they want to run away from you, he said. Very few of them will come up [and say]: Well, I voted for Donald Trump. You wont find anybody in this town like that.
What happens next?
How did Trump win Northampton County? Clinton actually won slightly more votes in the county than Obama did in 2012 66,272 for her, 65,014 for him indicating that loyal Democratic turnout was fine. But Trump appears to have won some crossovers, activated some dormant Democrats and inspired Republicans to vote near the top of their party potential.
Its not a gigantic shift, in terms of numbers, said Christopher Borick, director of the Institute of Public Opinion at Muhlenberg College in neighboring Allentown. Obama won narrowly, Trump won fairly narrowly. And so, where did the change come? Not only in the rural areas of the county, but especially a lot of the older towns that had gone for Obama in the past, like Nazareth or Hellertown, those places that really are the bastions of working-class whites in Northampton County. I look at those places.
The Guardian will be following up with those voters in the weeks and months ahead, to gauge whether Trump has delivered on his promise to supporters. Nobody (at least no one weve spoken to or heard of) expects the great blast furnaces to fire again. Many Trump supporters anticipate a renaissance of some kind, however while skeptics foresee the opposite.
For Brown, the Republican county executive, the perception that Trump is a man of action was the single strongest driver of his support.
The other thing Ive heard that people have echoed is that he will actually do it, said Brown. That he will actually create change and not just talk about it. If people are hanging their hat on anything, its that he will actually do it.
But Kraft, of the painters union, and the former steelworker Behum are much less optimistic.
People are going to have buyers remorse awfully quick, said Kraft. I really think theyre going to have buyers remorse.
There are still Trump signs up all over the place, said Behum. Theyre people that are proud that he won. I wonder how proud theyre going to be when the shit hits the fan.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2iA7iN1
from Can Trump really make America great again?
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