gooobley · 9 months
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m0thisonfire · 9 months
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My first ever commission of my favorite OC by @ballpitbee ! Thank you again!! :D
The man, the myth, the tragic goofball himself!
Stolen Dance - Milky Chance
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nnn-lll-nnn · 19 days
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snkrbonbon · 1 year
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kindaorangey · 2 months
im very sentimental and hormonal today booo
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kisulandia · 3 months
book finished
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stop trying to analyze me. i’ve been trying for a decade point six and still cant seem to articulate myself
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grrl-beetle · 1 year
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christfollowers · 11 months
The Last Evil Generation !
Prepare for the Darkest Days!
Apostle Simon Gichinga
We have now entered to the final Generation that was Prophecied, the most wicked and without the knowledge of God. And to understand this lets read this scripture "
And also all that generation were gathered unto their fathers: and there arose another generation after them, which knew not the LORD, nor yet the works which he had done for Israel."Judges 2:10"
The Scriptures says after fathers died there arose another generation which knew not the LORD. This is the same thing which is now happening to our our World. The Generation that Feared God is disappearing, the fathers that knew God are dissappearing, the Preachers that knew God are being gathered into dust and now the Generation that is rising is terrible and most wicked one, which knows not GOD, or His ways. That's why today there is increase of all wickedness, blood shed, perversions,lack of fear of God, and Satanism
Because today's Generation don't know God for they were not taught by their fathers/teachers for their parents were also lost. Tell me how will be the generation of Women's of today's that do not know even to dress or to keep houses? How will their Children's wear? How will they have family?
This is the Generation that was Prophecied that didn't know God or His works. Those are the people that do not believe there is God , Heaven, Hell and Judgement because their fathers never knew. And this the beggining of the wicked and evil Generation.
People who don't know when God speaks and the signs of the end of age. When God speaks by signs and change of seasons they say its scientific change and when God shakes the earth they say its bing bang theory. The Generation which knew Not God has come. We are in worse days more than Sodom days
Where today women are sleeping with Dogs, Men marrying Men, two Men marrying one wife, Women marrying women. And this is because their fathers have died without wisdom and this generation were not taught the ways of God.
How young people sat down and were taught by their parent's on godly marriage, how to keep house, how to respect their husband and such things; those teachings never exist today. Why ? The Generation is here that knew not GOD and His commands and His ordained Marriage.
They don't read the Bible .And that's why they don't respect marriages and they are committing sexual sin everywhere and out of marriage. Its the Generation that is being produced by father's and mother's who are spiritually dead to the scriptures. What doe's the scriptures says? Teach your childrens the way of God while they are still young and when they get old will not depart in God's way. Look at this Generation of today’s parent's they don't rebuke their Childrens, they don't teach them and they have neglected the chastening of childrens and this has brought a shameful generation, without the fear of God and without respect of God.
A generation that has forsaken the Church and embraced disco's is a wicked lost generation. A generation that has forsaken the Holy Scriptures and embraced social media and movies is an Antichrist generation.
They are being taught all sort of abomination in the name of technology and new world syllabus..they are going deeper and deeper down to the pit of Hell. Who will tell this Generation? Who will warn them of the danger that is coming soon? Their preachers are modern teachers who knows not GOD or His Holiness, they don't mention Sin, they don't speak Truth and they fear to mention Judgement. Those are preachers of this days who are also lost like their father's. How will they teach modesty while themselves are half naked and how will they speak on dressings while themselves wears like pop star's and hip hop dancers? That's the Generation that arose which knew Not God and His ways. I was shocked another day someone offering free fuel for drivers who knows one Bible verse and he found out none who knew the verses..imagine no one quoted any verse and others did't even know what the Bible speaks about..and this is the Generation that knew not God ; but who do they know and worship? They know Satan and worship him for ignoring God.
It is this days that we need to endeavour to know God and to know how GOD want us to live before the remaining Generation of the righteous are also gathered/dead. When that time comes , there will lack anyone who know God and who can teach the true foundations and teaching of the only true God. We need to know God before the wicked generation takes over , before the wicked preacher's takes over, the LGBT's teachers and pastor's are rising up and slowly they are swallowing the rightous preacher's and Churches and soon the world will be ruled by the wicked generation that knew Not God. My dear reader do not be ignorant of the days that we are , everything is coming to an end and what was Prophecied is fullfilling. Be not ignorant for the days are evil and the change is happening from how people use to worship God and now to modern worship. The salvation, the teachings, the baptism, the modesty and characters are changing. It's not again the Churches that we knew and the faith we believed. It is now another gospel and another generation preacher's and another Christians who knows not GOD and who Fears Not the Almighty God.
This is the time to hold on the Holy teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ and to embrace holiness and righteousness. This is the time to repent and to have personal salvation with Christ and Holy Spirit. It is the final hours when all people should seek out to know God and to worship God in deeper way. This are the day's to spend on God , to teach on God, to invest much in knowledge of God. To buy KJV's 1611 bible and reserve them for you and your generation's, for they have begin to change the Bible and to finish the old Truth with the aim of bringing modern Bible versions that will embrace the homosexual and the satanism in the new world. This is the time to study the scriptures and to teach them to the generations and to instruct our children's on the commandments of God that they may not be deceived by the new syllabus and beliefs.
*The counsel of the LORD standeth for ever, the thoughts of his heart to all generations.
Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD: and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.*Psalms 33:11-12
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m0thisonfire · 1 year
Different Devanii doodles dump and such. Sybil is here too.
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I like playing into the ‘High Elves are assholes until they’re not’ trope. Sybil loves this moron even if he doesn’t realize it yet.
I also just realize I always draw Devanii facing one way. I should fix that sometime 💀
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thatsorand-o · 1 year
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chromet · 2 years
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END. X Neighborhood Japan X Timex
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... Though we live in a world that dreams of ending
That always seems about to give in
Something that will not acknowledge conclusion
Insists that we forever begin.
Brendan Kennelly
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chiisana-lion · 3 months
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sayruq · 3 months
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like to charge reblog to cast
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pjharvey · 4 months
making fun of americans is pretty much always ok if youre not doing it in an edgelord “you guys have so many school shootings” way or acting like we’re the only country that has racism. but like posts about americans and hamburger get me every time
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