aryburn-trains · 2 years
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C&NW steam locomotive 4-6-2 E-2b #2909 on westbound mail train action. Elburn, IL December 23, 1945
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Good morning all! You can text, call, or email us anytime to schedule your appointment with Norm's. Our holiday schedule is filling up fast. Eric and Daniel are prepared to make your carpets, tile, and upholstery sparkling clean for the holidays. We look forward to seeing you soon!
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chicagobeerpass · 2 years
Chicago Beer Pass: Rumors
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Welcome to the Chicago Beer Pass: Your ticket to all the great beer events happening in and around Chicago.
On this episode of Chicago Beer Pass, Brad Chmielewski and Nik White are reviewing their Oak Park Microbrew Review experience. As they share the details of this great event, they crack open cans of Beer #116 from Obscurity Brewing. Both the guys don’t know much about this brewery beyond them being in Elburn but it's nice to get to see what they have to offer.
At Oak Park Microbrew Review there were some great beers and even more rumors heard about what's happening in the Chicago beer scene including who is taking over Finch's space in the Brewing District.
Having issues listening to the audio? Try the MP3 (52.5MB) or subscribe to the podcast on iTunes!
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simlit · 1 year
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Chosen of the Sun | | forest // thirty-one
| @keibea | @rollingsim
next / previous / beginning
SARAYN: I’ll start a fire. ÅSE: I can start own fire! SARAYN: Suit yourself. I’ll take first watch. ÅSE: What mean you? I am not trusting to keep watch! I will keep all watch. SARAYN: And if I don’t trust you? ÅSE: Hmph. SARAYN: Then I suppose we’ll sit here all night. ÅSE: Maybe I make own camp. Somewhere else. Over there! SARAYN: Now you’re just being ridiculous. ÅSE: groaning Then I am stuck all night with you! If you are not going to sleep, at least tell story. SARAYN: Tell a story? ÅSE: Yes, go on, tell. Then I will tell one. Mine will be better, of course, but I give you fair chance. SARAYN: That might be the first courteous thing you’ve said to me. ÅSE: If story is good, I will be more courteous. Go on! SARAYN: Very well. Near the Everfel forest, was the village of Elburne. Legend had it that the forest was cursed, and those that dwelled too near would become… afflicted. Years ago, a young family moved into a house at the edge of the wood. A mother, father, and their three children. They were fair, with silken hair and eyes of crystal blue. The villagers warned them not to stay, but the couple were proud and steadfast in their decision. SARAYN: Three months would pass in peace, but then… their young son went missing. The mother and father begged the villagers to help them search the forest, but no one would come. The family searched alone, day in and day out, to no avail. The boy was never found. Time pressed on, and before long, ten years had passed. The people of Elburne had moved forward, and nothing out of the ordinary had happened since. That was… until the mother of the missing boy came into the village. She looked strange and disheveled. Pale, and with a cold sweat upon her skin; Her once lovely blue gaze dark and distant. She could be seen is the square repeating the same words over… and over again. ÅSE: What said she? SARAYN: She said… “He is coming”. SARAYN: Days passed, and the house aside the wood went quiet. No one had seen the family for some time, and finally, a curious neighbor went to check on them. He knocked twice , but there came no answer. He went away and came back in the noontime, but again, there was no answer. Finally, he searched the house; letting himself in through an open back window. ÅSE: What did he find? SARAYN: Nothing. The house was empty. There were scratch marks upon the walls, and broken glass about the floor. But there was nothing. No trace of that fair family that once lived aside the wood… nothing… but a single blue eye, sat upon a pool of scarlet blood. ÅSE: BAH! Who says to you tell ghost stories in the night! SARAYN: You did. ÅSE: Wahahaha! Very right you are, Deathling! I should expect no less from you, hm? That is not so bad! Where did you hear story like that? SARAYN: There are no shortage of ghost stories in Vrenfal. Books full of them. ÅSE: Your city’s full of ghosts and mine of drunks! Haha! Good thing I do not scare easily, I might stay up all night in fear! SARAYN: So, you enjoyed it, then? ÅSE: Mm. Good story is worth weight in gold. SARAYN: Even spoken by me? ÅSE: For now, I will think not about your foul magic. Tonight, we can be homebound warriors under stars. I would ask bowl for two pint, but it does not like to give ale. Very inconvenient! SARAYN: Hm. I guess now it’s your turn. ÅSE: Ah? Ah! Tell story, yes! And night is young! If we are very lucky, we can tell many stories before morning. Indeed, it will be good night after all.
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grimgame · 5 months
Idris stared out into the blank nothingness of the night sky that surrounded his world on the other side of a broken window. Tired eyes that held such a light green hue watched the swirling clouds beyond the cracked glass, wind passing through the holes and ruffling the curly hair that grew from his scalp.
His jaw tensed as the door to his room was knocked upon and subsequently opened, though he didn't turn to see who entered. He'd know that man from his footsteps alone. The one person who he'd lay down his life for in this dog eat dog world of theirs. His lungs stuttered with a trembling breath as he felt Thesri's hand on his amputated arm, and only then did he tear his weary gaze from the infinite skies to look at the man next to him. His mouth opened, lips trembling with unsaid words, but nothing emerged. He knew there was nothing to be said. No amount of apologies would fix what he had done. Yet, despite this, Thesri still touched him in a way so gentle his mind nearly counted it as a threat.
Idris shook his hand off, the act instinctual, yet the touch persisted even after Thesri moved his hand away. The way it coiled into his skin, mapping into each and every muscle, ignited a warmth in his chest that the former mariner could hardly formulate a reason or explanation to. Idris looked down, green eyes burning holes into the sheets that covered his weak legs. He thought and thought, his throat clicking with a dry swallow as his remaining hand shook with anticipation of anger and pain that wouldn't come.
His breath caught in his throat, eyes closing as he finally caved into Thesri's presence. His body bent, spine contorting as he leaned against the man next to him. His shoulder that once held an arm pressed into his chest, his head resting upon Thesri's shoulder. His own heart threatened to beat out of his ribcage, his body ignited in fear of this vulnerability and closeness; but the breath that left his lungs was so freeing as he finally remembered to breathe. He didn't deserve this, his mind made that decision on its own. But the way Thesri's hand found its way into the curls of his hair, removing the knots that attempted to form with ease, reminded him that he was allowed to feel peace, even if for the first time.
His remaining hand reached up and held tight on Thesri's arm, fingers digging roughly into his bicep as a silent plead to never leave him. The kiss he felt to the crown of his head cemented itself as an answer to his desperation.
Character Creds:
Idris Maddox - @grimgame
Thesri Elburn - @pandorasprisoner
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guerrerense · 7 months
Evening in the 312
Evening in the 312 por Carlos Ferran Por Flickr: As evening sets in at the tail end of evening rush hour, a Metra outbound UP-W service for Elburn enters the octuple tracked main line near Ashland Ave., led by the Chicago and North Western heritage unit, METX 90.
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fairrryprose · 1 year
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It's my pleasure to be hosting a stop on the book tour for THE HERO INTERVIEWS by ANDI EWINGTON today with ESCAPIST TOURS!!! This is a fantasy comedy following Elburn Barr, a Loremaster who once dreamed of being an adventurer, following in the footsteps of his parents and chasing down his missing brother who had left to become a Hero, as he sets off on a quest of his own to interview and chronicle heroes, villains, and everyone in between - everyone who contributes to the adventuring scene. Read below to find out more and check out my review for this book!
My review:
5/5 stars
This (mis?)adventure is riotously funny, fully fantastical, with a writing style that keeps you turning pages and chuckling and a whole assortment of interesting characters being interviewed, with some endearing recurring ones like a talking dead-adventurer skull and a skinny unassuming-looking 'Barbarian' whom you wouldn't think could do much smiting and smashing but manages to make a name for himself, as well as many references harkening back to all the ones we've already met and encountered and foreshadowing future encounters, threading them all together. I had such a fun time reading this!
While at first glance you may think the interviews are disparate, there's an underlying, some-may-say sinister, plot/conspiracy that Elburn stumbles into and slowly (unintentionally) uncovers throughout the interviews that we get to piece together.
It's written, of course, in the style of an interview, peppered with (short) footnotes that add to the humor as Elburn gives his observations and shares his private thoughts and opinions, giving us an insight into his character - personality, family, motivations - as well as contributing to the worldbuilding - little tidbits of factoids - that don't distract from the story but serve to enhance it )and, for the discerning reader, injects funny satirical references to our modern world and pop culture... like Blue Ticks....) I, for one, really enjoyed these footnotes!
The ending was a nice and heartwarming surprise, and was laid out quite well with scattered clues. This book may contain subtle political commentary that, while maaaybe bleak, we eventually learn that what makes one a Hero isn't just going off on countless quests and adventures and exploring dungeons and vanquishing evildoers (or clearing out rat-infested cellars!) and washing it all down with a pint of ale in a tavern, that it's not just conquests and exploits and chasing fame and fortune, as is oft portrayed in adventure stories/media. A true hero lies in the everyday.
And of course, I'd be so excited for the next book, to see where Devlin Stormwind's Elburn's adventures take him next!!!
About the Book:
The Hero Interviews by Andi Ewington
Series: The Hero Diaries
Genre: Fantasy Comedy
Intended Age Group: 15+
Pages: 925
Published: December 1, 2022
Publisher: Forty-Five Limited (Self Published)
Book Blurb:
Heroes… you can't swing a cat without hitting one. You can't even hatch a nefarious plan without some adventuring party invading your dungeon to thwart you. So, it stands to reason they're a force for good—right?
Well—yes and no…
Elburn Barr is a Loremaster who has turned his back on his family's tradition of adventuring and stepped out into the realm of heroes to interview a whole smörgåsbord board of fantastical characters from stoic, swear-shy Paladins through to invisible sword-carrying Mime Warriors.
Through his transcribed journal, he'll take a cheeky peek at the truth lurking behind the hero myth—and everything associated with them. Across his many encounters, he hopes to uncover his brother's fate—a brother who has been missing for ten summers after brazenly setting out to forge a heroic name for himself.
Will Elburn discover what really happened to his brother, or will he fail in his quest and become another casualty of the adventuring trade?
The Hero Interviews is a departure from the usual swords and sorcery yarn—it's a sometimes gritty, sometimes amusing, but completely bonkers look at the realm of heroes.
See Also:
(This is our attempt at a bit of fun. We ask our authors to come up with a few short, clever, possibly pop culture laden, descriptions of their books just to give a little taste of what’s to come for readers.)
Goodness Gracious, Great Balls of Fire! • You Talkin’ to Me? • So, Mr. du Lac, How Long Have You Been Dead?
Book Links:
Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/Hero-Interviews-Andi-Ewington-ebook/dp/B0BFMBQXLR/ 
Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Hero-Interviews-Andi-Ewington-ebook/dp/B0BFMBQXLR/ 
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/62951981-the-hero-interviews 
Content/Trigger Warnings:
Shown on Page (things clearly told to the reader): 
Mention of an Orc Suicide-Watch
Toilet humor (poo jokes, etc)
that Barbarians punch Camels (in reference to Conan the Barbarian
Cats eating Mice (A Wild-Shaped Druid)
 Self-satisfying Treants
Some slapstick violence
Drug references
Ale references
Alluded to (things only mentioned in passing or hinted at):
Toilet humor
Sexual encounters
How a blind monk "sees" (using an herb)
Herbal use (drugs)
Drinking (ale)
Author Bio & Information:
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Andi Ewington is a writer who has written numerous comic titles including Forty-Five45, Campaigns & Companions, S6X, Sunflower, Red Dog, Dark Souls II, Just Cause 3, Freeway Fighter, and Vikings. Andi lives in Surrey, England with a plethora of childhood RPGs and ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ gamebooks he refuses to part with. He’s usually found on Twitter as @AndiEwington.
Check out other stops on the tour for this fantastic book below!
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sacrosanctsaboteur · 2 years
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Uploading these cards I made for a set of Fantrolls.
More info about each one can be found on their toyhou.se pages!! (below cut)
https://toyhou.se/17048883.adexio-elburn https://toyhou.se/17049524.romion-papilo https://toyhou.se/17049901.sefika-thorak https://toyhou.se/17049969.barran-wraqui https://toyhou.se/17049982.starga-zeraya https://toyhou.se/17050379.tyopta-hoptix https://toyhou.se/17051268.elpizo-hephus https://toyhou.se/17051611.taruek-xijiji https://toyhou.se/17051879.alahgo-anismo https://toyhou.se/17060497.elzena-redace https://toyhou.se/17060566.silong-basili https://toyhou.se/17060664.annkor-pescet
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sidewalkdatestamps · 2 years
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Electric Conduit Construction
Elburn IL
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At Norm's, We have the art of winter carpet cleaning mastered
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#elburn #illinois
#motorcycles #charityevent #toyrun #foodrun #toys #food #kids #christmas
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petnews2day · 2 months
Chicago veterinarian, dog show judge pleads not guilty to child porn
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/nlK9S
Chicago veterinarian, dog show judge pleads not guilty to child porn
CHICAGO (CBS) — A Chicago area veterinarian who has judged national dog shows pleaded not guilty to a charge of child pornography. Adam Stafford King, a veterinary ophthalmologist from Elburn, was charged last month with knowingly distributing child pornography. He was a staff ophthalmologist at MedVet Chicago, a veterinary clinic in Avondale. In a statement, […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/nlK9S #DogNews
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cnw6847 · 5 months
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Lots of action yesterday. I thought I had the leader of MNPCH, but I'll have to search around for that one. UPW21 meeting MNPCH made for a great shot, though. 2 unknown eastbound ethanols thundered by as well. I like the minimalist paint scheme on UP for one reason: the giant shield. Elburn is an awesome stage for photos, though.
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lamajaoscura · 5 months
Aurora residents demand accountability for bus drivers after dozens of migrants dropped off in western suburbs – NBC Chicago
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grimgame · 4 months
The way his boots, the metal heels scraping against filthy cobblestone streets, hit the ground with each step he took sounded like gunshots to his weary mind. His breaths left him in short, wheezing gasps, rasping against his dry throat and threatening to choke him with his own desperation to live. His steps were uneven and unstable as he nearly toppled over with each one. Blood flowed freely from the gaping maw of a wound that once held an arm, mocking him as he lost more and more each passing second. Idris could feel himself slipping, his skin clammy and pale from the disastrous state he now existed in.
'You have to be here, please- please tell me you're here,' He pleaded in his mind, as if he still had something to hope for even as he knew he was inches from death's door. He could feel her cold fingers grasping at his skin, pulling and tearing despite his own drive to just keep fucking moving. It had been so long since he'd last traversed the alleyways of this lost city, one he was indoctrinated into calling Blackburgh by that accursed "Golden City". He had been a child back then, pulled along by Thesri as they ran after their friends.
He felt a faint, weary smile form on his face at the memory. A choked laugh that ended in sputtering and coughing left his lungs, his legs nearly giving out as he leaned against the wall to his right. His lungs sucked in air with such violent vigor. He refused to let this happen, even as his strength was failing. He slowly slid down the wall, his eyes unfocused and watery. He looked out to the street just a few steps away. He could just barely see the people of a city he once abandoned, his heart hammering against his ribcage as if threatening to rip through his chest. He wet his cracked and busted lips, remaining hand trembling as he tried to stand but to no avail. But he wasn't truly looking at the people just outside of the alleyway.
No, his bleary-eyed stare was zeroed in on that house. He would know it anywhere. He'd know it if he was blind. Thesri had to be there. He had to be, but if he wasn't.. well.. at least he got to see it one last time.
A wobbling grin slowly etched itself onto his face as he sat in that alley, fully aware that this was likely it for him unless there was just some random streak of luck that blessed him. What a ridiculous thought that was, though. He'd never been lucky in his life, not after he betrayed his only remaining friend and turned his back on him. A resigned sigh left him as he leaned his head back on the decaying brick wall behind him, his eyes slowly shutting.
"This is it, I suppose," He murmured to no one but himself, accepting the fact that this was the end of the line. Just as his senses were dulling, fading away into nothingness.. he swore he heard footsteps approaching him.
Idris Madox - @grimgame
Thesri Elburn - @/pandorasprisonor
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driverdefens · 6 months
Your Trusted St Charles, IL Ford Dealership - Top-notch Cars and Unbeatable Service
Hawk Ford of St. Charles ,as your premier Ford dealership in St Charles , we offer the latest Ford models and an array of used cars. Experience excellence in automotive service and sales.
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