kahellelikha · 8 months
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spoopy duckie
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nuvemzinhacorderosa · 2 years
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Ducktober day: 12 raven
Lena found a crow who is definitely no one important:)
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honey-cherri · 2 years
I keep forgetting to post literally anywhere.
have ducktober art I was able to do while life was kicking my shins
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I gotta post more :,)
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ducktoonsfanart · 8 months
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Donald's Better Self - Donald Between Good and Evil - Daisy, triplets and Gyro mourn Donald's loss - classic shorts and Chip and Dale Park Life
I drew this in a hurry, and I'm posting for the belated Inktober this year, but hey, here it is.
The first drawing I made is related to one of my favorite classic shorts called Donald's Better Self (shown March 11, 1938) which shows Donald's conflict with his conscience and his vice, that is, with his angel and his devil and where of course the angel wins in the end. Yes, I drew Donald who is scared and confused about which way to go, and behind him are the angel duck and the devil duck, representing heaven and hell. You yourself know which is the better choice, and I have drawn them as they really are. And they will also be part of my new beginning related to the Donald Duck Chronicle.
The second drawing I drew is a scene from the new series called Chip n Dale Park Life, in which Chip and Dale are the main characters and of course, as usual, they annoy Donald, and he also annoys them, like in the classic shorts. But admittedly in one episode that unfortunately I didn't watch, I only saw this scene where Donald disappeared (probably something hit his head so he went crazy and went out into nature to live with animals and don't worry, he didn't die) and where Daisy and Donald's nephews they mourn his disappearance, because he means a lot to them. And I added Gyro since he appears in that series and joined Daisy in mourning and looking for Donald since he is one of Donald's best friends. And if someone asks me, yes, the birch trees are white, so I left them unpainted. Yes, I drew them in my own style.
So these drawings show the Angel, Devil, Dream, Dangerous and Remove themes related to Inktober this year. I hope you like these drawings and don't worry, there will be more surprises.
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piedmontcourt3 · 2 years
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colored it!
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thezoe611 · 2 years
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Hey @plushie-dinosaurs ! I liked your Nega-Gosalyn design in your Negaverse Winter AU so much that I couldn't resist doing a quick drawing!
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sea-angel-blu · 2 years
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Last year I did Inktober but with ducks. It was really fun and shaped my art style for the rest of the year, but I wasn’t on Tumblr yet so you guys didn’t see it. But now that I’m here you get all the cute ducks I drew! :D All my ducktober drawings were originally posted on Instagram. I would not recommend going on Instagram, that social platform drives me insane anytime I dare to use it lol. I like it so much more here, someone please fix Instagram, help.
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Ducktober 2021: Halloween🎃
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radarsteddybear · 7 months
Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @rose-of-pollux. Thank you!
(I tag everyone and anyone who wants to do this!)
How many works do you have on AO3? 74
What's your total AO3 word count? 222,374 words
What fandoms do you write for? A lotta DuckTales (2017), a good deal of Hogan's Heroes, some Singin' in the Rain, and a smattering of other stuff. Though I'm not really writing DuckTales anymore (nor am I writing the smattering of other stuff).
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Ducktober 2017 (DuckTales 2017)
Numb (DuckTales 2017)
An Old Letter (DuckTales 2017)
A Phone Call and a Visit (DuckTales 2017)
It All Fades to Black (Encanto)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I try to reply to comments left on AO3. Since you have to respond to reviews on ff.net via PM, I find it a lot harder to keep track of which I've responded to and which I haven't, so I usually don't anymore.
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Most of my angst comes with a happy ending, and on top of that, I don't have the greatest perspective of how angsty my angst is, but I'm going to go with Exchange (Scrooge has to pay a price to get Lena back from Magica).
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Jeez, I don't know. Most of them have happy endings. The two that come to mind are:
Things My Heart Used to Know (Louie has discovered who he is and not only found his family but also put it back together again)
Ashes (Cosmo gets to live out his happily-ever-after with the two loves of his life, Don Lockwood and Kathy Seldon)
Do you get hate on fics? Not quite hate, but I have gotten complete non sequiturs, people who don't seem to understand that I like to write scenes over full stories, and a couple of arguments over my chosen characterization of a character in one specific story (which I stand by).
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I've never written any, though that doesn't stop me from thinking about them. Lately I've been thinking about Captain Carter visiting the 4077th.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of.
Have you ever had a fic translated? No.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? The closest I've ever come to co-writing a fic was when @eggs-arent-real wrote me a one-shot and I wrote her a sequel. We didn't post it, though.
What's your all-time favorite ship? Probably Cosmo/Don/Kathy from Singin' in the Rain. I'm also partial to Stucky and Aziraphale/Crowley.
What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? Good question. I've not given up on any of these, mind you, but my Darkwing Duck plot bunnies may fall into this category; it's just that I have to rewatch a significant portion of the show to pull them off, and I have no idea when that's going to happen.
What are your writing strengths? Back in high school, I was told by multiple people that I was really good with imagery. I also tend to like my dialogue, and I've had a lot of practice writing whump and hurt/comfort scenes, so I'd like to think I'm pretty good at those, too.
What are your writing weaknesses? Coming up with full plots (as opposed to random, out-of-context scenes). And also endings. And getting characters from point A to point B without any/much dialogue.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? If that's how a character speaks, then that's how a character speaks. Personally, I try to avoid it unless it's a canon piece of the character and/or it's plot relevant. I think I've only done it for Panchito and Jose of the Three Caballeros. And also Mark Beaks, who canonically peppers his speech with Spanish when talking to Fenton because he is awful.
First fandom you wrote for? Liberty's Kids. There's a good chance I still have it, too, though I'll never post it (I never finished it, anyway).
The first fandom I wrote for and posted was Iron Man: Armored Adventures, which is also the only fic I've ever deleted off the internet.
Favorite fic you've ever written? I've gotta go with these two:
Things My Heart Used to Know
“We’ll meet up in Duckburg,” he heard Scrooge say. “I’ve got a Bin there, and…” Another explosion, the biggest one yet, shook the Bin, and large chunks of plaster fell around them. “We have to go,” Donald said. Scrooge turned to Louie and pressed something small and solid and round into his hand. “Guard it well,” he told him before disappearing into the smoke. Or, Louie gives a new meaning to the nickname “Captain Lost.”
Cosmo drinks his sorrows away after Kathy discovers that he and Don are more than just friends.
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drifter-carbon · 8 months
Costume Quest (Part 1) - Spooky Ducktober 2023
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kahellelikha · 8 months
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my stardew farmer! she’s the duck girl 🦆
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nuvemzinhacorderosa · 2 years
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Ducktober day: 4 costume👻
twins in costume💕
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dackdish · 2 years
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My favorite ducktober drawings :D
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Daisy makes a new friend!!!
old art from October. This was based off the Ducktober prompt “reptile”.
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Ducktober Day Two: reptile
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for day two I wasn’t in the mood to draw anything scary so I kinda leaned into the autumnal mood of October. It took me a while to figure out what character to draw but I landed on Daisy because she can literally pull off anything.
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thezoe611 · 2 years
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Hey @plushie-dinosaurs ! A drawing to celebrate that you started posting your Negaverse Winter Au story!
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