#Dream Headcanons
darklinsblog · 2 years
Sexy times with Morpheus would include…
Author’s note: Yes, I mean sexual activity I didn’t want to be too explicit with the title but filth ahead, be aware 👹
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Morpheus is a highly sexual being but he does believe any sexual act to be a truly intimate moment, so if he wants to go at it, congrats! The Endless trusts you
Before you actually do the deeds, he wants to know exactly what you like and what you don’t, the more specific you are, the better. He wants to make sure your needs are being met
Once he’s had you for the first time, he just can’t stop thinking about you
So he comes up with any excuse he can think of to get you two alone
“Y/N? Would you mind helping me with some research?”
You were the object of research
He enjoys foreplay, because of the power you are able to give him over you, to feel your knees buckle at his touch.
Enjoys taking his time with you
His favorite thing is to undress you and take a minute to admire your naked figure
You know he’s horny when he kisses your neck
He is vocal asf on sex
Loves to kiss your whole body
He’s the love making kind of guy
Constantly makes sure you’re enjoying it as much as him
Careful not to hurt you
“ Are you okay, princess?”
But he DEFINITELY knows how to play rough
King of praising
“You’re exquisite”
He likes you to be loud, but he would much rather you moaning in his ear
Has a thing for doing it on his throne
Likes to pull your hair
Also likes you to pull his hair
If you’re a dominant, he will practically beg for you to ride him, he loves to see you have that sexual confidence.
If you are more submissive he isn’t afraid to take charge, he will treat you like one of his dreams, a creation made for his pleasure.
He uses your dreams to know and fulfill your deepest, darkest desires.
He isn’t a selfish lover, in fact, quite the opposite
Puts your pleasure before his, he makes you cum at least one time before he does
He is a master at eating you out like you’re a feast
He goes deep
Just being inside you is enough to make him lose his mind
Loves to mark you in places nobody but else him can see
Let’s you mark him as well
He may not actually say it, but he loves when you scratch his back
Speaking of not actually saying things… he also likes you to go down on him but he’s too polite and correct to actually vocalize it
When you do go down he’s careful not to get too excited and pull you down roughly
His guilty pleasure is hearing you gag on him
Dream likes when you try to keep quiet but you fail miserably
He will do anything in his power to have you say his name like a prayer for hours
“Morpheus- I can’t anymore”
“Just one more, my love”
He gets turn on by the slightest shit, like the clothes you wear, the way you cross your legs together or if you just brush your fingers slightly over his crotch
Morpheus likes to kiss you while taking care of you so he can take every moan, gasp and breathe in his mouth
Likes to have you cum with his fingers alone
He doesn’t do much teasing but when he does…
“I’ve barely even touched you and look how drenched you are, my love”
Prefers positions in which he can see your face clearly
Possessive asf
He likes you to acknowledge yourself as his as he acknowledges he is yours
Likes to hold you close for a few seconds after you cum
Aftercare is the most important thing for him
Would read to you while caressing your hair as a form of aftercare
Complete sucker for you wearing his clothes afterwards
He leaves small gifts behind if you fall asleep and he’s not there
“You looked so peaceful I didn’t want to disturb you, I’ll be with Lucienne if you need me”
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lilywastaken · 2 years
CC!Dream, CC!Sapnap, CC!GeorgeNotFound, CC!TommyInnit x GN!Reader.
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SUMMARY: how cuddling with some of my fav CCs would be like!
A/N: my first headcanons! I'll probably do a part two soon with some of the other CCs (quackity, karl, jack, etc), but I'll see! Please please please don't forget to reblog or comment if you enjoy the post, it helps a lot!! Thank you so so much for reading!! <3
Also on Ao3!
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I feel like Dream's love language is mostly physical touch, so he'd be the most willing to cuddle.
And although he probably has a very fucked up sleep schedule and only gets to cuddle you for a few hours before you wake up, his soft touch and warm body is so worth it.
If you're asleep by the time he gets to bed, he quietly sneaks underneath the covers and instantly searches for you with his arms, wrapping around your waist and pulling you into his hold.
He mostly likes being the big spoon, pressing your back to his chest so he's able to snuggle his face into the crook of your neck and press soft kisses along your skin, smiling if you giggle or try and playfully wriggle away from his affections.
But just because he's normally the big spoon, doesn't mean he dislikes being held.
There are a few days where he just wants to collapse into your arms and let you hug him, run your fingers through his soft hair while he snuggles his face into your chest.
Much like everyone, he likes being held and comforted at times, it just reminds him that he isn't alone, and that whenever he has a bad day, he can come to you so you can make it better.
This man will drop whatever he's doing if you ask for a quick cuddle session. Training for mcc? He can train later. Cooking dinner? Food can wait. In the middle of a stream? The mute button exists for a reason.
Speaking of streaming, if he's live without his face cam on and craves affection, he will most definitely text you non-stop to come and sit on his lap so he can hold you while he plays.
Doesn't matter if it's Minecraft or some first person shooter, he'll manage. You're more important, after all.
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Much like his best friend, Sapnap's very touchy when it comes to his s/o.
His hand is always either intertwined with yours or slipped into your back pocket when you're outside, the need to be close to you too much for him, and it doesn't really change in private.
Whenever you're lying down, be it on the sofa or in bed, he will always find a way to be draped on top of you or holding you to his chest, depending on his mood.
Sometimes he wants nothing more than to be held and kissed, and sometimes he just wants to hold you flush to his chest and nestle his face into your hair.
How he wants to cuddle fully relies on his mood.
If he's sad or angry or annoyed, he just wants to be held and coddled, with his head either resting on your lap or on your chest, eyes closed and eyebrows furrowed as he waits for you to run your fingers through his hair and massage his scalp, an action that turns him into putty almost immediately. Sometimes when he's too pissed off or upset, he keeps quiet, letting you do your thing while he clings to you; but if he's feeling up for it and you let him, he'll rant about whatever got him in a mood, appreciating your patience when it comes to him.
But, if he's in an actual good mood, happy or cocky or confident, he feels the need to show off, in a way. And so, he hugs you tightly to his chest, your legs wrapped around his waist as his hands run over the soft skin of your stomach, head snuggled right next to yours as he whispers sweet nothings and presses sweet kisses up and down your jaw and finally your lips.
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George is a heavy sleeper.
And because he's a heavy sleeper, he doesn't realise what he does at night, and it makes it quite hard for him to be woken up during his sleep.
He makes sure that he's always pressed up against you, be it with his chest against your back or with your legs wrapped around his waist, his head resting on your chest as he snores softly.
If he can't fall asleep (which is unlikely), he stares up at the ceiling while he plays with your hair, braiding it or running his fingers through it or simply pressing his face into it, enjoying the softness of the whole situation.
And although it makes up for really great and warm cuddles, it's a bit uncomfortable when you have to get up to go to the toilet or to start the day, his arm heavy over your stomach as he sleeps, peacefully unaware of your struggle as you try and get him off you.
Normally, you just cave into his warmth and snuggle into his side, brushing through his fringe with your fingers and running them over his sleeping features, pressing kisses over his jaw in an attempt to wake him.
Spoiler alert, it doesn't.
After a few hours of just lying there either scrolling on your phone or admiring his beauty, he finally starts to stirr, letting out soft groans and moans as he moves to hold you properly. He smiles at you and wishes you good morning, and when you try to move, he pulls you back, asking for "a few more minutes" to which you audibly groan, but succumb to his ministrations.
He isn't really a touchy person out in public, but he always makes sure that he's holding your hand, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles. But when you're alone, he lets himself indulge in your touches and hugs, running his warm hands over your skin under your shirt as you lay next to him, eyes drooping closed, threatening to once again fall asleep.
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Taking the sleepover vlog with Ranboo as reference, Tommy seems to sleep in a fetal position like most people, which makes me instantly think of curling up with him like that.
Assuming that he's way taller than you, you can easily snuggle your back up to his chest and let him hold you, your legs resting on his as he lazily holds an arm over your waist, drawing weird patterns onto your tummy or waist until he falls asleep.
If by chance you're taller than him, I'd like to think that he probably wouldn't think of changing the way he sleeps just to cuddle, so you sleep back to back, with him curled up with his own pillow until you feel him turn over and drape himself over you like a blanket, head lying on your shoulder as he softly snores.
That reminds me, snoring. Although it doesn't really relate to cuddles, I see Tommy as a big snorer. Like even asleep he has to make as much sound as possible. He always denies it as well, even if you've had his head right next to yours the whole night or even if you've recorded him, he refuses any claims that he snores.
Moving on, cuddles during daytime with Tommy are… an experience.
If you're sitting down on a chair or even on the floor, expect to be tackled from behind and picked up. You'll end up flailing your arms in surprise as he attempts to move you into a better position to cuddle, which normally ends with both of you on the floor.
Apart from the mini heart attacks you get from his sudden explosions of affection, cuddling with Tommy isn't that bad. He secretly likes being held sometimes, even if he screams at you whenever you bring it up amongst your friends, resting his head on your tummy or chest and falling asleep happily while you talk about whatever.
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why-what-no · 11 months
Morpheus With a Touch Starved Partner Would Include
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Pairing: Morpheus x Reader
Warnings: Touch Starvation, Past loneliness
Notes: None
Requested by: @wonderwinchester
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Morpheus always knew you were shy.
The way you would lower your gaze whenever someone looked over at you. The way that you would fall silent when someone you didn’t know entered a room.
Morpheus didn’t mind. He appreciated you. Both hating groups of people, of useless interactions, of ridiculous social conventions and requirements
He knew that you weren’t close to many people other than him. Knew that he was the closest person in your life
Still, he hadn’t seen the extent of that until weeks after the two of you got together.
As he observed you sink into his embraces with pure happiness, when you reach for his hand every time you are close.
When your aura immediately gets warmer when he was touching you.
He didn’t understand it at first. Not knowing why his touch was as precious to you as it was. But he didn’t complain nor dislike it.
Your happiness was his priority. And you being in his arms was proof that you were safe and with him.
He touched you with such gentleness, tenderly rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand when your fingers were interlinked with his.
Your soft smile when he did so brightened up each day.
When he eventually found out from you that it was touch starvation, his heart broke for you. The idea that you had been so deprived of touch that you ate it up like a famished creature from him.
He couldn’t believe that you hadn’t gotten the love that you deserved before you met him.
After than, he made a promise to himself to keep the two of you connected as much as possible.
You would be with him as much as possible. His hand in yours, or on your back, or in your hair. Hugs and kisses whenever he say you
You would never be starved of touch again, he vowed
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cammys-imagines24 · 2 years
•Dream as your Lover•
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If what's written about Dream in the comics is any gauge, then he's very passionate with those he's infatuated with.
For example, "all that night they stayed together, and every living thing that dreamed, dreamed of her body, and of the warm salt taste of her sweat and her skin..."
Or, "when we made love it was like a flame: I felt utterly engulfed, utterly loved. Treasured."
With just those quotes alone from the books it is easy to imagine what it's like.
As Morpheus's lover you receive fervor and lust beyond what you could ever fantasize.
It seems only a given that, when enamored by his love, the Dreamlord devotes all his time in wooing you and showing you every marvel there is, in this realm and the next.
His otherworldly, all encompassing love enfolds around you and consumes you.
He is Endless after all and with a mere starry eyed glance he can make you fall under his spell.
Giving you everything you could ever want or long for.
In both your waking hours and your dreams he is there to quench his need and fill your hunger.
You will never want for anything.
Dream is a man forever starved of your touch whenever you aren't near.
And, when you are, he will worship your body like it is his personal altar.
Your every curve and crevice, your every sweet spot a well traveled map he knows by heart.
He delights in making you come undone for him, because of him.
The Ruler of dreams and nightmares wants you overcome, overwhelmed from his ministrations.
From how the creamy silk of his skin melds against yours, from how his long ivory fingers grab and trace and touch you.
How his body fits perfectly with yours and how he makes you say his name like a carnal prayer moaned between your sinful lips.
In truth, with Morpheus's power, he could give you pleasure beyond your wildest dreams without ever having to touch you.
By simply using your mind he could make you come apart at the seams and gift you with bliss and rapture in abundance.
But, he chooses to use his body so it may connect with yours. So he can feel his skin against yours, his parts meeting yours.
He lives for that connection. The intimacies that only two bodies together may create.
Being starved of your touch for more than a century only left the Dreamlord more insatiable.
Him all the more inclined to let Lucienne keep watch over his realm in favor of more time with you.
Time to satisfy your every need and fulfill your every desire.
He is nothing if not hypnotizing in his eternal love for you.
And, though he is King, he is all too willing to bow before you daily, his Queen.
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silversweetpea · 2 years
A Promise Made
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word count: 1543
Summary: It dawns on him, in that moment, that you are much more fragile than he had expected. And equally so that this revelation unsettles him.
Warnings: Offscreen injury mentions, Reader gets lightheaded and slightly dizzy from blood loss. 
Author’s Note: It is four am and I would like to imagine a bit of a protective situation as a bedtime story thanks. Also I’m not sure how I feel about this writing because I’m worried that the style is too similar to other writings i’ve done but again, it’s four am, I don’t know if I can trust my own opinions here. 
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Dream was a difficult man shaped amalgamation to read, but that never stopped you from trying. Telling the difference between jaw clench of amusement and jaw clench of anger never got easier in the months since Johanna had called in an old favor for some help and you had met him, but you had  a feeling you knew what emotion it was that darkened his gaze in this moment.
“I’m fine.” You said again, and you had to commend yourself on keeping the shake from your voice. The nightmare hadn’t seriously hurt you, part of you wondered if it would have though had Dream not found you when he did. Splitting up had seemed like a good idea at the time, it had made more sense to cover more ground, ask more people who they may or may not know the locations of. Even nightmares had friends, after all. 
Dream hadn’t moved an inch in the chair beside your bed since you woke swaddle in the comforters. You didn’t know the details of what had happened after you passed out, there was just a vague memory of fear and then safety. 
“Dream-” His gaze didn’t move from the bandages across your chest. A precaution, nothing more, but the wrappings were large enough to peek up under the collar of your shirt. There was a thought that maybe he hadn’t heard you that was gone as quick as it came when he spoke.
“When you are healed, I will have Mathew escort you home. Your assistance is no longer required.” The safety you had felt was a distant memory replaced with a chill.
“Excuse me?”
“I will find the rogue nightmare on my own.” Dream stood, eyes snapping shut. There was something in his features, or maybe the way that he held himself, that made your entire being bristle.
“The whole reason you asked Johanna for help was because you couldn’t.” Your body ached ever so slightly as you forced yourself into a sitting position. The sound of the bed creaking seemed to startle him, those eyes you had such complicated feelings for finally meeting yours. “This is ridiculous I’ve been more than helpful in this whole ordeal and you’re going to just send me home because of a scratch?”
“(y/n),” He took a step closer to the bed, hand reaching up as if to usher you back down to rest. A motion that never quite finished as his hand hovered in the space between you. It took you only another second to force yourself to your feet and enter his personal space.
“No, I want to see this through. I told you I would help and I’m going to.” You had never thought of the king of dreams and nightmares as a particularly intimidating person. Sure, he was brooding, but in a wet cat sort of way. Tall and lanky and dark, yet never scary, not when you had seen him so gentle with his friends.
“I do not want your help, nor do I need it any longer.” The words that should sting instead make you scoff. You were nearly toe to toe with him now, the hand that had hovered so noncommittedly in the air still airborne. 
“And why’s that? Did you suddenly find her while I was passed out here?” It occurred to you for the first time that Dream was taller than he had ever been. He seemed to tower over you. It was harder to ignore the chill you felt this time than when you had been wrapped in blankets. “Or maybe the asshole that tried to kill me had a bit more information than I thought and you know exactly where she is now?”
“This is not up for discussion.” His narrowed gaze draws out a scoff. 
“You’re being ridiculous. You can choose not to work with me but I’m going to help you.” The room spins ever so slightly as you turn to leave the room. You weren’t sure where you were going to go yet but you were sure you would figure it out as you went. The library maybe? Lucienne was busy but she knew more about the kingdom than anyone right now.
You had barely made it to the door before you could feel the soft pressure of a hand around your wrist.
“It would help me more,” Dream’s voice was soft and strained. As if the things he was saying pained him to put to words. “to know that you are safe.”
The room spins slightly harder and it occurs to you that maybe the nightmare had gouged you a bit more than you thought. The turn to face him is slower than any you have ever made and behind you you can glimpse the window. It isn’t quite raining out but the sky is unnaturally dark, clouds swirling like the stars in his eyes.
“What?” You can’t remember if blood loss can cause you to mishear people. You don’t want to risk embarrassing yourself even if it’s not. 
“I could not protect you in my realm. How can I trust in my ability to do the same outside of it?” The silence feels deafening, like a creature with its own presence trying to pry the two of you apart. You try not to focus on its weight, however, instead distinctly aware of the fact that Dream is still holding your wrist. His touch is cooler than you had thought it would be but not quite unpleasant. In fact its quite the opposite. 
“And you think sending me away will keep me safer than if I stayed with a literal king of dreams and nightmares? Really?” Your voice tremors and your skin feels electric from the contact. You want to rip your hand from his grasp and take his hand in both of your own at the same time. “Do you know how many beings out there would love to catch me alone right now?”
“You will not be alone, you will have Constantine.” Dream’s voice was barely more than a whisper. You wouldn’t think his lips had moved at all had you not been watching his face so carefully. 
"You’re being an idiot,” The clouds are darker now, you hadn’t thought it possible but the sky seems to be absorbing the light that tries to warm it. 
“You need to rest.” For the first time since you met Dream seems to be genuine in asking instead of assuming you will follow through with what he says. It almost makes up for the way that his eyes flit to your point of connection and slowly releases his grasp.
“Do you promise to be here when I wake up?” The bedroom is suffocatingly small in this moment, not helped by the waves of nausea rushing over your person. 
“Why must you be so obstinate?” For what is meant to be an insult, Dream’s gaze and and tone are softer than one would expect. Or maybe not. For all the times the two of you have bickered you’re not sure you can remember ever hearing any sort of heat in his words towards you.
“Its the only way I can get you to notice me.” Usually your remark would earn you a slight smile, maybe a particularly strong exhale if Dream is particularly amused. Now though, you see only concern.
“I notice you regardless of your temperament.” You’re not even aware you’re reaching out until the man startles ever so slightly. Heaviness weighs upon your body and your grip tightens just barely. Just enough to try and pull him back from the way his thoughts visibly surround him.
“Dream,”  Blue eyes search your own but you’re not sure what he’s looking for. His height is returning to that which you’re familiar with and its strange to see. To watch him shrink and soften before you all the while holding his hand in your grasp. Even as Dream nods, a just barely there movement you’re not even sure of at first, you think that he looks better this way. Familiar is good on him. So is Kind.
It’s easier to lean into him than you had thought it would be. The hand you insist on holding begins to gently steer you both back towards the bed, his free hand circling to hover over your lower back.
“Rest, we can continue this conversation when you awaken.” You’re scared to loose contact with him in case your...whatever Dream is at this point, will slip away in a moments notice. Even as he convinces you to sit you’re not entirely convinced that he’s not just waiting for a moment to usher you back to the waking.
“Do you promise?” Its your turn to whisper as you allow him to help you back to bed. For a heart stopping moment he stands at your bedside and you think he’s leaving. 
And then, the chair is pulled closer to the bed, enough so that his knees touch the side of the mattress when he sits.
“I give you my word.” Dream’s voice is warm and soothing as hot chocolate on a winter night and from the window behind you you notice sunlight begin to filter through the window. 
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bowieandqueen11 · 2 years
Dream Falling In Love With You Would Include...
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Request: Hi! Can I please request some headcanons of what falling in love/dating with Morpheus / Dream (The Sandman) would include, please? Thank you so much!!! 🖤💀🖤
I love this show so much  😭 😭 😭 Tom Sturridge’s voice makes me want to combust istg also I hope you don’t mind but I’ve split this into two!! I haven’t finished the series yet, so I thought I’d do falling in love based on the first few eps, and then do some dating headcanons once I’ve finished <3
If you enjoy, please let me know by commenting! <3
(I do not own The Sandman or its characters, all rights go to creators. Gif credit goes to @smittenskitten.)
As some of you very very lovely people have so eloquently summed it up... Dream you scrungly emo cat, you wet sand bag, pathetic man I love you with all my heart you petty ass iconic thing.
Also we’re just going to pretend that you’re immortal or share Dream’s powers pls go with it lmao
You first catch Dream of the Endless’ attention, funnily enough, during one of your dreams a night long ago. At first, he was just curious; just passing through from the cries of people plagued with his nightmares into something softer, sweeter. He wandered slowly until he found himself folding down to sit and rest for a moment under the shade of a drooping willow tree. He looked comically out of place, with his stony face and pale body drenched in black drapes, even within his own realm. Yet he still stayed for a while, the sun blinding his eyes as he peered out from underneath the boughs like a peeking mouse, watching you carefully tend to orchard of apple trees nearby, so sweet and caring even in your dreams.
Without even fully understanding why, Morpheus found himself drifting back to your dreams as often as he could, as if drawn forth by some some strong current, some invisible tide not created by his sibling... but something more. Something stronger. Something far more boundless, fathomless, something from beyond. Something from deep within his being was beckoning him forth until he had no choice but to choke back his pride and follow the path his feet were already treading towards you. 
He would just watch you: sitting uncomfortably, like a sore thumb on benches. Standing like an inked mark upon your world under the sunlight. Loitering around the bark of trees, turning around pavement corners as you danced by him with glee. With the collar of his coat turned up, the edges of his lips turned up into the closest resemblance to a smile there had been on his face in millennia. For him, it was as if light were beaming from every pore - and yet the tears still stung his eyes, a black hole tightening his chest as the bottomless feeling of love clawing its way out of his throat tried to restrict his breathing.
From time to time, you could almost sense him behind you, even while asleep. Just this constant, soothing, almost smoke like presence gifting its shadow onto your every move. Yet it never scared you: the glints of light you caught out of the corner of your eye, the tufts of wild raven hair that blew upon a lanky, pale frame that disappeared from view every time you turned your head. You understood innately that his being there could never be malicious - in fact, you could feel truth branding its burn into your heart, that it was something much more tender in intent. Adoring. Almost humane, yet monstrous at the same time. As if some star crossed lover was seeking you across all of time and space, both in reach of your arms and yet hiding just out of your line of sight simultaneously. 
From time to time as you slept, you could feel something cold brush against the nape of your neck. They almost felt like fingertips, sending warm shivers rush down your spine and making you gasp breathlessly in how familiar the touch felt. Once, you sat beside a babbling brook, watching the sunset fall over the edge of a a nearby crag, leaving the horizon. You swore, as the water sang, that you could feel a weight against your palm, a knee crossed over your kneecap, the weight of someone’s shoulder tepidly resting against your own. It felt uncertain... shy, almost - too heavy in your hold but still careful with its weight, as if your skin burned to touch. Yet when you looked up, there was only the shimmer of the dying sun fracturing through the golden leaves in threads of diamond to greet you.
After a few dozen morns and nights had been spent, Lucienne wandered into the throne room of Dream’s realm to find Morpheus sitting on his throne, doing absolutely nothing. He just sits there, hunched, pondering like a grumpy cat. One slender fingers bumps against the edge of his chin as a few tears he’s tried in vain to keep hidden over the last few decades slip down the bridge of his nose and fall onto his boots. It takes him a moment to even realise that Lucienne has arrived, before he tries to hide his jump of surprise by haughtily crossing his right leg over the left and leaning over the marble armrest. 
Lucienne fixes her glasses, trying to figure out how to sensitively broach the topic. ‘Is something the matter, sir? It seems... as if you’re struggling with something. Perhaps this time, speaking through your train of thought would be most beneficial.’
‘Nothing is wrong, Lucienne. This is a matter... that I must deal with alone.’
Perhaps then, your majesty, it would be best for you to visit Y/n’s dream now that they’re asleep again? To resolve the very serious matter at hand, of course.’
He tries to stifle the thudding in his chest at the implication, but even so he finds himself smiling at his head librarian. After a moment of reflection he slowly nods, beginning to rise. He tucks his coat around his waist to hide how his hands have begun to shake, which he didn’t think possible. ‘Indeed. I’ve been away for far too long... it’s time to start making things right again, Lucienne.’
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tommy2020 · 5 months
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C!Dream fanart I worked on for a bit while I was bored lmao
details and second version under the cut, plus tiny rant abt my headcanons
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I’m so proud of this one fr fr
With c!Dream, I headcanon that his eyes turn green when he’s fighting or has a strong enough emotion, so ofc I had to make a second version with that showcased. I also have this little hc that XD branded him when he gave Dream the Revive Book, hence the burn on his neck.
I think Dream’s the type to wear a bunch of jewelry on his ears when he’s not fighting. He just looks like a silver and jewels guy to me.
I love this one sm.
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arthurtaylorlester · 2 years
dream of the endless headcanons, and yet again, no one has asked
he is bisexual. die mad about it.
he is also grayromantic. being an entity beyond time doesn't help his perception of falling in love
non-binary, he is an anthropomorphic personification do you think he even believes in gender?
they/he. no further explanations
he is clingy. this has been stuck in my mind for days now.
imagine him resting his head on lucienne's shoulder after a long day of dream-making
or holding hands with Death as they go on another reaping walk
or cuddling matthew, all while insulting him greatly
or literally being the little spoon with whoever you ship him with
literally the biggest ride-or-die. you hurt him, or his therapist/librarian, his immortal emotional support human, his favourite older sibling (can you hurt death?), his many birds, cats, hot ex-wife, his stuff, his favourite meadow and you'll be plagued by very very traumatic dreams
he inexplicably invented eyeliner
he eventually let gault go back into jed's dreams
ill add as inspiration strikes me, in calliope we trust
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darklinsblog · 2 years
New Beginnings | Sandman imagine
Summary: After Calliope’s cry for help, Morpheus goes to her rescue and the muse finds out her former lover has moved on.
Pairing: Morpheus x Reader
Request: Yes
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When Morpheus heard Calliope’s calling he was quick to attend and free her from her imprisonment. Out of respect and honoring for the love and grief they shared, Morpheus wouldn’t be capable of lying to himself, as Calliope was undoubtedly a huge part of his story and once was the mother of his child, he couldn’t just sit around and do nothing.
He still felt an immense love for her, and it made his blood boil to find out about her confinement in the hands of Richard Madoc, so he made sure that he would get the right punishment for his atrocities, the man didn’t deserve mercy. Men such as him were rats, cowards who had to be taught a lesson.
For the first time in ages Calliope was free and while she was grateful to Oneiros she was also wondering if he still had feelings for her, out of the wrath he depicted when he imparted justice and the immense tension that filled the room when Morpheus was alone with her.
No matter how much time they spent apart, Calliope still knew her former lover like the back of her hand, and they still couldn’t bring up the subject of their son. But knowing how apprehensive the Endless was, she highly doubted he even acknowledged his pain and grief.
Seeing as he almost walked out that door and it would probably take ages for her to see Oneiros again, she dared to speak.
“May I visit you in the Dream Realm sometime…” His dark blue eyes fixated on her, shining with indescribable emotion. “So that we may finally talk about our son?”
Morpheus opened his mouth to speak, finally understanding the closeness of Calliope was a demonstration of her restraint love, a love maybe she wasn’t even aware that was still there…
But before he could say something female voice he knew very well filled his ears and draw his attention along with Calliope’s.
“Bubs?” A thin woman was outside, just a few feet away from where Morpheus was standing, she was radiant and beautiful, looking at the eternal man with love, when looking carefully at his expression Calliope could see how Morpheus’ face lighted up at the side of you, his whole face changed.
The muse’s heart shattered quietly, the bit of hope she had in Oneiros still loving her died right there. Suddenly, two little kids not older than three years old came out from under your skirt, the toddlers ran in Morpheus direction and he welcomed them with open arms.
You walked over to Morpheus and he was quick to grab you by the waist and kiss you softly. You grabbed your arms around his neck, smiling.
“I’m sorry, love. They insisted”
“It was a very nice surprise” Dream said, picking his daughter up. While your son had his eyes fixated on Calliope who’s eyes watered at the sight of the raven haired boy, he was the living image of Oneiros and her heart ached as she was reminded of the son she lost centuries ago.
For the first time since you arrived you looked at Calliope and she looked back at you, smiling lightly with nostalgia.
“I’m sorry, I’m Y/N. Queen and wife to Morpheus” you reached out your hand to her, she shook it and was reminded of the time she was his as well.
“Calliope” she replied, you nodded slightly, something in your eyes changed, it was some sort of acknowledgment. Of course you knew who she was.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you”
“Likewise” you turned to Morpheus.
“We should leave now, darling it’s getting late” your children whined, protesting.
“But we want to see the Waking World, mama!” the older twin spoke, pouting and batting his long eyelashes at you.
“We’ll have plenty of time to see it, Acanthus” Morpheus told his son, kneeling before him and pinching his nose lightly, making the boy giggle.
“You promise, papa?” Now his daughter spoke, he nodded.
“I promise, Roseann. Now please go back with your mother to the Dreaming. I’ll join you shortly” both of his children complied his command and said goodbye to their father and Calliope before vanishing with you to the Dream realm.
Morpheus looked at Calliope once again, the whole atmosphere changed when getting a glimpse of his new life. The muse now understood that was the tension she felt earlier, the nervousness from a kept secret and not an unexpressed love as she believed at first.
“A rose and a thorn…” Calliope murmured, making Morpheus smile weakly, imagining how she must felt at this specific time.
“One cannot exist without the other, and being twins… it seemed fitting. Y/N suggested it, actually” the muse giggled.
“Of course” there was a minute of silence after that. “You have a beautiful family, Oneiros. I’m happy for you” he smiled, Morpheus was truly happy now, after centuries of grief and pain and he wished the same for his former lover. But all he could say was two simple words.
“Goodbye, Calliope”
“I will never forget this. Fare you well”
Then, Morpheus disappeared in a swirl of sand, leaving Calliope standing all by herself under the moonlight, but being left with another important thing…
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zukikoof · 2 years
dtqk + calling them pretty
im so tired rn and no proof reading went into it so yeah
cw: mentions of overworking
pronouns : you /your
Me? Pretty???????
He's so confused
Especially because of the location
So it's when you guys are out
Yall went to an amusement park
And Dream is a pretty tough guy, it's hard to get him scared ig
But this man is the embodiment of terrorised when it comes to heights
But you, live life on the edge yk
So when dream hears that you want to go on the rollercoaster
He goes with it because I mean it's you
Now, the second you get off your just laughing at him ( but of course you were laughing at him on the ride too)
You decide to tease him about his fear
And just say something like
“Awwww were you scared pretty boy????”
With the cockiest smile you could ever have
He's just like
“N-no i wasn't”
All that stuff and it's just insanely funny
Obvs telling this to Sapnap
———————-———————-———————-———————-—————— Yeah he is
And he knows but still is super shy
His fans call him that so he's used to it but you saying it is just ANSBJAKA
Its George so it happens when you two are almost asleep
Like you guys probably came back from something stupid but casual
Most likely got some fast food
And you two are just next to each other y'know just vibing
Until you look up to him to break the comfortable silence with the most piercing thing
“You're very pretty like this”
He looks at you like :0
“Oh uh okay”
But hes freaking out
Stutters like a lot
Ikr bbg
Just so chill about it
But the fans weren't
He was streaming
A boring valo stream
With you just sitting somewhere off camera but the fans know you
And know you're there
He just won a match and was like so insanely happy about this win for some reason you don't know about
You heard his cheering and turned to face him
You do it for a while as hes just talking to chat about his “epic win”
Until he turns to see you staring
“Whatcha looking at?”
You look at him wondering for a few minutes
Waiting for your brain to come up with a witty response
And it doesn't disappoint
You look at him with more concentration and just flat out tells him
“You're pretty”
Thats it from you because you continue what youre doing on your phone
Leaving him being like
“Yeah i am”
Tells chat even though they heard for confirmation
Lets just say, it got clipped everywhere, trending on twitter and going in a “y/n and Sapnap cute moments”
———————-———————-———————-———————-—————— So giggly
Now, let's imagine you have a polaroid
Okay so when you got your polaroid you just would take pictures of things you like and Karl was one of them
You two were on a picnic date
On a hill, with a very enchanting forest behind that let trees fade into your spot
There were an abundance of flowers too :]
Therefore you made him a flower crown
And Karl was laughing
So you took the opportunity to snap a picture
A very cute picture
When he realised he was giggling even more
“I like taking pictures of things I find pretty”
Yeah lets say his hands and head were magnetised to each other
Sad boy
I mean, college is hard :(
He's becoming a lawyer and that's very impressive so that means a lot of ups and downs but you still stick with him
But still, hes sad
So you make appearances during his little study sessions to help him out with flash cards and stuff (idk how law study works)
Quackity would love it sm
His favourite person helping him?
Well you also come to remind him stuff or to ask stuff
But today you noticed he was wayyy stressed
So you went to check on him
Hes sat at his desk with tears ligning his face
You, a concerned partner, go check on him
You tell him that he means the word to you
And you make him take a break (breaks are important)
He obliged
Now you two were on his bed cuddling, his head in your arms
You looked down at him and muttered “you're quite pretty y’know?“
He was sat there in shock but he was so absolutely in love
Quackity’s  eyes were literal hearts staring at you <33
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why-what-no · 2 years
Morpheus Having A Sweetheart!God Spouse Would Include
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Pairing: Morpheus x God!Reader
Warnings: None
Notes: You got the sweetheart!human headcanons, now you’ve got the sweetheart!god headcanons
Requested By: @miraclesabound @mahirublue @agomeangelcat @jar-of-moondust
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Morpheus's lover, the completely opposite of him in every way. 
You were cheerful while he was cold, full of life while he looked down on so many things. With an aura of sunshine, always trying to positive. 
None of Morpheus's friends thought it would work out between the two of you, knowing how he was. 
However, they failed to realize how much happiness your presence brought him. How you could always make him smile
That while you wouldn't make him change his ways, despite the fact that you were as different as the moon and the sun, the two of you loved each other for who you were. 
You came up to him one day in the palace, a bouquet of flower's in your hand. Handing it to him with a grin, he took them gently. 
"What are these for, my love?" He asked, looking at the pretty plants quizzically. "Have I forgotten a special occasion?" 
But you just shook your head, looking delightedly at your beautiful lover. "No, I just wanted to give you flowers."
He kept those flowers in his office since then, using his powers to make sure they wouldn't wilt. 
When you were gone visiting friends in other realms, Morpheus was grumpier that usual. And when he was gone, you were a little less bright than usual.
But when you were with him in the Dreaming, he always enjoyed your company. Everyone throughout his realm always had happier dreams whenever you returned. 
He even didn't mind your habit of bringing things back with you, usually potted plants, or pretty objects, and even stray animals back to the Dreaming
The pets was where Morpheus would attempt to draw the line, but he had an impossible time saying no to you
You arrived in the dreaming, a handful of baby ravens in your arms, speaking to them like you would for a small child.
"Dearest?" The exasperation was clear in Morpheus's voice. But also, you could tell he was having a hard time trying not to chuckle. "What do you have in your arms?" 
"Baby ravens. Their mama was hit by a car." You tilted your arms to show them to him. "I figured Matthew could help with them, since he's a raven too." 
"Matthew is a raven of the Dreaming. Those, are wild animals." Morpheus responded with a raised eyebrow. But at the disappointed look on your face, he smiled softly and continued. "But I'm sure there's a place for them somewhere in the Realm."
The look on your face when he gave in was worth it. And he would admit, the birds were sort of endearing. 
Not nearly as endearing as he thought you were, however.
Taglist: @stygianoir @minetticatinwonderland , @fangirlmary , @absbdbshhs @kiki13522
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cammys-imagines24 · 2 years
•Morpheus Being Touch Starved•
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I feel like before Dream was captured he was less inclined to crave the touch of others, even your touch, his eternal love.
But, a century spent locked in a glass cage can leave even an anthropomorphic being wanting.
So, when Morpheus was finally free and back in his realm, when he was finally reunited with you again...
He began to act differently than how he was before.
Being deprived of your touch for so long against his will left him aching for you.
He made a promise to himself that he would never be far from you again.
The Lord of Dreams does not need to sleep but when he's able he likes to stay in bed with you all night and until you wake up.
He contents himself with visiting your dreams while you're asleep and keeps an arm wrapped around you, pale fingers gently tracing any bare skin you may be showing.
He stays, despite any busy schedule, til your eyes flutter open from the morning light.
While walking with you Dream will keep a hand on the small of your back.
If you're enthralled in a book in the library your attention is often swayed from the pages when he reaches over and gently tucks a strand of hair behind your ear.
Morpheus is never going to be big on pda so you've never received a kiss on the lips or anything more heated while in the company of others.
But, if you're out in the Waking World with him, beyond the safety of his realm, he will stay incredibly close to you.
Even if it's just the side of his arm touching yours while you're walking together or every once in awhile your hands bump against each others. He just likes to subtly remind you that he's within reach and vice versa, he likes reminding himself you're close, too.
The Ruler of Nightmares will frequently kiss the top of your head or softly bump his forehead against yours.
He will let you run your fingers absently through his ever constant bed head.
While alone his more reserved nature will crumble before you and he will relish the feel of you.
The warmth of your skin and touch of your body against his is his personal dream come true.
He will practically devour you everyday, in both your dreams and reality, so that you are never left wanting again.
Of no volition of his own, Dream was taken from you for over a century and that has honestly left you both fragile and hungry for each other always.
Though he is never satiated.
He will indulge you in your every whim. Be it playing with his hair or having him lay his head down on your lap all the way to you leaving hickeys and marks upon his body (though they do disappear immediately)
Any touch you grace him with he savors far more than you'll ever know.
The only time Morpheus truly feels happy is when you're in his arms.
When he can feel that you're really here, touching him, with him. Where he can protect you and keep you safe forever.
You are his home, even more so than the realm he created.
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deliwrites · 2 years
𝔻𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤 // Dream
// DATE // 15th of October 2022 // PAIRING // Dreamwastaken x reader, no pronounce used, small bit for afab!readers, small bit for European readers // WARNING // fluff, mention of period blood // WORDS // 1,6k+ // SUMMARY // What dating Dream would be like
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Living with the boys in the Dream Team house
Not that Sapnap and George minded
Bothering Dream when he's editing
"How long you gonna be busy for?" you ask him. Leaning on his chair in an annoying way where it dips the chair down. He rolls his eyes with a playful look on his face. He knows you do this cause you're in need of attention. "A little while longer I'm afraid," he tells you. Though, he quickly saves his progress and turns his chair to face you. "Do you need something?" he asks, already knowing the answer. "Hugs?" you ask with a pout. Dream grins, patting his lap. Inviting you to sit down. You do so, positioning your legs on either side of his. Scooting closer to the male. Wrapping your arms around his neck, snuggling your face into his neck. He gives you a gentle squeeze, then turns the chair back around. Going back to editing with you in his hold.
Cuddles for daaaaaaaayyyyyyyys
Surprisingly playing cosy games with you
He hates to admit that he loves playing Stardew Valley with you
"Secretly" has all the spots memorized of your favourite character just so you can become friends with that character quickly.
"Where is Penny?! I can't find her!" you exclaim as you run all over the place trying to find your one and only love (:P) holding a diamond which you stole from Dream's chest. "She's by the community centre," Dream is quick to reply which makes you stop in your tracks. "How do you know that?" you question him suspiciously. Opening the map you locate him by the ocean. "I- I, uhm, just walked passed her. On my way to the mines," you hum in acknowledgement. A sweet smile forms on your lips. Happiness filled you at the fact that Dream went out of his way to learn Penny's schedule. Just for you.
Movie nights, with or without George and Sapnap
Movie nights without them, you two take over the entire couch.
He's on his back, laid out across the couch.
You're half on top of him, half shoved between Dream and the back of the couch.
Legs tangled together.
Your head on his chest
His right arm is wrapped around you tightly, wanting to keep you secure and safe.
Blanket over the top of you.
Patches resting above your heads on the backrest.
Movie nights with them, you two claim the big corner of the L-shaped couch.
Wrapped up in blankets even when Dream gets hot.
He'll just remove his hoodie if he gets too hot, always wearing a shirt underneath cause that's what men do apparently.
He knows you get cold easily.
And with the bills rising you don't really touch the thermostat all that much.
Because of that, you're always walking around in cosy clothes.
More often than not those outfits consist of Dreams hoodies.
With you getting cold easily he always makes sure to have a spare hoodie or jacket with him whenever you guys go out. Whether it's on a date or just to Walmart.
Gifts for days!
You are not materialistic but you really have to watch your tongue around him. Or people might think you are.
The moment "Oh that's cute" leaves your lips, he's already on his way to secretly buy whatever it is you just said that about.
You tell him he doesn't need to buy you all these gifts of course, but will he listen? No.
"Dream! What did you get me this time!" you yell through the house once you've accepted a package from the delivery guy. Your name is written on the package. But you have not ordered anything recently. "Oh, it's just that mug you really liked from Etsy," he says when he walks into the kitchen. You were there, package on the counter, knife in hand to open it. He's standing by the custom build shelves filled almost to the brim with mugs you've been gifted by him. A max of 5 had been bought with your own money. "Dream," you tell him seriously. Putting down the knife before walking up to him. You wrap your arms around his middle. Staring up at his towering frame. "I love you," you tell him sincerely but you want to get your point across. "But I need you to stop buying everything that I find cute." You've told him this before but he never seemed to get the gist of it. The serious look in your eyes is what gets him. "Alright," he sighs gently. It's not a sigh of annoyance, it's a sigh of defeat. He just wants to spoil you rotten. "But there are like, three more packages on their way," he grimaces, unapologetically might I add. "Dream!" you blurt out but can't help but giggle. Shoving your head in his chest you shake your head. He chuckles and wraps his arms around your shoulders, squishing you softly. Pulling away just a bit you stand (on your tippy toes). Pecking his lips softly. "You're an idiot," you tell him. Pecking his lips a few more times. A smile graced his face. "But I'm your idiot," he grins.
Dates are the best
He'll bring you to a romantic fancy restaurant once a month.
If he can't get you all the gifts then this is how he'll spoil you.
Not that he doesn't spoil you on any other date.
He sure does
Cinema date?
You want 2 boxes of popcorn and 2 boxes of chips? Sure!
2 large of not xl drinks for you as well.
Home dates will forever be your favourite though.
They hold a special place in your heart.
At least once every week you have a home date where he cooks for you.
Every time he tries a new recipe.
He knows you can be a picky eater, but he has this way of slowly introducing you to new foods.
Before you moved in with him your list of liked foods was quite low.
Now it's grown to more than 3 times that amount.
One thing that always sticks with every date;
Ice cream for dessert! Always!
A little bit for European readers
With you being European, you're used to getting sips of alcohol since you started High school.
You're not an alcoholic or anything.
You do enjoy the occasional drink during a date.
You know he doesn't really drink.
So you never force alcohol on him.
You respect him for it.
So you'll keep it to a max of two drinks on the date.
A little bit for afab!readers
What he does when you're on your period.
He becomes a servant
Ran out of pads/tampons?
No problem, he's already on his way getting them for you.
Brings you you're favourite foods and candy while he's at the store.
He'll never truly feel the pain you go through with all the cramps.
But he knows how painful it is for you.
He's heard you talk about them since before you two even got together.
Before you moved in but did visit and spend nights he was prepared.
With the wrong stuff but he tried.
The first time your period decided to pay a visit while you were over.
It was earlyish in the morning. Dream was still fast asleep in bed. A heavy cramp is what woke you up. "Shit, shit shit," you grumble, forcing yourself out of bed. You're quick but try not to wake up Dream. Getting into the bathroom, you sit down on the toilet. Confirming your suspicion. "Fuck," sighing you lean forward, elbows on your knees. Face shoved in your hands. "This can't be happening." You don't know how long you spent in the bathroom. Just going over what options you had. You could put toilet paper in your underwear, but a clean pair of underwear is back in Dreams room. In order to get that you would have to leave the bathroom with bloody underwear. "God damn it!" "Y/n?" you hear Dream call out from somewhere in his room. "Are you okay?" His voice seems to get closer to the bathroom. 'Damn it, I didn't lock the door!' "Don't come in," you beg, embarrassment running through your veins. 'Why did the bathroom door have to be so far from the toilet!' "Y/n, what's going on?" his voice is filled with worry. Sighing, you can't help but feel emotional. "My period came early," you confess in a whisper. "I'm sorry, what? Do you mind if I come in," unsure on how to answer. You don't answer at all. Bad choice, as he opens the door and walks in. You're quick to grab the towel hanging by the sink next to you. Draping the towel over your lap. "No, Dream, I don't want you to see this," you wine, hanging your head. Hiding your head in your hands once more. "What's wrong, y/n. Talk to me," he kneels in front of you. Taking your hands, gently off your face. Cupping your face he makes you look at him. "My period came early," you tell him quietly. "I didn't bring any pads." "That's okay," he says so quickly it shocks you. Opening the cupboard under the couple's sink, he takes out a packet of pads. Though you can't help but laugh. "What?" he asks, a little confused by your laughter. "These will do for now," you tell him, taking the pack. "But these are for nights and heavy, heavy periods at that," you take one out to show him the size of the pad. It was about the size of his hand and a half. Which is large. "Woops," he grimaces. "I'm sorry." "It's okay, thank you," you thank him sincerely. Pecking his lips before asking him to bring my bag, for clean underwear.
Once you've fully changed into comfy clothes
Dream settles you in bed, covered by the warm duvet
He's in and out of the bedroom
Getting you snacks and Tea or Hot chocolate milk.
Overall Dream is a lovely boyfriend, he'll do anything for you.
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bowieandqueen11 · 2 years
Dream Being Protective Would Include...
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Request: I need protective Dream hcs 🥰🥰
Oooh here you go my lovely!
If you enjoy, please make my day and comment or reblog!!!
(I do not own the Sandman or its characters, all rights go to creators. Gif credit goes to @katronautt.)
I think I genuinely go more feral each time I write these first sentences little by little but it’s worth it lmao. I’ve genuinely never seen a more woeful person with your uwu eyes skulking about like a melodramatic paper bag being whipped by the wind you king of having no brain cells I’ve never wanted to bonk someone so badly he really is the moment. Sometimes when I feel sad I just walk around like Dream does walk walk fashion baby he owns the catwalk, and I immediately feel better lmao.
Dream’s lost a lot during his existence, and he knows how it feels to be so alone and tormented constantly by the world around him, so keeping you protected from the dangers of all the realms is of the upmost importance to him. If you’re not safe, or if there’s even a hint that you’re not alright, Dream would tear every world apart, piece by piece, and scatter their ashes through the cosmos if it meant protecting you.
No joke, Dream’s first instinct when the two of you run into trouble is to hide you away so he knows you’re safe. The verdant rolling orchards that he takes you to in the hopes to woo you further, with thick marble clouds that seem to shoot out honey gold sun rays like halos, can sometimes become unstable after the whole mess with Rose Walker and the Vortex. So, Dream being Dream of course, he doesn’t completely... well, he doesn’t completely understand human customs, let’s just say. He just kind of scoops you up like you’re a feather on the breeze and wraps you up in his coat until the two of you become a little compact unit of burrito lmao. Bless him, the scowl on his face doesn’t give any hint to how tight the vice grip of his arms around your stomach trembles each time the grass beneath your feet shakes. The frumple of his concerned eyebrows as he watches the sky fracture like a shooting spiderweb straight down the middle is balanced by the way his legs tighten around yours, until you’re tucked inside his thighs. You’re not complaining though: his chest is toasty and haven-like, even if your cheek is smushed up against it like an aghast hamster.
Then, there are the more stressful (albeit humorous) times when he becomes super hypervigilant and solicitous when you’re around his family. He’s not a naturally touchy-feely PDA filled person out in public; Dream has to stay restrained to keep all the feelings and hopes and beacons of light of the dreaming within him. If even a fraction of the love that cries within him for you slips through his mask unrestrained, it would overwhelm you so greatly it would be an earth-burning devastation borne from the purest kindle. That doesn’t stop him from staying by your side during the family get togethers you end up always having to drag him along to. If he sees Desire’s slippery little snake fingers slithering their way towards you, even for a millisecond, he grows and gnarls and warps until he’s an ink splodged shadow looming up the wall. He becomes a cataclysmic penumbra that slowly begins to swallow everything in its wake; it takes Despair nodding at their twin for Desire to finally wallow off and sit by their sister with an unbothered shrug, but the thudding pang in their heart can’t mask their understanding of why humans are so afraid of nightmares. 
As soon as they’re gone, Dream relents a little and comes stalking behind you, tethered tightly to your back like a sulking scarecrow surrounded by devouring crows. He glares at everyone with that lemon sucking sour face of his, until you eventually manage to get him to calm down and retreat back into himself by twisting round to face him. Even he can’t help the blank, trusting look of awe that slips through when you carefully cup his cheeks and bring him down to tentatively kiss your lips - but the smile that twitches against them definitely is purposeful.
It doesn’t last very long though: when Death comes over aawing and genuinely looking delighted, sweetly singing about how Y/n and Dream are ‘k-is-s-i-n-g’, he’s straight back to moping and dragging you back home lmao.
If any of his escaped nightmares even dare to come after you, Dream could send them straight down to the depths of Hell with only an icy glare. He’s by your side straight away, appearing in the corner of your eye as you blink and blowing the nightmare straight back into sand before you even have time to summon him. When you get back to the Dreaming, he will. not. leave. you. alone. Even though you both know that you’re perfectly capable of handling yourself, he still has this aching, fiery anchored gap in the pit of his heart: the loss of his son and the severance and betrayals from his family have bitten and torn chunks from him, even though he’ll never admit it willingly. So, he does what he can - not to be ‘clingy’, in his eyes, but just precautious (which equals to him being clingy as frick.) You actually cannot step out of a room in the castle without Dream just hovering in the corner of the next like a bloody phantom. You step out to talk to Lucienne and peruse some of the latest journals in the library? Dream suddenly floats around the tucked away bookshelf like an emo ghost and nearly scares the crap out of you. He doesn’t say anything, but just settles next to you and bumps his shoulders against yours in a way that screams out: I love you, I love you I love you I love you and I can’t leave your side. It would ruin me. Thankfully you’ve learnt how to read the small and seemingly insignificant signs he gives by now, so you say nothing as he peers down at the dusty volumes along with you. You don’t even make a note: not a sound, too wary of scaring him away from this easiness as he cups his hands onto yours in a comfortable affinity. His breath shakes as he gapes down at the way your fingers slot perfectly underneath his own, a mixture of awe and curiosity in his eyes. As if he’s feeling you. Studying you. Absorbing you. Trying to understand how something like you could exist without being one of his own creations. Because if he dared his hand to try and mould perfection, it would equal you in every way.
Or when you sit up in the turrets to have a nice nap during the long stretch of the afternoons, since it is the Dreaming after all! When you blink awake, you find that Dream has settled himself into your side, tucked up all blissful and pensive as he peeks out from the cape he’s wrapped around the two of you like a turtle. The stars have begun to peek out, brightening the horizon like a sprinkling of shadowy blues and pearls of gold as he ties his hip against yours. To your surprise, Dream gazed up at the skies that reflect the iridescent infinity within his own; he begins to hum softly, very out of tune (but he’s still trying) as he traces all the universes and constellations that he’s traversed. If you must sleep, he wants you to know you’re not physically alone, and to make sure you have the sweetest dreams to boot.
The poor boi bless him one time in the human world you pinged a few too many crumbs at pigeons (his favourite activity lol). They began to swarm around you like a storm of beaks and beating wings, and Dream became so afraid they were like sent by Lucifer to swoop you away from him in retaliation for his earlier visit. He started pushing you behind his back and sternly telling the birds off, chiding them with warnings, which earned him a few grumbles and raised eyebrows from the London passerby. 
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marianosbrixton · 2 years
people started talking, putting us through our paces; dream team
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pairings: dream, sapnap, georgenotfound x reader (separate)
summary: dream team when you get hate for dating them
warnings: discussions of receiving hate, some swear words sprinkled here and there
a/n: i accidentally deleted dream’s entire section immediately after writing it and i almost threw a tantrum
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✧ regardless of whether or not you’re also in the public eye, i feel like dream would really want to keep your relationship a secret, because he knows you’ll undoubtedly be swarmed with a tsunami of negativity
✧ unfortunately, he’s no stranger to receiving hate, and i think he would try his absolute hardest to protect you from having to deal with it, because he knows how overwhelming it can be
✧ however, let’s say that whether by accident or on purpose, people found out about you
✧ a ton of dream’s fans are super nice and they really appreciate how happy you make him and they think you’re super cool!
✧ although, a good chunk of them also aren’t so nice, and there’s a ton of little b-words on twitter just trying to be mean to you >:(
✧ it’s sort of inevitable that when you’re around somebody with that much media attention, there are bound to be people with something bad to say
✧ i imagine you would have known this, and you’d brace yourself for it as much as you could, but it would probably be pretty hard to prepare for something like that, and naturally, it might get to you a little
✧ dream would be super apologetic to you, i think, because it’d be a bit hard not to blame yourself when somebody you love is getting that kind of attention just for being in your life
✧ you know it’s not his fault though, and you tell him that whenever he starts to feel guilty about it
✧ he’d definitely comfort you if the things people were saying started getting to you. i know i’m a pretty sensitive person so i’d definitely need a few hugs to feel okay after that
✧ he’d remind you of how beautiful you are and how much you add to his life until it was drilled into your head
✧ he’d tattoo it across his forehead if that’s what you needed to stop feeling sad
✧ i know he’s had a tendency in the past to speak out of emotion when people say things that upset him, so i think there could realistically be a possibility of that happening (because it upsets him that people who don’t even know you are being so blatantly cruel for no reason), but i also think he’d want to have a level head when talking about it, because it’s not just him he has to think about, it’s you
✧ the way i can imagine him addressing it is by doing a short stream, maybe 10-15 minutes and being pretty direct about it
✧ i think, to him, making a tweet would feel too impersonal, and, for your sake, he wouldn’t want to make it into a massive thing (i don’t know about you but my anxiety would go 📈📈 if i had the entirety of twitter talking about me), but it’s a big enough thing that he wants to speak one on one with his audience and let them know that he won’t tolerate any level of unkindness towards you
✧ he’d try to be as composed as possible, but it’s a naturally upsetting thing, and he’d come off as very stern (as he should though). i feel like he’s gotten pretty used to sitting there and accepting the hate he receives, because at this point, it’s part of the job and there’s nothing he can really do about it, but he refuses not to defend you, because there’s no way you deserve the way people are treating you
✧ if you asked him not to say anything about it, i honestly don’t really think he’d want to listen. he wouldn’t directly go against your wishes, and if you really didn’t want him to, he wouldn’t, but he’d definitely try to plead his case and let you know that it’s important to him that he doesn’t let people think it’s okay to talk to you like that
✧ at the end of the day, he just wants you to be okay, and he’ll respect you on the way you want the situation to be handled
✧ if you want him to ask his audience to stop, he’s already taking mental notes on what he’s planning to say
✧ if you just want to shut out the world for a bit and spend time together, he’s wrapping you up in a tight hug before you can even finish your sentence
✧ he loves you, and he’d do absolutely anything for people to realise how incredible you are
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✧ sapnap is the one i can imagine getting the most angry over it
✧ he’s proven time and time again how fiercely loyal of a person he is, and when people start to be shitty towards the people he cares about, he doesn’t hesitate to put them in their place
✧ i can definitely see him not even waiting to ask you what you want him to do before he’s sending out multiple angry tweets about how he absolutely will not put up with anybody mistreating you, especially people who claim to be his fans
✧ i can’t see him talking about it on stream, just because that doesn’t really seem like his style, but he wouldn’t hesitate to ban people from his chat (or directly call them out) if they have nothing nice to say
✧ in all honesty he’d probably get so caught up in being mad about it and fighting people online that he’d sort of forget to check in with you and see how you’re doing with it all
✧ once he does remember, though, he’s very attentive to what you need to help you through it
✧ if you’re pretty upset about it, he’d probably have to fight the urge to pull out his phone and berate everybody who played a part in making you that sad
✧ but he knows in the moment that that’s not what you need, and he’ll remind himself to focus on you instead of them
✧ i feel like him asking you what you want him to do is less “what do i do?” but more “here’s what i’m going to do”
✧ he’s a bit like dream in the sense that if you really, really didn’t want him to make a big deal out of it, he would respect that, because at the end of the day, you’re his main priority in this situation
✧ but he’d be absolutely itching to let the people who are hating on you know exactly what he thinks and how little he tolerates their actions, to the point where it’s probably better to just let him do it and deal with the consequences
✧ once he knows for sure that you’re okay with him addressing it, oh boy, he goes off
✧ if you think for even a second that this man wouldn’t fight tooth and nail to defend you, you’re incredibly wrong
✧ he’d fight everyone in the entire universe for you if that’s what it took for them to shut the hell up and stop being bullies
✧ he’d probably shut his phone (and yours) off for a little bit afterwards just so there’s some distance between the both of you and everything else
✧ the time away would definitely do you some good, and it gives him the opportunity to give you his absolute, undivided attention, which, let’s be honest, he always does regardless
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✧ george is the one i think would be the most passive about it
✧ not passive in the sense that he’s at all okay with it, because he’s definitely not, but more in the sense that his focus would be entirely on you and how he can help you, rather than on how he can address it
✧ he’d be like dream in the sense that he feels extremely guilty that you’re getting this hate essentially because of him (even though it’s not his fault in the slightest), the only difference is that i don’t feel like he’d bring it up
✧ he doesn’t want to make it about him, because you’re the one being targeted, not him, and you’re the one that needs support
✧ he already doesn’t express his emotions much, let alone when someone he cares about is going through something this overwhelming
✧ he’d probably dread having to bring it up to his audience, he very much doesn’t seem like the type of person who enjoys confrontation or any kind of conflict
✧ nobody likes being surrounded by negativity, but i think george would get extra uncomfortable when there’s some sort of contention within his community, especially when it’s regarding someone he’s close to
✧ when it comes to actually addressing it, i think he’s the most likely to properly ask you how you want the situation to be handled and build off of that
✧ if you say you’d rather not draw attention to it, he’s completely happy to just hang out with you for a few days and focus on helping you feel better
✧ but if you wanted him to ask everyone to stop, i think he’d sit down for about half an hour or so and plan out a few tweets that are kind enough that people know he’s not hostile but also stern enough that he knows they’ll listen
✧ george usually tries to be really accommodating to people even when they aren’t doing the same, so i don’t see him as the type to get noticeably angry, but you’d have to be blind not to see that he’s unhappy about it
✧ ultimately, he understands that there’s unfortunately not a whole lot he can do about it
✧ like, he can send out a few tweets (and he will) and block all the people in the world, but he knows that there’ll always be somebody with something to say, and nine times out of ten, it won’t be positive
✧ you know this too, and it really, really sucks, but you also know that nothing that anybody can say will change the way george sees you, and vice versa
✧ the two of you will get through it together, because you know he loves you no matter what, and that’s enough to make it all feel okay again
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ghostofthings · 2 years
Being the love of Lord Morpheus’ life would be like...  Part 2 - “Difference between shiny and bright”
First part is here if you are interested! - Additional part is also here! Part 3 is here! - Part 3 additional part is here! Part 4 is here! Thank you for lovely feedback, you all made me so happy :) I came back with a loooong part for u!
Let me know if you’d want an another part, I have something in mind! I’ll leave a preview for it. I planned this to be a centuries old love story kinda thing so we have a lot to cover :)
Pairing: Lord Morpheus x f!goddess!reader
warning: ***major history changes and mythology mix****
tag list: @guccirosegold @wt-fxck
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- “Perhaps you would be gracious enough to accompany me for a chalice of wine my lady?” Such a direct proposal would usually considered as crossing the line but since he was a much higher being than you, odds of saying “no” to him seemed impossible. “I can be my lord, only if you would be indulgent enough to tell how a strange idea such as a wooden horse changed the course of events.” He grabbed one of the empty chalices on the table and turned to you with a coy smile. “Very well, let us enjoy each others stories then.” 
- He knew more that you do, that was evident. The way he looked at you, the way he was so confident around you make you feel relaxed for the first time in your life. You were the commander of the Olympus army and you had to take care of too many things. Being around someone who is as responsible as you are was a new thing for you. 
- You poured him wine as well and you sat at one of many balconies of your giant family castle. It suddenly felt so domestic to you, pouring him wine while he was also holding yours for you to fill it as well. You could see everyone laughing and enjoying their night from the distance of silence and calm night sky. You could hear sweet melodies filling the air, joyful tunes coming from your talented relatives instruments. You could feel his engulfing, burning gaze on you.
- “An Endless rarely grace their presence to our festivities my Lord. Is there a reason you are here?” “Yes, there is.” “Is it more than enjoying our hospitality during a victorious night?” His eyes seemed brighter for a second. You could see that ghost of a smile returned to his beautiful lips. “I’m pleased to say yes my lady, it is much more than that.”
-Of course you did not know Morpheus knew who you were since long ago, since his older brother visited you. You had no idea how many times he protected you against your enemies, ill intended suitors, jealous family members who wished for your demise. Wishing to feel your touch when you caress kids heads to say good night and getting furious over secret dreams of some gods who were placing you as their object of desire. And nightmares they had to endure afterwards.
- You were so very clearly belong to him. He waited nearly a century to be invited in Olympus and finally had a chance to meet you. He inspired many art lovers to devote their pieces to you to honor you. He created dreams with many resemblances of you even without noticing.
- “I understood all that but why a horse my lord? Why not a magnificent beast instead? That’d surely made Troy except it much more eagerly.” “I disagree. A gift that spectacular would not carry the notion of crushing defeat which was needed to convince Troy.” Of course he was right. While you were amazed by his shrewd intelligence he added with a shrug: “Also I rather enjoy horses more than beasts.”
- “Socrates is not a madman. He might be peculiar but his mind is far beyond than his mortal ages. Mortals think of him as a fool but I do believe he will leave his mark in history.” Morpheus seemed very proud of his discovery in Socrates. He was also happy that you knew who he was and equally impressed by his mind. After a brief silence you caught him off guard for the first time that night. 
- “You are quite different than your siblings my lord.” “... Have you met them?” “One can see many things if she looks into the night. I saw behind close doors, privacy of chambers. I’m familiar with their handywork.” Morpheus looked a little tense since you were choosing your words very carefully not to give him a direction about where you were leading this conversation. “And how am I different than them, my lady?” You could see his main worry was you being afraid of him. He knew his position, as an Endless his family was respected but also feared. 
- “You have a raven, always had one. It is safe to assume they are residing in your realm, therefore you may most probably have other beings which occupy it as well since you called it a ‘kingdom’. Death cannot have any since her lands nature, Desire is incapable of taking care of any other but themselves, Despair would not want a company, Delirium is not dependable or responsible enough for it, again since her nature, Destruction is bothered by systems or order so he would not prefer inhabitance. If Destiny had any, that would not because of his wish but because he must. Therefore by this educated guess; I think we can safely assume you are the only Endless who welcomes residents in their realm. Am I mistaken, my lord?”
- For the first time in centuries Lord Morpheus, Dream of the Endless, Ruler of dreams and nightmare realms was speechless. He knew you were wise but he could not even imagine you could make such a solid deduction based on the little information at hand about the Endless.
- “Do not misunderstand me, my lord, I think this is an admirable difference you have in comparison with your siblings. It pleases me to know you have such care and responsibility for other beings as much as I do if not more.” Now you had a coy smile, knowing you stunned him with your sharp wit. For a moment you were afraid he will walk away but instead his eyes shone and he spoke with a graceful smile: “I knew the Lady of the Moon was wise but I must confess even I could not have foreseen this much.”
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- While he was drinking honey wine with you in that magnificent balcony, for the first time in his existence he felt like he found a lover who holds the same values as him. Unbending responsibility to their duties, understanding their reason of existence. Someone who’d not want him to abandon all of his responsibilities for her love but instead would love him even more for his work and how passionately he does it. Someone who would love and respect him not because of the love he gives to her, but also for the love he gives to his purpose. While sitting in front of him for the first time in your life you felt shy. He wasn’t just looking at you, it felt like he was seeing through you.
- Words started to come easier after you knew you earned his respect. Not only for your beauty but also because of your mind. In a short time you found yourself excitedly opening up to him about your admiration to the famous dream of Gudea, Sumerian priest king which he was so touched by it he told everyone and even recorded it in cuneiform. Morpheus was trying to stay stoic but you could understand he was flattered by his slightly reddened cheeks.
- “I thank you, my lord. For helping humanity to avoid their demise.” He raised an eyebrow with a coy smile to your comment. “My family forgotten the difference between shiny and bright. They only care shiny trinkets, not the brightness of soul.” He stayed silent because he knew that’d make you turn to face him once more. And you did. “I’d grant every wish for you, my lady. Think of it as an act of gratitude for your grace. Sleep always comes easier at night, therefore I work much more satisfied with you by my side.” 
- There was nothing inappropriate, excessive or provocative in his words but somehow they affected you in a way you never felt before. His every word had an underlying meaning, a hidden whisper was surrounding them. You wanted to ask what he means, ask how he’s doing this. Instead you smiled politely and thanked him for his kind words, “My lord is being too kind for a mere goddess such as I.”
- He knew you were destined to love him as he was to love you. No worry or doubt had any place between you and him. So he did not have a single reservation while he raised his hand and caress your cheek. His fingers barely touched you and yet it felt like his touch was the most familiar thing. So right, so warm, so habitual. You closed your eyes while your fingers were holding your cup a little bit tighter. His finger went down from your cheek to your neck, caressed your collarbone along the way. They continued their journey to your shoulder, going down slowly by your arm and finally enveloping your hand gently. You forced yourself to open your eyes when you heard him speaking again.
- “I cannot allow you to call yourself that while you leave everyone else in the dark with your brightness and guiding me in the darkness just like the moon.” His voice, his words, his touch were so intense. You felt you were drowning in them. You held his hand in yours and you knew you were in love. You were in love with him for a very long time. You were just waiting for him to come to you. 
- When music finally ended and crowd let themselves rest on soft grass in their drunken state, you were in a deep conversation about a young writer, Sophocles. You were the one who made Morpheus aware of the young mans talent and passion to create stories. He promised you that he’ll pay him a visit following night and inspire him to create masterpieces. You were so proud of him since he was one of your favorite humans. He would always write at night and had a habit of reading them to the moon. You did not know that Morpheus was the happiest in eons that night. For the first time one of his lovers was directly contributing to his work, inspiring him.
- While you were sitting together, holding hands and gazing into each others eyes, talking for hours, you knew you were belong to each other. It was such a comforting feeling, being enveloped by a gentle love. 
- When the night came to an end and it was time for him to go back to the Dreaming he kissed your hand so gently and yet passionately. For the first time in your life you felt the yearning to go with him, not to be apart from someone. His hand reached to your face and caress your cheek again. He pulled you impossibly close to him by your neck, you could feel his hot breath on your lips. You wanted him to close the gap and give you the first kiss of your existence. Of course he could read it from your shine, very easy for him. Instead he brought his lips so close to yours, almost touching distance and whispered with his deep voice: “Good night my love. You can call to me whenever you wish and I will come to you.”
- When he withdrew from you, your eyes were still closed and you followed his lips involuntarily. Missing the closeness, warmth and excitement. When you opened your eyes a smug smile was adorning his beautiful face. You felt shy again. You were a logical, calm and collected being, but apparently one could not be the same as she was with others when she was with her lover.
- He held your gaze until he disappeared between sand while the sun was rising and a moonless night came to an end. For the first time you were joyful and happy and so very much in love. You knew that your jealous cousins will try to hurt you, envious goddesses who are famous for their beauty will say poisonous things to you. They will try to gain the favor of the Lord of Dreams and lure him away from you. But right at that moment you were feeling invincible, you were the one holding his magnetic gaze and his precious heart.
preview for the next part: 
* “But life has always been a cruel thing and you were about to face your first suffering. Fates were never known to be compassionate. Also greedy gods can be too keen to test the limits of a seemingly unbreakable bound.”
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