#Drama: Kamen Rider Decade
save-the-data · 4 months
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Kamen Rider Decade | S01E01 
Japanese Drama - 2009, 31 episodes
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biomic · 3 months
So I'm doing listicle type stuff for Toku Source, mostly with an agenda of getting people to watch older shows. One that I'm working on is "Vintage Heated Drama."
What are the oldest shows with proper m/m or w/w power in your mind? Jetman and Changerión are already on the list.
if we're taking older to mean pre-2000, of the series i've seen:
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liveman's premise of a team of heroes being betrayed by their former classmates lends itself to heated drama enjoyers, though i should mention it's been nearly a decade since i've watched it. don't remember mazenda/megumi getting much, and kemp is pretty hard to take seriously, but jou and gou's story particularly resonates
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kamen rider x is a bit of an unfocused mess (and i never got around to finishing it), but it is one of the earliest examples i can think of of a tokusatsu villain who so transparently wants to fuck the main hero. apollo geist is a treat all on his own, and his ~fated rivalry~ with keisuke was some of the most fun i've had watching a showa series
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speaking of trendsetters, fujimiya and gamu's arc in ultraman gaia feels like the precursor to a lot of the edgy secondary rival types who grow to respect and bond with the hero that heisei rider would especially run with and never look back. much has been made about gaia and agul kissing with tongue, and for good reason
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i was about to write a whole thing about how i couldn't think of any older shows with heated drama between women beyond one-off episodes before i remembered these two and screamed "DAIRANGER!" out loud. one of the all-time funniest fake-outs in tokusatsu is thinking they're setting up kujaku to be daigo's love interest only to reveal she's actually been yearning for gara for thousands of years. paired with the brief but iconic jin/ryu arc from our boy inoue, im offended at myself for almost not including this
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dan and gen from ultraman leo are heated drama for the enlightened viewer who can watch a man run his subordinate over with a jeep and think "this too is yaoi"
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morkitten · 4 months
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I've been deep in the Kamen Rider hole after taking a blind chance on it about a year ago and it's been one of the most rewarding discoveries I've had, so I'm doing a megapost where I try to convey what's so interesting and unique about this series that you can literally just start anywhere. There's a Kamen Rider series for everyone, and I hope to convince you of it and point to where you can give it a try for yourself. Click on the read more to see more!
Kamen Rider is a superhero that rides a motorcycle who's often bug-themed, but not always. The Kamen Rider franchise started in 1971 and, with the exception of a few periods of dry spells, keeps making new yearly series to this day. It's part of Japan's many, many decades old craft of special effects-focused TV shows and movies, called "Tokusatsu" (literally, "special filming"). It was conceived and spearheaded by Shotaro Ishinomori, an incredibly famous mangaka in Japan, responsible for not only Kamen Rider, but also Super Sentai, Cyborg 009, Zubat, Kikaider, and many other TV series and mangas. The amount of works he has produced in manga and TV is incredibly huge, and his works have been incredibly influential to Japanese culture as a whole. Kamen Rider can be argued that is his biggest, most important contribution.
A consistent theme in early Kamen Rider series is that he's a lonesome, grieving hero, in which his sadness fuels his righteous anger at the evils that he's fighting against. He's been transformed into a monster against his will, and now must fight against the very forces that created him. In every Kamen Rider series, the power that the protagonist wields is the same power that fuels the evil forces he fights against. In a way, you can see it as a metaphor for Kamen Rider's production itself: It must use the evil power of mass media to carry its anti-authoritarian messages that go against the very forces that even allow it to exist. It's the tale of every artist trying to create something earnest and culturally and artistically enriching in the cynical mass media space.
I was never really sold on Kamen Rider at first. I remember watching a bit of Kamen Rider Black when I was very young, so I was always nostalgically curious about it. But whenever I saw the newer Kamen Rider stuff pop up on Twitter or whatever, I had always dismissed it as "eh, whatever bug bit you I guess made you interested in that". Something about the super toyetic costume designs and super fake CG just never really inspired my attention, and it was easy to dismiss it as something for kids, something in that same place in my mind as "what shonenheads are into". I guess what I mean is that I saw newer Kamen Rider as "low art". It's easy to categorize it as such, people in silly suits selling toys, doing really silly comedy, with silly CG. I've seen Power Rangers before, it's just that. It has to be cynical!
I had never done such a big 180 before. Yes, Kamen Rider is "for the kids" (with some exceptions), yes it has a ton of silliness to it, but there's also a lot of good cinematography, fantastic stunts, and really great, serious drama. Kamen Rider is seen as a cultural institution in Japan for all those reasons. It's a way to keep a lot of theater traditions alive in a modern space, a way to have many young, extremely talented actors have a big break, a way to keep tokusatsu traditions and craft (analog special effects, stuntmen, martial arts actors) alive, employed, and continuously evolving, to create something that bridges the gap across all generations in Japan.
It's difficult to explain, but Kamen Rider has the important positive qualities of extremely good older television like Star Trek and Columbo. A TV show that doesn't want to aspire to be a hollywood movie like Netflix series cheaply try to do, but that sees the value of theater and theater skills in television.
Another thing to note is that because Kamen Rider is such a huge cultural institution, if you enjoy anime and japanese video games, there's so so much about what you love on your favorite anime and games that are directly inspired by Kamen Rider. Every japanese action game you've enjoyed? Ninja Gaiden, Shinobi, Devil May Cry, Viewtiful Joe, Hagane, Bayonetta, they -all- have an incredibly huge amount of Kamen Rider in them. Nearly everything Gainax, Hideaki Anno and Studio Trigger made. Pokémon, Digimon, Dragon Ball, One Piece, Yu-Gi-Oh (especially on the superb monster designs), Taiyo Matsumoto, every japanese character that has ever stricken a dab. It's not just references, there are fundamental things about pretty much all of these games, mangas and animes I've listed that are directly attributed to Kamen Rider. So if you enjoy anything I've listed, you ought to give it a try.
One of the greatest things about Kamen Rider is that since every series is its own closed continuity (there are crossover movies but they largely don't matter), you can pretty much start anywhere you'd like. Of course, with this many ice cream flavors, one can't help but become paralyzed by the abundance of choice, even though, and I can't emphasize this enough, every Kamen Rider series I've watched so far have all been pretty good to fantastic. I'm sure there's a couple of stinkers I've avoided, but a hitrate like this feels miraculous, I don't understand how does Kamen Rider from so many different eras can keep such a consistent quality even when they can feel so different from one another and be spearheaded by such different creators. You can maybe look them all up and decide what theme you're most attracted by, or, I can maybe help you and tell you about the ones I've watched!
So, here's a list of the Kamen Riders I've watched, with short descriptions of each of them and what makes them appealing, and a mini-list of recommended episodes to sample, in case you're still not sure whether to jump in:
SHOWA ERA (1971 - 1994)
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The original, and also the least I've watched so far, haven't even gotten to 10 episodes yet. It famously started with an incredibly small budget and it's magical to see what tricks the production employed in order to make it work and be exciting and fun while spending as little money as possible. The stunts are very dangerous but very cool to see. A long, very episode-by-episode affair, but if you get excited on cheap sets and cheap cinema tricks and special effects used very cleverly, this is going to light you up like a christmas tree. It also employs some thriller-inspired cinematography that is very exciting. The writing doesn't offer much substance, but it has this quality where it really believes in itself and in the ideals that Kamen Rider is supposed to represent that is very easy to feel wrapped up in. Might bore you if you're not already sold on the appeal of old tokusatsu.
RECOMMENDED EPISODES TO SAMPLE: Episode 6: The Grim Reaper Chameleon! Episode 7: The Grim Reaper Chameleon Showdown: Old World's Fair
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It's basically just the 1971 Kamen Rider but the main character is Tarzan. It runs only half as long as other Kamen Rider series so if you wanna do a whole Showa-era KR series quickly, it's a very solid recommendation. It's very violent for a children's show, with Amazon often slicing and mauling his monster opponents in bloody messes, and it looks really sick. The suits and special effects are better than how the original Kamen Rider starts off, but it still has that appeal of being old and budgeted for a TV show, which in this case is a huge positive, imo. Also again, the writing isn't much to write about, so don't expect big narrative payoffs or anything like that, you really have to enjoy it on an episode-by-episode basis, which is fine, because the monsters and special effects are extremely cool, the characters are charismatic, and the little episodic plots are fun.
RECOMMENDED EPISODES TO SAMPLE: Episode 4: Run! The Raging Jungler! Episode 11: The Golden Snail is the Grim Reaper's Envoy!? Episode 16: Garanda's Tokyo Sea of Flames Operation Episode 17: Mt.Fuji Big Explosion?! The Tokyo Fry Pan Operation
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This was supposed to be a revival of Kamen Rider into public interest after being dormant for a while, so it also feels like a retelling of the first Kamen Rider in a sense, has a lot of common elements, but with slick 80s production and sensibilities all over. If you love how 80s action, sci-fi and thriller movies look like, you'll love the cinematography and production of Kamen Rider Black. It's edgier, sleeker, and even scarier, borrowing a lot of horror/thriller elements that were in vogue at the time, while still being a hopeful, heroic and uplifting presence for children. Has an overarching plot that develops over time but it's, again, really about enjoying it on an episode-by-episode basis, as the overarching plot develops veeeery slowly and in very small portions. I supremely love how this series looks, I love the special effects, I love the suits, and it has my favorite transformation sequence.
RECOMMENDED EPISODES TO SAMPLE: Episode 1: Black!! Transformation Episode 2: Monster Party Episode 18: Sword Saint Bilgenia Episode 20: Rider's Grave Episode 23: Marumo's Magic Power Episode 24: College Girl's Nightmare
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This doesn't have anything to do with the Anno movie, the Shin here is written differently. A movie that celebrates the series' 20th anniversary that tells its own story with its own Kamen Rider, so it feels like a "reboot" or "re-interpretation" of Kamen Rider. It's darker and scarier, with a Kamen Rider that looks much more like a monster than an armored hero, and leans more into the horror side of Kamen Rider, being more adult-focused. Very violent and very cool.
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This was supposed to be a full-fledged Kamen Rider series but the 80s bubble popped and they decided to shift production into a short movie instead. Might be a good introduction point, since it's a short 1-hour watch, and has a ton of really great special effects. Everything that is great about Black's cinematography, propwork and special effects apply here, except since it's just one movie, they're really throwing everything they've got into it
Kamen Rider went dormant in the 90s until it was revived back into its TV format by Kamen Rider Kuuga, which was a major success. Since then, there's been yearly new Kamen Rider series on Japanese television, non-stop.
The difference between the Kamen Rider of old (Showa era) and the Kamen Rider series past this revival (Heisei, Reiwa) is that newer Kamen Rider series, despite also being monster-of-the-week romps, tend to have a more complex overarching plot which they tend to lean more into, and less of dangerous stunts and practical effects. Episodes also tend to be two-parters, so maybe calling them monster-of-the-week is innacurate, it's more like monster-of-every-two-weeks. This shift is fine because their reliance on denser plots with a much larger supporting cast of characters, more than makes up for it. It feels less that they're stretching episodes into two-parters and more like they're filling these episodes with so much other stuff that making them 2-parters makes sense.
Also, to note, as modern Kamen Rider goes on, there's more reliance on CGI, but all the monsters (and Kamen Riders) are practical suits and there's still plenty of practical effects, so don't let the super artificial candy-colored videogamey CGI effects trick you into thinking that that's all there is to modern KR.
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Kiva is the only "Heisei phase 1" series I've watched so far (early to late 2000s), and I absolutely love it, one of my favorite Kamen Riders. It's considered to be a bit of a black sheep of Heisei phase 1 Kamen Riders but I think fans severely overlook and misjudge Kiva. Kamen Rider Kiva is vampire-themed and is about this shut-in, extremely shy boy who, mysteriously, is also the heroic Kiva, that springs into action whenever Fangires (vampire monsters) are about to kill humans. However, it also takes place 20 years before, in the 1980s, where Fangires are also attacking, but there's no Kiva around to stop them. Instead, humans have created a secret vampire-hunting association and are developing their own technology to stop them. What's the connection between the characters from each time era? Mysteries...!! It has a large cast of characters and incredible soap opera drama and romance that'll keep you heavily invested in all of its twists and turns. It's a very narrative affair which makes it difficult to recommend episodes out of order since it can be confusing to catch things out of context. The fact that it takes place both in the 2000s and in the 80s means every episode has both an A-plot and a B-plot, which avoids the pitfall of some modern Kamen Riders of two-parters that don't have enough going on, because Kiva is absolutely overstuffed with great characters and narratives. The drama is great, the romance is great, the comedy is superb, and the fights are awesome too. I really can't recommend it enough.
RECOMMENDED EPISODES TO SAMPLE: Episode 1: Fate: Wake Up! and Episode 2: Suite: Father and Son Violin (2-parter) Episode 17: Lesson: My Way and Episode 18: Quartet: Listen to Your Heart's Voice (2-parter) (I have trouble recommending more episodes out of order because this series is very narratively-involved!)
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W is a very well-received and loved series, and it's easy to see why. It's one of those things that if you watch it you immediately go "oh, if I watched this as a kid I would be so so into it". It has fun, charismatic characters that you want to see every week, simple to understand and easy to like. It's detective-themed and the Kamen Rider is actually comprised of a fusion of two people - Shotaro, who wants to be a tough, hard-boiled detective but is unintentionally kind of stupid and goofy and isn't seen very seriously by people around him, but has a heart of gold, and Phillip, who is an androgynous autistic introvert that basically has the entirety of Google inside his mind, and uses this to help find information to solve cases. Together they transform into Kamen Rider W (W as in "double", get it?), with each controlling a literal half of the suit (right and left), that they can switch properties of and create different combinations. They're great characters but who really steals the show is the comedy relief sidekick, Akiko. She's an immensely funny actress and character.
RECOMMENDED EPISODES TO SAMPLE: Episodes 1 and 2: W Search Episodes 9 and 10: S Terror Episodes 23 and 24: L on the Lips Episodes 25 and 26: P's Game
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OOO is another extremely beloved Kamen Rider series, and the one I actually started with. Its themes are "desire" and "currency", and the evils and necessities of living in a world that depends on them. The main character is a lovable homeless hippie (Eiji) who's egged on by his extremely androgynous edgy greedy demon boyfriend (Ankh) to collect "medals", because said demons are greedy for them and require them for power. These medals also allow Eiji to transform into Kamen Rider OOO (pronounced "Os" or "Osu"), and different medals can be slot into his transformation belt to create different combinations. Other demons, that are not Eiji's demon babygirl, want to use humans' desires as piggy banks to generate more medals for their own greed, at the cost of these humans' lives. Eiji needs to stop them and collect all the medals before they do. Again, easy to enjoy, easy to see why it's beloved. Filled with a light-hearted fun energy that you can feel as soon as you watch the ska-inspired opening. There's a small stretch of it that feels a bit by-the-numbers, but the drama ramps up and pays off immensely well as it goes on. An extremely fujoshi Kamen Rider series.
RECOMMENDED EPISODES TO SAMPLE: Episode 1: Medals, Underwear and a Mysterious Arm Episode 2: Desire, Popsicles and Presents (2-parter with Episode 1) Episode 13: A Siamese Cat, Stress and the Genius Surgeon Episode 14: Pride, Surgery, and a Secret (2-parter with Episode 13)
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Fourze is written by Kazuki Nakashima, the Studio Trigger writer responsible for stuff like Gurren Lagann, Kill la Kill and Brand New Animal, so that may be something that's either going to extremely excite you, or make you very wary of it. I personally feel he's not a very good writer, but that's okay, because the rest of the production is fantastic, and I still enjoyed Fourze a good amount! The main character is an extremely likeable and charismatic school delinquent that wants to befriend the entire school and creates his own Kamen Rider school club after being bestowed with the Kamen Rider Fourze technology thanks to, uh, a portal that sends him to a space base on the moon? So it's a half-and-half school theme and space theme Kamen Rider. The school club has a large cast of characters but the show doesn't really know what to do with them unless the episodes focus on a specific club member. Fourze really, really drags in the middle (this is when the problem of two-parters feeling stretched out when the writing isn't very strong hits hardest), but as it crescendos to its finale it gets -very- good again. This might be the weakest Kamen Rider out of the ones I've watched, imo, but still, I think there's quite a lot to enjoy here.
RECOMMENDED EPISODES TO SAMPLE: Episodes 1 and 2 (Youthful Transformation and Space Superiority) (2-parter) Episodes 5 and 6 (Friendship, Inside and Outside and Electric Shock, Steadily) (2-parter) Episodes 13 and 14 (School Refusal and Stinger Onslaught) (2-parter)
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Wait, didn't I review this one before?! No, no, this is AMAZONS, plural! It doesn't actually have that much in common with the original Amazon, being very much its own thing, and what it borrows from Amazon is mostly just to help frame this series as a more adult, violent affair, since Amazon, despite it being very much for kids, was back then known as "the violent Kamen Rider". It's also an Amazon Prime-exclusive series, so they did it for Branding, too. A very dramatic, violent, adult Kamen Rider show that's spearheaded by my favorite Kamen Rider director, Hidenori Ishida. He's a supremely good director that brings his A-game to this series. It follows an extermination team that hunts terrifying man-eating monsters called Amazons. There's two Kamen Riders, Alpha and Omega, that are also Amazons but they largely fight against other Amazons. Alpha is set on killing every Amazon, while Omega has just awakened into an Amazon and a Kamen Rider himself, and has to decide what he wants to do and who and what to fight for. At least this is the premise of Season 1, Season 2 I will not spoil but it is the production going "oh, Amazon season 1 did well enough for us to do whatever we want, and we'll do exactly that". It's the most well-equipped artists in tokusatsu breaking off their shackles and doing a dramatic magnum opus. It's dark, edgy, but also earnest and sentimental. It's my absolute favorite Kamen Rider show. Also, the fact that the monsters are called "Amazons" is used for extremely pointed stabs at Amazon (company), which is hilarious.
This series is completely narratively-driven, so I can't recommend episodes out of order! Watch the whole thing!
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Robot-themed! Zero-One takes place in a future where robots and humans live together, like Megaman or Astro Boy. It's about the struggle of humans and robots to live in harmony with one another, and it develops those themes and its world extremely well. The main character (Aruto) is very goofy and wants to be a manzai comedian but his lame puns always bomb. He is, however, also the heir of a massive company that builds all the robot people! Aruto is suddenly, unexpectedly, thrown into the company as its President after his grandfather dies. This responsibility is too much for him, but he decides to take on the mantle as he wants to bring a smile to people's faces, and that he legitimately cares about robots, as he was raised and saved by one as a kid. With this in mind, he takes on his grandfather's KAMEN RIDER ZERO-ONE technology and uses it to attempt to stop a terrorist robot faction (METSUBOUJINRAI.NET) that's bent on killing all humans, and corrupting other robots for that goal. All while also trying to advocate for a harmonious relationship between humans and robots. This is honestly fantastic, and may seem super goofy at first but gets very complex as it goes on. Very great balance of lighthearted comedy and serious drama, and another one of my absolute favorite Kamen Rider series, right up there with Kiva and Amazons.
RECOMMENDED EPISODES TO SAMPLE: Episode 1: I'm the President and a Kamen Rider Episode 2: Is AI an Enemy? Ally? Episode 5: His Passionate Manga Path Episode 6: I Want to Hear Your Voice (2-parter with episode 5)
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Battle-royale themed Kamen Rider, with a lot of inspiration on korean dramas and reality shows. It definitely feels inspired by, say, Squid Game. Gods select people to compete in a Kamen Rider battle royale, and the winner of the final round gets to remake the world in whatever way they see fit. The production is a bit cheap after the last two KRs before Geats underperformed, and they had to scale the production down. The fact that the series tries to convey the excitement of extremely high stakes so often only for those stakes to completely deflate thanks to how the premise works, creates a situation where you don't know what to care because anything can get undone and completely changed so often anyway. Near the end the series gets particularly bad with this. Still, it has some good characters, some nice drama and some fun comedy, so it's not bad, but definitely on my lower tier of KRs alonside Fourze. Again: No KR I've watched was bad! So, even the ones that might sound that I'm down on them I still very much enjoyed.
(Too narratively-driven to recommend episodes out of order! Try the first couple of episodes!)
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Hideaki Anno's film! Hideaki Anno is a huge Kamen Rider fan and it really shows throughout the movie, with a lot of pulls from the Kamen Rider manga specifically, while also being nostalgic for a lot of the original Kamen Rider TV show from 71. Still, it ends up feeling less like "a Kamen Rider movie" and more like "an Anno movie" with a Kamen Rider-theming to it. It doesn't put its focus on the stunts and the fight choreography that you'd see in other Kamen Rider productions, but more on Anno's style of cinematography, his sense of timing, special effects and animation. It also retreads several of the themes and elements that he's drawn from before, a lot of Evangelion is in this. It's good, I like it!
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Currently ongoing! Very Y2K nostalgic, with a Kamen Rider suit that has that Y2K aqua color to it, and is themed around... Pokemon cards? There are these creatures called Chemys, that are contained inside alchemical cards that have been let loose and need to be captured again, or at least kept away from the villains. The main character is this super earnest, almost helplessly naively optimistic schoolboy called Ichinose that has been unexpectedly thrown into the secret world of alchemy and given the power to become Kamen Rider Gotchard, as a powerful benevolent alchemist dies in his arms. As a promise to him, he vows to find the Chemys. Ichinose also believes that they're extremely good-natured beings that are only corrupted by human malice, and really believes in the friendship of Chemys and humans, while other alchemists feel Ichinose's ideas of Chemys are too naive and soft-hearted. It's, uh, I don't know what to think of it, honestly! The first couple of episodes really did not sold me on it, but it gets better and better as it goes on, though, it's also, like, a lot of Big Important things keep happening in rapid-fire in a way that I can't tell whether the show has a higher plan for all of it or if it's just throwing things for easy hype. Nearly every episode there's a new Kamen Rider transformation, it's kind of insane. Still, this is preferrable than the stretches of not much happening that plague some other KR seasons. I've been enjoying it a good amount, honestly!
RECOMMENDED EPISODES TO SAMPLE: Episode 5: Burn! Fight! Wrestler G! Episode 7: Goodbye, Saboneedle
And those are all the Kamen Riders I've watched! Something else that can help you decide on which series to try out, is that the NHK made a public popularity poll of Kamen Rider series, with the results being found here! From here, you can tell which KRs are most beloved and well-remembered in Japan, and use that as a guidance for yourself, if you'd like. But again, I must emphasize, you can really start most anywhere, so feel free to do exactly that!
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askrikkaiandhyotei · 1 year
This is just off the top of my head, with a bunch of Kamen Rider ships
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Today's Focus
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05.13.24 - Ugg it's Monday and I don't want to be here. Even more so, I had a completely crappy morning from the time I got up so I'm working on not letting my mood completely kill the entire day. I was already annoyed that my phone is picky with how and why it adjusts media volume for me, but then I went to toss it on the bed and it hit a particularly springy part; bounced out of the charger (damaging it so Idk if it still works) and off the bed onto my spouse side - which is messy to say the least so I made an huge mess getting it back that I subsequently did not have the time to clean up! Plus, I'm out of coffee creamer.
Work - Work should be quiet, because it's Monday. I only left two things for myself but I don't actually expect to do one of them; I still have to work on travel arrangements for CLE attendance, but I don't think that I'll even need to make a case folder up for CSB's new case. Tomorrow is when work gets exciting.
Background Noise - Well I'm back in the office so it's YT binging again. I'm almost onto the third saved list of drama videos I've got, but it's true crime day and I'm working through the short video catalogue of a creator that covers medical malpractice. Since those videos are super long, however, I should be able to juggle the videos without a lot of effort.
I did mf 42 videos over the weekend (Fri-Sun)! I am extremely proud of this because I never get the time to watch that much YT.
Study - It is Monday, so it is case law study day. I have two decisions to finish reading, a bill and a legal doctrine to go through, and a complaint to finish up.
I did less badly this weekend then I ordinarily do. I read four random articles, a random Wikipedia page, four Wikipedia tabs off my phone and two off my tablet. That's better than I've done in a couple months it feels.
Extras - Okay it's Monday so I have to clean out the catbox; I forgot to vacuum yesterday but with dad not home I think that will actually be okay to wait until Wednesday. Frozen cheesy chicken bake for dinner so I don't have to work too hard; it's WTFIWWY day and so I get to do even more YT when I get home. I start Kamen Rider Build tomorrow, but will be watching another episode of The Tick tonight. Mini-essay turned into a full essay but that means I've written four full essays this year which is more than I've done in like a decade.
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Hey wazzup this is Stickers' blog
Finally doing a pinned post that's about me!
Toku shows I've watched/am watching under the cut, I am not currently watching Reiwa Kamen Rider!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Things to know:
I write, at this point it's vastly toku, with some BLs and random dramas thrown in. feel free to transform my works (art/podfic/translations), BUT NOT WITH AI.
I'm 25, she/her is fine.
Feel free to ask me about anything, but if you're looking for more specific things, toku or bl! (or how those two are vastly intertwined good lord). Also feel free to tag me in things! I especially love music asks, since my music taste is all over the place.
If you are from Twitter, hi, I REALLY like toku here in a way I didn't on Twitter! Just something to keep in mind because I suck at tagging reblogs and I've watched. Many shows and will keep watching more!
I tag my liveblogs with silly catchphrases, I'd say I'm sorry but I'm not.
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Boonboomger - live blog tagged as: boonboom shake a lot
Boukenger - live blog tagged as: the precious adventure
UPCOMING: (subject to change)
Kamen Rider Blade
Ultraman Taiga
Power Rangers Dino Charge
Bakuryuu Sentai Abaranger
Kamen Rider:
OOO (x2)
Fourze (x2)
Build (x2)
Shinkenger (x2)
Lupinranger VS Patranger (x2)
Ginga/Ginga S
American Adaptations:
Saban's Masked Rider
Kamen Rider Dragon Knight
Power Rangers RPM
Power Rangers Samurai
Saban's Power Rangers (2017)
Non-Japanese/American Toku:
Jushi Sentai France Five <- 🇫🇷
Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger/Season Tsuu
Kanpai Senshi After V/Shin Kanpai Senshi After V
He-Low/He-Low the Second
Gun Caliber (Movie)
Kamen Rider J
Kamen Rider ZO
Kamen Rider the First
Kamen Rider the Next
In the Hero
Hurricane Polymar
Rise: Dhuaruriser
Shin Ultraman
Shin Kamen Rider
Other Toku:
Kamen no Ninja Akakage
Choukou Senshi Changerion
Chousei Kantai Sazer-X
Ketai Sosakan 7
Tomica Hero Rescue Force
Kamen Rider Amazons s2 (yes only season 2)
High-Speed Parahero Gundeen
Dogengers High School (not the other seasons)
The High School Heroes
Sentika F8ABA6 Jisariz
Feel free to ask what else I'm watching! I'm always watching something, whether ongoing or finished!
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And... that’s it!
It’s a very short and very weird little time the 90s was for Kamen Rider. Marking the longest period of time Kamen Rider was off television screens - almost a decade - which is almost unthinkable next to how much of a media juggernaut it is right now in Japan, there’s very few things that really happened for this series between RX and Kuuga. You’ve got a few movies in Shin, ZO and J; and then a couple very minor specials in SD, World and vs Ultraman. Fun fact by the way, I actually didn’t do it in order; vs Ultraman came out between ZO and J -- I just figured it would be a much nicer note to end on than, uh. World.
Like most franchises that go on breaks like this with no guaranteed safety net of money it meant it was a very interesting time of experimentation -- you’ve got a comedic SD anime, you’ve got a gorey adult spin-off, you’ve got movies that delve into a far deeper realm of practical effectswork than ever before, you’ve got J being pretty far from the usual themes of Kamen Rider. It’s the kind of stuff that even with how abstracted Rider gets from the original basis of the series with things like Geats and Saber you just can’t imagine getting made today; and I love every bit of it! I’ve had my criticisms of each 90s movie but they are in my opinion some of the standout works of Kamen Rider and some of the ones I most want on Blu-Ray; they seriously show what Tokusatsu is capable of and get to some of the deeper themes of Kamen Rider that the shows just can’t do sometimes. There were at points plans for Shin and ZO to spin-off into their own full television series, and many lament that that didn’t happen... but I’m honestly happier with it this way. I’m happier we’ve instead ended up with a lot of one-shot unique takes on Kamen Rider and some special stuff to the side. It’s a fun era to look into, and I’m glad we have it. 
It also marks all of Showa Rider finished for me!! What a wild trip, huh? I’ve been liveblogging a whole marathon of this since Kamen Rider’s 50th anniversary on April 3rd 2021, and long as it was... it feels so weird for it to be over. That I’ve seen all of it. The weird, kooky old days that basically no modern fan looks into beyond maybe Black and the movies; that often gets met with... a bit of scorn, I guess? Or just completely overlooked? For obvious reasons, but I’m glad I undertook this because there’s so much thematic weight to look into; between V3 and Riderman’s drama and Kamen Rider’s distancing from humanity and Amazon’s overcoming communication barriers in the name of bonds and Black and Shadow Moon’s legendary conflict... there is so much in here, guys. You either need to really connect with the style of the time or have a lot of tolerance for it but I swear you will be rewarded if you give it a chance.
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storynisa · 8 months
Kamen Rider Decade
Kamen Rider Decade (仮面ライダーディケイド, Kamen Raidā Dikeido, Masked Rider DCD / Masked Rider Decade) adalah judul dari drama tokusatsu Jepang yang diputar pada awal 2009. Decade, adalah Kamen Rider Heisei kesepuluh, sejak Kamen Rider Kuuga pada tahun 2000. Mulai tayang menyusul finale Kamen Rider Kiva pada Januari 2009 di Super Hero Time bersama edisi seri waralaba Super Sentai tahun 2009, Samurai…
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des-shinta · 1 year
I know you don't do tokusatsu reviews anymore, but what are your thoughts on Kamen Rider Geats? A lot of people are comparing it to Ryuki.
My thesis with Ryuki remains to this day factually true: Any series in ANY WAY Similar to Ryuki is by default better than Ryuki due to them being better thought-out and executed. in Example, It's been 20 years, and none of the post-Ryuki Ryuki content has EVER explained the original series' Wish that drove the story (i.e. why the rider war would grant its winner a wish and end the threat of the mirror monsters, nothing INSIDE Ryuki's story ever explains that). Other series with that story engine have. Outside those who care about toku, Ryuki was upstaged literally the year it released with Fate/Stay Night. it's why Gaim was written by a Fate Franchise contributor (Gen Urobuchi before Gaim wrote Fate/Zero...do not begin watching fate with Fate/Zero it's not designed to BE the introductory entry), as Fate's creative staff at Type Moon knew how to do the Battle Royale story engine better (THEIR Wish WAS a Lie due to the mechanism that would create it being corrupted) than Ryuki's staff did...and by evidence of how much Fate/Grand order makes per year, still do. If there's any major similarities Geats has to Ryuki, they're superficial at best because there is an entire Genre of competitive Battle Royale Media that goes back decades--even preceding the novel and film battle Royale itself--to the likes of Freaking Death Race; which is a LOT more media to draw upon than a series who was mishandled from the start, and every return makes the series worse by presenting more and more of how badly it was handled. I've not been Actively watching Geats (I HAVE kept up with spoilers) due to just how Sick I became of Rider vs rider nonsense due to it being the absolute worst thing in the franchise (as I've said, it IS Ryuki's original sin), and the increasing degree Toei/Bandai's done it, and sought to JUSTIFY it, while making the actual non-rider villains that should be focused on an afterthought. That in no way appeals to me, as it's made it so we've not had a genuinely good villain/monster faction that have their own AGENCY in a long, long time. That's not to say Geats is a bad series; every time I look in on the spoilers (at least when pages of the kamen Rider Wiki on it haven't been rewritten, the fansub groups have apparently been VERY bad with Unnecessary Dialogue Alterations/divergent translation this year from the clips I've seen) It's VERY Clear they have a direction to their ongoing plot that is based in character and consequence of past actions/sins that the actual hero of the story is seeking to resolve, and is executing it well in an engaging way for many. Ace is a smug jerk, but you can depict a Smug Jerk as being a Good Person and from everything I've seen from clips he is. I don't have any issue with the core direction of the story or it's involved Drama with Keiwa or Neon. Hell, from everything About them I've looked up or seen from clips? I LIKE the main trio of this series. If you or others Seeing this post are enjoying it? All the power to you. But the inter-rider conflict stuff is and will remain my hangup where that is not something that appeals to me, as it has been done to death already to the point it is detracting from every new rider series that direct more attention on that conflict than it is on the monster faction being the focus of events, or those manipulating the situation. The developments with Buffa and Beruba I saw coming as they were inevitable, for Toei (NOT Bandai) has repeatedly been the ones To shove in Rider-based Villains and a Hostile Rider faction split at some point, which is a way that doesn't work for me and What I have gotten sick of. As no matter how good the series is, I don't want to see it included anymore due to how much it HAS been overdone. Villain riders work only in ONE Context: when they steal the gear and titles, which then need to be reclaimed. Every other one which tries to excuse it with Moral Ambiguity has become exhaustive and sickening, as they've burned already every way they could justify it, and screwed many of those attempts up.
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pleuvoire · 9 months
where should i start with kamen rider. if one were to begin anywhere. i feel as though i am kind of drawn to faiz bc i adore ridiculous exaggerated emotions and drama and betrayal and characters i can get obsessed with? and early 2000s jdrama hair? and faiz seems like it will deliver on the front. but i may be wrong, maybe another series is better. i have never seen a toku. how did you get into it
you can start anywhere with kamen rider! i got into it through ooo and w and so ooo is my most commonly recommended starter season because of its broad appeal, but if you have your eyes on faiz (heh) then go for it. it will absolute deliver on all those things you listed, it has those in abundance, it is The depression soap opera kamen rider season. it certainly eh... has its ups and downs and varies in quality quite significantly throughout its run but i know people who don't share my criticisms as much and just had a good time with it. and i do cherish its characters forever, takumi one of the protagonists of all time. so yes if you want to start with faiz then go for it :)
being who i am i also have to recommend ryuki if that interests you. it also has drama and intense emotions and characters you can get obsessed with (dear lord am i obsessed with them) and early 2000s jdrama hair. it is not quite as soap opera overdramatic as faiz but it is very very good. uhh what else. blade also has some of that though it is mostly just a lot of bizarreness and questionable production decisions topped off by a like tragically cosmic horror gay romance that will change you forever. funny enough those are the two series before and after faiz, they form a nice little trio in my mind
well those are just some additional recs, but given that "read through summaries and see which one appeals to you and start watching it" is a commonly recommended strategy for getting into kamen rider, there is nothing wrong with starting with faiz if it caught your eye. each series is a separate independent story so there is no order you need to watch them in or anything (except decade and zi-o which are special anniversary seasons, don't start with those they have spoilers). basically just have fun and be yourself :)
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timotey · 10 months
Kamen Rider Decade
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Wow, what a ride! Sure, some of the worlds Tsukasa and his friends visited were rather silly but overall, the premise of the whole series was amazing: Kamen Rider Decade will destroy everything one day, every single world. But... why?
This series is much shorter than any other Kamen Rider drama, it features only 31 episodes, but honestly? For the premise, I think 31 eps were just right. And like I said, some of the worlds were very kid-friendly but at the same time, the drama felt much more mature than other Tokusatsu dramas. Maybe because of the character of Tsukasa himself? Maybe because of the whole-scale destruction that was actually shown on-screen in Natsumi's dreams? Or maybe the music? Because, yeah, the music was truly epic! Like something you usually only see in movies.
I think my favorite part was the relationship between Tsukasa and Kaitou. They seemed like the perfect match, their powers, their snide wit, even their suits matched. Their relationship felt larger than life or a world or two. Like, you could actually imagine them world-hopping for the rest of their lives, meeting each other "randomly" and driving each other batty.
Basically, an excellent addition to the Tokusatsu universe and I can highly recommend it!
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save-the-data · 2 months
The Week that was (16/04 - 23/04/2024)
Master Lists: Japan | China | Korea | Taiwan | Thai | Vietnam
I’m bringing this back for the new year!! Self-explanatory, this is everything achieved in a week when it comes to episode GIF sets.
Completed Projects:
Tien Bromance (10/10)
City of the Stars (12/12)
Kiseki: Chapter 2 (6/6)
Japan GIF Master list
My Strawberry Film (7/8) - backlog
Living with Him (2/8) - on air
GARO: Versus Road (1/12) - backlog
Kamen Rider Decade (1/31) - backlog
Dele (2/8) - repost
China GIF Master list
White Cat Legend (16/36) - backlog
Guardian (34/40) - repost
Journey Across the Night (11/26) - repost
Ultimate Note (30/37) - repost
Untamed (24/50) - repost
Korea GIF Master list
A Killer Paradox (1/8) - backlog
The Devil Judge (4/16) - repost
Love is Like a Cat (4/10) - on air
Gray Shelter (4/5) - on air
The Uncanny Counter (3/16) - backlog
Bloodhounds (5/8) - backlog
Boyhood (1/10) - backlog
Taiwan GIF Master list
Unknown (10/12) - on air
HIStory3: Trapped (6/10) - repost
Thai GIF Master list
1000 Years Old (3/12) - backlog
Love Mechanics (9/10) - repost
Deep Night (7/8) - on air
Close Friend Season 3: Soju Bomb! (5/6) - on air
Two Worlds (5/10) - on air
Dark Blue Kiss (2/12) - repost
2 Moons: The Ambassador (10/12) - repost
Memory in the Letter (3/6) - on air
We Are (3/12) - on air
Only Boo! (3/12) - on air
Between Us (2/16) - repost
Vietnam GIF Master list
Be Your Star (4/10) - on air
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cyrusstarchaser · 2 years
Well, we did it - we ran out of Rider!
As of this timestamp I have seen, to the best of my knowledge and memory:
Every single released episode of Kamen Rider, from Kamen Rider 1971"s "The Eerie Man Spider" to Kamen Rider Geats' "Scheme 1 - New World's Beat"
Every single Kamen Rider Movie, from Kamen Rider 1971's "Go Go Kamen Rider" to Kamen Rider Revice's "Kamen Rider: Beyond Generations". I have not been able to locate subs for "Battle Familia", but the blu-ray comes out soon so fingers crossed.
I have seen nearly every Final Stage: Den-O, Decade, W, OOO, Gaim, Drive, Ghost, Ex-Aid and Build. If you know where I can find the others please DM me lol
Every single net movie from Kamen Rider Decade: All Riders Super Spin-Off to Kamen Rider Wizard in Magika? Land. If you know where I can find Kamen Rider Backwards-Kiva: Queen of the Castle in the Demon World please lmk
Every single Hyper Battle Video from Kamen Rider Ryuki's "Ryuki vs Kamen Rider Agito" to Kamen Rider Revice's "Koala VS Kangaroo!! Do you want to avoid love at the wedding?!". Have not been able to track down the Kuuga or Agito ones, and the Revice Secondary Rider themed one has not been released. I HAVE seen the 'secret' ep of Kuuga though.
Every Special/Sidestory/TTFC from "All Together! Seven Kamen Riders!" to Kamen Rider Outsiders ep 1. I actually don't think I've missed any of these, but feel free to call me out lol Keeps me honest.
Both audio dramas, both of which make me go insane if I think about them too long.
I have not read any novels or manga, have not watched Fuuto Tantei and have not played any of the games. Though I do own Memoryz of Heroes and plan to pick up Kamen Rider Spirts. All in all that's gotta be an easy 98% right?
BTW if anyone reading this needs help tracking some of this stuff down hmu, alway happy to help!
PS feel free to AMA! I got so many opinions ready to burst out lmao
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asknarashikari · 2 years
Well, I can kinda see why you don't like the trope with characters with good intentions that neglect/abandon/distance their own kids just to save the world or for good (emphasis on that) reasons but also make terrible or outright stupid decisions in the process. Such examples for you being Masumi Karizaki (I kinda agree it was a stupid move of him for not telling his son that he's still alive) and Shinobu Katsurgi, I think and what other examples are there for you?
I actually talked a bit about why I'm not too fond of Katsuragi Shinobu in this ask here.
My other example is going to be a bit controversial I think. I'm probably gonna get a lot of flack for it, so putting it under a read more for those who just don't wanna deal with drama
I think one of the worse examples I can think of for this category is Narumi Sokichi, aka Kamen Rider Skull. I understand he's a popular character and people will eviscerate me for speaking ill of him, but allow me to explain myself.
As far as we know, the entire time he was active as Kamen Rider Skull, he rarely saw or talked to his daughter Akiko, even before the whole thing with the Spider Dopant making him unable to touch her without making her go boom. By the time the series began, they were so estranged that Akiko had no idea what her father was like, and cared so little for him that when she came into possession of the agency she only came to Fuuto with the intention of selling it off. She didn't know what he did as a detective, and she sure as heck had no idea he was a Kamen Rider.
While the bit about the Spider Dopant does prove that Akiko was the one thing he loved most in the world, that doesn't mean he actually acted like it. Mind you, he didn't even fake his death like Shinobu or Masumi did. Akiko was aware that he was alive the whole time. She even thought he was still alive when the agency became hers. Even then, she just couldn't care less about him or the work he did.
Like... he could've called her regularly, y'know. Or even talked about her to Shoutaro, who apparently had no idea she existed.
Which brings me to Shoutaro. Honestly, Sokichi's kinda problematic as a father figure to him, and it all comes down to that "hard-boiled" persona he put on. Shoutaro looked up to Sokichi and held him up on a pedestal, believing himself to be inferior because he cannot be as stoic and cold and unaffected as Sokichi. And while I can't say that he was a bad boss to Shoutaro... there was very little in the way of positive reinforcement or warmth from what little we see of him in the series, though we do see that he was kind to Shoutaro when he sought Sokichi out as a child.
There's also the unrelated, rather sticky fact that he seemed to be having a romance with that young actress in the flashback scenes of Movie War Core... assuming that he was married to Akiko's mom, that would mean he was an adulterer to boot. It may have been a purely emotional affair, but still.
And in all of this... One decade of being estranged from his child... he hadn't really made any significant headway into the Dopant problem in Fuuto. The W gang managed to take down Museum, and even found the ultimate benefactor- Foundation X- in less than 2 years. Make what you will out of that, I suppose.
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yeonchi · 2 months
Kisekae Insights #47: Kamen Rider Zi-O Part 5 - Before Quartzer
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Since Drive, the Blu-ray collections for Rider series have contained spin-off drama miniseries that serve as tie-ins to the main series, providing context to a character or an element in it. Before Quartzer serves the same purpose, but it provides background to multiple characters.
If the main series itself is “Over Quartzer”, then this miniseries is Before Quartzer while the post-series specials (that I will cover in the next instalment) is After Quartzer. As I stated in the last instalment, Between Quartzer was originally going to be two minisodes before they were merged into a filler episode.
Let’s take a look at the miniseries and then after that, I’ll share a summary of the original elements introduced in the main series.
Part 1: Zi-O and Decade
This minisode is a clip show consisting of various clips from Three Kingdoms and Soulbound with references to the demonic overlord and Hiroki Ichigo trying to investigate its identity as he finds his own timeline continuing to change despite efforts to stop it. The threat of Ohma Zi-O’s existence is described as on the level of the Time War, the Dimensional Merge, the creation of the dimensional bridge, the Parallax War and the black hole paradox.
There are some original scenes showing how Hiroki and Kayley got their X equipment from Ohma Zi-O and how the Kamen Riders were assembled for the Ohma War. There is also a scene showing how Mark found an amnesiac Sougo in the laneway before the start of the series.
Part 2/3: The Other Zi-O
The backstory of the other Sougo is covered in this two-parter.
In 2006, Sougo and Karen are friends who live twenty years apart from each other and frequently hang out in each other’s eras. Over time, the portal linking the two years shrinks and by the Battle of Chibi in 2008, the portal has fully closed.
A little while after, Sougo meets Fifi Forget-me-not and they become a couple. When the accident that killed Sougo’s parents happens the next year, he briefly returns to pick up Fifi before they elope as Sougo pursues his new dream of being king.
The next part skips to 2012 when Parker’s army fights the Sanada Army. The Flowertots are offered to be taken in by the fairies of Never Land and Fifi decides to part with Sougo. A few months after during the Salacian Rebellion, Akari and Narutaki are killed by Tubarina and Marcello before Veronica is saved from Marcela by Sougo, who kills the three Salacians before escaping with her. After some deliberation, Sougo allows Veronica to travel with him. Yes, Veronica, Akari and Narutaki’s cousin, never got her chance to shine because she went to a different school than her cousins; she only got introduced as part of the Teiro Army/Kurayami Alliance in 2014. I never got to know Veronica personally because of this (although some of my schoolfriends apparently did), so this was my chance to give her a bit of time in the spotlight.
The Battle of Sekigahara and the Ōsaka Campaign take place in 2015, a year later than in the original timeline. At this point in time, Sougo’s time powers (that were granted to him by Swartz in 2009) have developed to the point that he can freeze time, but because he usually allows Veronica to move with him in frozen time, the freezing effect is reduced to merely slowing down time. At Ōsaka Castle, the two of them make their way up to the top floor of the main keep and defeat the enemy commander. The dying enemy commander uses the last of his strength to shoot Sougo, but Veronica takes the shot; in her final moments, Veronica tells Sougo to be the best king he can be and not to let anything stand in his way, adding that the time she spent with him was the happiest she has ever been. Sougo is reported to have disappeared after this.
In 2018, Parker sends a letter to Sougo, pleading for him to return as the entire land has become his enemy and he needs Sougo’s help. However, Sougo’s attention is focused on a package that was, unbeknownst to him, sent by Swartz, containing the Ziku Driver and Zi-O Ridewatch. As he is confronted by Polvina and a small army seeking revenge for their fallen allies, Sougo transforms into Zi-O for the first time and defeats them, dedicating his first battle to Parker, Karen, Fifi and Veronica. He then goes back to the box and finds some more Ridewatches along with a laptop and Ridewatch dock, containing a message telling him to unlock all 19 Legend Ridewatches by collecting battle data, which he does over the next few months. The Ridewatches the other Sougo would unlock are merely emulations of Rider powers rather than the actual powers, thus they are not affected by the main Sougo unlocking his set of Ridewatches using the Riders’ actual powers.
Sougo then meets his main self during the events of episodes 9 and 10, then creates the Zi-O II Ridewatch from his end before going on to meet his main self again during the events of episode 16. After this, he is shown sending off his Cyberman figurine to his main self before hallucinating Veronica waving at him, being unknowingly seen by Queen Fifi and passing by a now-older Karen Brewer who had reunited with Sougo, albeit his main self.
Part 4: Geiz and Woz
The last minisode shows the backstories of Geiz, Kazuto and Luna, to an extent, showing how they ended up in Ohma Zi-O’s future and their time with the Resistance before they decide to go back in time to 2018.
Luna is found by the Resistance in 2058; having no memory of herself or her name, one of the Resistance leaders decides to adopt her, giving her the name Luna.
Geiz, also known as Andrew Cui, assisted Yuki Nagato in resurrecting Parker Zhou after his execution following the battle with the Sanada Army in 2011. After returning home, Geiz is visited by Yuki and sent to the future, having been tasked by the Data Overmind to guide him to an influence coming from the future.
Kazuto Hongō was captured in the battle with the Sanada Army and is sentenced to be executed as well, only to be saved and given a new purpose by Ohma Zi-O.
Geiz and Kazuto are brought to the year 2063 where they are taken in by the Resistance and Ohma Zi-O respectively. Kazuto is given his mission to join the Resistance as a spy and he does so, managing to beat Geiz and the other Resistance members during training.
Five years later in 2068, Kazuto leads a splinter unit with Geiz and Luna in it. The Resistance are visited by the Decade Riders who offer to assist them in defeating Ohma Zi-O. Kazuto reports this to Ohma Zi-O, who has Swartz working for him as his advisor in Kazuto’s absence. It is Swartz who gives Ohma Zi-O to guide another version of himself into this timeline to become the next Ohma Zi-O, despite Kazuto’s objections.
The Ohma War happens and Ohma Zi-O brings the main Sougo from the 2012 of his timeline to 2068 before sending him to 2018 while scattering the Riders throughout time. Swartz disappears after this and Kazuto is sent back to the Resistance.
Later, Kazuto offers to act as a spy for the Resistance; this is the perfect opportunity for him and Ohma Zi-O to deal with the Resistance once and for all. Kazuto is ordered to get the Resistance to bring everything they have to one place before he is tasked with heading to 2018 and guiding the main Sougo into the way of the overlord.
Most of the Resistance is defeated at the hands of Ohma Zi-O, with Geiz and Luna among those surviving. Geiz follows after Ohma Zi-O and steals the equipment he would use to become Kamen Rider Geiz, using it to confront Ohma Zi-O and avenge his fallen comrades. Ohma Zi-O had foreseen this and fights Geiz, who steals the Ghost and Drive Ridewatches out of his hands before leaving. Geiz goes back to the Resistance camp and takes one of the Time Mazines (that had turned red in response to Geiz’s awakening Rider power) to head back to the past. Luna gets into another Time Mazine and follows after him, leading into the events of the series.
Summary of original elements for this series
Zi-O Decade Armor
W Form (Double CycloneJokerXtreme)
Kuuga Form (Kuuga Ultimate Form)
Another Riders
Another Growing Kuuga (N-Daguva-Zeba)
Another Double (other Half Changes x7)
Another Magica (replacing Another Kiva)
Another Shugo (replacing Another Den-O)
Another Gold Drive (recolour of Another Drive)
Another Ninja (recolour of Another Shinobi)
Another Decade Complete
Kamen Riders
Kamen Rider Wakusei
Kamen Rider Taiyou
Kamen Rider Woz The Next
Tsukuyomi ABC/Zikan Ratchet
Rapier Mode - Zaba Zaba Strike
Hatchet Mode - Jiri Jiri Hacking
Pick Mode - Wabu Wabu Picker
Diend Ultimate Complete Form
Zi-O Quartzer (same as main form)
Il Salvatore Geiz (same as main form)
The Zi-O Over Quartzer Ridewatch and the Il Salvatore Geiz Ridewatch are identical to the aurora-plated Zi-O Ridewatch and the China-exclusive Geiz Ridewatch, which is practically metallic armour for them. Zi-O Quartzer’s transformation tune is based on what would come later for Zi-O Ohma Form and Il Salvatore Geiz’s transformation tune is based on that of Geiz Revive Shippu.
“レベレーションタイム! 仮面ライダージオウ! クォーツァー!” “Revelation Time! Kamen Rider Zi-O Quartzer~!”
“セイビアータイム! ゲイツゲイツゲイツ! ゲイツゲイツゲイツ! イル・サルバトーレ ゲイツ! ゲイツ!” “Saviour Time! Geiz~Geiz~Geiz! Geiz~Geiz~Geiz! Il Salvatore Geiz! Geiz!”
So, you know that one Supplementary Plan episode where they joked about Tsukuyomi becoming a Rider before it actually happened? We made the Ridewatch a real thing. Tsukuyomi ABC’s main design element is that the Ridewatch (the artist says that he got the dial’s direction wrong, but to me it fits perfectly for this) and helmet visor uses the “TSUKU” lettering as shown in the gag, otherwise the rest of the suit is the same as the base form. This form also grants her an original weapon, the Jikan Ratchet, which is a retool of the Jikan Despear made to be held at the hilt like a rapier, hatchet or pick-axe, therefore the touch panel is positioned as such. The transformation tune is a hybrid of Geiz and Tsukuyomi’s transformation tunes.
“ライダータイム! 仮面ライダーツクヨミ♪ ツ・ク・ヨ・ミ! ABCタイム! 仮面ライダー♪ A・B・C!” "Rider Time! (Elegant electronic music) Kamen~ Ri~der~ Tsuku~yomi! Tsu-ku-yo-mi! ABC Time! (Electronic beat) Kamen Rider~ (Cut back to elegant electronic beats) A-B-C!"
Another Decade Complete is an original monster to the adaptation which serves as Another Decade’s upgrade form. It is accessed through the Another Driver, with the Decade Anotherwatch on the right side and the Decade Complete Anotherwatch on the left side (this is the inverse to conventional Ride Armor use on the Ziku Driver and is done so due to how Anotherwatches are made for the right side of the Driver).
“コンプリートタイム! 完全無欠裏ライダーの力… (アナザータイム!) 極まれりせよ! ディケイド! コンプリート!” “Complete Time! Kanzen muketsu ura Rider no chikara (Another Time!) Kiwamareri seyo! Decade! Complete!”
Akihito can transform into Kamen Rider Woz The Next, the suit being of Zi-O Woz Armor but without the scarf and with the helmet of Kamen Rider Woz.
“投影! フューチャータイム! 限界! 展開! 世界! 仮面ライダー ウォズ ザ ネクスト!” “Touei! Future Time! Genkai! Tenkai! Sekai! Kamen Rider Woz The Next!”
This adaptation’s version K-Touch 21 removes the button for Zero-One and replaces it with the Clear button like on the original. The 21st power for Decade Complete Form 21 is that of Kamen Rider Ninja, being highlighted due to being the odd one out of the Heisei Riders (that is, he wasn’t a Heisei Rider or an original Rider created to replace a Heisei Rider).
Diend’s upgraded K-Touch (for Diend Ultimate Complete Form) uses the 5x4 screen with a card that has the power of all 18 secondary Kamen Riders (with the exception of herself and Kuuga because his series didn’t have a secondary Rider).
Speaking of Decade, I have a theory about how Decade (using the Neo Decadriver) could use the powers of other Rider forms while in their default forms. A friend of mine shared this to me from a Discord server he was in:
The NeoDecadriver needed codes to accommodate the Heisei 2 Riders, so they cut out all the subforms for everyone except for finals. The attacks and items for a Rider are now accessible in their base forms. I initially thought they were being fucking lazy when they had Agito using the Flame Sword in his base form and Wizard using water in Flame style, but after seeing how they did the cards for the H2 Riders (and how Agito's individual form parts were apparently always available), that had to have been intentional ...now that I think about it, that may be why DecadeArmor uses the first upgrade forms (when applicable). Fucking Tsukasa gave Sougo his leftover cards as a watch.
As for why Zi-O’s Decade Armor forms switch between being based off of upgrade, super and final forms? Aside from availability, another reason could be that they had to select forms that didn’t conflict with the Decade Armor parts for the torso and shoulders, mostly the undersuit-based forms. This likely explains why Decade Armor Ghost Form uses Grateful Damashii and not Toucon Boost if the other Decade Armor forms are based on “first upgrade forms”.
In terms of Decade Armor W Form and Kuuga Form, why did I pick them to be based on Double CycloneJokerXtreme and Kuuga UItimate Form? For Double, FangJoker is a form that uses Philip as the body and thus, Shoutarou wouldn’t be able to just upgrade into that form without detransforming. As for Kuuga, the Rising forms and Amazing Mighty are merely upgrades of the base forms and thus the undersuit looks rather plain compared to Ultimate.
Let me tell you something about the Mirai Driver. In the centre where the different faceplates can be placed, there are four holes on the bottom which are buttons used to trigger the different sounds in the P-Bandai DX release. With the right-most button being used as the activation trigger, there are three buttons left which are used to detect which faceplate to activate the sounds for. Each button would correspond to Shinobi, Quiz and Kikai, but then we have Ginga, which is activated by holding down the two centre buttons. When you consider the combinations you can make with three buttons, that means that there are three more combinations that are not used.
If one of those combinations are for Hattari, then the other two combinations are for Wakusei and Taiyou. Their faceplates are rehashes of Shinobi and Hattari, with Wakusei’s faceplate being a circular planet model revolving around a central point and Taiyou’s faceplate being a picture of a sun that can be spun. Wakusei’s finishers are the Planetary Spark, Big Bang Utopia and Extinction Blast while Taiyou’s finishers are the Supernova Bolide, Sunstorm Energy Impact and Destruction Burst.
My version of Ginga’s faceplate would work differently in that it has a standby loop like Shinobi and Quiz. It’s unfair that we never got a henshin sequence for Ginga and he honestly deserves one.
Next time, we’ll take a look at the post-series specials that are collectively known as After Quartzer.
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What was miura in?
like for toku? kamen rider ooo and chousei kantai sazer-x and 2 seconds of kamen rider decade (and the difference between ANKH and KANE is INSANE. good lord. 5 years and PHEW)
other things this man has been in that i've seen because i could find them or parts of them:
-alldays nichome no asahi: apparently a gay parody of some other franchise. don't ask me exactly what happens because i couldn't find subs. but he kissed another dude and that was like 2008.
-the chasing world: where it's okay to be gay (like him) but not named sato in the alternate universe lmao
-bokura no houteishiki: also no subs that i could find but him and 3 other toku dudes (kamen rider w-left, shinkenblue, and kamen rider zeronos) get stuck in a hostage situation at their school. look up futaridakeno happy birthday to hear them sing with honey l days.
-beck: he's in this for 2 seconds, but kamen rider kabuto speaks a lot of english and kamen rider den-o gets in fights with his grandson
-piece fragments of memory: the toei made movie where he has DID
-2 rurouni kenshin movies: one where he's got insane hair and one where he's hot. either way he fights with kamen rider den-o and loses.
-shanao les garcons-bonbons 3: only found parts of it. seemed gay but no idea what was happening.
-the brand new legend of the stardust brothers: this one i could only find parts of, and uh. no clue what was happening. but he was having fun with kamen rider ixa ('86)/kamen rider grease (aka the same dude lmao)
-tsuma to tonda tokkouhei: a wwii special. he has a shaved head and it looks really bad.
-gokusen 2: he's in the delinquent class with a shit ton of other tokus. very background.
-delicious gaikun: oh my god. this show. hilarious. this dude gets kidnapped with some of his bokura no houteishiki buddies for a cooking school. fourze principal is one of his teachers.
-tokyo ghost trip: he's only in one episode and gets hella bullied. but kamen rider w-left helps him
-shibatora: same thing as gokusen honestly but where he has a slightly bigger role where he gets to be in more scenes.
-mairunovich: he plays a trans woman while lupinred attempts to date his niece. it's very standard makeover drama but holy bajeezus NEVER read that manga. forget the 2010 language around trans people, which is now changed, the whole thing has just really weird ideas around lots of things.
kao dake sensei: i haven't finished it because for the longest time only 4 eps were out and now i'm waiting for subs, if they ever come. but he plays an openly(?) gay teacher.
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