#Douglas Hulick
joncronshawauthor · 9 months
Walk the Line of Morality: 10 Fantasy Novels with Thieving Protagonists
In the usual realm of swords, sorcery, dragons and direwolves, aren’t we all occasionally partial to a protagonist that’s a bit, well… shifty? I’m not talking about the big muscle-bound, honour-bound heroes that are as predictable as the British weather, I’m talking about the sneak-thieves, the tricksters, the rogues! There’s something devilishly enjoyable about a character that walks the line…
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ahosia3 · 2 years
Świat, który wcześniej drżał pod moimi stopami, zaczął się rozpadać. Czułem, jak tuż za horyzontem piętrzy się fala nadciągających zmian. Gdy w końcu uderzy, zmiecie wszystko i wszystkich na swojej drodze. Tylko głupcy zostaną, próbując stawiać tamę.
~Douglas Hulick:"Honor złodzieja"
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ghostlyerlkonig · 9 days
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euthanize me NOW
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Pesymizm pozwala oszczędzić sobie rozczarowań.
Douglas Hulick (via bezciebienieistnieje)  
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beckyh2112 · 1 year
Books I Have Read in the Past Six Months and Enjoyed
(Links to bookshop.org, not currently affiliate links)
Absolute Monarchs: A History of the Papacy by John Julius Norwich - Quite fun and informative. By necessity, he has to breeze over some of the popes because either a) it's so far back, we know jack and shit about them, or b) they're boring, and we need space to talk about Renaissance popes behaving badly.
(The Renaissance Catholic Church behaving badly is currently one of my major interests.)
Paladin's Grace/Paladin's Strength/Paladin's Hope by T. Kingfisher - I love Ursula Vernon's characters and worldbuilding, and it's delightful to return to the world of the Temple of the White Rat. She also has some of my favorite takes on paladins in fiction.
The Cardinal's Hat and Conclave 1559 by Mary Hollingsworth - Remember how I said the Renaissance Catholic Church behaving badly is one of my major interests? Allow me to introduce you to Ippolitto II d'Este, grandson of Pope Alexander VI (aka Rodrigo Borgia).
Not sure why The Cardinal's Hat isn't on bookshop.org, but you can find it elsewhere. It covers Ippolitto's early career up until shortly after he received his cardinal's hat. Conclave 1559 covers a papal election Ippolitto was a major figure in that went on for months. Both are very good reads.
Among Thieves by Douglas Hulick - Also not listed on bookshop.org for some reason. I kriffing love weird world-building, and our protagonists stumbling headlong into problems and making problems for other people while they try to figure out what's going on, and this book has both.
The Cardinal's Blades by Pierre Pevel (omnibus with the whole trilogy; caveat: I haven't read the whole trilogy yet, just the first book) - Dragons vs. Cardinal Richelieu. We focus far, far more on the people he's using to fight the dragons than the cardinal himself, which allows the writer to get in some amazing twists. None of them are forced, they just rely on us not being told everything because the character whose pov we're in hasn't been told everything.
The book does hop through multiple points-of-view, so if you're bad at keeping track of names, you may not enjoy this as much as you might otherwise.
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childofantychrist · 2 years
"Pesymizm pozwala oszczędzić sobie rozczarowań."
Douglas Hulick, Honor złodzieja
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bladzacagwiazda · 2 years
"Pesymizm pozwala oszczędzić sobie rozczarowań."
~ Douglas Hulick
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scriggle-scraggle · 4 years
tag 9 people you would like to know better/catch up with
Tagged by @babbleismysuperpower
Last song: i’ve been on a bit of Headstones kick lately so Cubically Contained, Blonde & Blue, and Anything have taken up residence in my brain.
Last movie: I’m part way thru Ricordi? Luca is especially pretty in it. plus it’s fun for me to see how much italian i can understand (my grandfather really only spoke Italian)
Currently watching: I watch so few shows nowadays. Mostly i watch (for whatever value of watch comes from having the tv on as background noise) stuff on the Science Channel, Nat Geo, ID, Animal Planet, etc.
Currently reading: mostly i’m reading fanfic right now. Lots of TOG and stucky. i do have Among Thieves by Douglas Hulick on hand to read.
Currently craving: chocolate. always chocolate. and chinese food.
tagging @monardammm, @panzertorte, @hereeatthiskitten, @sarkastically, @grey853, @flamingoslim, @s-hylor, @sperrywink
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przdwiosnie · 5 years
hey can u name some books that you really like? Im dying of boredom and need something to read
Hi! I love this question, thank you!
Here are some of my favorite and also most recent:
• Among Thieves by Douglas Hulick my absolute favorite fantasy deeply unappreciated worldwide (second book is called Sworn in Steel and is as good)
• The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt is a my favorite since i read it a year ago, very diverse story with wide spectrum of plots and characters
• Little Friend also by Donna Tartt which is another unappreciated book, often omitted by Tartt’s fans
• Bridge of Clay by Markus Zusak most recent book by him, it’s absolutely stunning story of five Dunbar brothers (i’ve read last two pages about 25 times and still can’t get over it)
• One Flew Over Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Kesey most recent I’ve read because, well it was on my shelve somehow, and since I’ve never seen that iconic movie I reckoned i’ll give it a try and let me tell you! Absolutely amazing book, loved it!
• Master and Margarita by Michaił Bułhakow (sorry i cant spell his name in english) A Classic lbr
• The Angel’s Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafón - this book is about a dirt poor writer in 1920’s Barcelona, who is approached by rich Italian publisher from Paris, who recognizes his talent and requests an unusual book from him
• The Shadow of the Wind also by Zafón is a book set 20 years later in the same bookverse
• The Spring to Come by Stefan Żeromski this is a set book in polish schools and one of my favorite ever
• The Plague by Albert Camus is a heavy book but worth reading
• We, the Drowned by Carsten Jensen is a story of 100 years of history of Danish city of Marstal following the steps of four generations and. It. Goes. So. Hard. A truly beautiful book but a long one - it’s about 1000 pages
(It said Dutch but i meant Danish, thanks @daisysofie for spotting that mistake!)
That’s all i can think of to recommend, hope this helps
• Rat King by James Clavell - about a camp for aliant soldiers in Sigapur (i believe) and how their army ranks meant nothing in harsh circumstances of the camp
• The Street of Crocodiles by Bruno Schulz originally called “Sklepy cynamonowe” in Polish which diractly translates to Cinnamon Shops - this is a collection of short stories
• LITERALLY ANYTHING BY NEIL GAIMAN OKAY: Stardust, Neverwhere, An Ocean at the Wnd of the Lane, M is for Magic, Cementary Book, Good Omens, Coraline anything!
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zozolkurai · 4 years
I posted a TOTK fanfic on AO3. You can read it here.
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ohkvothe · 5 years
2018 in Books
Without further ado, these are my favourites of all the books I’ve read in 2018 (not necessarily books that came out this year). I put them down in the order I read them:
I’ll Give You The Sun (Jandy Nelson) – YA
An absolutely adorable YA book about twins growing apart and finding themselves again. The characters will break your heart, I absolutely loved it!
Among Thieves(Douglas Hulick) –…
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blackkatmagic · 6 years
Pssst Kat , would you be so kind as to rec some fantasy books or series? Haven't had much luck in the genre in a while.
The Abhorsen series by Garth Nix (also called The Old Kingdom series)
The Gemma Doyle Trilogy by Libba Bray 
The Half Bad Trilogy by Sally Green
Any of Melinda Lo’s books
The Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson (also doubles as a handy weapon, even in paperback - 1st volume is 1258 pages)
Night Angel trilogy by Brent Weeks
Lightbringer series by Brent Weeks
Codex Alera by Jim Butcher
R A Salvator’s Drizzt Do’Urden books
Abarat series by Clive Barker 
The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater
The Graceling Realm series by Kristin Cashore
The Chanters of Tremaris series by Kate Constable 
The Earthsea Cycle by Ursula K Le Guin
The Chronicles of Chrestomanci by Diana Wynne Jones
The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch
Among Thieves by Douglas Hulick
The Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud 
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allbestnet · 6 years
The top 120 Speculative Fiction , all appearing on 2 or more “Best Speculative Fiction ” lists.
Station Eleven by Mandel, Emily St. John (Appears on 7 Lists)
Bone Clocks, The by Mitchell, David (Appears on 1 Lists)
Martian, The by Weir, Andy (Appears on 8 Lists)
Annihilation (or omnibus Area X) by Vandermeer, Jeff (Appears on 4 Lists)
Magician's Land, The by Grossman, Lev (Appears on 8 Lists)
Boy, Snow, Bird by Oyeyemi, Helen (Appears on 2 Lists)
Peripheral, The by Gibson, William (Appears on 9 Lists)
Lock In by Scalzi, John (Appears on 8 Lists)
On Such a Full Sea by Lee, Chang-Rae (Appears on 7 Lists)
Book of Strange New Things, The by Faber, Michel (Appears on 6 Lists)
Broken Monsters by Beukes, Lauren (Appears on 5 Lists)
Goblin Emperor, The by Addison, Katherine (Appears on 5 Lists)
Red Rising by Brown, Pierce (Appears on 5 Lists)
City of Stairs by Bennett, Robert Jackson (Appears on 4 Lists)
Ancillary Sword by Leckie, Ann (Appears on 3 Lists)
Half a King by Abercrombie, Joe (Appears on 3 Lists)
Queen of the Tearling, The by Johansen, Erika (Appears on 2 Lists)
Bees, The by Paull, Laline (Appears on 1 Lists)
Fool's Assassin by Hobb, Robin (Appears on 1 Lists)
Girl with All the Gifts, The by Carey, M. R. (Appears on 1 Lists)
Words of Radiance by Sanderson, Brandon (Appears on 1 Lists)
First Fifteen Lives of Harry August, The by North, Claire (Appears on 9 Lists)
My Real Children by Walton, Jo (Appears on 9 Lists)
Revival by King, Stephen (Appears on 9 Lists)
California by Lepucki, Edan (Appears on 8 Lists)
Enchanted, The by Denfeld, Rene (Appears on 8 Lists)
J by Jacobson, Howard (Appears on 8 Lists)
Skin Game by Butcher, Jim (Appears on 8 Lists)
Three-Body Problem, The by Liu, Cixin (Appears on 8 Lists)
Bird Box by Malerman, Josh (Appears on 7 Lists)
Broken Eye, The by Weeks, Brent (Appears on 7 Lists)
Cibola Burn by Corey, James S. A. (Appears on 7 Lists)
Prince of Fools by Lawrence, Mark (Appears on 7 Lists)
Slow Regard of Silent Things, The by Rothfuss, Patrick (Appears on 7 Lists)
World of Trouble by Winters, Ben (Appears on 7 Lists)
Breach Zone by Cole, Myke (Appears on 6 Lists)
Defenders by McIntosh, Will (Appears on 6 Lists)
Full Fathom Five by Gladstone, Max (Appears on 6 Lists)
Mirror Empire, The by Hurley, Kameron (Appears on 6 Lists)
New Annotated H.P. Lovecraft, The by Lovecraft, H.P. & Klinger, Leslie S. (Appears on 6 Lists)
Traitor's Blade by De Castell, Sebastian (Appears on 6 Lists)
Darkling Sea, A by Cambias, James (Appears on 5 Lists)
Emperor's Blades, The by Staveley, Brian (Appears on 5 Lists)
Horrorstör by Hendrix, Grady (Appears on 5 Lists)
Steles of the Sky by Bear, Elizabeth (Appears on 5 Lists)
Three, The by Lotz, Sarah (Appears on 5 Lists)
Afterparty by Gregory, Daryl (Appears on 4 Lists)
Angel of Losses, The by Feldman, Stephanie (Appears on 4 Lists)
Book of Life, The by Harkness, Deborah (Appears on 4 Lists)
Boy Who Drew Monsters, The by Donohue, Keith (Appears on 4 Lists)
California Bones by van Eekhout, Greg (Appears on 4 Lists)
Great Glass Sea, The by Weil, Josh (Appears on 4 Lists)
Maplecroft: the Borden Dispatches by Priest, Cherie (Appears on 4 Lists)
Quick, The by Owen, Laura (Appears on 4 Lists)
Shadow Throne, The by Wexler, Django (Appears on 4 Lists)
Tower Lord by Ryan, Anthony (Appears on 4 Lists)
Troop, The by Cutter, Nick (Appears on 4 Lists)
Truth and Fear by Higgins, Peter (Appears on 4 Lists)
Winter People, The by McMahon, Jennifer (Appears on 4 Lists)
Academic Exercises by Parker, K. J. (Appears on 3 Lists)
All Those Vanished Engines by Park, Paul (Appears on 3 Lists)
Causal Angel, The by Rajaniemi, Hannu (Appears on 3 Lists)
Close Your Eyes, Hold Hands by Bohjalian, Chris (Appears on 3 Lists)
Crimson Campaign, The by McClellan, Brian (Appears on 3 Lists)
End of the Sentence, The by Headley, Maria Dahvana & Howard, Kat (Appears on 3 Lists)
Goodhouse by Marshall, Peyton (Appears on 3 Lists)
Heaven's Queen by Bach, Rachel (Appears on 3 Lists)
Last Projector, The by Keaton, David James (Appears on 3 Lists)
Last Town, The by Crouch, Blake (Appears on 3 Lists)
Magic Breaks by Andrews, Ilona (Appears on 3 Lists)
Mammoth Book of SF Stories by Women, The by MacFarlane, Alex Dally (Appears on 3 Lists)
Night Broken by Briggs, Patricia (Appears on 3 Lists)
Prince Lestat by Rice, Anne (Appears on 3 Lists)
Sleep Donation by Russell, Karen (Appears on 3 Lists)
Supernatural Enhancements, The by Cantero, Edgar (Appears on 3 Lists)
Veil of the Deserters by Salyards, Jeff (Appears on 3 Lists)
We Are All Completely Fine by Gregory, Daryl (Appears on 3 Lists)
Widow's House, The by Abraham, Daniel (Appears on 3 Lists)
Word Exchange, The by Graedon, Alena (Appears on 3 Lists)
Yesterday's Kin by Kress, Nancy (Appears on 3 Lists)
Young Woman in a Garden by Sherman, Delia (Appears on 3 Lists)
Abyss beyond Dreams, The by Hamilton, Peter (Appears on 2 Lists)
Best Horror of the Year, Volume 6, The by Datlow, Ellen, ed. (Appears on 2 Lists)
Dark Defiles, The by Morgan, Richard K. (Appears on 2 Lists)
Dust and Light by Berg, Carol (Appears on 2 Lists)
Europe in Autumn by Hutchinson, Dave (Appears on 2 Lists)
Girl in the Road, The by Byrne, Monica (Appears on 2 Lists)
Gunpowder Alchemy by Lin, Jeannie (Appears on 2 Lists)
High Druid's Blade: the Defenders of Shannara, The by Brooks, Terry (Appears on 2 Lists)
Hollow World by Sullivan, Michael J. (Appears on 2 Lists)
How a Mother Weaned Her Girl from Fairy Tales by Bernheimer, Kate (Appears on 2 Lists)
Hyde by Levine, Daniel (Appears on 2 Lists)
Incorruptibles, The by Jacobs, John Hornor (Appears on 2 Lists)
Influx by Suarez, Daniel (Appears on 2 Lists)
Kraken Project, The by Preston, Douglas (Appears on 2 Lists)
Lagoon by Okorafor, Nnedi (Appears on 2 Lists)
Last Plane to Heaven, The by Lake, Jay (Appears on 2 Lists)
Lines of Departure by Kloos, Marko (Appears on 2 Lists)
Lockstep by Schroder, Karl (Appears on 2 Lists)
Memory of Water by Itaranta, Emmi (Appears on 2 Lists)
Paper Magician, The by Holmberg, Charlie (Appears on 2 Lists)
Questionable Practices by Gunn, Eileen (Appears on 2 Lists)
Race, The by Allan, Nina (Appears on 2 Lists)
Resurrections by Kaveney, Roz (Appears on 2 Lists)
Rhesus Chart, The by Stross, Charles (Appears on 2 Lists)
Rogues by Martin, George R.R. and Dozois, Gardner, eds. (Appears on 2 Lists)
Rooms by Oliver, Lauren (Appears on 2 Lists)
Sand by Howey, Hugh (Appears on 2 Lists)
Shattered by Hearne, Kevin (Appears on 2 Lists)
Shotgun Arcana, The by Belcher, R. S. (Appears on 2 Lists)
Silent History, The by Horowitz, Eli et al. (Appears on 2 Lists)
Smiler's Fair by Levene, Rebecca (Appears on 2 Lists)
Spirits Abroad by Cho, Zen (Appears on 2 Lists)
Sworn in Steel by Hulick, Douglas (Appears on 2 Lists)
Three Souls by Chang, Janie (Appears on 2 Lists)
Tropic of Serpents: a Memoir by Lady Trent, The by Brennan, Marie (Appears on 2 Lists)
Valour and Vanity by Kowal, Mary Robinette (Appears on 2 Lists)
War Dogs by Bear, Greg (Appears on 2 Lists)
Weirdness, The by Bushnell, Jeremy (Appears on 2 Lists)
Witch with No Name, The by Harrison, Kim (Appears on 2 Lists)
You can view the rest on https://www.bookadvice.co/the-greatest-books-speculative-fiction.html
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amiak27 · 4 years
Pesymizm pozwala oszczędzić sobie rozczarowań.
~Douglas Hulick
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lettersfromtemerant · 6 years
Book a Week 2k18
2017 wasn’t a good year for me book wise, i only read maybe 3 or 4 books, one of which was required for class. I’m going to seriously step up my game this year.
I have a ridiculous reading speed depending on the book. It’d be easy for me to read 1 book every week, maybe more. My goal is to read AT LEAST 52 books next year.
Below the cut is a list of books I want to read in the near future. I’m always open to more recs if you wanna hit me up with something you think i’d enjoy. Thanks!
1-3. The Divine Comedy - Dante Alighieri (3 books: Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso)
4. Paradise Lost - John Milton
5. The Chinaman - Mike Cramer
6. The Things they Carried - Tim O’Brien
7. The Blade Itself -  Joe Abercrombie
8. The Black Company - Glen Cook
9-12. Gentleman Bastard - Scott Lynch (reread Locke Lamora and Red Seas, finish Republic of Thieves)
13. Theft of Swords - Michael J. Sullivan
14. The Last Wish - Andrzej Sapkowski
15-19. A Song of Ice and Fire - George R.R. Martin
20. The Dragonbone Chair - Tad Williams
21. The Blue Sword - Robin McKinley
22. The Knife of Never Letting Go - Patrick Ness
23. The Thousand Names - Django Wexler
24. The Heresy Within - Rob J. Hayes
25. Herald of the Storm- Richard Ford
26. Six of Crows - Leigh Bardugo
27. Dragon Wing- Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman
28. Assassin’s Apprentice - Robin Hobb
29. The Demon King - Cinda Williams Chima
30. Uprooted - Naomi Novik
31. The Dragon’s Path - Daniel Abraham
32. The Final Empire - Brandon Sanderson
33. Gardens of the Moon - Steven Erikson
34. Prince of Thorns - Mark Lawrence
35. The Warded Man - Peter V. Brett
36. Howl’s Moving Castle - Diana Wynne Jones
37. Among Thieves - Douglas Hulick
38. The Red Sword - Michael Wallace
39. The Saint’s Rise - Michael John Grist
40. Valley of Embers - Steven Kelliher
41. Scourge of the Betrayer - Jeff Salyards
42. The Axe and the Throne - M.D. Ireman
43. The Dragon Thief - Justin DePaoli
44-45. The Iliad/Odyssey - Homer
46. A Face Like Glass - Frances Hardinge
47. The Black Tides of Heaven - J.Y. Yang
48. The Red Wolf Conspiracy - Robert V.S. Redick
49. Mage’s Blood - David Hair
50. The Black Guard - A.J. Smith
51. The Crimson Shield - Nathan Hawke
52. Blackdog - K.V. Johansen
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juczerro · 6 years
tagged by @s0tc and @bitsypookums! Aaa! Thank you for tagging me!
• Rules: Tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better.
— Relationship status: single
— Favourite Colour: yellow, orange, blue, green, purple, gold
— Lipstick or Chapstick: Chapstick
— Last Song I Listened To: Kevin MacLeod ~ Sneaky Snitch
— Last Movie I Watched: Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)
— Top 3 TV shows: Parks and Recreation, Stranger Things, Black Mirror. Also I am absolutely in love with the first season of Daredevil.
— Top 3 Bands/Artists: Blind Guardian, Hans Zimmer, Muse
— Books I’m Currently Reading: The Clone Wars: Wild Space by Karren Miller, Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman, Sworn in Steel by Douglas Hulick and Color and Light by James Gurney
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