#Dontis x reader
xzhdjsj · 9 days
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To Settle?
Dontis x Reader
Discussing your relationship with Dontis
warning: implication of sex and minor mentions
Heh did yall have a good time with the previous dontis fic? I hope you did hehehehehehe
It's funny how the brain works, processing every possible outcome of life and fantasising of the ones you can't have.
It's even funnier- the timing these unprofitable thoughts manifest. Sometimes it's when you're alone, clinging to a pillow, and other times it's in the dark of night when you’re with him. They occur in his bed, beneath him, beside him. Sometimes after your heart stopped racing and you're able to collect the pieces of thoughts. Or maybe when his naked body pulls you close to breathe in your scent and kiss you slow. 
But it's bewildering, so you keep it to yourself, bottled up in the back of your mind with a pretty bow of hope attached its neck.
As your lover falls onto his back next to you and the rapid rise and fall of your chest slows, the thoughts appear again. They linger with each fleeting touch and flourish with every loving word.
"I'll never ever get used to that." He rolls onto his side to kiss you.
You don't respond, instead you hum in satisfaction and lean closer into his palm against your cheek.
What if this lasted forever? You wonder.
"Yeah? It was good for you too, right?" He murmurs against your lips, soft and delicate.
"Yeah," you breathe. "Always good, but you already knew that."
He huffs out at a laugh at your response then kisses you again.
It's tender moments like this that makes you crave it more, the desire to have someone entirely to yourself and settle into a peaceful life.
Growing up in a hunter family meant constantly moving, relocating to avoid dangers and escape threats. An ever-changing path that you knew as home, but now you find yourself at an interval, a station between what once was and what can be. Naturally, the familiar gets boring and the want for change reigns victorious in your internal turmoil, but now questions remain. How? How do you begin a process of settling? How will the sediments of your life fall to the bottom? And can he settle with you?
Dontis nuzzles into your neck, clinging to your body, something he's began to repeat each night you see him. Majority of his actions are in benefit of who he's with, but this one feels more like comfort for himself, and you get enjoy it as a bonus. 
Your body curls closer to him, giggling lightly as a lock of his hair finds its way to your ear and drags across your neck, "It tickles-"
"What?" He replies, continuing his action.
"Pfft seriously- stop" You laugh, pushing him away gently.
He rolls over onto his stomach, as if you'd tossed him aside roughly, then propped his face onto one of his palms. 
"You're so mean," he tilts his head. "Don't you wanna snuggle up with me?" 
He has a way with your feelings- with your heart, even your body reacts to him without your permission. A smile spreads across your face and you cup his cheeks. "We can cuddle if you control your hair." 
"I thought you loved my hair?" He grins, leaning closer to your face. 
"I do. Just not when it's tickling me." You respond, tilting your head in the opposite direction.
"Sour luck, I love hearing you laugh." 
And again, his lips are on yours. The action is imbedded into the core of your memories, the spark that runs under your skin and the way your chest flutters when he kisses you.
Once again, Dontis collapses onto the bed beside you. He beckons you onto his chest and you follow. It was the perfect way to fall asleep, in his arms, in the silent dark save for his heartbeat, but you just had to speak.
"Dontis?" You murmur.
"Hmm yes sweetheart?"
"Do you ever think of us?"
"Of course I do."
"Really? What about our relationship?"
"Yeah, what about it?"
"I don't know, I keep thinking of what we are, and it feels more than just a fling-like relationship."
Your response prompted confusion, "A fling? This isn't a fling sweetheart."
"No, I know that." You pull back to face him, "I just think we're way more than we make this out to be. And maybe it’s time we think about what's next."
"What are you saying?" His eyebrows furrow and you're almost scared to continue, but hope, your hope keeps you going.
"I want to settle down Dontis."
Your words had more power than you bargained for, one sentence, six simple words and everything shifted. You could feel his body shift against the mattress, and you could pinpoint the exact moment the mood was crushed. 
"Hunter we- we spoke about this." He says and his body raises to a sitting position.
You copy his actions, sitting up with him. "Yeah, I know, but that was a while ago and we're still together so-"
"Hunter." He interrupts. "It's still the same."
"What?" You question, finding his eyes in the dark. They're tormented but apologetic.
"What we spoke about, it still stands. If you want to settle down, it's your decision but that... that's not my nature." He sighs. 
"Right, yes." Your fingers twist and pinch at the blanket. "Sorry, I guess I was just hoping time would've changed something." 
The tears welled in your eyes, and you seek out anything in the dark but the man next to you.
"I'm sorry," his voice carries a sadness you've never heard before, especially not from him. He slips his legs from under the covers and sat on the edge of the bed for a moment.
"I think I need a moment and I think you can do with that too." He tells you.
Dontis retrieved the sweatpants and T-shirt that was earlier discarded on the floor. He pulls the pants over his hips and offers you the shirt.
"Here, put this on. It's pretty cold in here." He offers softly.
"Ah thank you." You take the piece of fabric from his hand, hesitant to wear it, but you do anyway. Anything to avoid looking at him.
The last thing you heard before the door closed behind him, was his gentle accented voice telling you "I'll be in the living room, just call if you need me."
And with that, you were left alone. Alone with new thoughts and foolish possibilities. Alone with tears running down your cheeks and his shirt on your skin. Alone with an uncovered bottle of feelings but an untied bow of hope.
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c-t-r-l14 · 2 months
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“What could’ve possibly unfolded in his life that made his stare so haunting?”—His Eyes, 2024
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literary-motif · 3 months
Safe Haven
Dontis x Reader
Dontis cuddles you when you need comfort.
When Dontis opened the front door his eyes widened in surprise. You were standing outside, drenched by the rain and with an expression so apathetic that he winced, frowning in worry.
Regardless, you managed to quirk your lips upward in a tiny smile. “Hey you,” you said, voice raspy from disuse, “have you got any plans for the evening, or are you willing to invite me in?”
“I told you I don’t make plans,” he answered lightly, stepping aside and motioning for you to enter. 
Dontis could tell there was something wrong by the vacant look in your eyes and your hunched shoulders. You looked tired and lost— he did not like the purposelessness radiating off of you despite the facade you had put up to appear a little more put together. It was easy to see through when you looked so miserable. Besides, he knew you well by now.
He narrowed his eyes, giving you a quick once over to make sure you weren’t hurt. “What’s wrong?” he asked in concern, making your mask drop immediately. It was useless to hide from him.
The water dripping down your body accumulated in a puddle on the ground and you looked down. “I’m sorry about this,” you muttered, motioning to the mess on the ground. “I— I’ll clean it up and—”
Dontis chuckled fondly, trying to ease your mind. “It’s alright,” he said, helping you out of your soaked jacket. “I can put your clothes in the dryer if you’d like, lend you some of mine in the meantime. That’s no problem. Would you like to take a shower? Have you eaten?”
“I—” you shivered as the cold seeped into your skin, chilling you to the bone. 
Dontis noticed, immediately leading you towards the living room where a large fire was blazing in the fireplace, puddle forgotten.
“Warm up a little,” he said, “I’ll get some clothes for you to wear and make tea. Just try to relax, and feel right at home, hunter.” He turned, but your hand on his wrist made him stop in his tracks. 
Dontis was so kind. He was so caring it made to be near him from the sheer affection radiating off of him. He cared so much, about the people he met randomly on the street, about his many but distant friends, about you.
Warmth spread across your chest every time you looked at him because you knew Dontis was safe, he was welcoming, he was comforting. A hidden harbour in the storm of your life, that battled the loneliness trying to pull you under.
“Thank you,” you whispered, cupping his cheek as your eyes fluttered to his lips. He caught your intention, leaning in to close the gap between you. “You’re the best thing that’s happened to me lately,” you confessed when you broke apart, keeping your eyes closed and joining your forehead to his. “So thank you, I mean it. For all the things you did and still do— for all the kindness you’ve given me of all people. Even after I tried to—”
“None of that now,” he said, brushing a hand gently through your wet hair as his brows furrowed in concern again, “let’s dry you off first, alright? Then we can talk.”
The hoodie he handed you smelled of him, and you smiled as you slipped it on. With the soothing warmth of the chamomile tea in your hands and the soft blanket Dontis had wrapped securely around you to fight off the still-lingering chill, you nuzzled into his side on the couch and gazed at the flames.
Dontis hummed a light tune, changing from mindlessly running his fingers through your damp hair to twirling it into small, loose braids. His hand in your hair felt heavenly, causing you to sink even deeper against his side.
Your head rested heavily against his shoulder, but Dontis did not seem to mind. On the contrary, you could feel the contentment rolling off of him in waves as you cuddled closer to him.
“What had you going for a walk in the rain?” Dontis asked softly, placing a kiss against your hair before resting his head on top of yours.
The tenderness in his touches made you melt more. “I wanted to see you,” you replied, taking a sip of your tea.
With any other person, you would have left it at that, but Dontis made you want to be completely honest. His compassionate eyes and gentle heart made you want to confide in him, tell him your troubles and worries and feelings because you knew he would always listen to you without judgment.
“And I didn’t care about the rain,” you continued, “I am— I was not doing too well and I hoped that with you, I wouldn’t feel so— so—”
“Alone?” he supplied kindly. 
“Hopeless,” you said with a sigh, raising your head to look into Dontis' eyes, “The world is rotten. You’ve been around longer than me. How could you stand it for so long? How did you live through so much time just aimlessly existing?”
His eyes softened at your words and Dontis tilted his head to place a lingering kiss against your forehead. “I have good faith,” he murmured against your skin, “I know things will work out and make sense in the end. They always do, hunter, if we stick around long enough.”
“I have no good faith left,” you answered hollowly. Your life’s purpose was a misunderstanding. You were on your own, needing to fend for yourself amidst all the dangers of the world and the mundane banality of everyday life. Sometimes, you wondered which part was worse. You were tired of both.
“I’ve been there,” he said, tilting your chin up to look into your eyes, “but I promise you, I’ll be by your side until you do again and long after that if you let me. You’re not alone anymore” — his voice was so gentle and full of empathy that it made tears gather in your eyes at all the care he had for you — “You’re safe with me. I’ve got you and I—” he hesitated, “I cherish you. Immensely.”
You blinked your tears away, kissing the corner of his mouth. “I love you, too,” you said, nuzzling your face into his neck as Dontis’ arms tightened around you.
Needless to say, you spent the rest of the night being cuddled, soft kisses placed against every part of your body Dontis could reach until he deemed you kissed sufficiently in the morning light, your hair now dried and the small smile you usually wore in his company returning to your face.
Snuggling with Dontis never failed to cheer you up.
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cshfvck · 1 year
𝐔𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐧𝐞𝐰 - 𖤐- 𝐃𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐬 𝐒𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐕𝐚
‧͙⁺˚・༓☾  ☽༓・˚⁺‧͙
Genre: Angst/Comfort
a/n: AH. Okay hi, I have never used tumblr and I haven't wrote anything in ages so I thought I'd rewrite an angst - comfort fic I wrote! Hope you lot enjoy my first post on here
cw: breakdown/yelling/anger/abuse mention/possible emetophobia warning?, possible spoilers for the storyline of Dontis (?)
Gender neutral reader!
‧͙⁺˚・༓☾  ☽༓・˚⁺‧͙
You really are pathetic, hm?
A wolf watched you. I don't mean just watched... i mean it would snarl and watch you, staring as if you were prey. Maybe you were, who knows? You call yourself prey because this is all you can do. You've always been prey to him. The would would watch from afar, baring its teeth and hating every shed of dignity that remained on your use, shattered body. Other times it'd just sit afar, shaking in pleasure. Lust over coming it's abusive ridden brain. Distorting the torment of pleasure instead of violence. That's all it could do. Claws snagged a bottle, acting as if they were the trembling hips of your body and how you would call out his name. The name rolling of your tongue like some cheap, plastic vomit. The bitter taste violated his mouth the same way he violated yours. You curl up and hold a spoon, allowing the spoon to scoop out every shed of used skin on your body. This was all you could do.
Corrupted purples and yellows littered you, thighs, shoulders, every inch of your body. Hands crushed flesh, grabbing as much as it could as gluttony took over. Who knew greed could corrupt someone. Your flesh faltered and collapsed under such a bruising touch. You vomited as you scooped out chunks of bruises, bugs crawling underneath. This was all you could do. A wolf bared it's teeth at you. Claws ripping away dignity. Leave you your sin. Leave you your hands. Leave you. You begged the wolf, it grabbed the spoon and scooped used bruises and flesh back inside of you, it put it all back. That's all you could do. You choked out a sob as the wolf grabbed you but-
*alarm sound*
Your mouth was dry, salty tracks running down your cheeks as red cheeks burned. The lump in your throat turning to bile as you shot up in the bed, grabbing the bin beside you and heaving, nothing came out. It was all to much, you looked around after hearing footsteps and got out of the bed, footing slow and unsteady, eyes unseeing. Please stop. All the movement you were doing should be forbidden. Cries echoed in the room as you felt a large and pat your waist, not registering the persons voice. Please stop yelling. Sobs echoed from your body, your frame broken and half collapsed to floor while begging and pleading, you heard your name... that voice.
Dontis. A blur of h/c hair fell to the floor. Heaving, crying. Dontis quickly got up from the bed, eyes darting and not seeing as dontis crouched at your side. Your eyes flickered and fell shut, slowly curling up on the floor beneath you. A whisper. It was so.. so gentle.. no. You cant fall for it again. But... it felt too good to resist the comfort.
"There you go love... calm down.. shh shh shh.. it was a nightmare.. poor baby.."
His voice was so familiar. The strong accent making your abused ridden mind clear up. The voice almost felt as if it was wrapping you up. Yet, it spoke again.
"It's okay, Y/N."
Dontis whispered again. His voice comforting, not a lace or hint of threat or abuse in it. You cried harder than ever now, realizing it was Dontis, your shaking limbs slowly being held and touched by Dontis as he took your cheek in his hand, gently stroking soothing circles into tear stained flesh.
Your voice was broken and hoarse, cracking as you spoke. Those e/c eyes locking with Dontis' , feeling yourself getting lost in his comfort.
"Shh... I'm here. Take as long as you need too calm down..."
Dontis got permission for a hug as you nodded, his arms and hands pulling you into his lap while you both sat on the floor. Your trembling body curled up and cuddled against Dontis' chest, hands gently running over your sides, soft kisses being planted on your head, seeming to melt away the tears you shed earlier. All the comfort made you slowly forget your dream... Dontis' hands being the only thing you focused on. His touch comforting not lustful or wanting.
You soon drifted off to sleep, e/c eyes falling shut, a gentle snore coming from your exhausted body. Streaks of moonlight shone down on your face, highlighting the dried tears on your face, making them seem like glistening rivers as you lay in Dontis' arms, his eyes admiring your soft, red, puffy face. Rosey lips kissed your nose, Dontis' grip becoming stronger on you, not wanting you to ever feel like that again. Dontis gently sat you both in bed, his broad frame easily engulfing you in a giant cuddle, his hands seeming to soothe you.
It's almost as if everything Dontis touched turned brand new.
You were once used, now brand new...
‧͙⁺˚・༓☾  ☽༓・˚⁺‧͙
HI!!! I hope this was okay and you all enjoyed! This is the first time ive posted in a while so i hope its okay! :D
feel free to send me any requests and as always...
thank you for reading x
‧͙⁺˚・༓☾  ☽༓・˚⁺‧͙
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thedivinevera · 1 year
❦A lot of love
One obsession❦
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YANDERE DONTIS X READER, zsakuva x reader, yandere x reader, Incubus x reader, DONTIS x FEM!reader, yandere x reader, yandere Incubus x reader
Yandere, Incubus x reader, Zsakuva character, previous, no so established relationship, mentioned of polygamy, mention of lovers with an s, baby!,
Tw : yandere, obsession, unhealthy observations, *point* is this scare of abandonment, polygamy, dating, old relationship, mention of not so established relationship, jealousy? Nor really
As a Incubus, DONTIS is unable to commit into a monogamy relationship, the feeling on needing to give more love to people and staying in one relationship, feels not enough for them, so is it possible for him to become obsessed, to crave for someone's love and jealous and never want to share any of this, selfish isn't
Is to possible for an Incubus to become obsessed to a person, yes, yes he is, Dontis at first is never been like this, he's supporting he helps you fix yourself and create your life other than being a Hunter of his kind, each time by time you've grown more with the help of the people you meet long ago, you're life has finally something to care for, not always circling about Incubus and succubus, this time you finally had a chance to enjoy your time, and start family if you're lucky. Your type of living is not the same with Dontis, he's life is full of party and affairs, while you continue to find happiness in peace enjoying and fantasizing about a domestic life, Dontis is unable to have, he's happy for you its nice to know that you've finally escape to your disastrous past and finally healing but he realize how you've become so independent, so forward, so far to him, he realized that you don't need him anymore and that you are not dependent on his word, you don't need his accompany anymore and for the very first time he's not the first person you've call everytime you had a problem, despite reassuring that he's ready to listen about your problem and help you with it, you don't need him anymore...... You don't need him anymore........ You don't need him anymore...... No you can't!! You need him, ..... The realization hit him like a truck, never been in his entire life do he feel useless now that you don't need him anymore, you're happy without him and he don't like that, it's been 3.. 5.....10 goddamn days since the last time you call him, he would always look at his contact, missed call from his other lovers but it's been a week since the last notification with your name and he's afraid that this week turn into a month, afraid that you completely disposed him..... He wait more days, it's been 2 weeks, he wait more 3 weeks has passed, he call you.... Finally, no answer, he call you more, no answer..... He call you one more time “Dontis? Is there a problem”
“hey!, Are you available”
“uhm sorry Dontis, I'm not I'm with Sevier, one of my friends!” friend— friends
“he's my old pal, when I'm still a hunter, he's already retired ahha”
“oh so it's date then~” please say no, please say no, no ,no, no, no, no
“kinda” no, no, no, for the very first time he's jealous of Xanthus, Xanthus has his beloved wrapped around his fingers, their love is mutual but his is not, you loved him once but never now, and he still love you, you crave for him once, but he crave you and others but now, he carnally crave them, only you are in his heart, he might loved other but you corrupt him to think that he only love you, not even the flesh of the person who comes first or after you can make him forget about how you finally cut all the contact with him (no you don't, he's just dramatic and you're just busy) an Incubus are incapable to love only one person, but no one said he can't be obsessed with one
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zprites · 1 year
So, remember how I said I was working on something? Yeah, uh, this is it... I don't have much to say about this, except I have seen the light, and will forever die on this hill.
Thank you @morning-sun-brah for beta-reading this masterpiece - AND CHECK OUT @8pmblackcoffee's art they did based off this insanity - (will be under the 'keep reading' tag, as it IS 18+! MINORS DNI!) - art is also included at the end of the fic :) - ALSO! Tactical Turtle AU was created by the lovely @donathan <33
The above fic is also 18+, NSFW, so smutty... You've been warned!
So now I present the beauty that is reptiles with eyebrows - Stroking Egos, Turn-Based Style, NSFW, Tactical! Rise! Donatello X Tactical! Montgomery Gator X Female! Reader (Donty x Female! Reader) --- Or, the Rise! TMNT and FNAF Tactical! crossover only a select few asked for (I am one of them) - Enjoy!
Taglist: @turtle-babe83, @manduse, @morning-sun-brah, @crazysarah-98, @pacoholin, @iamdefinitelytheratking
Here is the beautiful art done by @8pmblackcoffee, one of my biggest encouragers in this crusade <3333
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belladonnadawn · 27 days
Memento Mori
Going against Dontis' wishes, you found yourself in the labyrinth with one thing in mind only: to save him. CW: Blood, gore, and death.
Dontis x Reader
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The streets of New Orleans were filled with colors and loud celebratory music, it was lively and festive– a contrast to your current state. Your mind was clouded with doubt and anxiety; you could only think about him and him only. The world felt like a different place with no one to be alone with. 
You have contemplated everything, there’s not a day when his words slipped through your mind. Dontis’ compassion and faith never ceased to amaze you. But you know how trimedian works– there’s no fair fight in their ideology. When it’s time to strike, they strike. When it’s time to kill, they kill. There’s no mercy between two sides, it will all end in death.
Driving down near the lake, took a deep breath as you reached your destination. You turned off the engine faced by silence. The weight of the situation continues to trouble you. You could turn back and hold on to that vow, or you could hold on to that conviction and assure yourself that he’d be alive and well. 
It took you minutes– you chose the latter. If you can capture Dontis and lock him in your basement, what more can others do knowing that it’s a raging war?
You took a deep breath, your decision as strong as ever. Gathering your belongings, you prepare yourself for what might you encounter. 
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Descending down the labyrinth, you could feel your heart beat out of your chest. Your footsteps light as you reach the base, careful not to attract any unwanted attention. The place was dark and damp, the ambiance only added to your fear.
As you went down the labyrinth you could see corpses– supernatural or human. It was a disturbing sight, one that would haunt you until the day you die. 
You went deeper, exploring every corner carefully. The place was strangely quiet, you never liked silence, it made you listen to your own heartbeat. And you understood from a very young age that if you can hear it, they do too. 
Taking the corner, your heart stopped as a hand suddenly grabbed you. You didn't hesitate to immediately draw your weapon. Pointing it to them, your eyes widened as you finally faced him.
"What did I say about getting involved?!" Dontis whispered angrily, pulling you closer to him. You felt a wave of relief, seeing him alive and well– but still, you can’t help but feel guilty for going against his wishes.
You shake yourself out of his grasp, "You may be mad at me, but I can't let you die here."
"By making yourself an enemy? A target? You know that I am more than capable– we are more than capable." Irritation seeped through his voice, almost unrecognisable from the sweet and gentle Dontis you knew. 
"I know that you're angry, but I just can't watch knowing what might happen." Your voice cracked, looking at him with concern. “I can’t lose someone again. I can’t lose you.” 
Dontis' eyes softened, "I understand, but there are risks you can't just blindly take. You're safer than dealing with these once more.”
“I know, but please understand–”
“It’s over.” You both turned to see a blonde man walking towards both of you, interrupting your discussion. Your eyes landed on the unconscious person that he was carrying from his back, and landed back to his face. Blood stained their clothes as they wore the same weary expression, exhausted and pained from what the battle had brought them. 
Dontis nodded, wearing the same empathetic face. “We need to get in contact with others and see their situation. Both of you need to go back and rest, Xanthus. We’ll handle the others.” 
You nodded as you heard his name. Xanthus, the vampire with the bond. Dontis mentioned him to you multiple times, but seeing him personally in this setting felt surreal. 
“Are you sure you can handle it?” Xanthus asked, his face filled with concern.
“We can. I’m not alone anymore, remember?” Dontis gave him a reassuring smile.
Xanthus glanced at you before turning back to Dontis, he nodded. “Take care. And don’t hesitate to contact me.” He said firmly.
“I will.” 
And with that, he departed leaving both of you alone together. Dontis handed you a device to help you communicate with others. “Don't worry, that's an extra.” He gave you a small smile. 
“Where shall we begin?” 
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“Finally, we thought we're done for.” A woman sighed, holding someone and herself up as her wounds continued to bleed. “Those bastards. Never thought that they'd hide their place here.” She groaned.
“At least we're able to find you, imagine our shock when we saw your location.” Dontis sighed.
“Well, imagine my shock when I found out their location after they dragged me under the lake.” 
Dontis turned to you, “This is Fran and that one's Samia.” He introduced. 
You gave them a nod, as you tried to help them up.
“We'd like an introduction right now, but I don't think it's the right time.” Fran groaned as she carried Samia. 
“We need to get out of here while we still can.” They all nodded, walking outside the place as fast as you can.
After twists and turns, you were finally able to find the path that led outside. All of you hurried towards the exit with Fran and Samia in front of you as you both guided them to the exit. You and Dontis held the heavy door open from each side, letting them escape first.
As you were about to leave, a loud deafening sound filled the room followed by a thud. You turned to see Dontis, falling to his knees while clutching his chest. Everything happened too quick, it didn't register until you saw a gun pointed in his direction, smoke billowing from the barrel. A small gasp escaped your lips as you saw the person behind it– Audric, that bastard survived! 
Rage filled your body, you quickly drew your weapon beating down the already beaten man. His eyes widened, finally noticing you. Before he could retaliate, you lunged at him and sliced his neck. You saw his head roll on the floor, this time it was finally over.
Running towards Dontis, you pulled him closer. Your eyes widened as you examined his wound. The bullet from the shotgun left a hole on his chest, making him bleed quicker than you expected. 
"[name]..." Dontis croaked out weakly.
“No, no– you can do this. You can regenerate!” You held him close, frantically doing whatever you can to save him. 
The sight of his gaping wound as blood continues to flow from it was maddening. You tried to patch it up, hoping that pressure would help his case. But as his warm blood flows from your hand, hope slipped away with it.
You removed your jacket, wrapping the wound with it. Your hand reached for the radio, calling for immediate back up. And with all your might, you tried to drag him outside. 
Painful groans escaped his lips as you dragged his body, “[name], w-wait.” 
You stopped, not wanting to hurt him further. Kneeling, you cupped his face, “Come on, few more steps and we're out. We can do this!” You spoke, trying to convince him– or yourself. You tried to ignore the amount of blood that continued to stain the floor. 
As you looked at him, the lessons about creatures like him replayed in your mind. He was immortal, but he was not invincible. Back then, you would've exploited it, but now witnessing his limit was torturous. You fell to your knees, sobbing your heart out. “I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.”
Dontis gave you a weak smile, his hand gently wiped your tears. You held the back of his hand, not wanting to let go. Even though he was the one hurting, he still found a will to comfort you. 
“I… understand what I signed up for… I accept my fate.” His voice was weak compared to the lively and joyous one you used to hear. 
“I don't, so you better hold on until they come back for us!” You tried to be strong, but how could you when the source of that strength was slowly fading away from your grasp.
Dontis nodded and he chuckled weakly, “You're remarkable…  that's what… I love about you…”
“Don't you dare close your eyes, Dontis, or I'm going to be so mad at you!” You applied more pressure to his wound, trying to prevent him from bleeding out. It was no use, he was getting more pale as he lost more blood. 
He looked at you once again, his eyes filled with love; a gaze that you'll always long for. Dontis’ hand caressed your cheek. His warm touches are now weak. “[name], the sky was a… shade of purple yesterday.”
Your heart dropped, feeling the heartbreak physically. At that point your world slowly crumbles as the reality of the situation hits you. You shook your head, still in denial of what was currently unfolding. You wanted to scream, to wail, to stop the time or rewind it so you're able to save him. But you knew it was impossible. Death is inevitable. 
“Dontis…” You tried to speak without your voice shaking, but you failed. “T-The clouds rolled in orange hues…”
A small smile formed on his lips, his body slowly resigned. You watched as he succumbed to his fate, holding his hand that once held yours. “I love you.” You whispered, kissing his cheek for the last time. 
For a moment, everything crashed down. The reality that you won't be able to see his smile, hear his voice, or hold him close was maddening. All you have was his cold body that you continued to cradle in your arms. What a cruel fate, for they have taken what you truly cherished once again.
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Pattern banner from Cafekitsune.
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botanbunny · 13 days
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Breaking Bonds
Xanthus x Reader
-Audric has some notes he needs to take-
“Audric! Your problem is with me..Let them go!!”
Xanthus screamed straining against the chains that bound him. Him and Dontis had been stuck in this room for a day maybe more. Love had gone with Audric and he could feel your panic, your pain and torment, thru the bond.
“Please…” he begged barely above a whisper.
“They can feel what you feel Xanthus, you need to calm down….”
“AND I CAN FEEL WHAT BEING DONE TO THEM!!….you have no idea….the bond…..I can feel it breaking.”
Tears start to stream down his face. “FUCK!!!!” he strains against the chains yet again.
“Oh do lighten up will you..” the door creaks on its hinges as Audric calmly walks forward, hands behind his back.
An almost feral noise leaves Xanthus lips.
“I will kill you.”
“Ohh now see you already tried that and look where that left you.” He smirks as he stops just out of reach. “Besides, I have a gift for you…” hands covered in blood come from behind his back as he places a bloody pile in front of Xanthus’s feet.
A human heart.
“Have you felt it yet?” Licking the blood of his fingers. “it takes a minute for the heart to stop beating but I wanted to see how long the bond lasted after death, thought I should take notes.”
Xanthus couldn’t breathe, the world was ending. He could barely hear Audrics laughter, barely hear anything at all except for the ringing in his ears and the numbness that spread from his chest to his head. Thrashing against the chains that were wrapped around him.
“Now tell me Xanthus, how does it feel to lose the one thing in life worth living for??….this is for my notes after all, so please use complete sentences and talk slowly.”
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xzhdjsj · 10 days
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Borrowed Clothes
Dontis x Reader
Period comfort with Dontis
Finally, put down papa louie pals and wrote something💀 And as promised, here's your tag @xxminxrq
Mornings are always sweeter when you've had a good night sleep beside someone you adore.
Giddy with the residual happiness from the night before, you lazily roll over to face the hunky man at your side. But as you begin to shift, your eyes, still heavy with sleep, snap open with sudden urgency. Rising from the bed in a swift motion, the familiar discomfort between your legs and the twinge in your abdomen is unmistakable. Has it been a month already?
With hurried steps, you slip out of bed, squeezing your legs together putting one in front the other as you shuffle to the bathroom like a penguin. The door slams shut behind you, startling your incubus partner awake.
You hurry to strip the pajama pants off your leg tripping on the fabric and crashing against the door.
"Hey, you alright in there?" Dontis' concerned voice filters through the door.
"Oh yeah! Totally okay, just tripped on my pants." You reassure him, untangling your leg.
"You sure? Do you need help sweetheart?"
"Yeah, I'm sure. It's just my period." You admit.
“Ah I see,” he paused for a moment. "Let me know if you need anything then."
"Uh-huh yeah sure" You mumble stepping out of your pants completely.
Surprisingly, the stain on the crotch managed to stay small, but it was a whole different story with your underwear. Wait, speaking of- the panic sets in. You don't have a second pair of underwear!
You sigh and slump against the door again.
"Dontis," you call out, "Are you still there?"
"Still here sweetheart."
You twist the doorknob and peek through the crack of an opening, "There a... situation."
You’re met with a warm smile, as he slightly tilts his head. “How can I help?”
"Thanks again Dontis." You emerge from the bathroom, pulling at the of the leg of the boxer you're wearing. His boxer. You’re extremely grateful, but also extremely embarrassed.
"I'm just taking care of my sweetheart." He takes your hand and pulls you into a hug.
The embarrassment of the situation sits on your chest, and being the man he is, Dontis has no difficulty sniffing that out.
"What's the matter?" He holds you against his body.
"Nothing," You whisper into his chest.
"I can tell when you're bothered you know. Are you uncomfortable here? Would you like me to take you home?" He offers gently.
"Dontis, no not at all. It's just… a little embarrassing." You admit.
"You don't need to be. It's just me." He coos, stroking your hair.
"Also, I'm sorry for dragging you out of bed."
"You di-"
"Wait!" You interrupt, pushing at his chest to space your bodies. "The bed! Did I get the sheets dirty?"
You shimmy out his arms to make a run for his bedroom, but his grip on your wrist is firm and he pulls you back into his embrace.
"Calm down, will you?" He chuckles at your panic.
"But Dontis your sheets-"
"Do me a favour and don't worry about anything right now. I already changed them while you were showering."
Defeated and embarrassed all over again, you groan in disapproval. Not only have you jolted him awake and burdened him, but you’ve inconvenienced him further by also getting his sheets dirty. Maybe it was a bad idea to stay over last night.
You’re lost in your thought, very clearly overthinking and it doesn’t go unnoticed by Dontis. Without warning, he scoops you up into his arms in one smooth motion. "You need to stop working yourself up and come with me."
"What on earth are you doing?" You shout and grab onto his upper arm.
He holds you like you weigh nothing to him, and to be fair you don’t.
"I think it's time we get back to bed." He says, making his way in the direction of his bedroom door.
“I can walk you know.”
“I know, but I wanted an excuse to lift you.” He grins sheepishly.
Despite being embarrassed, Dontis’ support and playful demeanour is a constant reminder that everything will be okay when he’s by your side. He's somehow able to effortlessly take your worries and transform them into memories worth remembering.
He takes his time laying you onto the fresh sheets as though you’re made of glass, then pulls the blanket over your bodies as he slides in beside you. The scent of the freshly laundered fabric fills your nose, clean and crisp.
“Doesn’t this feel better?”
“Immensely, thank you.” You admit sinking into his touch.
“Of course, sweetheart, that’s why I’m here.” He says and drapes an arm over your body.
“I think I used up all my luck in this lifetime when I met you because I really am the luckiest person to have you.” You joke, but there’s a subtle vulnerability in your voice.
“Then you can just take mine.” He kisses your forehead. “I have enough luck and lifetimes for us both.”
In the warmth of his embrace, you let your body slump deeper into the softness of the bed as your eyelids fall shut. You’re more than content listening to the gentle rhythm of his breathing as you slowly drift off to sleep with no worries whatsoever, especially because you know that when you wake up, he’ll be right there next to you. He'll be waiting to greet you with a smile and a kiss. He’ll be there, ready to cater to your every need, after all, your comfort is his number one priority.
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literary-motif · 22 days
Hey I’m wondering if you could do an after care with dontis and I love your writing keep doing what you’re doing
Dontis x Reader
Warnings: Implied sexual content
Dontis panted heavily, collapsing beside you on the bed. He ran his hand through his hair, catching his breath, and looked over to you. “Are you alright?” he asked, flipping on his side to face you properly. He reached out a hand, running his fingers up and down your side in a gentle caress.
“Fine,” you said, slightly out of breath. The high of pleasure had left you winded in the afterglow, and you felt tiredness weighing down your eyelids. You trusted Dontis completely, his soothing presence making you sleepy. “Can we take a bath, maybe?”
Dontis’ hand stilled. “Of course,” he said kindly, leaning up to place a chaste kiss against your lips. “Give me a moment.” He rose from the bed, walking into the ensuite. You heard the rushing of water and the muted closing of a cupboard. “Would you like to take it together or separately?” he asked, poking his head through the door. 
You took the time to stretch and relax your muscles, thinking. In truth, you did not want to be alone, yearning instead to feel Dontis’ arms around you. He always made you feel loved and cared for. “Together, if you don’t mind,” you said, rolling off the bed and wincing at the soreness in your lower back. 
“Not at all,” he replied, holding out a hand and walking you towards the bath with a gentle smile. “I hope I wasn’t too rough,” he said as you sat in the bath, the warm water instantly soothing your aching muscles and making you sigh contently. 
The scent of the bath salt eased your mind immediately. It smelt like Dontis, invoking the same feeling of warmth and security that you loved so much as you allowed your mind to drift.
“It’s fine, don’t worry,” you said, closing your eyes and leaning your head back. You felt the water ripple as Dontis joined you on the other side of the bathtub, his wealth allowing it to be large enough that no part of you was touching. You swallowed your disappointment, not wanting to intrude if he wanted the personal space. “I like your bath salt.”
He chuckled, running his hand through the water and letting it trail down his fingers. “Thank you. I chose it carefully. Taking a bath with them is one of my favorite things to do after.” 
You hummed, feeling the pull of sleep threatening to overtake you. “‘s nice,” you slurred, opening your eyes and sitting up properly to wake you up again. “It was nice, I mean. This is nice.”
Dontis smiled at you. “Tired?”
“Just a bit,” you answered, stifling a yawn. “But I don’t want to sleep yet.”
He nodded, reaching for the bottle of shampoo, hesitating as he looked up at you. “Would you mind washing my hair?” he asked, trying to hide the longing in his voice.
“Turn around,” you requested, scooting over and taking the bottle from him. You scooped a generous portion of it into your palm, massaging it into his scalp. 
Dontis sighed, intoxicated by your touch. It made him feel warm from the inside out as you threaded your fingers through his hair, lightly scratching against his skin. He shuddered when you traced the base of his horns, making you halt your touches, fearing that you had hurt him. 
“It feels nice,” he reassured you, “I am sensitive there. So your—” he gasped, feeling your fingers brush over the skin again. 
“You have scars here,” you observed, keeping your touches light as you continued massaging in the shampoo. 
“I was betrayed, centuries ago,” he replied, voice dreamy as he recalled a time long gone. To your surprise, it was devoid of anger or resentment at the memory, as if he had forgiven it long ago. You tilted your head to kiss his shoulder, silently offering comfort regardless. 
“Close your eyes,” you said, taking hold of the shower head and adjusting the temperature of the water. You washed out the shampoo, using one hand to keep it from running into his eyes. 
Dontis smiled, feeling another surge of affection for you. “Thank you for your care,” he said as you wrung out his hair carefully. He turned around, leaning back against the tub, careful to keep his hair above the water, and opening his arms for you. “Would you mind?”
“Not at all,” you said, leaning against him and nuzzling your face into his neck. You remained like this for a while longer, Dontis’ steady heartbeat almost lulling you to sleep again as he ran his fingers up and down your back.
“Are you hungry? Would you like to eat something?” he asked once the water began cooling and you felt it was time to leave the bath. “I could make some pasta. It’s a light dish.” 
You nodded, hesitatingly leaving his embrace to wrap yourself in a towel and step out of the bathtub. “I can help.”
“Nonsense,” he said with a chuckle, drying his wet hair and kissing you. “I’ll be done in an instant. You rest. I’ll serve you dinner in bed.”
“You spoil me,” you said, pulling on one of his fluffy brown sweaters and enjoying the smirk Dontis gave you as he disappeared behind the door. You were immediately surrounded by his smell, sighing contently as you sunk into the pillows, feeling relaxed and looked after. 
Dontis had a way of making you melt. He was the most compassionate and kindest person you had ever come across, and his infinite generosity and care never failed to leave you speechless. You could never properly express the gratitude you felt for him and all his kindness, but you hoped the gentle touches, loving kisses, and the look of adoration in your gaze every time your eyes met conveyed at least part of it.
The dip beside you on the mattress made your eyes open slowly, and you were immediately met with Dontis’ warm smile. “You can sleep in a moment,” he said, pushing the tray towards you. “And I look forward to having you in my arms when you do, but eat first.”
Sitting up, you took the plate of pasta, smiling at the leaves of basil he added on top of it. “You’re the best, Dontis. I don’t know what I did to deserve you.”
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literary-motif · 11 days
Check Mate
Dontis x Reader
“Check,” Dontis said, moving his black queen to take one of your rooks. 
You raised an eyebrow, looking at him in disbelief. 
The last thing you had expected when Dontis had invited you over to play a game was him presenting you with a chess board, picking up two pawns, and hiding them behind his back to determine which color you would be playing. 
Still, you could never refuse a relaxing game of chess. There was no clock to tick down, which allowed both of you to get lost in your head for as long as you needed to consider your next move. 
Dontis had just spent over ten minutes coming up with that one, offering up his queen to you on a silver platter. There she stood, lonely and isolated, entirely unprotected. 
You chuckled, moving your bishop to take his queen. “I suppose you got so lost in your head, you lost sight of the pieces as they are,” you said, amusement in your voice at his pout. 
“I suppose,” he said, taking a sip of his tea and sighing in annoyance at his stupid mistake. His entire strategy just went up in smoke. “I did not ask before,” Dontis said, looking up at you with warmth in his eyes and the slight upturn of his lips back in place, “would you like to eat something? A snack perhaps? I bought fruits.”
“Sure,” you said, nodding towards the chessboard, “but make your move first.”
He groaned, staring intently at the disarray his pieces were in. You were decidedly more organized, and your pieces were well-secured. There was also the glaringly obvious advantage of your queen standing discreetly behind a wall of pawns while his lay beaten by the side of the board. 
Clicking his tongue, he rested his head on his hands, thinking about different chains of events, trying to tip the odds back in his favor. 
“Sometimes the best answers are the ones right in front of us,” you said cryptically, giving him a smile.
Dontis gazed back with a frown. “I saw your little trap. I am not taking your knight, hunter.”
“Fine,” you muttered, taking a sip of your tea and turning your head to watch the trees gently sway in the wind. 
“I planted them myself,” he muttered, hesitating before touching one of his pawns.
 If he moved it there, what would you do? What game were you playing? He did not want to give you an opening, but he feared it would only be a matter of time until you tightened the knot around the king’s neck and pinned him in place.
You continued gazing at the sturdy trees outside. They were massive, bigger than Dontis’ house, and absolutely breathtaking, especially now during summer, when their leaves were freshly green and appeared to shine in the sunlight. 
“Sometimes I forget how old you are,” you said, watching Dontis move his rook. “Seriously?” You chuckled, stifling your laugh. “No need to get the fruit, I’ll beat you in two.”
“Two?” Dontis asked bewildered, searching the chessboard. “Impossible. You’re lying.”
“Come now,” you feigned hurt, “when have I ever lied to you? Watch” — you moved your rook, taking Dontis’ knight to do the obvious move and beat your now unprotected bishop, then took your queen out of her hiding place and moved her directly in front of his king — “Check Mate.”
He blinked, processing your moves before he sighed, accepting defeat and offering you his hand. “Well played, hunter,” he said.
“You were not so bad yourself,” you said, ducking your head at Dontis’ scoff. “With a bit of practice, I’m sure you can improve greatly.”
“Good thing I have you, then.”
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c-t-r-l14 · 2 months
His Eyes
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Dontis x Reader
In the short time you’ve been living on this Earth, you have experienced a lot in your life. You’ve experienced the whirlwind of compassion, burning desire, and the warmth of falling in love. You’ve experienced the satisfaction—the complacency of living in a humble home with the person you loved more than life itself. You’ve experienced the joy—the overwhelming privilege of building a family together, and the immense fulfillment that made your heart swell with so much love when you heard your children laugh. You can still hear their high pitched, childish giggles every time you close your eyes. Their laughter hauntingly echos in your mind like a distant memory. You couldn’t remember their faces anymore, no matter how hard you tried. And, when you did—though in vain—you were often filled with disheartenment and sorrow, because all you saw was blank spaces. Blank spaces in the places where their beautiful glowing eyes, straight noses, and upturned lips should be. All you saw were faceless figures—
And that is because the war took them away.
You used to go through life without any worries, burdens, or troubles. You used to live life as if it were a dream; and it was, for a while. But, if there was one thing you’ve just realized after all these years—it was how finite and fleeting life truly is. How things can go from perfectly fine to disastrous in the matter of seconds. How you could go from living the life you’ve dreamed of ever since you were a little girl—having a husband and children of your own, to them being snatched away by men with guns and cannons. You carried that pain everywhere you went; and it was so heavy that sometimes it made you fall over— leaving you wishing for the impact of the fall to be hard enough to kill you every single time. But if anything, most days you just wanted to forget. The pain was too much to carry—and you had no one to share that load with.
In your quest of finding a vampire—who are said to wield immense, mystical power over people’s emotions, and beheld the ability to compel someone to forget anything they wished—you instead stumbled upon another creature. One who feeds off of desire.
He told you his name was Dontis.
And although you were initially disappointed that he wasn’t a vampire, you didn’t object to his company either. You didn’t know if it was just your intuition, or maybe if the grief and utter loneliness that consumed your entire being was making you delusional—but you could tell that he has also been through quite a lot, as well. You can see it in his eyes. They were always low-lidded; devoid of any glint of happiness, sadness, or life in them. They were dull and empty—and a sort of wariness emanated from his cold, vacant gaze. You couldn’t help but feel uneasy when his eyes would meet yours, because whenever they did—it never felt like he was looking at you; it felt like he was looking through you. As if—he were looking at someone—something—a thousand yards away. It didn’t matter how many times he tried to joke, or to laugh, or smile—the hollowness in his eyes were all you can see. And the only thing they beheld was insincerity. And maybe it wasn’t your place—maybe it was a bad idea, but a big part of you just wanted to know why.
What could’ve possibly unfolded in his life that made his stare so haunting?
“What is the matter?” Dontis asked, his voice snapping you out of your stupor.
You were so deep in your own thoughts that you didn’t even notice that you were the one staring at Dontis. His eyes—his cold, dead eyes were locked on yours. Looking at you—through you—almost as if your entire being was transparent.
A shiver ran down your spine, and you quickly looked away.
“Nothing,” you replied as you grabbed a plate of food and placed it in front of him, “Eat up.”
Maybe if you didn’t let his vacant gaze unnerve you—maybe if you weren’t so fixated on the tiles of the floor—you might’ve been able to see the genuine surprise that reflected in the glint of his widened eyes.
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c-t-r-l14 · 3 months
I gotchu. Although you didn’t specify if you wanted fluff or angst, which was your biggest mistake teehee
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One Good Thing
Synopsis: You refuse to let the world take Dontis away from you.
Warning: Character death, brief description of violence and blood.
It was all you felt, all you knew. It ravaged your entire body; an onslaught of pure, unadulterated anguish surged through every fiber of your being. It gnawed relentlessly on your insides. Clawed at your veins. Tore at your flesh. You tried your best to keep your breaths steady, to keep yourself grounded—to keep your self alive—but that was nearly impossible. There was not enough air in the room, and you could feel your body getting weaker—and your soul fading farther by the minute. Utter hopelessness and despair pooled in the pit of your stomach as your dull, unfocused eyes blearily stared at the dagger that was lodged in your abdomen. There was nothing left to do but lay there on the cold ground—soaking in an ever growing puddle of crimson red—and wait.
All you could do was wait.
Because one thing was for certain:
You were going to die, and it was going to happen soon.
You weren’t surprised in the slightest; you knew what you were getting yourself into when you went down the path hunters walked. It was a long, treacherous road; one that stretched on for miles. It was riddled with thorns and thistles, suffering and destruction, impending doom, and certain death—and oddly enough, you found solace in that. You’d already made peace with the notion that death will come early for you; that whenever you turned at a corner, or stopped at a block—that’d it’d be waiting for you, with a wide, hungry smile and an eager twinkle its cold, dark eyes—ready to swallow you whole.
Or so you thought.
Sometimes, as your thoughts descended to the deepest depths of your subconsious, you’d think about how’d you’d react if death ever showed up at your doorstep. It’d be there, staring at you earnestly, with its wide, soulless eyes; its lips stretched into a long, toothy, distorted grin—its ravenous aura so strong that you could feel it on your skin. And in that moment, you’d meet its gaze unwaveringly, hold out your hand—with no regrets, fear, or urge to fight—and let it devour you, like it so desperately wanted.
So why is it that now, of all times, when death finally rears its head, you feel a sinking feeling in your stomach?
Why, when death finally shows up at your doorstep, you are afraid to hold out your hand—that you are filled with so much terror, so much frightfulness—that your whole body begins to shake?
Why are you afraid to look death in the eye? Why does your gaze waver?
You weren’t surprised that you were going to die. You were surprised that you had an overwhelming urge to live.
Vaguely, you could hear the sounds of yelling, the clashing of metal against metal, and the dreadful sound of squelching as limbs were torn from people’s bodies and brains were bashed from heads. Everything seemed so muffled; as if you were sinking all the way down to the deepest depths of the ocean. You were fading farther and farther away, and there was nothing to pull you back to shore. Mixed into the sounds of chaos and despair, you swore you heard someone call your name. In the distance, someone was calling for you—their voice filled with a familiar warmth you knew; one you greatly cherished. In the distance, someone was calling—and you couldn’t help but think that death’s voice should sound scarier.
“(Y/N!),” the voice boomed, cutting through the cacophony of screams and death.
It was the same voice that’d hum a quiet tune when you were curled up by the fire place; the same voice who’d gently whisper reassuring words and sweet nothings in your ear when your eyes would fill with tears; when the world felt so dark—so miserable.
And that voice belonged to the man you dearly loved:
And in that moment, you were pulled back to shore, and into the arms of the man you loved the most. And, instead of staring into the soulless, hollow eyes of death; you were met with a pair of wide, stormy gray eyes—ones that were filled with worry, and unconditional love.
“Oh my god. (Y/N)—(Y/N), can you hear me?” He asked hurriedly, his words laced with fear and concern.
You sucked in a deep breath, and with a small, tried, shaky voice—one barely above a whisper, you managed to mumble, “I’m…I’m here.”
A shaky breath passed through Dontis’ lips, and you could feel his grip tighten around your body—his gentle touch being the only thing anchoring you down to Earth. His heart, though beating fast and unsteady, slowly drove out the fear that resided in yours. You tried to focus on that, rather than the sharp pain in your stomach.
“I don’t understand—why did you do it? Why didn’t you stay behind??” He asked, his voice sounding uncharacteristically rough.
“Because—I couldn’t just stand there and watch as someone robs of something you shouldn’t have to fight for,” you croaked.
“But you—”
“I know I told you I didn’t wanna get involved in this war. I know I told you I didn’t wanna fight anymore—but I never really had the right to say that in the first place. How could I go on and live my life while you’re stuck here fighting for freedom when I contributed to the condemnation of your kind in the first place?”
“You chose to stay behind because you didn’t have enough fight left in you. You had every right to stay behind because it is your life!”
“What about all the choices I’ve taken from the ones I’ve killed? What about their lives??” You rasped.
There was a certain sadness that filled his gaze in the moment.
“I’ve done some pretty horrible things, Dontis,” you uttered, “I’ve killed people just because I knew what they were instead of WHO they were. All of my life’s work, everything I did—it was all for a lie! They all died for a lie.”
With all the strength you could muster, you lifted up your hand to cradle Dontis’ cheek. He leaned into your touch, and the warmness of his hand on yours made you shiver.
“For once—just once—I wanted to use my skills to protect the one I love.”
Your eyes burned, and your throat was sore from talking. And you could feel your hand begin to shake, despite the gentleness of Dontis’ touch.
“That’s why I followed you guys here. That’s why I freed you and Xanthus—why I wanted to fight. I just wanted do one good thing in my life. I wanted to protect you. I wanted you to live—simply because you deserve it, Dontis. It doesn’t matter what happens to me—as long as I could’ve somehow given you a chance to get out of this alive, that’d be enough.”
You weren’t a good person, you knew this. You’ve done so many horrible things; you’ve taken countless lives, and it was all for nothing in the very end. You knew you deserved to befall the same fate you’ve given to everyone else; but instead of killing you, Dontis took you by the hand, and led you away from the very path you chose. He led you out of the thorns and thistles, through the suffering and destruction, past the impending doom, and certain death—and gave you a second chance to live your life. So now, will do the same for him. That’s why you freed Xanthus and Dontis from their enclosure—why you fought beside him as Audric’s minions went after you—why you stepped in front of Dontis when he was about be dealt a fatal blow.
You just wanted to give him a fighting chance, just like he did for you.
You weren’t a good person—you knew. And if heaven and hell were real, if there some sort of God up in the heavens; you knew that you and Dontis weren’t going to end up in the same place. You knew that this was the fate you deserved—for death to finally claim you, and for you to spend eternity in a burning hellfire, burning for the suffering and death you brought upon so many—but…
“I’m ready to go, Dontis,” you rasped, your eyes filling with tears, “I don’t wanna die, Dontis!”
A sob forced itself past your lips, and tears streamed down your face. You were unraveling, and just as expected—just like how you didn’t deserve it—Dontis only held you tighter. You feel the rapid thud of his heartbeat, the shaky breaths, and the warmth of his tears.
“Dontis,” you cried, “You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me. You are such a beautiful, kind person—and you deserve more than what the world gives you. I’m so sorry we couldn’t spend more time together. But I love you. I always will love you.”
You could feel yourself drifting farther and father away again. Even the warmth of Dontis’ tears couldn’t pull you back to shore this time. A broken, strangled sob broke past his lips, and it echoed in your ears.
You didn’t even have the strength to wipe his tears away. Despite that, you still managed to smile.
“Hey,” you whispered, your eyelids getting heavy, “Thank you for coming into my life. Thank you for showing me that there’s more to life than vengeance. Live a long, long life. And just know that I will live as long as you do.”
Death was lingering around the corner—you could feel it. And maybe it’s because you knew it was inevitable now, or perhaps that you were dying in Dontis’ arms, but you were strangely at peace.
You didn’t shudder as it approached you.
There were no more tears in your eyes as you unwaveringly met its wide, soulless, earnest stare.
You didn’t tremble when you saw that its lips were stretched into a long, toothy, distorted grin.
You didn’t flinch when you felt its ravenous aura on your skin.
You merely held out your hand—with no fear, or urge to fight—and let it devour you, as it so desperately sought.
A/N: I’ve been meaning to write this story for a long time now, and honestly, this ask definitely gave me an oppurtunity to push my limits with my writing! Also, sorry that it took so long, ya’ll! College is killing me 😭
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literary-motif · 3 months
Dontis x Reader
“Can you—“ Dontis hesitated only a moment before taking a deep breath and continuing. “Could you give me a hug, please?”
The request startled you, and you looked at him with wide eyes. Dontis had never asked for physical affection from you, but in the way his unusually dull eyes shone in the firelight, you could tell he needed an embrace. 
A kind touch. A soft caress. The warmth of arms encircling him.
“Of course,” you said gently, opening your arms for him, “C’mere, my Sweet.”
Dontis collapsed into your embrace, sighing in contentment at snuggling close to his lover.
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literary-motif · 3 months
Hii could you please write an NSFW of Dom dontis and Sub reader?xx
Ps I ADORE your writing!
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Thank you <3 Hope you enjoy.
I Know You Need Love (NSFW)
Dontis x Reader
“So,” you said, clearing your throat and taking a sip of tea to hide the trembling of your hands. “What do you normally do when you invite people in for a hot cup of tea?”
Dontis’ eyes twinkled for a second. He raised his own cup to his lip to hide the smirk from your view. “Well, normally I don’t make plans with people to meet me at my house,” he said, glancing at you, “You’re an exception. And you’re the first one to accept my offer of tea. Usually, they are just too eager to follow me to the bedroom.” 
His words made you avert your eyes, suddenly self-conscious about the underlying reason you had for accepting his invitation. Dontis was heaven-sent, and you adored spending time with him. He was a great conversationalist and made you feel warm and safe in a way no one else had before, but you could not shake the quiet yearning for more. 
The look he gave you sometimes made you wonder if he caught on to your desire. You had not dared to ask him to take it a step further, and his kisses were always slow and gentle, quelching the lust within you to make you feel loved and adored instead, a special warmth flooding your chest as you felt fuzzy.
Whenever you broke apart and looked into his eyes, however, the yearning returned.
“You make good tea,” you said lamely, looking at the liquid as you tried to work up the courage to make your request. 
Dontis laughed heartily, smiling so brightly it made your heart skip a beat. “What is it, hunter?” he asked in amusement, catching on to your nervousness immediately, “You’re usually not a bad conversationalist. What’s on your mind?”
You gulped down more tea to stall, not daring to look at him. 
Setting down his cup, Dontis turned to face you properly on the couch, placing a hand on top of yours. “Hey, you can talk to me. I’ll always be here to listen,” he said, his tone so tender you nearly choked on the appreciation rushing over you like a wave. He wouldn’t judge. 
“I—” you began, biting your lip nervously. Dontis squeezed your hand, encouraging you to continue. “What— uh, have you ever considered leading me to your bedroom?” The words tumbled from your lips in a rush, embarrassment crushing over you immediately as you said them. “I mean—” you stuttered hastily, “Just— just theoretically. You don’t have to— I—” 
His gaze softened, a hand coming up to brush your hair back before settling against your cheek, the warmth of his palm against your skin immediately soothing you.
“I wouldn’t want to impose,” you whispered, leaning into his touch.
“Never,” he replied, coming closer, his lips nearly touching yours, “Tell me what you need from me. What can I do?”
Dontis’ soft murmur made you shiver. He was just inches away from you, waiting for your next move. “I need you,” you confessed, tilting your head to brush your lips against his. “I want to forget the world for a while.” 
“I can do that.” 
In a moment, you were locked in a kiss. You could feel the smile on Dontis’ lips, the contentment as you expressed what you wanted. His arms wrapped around you, to pull you into his chest as he deepened the kiss. He tore a small moan from you as his tongue explored your mouth. One of his hands trailed up your back, cradling your head as he left you breathless. 
“Well done,” he praised huskily when you broke apart, smiling fondly as he took your hands in his and looked into your eyes, expression turning serious for a moment. “Just like that, I need you to be honest with me about what you like, yes? About what you want, what you need. I want to hear you,” Dontis said, pressing kisses against each one of your knuckles, “Trust me. I’m going to take good care of you.”
“I do trust you,” you breathed as his kisses moved from your knuckles to the insides of your wrists, tongue brushing against your skin in little kitten licks. “That's why I came to you. You’re the only one I want to surrender myself completely to, Dontis.”
He froze, gasping quietly before raising his eyes to meet yours again. “Thank you,” he exhaled, gratitude in his voice taking you off guard for an instant. You were about to tell him that it should be you thanking him, but Dontis stood up, tugging you to your feet. “Let me lead you to my bedroom then,” he said, back to his gentle teasing. “I’m looking forward to seeing you unravel under my touch.”
That’s what you were doing, completely naked on the soft sheets of his bed as Dontis caressed your body, peppering kisses against every inch of your skin. You had abandoned restraint when he told you he liked hearing you — “you sound so good when you make these noises for me, hunter” — moaning unashamedly as his hands roamed over your skin, teasing relentlessly as his mouth left hot kisses against you. 
“Dontis,” you whined, gazing at him pleadingly. He had wanted you on your back, comfortable and spread out for him as he moved above you, pinning you down when his feather-light touch against your lower belly made you squirm, pressing you into the mattress with his deep kisses, leaving you dazzled and breathless.
“Yes?” he murmured in between kisses against the inside of your knee, hands on your legs to keep them spread. “Don’t be impatient now. I don’t think you’ve been kissed sufficiently yet.” 
“Please, I need more,” you said, exhaling breathily as his hands trailed over your thighs to rest against your hips. His hands on you, his endless kisses, had you desperate for him, desire clouding your mind as you bucked into his hands. Dontis’ grip on you tightened, keeping your hips still. “More, Dontis. Please.”
He sighed at your impatience but relented when he looked at your wide eyes. You already looked wrecked, and he hadn’t even fucked you yet. “Fine,” he said, sitting up to kneel between your spread legs, his gaze roaming over your body before settling on your face. “Put your arms above your head. I’m not going to tie you up, but I want you to keep them there. Understand?”
You nodded eagerly, doing as you were told. At his raised eyebrow, you gave voice to a croaked ‘yes,’ remembering what he had said about liking to hear you. 
“Good,” he purred, propping himself up on his elbows to rest over you, face only inches from yours. “You like being told what to do, am I right?” He leaned in, but you could only feel his warm breath for an instant before he turned to your neck, not giving you the kiss you had expected. “Right now, I just want to hear you,” he whispered in your ear. 
Dontis brushed his lips against the skin of your neck, grazing it with his teeth before biting you gently, making sure not to hurt you. You tilted your head, exposing more of your neck to him as began sucking on it, sure to leave his marks on you. 
Distantly, you registered one of his hands trail between your legs, coming to rest over your entrance. “May I?” he asked, releasing your skin from between his teeth and raising his head to look into your eyes. 
“Please, yes,” you said, excitement pooling in your stomach at finally getting relief from the desire that had tormented you for so long. 
His fingers worked you open expertly, curling just right to have your back arching off the mattress, having Dontis pin your wrists down above your head to keep you from squirming away from him as he made you feel good. 
“You like my fingers inside you, yes?” he asked with a smirk, eyes fixed on the furrow of your brow as your face contorted in pleasure. Little whimpers and moans tumbled from your lips ceaselessly as he moved his fingers in and out of you, twisting them in ways that made you cry out and mewl. “Answer me. You like how I fuck you with my fingers, don’t you?”
The drawn-out moan that escaped you as he worked you open faster, breath hitching as you felt the pressure within you building, could have been answer enough for him. Your legs started to shake, small gasps falling from your lips as your high approached. 
“I—” you breathed, eyes slipping shut as you were about to come. Before you could, Dontis slipped his fingers out, making you whine in protest and leaving you achingly empty. “Fuck, why?” you whimpered after a moment of catching your breath, pouting at Dontis. 
“You didn’t answer me, hunter,” he replied easily, smirking down at you as he brushed strands of hair from your forehead. He leaned closer to you, whispering into your ear as if it were a secret, “And also, I wanted you to come with my cock inside you.”
His words made your mouth water, and you licked your lips in anticipation. “Fuck me properly, then,” you said, too wound up to express yourself more eloquently. Dontis’ eyes darkened, and he released his achingly hard cock, positioning himself. The sight of him between your legs sent a wave of desire over you, striking you to your core. “Shit— ah — fuck,” you cried as he pushed inside slowly, the stretch of his length burning deliciously. 
“Are you alright?” he asked when he was halfway sheathed inside you, one of his hands cupping your cheek, making you look up at him.
You hummed, kissing his palm briefly before biting your lip and moving your hips to push him deeper. Dontis began thrusting into you gently, pushing himself further and further inside you until he was all the way in, his cock buried within you and brushing against the places his fingers could not reach. 
“You’re very tight,” he groaned, keeping his thrusts measured, sticking to the gentle rhythm he had set up. “Taking me so well, too. I could fuck you all day, fuck, you look so good like this, feel so good around my cock.”
The moan tearing out of you at his words made his pace increase, hips rocking against you faster as he saw you getting close again. You were going to come now, he would make sure of that, thrusting his cock deep inside you until your whole body moved with the force of his thrusts, his bed scratching across the floor from how hard he was pounding into you. 
“Are you going to come for me?” he panted, feeling his cock twitch with the need to release. The series of sharp moans, punctuated by his thrusts, was all the answer he needed, not patient enough to deny you another release as you were too fucked out to answer him yet again. 
You clenched around him as your fingers gripped the sheets tightly, nearly tearing them as you came. The squeezing of his cock, drove Dontis over the edge as well, and he released his load inside you, riding out both your highs before pulling out gently. 
“How are you?” he asked as you continued to pant, worn out and exhausted. “Should I run a bath? Do you need anything?” 
“Just c’mere,” you answered, opening your arms for him. Dontis followed your request happily, nuzzling into your embrace. “I’m good. Let’s stay like this for a while, though. I’d like to feel you close a bit longer.”��
“Of course,” he said, running his hand through your hair and placing a tender kiss on your mouth, “Anything you need, hunter.”
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literary-motif · 3 months
Dontis angst please! <3
Thanks for the request!
Caught and Trapped
Dontis x Reader
Dontis remembers another time when he was chained to a wall and it sends him spiralling. You regret imprisoning him.
Warnings: panic attack, implied past torture
Dontis woke up with a scream on his lips, the split second of being awake and feeling his arms chained to the wall enough to drag him into the pitch-black memory of his captivity at the hands of the Trimedian. “No,” he gasped, struggling fruitlessly against the chains.
Normally, he had flawless control of his darker memories. He worked through them, accepted them, and moved on, but trauma had an interesting way of resurfacing when one least expected it, no matter how well it was processed. The damp darkness of his cage underground, metal digging into his skin and leaving him defenseless — at the mercy of these monsters — not something to be easily shaken. 
“No, no,” he cried, heaving breaths tearing out of his chest as he desperately tried to gulp down air. Panic had clouded his mind completely. He was unraveling under the vice grip his past had on him — suffocating under the chain wrapped tightly around his neck — that he did not notice the soft mattress under him, a stark reminder that he was not imprisoned by the same kind of people. 
Dontis whimpered, his entire body trembling as he looked at the iron bars of his cage, faintly illuminated by the rays of sun seeping through the small window. He could feel the phantom pain of hard stones on the ground, digging into his legs as he squirmed, trying to free himself. Trying to get out, trying to breathe—
“Xanthus!” he screamed in terror, unable to calm himself and keep his grip on reality as he sunk further into the memory, remembering the biting cold chilling him to his bones, the howling laughter filling the halls as he was ridiculed, taunted, hated for what he was. 
Somehow the open disdain for him, the heart-shattering loneliness he had endured in his isolated captivity, was what hurt him most. Dontis yearned for companionship. He needed people, he needed connection and care and love. Solitary tore him apart.
“No, please, no. Not again, please. Not again,” he sobbed, tearing desperately at the chains shackling him to the wall. He could not get out. He could not escape. His heart was beating violently in his chest, his gasping breaths echoing loudly through the basement as he convulsed, a scream of terror breaking from his lips again, cut short by his lack of breath and the lump in his throat.
Tears blurred his vision, the rushing of blood in his ears making every noise sound distorted. “What’s happening?” he could barely make out the words of the figure leaning against the bars of the cage, “What’s wrong?”
It took the panic-induced haze in his mind a moment to clear enough to recognize you, his eyes going wide as a sliver of hope lodged in his heart. “Hunter!” he gasped, tugging on his chains with renewed vigor as another wave of panic overtook him, stealing his breath and choking him. “Untie me. Untie me, please!”
Dontis’ desperate scream made you take a step back. His calm demeanor on your previous interaction made you think that he was a being entirely in control of himself, someone who was never on edge, never truly bothered by anything as he kept a level head about the world around him. This image shattered as you watched him tug frantically on the chains with which you had bound him, rubbing his wrists raw in blind panic.
“Please,” he choked again, the hoarse croak of his voice and tears streaming in rivers down his face made your heart drop, a hand moving to cover your mouth as you gasped quietly. “Please, I beg you. Let me go, let me—” a sob cut him off, his head tilting forward as the burning in his chest made it impossible for him to focus. The hope he had had at seeing you had turned to dust the moment you had taken a step back in fear. 
He knew he was scaring you away with his violent thrashing. You barely knew him, after all. You did not know what he was capable of. Only a fool would free him in a state like this, where he was this uncontrolled. He had tried to appear calm, but the black tar of panic inside him, hollowing him out until he could not breathe and all he felt was the icy coldness of loneliness — chains tying him down — made it impossible for him to keep his composure.
“Xanthus, please,” Dontis choked between heaving breaths, pleading for his last salvation as he shook violently against the cold stones of his cage.
He did not register the door of his cell opening, hurried footsteps making their way over until someone was crouching beside him. Still, on instinct, Dontis leaned into the warmth he could feel coming off of you, only realizing a few moments later that you were kneeling beside him as one of his shackled wrists was freed, chains slipping from his raw skin when he yanked his arm away. 
The sob of relief nearly broke your heart as Dontis curled up, his free hand immediately flying to his throat as if to make sure nothing was choking him. You made quick work of his other wrist, untying him completely. The door of the cage was still open, you had left it that way on purpose, but as you looked at the Incubus curled into as small a ball as he could, head buried between his knees as he desperately fought to regain his breath, you knew he would not make a run for it. 
The reflexive hold on your gun lessened, seeing Dontis still brokenly sobbing on the ground.
Tentatively, you brushed your fingers against his trembling shoulder, putting gentle pressure against it with just your fingertips. Dontis’ reaction was immediate. He shuddered, but just as you were about to retract your touch, he leaned into it, like a moth drawn to a flame. Slowly, you wrapped your arms around him, pulling him into your chest as Dontis continued to shake in your embrace, his breathing returning to normal slowly as he felt your warmth against his side, soothing him. 
“I’m so sorry,” you murmured, your lips brushing against his hair in a slow kiss. “I didn’t know. I would have— I never meant to—”
“I know,” he croaked, his exhaustion evident in the way he slumped against you. “I forgive you. I— it’s not something that usually happens. My memories just caught me off guard, that is all.” 
You hummed, drawing him still closer as Dontis exhaled deeply, his eyes slipping shut. “Rest, it’s alright,” you said, resolute to keep him safe and give him nothing but contentment and pleasure from now on. He had been so kind to you, after all, and the way he screamed and cried in the cage you had put him in cracked your heart painfully. “I’ve got you. Just rest.”
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