#Disco Elysium kin
shittykinaesthetics · 2 years
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Shitty Harry du Bois aesthetic: EMPATHY [Easy: Success] Looking at these images, you reflect on the fact that it’s nice to be understood.
VOLITION [Legendary: Failure] But not that fucking nice. How can you be laid this bare? You’re unknowable! Unknowable! 
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kindyke · 1 year
disco elysium kin server dropping... now!
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welcome to revachol 2, an 18+ disco elysium kin and also fictive server!! run by dora ingerlund, cunoesse, and a guy who is just like dora + jean + kim for real.
we have rules but most importantly be nice to others and be relatively normal.
other than that, we’re doubles friendly, and again, 18+!
i feel given the source i don’t need to go over basic dni stuff like “no bigots no gross people”. you’re probably at least a socialist if you’re reading this.
invite link >> HERE <<
( @fictionkinfessions @kincord-hub​ @kincord-billboard @findinyourkin @kincalling may we get a promo :D ?)
[ps please ignore that my kin blog is out of date it’s been a while. you know how it is.]
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kincalling · 1 year
Hi, I'm Kim Kitsuragi from disco elysium but my canon an au. It was a role swap where I was the one that didn't remember anything. I'm looking for anyone that might remember that, or other sourcemates. I'm 21+ so only interact if you're an adult
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findinyourkin · 2 years
Long shot but what's the fun without those anyways?
Harry Du Bois here, from Disco Elysium, looking for anybody but preferably Kim Kitsuragi. Or Cuno, yes.
There's way too many things from my specific canon to describe here but it's an almost unexistent source that I doubt I would met my canonmates on a single post so anybody is welcome. Like this post if you're in.
Also, I'm an adult and due to the nature of the game, would prefer that only adults contact me.
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pyro-the-kin · 1 year
Disco Elysium - Harrier Du Bois
Lots under the cut. No particular order.
Some stuff on me:
Looked like as canon self. A pretty average guy in terms of skills, knew my way on conversations, mind and body. A pretty good shot
Despite my age and all the damage I had caused to my body, I was a damn good jogger. Kim always got behind me when we worked together because he couldn’t get to my level.
Partially communist, although not too vocal. Mainly was anti-fascist and a bit anti-libertarian. Called myself a moralist on a day-to-day basis, but would happily attend communist meetings and hangouts, although I told everyone these were just book clubs.
I remember being so interested in the Pale, even going so far as calling myself an amateur entroponeticist, having many conversations about this with different people. I even subscribed to a science magazine that specialized on this, although I stopped doing so after the divorce. Returned to it after the amnesia episode.
Collected postcards, had quite a collection, neatly organized into binders. It was the only hobby I took even when in my more depressive phases.
Partying in the abandoned church, after convincing the Ravers to not try cooking drugs and just stick to the nightclub. Had a good conversation about the whole experiment with Sonna.
Helped the cryptozoologist with the traps, and even after telling Kim I didn't believe it and was just helping them, I felt kinda hopeful. Also, the jogging around the shore was good.
I painted the wall. One night after Kim went off to sleep, I stopped by there and painted a large red mural. Wrote part of the motto of Dolores, specifically the part that used to be the motto of the RCM. Kim totally knew it was me but never said anything. “ "After life, death; after death, life again.”
Kim was amused with my political quests to organize communism, but every time he tried to comment on it I just told it was a cultured thing of reading books, not ridiculous politics.
Talked with the station’s lazareth, told him of my memory loss. And when he said it could be a fresh start, well I took it fully. I wanted a fresh start. And I cherished it. Thanked him and ended the call.
We had just finished interviewing the smoker on the balcony and were leaving his apartment. I just say out loud that he was pretty hot. Kim was walking behind me, kinda focused on his notes and completely choked on his spit.
Also, at the end when the case was pretty much solved and we were returning to our precincts, I said my goodbyes to Kim and before I could do anything he pulled me in (mind you, he never got physical before) and forced me to admit my feelings to him. He got it right, I was so flustered and red.
Kim’s attention and care was something that really pulled me out, and strengthened my attraction to him. Seeing him so worried about my health made me realize how much I adored him, but I feared he was doing it out of respect and not mutual feelings. Guess I was wrong.
The plasmid, it was a weird scene. I pinched myself many times to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. Even looked behind for Kim, and he was as surprised as me.
When Kim learned I was trying to overcome my addiction to cigarettes he stopped smoking near me, even if it affected his whole nightly ritual.
He wasn’t circumcised. I remembered this when I saw some smut art that showed him as such.
Kim suker-punched some homophobic asshole and I cheered him loudly. He just remained silent and kept walking with me.
One time, after this case, we were hanging out somewhere in Revachol. There were some clothes stores by the street we were walking on, and I remember seeing a stupid-looking bright orange jacket in a store's window. Same color as Kim's jacket. I entered the store, he followed behind me slightly confused. I searched across the place, grabbed it and put it right on my shoulders. Pulled a pose, with a dumb grin, to him, he broke down laughing from it. Didn't let me buy the jacket tho
Had book clubs, actual meetings organized by the local communist chapter. Kim knew what it was but just didn’t comment. Some nights were actual book clubs, and he sometimes joined. There was an old lady there who always said we were a cute couple.
Kim and I shared a small apartment. Always filled to the brim with my postcards collections and magazines, and Kim’s plants. We both wanted a cat, but one of us was sadly allergic.
One day Jean came to me while I was at my desk, and said something on how he knew I could come up on top. I think it was his way to say he was proud of me in some way.
One time Jean grabbed Kim by his jacket’s collar and threatened him, saying that if he were to ever hurt me and break my heart, he would personally take care of him.
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kodzun · 1 month
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priest kim AU has eaten my brain out, yum yum [heavily inspired my @cusn0 's kim priest AU]
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newcronomicon · 1 year
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i feel like everyone and their mother's have redraw the reference image for this but. i havent yet :3
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kiingbiing · 3 months
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Disco yaoi
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obviousanon · 3 months
Thinking about what it must have been like for Harry to return back to his place of living after the case is solved.
I've only ever beat one run of Disco Elysium, so I'm not sure if we ever see the place Harry lives or anything of that nature-- but god, the idea of it breaks me. I was lucky enough to have saved Kim my first run thru, so I reflect my own personal expirience when thinking about this.
I'm sure Harry would immediately be put on medical leave by Captain Pryce, the poor guy can barely walk, he's actively bleeding out all over himself as he trepidates the snowy terrain of the deserted island.
I would imagine him being dropped off, with a frittte bag in one hand and a froggy cap in the other-- perhaps Kim drops him off, but he doesn't stay. This rediscovery of home is a journey Harry has to explore on his own, to feel comfortable in the reclamation of his own privacy. Like touching your own body to make sure all the pieces are still there.
Maybe Harry is renting out an old, run-down, one story house tucked away somwhere in Central Jamrock, dilapidated and dying-- the ivys corpses curl around the drywall of his house, mold grows at the corners of the front door, a dead wasp nest hangs overhead of the front porch. Rotten wood creaks under snake skin heels. He runs his fingers above the frame in an act that feels familiar, instinctive even, and he finds the spare key.
God, what would it be like inside? To see the rotting corpse of a home, eaten from the inside by your own vices? And then, to clean out the rooms and bring it to life again? To invite friends, lovers, and animals back into the saftey of a place you once made a horror show. The parallels of self-recovery starting at the ability of being able to fold your own bedsheets.
Harry Du Bois makes me emotional.
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creatureesque · 8 months
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meet the artist (meee!!!) previous years under cut
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2022 and 2021 mishas. 2021 misha is a little bit cringe im sorry guys
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even-disco-baby · 2 years
ANNETTE — “Hi, ace detective.” The young girl stifles a yawn. “We’ll be closing up soon, I’m afraid. Is there anything I can help you find?”
EMPATHY — She’s hoping the answer is yes. Any excuse to take a break from the dreaded *math homework.*
“No thanks, I was just on my way out.” [Leave]
“It’s okay, I don’t want to distract you from your studies.”
“Yeah, actually. I’m looking for a book.”
ANNETTE — She tries and fails to hide her relief as she sets her textbook under her chair. “Of course! What are you looking for, sir?”
“A happy story.”
“A sad story.”
“Something that will make me a better detective.”
“Something that will make me a better person.”
“Something about how to mend a broken heart.”
ANNETTE — “Oh…” She frowns, staring up at the shelves as if hoping that the perfect book will miraculously catch her eye. “Umm… Let me think…”
EMPATHY — She’s genuinely trying to think of one. She wants to help you.
ANNETTE — After a long, long pause, Annette finally lets out a sigh of defeat. “…I’m not sure,” she admits sadly. “I’m sorry, sir.”
YOU — “You can’t think of anything at all?”
ANNETTE — “Well… We do carry some self help books, sir, but…” She casts a quick glance around the store.
REACTION SPEED — Making sure Plaisance is out of earshot.
ANNETTE — The girl leans in conspiratorially and whispers, “Mother says those books are all snake oil. ‘If all it took to change somebody’s life was a book, *we* would be sitting quite prettily.’”
DRAMA — Her Plaisance impression is uncanny! What talent!
YOU — “Why do you sell them, then?”
ANNETTE — “Well,” she coughs, “not everyone agrees with my mother.”
RHETORIC — Translation: because people buy them. It’s as simple as that.
ANNETTE — “But I don’t think that’s quite what you’re looking for, is it, sir…?” She looks up at you with that seemingly impossible mixture of innocence and knowing that is unique to children.
“Yeah, you’re right. It isn’t.”
“No, I think I’ll give the self help books a try.”
“I’m not really sure what I’m looking for, to be honest.”
ANNETTE — She nods slowly, looking down at her frayed nails. “Lots of people come into the shop not quite knowing what they’re looking for. But that’s what’s so nice about bookshops, don’t you think? No matter where you look, you can find *something* interesting.” She smiles bright enough to light up every dark corner of the bookstore and the doomed commercial area below it. “I’m sure you’ll find what you’re looking for, ace detective. Maybe you just have to let it find *you.*”
VOLITION — Here in this bookshop. In Martinaise. Revachol. The world. This seemingly wretched lifetime. In the midst of it all, there is always something for you. Uncurl your fist. Let it find your palms upturned.
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rathologic · 8 months
glad I had a little more time to parse this one in text, but the idea I was getting at with being uncomfortable at The Background Racism being completely unchanging in patho2 is that I think it presents an idea that that racism is an unavoidable fact and there's no way for the townsfolk to do better. which is in line with the story P2 wants to tell about the Town and Kin being incompatible, but is such a deeply worrying idea in the world of real social issues... like much like here it's a belief systemically and socially embedded in the Town and one vital to the exploitation of the Kin, but the game doesn't acknowledge potential decolonial or anti-racist actions outside of the character writing of Artemy possibly dealing with his alienation from his heritage, especially b/c its final choice is also fully on the haruspex. nobody else in the game has to or is even asked to put in work (for the millionth time, in the game where side characters don't do anything concrete); the entire social slate gets wiped clean by the Special Guy and suddenly the historical tension of the settlement isn't a problem anymore. while, and because, it's presented as its immodifiable fact in the course of the game. the way that artemy always has the internal option to choose how he feels about the Kin, but not the options to tell someone else that their feelings about the Kin are wrong, is something I think a more cognizant game could have used as a statement (in connection to how racism affects real-world people of color; by all means this shouldn't be artemy's responsibility! the microaggressions do reflect, as others have discussed, life in a racist society. talking about their use as a device of constant emphasis for the "incompatible parts" idea here) but in patho2 unaddressed it becomes the same "side characters don't do anything" that afflicts every area of its writing... and while there are plenty of other things for characters to be worried about during pathologic, it's still an ideological stance to assert that decolonization is unimportant during a crisis situation (where, again, it's a major plot point that the plague hits the Kin hardest due to the Olgimskys' organization of the Termitary and social/economic control over its workers), one that is absolutely used IRL to hinder any movement towards change. basically any character development would have helped avoid this. 😐
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kincalling · 2 years
Long shot but what's the fun without those anyways?
Harry Du Bois here, from Disco Elysium, looking for anybody but preferably Kim Kitsuragi. Or Cuno, yes.
There's way too many things from my specific canon to describe here but it's an almost unexistent source that I doubt I would met my canonmates on a single post so anybody is welcome. Like this post if you're in, or message me at @yoalexandrethe.
Also, I'm an adult and due to the nature of the game, would prefer that only adults contact me.
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findinyourkin · 1 year
hi i'm Harry Du Bois from Disco Elysium. i'm looking for Kim, but anyone's welcome to reach out! i don't have any concrete memories so i'm mostly fucking around and finding out i guess! i'm 20. would prefer people 18+. your best bet of reaching out to me is probably thru @serqievsky and banging on my door until i answer. thanks! :]
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Inland Empire from Disco Elysium moodboard with themes of space and sleep for anon!
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batwhorebile · 2 years
in disco Elysium when you walk down the stairs and before anything you can check out the stage in Whirling rags and get 'karaoke quest' ...... says a lot about a person. I for example, rejected the thought because god, i'm a drunk half dead man (my degeneracy betrays me), last thing i need is embarrassing myself further (yeah, even in the game i can't bring myself to do something like that) a
And i loved the game so much i started reading about it online and found out you can sing karaoke for Kim, a magical intimate public moment. and i missed it cuz i was feeling embarrassed and wanted to look as normal. In the fucking game. I made same decision for dancing scene in the church. i didn't continue dancing so i missed another special moment. i keep missing special moments in life trying to be normal. :(
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