dire-vulture · 2 months
3 & 4 for devilsaur? i'd love to know more about the spider biker grandma!
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woo Devilsaur :D
3 random trivia about them:
She always puts surprises at the bottom of ice cream. 50/50 shot on if its a gumball or a fake spider fdgf
2. Technically Artichoke is her great-grandson (Dev -> Phospha -> Dana -> Artichoke) but I don't think that math works in my lore so I've kind of merged Phospha and Dana into one dragon haha. Gaia is canonically the dragon Devilsaur had kids with (and is now deceased..rip) but Dana is the one I consider their canon kid and Artichoke's father c: Dana became a farmer along with his partner Baffy and while Devilsaur never was interested in settling down for farming or anything herself, she's very proud of her family's legacy and has always taken time to still be involved even when she was on the road a lot!
3. somehow i haven't written this anywhere on site apparently. but she and Elder took on the role of Wick and Wisp's parents since they were abandoned as kids. In general I'd say the community as a whole raised them, but Dev and Elder definitely took special care to make sure they got the childhoods they deserved c: plenty of play time (Devilsaur absolutely taught Wick how to wrestle), bedtime stories every night, and everything in between...
4 items in their personal hoard/inventory
Those plastic spider rings, little candies to give out to the kids, pair of cool shades, and probably some other punky accessories to wear depending on her mood haha
thank you!!
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jaquitor · 5 months
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white and purple devilsaur, my first love
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artofekurzweil · 11 months
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Forever is just a state of mind You're last of your kind
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sirdolraan · 2 years
(Daily writing challenge August 2022, Day 4, Impress/Exhaustion. CW: Vore, animal distress (no death))
In the depths of Un'goro crater, it was a lovely day. The sun shone down through the leafy canopy, granting warmth and casting shade. The gentle breeze carried the sweet smells of the incredible flora that called the titan test bed home. And the sound of a roaring devilsaur and a screaming human echoed off the rocky canyon walls that protected it from the outside world.
Janosis was an experienced, celebrated runner. Indeed, he had mastered the art of fleeing danger on foot over many years, most recently while prisoner of the dread tower Torghast. But there was only so much his human body could do to outpace a twenty foot tall saurid who was equal parts grumpy and hungry, and his pursuer was gaining on him. He uttered a quick spell to blink past a large fallen tree, only to hear it crack and splinter a moment later as the devilsaur crushed it underfoot, roaring in triumph as it closed on its prey.
"The creature will reach striking distance in seventeen seconds. Recommend alteration of strategy." his familiar Penelops intoned, the little ball of arcane energy floating alongside his head, providing a useful, if frustrating, play by play of the pursuit.
"I'm thinking!" he snapped back, rolling under a set of vines and coming up at speed, barely stumbling as he focused on the path in front of him. One wrong move would end the pursuit badly for him. He was already beginning to tire, his muscles burning in protest as he pushed his body to its cardiovascular limits.
"Pursuer will strike in five seconds. Strategy recommendation: Ice Block spell will grant you more time to think." Penelops declared. Janosis' mind raced. Yes, it was one of his favorite spells, and would buy him time, but not enough. His mana reserves were too low to attempt a teleport, much less try to fend off the creature. Encasing himself in a block of ice would be his last spell for a while....
Janosis' eyes went wide as he realized his out. He hated his out. Breathing deep, he slowed his pace slightly, and uttered a simple command. "Count down."
"Affirmative. Three. Two. One. Strike." As she started the final word, Janosis jumped, pulling his arms and legs in close as the Devilsaur's maw loomed over him, before snapping down, gobbling him up whole. The creature stood, throwing its head back, then stumbled. It began to cough, or try to, its tiny forearms clawing at its neck. With a mighty heave, the beast coughed up the jagged block of ice, streaked with its blood, out of its throat, before weakly turning away, utterly unwilling to continue with such a dangerous morsel. A few moments later, the ice faded, dropping the cooled blood right onto Janosis' face.
Because of course it did.
The mage lay there for a few moments, feebly wiping the blood from his face as Penelops floated over to him. "New strategy recorded for later review. A freshwater stream is located one hundred thirty four meters west-by-northwest from this location, and should aid in the recovery of your mana stores. Well done, sir."
Janosis could only groan, before slowly pulling himself to his feet, and heading as quietly he could in search of the stream, all the while regretting his foolish insistence on traveling to gather the crystals for his next experiment alone. After all, who was he trying to impress?
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nootziq · 8 months
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Devilsaur's Den
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mylordshesacactus · 4 months
Chapter 19: Pathfinding
In which there are goats, Tyrande makes contact with Elise Starseeker, an impending apocalypse is not going to stop Brann Bronzebeard from trying to ride devilsaurs, Stellagosa's ulcer gets worse, and Vaz fumbles the most beautiful woman on Azeroth. Again.
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mousterian-writes · 8 months
Very Expensive Persons
An approaching sandstorm waylays our group in Gadgetzan. To kill time they visit the continent's largest pawn shop where nothing exciting happens.
It's not like the Infinite Dragonflight are waiting for them.
Rivendare's discount outfit below the cut
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Notes on the set.
I knew I wanted him to have 2 Thunderfuries, the idea was very silly and appealing to me. I am playing a lot of vanilla classic at the time of posting and the Devilsaur Set is once again in vouge. Until Cata there was a lot of mixing of armor types for DPS classes. People would wear leather and almost no plate in some instances depending on the stage of the expansion. I thought the 'world' of Azeroth might have a similar philosophy and wanted to incorporate that into the story. I also thought the idea of Titus running around in 'snake skin' pants was a good visual.
I also considered the leg plates of carnage (from vanilla naxx) but again the leather pants + gloves thing is funny so I kept it. Finally, I wanted to include pieces of gear from every expansion in his set. I feel this adds to the 'scrounged up' look.
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darkspear-dancers · 7 months
road: What does your OC wear while traveling? Do they have high-quality equipment, or are they making do? What does their gear look like?
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Zul'Jawa has spent many years of his life in the employ of the Darkspear Embassy. The restless, thankless duties of diplomacy have kept him travelling for all these years; in theatres of conflict, more often than not.
Because of this, he still tends to travel in his Zandalari mail armour. It's lightweight, allowing him freedom of motion for the practice of his War Dance, but it's protective enough to have staved off devilsaur bites and blood troll blades on many occasions.
The same ambassadorial duties demand the highest-quality equipment, that allow for an emissary to act as plenipotentiary. Waterproof satchels, spill-proof inkwells, wind totems that can propel one's voice across a valley.
Finally, he wouldn't admit as such, but he'd be somewhat helpless without the assistance of Rokh, his household voodoo golem that acts as scribe, cook, and field archaeologist. Rokh accompanies him on most of his travels; the household's other voodoo golems - Rokhtezuma, the Voodoo Guardian, and Ae'zokh Rokh, the Voodoo Guru, are not travel-sized.
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( This question was also asked by @damien-ward and @nixalegos, so I couldn't not answer it immediately! Thank you all so much! ^^ )
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thesecrethunt · 10 months
I don't really know what I intend to do with this blog but I just needed a secret place away from everyone to come to. Got out of a toxic "friendship" and I feel used and betrayed. He was manipulative, selfabsorbed, and needlessly cruel. I blocked my ex-friend everywhere and just want to get away from him and everything, so I unsubbed from the game I shared with him. I swore off WoW two years ago for a variety of reasons, but now find myself wanting to run away back to familiarity and anonimity. Someplace only mine that was never his, and someplace I've known for many years. Instead of getting back on my old main, I made a new character, Torallis. I had always wanted to play a Dark Ranger and I'll admit, when I heard Blizzard had added the customizations to make a Dark Ranger in game I was tempted to go back. I'm glad I did. I love her already. A lot of my old friends from WoW are excited to see me back. I feel warm and home again. I remember leaving because I had a lot of frustrations with the Blizzard leadership and game mechanics of WoW, but I think after two years I can see it with fresh eyes again. Even if I don't stay forever, I'm glad I came back. Everything's changed a lot since I was last on. There have been so many UI and game changes I feel like a new player again. There's a neat little promo for mounts going on right now too. I got the Shorestrider Mount I always wanted.
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I still haven't forgotten how to play hunter. It's as simple and fun as I remember it. Setting up my hotbar was a little bit of a pain, though. I was excited when I saw they brought back talent trees. But then I realized I forgot how to use talent trees 🥲. I think I got the hang of it, though. According to Icy Veins, not taking Animal Companion is a bad DPS loss for Beast Mastery. I'm trying to hold out against using it because I hate how crowded and clunky walking around with two pets feels, but I might end up giving in. My single pet seems to die too quickly, and I'm not interested in going melee with survival (plus I would miss my devilsaur). Leveling up is really fast now. I'm glad I don't have to go through all the zones now lol. The thought was daunting. I know I'll end up going back and going through all the zones eventually, just unlock some key things, but tbh I'm glad I got to go straight from the elf starting zone into BFA. I mained Alliance but now I'm trying to main horde for a change. I used to hate Sylvanas a lot. In theory, she's supposed to be everything I love in a character. Gothic undead pretty elf lady with a bow? All my favorite things. But they really drove her into the ground the second she as Warchief. Still not impressed with her writing, but I at least have an appreciation for what she should have been imo. But, I think it's easy enough to ignore. Just focus on writing my own character.
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anx1oustig3r · 1 year
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mireska made a friend 💖
(jex is still my main pet i just wanted one of these if i get over my mmo social anxiety and get into raids/heroics and also the absolute novelty of taming a devilsaur coming from a guy who has only played classic and tbc)
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dire-vulture · 2 years
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happy butch appreciation day!
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Iskaara Tuskarr and Maruuk Centaur for Pelagos, Grand Hunt for a character of your choice?
Iskaara Tuskarr - If your OC had to tell any story about their life to a stranger, what would it be? A tale of heroism, a funny anecdote, maybe a sad story?
For a lighter story, Pelagos (pre- or post-Arbiter) would tell of the time he wanted to write to one of their maw walker friends, but Kleia took the parchment and quill from him and flew out of his reach to do it. The maw walker in question told him that it was a very heartfelt message, but he still has his doubts
(referencing in game stuff with the quill of correspondence)
If he's trying to inspire whoever he's talking to, he would talk about how he and so many more came together to help in Korthia, and how it really made him think of what more could be done to right the wrongs of the Shadowlands.
Maruuk Centaur - What trophy/symbol of their accomplishments is your OC most proud of?
I don't know that he really has any physical trophies, so to speak. There is one thing he's pretty proud of, but I can't really talk about it just yet, because it's a spoiler for the epilogue >.>
I think his biggest trophy would be the sight of souls going to their intended afterlives.
Grand Hunt - What would be the ideal animal companion for your OC? It can be anything, from a dog to a dragon!
Liila has no specific critter she would like with her, and honestly most of the ones she has in her life are a result of happenstance, though it rarely ends well.
Piikii her undead steed, named for the odd noises its joints made as it sauntered along, was eaten by a devilsaur.
Piikiitwo, the venomhide ravasaur she befriended after she lost Piikii, was beheaded while trying to protect her by her tormentor when he led the attack on Orgrimmar pre-Northrend campaign.
Her pet jellyfish from Helheim was stolen by druids and released into the wild--surely nothing bad happened with that.
Nibbles the devourer ended up being far too sentient to be a pet. He is friend-shaped.
She had to leave her vombata in the Zereth Mortis.
Adrestes said, "Absolutely not," to bringing any crawbrats over from Maldraxxus.
Adrestes is currently baffled because she's got a 'pet' goat that keeps showing up in Devotion and chewing on the banners when it can't find her. She insists Pari the Paragon of Goatliness is not a pet, but no one knows what else to call it.
For Ta'lim, a troll hunter I do not talk about enough, it is his phoenix that he got at Magister's Terrace. Every pet he's ever had has died in some way or another (murlocs, friendly fire, etc), until that phoenix. He got it as a hatchling, and it ended up saving his life in Icecrown. Now that it's grown, he keeps it as his hunter pet. The best part is he's retired from adventuring, so now he's just a courier with a phoenix flying around with him in the Echo Isles.
Mitchell had a spider that he loved very much, but it died of old age (and possibly plague exposure) and he has sworn off all other pets. After all, he's gonna live for a very long time and doesn't want to watch all his little critters die. He does still have a soft spot though, for Fluffy, the void-sheep. People keep suggesting he get something that's undead, but he just grumbles about it.
Ty for the ask :D This was fun <3
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kavtari · 2 years
Cherry Garcia: a role model/inspiration headcanon.
She learned how to make anything she picked up into a thrown weapon because she saw a kobold kill a devilsaur with a blown dart gun. Too bad she had to knock him out so she could get our of the caves, but it was still epic.
Kav will never admit this and may have even forgotten completely.
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sirdolraan · 1 year
DWC November 2022 Day 7: Infatuation/Endless @daily-writing-challenge
Lorellai Truthhammer stared up at the ceiling, and silently wished for a meteor to smash through the roof of the mountain. She didn't know how long she'd been trapped in this room, but she knew it was too long. Her father's voice, going on and on about how to handle various potential crises, had turned into a buzzing sound in her mind. And on her hip. Wait, no, that was her commstone.
Lorellai eyed her father, and when he turned his back to point at the screen he was projecting the visual aids on, she pulled it out, and brought up the message from Shansii.
"U done? Party 2nite @ my place, come celebr8"
"Dad has endless slides, gotta try and sneak away."
"Pop smoke lol. sys?"
"lol I wish. Bts."
Lorellai snapped her gaze up at her dad, who had sneakily turned around.
"Well, if you can message yer friends yeh can tell me what you should do if a mated pair of devilsaurs starts rampaging through your camp, hm?" he asked, frustrated.
Lorellai sighed. "Throw flashbangs up near their eye level to startle 'em, hop on a vehicle, and lead them away from camp, once clear activate cloaking device and wait at least one hour before returning to camp. Same thing with pretty much any aggressive wildlife."
Drogar narrowed his eyes. "... Yer right. I suppose. I only want to go over this because I want yeh t' be safe and successful out there, lass."
"I know da, but you and I both know I learn better by -doing- than by -listening-. I get it from my old man," she said, smiling.
"I know you're trying to butter me up."
"And it worked. Go on, spend time with yer friends, but be back for breakfast, yer mum's got somethin' planned."
"Will do da, love ya!" Lorellai declared, hopping up and grabbing her bag as she dashed out the door.
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sigurdjarlson · 16 days
Khadgar and Diily’s pets is just..such a fluffy sweet (sometimes hilarious concept)
We’ve got all these sabers, tigers and felines of course but also Chromaggus (still proud of that fic I wrote about her taming him), a T. rex, two wolves and a giant spider.
That’s not even counting the battle pets
It took a bit but her sabers have accepted him as part of the pride. They even bring him gifts which only slight surprise him anymore. Oh is that a dead moose? How sweet
The manasabers are really fond of him and he’s like super happy until she’s like yeah they’re sapping your mana a little. Okay…he’s still happy albeit a little alarmed. Ah well he barely notices.
Khadgar is not overly afraid of spiders but waking up to a giant orange lava spider on your chest staring at you is enough to nearly kill anyone.
It’s hard to get work done when there’s a devilsaur laying in your lap. What is he supposed to do? Move it?
Diily has to routinely remind all of them not to try to eat Khadgar when he’s in bird form. Sometimes Khadgar thinks they absolutely know and just like to fuck with him. He’s never hurt just…wet.
Also I’ve said it before tho just cuz cats are her favorite doesn’t mean she doesn’t love all animals cuz she does. No matter how creepy, crawly and/or violent and deadly they are. She loves them all.
Diily holding some horrendous beast she found outside: look a baby
Khadgar: champion, put that down you don’t know where it’s been
Diily: it’s just a baby
Khadgar: it’s sucking your blood as we speak
Diily: guess it needs it more than me :)
Khadgar: Ah of course.
Diily: :)
Khadgar as his curiosity wins out: ….what is it though. I’ve never seen something like that-
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nootziq · 7 months
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"Iron Devilsaur"
Squibby sketch!
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