#Der Wolfsjäger
jacks347 · 6 days
I have fluffy brainrot so y'all get a treat in what high school tropes I think fit the Escaped romances
Crow and Raven - Transfer student and hesitant assigned helper (heartbreak comes not from death but from him moving back across the world)
Ivan and Raven - Delinquent and tutor (Paloma is his niece rather than daughter, Michelle is still his bitchy ex)
Jean and Intern - Student council president and vice president (Bing and Boom are class representatives that stress Jean out)
Alfonso and Guest - Uptight Catholic boy and chill party girl (Alfonso having a heart attack as he sneaks out for the first time while Guest is like "lol just jump down you dork")
Jager and Schafer - Tenured professor and new teacher (not teacher and student, that's illegal ya nasties)
Benji and Future Wife - "Cutest Couple" superlative (no I will not elaborate)
Ash and Dennys - Detention buddies ("What are you in for this week?" "I set the chemistry lab on fire" "...nice")
Yes I do have more of these if y'all wanna see my ideas for GB, Redacted, or Nomad
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keyaartz · 5 months
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Agent Schäfer :`D
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escapedaudios · 3 months
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Der Wolfsjäger is coming back soon. Johann will be waiting for you. Are you ready to face him?
Art of Johann by anniekinsart.
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astralbulldragon13 · 5 months
Can we appreciate Ursula’s honestly realistic reaction upon being confronted by a freaking werewolf? I too, would be completely frozen upon seeing a massive frick-you monster and in shock when it tries to kill me. Also, you know he’s a good man when you think he would marry his dog if he could.
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idk-ig-7 · 3 months
I <3 Jäger
he's so silly and skrunkly
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pringlez-hell · 5 months
Ursula is stronger than me because I would’ve been running for the hills as soon as jäger started talking about werewolves
Like absolutely not ☠️🙏
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ghostfrog28 · 2 months
My Face Claims For Some Escaped Audios Listeners
(these are based off of what my OCs look like and some of what Escaped has said himself)
New Jersey Rats, Intern: Timothy Chalemet
Der Wolfsjäger, Agent Schafer: Rhea Ripley
Slash and The Basher, Slasher: Mickey Milkovich from Shameless, just with burn scars
My Greasefire Life, Denny’s: Kim Pine from Scott Pilgrim
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grim-has-issues · 5 months
if i had a nickel for every time escaped’s work reminded me of attack on titan, i would have two nickels.
which isn’t a lot, but its weird that it happened twice.
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aceth3second · 3 months
(PS: it might not alight with your depiction or canon depiction of listener since it is mostly based on my oc's but please don't bash me for it)
Schäfer would either be terrified or Inlove with dogs, during her time with dogs on her side then she would grow attached and spoil the dog but if it's baring it's teeth at her then her possible reaction would possibly be to aim her gun at it or get ready into a defensive stance. Due to her bad experiences with dogs it would be her first reaction when she thinks a dog is a threat(idk, this is based on my oc)
She still likes dogs ofc, she just- would carefully pet it bc she's scared that it would bite her or smth
Kids, idk Abt you but I think schäfer would hate or like kids because on one hand, kids are terrifying I mean- ever seen a toddler trip and face plant and it starts sobbing and you have no idea what to do so you also wanna start crying? Yeah, thats one of the reasons why she doesn't like kids but also she has grown to warm up to kids as a CIA agent. Everytime a kid hugs up to her for comfort it would melt her heart but she has to keep her cool and not start giggling at how sweet it was
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ramenwaitr3ss · 4 months
My personal headcannons for Characters and listeners from some of the fandoms I’m in!
(Because I’m bored)
Redacted Headcannons^^^
David has a photo of him and Angel in his wallet, whereas Angel has a photo of them and David as their wallpaper.
When Damian gets flustered he also lets off steam slightly.^^
Milo will make SH coffee in the morning in the way they like, with a small note telling them to have a good day at work.
My freelancer has a stomach tattoo that’s under their navel of a heart. And Gavin loves to kiss it^^
Sam and Vincent catch up over tea and wine on occasion, and they mostly talk about their partners lol.
Sweetheart takes naps in the most uncomfortable places, but makes it work somehow.
Baabe and Asher do skincare together every night.
Good Boy Audio headcannons!!
Personal headcannon that the Guardian and Mirin have a noticeable height difference with Mirrin being a foot shorter than them.
Adding onto that I see the Guardian being around 7’ 0-7’ 1 and Mirrin being like 6’ 8-6’ 7
Faithful will sing Karrano to sleep sometimes and Devlin will listen in with a small smile
Albus and Hipswitch are drinking buddies(I don’t know if Hipswitch can even drink, but if he can’t he just is there for the vibes lol).
The Guardian kept a Souvenir they got with Zed when they left, and keeps it in good shape.
Makkaro and his wife, have slow dances on special nights.
I’ve always imagined for me, that Pandora likes to sleep a lot and they’ve fallen asleep on Hades’ shoulder countless times, and now with her having Cerberus she’ll fall asleep with them on occasion.
Escaped Audios!
Jean and intern literally could not keep their hands off each other after everything that happened. Badabing and Badaboom kept saying “Ewwww” each time the two would cuddle, kiss, or anything cutesy.
Benji has a tattoo of his and his wife’s anniversary^^
Crow liked having his hair played with.
Raven constantly plays with her hair as a nervous stim or subconsciously when she’s sitting down watching Tv, or reading, working etc.
Alphonso was one of those really cringy emo kids, and is definitely embarrassed about it lol.
Personal headcanon for my Intern is that they were a singer and dancer, before the events of New Jersey rats.
I forget her name since I’m still new to the series- But the listener for Der Wolfsjäger, is terrified of dogs, and is learning how to deal with them thanks to the series lol.
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jacks347 · 5 months
I have an opinion on Der Wolfsjäger that I wish to share.
I have listened to almost every series Escaped has put out (I will listen to Blue Infinity once Desmond actually rises from his grave) and loved all of them but this one does something a little different and it surprised me.
Jäger apologizes for yelling at Ursula.
"Jacks what are you talking about, the boys always apologize when they yell at their listener."
Mm, yes and no. Yes, they do apologize but no, I'm not talking in the way you're thinking.
Let me rephrase, Jäger apologizes for lecturing Ursula.
In Matador Gothic, Alfonso gets on the Guest's case for just standing there when Scythus goes after her in the alley and back in the hotel when he realizes she's been bitten and didn't say anything.
In Against The World, Escaped gets on Asset's for not knowing how to aim and for hesitating during the initial chase.
In both these instances, my response is along the lines of "Bro, I've known of your existence for all of five minutes, why are you yelling at me??" because seriously, the listener is a normal person thrown into a very not normal scenario and the expert in the situation is yelling at them to do better like they know what "better" is. Like dude, wtf.
In Der Wolfsjäger, Jäger initially lectures Ursula about freezing up and pulling out her pistol against a werewolf but when they're in the hotel, he apologizes. And more so, he actually understands why Ursula reacted the way she did.
Ursula didn't even really think werewolves existed until she was face to face with one and when she did, she panicked. In that panic, instinct took over and that instinct followed her CIA training, training which involves her pistol and taking out whatever the threat is. And Jäger acknowledges this which, as stated above, none of the other series leads do.
I was actually really surprised like "Oh! So he actually realizes I was thrown into this ten minutes ago and have no idea what I'm doing, impressive!"
So yeah, safe to say Jäger has secured his spot as best lead in my heart (not favorite, that spot goes to Alfonso and will until the end of time) for actually taking the time to apologize for being an assuming asshole.
Also Weißhund is best girl who deserves all the pets after literally being almost eaten by a werewolf and the Dad Energy is unmatched, I love him.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk, tip your waiters.
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ateleen · 2 months
Characters & Listeners incorrect quotes - Escaped Audios Edition (Part 1)
I'll do part 2 of EAE, but I have to re-listen to Blue Infinity, Der Wolfsjäger, and Chronus Seven.
Raven: Blackmail is such an ugly word. I prefer extortion. The X makes it sound cool.
Young Diego, with their hands cupped over each other: I found a cool spider!
Guest: Oh? Lemme see!
Young Diego, opening their hands to see nothing there: …hm.
Guest: …where’s the spider.
Young Diego: *looks troubled and stares at their hands*
Alfonso: Oh no...
Intern: What is the big deal about borrowing money? I do it all the time! Sometimes, I even pay it back!
Slash: Let’s watch Sharkboy and Lavagirl.
Bash: Okay.
Slash: And make out during the scary parts.
Bash: Th-
Bash: The scary parts.
Bash: Of Sharkboy and Lavagirl.
Escaped: That was so hot, Asset.
Asset: I literally called the person who just flirted with you a degenterate dog and told them I hope they get dragged through the streets.
Escaped: I'm so in love with you.
Intern: That's ridiculous, Jean doesn't have a crush on me.
Badabing: Yes he does.
Badaboom: Yes he does.
Jean: Yes I do.
Denny: What do you want for breakfast?
Ash: He wants eggs.
Ivan: Come to dinner tonight. I can’t cook, but I’ll bring plenty of free wine.
Raven: Marry me.
Denny: We might have gotten into a bar room brawl back in the city.
Intern: Well, that was entirely predictable.
Denny: One of them punched a gang member.
Intern: Asset?
Denny: Guest, actually.
Intern: Oh, that was going to be my second guess.
Alfonso: *is wearing silk pants* How does this look?
Guest: Like it slips on and off really easily.
Guest: No, I didn't mean it like that-
Carmen: We know what you meant.
*The gang when they drop food on the floor*
Intern: Aw man. *Throws it away*
Slash: Five second rule!
Denny: Foolish germs, thinking they can stop me!? *Eats it off the floor*
Raven: *Sobs on the floor*
Bash: I love you.
Slash: I love you too. I've waited so long to hear you say that.
*Slash and Bash kiss passionately*
Ellie, to Chase: You owe me 20 dollars.
Asset: This food is too hot... I cant eat it.
Escaped: You’re very hot, and I still eat you.
Everyone at the table: *silence*
AK: One dinner... I just want ONE. DINNER.
Next: Scythe Audios
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escapedaudios · 5 months
The many vampire species of the Matador Gothic and Wolfsjäger universe, as entries in a Bestiary.
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Illustrated by the one and only @keyaartz !
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astralbulldragon13 · 5 months
So, I'm re-listening to Der Wolfsjager, and decided to look into the meaning of Ursula Schafer as a name.
Ursula in German means 'Bear', while Schafer means 'Shepherd'. I honestly love the name, even before I know the meaning. It makes me imagine her as a 'bear of a woman', perhaps taller than average, a bit muscular from her training in the CIA. However, despite all of that she fits in enough not to be looked twice at in Germany.
And I also imagine a bear hunting together with a wolf.
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wildbeimwild · 1 year
Wolfsjäger in Schweden gingen am ersten Tag mit leeren Händen nach Hause
Wolfsjäger in Schweden gingen am ersten Tag mit leeren Händen nach Hause
In Schweden hat die grösste Wolfsabschlachtung der jüngeren Geschichte begonnen, und Umweltschützer warnen, dass dies die Population stark beeinträchtigen könnte. Am Montag begleitete The Guardian 200 Hobby-Jäger, die von Mitternacht bis 15 Uhr in den frostigen Wäldern zwischen Gävleborg und Dalarna auf Wolfsjagd gingen. Während des gesamten Monats werden Gruppen in ganz Schweden auf die Jagd…
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pringlez-hell · 5 months
This is what agent schäfer looks like in my head 🤓☝️
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No one could pay me any amount of money to draw a cape coat ever again thank you very much
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