#Danny Morgan
anyathefandom · 4 months
So instead of them having Danny mention to sam that he talks with Jake sometimes about missing their dad they instead had him mention this random kid we don't know and had Sam says she's comforted by the thought of Danny having someone he can relate to.
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Sidenote: It's like these writers tried everything in their power to not write the obvious.🥴 Like if Danny needs someone to relate to HOW ABOUT HIS FUCKING BROTHER?!!
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superghfan · 3 months
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Scout (Cosette Abinante) and Danny (Asher Antonyzyn)
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beanotowncomic · 5 months
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Pencils, inks and lettering by Jude! Script and colours by Nia (niasnook)!
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halfwayinlight · 3 months
i find it HILARIOUS (no i don't) that GH wants to tell us again and again (and again and again) that Danny is "just like" his father. But they don't do much to SHOW us that.
meanwhile they show us that Joss is like Carly-- pushy, insufferable, has to be in control, argumentative-- week after week and year after year
SHOW US Danny if you want it to be a thing. Because, honestly, his attitude seems a lot more like Michael than Jason
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myghanimationspage · 2 months
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Feel free to use just give me (Linda) the credit for the animation if you use elsewhere…thanks
PLEASE dont use my animations to make other animations or banners with it. I work hard on my animations  and I dont want people to use them to make other fanarts
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arrowverse-next-gen · 8 months
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next gen on facebook: a lot going on here
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vmecholls · 4 months
General Hospital
Danny Morgan volunteering at GH. Please have him go the Jason Quartermaine route as a doctor vs. the Jason Morgan route.
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jbaileyfansite · 2 years
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Promotional photos of Off The Hook (2009)
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fromthestacks · 1 year
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On the Road
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rotandguts · 1 year
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danny (evil dead rise) x fem!reader
summary: during a quiet lull on that tumultuous night, danny realises this may be one of the last few moments he'll ever spend with his best friend.
word count: 2.9k
warnings: 18+ mdni, nsfw, sexual content, masturbation (fem receiving), mentions of loss of virginity, mentions of panic attacks, possession and death. praise kink if you squint, bittersweet best friends to lovers. mentions of underaged drinking.
A/N: helllooooo, so this is my first ever fic on this blog wowowowowow i'm nervous. i hope you all like it bc i am DOWN BAD for this mfer. pls let me know what you think!! DANNY IS 18 IN THIS.
publishing date ―  may 17th, 2023 |  © rotandguts
Through all the horror and dread that had inevitably arisen from the events of the past few hours, Danny would argue that despite the demonic presence lurking in the hallway - it was the guilt of his own actions that was currently feasting on his soul.
The noises from beyond the bolted door of apartment 85 had grown to a momentary halt, the initial attack keeping everyone still alive on edge. Bridget was in the living room temporarily calming her younger sister Kassie with promises of a doctor coming to help their mother, hesitancy evident within her voice as she struggled to believe the words coming from her own mouth. Her wound on her cheek - as much as she had tried to ignore it - was starting to ache. Beth had been raiding the apartment for something to help her hand that the quick relief of duct tape was unable to provide.
And all this because he found that stupid fucking book.
The thing that was making the empty sick feeling in his gut feel like a stab wound of his own, was your lingering presence in the corner of his room.
You were here because of him. Regardless of the book or not, if he hadn’t insisted you come over that night for pizza you would be sitting across the city in the comfort of your own home right now. You could’ve been with your family when the earthquake happened. Fuck, they don’t even know if you’re alive right now.
Beth could now be heard stomping around all the windows in the apartment, shouting to anyone that could hear her that they needed help.
“What the fuck are we gonna do, Dan?” Your timid voice snapped him from his internal ongoing panic attack. His gaze, still concerned, softened when you turned around to look at him. It had been the first time you’d spoken in a long while, your voice providing an almost immediate comfort to the blonde boy. He began biting his nails with furrowed brows, a habit you’d usually chastise him for.
“I don’t know.” He whispered, eyes still on you. Your hands were trembling. Your hands were fucking trembling because of him, the thought led him unable to look you in the eyes momentarily. Tears began to form as you clenched your fists, trying to fight the breathless in your chest as it began to truly sink in how much shit you were in. Your phone had long been out of battery, with Danny dropping his in the vault where he'd found that book. Neither of you had been able to comprehend the necessity of the devices a mere few hours ago.
You were both essentially isolated from the world as you knew it.
Danny sunk onto the bed, sitting upright with wide eyes and quick breaths. You couldn’t bare to see him like this. Sure, was there a part of you that was totally pissed off at him for tempting fate with that old vinyl? Of course. But hell, the worst thing you’d been expecting was tetanus, not satan herself cooking eggs in the kitchen.
You approached his hunched over figure, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. He still can’t look you in the eyes.
“It’s gonna be okay.” You spoke with the same hesitance as Bridget in the connecting room. Danny was grown up enough to know otherwise, and yet still for a brief moment took solace in your words.
The mattress sinks beside him and when he turns you’re looking at him through wide, concerned eyes. Your clasped hands are still shaking, despite your best efforts to stop them.
His own hand hovers over them. You let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding when he finally clasps your hands with his.
Eyes connect in the moment, his own drop briefly to look at your lips. They’re a little bloody from you biting them. Your tongue skates across them, letting the metallic taste fill your mouth. The smell leaking through the damp walls of the apartment itself after the bloodbath caused by Ellie outside.
You might both die tonight, he thinks. This could be it. All those years of friendship over because of him. In fact, he thinks it might be even worse if he survives and you don’t, because he’d be haunting the earth still searching for you at every corner in his life. He considers it for a brief moment, mentally punishing himself with twisted thoughts for the hundredth time that night.
Danny’s stomach drops at the thought of the immense unsaid in your friendship. Every lingering gaze and hand hold, every hushed secret and late night embrace under covers. He lived for those moments, but it was starting to dawn on him that they may remain just that. Fleeting moments of will-they-won’t-they peppering your decade long friendship, the what ifs of tomorrow darkening overnight.
He thinks about the first time he knew he loved you. It was your tenth birthday, a milestone. Your mom had intended on throwing you a lavish party and inviting all the kids in class with the little money she’d had. You’d never been one for showing off or making a big fuss and insisted you just wanted Danny there. The night was spent huddled together in fancy dress costumes, he was a pirate and you were a princess, telling each other spooky stories from the safety of the pillow fort your parents had helped build. He wished this nightmare they were currently experiencing was just that, a spooky story told under the flashlight lit fort.
He could still remember the close proximity you both sat in. The quiet, different from the buzzing playground, had allowed him the opportunity to see you up close. There was something in your words that made his heart beat faster, and when your bright eyes lingered on him while telling your stories he knew deep down that he wanted you to look at him like that for the rest of his life.
You were looking at him like that now.
“Do you remember that night we got home from Oscar’s party?” Your voice was barely a whisper, he almost thought he had made it up in his head. All of a sudden he was very aware of just how close you now were.
Oscar, a classmate and barely a friend, grew up in the richer part of the city. Everyone jumped for a chance to go to his parties for his large pool and the flowing liquor, you had both jumped at the opportunity.
“Yeah.” Danny responded after a beat, still taking the opportunity to inspect your face.
That night you had partaken in your usual drunk hand holding and cuddling, nothing too different from what you’d do sober but with an added possessiveness. You had danced with him like you wanted everyone to watch you together, to know that you were his and he was yours. In those moments, lips had lingered for moments too long at ears and mouths. But ultimately, the night ended with your usual walk home.
If Ellie, Danny’s mom, had known you both weren’t tucked safely in bed in your house she would’ve called a search party to track you down through every nook and cranny in the city. Luckily, you both ended your night in bed by 4am.
“Do you remember what you asked me?” Danny spoke again after a short moment of silence. You were looking at the floor now, your feet occasionally grazing his.
“Why haven’t you ever kissed me, Danny?” You asked, he thought you were teasing him but you showed no signs of mocking. Pensive, you rolled to face him. He was frozen in place. The lights were out in your room and your bodies, undressed to different extents that you were both familiar with during an after party sleepover, radiating an addictive warmth that made him want to hold on to you skin to skin.
“I didn’t know that was something you wanted.” His fists were clenched, he was still waiting for this to be a big joke.
“I want it.” The light from the moon illuminated some of your face. He licked his lips.
“Why didn’t we like, ever talk about it after?” If tonight was it, he needed to know. He needed to tell her. He’d rather she hate him and be alive and know than be dead and have the wasted opportunity follow him forever.
“I was scared, I guess - I thought you didn’t like it.” You shrugged.
Soft lips on your own, hands gripping your waist under covers. You’re using all of your self control to not grind yourself into him. The only evidence left of your night together were various lilac bruises scattered on your necks. But neither of you spoke about it. So it was never brought up.
“I liked it.” For the first time tonight since the earthquake, Danny softly smiled. Your eyes lit up, returning the smile to him.
“You never said anything-“
“Neither did you!” He countered, the smile giving away that he wasn’t actually angry. You smirked and rolled your eyes, “Touché.”
As much as it embarrassed you to admit at a time like this, your thighs were pressed together at the thought of you and him that night. Both of you had been virgins prior to the encounter
His left hand tangled through your hair as lips danced, you can still remember how you thought you had a temperature from the summer heat and the sweat coating you both. From his gentle, wordless persuasion of a soft push, you were on your back and his frame was on top pressing into you. By instinct, your legs wrap around his waist and pull him in. His hips grinding to your core, it’s so messy and quick but you can barely think because his other hand is traveling to your thigh to pull you in even closer.
He breaks away from the kiss to trace his thumb across your jaw and your swollen lips. Eyes blown out and wide, jaw slack at the sight of him. You’re spread out under him, the material of your crop top and shorts seemingly oh-so thin now that you’re in this position. Your tongue appears to softly lick the digit of his thumb, his eyes almost rolling back at the sensation. He can feel your thighs clench together around him, seeking a temporary relief from the throbbing between them.
He thinks he might die if he can’t feel it, if only for a second.
Removing the thumb from your mouth, your face immediately portrays your disappointment with a slight pout. Danny lightly smirks, lowering himself down again face to face with you. He reaches down to your thigh, trailing the inside of your leg.
“Can I feel you?”
“I think I’ve been thinking of that night every day since it happened.” He admitted, soft smile lingering. You could feel something stir inside you. Here he was, your best friend, in his oversized shirt and silver chain. He ran his hand through his hair. “I dunno. I just know that I can’t stop thinking about it. And you.” Danny continues.
There was a fucking demon outside the apartment door and quite frankly all you could think about was how badly you wanted that silver chain in your mouth.
Your hand reaches for his jaw, which grows slack at your touch, his gaze seemingly possessed by the thought of you. The summer night heat from that encounter stirred inside of you again.
“I think I’m in love with you.” Apprehensive, you continue to trace your thumb over his cheek, until following his jaw and lips just like he had done that night. “I think I’ve been in love with you for a long while.”
He was hypnotised under the touch.
“I love you too. I’ve always loved you. You’re my best friend, man.” Danny felt like fucking crying and you could tell through his voice. Was this a dream? Was that demon back to taunt him for all the time wasted?
He felt consumed by you, like in this moment his purpose was to do anything he could to make it all better. He leaned in to finally press a kiss on your lips, slow and still hesitant. You chase him for another when he pulls away, noses still connected and eyes closed tight.
You wanted to stay like this forever. His fingers laced with the hair behind your ear, grabbing a section and softly pulling. The involuntary moan that left your lips sent a shiver through him, he wanted more, more, more. Your neck was on display for him to reach down and attack with sloppy kisses and light teasing bites. He pressed himself against you, moving your back flat onto the mattress. His lips and tongue messy with your own, clashing to remedy the thirst for each other. Danny’s thigh pressing against your covered core, subconsciously leading you to grind against him.
“Danny, please-” When you were saying things like that, knowing that you didn’t know how much time you even had left together, he had to comply. It had felt so natural, it almost made him feel that guilty feeling again. Why hadn’t they just been doing this all along?
Lifting your skirt to expose the wet lace of your underwear, he asked the same question he did last summer.
“Can I feel you?”
Without hesitation you nodded, guiding his hands through the waistband. “Shit,” He paused for a second, raising his fingers back up to his mouth, spitting on them before returning them to their previous position.
The electric feeling of him on her clit, foreheads pressed together and eyes connected could make anyone forget about the horrors happening beyond the sanctuary of the doors to his room. His fingers filling you, curling and strumming to a syncopated beat, reacting only to your stirring beneath him.
“You’re so fuckin’ wet babe,” He was amazed at the feeling itself, your slick softness. You choked out a gasp, you groping him in an attempt to give him the same ineluctable pleasure he was giving you. He was too preoccupied with you to worry about anything he might be feeling, not when he was the one that got you in this situation. And besides, hovering over you when you looked this fucking good with his fingers stuffed inside you, that was more than enough for him.
“You’re so good, such a good boy.” He quietly whines at your words, pressing rough kisses to your neck again.
You tug his hair back to grant yourself a better look at him. His other hand wrapped around your neck, not restricting your breathing but still lightly grabbing it. When he could tell you were about to make a loud noise, the same hand swiftly moved to cover your mouth. Your eyes wide with his, silently watching each other desperate to moan.
The silver chain resting on your chest, its cold metal grounding you in the moment. “So fuckin’ pretty,” He murmured, still so preoccupied with the feeling of filling you.
“Needed you for so long Dan,” He bites his lip as his pace grows quick, your fingers finally finding their way around the chain that was taunting you all night.
“Thought about you every night. Couldn’t stop thinking about how fuckin’ wet you were.” It was true, in the shame of their last encounter he hadn’t been able to get her out of his mind. Not when he’d been thinking about it for half his life. “Still so so wet baby.”
Looking at his arms, his tattoos and veins. The way they moved in and out of you, the glint in his eyes as he watched his own work. The overwhelming view and feeling lead to the inescapable wave. “Fuck, Dan, I’m gonna-”
And with that, he holds you tight as you hit your orgasm. Your hands fly to his hair and shoulders, trying to remain grounded as your back arches. “Fuckfuckfuck-” You try your hardest to whisper, but your heart is pounding and all you can feel is the dizzying sweetness of Danny all around you. You have to remind yourself that this is real, you’re real.
He watches you, your heavy breathing providing the soundtrack to the moment. He pressed a light kiss to the top of your breast that was on show from the top you were wearing, before moving back up to place a kiss on your lips. Lying beside you, staring into your eyes with a warmth you’d always thought was unimaginable but realising that it had always been there. It has always been him.
So for that moment, you just lay there. And yeah, there was still so much unsaid regarding their long friendship. But for now, in the uncertainty of the night, they’d managed to say enough. For the first time since finding that book, Danny would feel optimistic about the future, despite all the shit going on with his mom. For a second it felt like they could really do this, they could really be fine. If only they could make it to tomorrow, then everything else could be resolved. He could apologise to Bridget, he could ask you out on a real date. You could let your parents know you were alive, you could fix the mistakes of last summer and go all the way again with Dan instead of pretending it never happened.
Unfortunately, as optimistic as they currently were, tomorrow would not come for either of them.
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anyathefandom · 4 months
Okay I hope this is leading into them properly building the teen scene which should consist of:
I mean we got Danny out here sneaking out and drinking. Last time we saw Charlotte she was trying to be mini Helena. It would be cool to see Jake wanting to maybe help out Trava around the gallery. I would love to see Georgie take after spinelli (only in his skills not his personality🙈). Rocco is more of a mystery since we rarely see him but when he's mentioned he's somewhere being pretty rowdy so maybe he'll be more a joker/troublemaker.🤷
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g-xix · 4 months
YouTubers+ Eating Out HC's
freezy, Lux, Deji, Ginge, Danny Aarons, ChrisMD (again), WillNE, James Marriott
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Calfreezy -I feel like he'd go at a rly fast pace, like absolutely NO CHILL. -Has you on all fours so that after he's done he can either fuck you in doggy, or just turn you over and use your mouth -Isn't rly a bit fan of eating you out, more of a receiver than giver
Callux -This man absolutely savours it. -Can't tell whether who's more blissed out between the two of you, when he goes down -Missionary position so that he can look up at you whilst he brings you to climax, being able to see your gorgeous face -Not v aggressive or fast paced, each stroke of his tongue is done with purpose and has you moaning no matter what speed he goes at -Absolute praise whore, would close his eyes or moan into you if you tell him he's doing a good job -Licks everything from your thighs and core driving you into overstimulation post-orgasm
Deji -Sat on his face -Glasses are off so he can't see that well, but he alr knows the spots to make you weak -Grind down on his tongue sometimes bc you're too impatient -Makes groans of his own whilst he works which sends vibrations straight into your core making you totally WEAK in those knees whilst he's eating you out
Chrismd -Ofc he's obsessed w face sitting too. -Loves the thick girlies that are going to put all their weight on his tongue and let him eat em out goooood -So fucking pussy drunk, will absolutely lose his MIND giving wet, sloppy head -His biceps n forearms clamping you down so that your pussy is completely flush against his mouth and you cannot move for a moment of relief and he's still licking you up and driving you into overstim even after you've cum [yeah i also wrote his imagine here bc idk if he's a part of the ATV-G-Clarkey group or this one atp]
AngryGinge13 -first time you tried it was actually in the back of his car which didn't make for the nicest feeling in your neck a couple hours later -But he had you absolutely GRIPPING onto those grip assist things on the ceiling whilst he was going down though -He's 6"3 aka MASSIVE which gives me the impression he has some nice long fingers which he uses along with his mouth -Has your legs shaking when he pulls away with a cocky grin and asks "how's that?" as though he hasn't just caused you the hardest orgasm of your LIFE on his tongue
Danny Aarons -He deffo loves a thick girlie, like, just don't try tell me that he doesn't -Aaand also I feel like he's made it quite obvious on the internet that he likes a rougher experience -So I think that he doesn't care WHAT position it's in, just so long as your thighs are squeezing his head as though you are gonna crush it like a fuckin' watermelon -thread your fingers through his hair, pull on his locks, and be as loud as possible for him -He's purposefully gonna try make you loud - moaning his name like bloody Moaning Myrtle - and if you're not loud enough for him then he's gonna be sucking your clit with enough mf pressure to have you gasping his name
James Marriott -Honestly he could love the thick or slim girlies -Can imagine him manhandling any size of lady, he doesn't gaf -Not necessarily rough with you, ofc always asking you and making sure you're doing alright n are comfy and all... -But in random moments he'll just pick you up or flip you over so easily - just manhandle you so effortlessly it always gets you so turned on - but you'd never ask him to be rly rough with u bc u know he's not so much into that -Okay wow that was off-topic from eating out but BACK TO THE PUSSY LICKING GOOD STUFF -One of the only YouTube mf's that I think would have you on all fours in doggy position when he's licking you up -licking from your clit up to your hole and giving THE SLOPPIEST head, which is just so fucking hot too, spit n cum mixing n being used all the same and has you coming haaaard when his head's between your thighs
WillNE -Presses feather light kisses on your thighs and aaaall around where you actually need him, making you a desperate mess... -And of course he won't give you that satisfaction until you've begged sufficiently enough for him -Holds your thighs with his hands, fingers pressing into your pillowy thighs and just squishing them around... Probably leaves accidental little bruises the next day -Has his tongue flat and moves his head up and down, sometimes even side to side making his lips glisten with your arousal -Will come up once you've orgasmed, lips glistening with your slick and making a sinfully beautiful sight to behold
JUST AMP BOYS LEFT FOR THE HEAD HEADCANONS!!! Comment n lmk what sorta HC's youse all wanna see next + whether you've enjoyed the YouTubers Head series!
(and did I miss out any YT-ers you were hoping to see? LMK!)
Hope you enjoyed reading!! Feel free to interact- whether that be a comment, vote or follow! Requests open, feel free to submit what u wanna see... Much love!!
To see more, here's my MASTERLIST
And here's my WATTPAD, with 50+ more oneshots to read
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wontaemins · 1 year
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morgan davies evil dead rise bts
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halfwayinlight · 6 months
Merry Christmas to everyone except Danny Morgan and Rocco Falconeri, who weren't with anyone this Christmas. Maybe they got shipped away to boarding schools 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
They werent with their parents or grandparents. Nobody mentioned them at all
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myghanimationspage · 3 months
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Feel free to use just give me (Linda) the credit for the animation if you use elsewhere…thanks
PLEASE dont use my animations to make other animations or banners with it. I work hard on my animations  and I dont want people to use them to make other fanarts
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jigsaw-copycat · 1 year
Honestly, I can't express how happy it made me when I got home from watching Evil Dead Rise (great fucking movie) and realised Morgan Davies who played Danny is trans. It was so fucking cool to see a trans actor in a mainstream horror movie - not to mention the fact his character was allowed to just be without them making his transness a big deal. It made me feel so seen and excited and pumped up as a trans Evil Dead fan. He did such an amazing job - I loved Danny sm.
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