#Count Iblis
geekynerfherder · 1 year
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'Darkness at Time’s Edge' by Frank Frazetta.
Used as a TV Guide advertisement for the 'Battlestar Galactica' episode 'War Of The Gods' in 1979.
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sw5w · 2 months
This Vote is Very Important
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STAR WARS EPISODE II: Attack of the Clones 00:04:05
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genderenvyninja · 2 years
Super Terios and Venice 👀
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Very quick sketch because my tablet is almost dying lol
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trashcreatyre · 2 months
Tbh the best way I can describe the dynamics of what I like to call "the evil polycule" is just. Nightmare blunt rotation.
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iukasylvie · 4 months
Ahriman/Iblis didn't have to approach Blumiere three times under three different guises to manipulate him into committing patricide and trying to destroy the universe.
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trancylovecraft · 1 month
(AOEX) The Blood Of An Unwilling Covenant
PART 4 OF 8: Iblis & Egyn
(Yandere Platonic Demon Kings (Ba'al) x Reader)
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[F/N] zipped open her bag, The fastener running down the side of the main compartment.
It was the early morning, Daylight streaming in from the open window of the room and shining down onto the old shaggy carpet. Highlighting the rugged mess of the blueberry faux fur.
The alabaster closet door was open ajar, Letting the pile of used clothing and toys with a film of dust spill out from the innards. Posters were spread across the wall, Several titles of TV show names and boy bands imprinted on the colourful paper.
[F/N] sat atop the neatly made bed surrounded by the fluff of her floral duvet. Her pillows sat tidy against the mahogany head of the bed, The bunk itself was surrounded by furniture of the same make. A desk by the open window and two bed stands filled with trinkets and trophies she'd earned from her school.
[F/N] shoved the scooby-doo torch into the backpack, It was an old maroon that she had gotten years ago on her first day of school. It was small, Straps digging into her shoulders but it was enough to hold the contents inside and good enough for her mission.
"Food.. Check! Torch.. Check! Camera.. Check!" [F/N] said as she counted the contents of the items laying inside the backpack. Sifting through everything she had and will need as her finger brushed against fibre inside the bag.
Pulling it out halfway, She smiled.
"Folder.. Check!" [F/N] grinned as she shoved it back into a holster compartment inside, Fastening it tight. The folder she had gained only a month ago, What she had held so tightly then could've never braced her for what was inside.
Demons, She had hit a jackpot. The folder had contained so much information and words she didn't understand that she had to spend an extra few hours in the library sifting through a thesaurus.
Late at night under a swing arm light, She had spent days upon days deciphering and reading the words inscribed in the files. But once she had understood and read everything a second time, She struck gold.
The contents of the file made her feel less guilty about the dying man she had encountered a while back, As what was outlined in the details told her of awful acts assumedly committed by the man.
It spoke of some strange organisation, One of which name she didn't recognise in the slightest but the atrocities they were implied to have committed were all she needed to know.
She didn't read much into it, She hadn't the stomach after that night in the graveyard. But from what little she did she know, Something evil was going on somewhere. Something that was brewing-
And something that could help her with Tetsuya.
[F/N] zipped up her bag, Hopping up from her perch on the bed and flinging the straps around her shoulders. What she had read was about demons, Not speaking of any hypothesis but talking as if they were the norm: An everyday thing!
Her camera, If she was able to picture proof of demonic existence then she would be proven right. The file wasn't useful as it was only words and the pictures in there were horrific, And worst of all had no demons in them.
It also said something about a laboratory, One a few hours away from where she was staying in the city of Sendai.
[F/N] knew what she had to do, What she needed to do.
And what a beautiful day it was to do it to!
The warm summers day, The streaming light that illuminated the dust drifting through the air. It was like a lovers embrace, Inviting and welcoming into it's hold. It tickled at the skin of anyone under it, Teasing just like a partner would too.
[F/N]'s feet hit the rug. Tattered sneakers tied into lopsided bunny ears as she turned round the bend of her bed, Making her way towards the door on the right side of the room.
She passed by the wrinkled certificates and chipped gold of her literacy trophies, Ignoring the common bugs squirming around atop them. Infestation as always, Wood starting to rot just a little bit as well.
Though, she stopped.
The open closet door, The alabaster paint of the shutters chipping but that wasn't what she was focused on. Instead, It was the shine of the sunlight reflecting off the dandelion raincoat left hooked inside.
[F/N] stared at the old coat, Visions of his face coming back to her. It was the only thing she had ever gotten back from evidence, Once covered in his blood and covered more in the memories of their time together.
She turned towards it, Stepping forward as she peeled back the creaky doorway of the closet. It was so near her now, The faded stains of dirt and grain still present as she felt her fingers brush up against the yellow Tyvek.
"Tetsu..'" [F/N] muttered as she unhooked it from the hanger it was draped from, Tyvek caressed within her fingers so delicately that it may as well of been floating. She smiled holding it tight.
It was so oversized on him back then, Sleeves drooping down near to his ankles and still ruffled to high hell. But now as she grew and matured it fit perfectly on someone like her now..
Fit perfectly.
[F/N] smiled, Knowing what to do.
Her fingers wrapped around the chip-paint doorknob her hand turned, Ready to leave the stuffiness of her bedroom. This was it! This was the start of her mission, To avenge Tetsuya and to vindicate her of a-
[F/N] stopped dead in her tracks. Swinging the door open just in time to meet the folded arms of Mrs. Ono, The counsellor.
[F/N] blinked, Stumbling back a few steps in surprise at the new arrival. Mrs. Ono stood there in her pristine elephant-grey suit, Carmen tie and bun neatly done into their usual appearance of perfection.
Her red-rimmed devil-horn glasses obscured the emerald hues of her eyes staring down at her accusingly, Not so different from a disappointed kindergarten teacher as [F/N] was caught red-handed.
"..Mrs. Ono." [F/N] greeted lowly as she started to shift in her spot, Nervously twiddling her fingers as she was scrutinized under the gaze of the older woman.
She looked [F/N] up and down, Spying the yellow raincoat and hood she was darning and recognising it well. Eyes lighting up in realisation.
"That's a nice raincoat, [F/N]." She greeted slightly, Nodding which [F/N] returned in kind. It was unspoken, But there was nothing that needed to be said as it was all spoken from the glint in the iris. She shrugged.
"Thanks.." [F/N] muttered.
"I was just coming to see how you were doing, Check in on you since you haven't been out of your room much but.. It seems like you're going to be proving me wrong, Aren't you young lady?" Ono said as she eyed her up and down, Spotting the Velcro straps of her backpack.
[F/N] shrugged uncomfortably, Squirming around under the hot scrutiny of Mrs. Ono. The chances of getting caught by her right now, [F/N] groaned. She should've just gone through the window.
"Well?" Ono urged as her folded arms were firm and stance unwavering. [F/N] grasped the straps of her merlot backpack, Tongue pushing at the back in her teeth as she tried to find an excuse.
"..I'm just going off to the library in town. Summer's almost over and I'm going to start studying early, You know how I am with maths.." [F/N] laughed half-heartedly, Boldly making the move to go around her.
But the firm grasp of a hand on her shoulder was enough to hold her in place, [F/N] glancing up nervously towards those red-rims.
"Then I suppose you have your textbooks in your bag, Yes? Do you mind giving me a quick look inside your bag?" Mrs. Ono inquired, A request that made [F/N] bite her tongue: She had been caught.
[F/N] groaned like a toddler, Stamping her foot onto the half-way rugged carpet flooring of her bedroom and the polished wood of the hallway. Her fists balled on the straps, Knuckles cracking as she felt her teenage hormones start to boil.
"Whatever! Why do you care where I'm going? Just let me past, I've got stuff to do!" [F/N] whined, Throwing her fists down to her side in a petulant annoyance. Ono blinked, Straightening up her glasses on the bridge of her nose.
Though, She leaned forward. If her eyes weren't prying before, They were like an analyst's now.
"[F/N].. Don't think I don't know about your ventures out of the centre.." Ono started, Voice now a hushed whisper "I know about your visits to town or the forest, I know that you leave a pillow dummy in your bed late at night when you do."
[F/N] scoffed, Hating the way she started to shrink under her gaze so she tried to raise her shoulders and puff up her chest to look bigger, Getting in her face. She talked like she knew what she was going through, Knew every detail of her life and so much more.
She was talking like she knew her.
"So what..?! Yeah I like long walks at night, I like running around in the forest. Why should you care, It's not like you're my mother!" [F/N] snapped, Stomping her foot down and near yelling in her face which made her jerk back in surprise.
Mrs. Ono's face fell, Weathered wrinkles dropping from the hems of her visage as she stepped back from her.
Ono sighed, Ruby painted lips turning a frown.
"I try to be, [F/N].. " She breathed, Shaking her head she stepped forward. [F/N] felt Ono's hands move to her shoulders. [F/N] shuddered, But a comforting squeeze settled her as she came eye to eye with her emerald ones.
Staring deep, Sunlight reflecting of her glasses.
"I want to be someone you look up to. I want to be the person who you can count on because I care for you." Ono exasperated. "You're a good kid, You just do bad things because you have no one to tell you they're bad."
[F/N]'s lips curled up into a snarl, Barely controlling the respiration of her lungs as she tried to stop the grinding of her teeth. A natural reaction, One [F/N] couldn't stop but was helped by the small circular motions of the counsellors thumb rubbing into her shoulder.
Mrs. Ono clicked her tongue, Looking down for only a moment while she collected her thoughts.
"You go out late at night and I find myself staying up waiting for you to come back, To hear your window slide open. With all the crime and cruelty in the world.. I fear that one day I may never get to hear the shutters of your window ever again." Ono whispered, And if [F/N] didn't know better she could've thought there were tears brimming at her eyes.
[F/N]'s head dropped down, Drooping from her neck as she suddenly became interested in the vans she was kicking in. All this information new to her, Not aware of the way the woman kept an ear out for her at night.
Who else would ever do that for her? Not the other staff, Not the practitioners who came in or the other kids who seemed to enraptured within their own storylines to ever care. Who else in this world would ever care that much?
Tetsuya, That's who would.
Nights when they made pillow forts in each others rooms that they snuck into. The way they'd sneak into the centres kitchens at night and raid the cupboards filled with snacks only meant for 'Friday Golden Time', Now enjoyed by them anytime they wanted.
A smile near cracked her face, Remembering the way he use to push her around and she to him. His laugh so foreign now, You never know how much you desperately try to grasp at memories of them until they're gone. Faces muddling and voices warbling into nothing but a faint summer daydream.
Gone in the breeze, Drifting so far away from her.
That's why she was doing this, That's why she had to do this. And she might as well die trying.
"..You're not my mother, You never will be." [F/N] spat, Head still dropped to it's valley as she did.
The hands on her shoulders lightened, Fingers slipping from her high shoulders and leaving her body. Mrs. Ono stepped back as she watched [F/N] start to tense, The opposite for her as she felt her body deflate.
[F/N] wasn't done however, Finally raising her head to reveal the veins popping at her temple and the bared teeth in her maw. Anger rising to a peak, Still feeling so small within her presence.
"Stop trying to be someone you're not! I've never needed a mother figure in my life and I never will, So just leave me alone okay?! I don't need you to look out for me cause I can do it myself!" [F/N] yelled, Saliva spitting out from her throat as she slammed a foot forward. Nose scrunching up in disgust.
Mrs. Ono jolted away from the sheer volume of her voice, Echoes trailing down the empty hallway. [F/N]'s scream died to nothing but stunned silence, Echoes falling to a halt as her jaw finally closed shut.
[F/N]'s shoulders fell, Fists uncurling and flopping down to her sides as she seen the counsellors face look dejected.
Her eyes were crestfallen and her mouth turned up into a quiet yet somehow screaming smile. [F/N]'s face fell along with hers, Realising what she had done as she went back to awkwardly standing in place.
[F/N] opened her mouth to speak, But was interrupted.
"..Alright. I understand." Ono started, Her voice quiet as she nodded her head.
[F/N] shook her head back and forth, Mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water as she tried to find the words to say.
"I.. It's fine I'll stay here tod-"
"No, You should go. If it means this much to you then I think you should go out, Adventure or whatever you do during the day. I wont stop you, Just.." Ono trailed off, Voice dying into a silent whisper.
Her eyes met [F/N]'s for a second, That shine on her devil-horned glasses faded to nothing but an afterglow.
"Please, Try to stay safe." Mrs. Ono smiled, Such a melancholy little one at that. So much so that it made [F/N]'s heart clench, Juices squeezing out from the pores in the organ as she looked at the woman with guilty eyes.
Mrs. Ono said her goodbyes, A little wave of her hand to show off the painted red of her nails and the clean cut of her cuffs. She bowed once before turning away from her, Meandering down the hallway with the clacks of her glossy rose heels.
[F/N] could only watch the back of her head, Not able to see her expression as she left down the hallway. She wanted to say something, To apologise or to make up for what she had said but when she tried to open her mouth there was nothing to say.
By the time she could make a coherent sentence, Mrs. Ono was gone. Off to do her job and her duties that she was paid to do.
"..I'm sorry.." [F/N] whispered, Voice muddling in with her breath as she turned away. The bus tickets shoved into the back pockets of her jeans were waiting for her, It didn't matter anymore she supposed.
[F/N] turned away, Trying to shove the shame deep down into the pits of her mind. She sighed, Finally stepping foot out into the hallway.
She had a job to do and she was going to do it. The camera was still in her bag, The folder too. There was nothing left to do as she sauntered off down the hallway, Off to catch her bus at the nearby station.
"Thank you, Sir!"
[F/N] called out to the bus driver, Soles of her vans hitting the gravelly pathway as she hopped off the bus stairs.
The mechanicals doors moved shut, Glass panes showing the driver revving the engine once more before he pressed down on the pedal. [F/N] stood idly by the roadside, Grass tickling at her bare ankles as she watched the bus travel away down the pathway.
It got smaller and smaller as it went, Disappearing on the blue horizon with her eyes enraptured on its departure.
[F/N] gripped the straps of her leather brown back-pack, Pulling it cosy over her shoulders. The day was cool with the wind dusting the far plains, Brushing against her skin and making the strands of hair on her head wave with it.
She stood in the middle of nowhere, In some rundown bus-station with no other passengers that got off with her. It was evident by the street-signs chipped paint, Rusted metal bar holding it up and the wooden bench beside it half-collapsed onto the dirt.
Sprigs and ferns growing wild, Grass tall and unruly that hid the thousands of pebbles scattered within the fertile soil it grew from. The road sat atop what could've been called a miniature arête, The plains not being so flat more than hilly.
Tree's of oak and spruce coupled in clusters, Standing high like landmarks for her to get back from. It was messy yet beautiful, The air much more pure here than it was back at the suburbia she was accustomed to.
It filled her lungs, Taking it in with a deep breath. The furthest she had ever been from that place she had been defined to call home.
"Wow.." [F/N] muttered as she watched the fluffy white of the picturesque clouds above move at their turtle's pace, Knowing how far they'd get in only a few hours. But she wasn't here to cloud gaze or enjoy the wildlife, She was here for one reason and one reason only.
She shifted the bag on her back to be just a little more sturdy, Settling the straps in place before her hand reached behind her to plunge into the semi-opened zipper.
From what she could tell, She was in the right place. The file she had spent many sleepless nights studying outlined a sort of laboratory supposedly in this area. It had coordinates but [F/N] was unable to read them well, Only being able to make out the general location which she thinks was here.
Fishing around and sliding out the file from it's holster, She opened up the cream front to find the coordinates and neon-yellow sticky notes she had attached to it. They labelled her bus route and where she should go from there.
Google maps was a useful tool, God bless technology! [F/N] using the library computers to get a birds eye view of the area and a general layout. And as she came to find to her suprise, Was what seemed to be listed as a 'Makeup Manafacturing and testing facility' Bullshit, [F/N] thought.
The shoes that were planted in the grained soil lifted as she started walking along the side of the road, Finding a good place to go down the hill. The brand that was advertised on the google maps icon was virtually non-existent.
Not to mention that the name "Illuminate Cosmetics" was listed in the file, The one which she closed and shuffled back in her backpack before carefully scampering down the rocky-hill roadside, Kicking into the ankle-high grass with the momentum.
It didn't take long for her to take off in the general direction of where those coordinate's were suppose to take her, Easily stomping and flattening grass along the way. From what [F/N] believed: It was a front for some demon-oriented organization, One where they did horribly sick things to actual human beings.
She headed in the direction the google maps logo had popped up on, Just a bit beside and behind the bus station. That was another thing, What kind of manufacturing facility is placed in the middle of nowhere? With no roads or pathways for the employee's?
Fishy, Definetly as she passed by the thickening of the pine tree's. She hopped over rocks and swerved around shallow dirt ledges in the crossing of plains to forest. [F/N] didn't know if she was going in the right direction, But as the smell of searing chemicals started to tickle at the edge of her nose: [F/N] knew she must've been getting close.
The forest got thicker along with the scent of clinical pollutants and contaminants. [F/N] tried her best not to let it sting at her eyes and let hot tears fall from them. It was only once she had gotten to the core of it, Could she hear the arguing.
"Ugh! You're still watching that filth when you're on the job? Lady Iblis gave you her absolute command to keep watch, Put that phone away!"
"Oh, Don't worry I'm watching something alright. No need to be so pent up, Amon."
"..Pent up? Was that another one of your foul jokes?!"
The sides of [F/N]'s nose upturned, Eyebrows furrowing in what only could've been described as irritated confusion. It sounded like a normal salaryman and for some reason an English Tudor arguing over someone called Iblis, Bizarre it was as she dashed behind a ferned bush.
"You are impossible to work with! How our lady lets you continue to stay on guard confuses me!" The Tudor proclaimed and as [F/N] quietly rustled the bush branches away from her face, She could finally see what he looked like.
He was nothing like the English Tudor he expected him to be. Well.. he had the flair but he looked straight out of ancient Egypt instead. He was of darker complexion with gold and necklaced beads ringing around his bare neck and chest, The feminine-looking hieroglyph only boldening her ancient impression.
Not to mention the cream-cloth draped around his waist to act as baggy trousers, Or the ankle and wrist bracelets made out of some kind of precious stone. His belts, His dark half-cut hair that faded into blonde and the rather modern leather jacket he wore all made one thought go through her head:
Yeah, This guy is fucking nutty.
The man beside him spoke up.
"Wow, Are you really doubting Lady Iblis' decision of keeping me on guard? I expected better of you, Amon." The man said and as [F/N]'s eyes wandered over to him. She raised a brow at his appearanc.
Unlike "Amon", This guy was exactly who he sounded to be. A salaryman was what he was with his clean cut suit and slicked back hair, Appearance all completed with his dark-rimmed glasses placed upon his chiseled and admittedly handsome face.
But the way he sat, Crouched down like an animal with a cell-phone gripped tightly in his hand. It made a shiver go through [F/N]'s smile, Especially the kind smile that showed no teeth.
He was disturbing, But [F/N] just couldn't put a finger on why.
Amon gasped rather dramatically at the accusation the other man made, Body jerking around to snarl at the crouched man as his fingers curled up into fists.
"Asmodeus, How dare you hang our Great Lady's words over me! You should know better, You disgust me!" Amon declared to the now named Asmodeus, Who in turn just smiled wider with that kind grin and continued to scroll on his phone.
"Whatever you say." He replied in short, Which only seemed to make Amon more mad.
[F/N] leaned over a little bit more from where she was hiding behind the bush. Peeking over the side to see that the two men were actually standing guard in front of a doorway to what looked to be a large building.
[F/N] smiled.
She had found the facility. The clinically white doors were the only things seen throughout the density of the high forest. The rest of it was hidden behind the thick leaves and logs of the tree's, But [F/N] could tell it was huge.
These two that were fronting the door must've been the guards then, Though [F/N] questioned the garbs and get-ups of them. What kind of security dresses like an ancient Egyptian and an everyday salaryman? It didn't make sense.
And who this "Iblis" was, That was another thing that confused her. But it didn't matter as her eyes scanned the outside of the building, Seeing the metal it was made out of before she saw the metal shutters of the vent.
[F/N] steeled her nerves, Only now noticing the rapid beating of her heart. Her hand moved to Tetsuya's raincoat, The yellow Tyvek being a comfort as she caressed it in her hands and shuffled it tighter on her shoulders.
The raincoat, It calmed her down. It still smelt of rainwater and cut grass, An after shower morning day was what she was brought back to. It soothed her as she started to move back from where she was hidden in the bush.
The men were still arguing at the doorway, Mostly Amon chastising the other man while he browsed porn sites. [F/N] tried not to sarcastically puke as she heard the moans of some girl coming from his phone.
The vent, It was located on the wall beside the doorway. If she snuck around just right without any noise then she could easily undo the screws, She had came prepared with the tools of course.
Passing by rocks, Pushing past ferns and herbs she was about to pass the men.
"Disgraceful! What is it that those men are doing to that woman?! Does she not have any dignity?!" Amon exclaimed as her peered over to look at Asmodeus' phone, Eyes wide with his dark eyeliner crinkling.
"Oh. So this is what human beings call 'Bukkake', It's basically when-" "Shush!" Amon suddenly slapped a hand over Asmodeus' mouth, Cutting off his explanation as they suddenly fell silent. [F/N] paused, She was sat still and silent with the vent only a few feet away from her.
The faint rustle of the wind in the leaves was the only thing she heard, Even the video playing on Asmodeus' phone was cut off. Her eyes widening, The beating of her thundering heart felt so loud in her chest that she thought it would give her away.
Amon stood there, Head held high as he seemingly sniffed at the air like a dog. His hand was still on Asmodeus' mouth, Of which looked up to his peer in slight confusion. [F/N] swallowed back the saliva in her mouth, Could she have been caught?
No, She couldn't! She hadn't made any noise and she was concealed within the shrubbery well. There was no way! And her nerves were calmed as Amon signalled the other to get up and move in the other direction.
Asmodeus surprisingly did as he was told, Putting his hands on his knee's and pushing up to stand at his full towering height. Amon pointed over somewhere else, Asmodeus nodded and they took off in that direction.
[F/N] watched as they went, The drumming of her beating heart being her only company now as she sighed in relief.
A hand grappled onto the canary hood of her raincoat, She screamed as the hand pulled her forward and dragged her out of the bushes.
She was met with the glare of broad daylight, The sun burning into her retinas as she was forced to look back at it. Thrown onto her back, [F/N] sputtered out as she hit the trimmed grass of the clearing.
"Look what we have here!"
A shadow cast over [F/N], The blinding glare in her eyes fading as she came face to face with Amon. He looked down at her with a snarl and folded arms, Golden eyes glaring into her's with the same intensity of the raging inferno of the sun as he looked at her.
[F/N] gulped, Eyes wide as their irises met.
"Aah! I'm sorry!" She yelped as it was the only thing she could come up with as she met with the surprisingly intimidating man. [F/N] tried to back up, Push herself away on the dirt while her eyes still locked onto him.
But she yelped as she felt her back hit the shins of Asmodeus, Somehow managing to stab his foot into her lower back, Making her yelp.
"Aha, It's some mortal kid. Wonder how they got all the way out here- You wanna tell us where you came from?" Asmodeus responded as he looked down at her, Casting a huge shadow with his bulky frame.
"I.. Erm-"
"Ugh! She was almost past us you idiot! If you didn't distract me with those vulgar videos I would've been able to sense her from miles away!" Amon suddenly chided Asmodeus, Directing his anger up to his colleague.
"Oh come on, When are you going to get off my case. It's no big deal!" Asmodeus said as he looked back up at him from behind the dark rims of his glasses, Closed eyes saying everything he needed to with the same unbothered smile.
Amon scoffed.
"No way, You almost disobeyed Lady Iblis once again!" He exclaimed.
"I am in service to Lady Iblis just as much as you are, Amon. So in my personal opinion, I think that she wouldn't appreciate you using her name as an excuse, I just got this body and it's in the triple digits that you've said her name today." Asmodeus explained.
Amon's jaw dropped dramatically, Eyes following in expanding to saucers as he started berating the other man.
[F/N] on the other hand was caught in between and confused by their words. "Just got this body?" "Mortal?". Could they be demons? As the thought entered her head she instantly brushed it off.
Demons had horns, Talons and claws. They had cat-eyed pupils and their teeth were like scissors ready to tear into flesh like paper, These men may have been weird but from her eyes there was none of that to be seen.
..Seen, She couldn't see it.
But she watched as they bickered, Still surrounding her like a pack of hyena's yet their attention was fully focused on arguing with the other. [F/N]'s eyes darted back and forth with each remark, Hands still firmly pressed into the grass she was collapsed on.
"For days on end, I am tired of hearing human women mewl like cats in heat from your cellular device! Only now has it negatively affected your duties by letting some mortal child almost pass!" Amon complained, Pointing an accusing finger at Asmodeus.
"Calm down, She wouldn't of gotten past us either way. I really think you need to start consorting with some women, Who knows? You might enjoy it." Asmodeus responded calmly.
This only seemed to make Amon all the more angrier.
"Why you-"
"Honestly? You were pretty distracted."
Both demons instantly jerked their head around to look at her, A bead of sweat running down [F/N]'s brow as she physically felt her audacity grow to the size of a beluga whale.
Asmodeus' smile grew just a bit wider as he looked down at her, That disturbing chill spilling down her spine only grew as he eyed her.
"Distracted, You really have the confidence to agree with him? You don't even know what trouble you're in, Do you?" Asmodeus remarked as he leaned down closer to her, Which made her shy away from him even more.
[F/N] gulped.
"Y-Yeah.. I mean if your friend and his sharp instincts wasn't able to catch me, I'd already of passed through. You're lucky he's so attentive." [F/N] sputtered out under his judging gaze, Squirming like a bug under his shoe as she locked eyes with him.
Asmodeus grinned, But before he was able to say anything more-
"At least someone understands the importance of keeping watch!" Amon exclaimed, A proud yet somehow cruel smile appearing on his face as leered down towards her. "You could learn some manners from this one, Even though they are only some puny human child." [F/N] sighed silently, It had worked.
"Wow, You really have some guts for a child… That's certainly amusing." Asmodeus remarked yet that chill down her spine never let go. His hands which had unusually long nails weaved back and forth between his fingers, Almost flaunting them to her.
[F/N] shuddered before she spoke.
"I mean- He was the one that caught me, It was really impressive how fast you were able to drag me out here. You must be incredibly strong to of done that!" [F/N] praised as she looked up at the Egyptian man from the floor with the best genuine eyes she could fake.
Amon smiled, Toothy grin proud and prideful as he looked back at her.
"Aha! You notice my power, How observant of you!" He beamed. "I'll have you know that I am the sun king, Amon! One of the highest kin under our Lady Iblis!" Amon flaunted, Almost pushing out his bare chest and flexing the semi-built muscles in his arms.
[F/N] knew what he wanted, She also knew that he was batshit insane. The Sun King? Seriously? [F/N] also thinks she may have heard a few kids call themselves that in their minature roleplays at the playground.
She gulped however, If that was the case then she just needed to play along.
"S-Seriously? That's so cool! No wonder you were able to get to me then, 'Lady Iblis' must be really glad to have someone like you serving her!" [F/N] continued, Eyes still locked onto his proud gold as his grin got impossibly bigger.
"Hah! I can say I've taken a liking to you! For a mere mortal child, You certainly know your place below me as an inferior..! Unlike a certain someone.." Amon trailed off as he raised his vision to meet Asmodeus.
Asmodeus, In turn, Raised a brow.
"..Aren't we suppose to be mutilating this kid for getting too close to the base?" He said casually, Phone still in hand as [F/N] almost felt her heart explode in her chest. Lip bitten and breath held in her lungs, Her eyes burned into The Sun King's stature.
Amon blinked, Prideful smile dropping.
[F/N]'s eyes widened in anticipation, Mutilation, They couldn't possibly do that to her..! They couldn't.. They.. Her story couldn't end here! Not when she hadn't gotten her answers, Not now!
Though, Amon scoffed and scowled at his peer.
"You were also suppose to be keeping guard, Weren't you? Keep your mouth shut and I won't inform Lady Iblis of your incompetence! Besides, Our lady simply said to keep people out and I am doing as such by keeping a close eye on this one!" Amon proclaimed and [F/N] could physically feel herself melt into the grass and let out the biggest sigh of her life.
"Alright then, Whatever you say." Asmodeus replied, Seemingly taking it easy as he whipped out his phone from his pocket and started to walk away back to his guarding spot. [F/N] sighed, Relieved that he seemed to be lower in status than the nutjob still leering over her.
Oh, Right.
[F/N] snapped her neck up to look at the looming shadow still cast over her, Despite the dark she could see that the man's smile was as bright and as arrogant as it first and always was.
"Now! It's time for you to come with me and make sure you don't get past our guard, Perhaps you can inform me more of how strong I am!" Amon grinned.
This was going to be a long day.
What was up with [F/N] and her penchant for attracting nutjobs?
First it was the encounter with Johann Faust's bizarre younger brother, The boy who chewed tobacco and hung from streetlights like a bat. Next it was the violent drunkard she had met at Tetsuya's grave, The man who had a lunch bag over his head and just happened to have a file detailing a conspiracy inside.
Now it was the self-proclaimed Sun King Amon, The man who she was sat uncomfortably inside his basketed legs. [F/N] wondered if she really was cursed, If she just had some horrid luck or maybe something else..
"I killed him and severed his tail with my vessel's own two hands! He begged for mercy but for insulting me? Of course I couldn't let it go!" Amon continued on with his story. [F/N], Sat in-between his basketed legs had already learned to tune him out in favour of her own thoughts.
Him, Being much taller than her had already caged her in with his body. He seemed to enjoy her meaningless praise so he sat her where she could say it best, Not even a foot away from him with his arms caged around her mid-section.
"So I had to cut his tongue out as-well! He couldn't beg much after that!" [F/N] was uneasy as he continued to drone on about whatever story he had made up today, She needed to figure out a way out of here.
Asmodeus was sat crouched a bit away from them, Eyes glued to his phone as lewd noises erupted from the device. [F/N] wanted to plug her ears but Amon wouldn't take that well, So she just had to endure.
"Wow.. And what did you do after that?" Fortunately for her however, The vent that she had spotted was just a bit around the corner from where they were sat. She just needed to figure out some excuse to get over there.
Amon smiled at her "interest"
"I strung him up to a rock and got one of my demons to peck out his liver! A fitting punishment for messing with our lady, You agree?" Amon asked and [F/N] blinked, Looking up at him.
"Oh.. Yeah, Yeah.. Sounds nasty." [F/N] said absentmindedly, Still enraptured within her own thoughts to have heard what he said. Amon's smile instantly dropped as he looked down at her.
"Were you not listening to me..?" He asked slowly and [F/N] felt herself return to the situation, Beads of sweat already starting to line her brow as she chided herself for being absent in the head.
"Oh.. Erm.. It's just.." [F/N] trailed off as her eyes were locked onto Amon's, Whose brow seemed to get more furrowed by the second. [F/N] gulped.
"I just need to use the bathroom, Sorry. I can't really focus so.. I was wondering if you could let me go do my business in the forest.. If that's okay with you- Oh Great Sun King." [F/N] added on quickly, Lightly nodding her head in a bow.
Amon opened his mouth, Lips parting from his frown. But before he could answer, His peer spoke up. Or rather laughed.
"He He He! She probably wants to leave cause of how exaggerated that story is" Asmodeus chuckled, Eyes still glued to his phone. Amon scoffed.
"Oh yeah? And how would you know?" He retorted.
"Because I was the one chained to the rock, And for the record: I was the one who cut out your tongue, You really need to get your memory checked." Asmodeus replied, Pausing the porn he was watching to look over at him. Amon in turn, Gawked.
"I exaggerate nothing!"
"You do, It just doesn't feel like it because exaggeration usually makes a story interesting." Asmodeus replied, Tilting his head in an innocent yet knowing gesture which made Amon near fume from the ears.
"Ugh, Whatever!" Amon retorted, Now suddenly turning back down to [F/N]. "Make it quick! If I find out you've ran away, I'll hunt you down and drag you back here to be spit-roasted over a fire. You understand?"
"Loud and clear, Yep!" [F/N] nodded, Instantly scrambling to get off of his lap. She climbed out, Amon almost refusing to let go of her for a second before his arms fell back down to her sides.
He watched her go, Stumbling from her sleepy legs before wandering off into the forest. Only taking his gaze off of her once Asmodeus made another comment, Making him turn around to chew him out once more.
[F/N] entered the treeline, Only now shaking off the pins in needles of her legs as she turned back to look at the bickering men. They were distracted, Good, And once she was sure they weren't looking, She swiftly made her way around the bend to the vent.
She tossed the backpack onto the overgrown grass beside her, Plopping down in front of the vent as she unzipped and started to shift through the contents of her bag.
The white metal walls sprouted weeds and sprigs from their corners, Not cleaned in a while. In her peripherals she could see several miniscule bugs crawling around in the shutters and canals of the vent, Already dreading going in.
But she had to do this, And she had to do it fast. Amon and Asmodeus could catch her any minute, Stop arguing and come to their senses. She felt her throat grow dry as she finally pulled out the screwdriver.
[F/N] had a feeling she would need it. Well, She had a feeling she would need the pile of random tools she had shoplifted from the hardware store in town. The sleazebag working the register, Of whom ironically kept eyeing her didn't see her shove them all into her bag.
[F/N] only barely knew how to use it as she started to unscrew the first hinge, All her information coming from commercials and quick wikihow tutorials she prepped herself with before she came.
The first screw came out, She smiled. But it was instantly dimmed once she heard the argument once more.
"Don't you think you should be keeping a better eye on that kid? She could be working with the exorcists for all we know, Might be contacting her superiors right now.."
"I doubt it! From what my senses tell me, The girl hasn't even gotten a temptaint yet!"
"That doesn't mean much, Could still be in contact with the order. I'll go check on her then, See if she actually is still there."
[F/N] froze, The screwdriver in hand and end still pressed into the fitting gap. The first screw was already done, Fallen on the floor. If Asmodeus noticed it, It would be game over for her.
But she heard Amon scoff.
"And let a pervert like you walk in on a child? Disgusting, Have some honour!"
[F/N] sighed, Her relief was scarce but it helped her move onto the next screw. Starting to turn and undo it quicker than she did before, Sweat starting to build in-between her palm and the screwdriver.
"Woah, Woah, Woah! Do not accuse me of such, I'll have you know that I have standards. I'm looking for a real woman, Not some little human child. I have no such intention."
[F/N] unscrewed the hinges faster, Tension rising in her chest as the second one fell down into the grass.
"I highly doubt that! I shall check on the child then and prove you incorrect!"
"You know, You've been acting weirder than usual. Why such an interest in this one human?"
The third screw fell from the hinges. Her heart drummed in her chest as her eyes darted to the final screw, Slamming the end of the tool into the ledge she started to turn it. Desperate to get inside.
"..I.. What is happening? This vessel seems to be.. Acting off." "What's wrong with it?"
"That's strange.. My vessels heart seems to be beating!"
The fourth hinge fell to the floor along with the shutter of the vent, It clattered onto the solid ground, A sound louder than she would've wanted. And the sudden silence of their conversation was enough to get her going.
[F/N] gasped and dove into the vent's canal, Cramming her body inside as she heard the shuffling of footsteps. She ignored the ants and insects skittering around inside as she started to clamber through the tunnel.
[F/N] couldn't tell which one of them said that, Nor could she tell whose hand was trying to grasp at the back of her raincoat. Barely able to grab her bag and get away, She clamoured through the ventilation as the tunnel got darker and darker. Shadows consuming her body.
She knew they couldn't follow, Both of them were too big to fit inside. But the newly-teen girl that she was, [F/N] could fit though rather uncomfortably in the canal. Hearing the shouts for her to get back, She lunged around a corner, Deeper and deeper into the shadows.
Pushing herself through the vents, [F/N] tried to keep her noise down.
As she travelled further and further down the shaft, She couldn't see much of anything except from the faint glow glistening rays shining through shutter doors. It was barely much to illuminate her way, Which way? She wasn't sure.
But along with the darkness came the noise.
It was chatter, Not of a crowd or a busy train station but a collected discussion of audible professionals. All of them seemed to either be in debate, Discussion or suggestion. It was strange, And from the height she was traversing she couldn't make out a single word.
The vents smelt of dust, Almost like a cat's cushion though from the small peeks she got through the shutters this was no place to keep a pet. With little glimpses of laboratory equipment and folders she was so tempted to drop down and gather her evidence.
But she couldn't, Not if she wanted to be caught.
Every single room she passed seemed to have someone in it. Each turn she clambered around the chatter was as present as always, Every glimpse through a shutter she could she the backs of clinical white coats and medical masks attached to nameless faces.
"So many people.. What are they even doing here anyways?" [F/N] hissed quietly as she passed another shutter. She couldn't remember from the file and the claustrophobic build of the vents made it impossible to reach into her backpack and jog her memory.
Passing round another turn, Going further and further down the vents she started to smile. The discursive chatter started to die down, Only faraway thunder now as she excitedly crawled deeper inside.
It was only once it started to die was she ready to kick open a shutter, Checking the room only once. Reeling back her leg for momentum, The soles of her vans pushed into the shutter of the vent and kicked it open with a resounding slam.
Her legs draped over the opening, Hanging back and forth in the air. [F/N] measured the drop between her and the concrete floor, Calculating to see if she could make it without injury.
Pushing herself off the edge, She deemed she could. Hours of running around in the forest and playing rough was enough to know how to land safely as she hit the floor, Knees bending to take in the impact.
"There we go.." [F/N] whispered, Only slightly disappointed in knowing that her vans would be scuffed later as she got up and dusted herself off. Pushing her hair away from her face, She found that she was in an office of sorts.
Well, It was massive for an office. It was open-floor plan and rather expensive looking as [F/N] could tell the quality of the blueprint desk. Polished mahogany with metal support beams, [F/N] could almost taste the superiority coming off of whoever owned this.
The desk, The cabinets, The corkboard filled with blueprints and scientific formulae was all so stuck-up. Cleanly concreate floors, All of it was well kept. Especially the shine on the drawers, The drawers that were sure to be stuffed full of files and documents, All ready for the taking.
[F/N] smiled, Yet she didn't hesitate. Amon and Asmodeus could be informing their superiors any minute now, If she just grabbed a bunch of stuff now she could be done with it. In and out, She made sure to remember the pathway in the vents after all.
Running over there she pulled the bottom of three-door drawers open, It slid open without any lock and she crouched down to see several files and documents sprout out from within. [F/N] grinned, Hands lunging for the contents.
"Jackpot.." [F/N] squealed quietly as she side-tossed her bag on the ground beside her, It landed with a scud and the half-open zipper was quickly shoved full with documents. [F/N] only glanced at the contents, Spying the word demon and not giving it a second thought.
"Come on.. Come on.." Eyes dead-set on the paper she had to push it down to get it in, And when her bag and it's compartments couldn't hold anymore she started to fold them into the pockets of her raincoat.
[F/N] jumped up from her crouching position, Kicking the bottom door closed it hit with a slam. [F/N] reached down and lugged the straps of her overstuffed bag over her shoulder, She was done, She had the evidence! At least she hoped so-
"Well, Well, Well.. What do we have here..~?"
[F/N] felt her heart drop to her stomach.
It was if the room had gotten ten times colder, Like a sudden chill had entered at the call of the new voice.
[F/N]'s eyes widened, Lips parting and going agape.
It was sultry and the words were spoken as if being hissed by a snake, It also had some foreign accent she couldn't quite place, Somewhere in the middle-east being her best guess.
[F/N]'s mouth went dry, The image of a lunging snake in her mind making her body petrified in place, Unable to turn around. I've been caught- I.. Do something-! Anything-!! Come on! MOVE YOUR BODY!
Yet the only movement that came from her was the shaking of her fingers.
She could hear a mocking chuckle come from the woman.
"Aren't you going to turn around, Little girl~? Come on now.. You don't need to be scared of me~" The voice laughed and both of them knew that statement was a joke. [F/N] could feel her hair stand on end, The woman's presence somehow activating every instinct in her body telling her to run away.
But she couldn't act, Not even when she sensed the nails approaching and ready to pounce onto her neck. [F/N] could almost feel her heart explode, Even so when she sucked in a sharp breath of air.
Get it over with, If my story ends here then it will be one hell of night-time read.
[F/N] snapped her body around in one jerky motion, Face steeling to the best it could've as she came face to face with the source of the voice. And it wasn't like anything she had ever expected.
The woman was curvy, That was the first thing [F/N] noticed about her. She also noticed that she wasn't afraid to flaunt her assets as she was garbed in what seemed to be belly dancer attire, Translucent cream cloth complementing her dark complexion.
The woman smile grew wider than it already was, Tongue flicking at her painted lips.
"Awe, Look at how small you are~! Now can't you show me you're face? I can't quite see it under your hood~" The woman purred. It was if every syllable she spoke was sang in a mocking chorus. As if this was all a cruel joke to her, Which it probably was.
[F/N] barely had any strength inside her to turn around and face her, Let alone do anything more. The cold chill running down her spine was muddled with the woman's scorching warmth, Confusing her even more and piling onto her question of why a belly-dancer of all professions was here in a medical facility.
The woman chuckled, The way her smile was drawn made her most gorgeous face seem so ugly. Her beautiful lemon green eyes focused dead on her, Long dark hair tied into a large braid and the gold she was dressed in didn't make her any prettier with that expression on her face.
"I.. Uhm.." The woman stepped closer to her, Bare foot pressing onto the concrete. [F/N] wished she had the guts to back up.
"Don't be shy~ You're in a lot of trouble now, Do you want to tell me how you got in here~?" The woman laughed, Not giving [F/N] the option of moving herself as her hands finally lunged for her face.
"H-HEY!" [F/N] yelped out as she felt burning hands grasp onto her face, Squeezing painfully as her head was nearly ripped off her neck being jerked to look up at the woman. Almost tripping on herself, Tears in her eyes nearly formed.
"There we go..~" The woman said as her face grew uncomfortably close to [F/N]'s, Eyes locked dead in on each other as she examined every single little inch of her face. [F/N] whined as her grip grew aching, Tears burning at the edges of her eyes already starting to drip.
This woman was going to kill her, That was what [F/N] could feel in the very core of her bones. Every hair on her skin stood up straight, Heart thundering like it never did before. She didn't know why, But she could sense the danger rolling off of her.
This woman was a viper, Venomous and deadly.
The woman's tongue flicked at her lips once more, Eyes narrowing in onto [F/N]'s own.
"Oh my, Aren't you a cute one..~" The woman drawled as her thumb started to caress into the side of [F/N]'s cheek. [F/N] could barely meet her eyes, But she could almost see the shine in her peripherals as she tried to hold her gaze down.
She tried to swallow back her fear.
"I.. I'm sorry. I don't know how I got in here.." [F/N] explained but it came out more like a plea, Voice high and shaky as she felt that oh-so familiar feeling of weakness coarse through her, Disgust at herself to chase it.
"As I look at you closer.. You must be the most adorable little mortal girl I've ever seen.. Your kind are usually hideous.." Her voice dimmed down like a whittling flame, Almost talking to herself now.
"Please.. C-Can I just go home? I didn't mean to intrude.. I.. Uhm.." [F/N]'s squeak trailed off as the grip on her cheeks stiffened, Pushing them so painfully together that her lips had to pucker.
The woman's smile turned into something else, The one that looked like a lioness' bared marrow and gums. It seemed to soften, Though not by much as the volatile look in her eyes was still burning bright.
"Oh no, Definetly not.. You should stay a while, I love adorable things and you are just the most endearing child I've seen~ How'd someone like you get in here~?" The woman hummed.
"I-I don't know I.. I kind've got lost and I just wandered in.." [F/N] said, Lying through her teeth. She should've came up with a better lie but by the way the woman closed in on her made her brain feel like it melted in her skull.
"And such a cute voice too.." The woman trailed off, If her voice wasn't muttered by now it was whispered at this point. [F/N] shook, The woman's face grown so close that there were only a few inches between them now.
[F/N] needed to escape now, She didn't care why a belly dancer was here anymore, She just wanted to leave. But how? How would she ever get out? The woman had a firm hold on her and was much bigger than [F/N] was, So attacking her was out of the question.
Lying, That didn't seem to be doing much either. This woman considered her cute despite the damage done to her body from smoking, The bags under her eyes and horrid breath being of testament.
[F/N] was terrified, She needed to escape.
Iblis on the other hand was mesmerised. What she had thought was an order's spy had turned out to be more interesting than she had thought, As on first sight she viewed the girl like prey. Food to play with, A mouse in the jaws of a snake before they snapped shut.
But she had turned out to be much more appealing than just prey. Both from her face to her adorable yellow raincoat, Iblis' penchant for the adorable seemed to be going wild. Even going so far as to ignore the blemishes in her appearance.
Her eyes narrowed, What was happening?
"S-Seriously Ma'am, I don't know where I am.. I won't tell anyone of what this is just.. P-Please, Let me go." [F/N] asked once more, Begging in her voice as the weakness flooded through her.
Though, To [F/N]'s surprise, The grip on her cheeks began to soften. Lips pushing back into their normal position and giving her enough leeway to get out of her grasp, Stumbling away and her back near hitting the archive drawers.
The woman who had to lean down finally stood up at her full height. [F/N] let out the biggest sigh of her life, Hands running down to fix Tetsuya's raincoat and smooth out the rest of her clothes.
[F/N] smiled, Relief was an understatement for how she was feeling.
"..Thank you. Ma'aAHM-!"
"You are just so adorable~!"
[F/N] was suddenly hoisted in the air, Feet not touching the ground anymore as she was held up by the woman.
[F/N] yelped, Hands under her armpits not being much of a stable hold as she flailed about in fear.
"Look at you and your little raincoat! Oh my, How did I not see this before~? You make my vessel's heart start to work again- Aren't you just the sweetest thing?" The woman gushed, And it didn't do anything to console [F/N]'s shrieks.
She was confused too, The woman's words weren't unlike those of before yet the tone she had used was stark and contrasting to the one she used now. This one wasn't mocking, Not the viper she had imagined, No, Not at all.
This was genuine, This one sounded like she actually meant her words without a single drop of venomous anger going through them. The woman smiled.
"What's your name~? Go on!" The woman urged, Talking to her as if she was an infant and imploring [F/N] to say her first words. Her lips curled into a from, Sweat still on her brow.
The woman continued to look at her, Smile still present as she waited.
[F/N] meekly opened her mouth.
"Your name too, Oh, I could just eat you up~!"
[F/N] couldn't get a word in, Not a single one. With the way she was forced to stare into the eyes of older woman she could tell as such, The yellowish-green being absolutely enamoured, Almost reminding [F/N] of the exaggerated attitudes of mothers she'd seen on TV.
Fuck, This was weird. She hated it too, The way this random and woman she seemed to baby her now. Was she trying to lure her into some sense of security? What's with the change in attitude? Her heart still pounding, It didn't change a thing.
A meek voice called out from somewhere outside of the room.
The woman turned round in the direction of the voice, A smile still on her face. [F/N] was pleased once the grip on her started to lower down, Dangling feet starting to brush at the floor until she was completely set down.
[F/N] sighed in relief as she watched the woman start to saunter towards the slightly-open doorway. Though the smile on her face didn't last long as a neuron sparked off in her brain, That name- She recognized it.
"You were also suppose to be keeping guard, Weren't you? Keep your mouth shut and I won't inform Lady Iblis of your incompetence! Besides, Our lady said to keep people out and I am doing as such by keeping a close eye on this one!" Amon proclaimed and [F/N] could physically feel herself melt into the grass and let out the biggest sigh of her life.
Oh fuck.
This must be her, The one in charge of this place.
She's screwed, Absolutely fucking screwed.
"Egyn~! Oh you're not going to believe what I've found!" Iblis called out to the voice, Hips swaying as she leered over the doorframe. One hand holding onto it while another beckoned the source over to them.
[F/N] could only watch, Unable to do anything or escape as the exit was blocked by Iblis.
But as she moved to the side and the sound of footsteps slowly got closer, [F/N] braced herself for whoever she had to deal with now.
"..D-Did you get my blueprints? I just wanted to know why you were still.."
Well, This wasn't what [F/N] was expecting.
A young boy around her age, Possibly younger waddled out beside Iblis. Though at first glance she had to blink twice as the surprisingly-realistic shark onesie made her think seafood had grown legs and started talking.
[F/N] wouldn't of even known it was a young boy if not for the timid yellow eyes peeking out from the shark's mouth. [F/N] was stunned, His flippers pressed together in a milquetoast fashion wasn't the intimidating figure she had been expecting.
Point proven when his meek little eyes widened, Tears starting to rise at the edges.
"AH, A-AN INTRUDER!" The boy yelped, Stumbling back in his onesies stubby little shark legs and hitting the doorframe. [F/N] blinked, Looking at the boy she could already see a burst of chunky tears rolling down his cheeks.
"Erm.." [F/N] didn't know what to say as the boy started to panic, Near squeezing himself into the nook of the office like a cornered animal.
Luckily though she didn't need to say anything at all, As Iblis did the work for her.
"Isn't she just the sweetest little human girl you've ever seen~? This is [F/N], She-"
"A-A SPY! W-What is she doing in my office..?! Is she with the order..? W-We need to call security.. We can't let anyone interfere..!" Egyn cried out, Starting to panic and shake as he seemed to ignore Iblis' words.
Iblis rolled her eyes, But in an affectionate manner.
"Come on now, It's not like you tried to tamper with anything in here, Did you?" Iblis said, Suddenly turning to her with narrowed eyes which made [F/N] tense up her muscles once more.
She shook her head.
"N-Nope, Don't even know where 'here' is.." [F/N] replied in short, Averting her eyes away from Iblis' scorching gaze. Not even seeing how the eyes of her own switched back to 'normal' and darted back to Egyn.
"You see now? She doesn't mean any harm~ Now, First I'm going to go deal with those useless subordinates outside, Then I'll let her go~" Iblis said comfortingly, Ignoring the absolute ire coursing through her words at "useless subordinates"
"..I'm still in the room, You know..?" [F/N] said, Scratching her head.
"L-Let her go?! What if she tells someone? W-What if word gets to the order?!" Egyn squeaked lowly, Turning to his sister and ignoring [F/N] entirely.
Iblis' lips pursed together as if in thought, Her brothers words finally clicking in her head and realising the weight of the situation. She took one glance back to [F/N], Who was currently standing uneasy in place as she waited on baited breath for the result.
"I suppose you're right.. Pesky human authorities.." Iblis muttered with a slight snarl on her lips.
Egyn audibly gulped, Stubby little leg stepping closer to his sister. Iblis leaned down once Egyn tapped her forearm.
"I-I don't mean to be rude.. But shouldn't we.. Deal with her?" Egyn whispered, Flipper up to separate them from the intruder in his office, Nervously glancing back at her. Iblis only shook her head, Raising back up.
"We'll figure out what to do with her later, But for now, I must go deal with those wretched subordinates who let her slip by. I don't know why I bother with them.." Iblis hissed as soon as the mention of the two guards came up.
[F/N], Who was standing awkwardly a bit away from them, Shifted squeamishly in her spot confused as to what they were saying. Especially once Iblis turned back over to her, Ugly snarl on her face disappearing and mellowing out into her now usual beam.
"Now then~!" Iblis exclaimed, Taking a step towards [F/N] and before she knew it her cheeks were smushed together between Iblis' palms once more "I'll be gone only for only a moment.."
Iblis leaned down know, Talons only teasing [F/N]'s skin threatened her now as they were held tighter in Iblis' hold. Eyes sparking with something dark, Shadow cast as their faces were only a few inches apart.
"..Don't try to escape, Don't even think of it. I have questions for you and I'll make sure you answer. Do you understand, Little one?" Iblis whispered, Her smile completely wiped from her face. [F/N]'s heart nearly stopped, But not in time for her to nod feverishly, Eyes bulging.
Iblis' smile returned.
"Good!" She said, Grip relieved from [F/N]'s face as she raised back up to her full height.
[F/N] sighed in relief so great that she didn't even care when her hand was grasped by Iblis, Shoulders only tensing up slightly as she was tugged out of the room by her persistent hold. [F/N] took another look at Egyn, Who was muttering a nervous jumble of words under his breath.
[F/N] gulped, Eyes only shying from the blinding light that rammed into her sight once the metallic door was shoved open.
Like the blinds opened by a mother to wake their sleeping child, Her eyes stung at the sudden invasion of the fluorescent light. Compared to the fairly dim office she had been trapped in, This was the suns core.
Both that and the chemical smells, Both were equally as nasty and pervasive. Both coming from the wide open, Near soccer-field length hallway that she had been herded into. Only once her eyes adjusted to the light, Was she able to see where the smell was coming from.
Vats, Medical equipment and computers. Whatever you could describe this almost alien-technology was the source of the horrid stench. Doctors, Researchers and staff of all kind were idling about, Their chatter disorientating as [F/N] almost puked.
Though she would be in the perfect place to do so, As the clinical white walls and the tiled floor reminded her very well of a hospital. They were on the first floor, [F/N] only glimpsing upwards to see a balcony of sorts a few metres up, Assumedly a second floor.
[F/N] was dragged along by Iblis through the vast hallway, Egyn trailing behind them. Doctors only glanced at the newcomer, Though they were more interested in the two who were escorting her, Eyeing them like a rabbit waiting for the fox to pounce.
[F/N] froze up as she heard the familiar voice echo out from somewhere to the left of her, The chills from the cold room being nothing as she recognised the voice, One that was like fire, One that was like the sun.
Amon came rushing in, Sweat dribbling down his toned skin like he had run a marathon with his perspirant drenched clothing to match. Asmodeus followed after, Surprisingly without phone and his lazy smile traded in for a brisk pace.
Amon stuttered to a bow in front of his mistress, Back low and his hands behind his back in an overdramatic display of respect. Asmodeus following Amon's movements, Iblis turned to them.
"I-I apologise for interrupting you and your duties, My lady! However we must inform you that a human child was somehow able to pass throu-" Amon looked up, Subservient eyes meant to look up Iblis landed on [F/N], Looking back at him with shock.
"Really? You don't say.." Iblis spat out through her oddly sharpened teeth. Canines bared as the hand entwined with [F/N]'s squeezed tightly, Almost painfully as she winced and the veins in Iblis's brow started to swell.
Amon gulped, Eyes darting up to Iblis back down to [F/N], Almost as if he had something he wanted to say or do to her but needed to keep focused. Asmodeus behind him seemed calm, If not for the slight downturn of his lips.
Iblis snarled, Free hand raising up and slamming down to grasp a hold of Amon's hair.
Amon choked as Iblis' nails dug into his vessel's scalp, Her hold unwavering like a prisoners chain.
[F/N] gasped, Almost stumbling back in sheer surprise at Iblis' strength if not for the hand still wrapped in-between hers.
"You're incompetent! The both of you!" Iblis yelled into Amon's ear, Lowering herself down so she was eye to eye with him. Doctors and staff froze in their walks, Stammering back from the scene in order not to provoke her wrath.
The grasp on [F/N]'s hand was let go in favour of giving the same treatment Amon got to Asmodeus, Wrangling him closer and shoving the two men side by side with their heads butting into each other like competing rams.
"I apologise, My lady!" Asmodeus finally piped in, Calm tone still there but barely vailing the nervous aftertaste. "She tricked us, We shouldn't of been so ignorant but unfortunately she is.. Charismatic" He continued, Almost unsure on that last word.
Iblis hissed.
"Oh, You are so lucky that this girl is just the cutest little thing, Otherwise I would not hesitate to spit roast your pathetic hearts over a bonfire and watch you writhe!" Iblis announced, The hair almost torn out of the men's scalps as she started to march away with them dragging behind her.
"W-We're so sorry, My la-"
"QUIET! I am so tired of your excuses!" Iblis yelled as she began to drag them off towards a rather large door, Assumedly the one the two men had came from. [F/N] watched from the side with wide eyes, Both impressed and terrified of the woman's strength as she lugged them away.
Iblis only turned back once she reached the precipice of the doorway to the hall, Head turning to reveal her near-glowing lime eyes staring back at [F/N], Near into her soul.
"Be good for me now~! I'll be back soon, Be good for Egyn now~!" Iblis called out, Voice echoing as she finally turned back around to drag the two out of the hall. Both men yelling out their apologies The door slammed shut.
[F/N] blinked, Wiping the sweat from her brow.
"Uhhmm…" [F/N] looked to her side to meet Egyn standing a bit away, Shifting in his spot and retreating back into his shark onesie as he looked at her uncertainly. [F/N] scratched her head, Copying him as she shied into her raincoat.
[F/N] looked away, Standing in the middle of the busy area as she was scrutinized under the gaze of hundreds. Stuffing her hands into her oversized pockets, [F/N] tried to ignore the scalding eye-shaped burns on her back.
Egyn spoke, Finally breaking the silence as his voice bounced off the tall walls.
"I-I think you should come this way.." Egyn stammered, Breaking out into a trot as he trudged past her. [F/N] gulped, Terrified still as she asked what she had gotten into, What the hell was going on here and how she would get out.
She followed him, Trailing behind slowly past the hundreds of liquid filled vats and climbing over the tubes and wires. The vats had thick liquid, Glowing and too viscous to see inside of them.
[F/N] ignored them, Not wanting to know.
[F/N] sat leaning against the built up steel wall, The material hard against her back and sure to give her problems later in life.
Knee's pulled to her chest, She burrowed herself into the little corner of safety she had made for herself. Side pressed up against the sort-of control panel she was leaning against, It was uncomfortable but she made do.
The sounds of whirring machines and clanking cogs was mixed in with the near crazed mumblings of Egyn, Who was working at the panel pressing several colourful buttons and pushing levers almost at random to her.
Pushing her head into the dip of her knees, She sighed. [F/N] had no idea how she was going to get out of here. Talking about supplies, [F/N]'s bag was laying beside her, Able to convince Egyn that she had snacks in there that she wanted so she could get the documents from inside.
Luckily due to the noise, The ruffling of paper the documents made from within her pockets and rucksack was covered up. Pockets and pouches still stuffed to the brim, Though concealed through the yellow.
"T-This is insane.. What am I going to do, What am I going to do..!?" Egyn mumbled through his work as he pulled down another lever. [F/N] looked over at him, Not sure if this was normal for him or if he was just truly stressed.
[F/N] tapped her shoes, Sniffling only a bit in the chilling atmosphere of the room.
"..You can just let me go." [F/N] piped up, Hesitant in voice as she turned to look at him. "I won't tell anyone, I'm not apart of 'the order' or whatever that is, I really did get lost"
Egyn snapped around, Fast enough to give [F/N] a fright as his wide eyes glared at her through the maws of the shark.
"N-No way! I can't tell if you're lying or not.. Even if you don't go to The Order then you'll go to the police! And that's trouble enough..! I can't let you leave.." Egyn argued as he hurriedly turned back to his little panel to smash buttons and pull leverish stuff.
This sucked. [F/N] was confused, Agitated and most of all terrified of being in this hellish place. It was cold, Air singed at her skin and the horrid little corner she leaned against gave her back aches in several places.
She needed to leave, She needed to get out of here. It was the same feeling she had felt back in the forest that day, The day Tetsuya died. That overwhelming feeling of wrongness, Like a human being like her was not meant to be in this place.
But she needed to stay calm, Stay stoic. She didn't want to be that terrified little girl that cried all the time anymore, She wanted to be strong. [F/N] steeled her face, A snarl on her lips.
[F/N] sighed, Agitation brewing on her face.
"What if I just leave back through where I came from? What's stopping me from just going.." [F/N] muttered under her breath, Eyebrows furrowing as she knew that Egyn could be too distracted and might let her walk free.
Not so much, However as Egyn jerked right back around.
"You can't! I-I won't let you!" He squeaked, Something that was meant to be intimidating but came off as a choked cry from a mouse. [F/N] rolled her eyes.
"Yeah? Well it's either that you kill me or I leave eventually, Either way what could you even do about it?" [F/N] spat, Determined to keep up her strength. The little boy younger than her could do nothing against her, It was a wonder how or why he was operating the machines in the first place.
Egyn gulped.
"I-I can stop you! I'm the king of water so I'm really powerful-!" He replied though as low as his ego was already, Egyn could almost feel it shatter and fall to new levels as [F/N] just scowled at him.
"Seriously? First 'The Sun King' and now you, 'The King of Water'. Is this some kind of roleplay or something..? Am I just not getting this? Though.. I guess the shark makes sense now.." [F/N] groaned as she shook her head.
She could almost see Egyn deflate in his onesie, Obviously hit one of his good few thousand nerves as he shrunk over into himself.
"..I-It's not roleplay! I really am a demon king.. I am strong! Just stop being mean, I don't need to deal with this.." Egyn blurted out as he turned back towards his machines, Continuing to work.
Though as he did, He never noticed the way [F/N]'s ears perked up. How her body stilled and her eyes stilled to process his words.
She turned to him, Saucers for eyes as she stared at his small form. "You're.. You're a what?" [F/N] near choked on her own saliva as she said it, Eyes fixated as her body locked in place.
"A.. A demon king?" Egyn repeated, Only glancing back at her with those canary coloured eyes in confusion.
"The.. The demon king of water. T-That's who I am. I.. I'm in charge of all water-related demons..? Do you.. Really not know what demons are?" Egyn stammered as he scratched the back of his head, Leaning over to get a better look at [F/N], Still curled up tight and buried into the corner.
Though she was still, More than a corpse would be after rigor mortis. Egyn wasn't sure what to do when she just stared at him dead-faced, If it was possible to get any more nervous then he would've combusted by now as he felt scrutinized under her gaze.
[F/N] just continued to look at him, Blinked, Only then snapping back into reality. A jolt ran up her spine, Making her shiver.
"No way.. How could you be a demon? You don't look demonic so- How..?!" [F/N] laughed however disingenuous it may have been, Frown lines still etched on her face as she steadied herself against the wall.
Egyn stepped a little closer.
"Oh.. You must not have a temptaint then..!" He answered, Raising a fin like he was raising a finger. [F/N] just stared back at him again, And suddenly, Combusting wasn't that unreasonable of an outcome now.
"I-It's when you humans don't have an injury or illness, Usually a bite mark or something that penetrates flesh, Caused by a demon! I-It makes you able to see demons so..! You obviously can't since you don't see my demonic traits or the coal tars floating around you..!" Egyn blurted out, Gesturing with a fin to something [F/N] just couldn't see, Drifting amongst her.
"They seem to like you too.." Egyn added, Slightly confounded as he observed their behaviour.
[F/N] jerked her head back and forth, Unable to see the pudgy little kin of rot circling around her head. The demons being rather attracted to her, Nesting on her shoulders and rubbing at her hands.
"How could.. How could that be true.." [F/N] whispered as her mind seemed to rewind like a reeling film tape. Temptaint, He couldn't be making it up. [F/N] was sure, As she had heard it before.
Amaimon, Johann Faust's weird little brother, He had said that word before. So did Amon, The so called sun king that didn't seem so made up now, He mentioned it to Asmodeus who [F/N] could only imagine what he really was.
And now Egyn, The demon king of water.
Had she really been so ignorant?
"..If you want I could give you a temptaint..? So you can s-"
"NO! No way! I-I don't want to see whatever the hell you're talking about!" [F/N] bit back, Not giving any chance for the demon to reply. Her teeth bared, Fingers curled and digging into the soft skin of her knees so hard it was almost enough to draw blood.
Egyn yelped and stumbled back at her outburst, Yell so loud that it echoed around the sectioned off room they were in. His reaction, It only muddled [F/N]'s mind even more.
Demons, She had been surrounded by demons for her entire life and she just hadn't noticed it. Temptaint, Everyone who had mentioned it must've been one of them. Amaimon, What a weird name, It made sense now.
But Amaimon being Johann Faust's brother, What did that make him?
"I.. Erm, I-I think I should get back to my machines um.. Uhhh.." Egyn's eyes darted back and forth from [F/N] to his control panel, Unsure of what to do as he sort of melted back into his starting position.
[F/N] just watched him go with eyes like prey watching the predator stalk off, Aware of every movement. Her body rigid as she tried her best not to lunge for a makeshift weapon, To attack him and get out of here.
She wasn't safe here, She never was. But now every inch of her was like stone, Petrified by a gorgon's stare. But now every hair in the back of her neck stood up, Blood running colder than the Styx. These were the creatures that killed him-
Killed Tetsuya.
"D-Darn..! This machine.. Where in fathers name is the screwdriver.." Egyn muttered as he repeatedly pulled a stubborn lever that just didn't seem to work, Wisps of steam rising from the panel below, Sweat near dribbling off him as he tried to find a screwdriver around here.
Not on the desk, Not on the side table beside him with all his other assortment of tools. Where it could have gone was a mystery to him, Nowhere to be found.
Egyn turned around to meet [F/N], Who had finally got up onto her own shaky legs and had extended an arm with a screwdriver tightly locked within her fingers. She seemed calm, Slight smile on her face. Egyn gasped, Grabbing at the screwdriver.
"A-Ah, Yes! Thank you..!" Egyn said as he took the screwdriver in-between his flippers, Not realising that the red handle didn't match the navy blue set of tools he had laying on the metal desk beside him.
[F/N] watched as he got onto his knees and started to unscrew the panel's hatch, Ready to get to the innards of the thing. Her smile present, Egyn too distracted to see the cumulation of sweat starting to dampen her brow.
Brave, Be brave. Stare adversity dead in the eyes and come out on the other side.
Bide your time, Chronos is on your side, Watching you.
You can do this.
"So.. What's this place suppose to be, Anyways?" [F/N] said, Shoving her hands into the pockets of Tetsuya's raincoat. She looked around casually, Admiring the shine of the vats and the wires like rat-tails running around the place.
Egyn hummed as he tampered with the wires of the panel.
"Erm.. I'm not really suppose to tell anyone but.. It's a laboratory, I-I guess you don't need me to tell you that one.. Hand over the pliers, Please..?" Egyn called out and [F/N] obliged as she sauntered over around to the desk full of tools, Picking up the pliers and handing them down to Egyn who took them with a thanks.
"Alright then, Like what do you do here or is that something you're not suppose to tell me either..?" [F/N] picked up and examined the used wares laying upon the table, Watching the shine of the fluorescent light roll of the metal of the tools.
"Can't tell you.. Top secret to outsiders." Egyn answered simply as he handed the pliers back over to [F/N], And without him looking, Slipped them into the already overflowing pockets of the raincoat.
[F/N] sighed, Thanking whatever god that the demon king below her was so distracted.
"'Kay.." [F/N] drawled as she looked around the room. How she was going to get out of here she knew, But it was an unsure plan. One that she was betting her assumption on, A trait of hers she had only realised today.
Her penchant for weirdo's.
They liked her, They seemed to anyways. From everyone that could've been a demon. Amaimon, The man from the graveyard, Amon and Asmodeus, Iblis and even her possibly-real imaginary friend Beelzebub.
They loved her, Why? She didn't know, How could she? But she could certainly use it to her advantage.
"..You must be in charge then, Like.. I don't know what you do here but it seems important." [F/N] commented, Eyes lingering down to Egyn.
"I-I'm the assistant director, I'm also the head of the genetic mo- Oh, I shouldn't of said that!" Egyn perked up, Voice raising an octave as he almost hit his head against the frame of the hatch. "F-Forget it!"
[F/N] quelled the quiver of her lip as her mind finished the end of the term. Genetic Modification, That was a hint.
"..I never heard anything, Don't worry about it." [F/N] shrugged as she felt the worried scrutiny of Egyn's eyes on her. She got down onto her knees, Steadying herself with her hand before plopping down onto the floor, Leaning against the panel.
"So. Is it on animals or i-"
"I-I said forget it!" Egyn snapped as he jerked around to meet [F/N], Who couldn't help the shudder run through her body as the sickly yellow of his eyes met hers with a newfound fire. Ironic, Really.
He didn't say anything else after that, Fire dwindling in his eyes until it died back into the milquetoast expression it usually was. He turned back to the panel, Shaking his head slightly.
[F/N] sighed.
"..Sorry, Genetics has always been interesting to me so I suppose I can't help it.." She commented with a shrug, Looking away from him in favour of admiring the room.
Egyn however blinked, Eyes darting from his task back to her.
"..How could you know anything about genetics? Y-You don't even look old enough to be taught that sort of thing.." Egyn commented as he glanced over at her while continuing to fix the wires.
"..Well, Not enough to be taught but I like learning on my own and.. Genetics has always been such an interesting topic for me." [F/N] replied with the most genuine tone she could produce, A complete lie. She, In fact, Was old enough to be taught that in school. And in that moment she thanked all the hours she spent studying for her chemistry tests.
She didn't know much, But she knew enough basic terms and concepts to get by.
"..I-It's difficult to find human beings or demons that like science, Especially genetics, I mean.. E-Even though there's a lot of researchers both demon and human here, None of them are really that easy to talk with, To be honest.." Egyn blurted out and this time he didn't look back at her.
[F/N] rolled her eyes, A small smirk appearing on her face.
An opening, There it was. Finally, A conversation could get going.
"Definetly. Don't let me make any assumptions but, I'm guessing it must be because of your status as a demon king, Right?" [F/N] asked as she tilted her head, Observing the way a small glint in his eyes sparked up and his sad frown almost upturn.
He paused for a second.
"..Y-Yeah, It's difficult to talk to anyone other than my siblings.. And even then they're not very interested in sciences. Don't get me wrong, You humans are inferior but.. It would be nice to have a discussion about it with someone.." Egyn near whispered, Eyes staring off somewhere else as he spoke.
"I hear that." [F/N] smiled, Swallowing down the hatred in her throat. "Science is just so interesting and it sucks that not as many people are into it as they should be, I mean, It's literally where humanity's star achievements lie."
Egyn perked up, Eyes widening through the maw of his onesie as he couldn't help but let a nervous smile crawl up the sides of his face.
"E-Exactly, You get it!" He exclaimed as he set down the wires in his "I don't get why more of you humans are into it! I-It's the best thing to have come out of humanity and you all should learn it to some degree.. More than you already do.." Egyn blurted out.
[F/N] smiled wider.
"Thank you for saying it! Like hell, Biology and Chemistry and Physics is all just so interesting.. I'm so glad that someone else is able to recognise it!" She laughed, Throwing random terms out as a hand moved to cover her faux chuckle, Looking away from him.
Egyn however, Had his eyes trained on her.
His face fell, Unblinking as he stared. He didn't speak a word either as he studied every inch of [F/N], From her head to her toes was all picked apart by his gaze and [F/N] couldn't help but bite her tongue.
"..Wow. You're the first person in centuries to actually notice that.." Egyn said almost in a whisper as he examined her like a dissected frog on a table.
"If that's true, I guess humanity really is doomed." [F/N] replied, Ignoring the implication of centuries he spoke of.
Egyn was lost in his own mind, Eyes staring somewhere past [F/N] as he thought. The first time anyone has said agreed with him, A point he had held like a moral in his head and she agreed with it without any kind of fear for who he was.
Of course, Some over the centuries agreed with him but.. Egyn could tell they were just scared of him.
She wasn't faking it, At least he didn't think so. It was strange, Some human child younger than him but older than his vessel was the one to finally understand him and his points. He had only met her for an hour at the most but..
His chest, The ribcage inside started to shake.
It was his heart, The organ inside was beating. Hot blood coarsing through his veins finally starting to warm up the cold chills of the ocean that was his vessel before. Egyn lunged a hand towards the side of his chest, The one that thundered like a beating drum. What was happening?
[F/N] on the other hand had her eyes lit up like fireworks, This was it. She had recognised it from Amaimon, The way he had grappled onto his chest like he was having a cardiac. That wonder-filled expression, She had gotten through to him.
Though the smile on her face dissipated, Loathing for him still running through the heart of her own. As she watched him take a moment, Breathing in and out, She bit down on her tongue.
Now it all hinged on the final part.
"This.. T-This is amazing!" Egyn exclaimed and suddenly the hand gloved in his flipper was grasping onto hers, A movement that made [F/N] jump as he was suddenly much closer to her than she remembered.
"I-I see what Iblis means now..! You're making my vessels heart start to beat..! Oh wow- I need to study this!" Egyn gasped as he finally got up to his feet, Excitable as he stamped his feet over to the desk and started to gather papers and stationary.
[F/N] blinked, Letting go of a breath she didn't know she was holding.
"I mean.. H-How are you doing this?! This is impossible.. No way, Iblis was right- You're amazing!" Egyn gushed as he brought in a good few handfuls of paper and other stuff into his basketed hands, Too much for him to carry but he managed anyways.
[F/N] blinked.
"Thank you.." [F/N] replied slowly as she watched him start to scribble on his plastic clipboard.
"It feels.. Warm, It's familiar.. P-Perhaps it.. Maybe its similar to when I first incarnated.." Egyn rambled to himself as he spilt down words onto the paper. "It's so strange- Maybe it feels.. No, It feels almost familial..? So weird!"
[F/N] could only watch as he ranted off to himself, A slight rotten taste on her tongue as she heard him describe whatever world-shattering emotion he was feeling right now. A demon, Disgusting, Her fear was dwindling but in turn her hatred was growing.
It made her bite her tongue, Stopping her from saying what she said. "I mean.. H-How are you doing this? I need to know more, Y-You must tell me!" Egyn exclaimed as he suddenly snapped back to meet [F/N], Who ironically near jumped out of her skin at the movement.
"..I don't really know, I'm a bit overwhelmed-!" [F/N] smiled and discreetly wiped away the sweat on the sides of her jeans. Egyn shook his head, Nervously yet giddily laughing as he set down his clipboard.
"Oh no-! I'm sorry, D-Do you need anything? I can go get someone to bring you food or- I could get you water..? What do you need?" Disgusting, It was acting as if it actually cared.
"I'm fine, I think I just need to go back and grab some stuff that fell out of my bag.. Books and stuff, You know?" [F/N] replied with the same smile she held up like an advertisement board.
However, Egyn paused at her words. Giddy rambling under his breath coming to a sudden halt as he stared at her dead in the eyes.
"..What? You.. Y-You're not planning to leave, Are you?" Egyn asked, Almost monotone if not for the slight waver in tone, Like he was about to burst back into tears. [F/N] blinked, Shaking her head.
"No! No way, I actually like being here and I like talking with you! I wouldn't want to leave and besides, Do you really think I could get out with both you and Iblis here?" [F/N] explained softly, Stepping only slightly closer to him.
Egyn looked down, Flippers going back up to join together, Twiddling with the fingers inside.
"I-I don't know.. What if you try though? W-What if I go with you to make sure you don't..?! That's a good idea!" Egyn suggested which made [F/N]'s eye twitch, Wrong turn, She couldn't let that happen. She frowned, Stuffing her hands into her pockets.
"..Do you not trust me?" [F/N] started "I thought that we had something going, You know. We may have only known each other for a half-hour but I really thought that we shared some kind of connection, You know? I guess not.."
[F/N] drawled, Tossing her head to be side and lowering her brows in an agitated stare far off. Egyn squeaked as soon as she finished her last word, The shadowed eyes inside starting to bubble with tears.
"N-NO! We do! You're fun to talk to but I just think that I should go with you.. I-I only have known you a short time and that's the reason why!" Egyn babbled as his spill of words did nothing to phase [F/N]. She only shrugged her shoulders.
"Nevermind then, I mean I wanted to stick around since I liked it here with you but.. I guess not then, Besides you and Iblis are probably gonna kill me for being here anyways." [F/N] spat out.
Egyn gasped, His hand reached out and grappled onto [F/N]'s forearm. She 'tched and refused to look back at him, Which made Egyn all the more nerve-wracked.
"No! We're not gonna kill you! I-I don't wanna and I don't think Iblis wants to either so could you please just listen to me..! Y-You can stay here! I'll figure something out! I-I like this feeling, I don't want it to end! You almost feel like what you humans consider a sibling-!" He rambled.
[F/N] almost gagged.
"..I mean, I wanted to stay but I guess since you don't trust me enough.." [F/N] drawled out, Only barely glancing back towards the boy who was almost about to explode from the stress.
And she almost enjoyed it, His misery being a near joy.
"FINE! Just go get it and come back quickly!" Egyn finally blurted out as he let go of her forearm and stumbled back. [F/N] let out a small sigh, A smile finally returning to her lips as she beamed at him.
"Thank you- I'll be really quick!" [F/N] cheered happily as she lowered down into a quick bow, One that hid the slyness of her smirk and the grab of her bags strap before she kicked off and ran down the small lifted podium they were stuck on.
Egyn kept her eyes on her, Never letting his gaze wander for a second as he watched her never look back for a second. Watching as she jogged across the open hallway from his higher position, Gaze shaking as she entered his office.
[F/N] slammed the door behind her and finally slung her bag over her shoulder, A relieved yet devious giggle echoing from her lips as her plan worked. Her back hit the door, Head tilting up almost to thank the gods above.
She did it.
But she had no time to celebrate over the spoils of her victory as she had minimal time to get out of here, Far away, Even though she had said her name there was no way that they could find her, This place was located far from where her origins began.
She pranced over to the cabinets, Foot locking in one of the bottom drawer handles with her hand hanging onto the top one. Starting to climb she easily found her hands over the vent's edge. Lugging her body up, She pulled her weights into the shaft.
It took work, But she was able to find her way out by the lack of dust trail she had made getting in, The rest of the vent being powdered in the stuff. And luckily, The vent still hadn't been fixed back into place, The inviting light of the late-afternoon day leading her to her exit.
"-Fuck-!" [F/N] gasped as she finally pushed herself out of the vent and onto the dirty bare ground of the forest floor below her, Cheek pressed against the ground giving her the premium view of the bugs scuttling around her.
She couldn't stay for long though, Her hands pushed down onto each side of her, Nails digging into the dirt as she pulled herself up onto her feet. Dusting herself off from her raincoat to her jeans, [F/N] picked up the pace and started to run.
She got out, She had gotten out using her own head and wits. The sweat dribbling down the sides of her face was enough of a trophy of challenge, Proud smile bared on her face. The documents stuffed in her pockets was her reward, [F/N]'s eyes shined.
Proof of demons, Knowledge she hadn't known before was brought to light. Demons were really, Really real. She just couldn't see them, That's why no one believed her, Because they couldn't see just like she could.
She was home free, She was gone. No one could ca-
An alarm sounded out.
[F/N] stumbled in her run, Head jerking around as she heard the muffled wails of an alarm system blare out from inside of the facility. It was so loud, So loud that even though it was contained inside she could still hear it distorted a good few bits away from the place. She gulped, Eyes widening.
"Fuck- Shit, Fuck- Oh no..-!" [F/N]'s pace picked back up, Legs running like her life depended on it. She had hoped that Egyn would've waited just a little bit longer, Or did Iblis finally come back and take matters into her own hands?
It didn't matter, Keep going. Keep going, Keep going, Keep going-! You'll die if you stop! You'll be dragged back there for almost revealing this place to the authorities, Who knows what they might do to her?
It was unfortunate, So caught up in the gravity of the situation that she couldn't see her foot caught under the stray branch.
[F/N] tripped.
She screamed as she slammed down onto the semi-rocky flooring of the forest, Chest first hitting the ground with a thud and shaking something inside her. Her head followed next, Bumping against the dirt.
[F/N] whined, Blurriness fading in and out of her vision and a ringing like church bells sounding in her ears. The blue sky above her seemed to almost change colour. Green to red to blue to pink, Dizzy, So dizzy.
But not enough so that she couldn't hear the voice call out to her.
"Woah there! Looks like someone's in trouble!"
It was lazy, Laid back and spoken in a foreign accent [F/N] just couldn't place against the bells in her ears. She could tell it had gotten closer though, As the shadow looming over her seemed to be the source.
[F/N] groaned, The little spouts of sunlight seeping through the mans shadow hit her eyes like pepper spray as she turned up to look at him.
He was of medium height for his gender, Male, And it showed through the unshaven starts of a facial hair coming out from his sun-kissed skin. From his legs to his bare arms he had body hair, [F/N] would've felt disgusted if not for the current events.
It also showed in the dark scruffy mop of hair he had on his head, It was so uncut that it covered his eyes, A safari hat lazing atop of it. Apart from that, His ensemble of a dirty collared shirt and a kaki shorts was enough to tell [F/N] what exact kind of person that he was.
"Ngh.. Who the hell are you?" [F/N] croaked out, Hand reaching and entangling in her hair as a ditch effort to stop the throbbing. The mans lazy smile just grew, The hands in his pockets shoving down deeper as he sauntered over to her.
"That's something I should be asking you, Huh? What's a kid like you doing all the way out here?" The man laughed as he leaned down to look at her collapse form. [F/N] only shot an agitated look at him, Which only seemed to amuse the man even more.
He chuckled, Lowering down onto his knees.
"The name's Lewin Light, I'm with the Vatican. Came out here after a tip-off about an organization called 'The Illuminati'. Any idea what that is?" Lewin asked, Reaching beside him into a compartment of the bag over his shoulder, Fishing out a water bottle.
[F/N] just blinked, Weakly taking the bottle into her hands once offered.
"Uhm.. Well if you mean the testing facility with literal demon kings, You know.. The one back there blaring alarm sirens then yeah, Yeah I do think so." [F/N] spat as she popped open the cap, Getting to her knees and starting to take the biggest sip of her life.
Lewin's smile became more dark, His bangs near lifting from his eyes to reveal a sea green peering down at her.
"You were inside? Seriously?" He asked in an almost hushed whisper. [F/N] swallowed down the chilled water, The tap of the bottle pulled from her lips.
"…Yeah, May or may not have stolen a bunch of documents too." [F/N] replied, Though more nervous as the alarm continued to blare.
Lewin snapped his fingers.
"No way! Seriously? Some little kid like you got in and out of there? Should probably get outta here then and come back with enforcements- But you've got to tell me about it!" He said as he raised back up to his original height, Arms locking around her armpits he helped [F/N] up to her feet, Stumbling as she got into place.
Though as soon as she did, Lewin shoved his face straight into hers.
"Did you seriously meet any of the demon kings in there? How did you survive? What were they doing in there? Any experiments? What kind of stuff did you take? Did anyone see you? What's your name?!" Lewin spewed out, Giddy smile like a child on christmas as he spoke. [F/N] gulped.
"I- I don't know but can you PLEASE just get me out of here! They'll be coming any second!" [F/N] hushed as she kept glancing back to the facility, Of which in the distance could she hear the yells of what could only be security start to air out.
Lewins face fell, But he drew back.
"Ah.. Right, Okay. Later then, I'll get you out of there then." Lewin stated, Pulling out something from his pocket, Some kind of artefact that he held in-between his gruff fingers. [F/N]'s eyes circled in on it, But before she could a
"Ready? You gotta hold onto my hand if you wanna be transported!" Lewin chimed in as he extended his hand out towards her, [F/N] was hesitant as she looked at the artefact, But as she heard the voices of the guards start to close in, She didn't start to hesitate anymore.
Her hand lunged out to his, And she barked out a "Go!"
And as soon as the guards closed in on their location, The only thing they found was the tall height of trees around them. Shrubbery leaves dancing in the soft wind, And no thirteen year old girl in sight.
"Well.. I see everything here is in order, Mr.."
"Lewin, Lewin Light!" He said, Sticking out an over-eager hand towards Mrs. Ono which previously was used to scratch the wolf's nest of his hair and reach into his bag of crisps laying upon his lap.
Mrs. Ono laughed nervously, Eyeing the crumbs on his fingers as she nudged his hand back away from her.
They sat within her office, The same one [F/N] had been coming into for over a decade now. Greyish-blue walls, Polished floors, Those same overly-sweet encouraging posters that made [F/N] want to puke.
And she was sat in one of the twin chairs, Those uncomfortably designed ones with high arms which only provided comfort once you sat like a maniac. Back sunken in, Legs spread out with a small grin.
This time, She wasn't alone.
Lewin Light sat in the other twin chair, The one that was usually empty once she was called in to be berated or told off. He seemed to copy her movements, Legs out, Sunken into his chair and even topped it off with the dirty garbs and the bag of snacks by his side.
He looked so out of place in such a formal office space. His oversized poncho overflowing off the chair's arms and his scruffy start of facial hair making it look (and smell) like a homeless man had walked in.
Mrs. Ono didn't like him, [F/N] could tell by the way she kept readjusting her devil-horned glasses. Proper heel's clacking together under the desk she was sat at as she eyed him like a dirty stray.
And he seemed like it too, His stench was horrible.
Mrs. Ono cleared her throat, Almost as if the odour had reached there.
"Let me just go over this with you.. This is an international adoption so there is usually a lot of moving parts, Though.. This one however seems streamlined.." Mrs. Ono commented, Starting to flick through the documents in front of her.
"I see.. So you, Yourself, Are situated in Dallas, Texas. Over in the states.." Ono said, Raising an eyebrow as she turned back up to eye Lewin once more.
"Yep!" Lewin chirped, Obviously not afflicted by the weight of the counsellor's gaze as he only crossed his legs and plunged a hand into the bag of chips, Staring right back at her as he shoved them into his mouth.
Mrs. Ono could barely disguise a scowl.
"And you're unwedded? No other possible parental figures or..?"
"Nope! Just me, But you know I've always wanted a kid and the dating scene is just so difficult nowadays! Besides, If it's a matter of money you're concerned about, I believe my salary should be listed down somewhere aswell.." Lewin said, Pointing a lazy finger somewhere vaguely on the paper.
[F/N] didn't hear the actual number, But by the way that Mrs. Ono's eyes widened and her breath was caught in her chest, [F/N] could only imagine the actual number.
"Ah.. I.. I see then." Mrs. Ono stuttered as she reset her glasses and replastered the pristine smile on her face. "I suppose everything is in order, Though if I must be so bold, May I ask a question of my own." Lewin shrugged.
"Shoot." He replied, With the appropriate gesture.
Mrs. Ono shuffled within her seat, Almost as if she was sitting upon hot coal. She leaned forward, Fingers entwining as her eyes finally wandered over to [F/N] for only a moment before snapping back to the man in front of her.
She cleared her throat.
"Why exactly have you chosen [F/N] here? Please, Do not get me wrong she is a lovely child but parents usually go for younger kids, And erm.. [F/N] seems to have taken a liking to you, Which says alot, Am I right?" Mrs. Ono said, Voice lowering and octave as she looked back to [F/N].
[F/N] blinked, Jolting up in her chair as if finally tuning back into the conversation.
"Oh, Uh.. Yeah, I like him." She replied in short, Rubbing the exhaustion of the early morning out of her eyes before lazing back into her original sprawl upon the chair.
Lewin glanced over to her under the bush of his unruly hair, Sly smile widening on his face as he leaned forward on his seat.
"Well, You got me there, Ma'am!" Lewin chuckled at the older woman, Scratching at his nape. "If I'm being honest with you, I've sorta been hiding the reason I've been wanting to adopt this kid in the first place."
Mrs. Ono raised a brow.
"Go on." She prompted to which Lewin chuckled awkwardly.
"Well, I met her at this food joint in town a few years back and things just kind of started there." He started. "Honestly she's always seemed like my own, You know? You kinda just get that feeling and I just think it's time that we finalise it."
[F/N] turned over to look at him excitedly, The man being a stellar liar both in voice and movement as they seemed to morph into something of a faux genuine tone. [F/N] solidified it, Nodding along as if it was the truth.
It's not like Mrs. Ono would understand, She never did.
"Ah, I see. So you've been in touch for a while now." Mrs. Ono said, Almost relieved as she leaned back to relax in her chair, Settling the documents back down on her desk.
"Yeah! Known her since.. Since when now? It's so hard to remember.." Lewin asked, Jerking his head around to look at [F/N] who hummed and itched at her chin.
"Mmm.. Maybe three years now? So hard to say, Felt like it's been a lifetime." [F/N] joked as she looked back at him, Both containing humour in their eyes that Ono just didn't pick up on.
Lewin giggled and turned back to the counsellor.
"Yeah, Well anyways there's just a lot to like about the kid. I mean, Smart, Brave and knows how to escape a bad situation. How could my cold dead heart not beat for this little imp?" Lewin laughed heartily as his hand found it's way to [F/N]'s head, Starting to roughly ruffle the hair atop her head.
"Hey!" [F/N] giggled, Trying but failing to push his surprisingly muscular arm away from her. Lewin continued to laugh as he watched her fail to stop him.
Mrs. Ono couldn't help but give a small smile as she watched the interaction, Eyes softening from behind her glasses for only a moment.
"..Well, I see that everything is in order then. You've already signed the documents and I'm proud to say that you are now the legal guardian of [F/N], Mr. Light." Mrs. Ono proclaimed, Though her smile seemed more strained than prideful, More lost than usual.
[F/N]'s laughter died down, Eyes catching the expression of Mrs. Ono. Her giddy smile almost slowing down to a halt.
Though she was broken out of it with the rapid tap of two fingers on her shoulder.
"Right then! Thanks for your time, Appreciate it, But we'll be on our way now!" Lewin said as he jumped up from his seat and stretched his arms up into the air, Near cracking his back. [F/N] blinked, Understanding the command as she followed Lewin up to her feet.
"Yes, Don't let me keep you.." Mrs. Ono stated as she shifted the documents on her table into the cream-front folder, Nudging it in as Lewin started to saunter out of the room, Poncho flowing behind him which [F/N] trailed eagerly.
Though, She stopped. Turning around to meet the source of the voice.
Mrs. Ono continued to smile, But it seemed different. It was sad, More forlorn as she looked [F/N] in the eyes with the most regretful gaze she had ever seen. [F/N] almost felt herself shrink, Almost meeting the womans gaze with the same remorse.
Ono's lip trembled for only a minute, Almost as if she was thinking over what she might say.
"..I know I haven't been able to provide you the help that you needed, I want you to know that I hope you find peace in whatever way that may be.. And I wish you the very best.. I hope that you find what you are looking for.. Good luck, [F/N]."
That was all Mrs. Ono said, The last words she spoke before she swivelled around in her chair, The back of it acting as a barrier between them now. It was silent, Only the sound of distant, Faraway laughing of the youth center's children somewhere deep inside of this place.
[F/N] didn't want to admit it, But she would miss every second of it. [F/N] didn't say anything either, She couldn't, Only look at the back of her chair, Shake her head before turning around to walk off with her new father.
She didn't look back again, Not once more. Because [F/N] knew that she was in too deep now, And there was no way she could ever go back.
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banmitbandit · 6 months
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more hedgehogswap!!! some really basic sketches, but proof i am still thinking abt them lol
curious about whats going on? me too! but my tag for this AU is #spindashswap. its not its official name, but for now, its the best name the au has v_v TLDR; A lot of character's roles are swapped, with the intent being to keep their personalities intact.
The original copy, Metal Shadow is Robotnik's greatest creation, a combination of Robotnik's mechanical genius and Shadow's Life Data, Metal Shadow is Shadow's 1 to 1 in practically every way! Running off Chaos Energy, Metal Shadow is capable of using Chaos Spear, Blast, and Control, and gives Shadow a run for his money in their proficiency with them. Like most things, however, they are not immune to a kick to the head.
Iblis is a fragment of the God of the Moon, Lunares, representing the harsh light that reflects from the moon's surface, it's counterpart being Mephilis, the moon's shadow. Whilst Mephilis is the retrospective and thoughtful half, it is also content to wait, for it is inevitable that they will be released, as the Princess Elise is doomed to shed a tear eventually. Iblis, on the other hand, is sealed within a sceptre, and is accidentally released by the Ultimate Lifeform, Sonic the Hedgehog.
(Whilst I speculate that Shadow's Arc in SA2, Heroes and 06 has been about his own agency and his desire to keep his promise to Maria, Sonic in canon doesn't really have that. He's always been a paragon of his own freedom and doesn't give that away to anyone. No one can stop him in his pursuit to do the right thing, and he can't really be manipulated into it either, unlike Shadow or Silver. All this to say that I think it's super interesting that Mephiles never attempts to manipulate Sonic, and instead relies on his consistency in his plan to make Elise release Iblis. He doesn't bother trying to get Elise to become close with Sonic because it's an inevitability he can rely on. )
Iblis, instead of attempting to manipulate Sonic, instead attempts to destroy him by openly mock about his fight against the inevitable. Sonic can run at the speed of sound, but surely he cannot outrun the speed of light. He are unable to save the world he desires to protect, and they stand in the proof of that, in Crisis City, the shrouded remains of Soleanna. Everyone that they have come to care about is long gone, and Sonic is finally (inevitably, Iblis might say) caught by GUN and sealed away. Wheras Mephilis attempts to break Shadow's will by trying to convince him that they will always be seen as a villain, and the world will betray him, Iblis attempts to break Sonic's will by trying to convince him that it is a lost cause. He wasn't strong enough to protect those on the ARK. His freedom was taken by GUN. It will inevitably happen again.
Of course, it doesn't end up working. Sonic fights anyways. There are people that are counting on him and he doesn't have time to entertain the possibility that he could let them down. Let Tails down.
As for what Iblis steals from Sonic. Maybe his reflection or something. This is a lot of word dump for a silly roleswap au.
(I am making this AU up as I go, so if you have suggestions, yell at me in my ask box if you want! Thanks for reading either way!
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midnightshard06 · 28 days
STH Rarepair Week Day 7: AU
You can check it out on ao3 here if you prefer.
Summary: Mephiles finds himself thrown into a completely separate timeline after the destruction of Solaris. A timeline in which he of course comes across none other than Silver the hedgehog. Perhaps this time the story will go different though. With no Iblis here to recombine with maybe just maybe he can put aside his want for revenge and do something else with his life.
Pairing: Silver/Mephiles
Warnings: None to be had
Word Count: ~3100 words
AN: Final day! Also this one maaaaay be connected to one of my other aus. Not super obviously though. At least not yet.
Mephiles had thought that his existence would be snuffed out alongside Solaris. Oh how wrong he ended up being. Instead in the wake of his greatest triumph, and crushing defeat, he was met with the sight of an empty wasteland. One not dissimilar to the future ravaged by Iblis’ power. Yet here instead of fire and magma coating everything, there was nothing to indicate the origin of this apocalypse. It was simply cold and empty. Perhaps it was a punishment sentenced to him by the universe. His new prison for daring to go against the “natural” flow of things. Perhaps he wasn’t deemed deserving of the kindness of oblivion.
With nothing else to do he walked. He could feel with certainty that Iblis wasn’t here, wherever here was. It didn’t matter much did it? If Iblis wasn’t here it wasn’t as if he could plot any proper revenge. He was strong, but he could recognize his own limits. Perhaps he could manage to kill Sonic again, but it wouldn’t do him much good. It would feel satisfying, but even that would be short lived. No doubt the retaliation from the hedgehog’s allies would be swift.
No. As much as he craved revenge he had no immediate means to carry it out, so he just walked. Perhaps he could find something useful amongst the wreckage. Some hint as to what had happened here. Maybe whatever it was could prove useful.
He walked. For how long he had no idea. Time was not a thing he really kept track of, and there was nothing else around to help indicate it. Not with the sun hidden behind clouds. This time not of ash and smoke from Iblis’ power, but perhaps just normal clouds. Whether they were there naturally or not he didn’t know. As he walked he checked anything that might yield usable information, crumbling buildings mostly. Though each time he was greeted with nothing. Barely any sign that life had once been there at all.
The sheer feeling of isolation and the silence that blanketed the area was why he was so surprised by a voice. One that was infuriatingly familiar. “Hey!” None other than Silver the hedgehog had called out to him, waving. He looked more or less the same as Mephiles remembered him, but there was a brown, worn cloak wrapped around him. Behind him were two more familiar faces. Shadow the hedgehog, who looked distinctly more… alien than he’d been before, and E-123 Omega. Though the oddest thing of all was that none of them were looking at him with the expected amount of hostility. “Are you alright?” Mephiles was pulled from his thoughts as Silver called out again. Mephiles tilted his head. Well this was certainly interesting, and perhaps an opportunity he could use. Before he could say anything though Silver approached him and began to look him over. Behind him Shadow was watching the exchange with a sharp look. “You don’t seem injured which is good… How long have you been out here?” Silver looked up at him. 
It was so strange to look back at someone who he’d mercilessly used and manipulated before, and see no recognition in their eyes. No. Silver did not know him, of that Mephiles was certain. The biggest question was how. Perhaps something had gone awry when he was acting as Solaris. Timelines could become… finicky when disrupted. It was possible this was a Silver who’d never met him at all. “Maybe we should take them back with us.” Silver frowned before looking back at Shadow. “They seem kind of out of it.”
Shadow hummed. “Perhaps, but are you sure they’re trustworthy?”
“If we don’t trust everyone we’ve never met before we’d never help anyone.” Silver huffed. “But if it makes you feel better I’ll take responsibility for them. Just until I can convince you we can trust them.”
Shadow was clearly reluctant, and Mephiles could perfectly understand why. Though he wasn’t helping his own case by remaining silent. It didn’t matter much though, based on Silver’s apparent determination to help him. “Fine.” Shadow sighed. 
Silver turned back to Mephiles, smile now on his face. “Alright, now that we have that cleared up…” The white hedgehog grabbed Mephiles’ hand. “We’ll take you back with us. Get you a meal if you need it.” Honestly Mephiles was so stunned in that moment at the casual contact that he didn’t even try to fight it as Silver led him back towards the other two members of the group. “Thanks for letting me give him a chance dad.” Silver turned to Shadow. Shadow ruffled the quills on top of Silver’s head and just smiled. If Mephiles hadn’t already been reeling with shock before he certainly was now. Just what sort of alternate timeline had he found himself in?
It had been surprising to see… well Mephiles wouldn't describe it as thriving based on typical standards, but a thriving civilization carved out of the nothingness around it. It was impressive that it managed to take root at all, let alone survive as it did. The resilience of mortals would never cease to amaze him.
Yet another thing that had been surprising was being treated with kindness by nearly everyone. Shadow and Omega still regarded him with suspicion, but he honestly preferred that. It was something he was more used to. Though simultaneously the biggest and smallest anomaly of all was one Silver the hedgehog. From what Mephiles did gather about Silver's personality from his own timeline this one seemed to line up rather well. Perhaps less desperate due to the state of the world being… better. Though as far as Mephiles could gather he'd not been to the past yet. At least if the way he spoke of it was anything to go by. 
It wasn't hard to gather information when you had someone so willing to freely give it. Silver happily chatted with him about all sorts of things. Unfortunately it wasn't known what the exact cause of the downfall of the world was, though Silver did admit he thought his dad knew something and wasn't telling him. Another interesting development. The familial relation between Shadow and Silver. They weren't related by blood, but Shadow had taken in the younger hedgehog when he was little apparently.
That relation would make it harder to convince this Silver to do anything drastic though. What also didn’t help that was the state of this time. Not entirely destroyed and hopeless like the one he’d plucked the first Silver from. No he would have to work hard if he intended to use Silver in the same way he did last time.
Was it wrong to not despise being in the company of the small settlement in the meantime though? Perhaps but as he used Silver to gather information he was also given purpose. Even if it wasn’t a purpose of his own design. In a way it felt good to be doing something. Maybe this fledgling feeling is why he let slip his abilities to travel through time.
“You can time travel?!” Silver had an excited look in his eyes. “Why didn’t you say anything sooner?”
Mephiles simply shrugged. “I was… still adjusting.” Not untrue, but not the reason he hadn’t shared that particular ability before now. After all, he’d done this by accident.
SIlver sobered some and nodded. “Makes sense. It must have been kind of disorienting coming here huh?”
“I suppose… yes.” Mephiles nodded. His only solace right now was that the two had been alone, sent out to the nearby ruins to find anything useful. It had been interesting, dare he say amusing, to watch Silver argue with Shadow to allow just the two of them to be sent.
“This could change everything though…” Silver looked around at the ruins, a sad look in his eyes. “If we could figure out what caused this we could maybe fix it.” He stopped walking and turned a smile on Mephiles. “We could do so much good. Even if we can’t fix this… maybe we can still help everyone.” He held out a hand. “I know we can do something!”
Mephiles regarded the offered hand like it was a hostile creature. On one hand this could be exactly what he needed to set into motion… some sort of plan. Silver was clearly willing to work with him. On the other hand, Mephiles had no plan. He’d been so caught up in gaining trust that he’d neglected to even think of what he’d do with it. Perhaps though… perhaps he could figure it out in due time. He had all the time he could ever need after all. He took the offered hand and shook. “I believe this is the beginning of a wonderful partnership, Silver the hedgehog.”
Silver’s eyes widened as soon as he could see again. He really was here. The past. All of the fighting and convincing he had to do, particularly with his dad, had been so worth it. Shadow had barely agreed to even entertain this, and only after he’d pulled Mephiles aside and presumably talked to him about something. It was hard to keep track of just how many promises Silver had to make to Shadow, but it was fine. He would have made twice as many if that’s what it took.
Everything was so nice! Nothing was destroyed! He stood there in awe for a while until he was interrupted Mephiles clearing his throat. Right, they had a job to do. Research the past! Hopefully along the way they’d figure out what happened to Silver’s time. “Where should we start?” Silver turned to Mephiles. The dark hedgehog had been watching him. Clearly not nearly as enamored by the scenery as Silver was.
“You’re asking me?” Mephiles sounded surprised.
“Well you’d know better than me.” Silver rubbed the back of his head. There was just so much, he had no idea where to start. Some guidance would be nice.
Mephiles tilted his head slightly, an action Silver had learned meant he was thinking. “Perhaps a library would be the best place to start.” The dark hedgehog nodded. Silver stared at him blankly. Mephiles blinked, SIlver blinked back. “You don’t know what that is do you?” 
Silver shook his head, suddenly feeling sort of embarrassed. “I… don’t.”
“It’s a place with… a lot of books. Good for research.” Mephiles explained, his eyes scrunching up in a way that made him look slightly annoyed, but Silver wasn’t sure if he was just imagining that or not.
“Oh!” Silver tried to shake off his embarrassment. “Sounds like a good place to start then. Lead the way.”
Mephiles’ ear twitched as he straightened his back. “Ah yes… of course just… follow me.” The other hedgehog began to lead them into the city.
It got really hard to keep focused once they were in the city proper. There was just so much life here! It was unlike anything he’d ever seen. Mephiles had to keep pulling him along if he got distracted for too long. Thankfully he was at least gentle about it. While the other hedgehog probably couldn’t understand what Silver was going through on a personal level, he could get it in some way.
It sort of felt like aimless wandering to Silver after a while, not that he cared mind you, so maybe Mephiles was taking a longer route for his sake. Which was pretty thoughtful actually. It was nice to experience a little bit of how things were. It only made him more determined to help. At some point he’d stopped walking and Mephiles called to him. Well he couldn’t help anyone if he got lost huh? He rushed to catch up. He should make sure not to lose his guide.
Mephiles was… conflicted. He had been in the past with Silver for around a week now and he had to admit he didn’t feel quite the need for revenge that he thought he would. Especially after learning that both the Sonic and Shadow of this timeline were around. He’d kept that particular investigation away from Silver, but it was getting harder to hide it when the white hedgehog kept insisting on spending every moment with him.
Yet besides the annoyance at being interrupted he found he wasn’t all that upset. An odd feeling considering the Silver of his own timeline had helped end Solaris. Perhaps he could just separate these versions from their counterparts though, their slightly different appearances helped, and that’s what curbed his want for revenge. They were not the same ones who had destroyed Solaris and caused him to be sent to this timeline. Maybe… he could be content with remaining here, since he had no viable way to get back to his own timeline. For all he knew returning to his own timeline with Solaris destroyed would cause him to cease existing. Perhaps it was better to just keep existing here in that case.
Not to say his desire for revenge was completely quenched, he still felt rage any time he looked at a picture of that blue hedgehog, but he could live with it. Did he really want to stick around with Silver and… help though? It felt so foreign to genuinely give aid, and without the intention to trick or manipulate. Yet he’d be lying to himself if he said this time hadn’t felt fulfilling in some way. Perhaps this new purpose coming so soon after losing his previous had helped. He didn’t know.
He was pulled from his thoughts as Silver grasped his hand. Such casual touch… something that he might not ever get used to. “C’mon, the garden isn’t too far.” Silver smiled. It felt nice to have such positive emotions aimed at himself. 
The walk through the garden was nice, he supposed. Silver rambled on endlessly about the different plants since he’d been reading up about them. He was growing more confident he could grow some of them in his own time as long as he brought the seeds with him. Mephiles agreed with that, even if he knew very little about plants. He also idly noted that Silver kept hold of his hand the entire time and he felt no urge to pull away. Curious indeed.
Perhaps it would be worth entertaining the idea that being thrown into this timeline had altered him in some way. Not that he could prove it, but maybe it had some effect. Or perhaps he was just trying to find an excuse for why he felt the way he did now. Whatever the reason, things were different now. Whether that was by choice or not didn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. For now he would bide his time and… help. Perhaps if he was lucky they’d figure out what caused Silver’s future in the first place.
“It’s really coming together huh?” Silver turned to Mephiles, a smile on his face.
“The plants are growing in rather nicely.” Mephiles hummed.
It was nice to finally see some of the results of their research in the past. As soon as Silver had felt confident enough in his newfound gardening skills he’d wanted to take some seeds back to his own time and try it out. He was so glad that most of the plants had taken well to their less than ideal soil. Despite everything the little garden was really starting to thrive.
Silver grabbed Mephiles' hand. The dark hedgehog just looked at him, an improvement from him stiffening every time Silver did that before. "Thank you for letting this happen." Silver squeezed his hand. "I'm really glad that you ended up here of all times."
"It was a… fortunate accident." Mephiles nodded. "I am pleased that if I had to end up anywhere it was here."
Mephiles was odd sure, but Silver didn't mind it. It was nice to have someone that was willing to indulge his more out there ideas besides his family. Plus for how aloof he seemed Silver could tell he enjoyed what they were doing. It would have been pretty easy for Mephiles to leave if he wasn't. There wasn't anything any of them could do to stop him if he did decide to leave.
Instead of leaving though, Mephiles stayed. Had even come back to the current time with Silver on multiple occasions even when it would have been more comfortable to stay in the past. Heck even his dad had finally started to like him, or well tolerate him at least. Not that Silver knew what caused the sudden switch but! That didn't matter. All that mattered was that the people closest to him were all getting along finally.
There was only one other member of Silver's family that Mephiles needed to meet, and he should be back soon. That's why they'd come back today, to make sure they'd catch him. Even if Mephiles assured him they could return to any point in the future Silver just wanted to be sure. 
Until then though the two had filled the time with tending to the garden Silver started. It was nice with just the two of them. Shadow and Omega had offered to come help as well but Silver knew they'd both rather be doing something else. Specifically waiting for a certain someone to return in Shadow's case. As much as he would enjoy having them help, Silver would rather his dad be able to do what he wanted today.
Mephiles was quiet company but was a great listener. He never told Silver to stop talking whenever he got passionate about something. Instead he just listened quietly, nodding and even asking questions sometimes. It was nice. It was hard to get Mephiles to talk though, especially about himself. He kept his past close to his chest and no matter how curious Silver was about it he never pushed. One of the first things he'd really taken to heart was the fact that someone's background didn't always define who they were. Especially in the kind of place he lived. It was a good place for second chances since there wasn't much point in not just making the best out of what was left.
For now Silver was content, and more hopeful than ever before. Even if they couldn't figure out what happened, at least they could make it better for the people that were left. Silver squeezed Mephiles' hand again. After a moment Mephiles squeezed back. Yeah, they'd make a better future one way or another.
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000marie198 · 3 months
okay so in team sonic racing silver said that his time is 200 years from now
so if we count the time between sonic 06 and now its been 18 years
Time does not exist in the Sonic world. 😔 Relax, we still got 200 to go
Blue boy is still 15
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madychi · 4 months
You mentioned Sonic telling Elise about Chaos being sealed inside him. How does that go? (Sorry for the spam, I'm just really interested!)
(No no I love it!)
It goes pretty well. It’s something they’d have in common and can bond over. Elise having Iblis sealed in her, and she can not cry. While Sonic has Chaos sealed within himself, and can not get angry. In a way they compliment eachother with their contrast.
Then Mephiles rolls up and kills Sonic. Iblis is released, Solaris is whole again, and when all of Sonic’s friends (and Eggman) are all brought together and see Sonic’s dead, they also see him start to liquify. Dude gets reduced to a puddle. But its okay cuz emeralds can revive. (Technically everyone there would learn about the whole chaos situation, but then none of it ever happens so I don’t count it-)
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all the characters in the best non human evangelion character competition so far:
angels from neon genesis evangelion:
Sachiel (3rd angel)
Shamshel (4th angel)
Ramiel (5th angel)
Gaghiel (6th angel)
Israfel (7th angel)
Sandalphon (8th angel)
Matarael (9th angel)
Sahaquiel (10th angel)
Ireul (11th angel)
Leliel (12th angel)
Bardiel (13th angel)
Zeruel (14th angel)
Arael (15th angel)
Armisael (16th angel)
Kaworu Nagisa (technically not human, so he counts)
angels from the rebuilds that aren't just repeats of angels from nge:
unnamed third angel (giant scorpion dinosaur thing that Mari fights at the beginning of 2.0)
unnamed seventh angel (bipedal clock thing from 2.0)
unnamed eighth angel (rainbow winged thing from 2.0)
unnamed twelfth angel (freaky shape shifting thing sealed inside mark.06 in 3.0)
angels from other pieces of eva media:
insubstantial angel (from neon genesis evangelion: second impression video game for sega saturn)
diemay angel (fan made angel designed by Satou "Diemay" Daimei, a winner of a contest to have an original angel design be illustrated by Yoh Yoshinari)
shateiel and turel (conceptual angels from the neon genesis evangelion proposal)
iblis and barachiel (angels created for the game Neon Genesis Evangelion RPG: The NERV White Paper)
adovaquiel, azrael, atalibu, and zefon (angels created for another game, Neon Genesis Evangelion RPG: Decisive Battle in Tokyo-3)
non angel characters (robots and computers and more):
eva unit 00 (piloted by Rei) (technically also unit 00', when it changes to blue armor when it's repaired after remiels attack) [let me know if 00 and 00' should be separate characters]
eva unit 01 (piloted by Shinji)
eva unit 02 (piloted by Asuka)
eva unit 03 (piloted by Toji) (I'm classifying unit 03 as the entity before it's possessed, and bardiel as the corrupted entity)
eva unit 04 (not actually ever seen in nge, but was in some promotional material, and mentioned by name only in the anime)
mass production evas (eoe)
Evangelion Proto Type-00, Evangelion Test Type-01, Evangelion Production Model-02, Evangelion Production Model-03 (rebuilds) (basically the same, just with longer names and ever so slightly different designs)
Evangelion Provisional Unit-05 (piloted by Mari in 2.0)
Evangelion Production Model Custom Type-08 (piloted by Mari in 3.0) (there's also the upgraded versions in 3.0+1.0, the one at the beginning of the movie with the big ass gun attachments is apparently called Type-08beta, and the version seen at the climax that can fuse with other evas is apparently called Type-08gamma. I'm debating whether I should consider these different characters.)
Evangelion Mark.06 (piloted by Kaworu in 2.0, and seen fused to lilith in 3.0)
Evangelion Mark.09 (piloted by the Rei clone in 3.0)
Evangelion 13 (piloted by both Shinji and Kaworu in 3.0)
Unit 01 berserk mode (multiple episodes)
Unit 00 berserk mode (episodes 5 and 14)
Unit 02 beast mode (from the rebuilds. technically different from berserk, as the pilot is still in control)
Magi-1: Melchior
Magi-2: Balthasar
Magi-3: Casper
Pen Pen
send me asks and let me know what other characters I should add. the rules for this competition are pretty dumb and silly. for this competition, a character can be really any object at all, it doesn't necessarily have to be alive. the only real hard rule is that they can't be human. (they can still be part human or take the form of a human. the evas have human souls, and Kaworu appears as a human teenager, but both of those are different enough from actual humans)
I'm still debating if I should include the goofy spin off characters, like just straight up optimus prime from the transformers crossover, or godzilla from an Godzilla /Kamen rider / Evangelion themed ride in universal studios Japan
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true-blue-sonic · 5 months
What do you think Silver's view on strength and power is? He interacts with strength obsessed characters pretty often but doesn't seem to have a drive to become more powerful like of them.
I think Silver has incredible confidence in his own strength and his psychokinesis. In '06, he apparently is quite smug within his gameplay dialogue, often citing his PK as a tool to help clear out a room or solve a puzzle and regarding enemies as trash and things to be easily beaten by him. And that confidence is not at all misplaced, haha! His feats currently include stopping a giant rock Iblis flings at him at the end of the final boss of his story in '06 like it's nothing, his Meteor Smash which is likely multiple tons of weight (which he could furthermore keep together while trying to crush Sonic with a canister; I presume Silver is keeping it together because it falls apart once Sonic hits him and he ends up under it himself), keeping his own against Infinite for multiple minutes in Forces, and holding up a multiple-ton bridge and stopping a beam from the Eclipse Canon with his Shield of Light if you count the Sonic Channel stories. When it comes to strength and power, I think there is quite little that Silver is lacking if he applies his powers to it. And also important to note is that he's got an incredible tolerance for injuries on top (Generations and Forces again), and is always shown with the same stamina as others (in Rivals everyone is equally fast, and even when his powers are exhausted he can still travel perfectly fine on foot and even fight off Tails. In his race in Generations 3DS he travels on foot also but never tires out, he's simply slower than Sonic. Nor does he ever tire out in '06.)
So to answer your question: I think Silver doesn't have a drive to become more powerful like other characters because he is already powerful enough for himself. Silver doesn't lack confidence in his own powers and strength for sure; I would say his more insecure demeanour in '06 stemmed from questions about whether he was doing the right thing as opposed to if he could do it power-wise. So I think a desire to actively work to become more powerful doesn't even cross his mind: he strikes me as someone fully confident that he can pull something off the way he is now! And so far there's no evidence that I can think of that suggests he's not as powerful as he thinks he is or needs to grow stronger still. So I guess it's quite a positive, if a bit smug and self-aggrandising(?), mindset, haha!
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toomanyf4ndoms7 · 11 months
I understand that Elise’s curse is “Tears of despair will release Iblis” but how far does it go? Whenever she stubs her toe a bit too hard, does she have to quickly wipe her eyes to avoid the apocalypse? Does she always have to wear sunglasses to avoid dust in her eyes?
What if she laughs too hard at a joke? Does that count? Imagine being the royal jester and you accidentally cause the apocalypse by making your princess laugh too hard.
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generic-sonic-fan · 1 month
I got this completely insane crack idea from working on my silver animation that I NEED to tell someone about.
Due to a strange set of circumstances and interdimensional weirdness, instead of ending up in present Soleana, Silver is at the battle of Installation 04. His mission......eliminating Master Chief.
Silver must hunt him down across the ring all while dealing with the humans, covenant, and newly released flood.
Will Chief succumb to the physics of Halo CE managed by Silver, or will Silver, much like Zuka 'Zamamee, be just another statistic in Chief's body count?
.....Or maybe, just maybe, will Chief be able to reason with this strange hedgehog?
P.S. Depending on how much time I have available, I might be able to wip up an animation for this!
As much as I desperately want for John Halo to talk some sense into Silver, there's no way he says even a word before blowing Silver up with a rocket and carrying on.
Chief's got too much on his plate during CE to really think things through. If an alien hedgehog comes up to him and starts trying to kill him with mind powers, he's just going to shoot it. He's a simple man that way.
As for Silver, though, I'm trying to imagine what might get him bloodlusted enough to ignore the obvious destruction and obvious apocalypse-causing bad guys enough to try and kill Chief. Even if Silver was told that Chief is the Iblis Trigger, I think he'd take one look at the Covenant and the Flood and quickly change his mind about the whole thing. The Flood are genuinely and obviously apocalypse-causing. I think Silver could be persuaded- not by Chief, but by his own moral compass -to help Chief out with this whole "ring" thing.
Honestly I see Cortana acting as a mediator between the two. If Silver and Chief come to blows, I can imagine her interrupting with a "don't you two think we've got bigger problems right now? If the Covenant activate this ring, we're all done for!"
(As for how the fight would actually go. . . Silver's got a leg up in a direct fight, but it only takes one bullet when he's not expecting it to take him down. I'll place my bets on Chief.)
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some silver rambling
thinking of how fucked up silver must be mentally. 
i dont remember how many times but that one piece of art showed he fought iblis over a dozen times (at the bottom of this post, i found it! i counted like 25 marks). i wonder how horrid of a mental state he had to be in when mephiles found him and told him what he "had to do" to save everyone
just imagine. fighting a foe so massive you cant comprehend it, time and time again, with *no change*, being on deaths door more times than you can count, losing everything you know...only for someone to tell you you can *save them*. by just taking one life. by just bloodying your hands once. if you could take that chance, wouldn’t you? only one person against an entire world. your entire world.
i feel like silver was at his breaking point when mephiles started feeding him so many lies.  mephiles probably knew this. he could tell how broken the young hedgehog was and knew he'd be easier to manipulate because this had been going on for so long that silver was at the brink
jgkhdjkghjk i love silver so muchhj
edit: also heres the official art piece i was thinking of that caused this thread to be made! behind silvers head, you can see a bunch of tally marks. i counted like 25, and there’s much more thats just hidden by his quills and the rubble behind him.
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superscourge · 8 days
How old is Meph in your AU? Ik since he split from that one mfr 10 years before hes technically 10, but do count the time connected with the other guy?
ya i count the time he was one with iblis/solaris. so hes like. an elder god lmfao
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