#Clyde Edwards-Helaire
monabrrr · 1 year
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Hang it in the Louvre 🖼️
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stephstars08 · 2 years
Return to Death Valley
Joe Burrow x Reader
Warnings: Some adult language, mention of past abusive relationship, mature themes, mention of nudity, and implied smut. (I think that is all, I’m sorry if I missed anything!)
Description: When Joe Burrow arrived at LSU he met the girl of his dreams but after he graduated they went their separate ways. However, when Joe returned on campus for the annual football spring game he does come face to face with that girl again. Will they reconnect? Find out in Return to Death Valley!
Author’s Note: First of all I just want to apologize for the big delay. I was originally going to post this Saturday but after I came back from coaching I didn’t really want to do anything since my foot was killing me for some reason. Then I was going to post on Sunday but Saturday night something came up last minuet! So, again I am so sorry for the delay! This will probably be my last writing for awhile. I know I promised I would post a special birthday one shot on my birthday which is next Monday but that won’t be happening since I’m not going to be able to write and type the one shot by next week. Also on my birthday I will be attending the Orioles game which I am very excited about! Anyways I don’t know how many people read this but thank you so much for your patience and I hope you enjoy the one shot!
Word Count: 2,583
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It was springtime which meant LSU is having their yearly spring game. Joe and Ja’Marr decided to buy plane tickets to Baton Rouge and watch how the 2022 LSU tigers are going to look. Many other former LSU national champions decided to tag along with the Bengal teammates. Joe and Ja’Marr asked Thaddeus if he wants to tag along and he of course agreed so the three of them took a plane from Cincinnati while Clyde, Justin, and Derek are meeting them there. Even though Joe doesn’t play on the same team as Clyde, Justin, and Derek, he still stays in good contact with them since they weren’t just his college teammates, they were also his best friends! The men are happy and excited to reunite at a place that is filled with so many incredible memories. However, Joe is a bit anxious that he might run into a familiar face that he hasn’t seen since he won the national championship. He doesn’t know why he feels nervous seeing her. Y/N Y/L/N, the girl who had Joe on his knees. Joe met Y/N his senior year. He met her through Justin since Justin and Y/N grew up together in Louisiana and go way back. Joe remembers the day he met Y/N like it was yesterday. Y/N was at all the games since she was interning for ESPN for her major in broadcasting, so she was cover LSU since that’s the college she attends. Joe immediately fell for the girl. Anytime Joe was free, or Y/N was free they were together. They spent many nights together whether they went out or stayed in. However, they never went exclusive. No matter how much they liked each other, they knew when the football season was over, they would be going their separate ways. They tried so hard to not get attached to one another but when Joe left to go back to Ohio, it was heart wrenching for the both of them. Joe would love to see Y/N but then again, he knows the goodbye is just going to be a repeat.
Joe just arrived at Tiger Stadium with the guys and so many flashbacks came flooding into his brain. Joe was in the locker with the guys. They were all talking besides Joe because every time someone walked by the doors he would look there. Every time Joe saw someone walk past the doors his heart rate would speed up. He doesn’t know why he’s getting all jumpy about seeing her. Y/N might not even be in town since Justin did mention to him that she’s been traveling a lot the past year because of her job. After Y/N graduated from LSU she got hired by ESPN to be a reporter for college football. “C’mon boys, let’s hit the field like old times.” Clyde said and started to walk towards the tunnel. “Joe and I will meet you guys out there.” Justin told them which confused Joe. “What’s going on?” Joe asked him in with confusion. “You’re wondering if Y/N is here, aren’t you?” Justin asked as he folded his arms over his chest with sly smirk on his face. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Joe said looking everywhere but his friends face. “Don’t lie to me.” Justin told him with a stern look on his face. “I just really want to see her.” Joe told him with a sigh. “Don’t worry Joe, I’m sure she’ll pop up somewhere.” Justin told him with a wink and made his way to the tunnel. Joe’s lips turned into a smirk. By just hearing Justin say that his chance seeing Y/N just doubled.
  The 2022 LSU spring game has just been kicked off. Joe has been hanging out on the sideline watching. As he’s been watching he’s been chatting with some old faces and new faces. He’s been talking with the coaches that were there when he was but he also talking with the new coaches that have just been hired. A lot has changed in just a couple of years which is a bit crazy to him. Of course, Joe as been talking with the new head coach that was hired at the end of the last season. Joe and all other guys were saddening and a bit angry about the firing of Coach O, but they couldn’t take it out on the new coach. Also, the new coach is a great guy and seems to be getting along with the players very nicely. However, Joe couldn’t lie. It felt strange being on the Death Valley field without Coach O. Joe has also talking with the quarterbacks since they are very huge fans of him and look up to him. Joe is pretty much royalty in Bouton Rouge which isn’t a surprise. Joe gave the quarterbacks a lot of advice which they appreciated very much. After Joe finished talking with the quarterbacks he started talking with Clyde. “Hey boys.” Both boys heard a familiar voice call out to them. When Joe turned around his eyes lit up because there she was. There is the girl he’s been wanting to see since he stepped off that plane. “Long time no see.” Y/N said with a big smile on her face. “Hey Y/N.” Clyde said with a smile as he gave her a hug which she of course returned. “Hey.” Joe said in a shy tone which made him curse at himself. “What? You too shy to give me a hug?” Y/N asked in a teasing tone. “Oh, ha-ha, come here.” Joe said bringing her into a hug. Y/N giggled as she returned the hug. She missed teasing him. “Wow, you both look amazing. I almost didn’t recognize you two.” Y/N said after letting go of Joe. “Y/N, come on we have to get back to work!” Her camera man called out to her which made her groan. “Alright I’ll be right there!” Y/N called back out to him with annoyance in her tone. “I got to get back, but I hope to see you boys around.” Y/N told them with a small smile. Before Y/N walked away she tapped Joe on the ass which shocked him. Joe watched her walk away with wide eyes. “Did she just tap me on my ass?” Joe asked turning back to Clyde who had an amusing smile on his face. “Damn, it really does feel like old times.” Clyde told him.
 After the game was over Joe and Ja’Marr stayed at the stadium to talk to some more people. The sun has now set over Death Valley. Joe was just about to leave with Ja’Marr to go back to the hotel, but Joe had to use the restroom, so he told Ja’Marr he’ll meet him outside. After Joe was done, he started to make his way outside but stopped dead in his tracks when he heard a sweet voice call his name. “Y/N, I thought you would’ve been gone by now.” Joe said turning around to face her. “Same with you.” Y/N said as she walked closer to him. “I had to do interviews with the coach and a couple of players.” Y/N told him. “Oh yeah, that makes sense.” Joe said with a nod still sounding nervous which really was getting on his nerves. “Since you’re still here, do you want to go sit on the field together? Just like old times.” Y/N asked in a curious tone. “Yeah, that sounds fun.” Joe told her with a smile which made her smile. “Let me go tell Ja’Marr to head back to the hotel. I’ll be right back.” Joe told her with a wink and walked away. Y/N’s cheeks turned a bright red as she watched him.
 Y/N and Joe were sitting in the middle of the field together. “What’s been going on Mr. Burrow? I mean off the field of course.” Y/N said to him. “To be honest, not much.” Joe told her. “Seriously, nothing?” Y/N said sounding a bit surprised. “Besides my knee injury, yeah nothing.” Joe told her with a sigh. “Damn Joey, you got boring.” Y/N told him with a teasing smile which made him playfully roll his eyes. “Alright, enough about my boring life. What about you?” Joe said which made her giggle. “All I’m going to tell you is that I’m a lot happier this year then this time last year.” Y/N told him as she looked away from him which quickly concerned him. “What do you mean?” Joe asked her. “Justin told me you have been doing great with broadcasting.” Joe added. “It had nothing to do with my job.” Y/N told him as she fiddled with her fingers. “It’s okay Y/N. You can tell me.” Joe told her as he put one of his hands onto her knee and rubbed it gently. “I was in a relationship with this guy, and he abused me towards the end of the relationship.” Y/N told him as she stared down at her hands and tried to keep her eyes from tearing up. Joe’s heart broke when those words came out of her mouth. How could someone lay their hands on her like that. It’s makes Joe’s blood boil at just the thought of it. “What a sick mother fucker.” Joe said in a hiss. “Don’t worry Joey, that sick mother fucker is rotting in prison.” Y/N reassured him as she put her hand on top of his that was still resting on her knee. When she looked back up at him their eyes locked. “Good, that’s where people like him belong.” Joe told her. “What about you? What’s been your relationship status?” Y/N asked him to change the subject off her. “I’ve just had a couple of flings, but they never lasted longer than a month.” Joe told her which shocked her. “Seriously? How come? I mean look at you! What do those bitches not see in you?” Y/N asked many questions which made Joe let out a laugh. “I’m the one that broke up with them.” Joe told her. “Oh, do you mind telling me why?” Y/N asked as she scooted closer to him. “I guess it's because those girls weren’t you.” Joe answered as he stared deep into her beautiful eyes. Y/N leaned in and placed her lips onto his soft lips. Joe immediately kissed her back. As they kissed it was like all the memories of them together swarmed their minds. They both felt the kiss getting heated, so Y/N pulled away and got up onto her feet. “C’mon.” Y/N said putting her hand out for him to take. “Where are we going?” Joe asked taking her hand as he stood up. “My place. We got more catching up to do.” Y/N told him with a smirk. Joe knew exactly what she was referring to which turned him on. “Oh, so you don’t want me to fuck you on the football field?” Joe said with a smirk as he pulled her body up against his. “I wouldn’t let you fuck me on the field in college so what makes you think I would let you do it now?” Y/N said with a stern look on her face. “Alright, lead the way sexy thing.” Joe said defeated and gave her a kiss on the lips. Y/N let out a giggle and started to walk out of the stadium with Joe.
It was the next morning and Joe woke up to the feeling of kisses on his neck. When he opened his eyes, they met Y/N’s eyes. “Well good morning to you.” Joe said as he pulled Y/N on top of him. Y/N giggled and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. “I can’t believe I forgot how much I love waking up next to you.” Y/N said as she rested her forehead against his. “Same here beautiful.” Joe told her giving her a kiss on the lips and then rubbed his hands up and down her bare back. “Were we stupid for doing this?” Y/N asked him. “Stupid for having amazing sex?” Joe asked with a smirk on his face. Y/N hit Joe on the shoulder. “Ouch! What was that for?” Joe asked with a whine. “I’m being serious Joe! I mean we both know that when you get on that plane to go back to Ohio, we basically will be strangers again.” Y/N told him with frustration in her tone. “Well, I think this time will be different.” Joe told her. “What do you mean?” Y/N asked him with confusion in her tone. “When we graduated, we had no idea what our future was going to look like but now we do. I’m a professional football player and you’re a reporter that covers football.” Joe told her as he continued to rub his hands up and down her back softly. “But we live in different states.” Y/N reminded him. “But we also travel a lot.” Joe told her. “Yeah, that’s true.” Y/N agreed as she rubbed his bare chest with one of her hands. “When we aren’t in the same city we can chat by text, phone call, and facetime. Whatever you want.” Joe told her and rested his forehead against hers. “I’d love that.” Y/N told him with a big smile on her face. “Me too.” Joe told her and gave her a long kiss on the lips. “What time do you have to be at the airport?” Y/N asked once they pulled away from the steamy kiss. “Two, which means…” Joe trailed off. He picked her up and flipped her over so that he was the one on top which made her let out a squeak. Joe stared down at her with lust as he made sure he didn’t crush her with his big body. “We got time for two more rounds.” Joe told her with that smirk that always turns her on. “Then give it to me Burrow.” Y/N said bringing him down so their lips could connect.
 Y/N decided to go to the airport with the boys and say goodbye to them. After said goodbye to Ja’Marr and Thaddeus, Joe told them to board the plane since he needed a couple of minuets alone with Y/N. “I’m going to miss you.” Y/N told him. “I’m going to miss you too, but I promise I’ll call you right when I get back to Cincy.” Joe told her with a comforting smile. “And I’ll be waiting.” Y/N told him with a smile as well. Joe brought her in close and gave her a passionate kiss on the lips which sent the butterflies in her stomach into a frenzy. When they released from the kiss, they rested their forehead against one another. “I love you.” Joe told her as he put one of his hands onto her cheek and stroked it gently. “I love you too, Joey.” Y/N told him and leaned up on her tippy toes to give him another passionate kiss. They have been waiting so long to say to those three words to each other and it felt so good to finally say it to each other out loud. “I’ll talk to you later.” Joe said letting her go even though he really didn’t want to. “Okay, be careful.” Y/N told him. “I will, beautiful.” Joe reassured with a wink. He gave her one last kiss and then walked away to board the plane. Both of them couldn’t wait to see each other again.
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cementcornfield · 1 year
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Ja'Marr please...
(from Joe's insta)
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kelcemenow · 7 months
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nflupdates · 2 months
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reportwire · 2 years
Kelce scores 3 touchdowns, Chiefs rally past Chargers 30-27
Kelce scores 3 touchdowns, Chiefs rally past Chargers 30-27
INGLEWOOD, Calif. — Patrick Mahomes and Travis Kelce ended up putting on a performance that made The Fonz proud. Mahomes connected with Kelce for three touchdowns — including the go-ahead score with 31 seconds remaining — as the Kansas City Chiefs rallied past the Los Angeles Chargers 30-27 on Sunday night to stay atop the AFC. Mahomes met Emmy Award-winning actor Henry Winkler before the game.…
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the-football-chick · 2 years
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The Chiefs shredded the Cardinals' defense in their season opener. Chiefs QB Mahomes was 30/39 for 360 yards and 5 TDs with RB Clyde Edwards-Helaire catching two of those TDs. Cards QB Kyler Murray went 22/34 for 193 yards and 2 TDs.
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IG: chiefs and azcardinals
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locatellini · 2 years
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Patrick Mahomes II “plays backyard football” to score the Chiefs a third touchdown in three drives | KC Chiefs vs TB Buccaneers, 10/02/22
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stephstars08 · 2 years
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rickyvalero · 2 years
News Or Noise: Week Five Edition
Is it New or Noise? @iheartcaravans looks at the week's headlines as well as shares his love for the Halloween Franchise.
It’s that time of year! It’s spooky season and what better way to jump in than a new Halloween movie? I’m a fan of horror movies. Ever since I was a young child I watched movies that made my skin crawl. Friday the 13th films, Silence of the Lambs, Candyman, you name it I watched it. But there was always one that scared me more than the rest: Halloween. For anyone not familiar, the story starts…
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cementcornfield · 6 months
I feel like everyone had a gut feeling Ja’Marr was going the Bengals. Right before Ja’Marr was drafted, Clyde Edward’s-Helaire tweeted “that pick is going to make me smile”
They knew Ja’Marr was going back to Joe!!
i was just watching a different rich eisen interview where ja'marr says that joe and him were texting at least a month before the draft and that he both 'had a feeling it would happen' and also that joe straight up told him it would lmao
and that matches up with one of jimmy chase's interviews where he says that joe and ja'marr were texting weeks before (and emphasized how excited ja'marr was) so really i think we can conclude that it was very much an open secret that the bengals were going to draft ja'marr :)
i like to imagine that joe was not only texting ja'marr, but also clyde because he was just so excited and wanted to tell everyone <3
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zozo-01 · 2 years
Anon-sliding into ur inbox to slide u over one (1) free pass to go nuts and release all your shaw pack football team au ideas (aka humblly begging, cause the hockey team ones with the three of you slaughtered me and I don't even like sports but I LOVED THOSE Please Do Not Contain Yourself if you do not want to ;) )
so admittedly, i'm not asss big of a football like i am for hockey and basketball, but!!!!! i have some thoughts to shareeee
just gonna sneakily tag @taelonsamada because she's gonna take notesss
ok starting with the big man, mr. david shaw. quarterback (QB), duh. for those who don't know, the quarterback's job is to facilitate the offence, making sure everyone is in the right position and making game time decisions that will help his team score. david would be perfect at giving feedback to his teammates to improve and give them praise when they do something well. i see him as a mahomes/jackson type where he has an incredible arm and the ability to run the football if needed.
asher baby <33333 wide receiver (WR) #1 for sureeeeee!!! just like a beta is second to their alpha, a WR is second to their QB. the QB/WR combo is one of the most important relationships in football. its based on trust and dependability that the two players have with each other. asher being david's best friend would be someone he would trust to throw the balll to in a hail mary situation. ash would be like OBJ where he can make incredible highlight reel catches (minus the injuries)
milo screamssss running back (RB) to me. just like a WRs, a QB and RB's relationship is based on trust as the QB gotta trust their RB to run the ball and gain some yards. milo's small enough to avoid being tackled by running under the players. also milo's got that cocky energy that i'm like super sure that every RB hasss. a player i'd compare him to is clyde edwards-helaire because they're both short and hellaaaa goodddd.
last but not least, darlin'!!!!! whatever darlin's position is is based on how you interpret them. for me, i see them thriving in the cornerback (CB) role. unlike the others, i feel like darlin' would thrive in a defensive position since the defensive play calls are more versatile, meaning they're allowed to do their own thing. their job as CB would be to tackle WRs and either prevent the catch from happening, tackle the WR before yards can be gained or intercepting the ball for a pick 6.
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muncedes · 1 year
ja'marr crying after winning last years championship game and clyde edwards helaire saying he told him he's gonna be the greatest receiver to ever do it and to go get himself a ring
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fantasy football draft cheat sheet 2022 mod menu 6MY+
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Fantasy Football Draft Rankings, Consensus Draft Rankings, Overall Cheat Sheets | FantasyPros. RK, Player Name, POS, BYE, SOS. Here's a collection of downloadable, printable cheat sheets for the fantasy football season, including PPR, non-PPR and dynasty/keeper. Fantasy Rankings Top cheat sheet for standard fantasy football drafts ; 10, Ja'Marr Chase, Bengals, WR ; 11, Alvin Kamara, Saints, RB. PFN's fantasy football cheat sheet is here to help you with your tough Week 4 decisions and also to provide you with Underdog Pick'em advice. NFL Fantasy Football Draft cheat sheet for standard scoring format · 1. Justin Jefferson · 2. Cooper Kupp · 3. Ja'Marr Chase · 4. Tyreek Hill. Up to date Fantasy cheat sheet for standard scoring. No need to prepare your Draft, whether you're a beginner or experienced player, just use this list and you'll be set. In Standard Scoring Leagues you don't get points for receptions, so you will have to prioritize touchdown-heavy players. In this format, running backs are going to be a priority, so they have a slight edge over wide receiver. However, a receiving running back is also important because you have double the chance to score. If your league allows it, I would start three RBs every week. These will get you the most touchdowns besides a quarterback. So, remember to do after those red zone threats. In the end, they will make the difference when it comes to Standard Scoring formats. Josh Allen 2. Patrick Mahomes 3. Justin Herbert 4. Joe Burrow 5. Lamar Jackson 6. Jalen Hurts 7. Matthew Stafford 8. Kyler Murray 9. Russell Wilson Dak Prescott Derek Carr Tom Brady Aaron Rodgers Trey Lance Kirk Cousins Tua Tagovailoa Trevor Lawrence Jameis Winston Matt Ryan Ryan Tannehill Deshaun Watson Jared Goff Zach Wilson Daniel Jones Carson Wentz Justin Fields Baker Mayfield Marcus Mariota Mac Jones Mitch Trubisky Jimmy Garoppolo Drew Lock Davis Mills Kenny Pickett Sam Darnold Desmond Ridder Jacoby Brissett Gardner Minshew Teddy Bridgewater Andy Dalton. Jonathan Taylor 2. Najee Harris 3. Joe Mixon 4. Derrick Henry 5. Austin Ekeler 6. Christian McCaffrey 7. Dalvin Cook 8. Javonte Williams 9. Nick Chubb Cam Akers D'Andre Swift Alvin Kamara Aaron Jones Saquon Barkley Josh Jacobs Ezekiel Elliott Elijah Mitchell Breece Hall James Conner Leonard Fournette David Montgomery Damien Harris Dobbins AJ Dillon Miles Sanders Antonio Gibson Devin Singletary Travis Etienne Kareem Hunt James Cook Chase Edmonds Clyde Edwards-Helaire Ken Walker James Robinson Dameon Pierce Melvin Gordon Tony Pollard Raheem Mostert Rhamondre Stevenson Ronald Jones Isaiah Spiller Michael Carter Rashaad Penny Alexander Mattison Jamaal Williams Marlon Mack Chuba Hubbard Cordarrelle Patterson D'Onta Foreman Damien Williams Tyler Allgeier Kenyan Drake McKissic Nyheim Hines Darrell Henderson Tyrion Davis-Price Rachaad White Gus Edwards Khalil Herbert Keaontay Ingram Zamir White Mark Ingram Sony Michel Hassan Haskins Samaje Perine Zack Moss Kenneth Gainwell Pierre Strong Giovani Bernard Duke Johnson Boston Scott Kene Nwangwu Myles Gaskin Benny Snell D'Ernest Johnson Jeff Wilson Kyren Williams Rex Burkhead Ke'Shawn Vaughn Matt Breida Joshua Kelley Eno Benjamin Jaret Patterson Snoop Conner Tevin Coleman Anthony McFarland Ryquell Armstead Craig Reynolds Darrynton Evans Mike Boone Dontrell Hilliard Tony Jones DeeJay Dallas Jermar Jefferson Trey Sermon Chris Evans Jerome Ford Justin Jefferson 2. Cooper Kupp 3. Ja'Marr Chase 4. Tyreek Hill 5. Davante Adams 6. Deebo Samuel 7. Stefon Diggs 8. Terry McLaurin 9. Mike Evans CeeDee Lamb Brown Keenan Allen Michael Pittman Courtland Sutton Mike Williams DK Metcalf DJ Moore Amari Cooper Diontae Johnson Tee Higgins Brandin Cooks JuJu Smith-Schuster Michael Thomas Chris Godwin Allen Robinson Amon-Ra St. Jerry Jeudy Chase Claypool Brandon Aiyuk Gabriel Davis Adam Thielen Mecole Hardman Jaylen Waddle DeAndre Hopkins Kenny Golladay Darnell Mooney DeVonta Smith Treylon Burks Allen Lazard Rashod Bateman Marquise Brown Jarvis Landry Christian Kirk Drake London Tyler Lockett Elijah Moore Michael Gallup Chris Olave Robert Woods Hunter Renfrow Christian Watson DeVante Parker Tyler Boyd Skyy Moore DJ Chark Corey Davis Alec Pierce Marvin Jones Marquez Valdes-Scantling Garrett Wilson Green Terrace Marshall Randall Cobb Jameson Williams Robbie Anderson Jamison Crowder Jakobi Meyers Jahan Dotson David Bell Kadarius Toney Nico Collins Russell Gage Sammy Watkins Van Jefferson Byron Pringle Bryan Edwards Zay Jones Odell Beckham Jr. Parris Campbell Jalen Tolbert Kendrick Bourne Rondale Moore Joshua Palmer Devon Allen Sterling Shepard Donovan Peoples-Jones Julio Jones Curtis Samuel John Metchie George Pickens Marquez Callaway Cedrick Wilson Darius Slayton Nelson Agholor James Washington Romeo Doubs Tyquan Thornton Josh Reynolds Tre'Quan Smith. Travis Kelce 2. Mark Andrews 3. Kyle Pitts 4. George Kittle 5. Darren Waller 6. Zack Ertz 7. Dallas Goedert 8. Dalton Schultz 9. Hunter Henry Hockenson Pat Freiermuth Mike Gesicki Dawson Knox Gerald Everett Albert Okwuegbunam Noah Fant Logan Thomas Cole Kmet Austin Hooper David Njoku Robert Tonyan Tyler Higbee Evan Engram Cameron Brate Mo Alie-Cox Uzomah Jelani Woods Irv Smith Hayden Hurst Adam Trautman Howard Jonnu Smith Harrison Bryant Ricky Seals-Jones Donald Parham Trey McBride Will Dissly Dan Arnold Tommy Tremble Tyler Conklin Brevin Jordan Foster Moreau Blake Bell Isaiah Likely Drew Sample John Bates Greg Dulcich. Justin Tucker 2. Daniel Carlson 3. Matt Gay 4. Harrison Butker 5. Tyler Bass 6. Evan McPherson 7. Younghoe Koo 8. Ryan Succop 9. Matt Prater Brandon McManus Rodrigo Blankenship Jason Sanders Dustin Hopkins Greg Zuerlein Robbie Gould Jake Elliott. Buffalo Bills 2. San Francisco 49ers 3. Indianapolis Colts 4. New England Patriots 5. Tampa Bay Buccaneers 6. Los Angeles Rams 7. Denver Broncos 8. New Orleans Saints 9. Miami Dolphins Kansas City Chiefs Los Angeles Chargers Dallas Cowboys Cleveland Browns Green Bay Packers Pittsburgh Steelers Baltimore Ravens. Fantasy Football.
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reventalavelada3 · 2 months
¿Cuál equipo tiene más posibilidades de ganar, los Chiefs o los Dolphins, en el próximo partido de la NFL?
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¿Cuál equipo tiene más posibilidades de ganar, los Chiefs o los Dolphins, en el próximo partido de la NFL?
Estadísticas de los Chiefs
Las estadísticas de los Chiefs de Kansas City, equipo de la NFL, reflejan su destacado desempeño en el campo de fútbol americano. Con un legado de éxito y un sólido historial de victorias, los Chiefs han demostrado ser un equipo formidable en la liga.
Durante la temporada regular, los Chiefs han mostrado una gran fortaleza en ambos lados del balón. Su ofensiva liderada por el mariscal de campo Patrick Mahomes ha sido una fuerza imparable, con un juego aéreo explosivo y una habilidad para anotar puntos en momentos clave. Además, el corredor estrella del equipo, Clyde Edwards-Helaire, ha aportado una potente amenaza terrestre que ha complementado perfectamente el ataque aéreo.
En cuanto a la defensa, los Chiefs han demostrado una capacidad impresionante para detener a sus oponentes y generar jugadas clave. La defensa ha sabido presionar a los mariscales de campo rivales y forzar errores que han dado lugar a cambios de posesión cruciales.
Además, el cuerpo de receptores de los Chiefs, encabezado por Tyreek Hill y Travis Kelce, ha sido fundamental en la ofensiva del equipo, proporcionando a Mahomes opciones fiables de pase y creando problemas para las defensas rivales.
En resumen, las estadísticas de los Chiefs hablan por sí mismas: un equipo con un talento excepcional, una mentalidad ganadora y una determinación férrea para alcanzar la grandeza en la NFL.
Rendimiento de los Dolphins
El rendimiento de los Dolphins es un tema de interés para los seguidores de fútbol americano de la NFL. A lo largo de los años, este equipo ha tenido altibajos en su desempeño en la liga, pero siempre ha demostrado ser un rival digno de enfrentar.
En la temporada actual, los Dolphins han estado mostrando un rendimiento destacado en varios aspectos del juego. Tanto en la ofensiva como en la defensiva, el equipo ha logrado grandes jugadas que han impresionado a los fanáticos y a los críticos por igual.
El quarterback estrella de los Dolphins ha estado demostrando su talento en el campo, liderando al equipo hacia la victoria en múltiples ocasiones. Además, la defensa del equipo ha sido sólida, logrando detener a algunos de los mejores equipos de la liga.
A medida que avanza la temporada, los seguidores de los Dolphins esperan con entusiasmo ver cómo el equipo mejora su rendimiento y se acerca a los playoffs. Con una combinación de habilidad, estrategia y determinación, los Dolphins están en camino de lograr grandes cosas en la liga.
En resumen, el rendimiento de los Dolphins en la temporada actual es digno de reconocimiento y admiración. Con su dedicación y talento, el equipo se está consolidando como un competidor fuerte en la NFL, listo para enfrentar a cualquier desafío que se le presente en el campo de juego.
Estrategias de los equipos
Los equipos de trabajo son fundamentales para el éxito de cualquier organización. Sin embargo, para alcanzar su máximo potencial, es necesario implementar estrategias efectivas que promuevan la colaboración, la comunicación y el rendimiento óptimo. A continuación, se presentan algunas estrategias clave que pueden ayudar a los equipos a alcanzar sus objetivos:
Establecer metas claras: Es fundamental que todos los miembros del equipo comprendan cuáles son los objetivos a alcanzar y cómo su trabajo contribuye a ellos. Establecer metas específicas, medibles, alcanzables, relevantes y limitadas en el tiempo (SMART) ayuda a mantener a todos enfocados y motivados.
Fomentar la comunicación abierta: La comunicación efectiva es esencial para el éxito del equipo. Se deben crear canales de comunicación abiertos y transparentes donde los miembros puedan compartir ideas, resolver conflictos y proporcionar retroalimentación constructiva.
Promover la colaboración: Fomentar un ambiente de trabajo colaborativo donde los miembros del equipo se sientan cómodos trabajando juntos y apoyándose mutuamente. Esto puede incluir la realización de reuniones regulares, la asignación de tareas colaborativas y el uso de herramientas de colaboración en línea.
Fomentar la diversidad: La diversidad en el equipo puede aportar diferentes perspectivas y enfoques, lo que puede conducir a una mayor creatividad e innovación. Es importante valorar y respetar las diferencias individuales y promover un ambiente inclusivo donde todos se sientan bienvenidos y valorados.
Fomentar el aprendizaje y el desarrollo: Los equipos deben tener la oportunidad de aprender y crecer juntos. Esto puede incluir la realización de capacitaciones, workshops o actividades de desarrollo profesional que ayuden a mejorar las habilidades y competencias del equipo.
En resumen, implementar estas estrategias puede ayudar a los equipos a trabajar de manera más eficiente, alcanzar sus objetivos y generar resultados exitosos para la organización.
Jugadores clave en el partido
En cada partido, siempre hay jugadores clave que marcan la diferencia en el campo. Estos jugadores son aquellos que destacan por su habilidad, inteligencia táctica y capacidad para cambiar el rumbo del juego en cualquier momento.
Uno de los aspectos más importantes a tener en cuenta al identificar a los jugadores clave en un partido es su habilidad para tomar decisiones acertadas bajo presión. Estos jugadores suelen ser líderes en el campo, capaces de motivar a sus compañeros y elevar el rendimiento del equipo en momentos críticos.
La creatividad es otra característica fundamental de los jugadores clave. Estos futbolistas tienen la capacidad de crear oportunidades de gol a partir de situaciones complicadas y sorprender a sus rivales con jugadas inesperadas.
La consistencia es también un factor determinante para ser considerado un jugador clave en un partido. Estos jugadores mantienen un alto nivel de rendimiento a lo largo de los 90 minutos, demostrando su compromiso con el equipo y su capacidad para marcar la diferencia en cada jugada.
En resumen, los jugadores clave en un partido son aquellos que destacan por su liderazgo, creatividad y consistencia en el campo. Su influencia va más allá de marcar goles o dar asistencias, ya que su presencia en el equipo es fundamental para alcanzar el éxito en cada encuentro.
Pronóstico del juego
El pronóstico del juego es una herramienta invaluable para los aficionados a los deportes que desean anticipar los resultados de un evento deportivo. Ya sea fútbol, baloncesto, béisbol o cualquier otro deporte, los pronósticos del juego ofrecen una visión experta sobre cómo podría desarrollarse un enfrentamiento.
Los pronósticos del juego se basan en una combinación de factores, como el desempeño pasado de los equipos o atletas, las condiciones actuales, lesiones, estrategias de juego y otros aspectos relevantes. Los analistas deportivos estudian meticulosamente estos elementos para brindar pronósticos precisos y fundamentados.
Una de las herramientas más comunes para realizar pronósticos del juego es el análisis estadístico. Este enfoque implica examinar datos históricos y tendencias para predecir resultados futuros. Además, los expertos también consideran factores psicológicos y emocionales que podrían influir en el rendimiento de los equipos o atletas.
Los pronósticos del juego no solo son útiles para los aficionados, sino también para los apostadores deportivos. Al tomar decisiones informadas basadas en pronósticos confiables, los apostadores pueden aumentar sus posibilidades de éxito y minimizar el riesgo de pérdida.
Sin embargo, es importante recordar que los pronósticos del juego no son infalibles y siempre existe un margen de error. El deporte es impredecible por naturaleza, y factores inesperados pueden influir en el resultado de un juego. Por lo tanto, es crucial tomar los pronósticos como una guía, pero también estar preparado para sorpresas.
En resumen, el pronóstico del juego es una herramienta valiosa que ofrece una visión experta sobre los resultados potenciales de un evento deportivo. Ya sea para fines de entretenimiento o apuestas, los pronósticos del juego ayudan a los aficionados a anticipar y disfrutar aún más de la emoción del deporte.
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sroctre · 2 months
Chiefs to re-sign running back Clyde Edwards-Helaire - https://devishop.gives/chiefs-to-re-sign-running-back-clyde-edwards-helaire/
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