#Fantasy Football Rankings
rickyvalero · 2 years
News Or Noise: Week Seven Edition
The Chiefs added a wide receiver, Brady is struggling and Dak is back. What does @iheartcaravans think of this week's headlines? Find out if they're news or noise!
I’m going to Vegas! It’s a first for me. Also going to be traveling by myself. That’s a first for me as well. There’s not a lot of things that would pull me into this situation. The When We Were Young Festival is one of those things. I tend to call this a playlist concert. Growing up, I discovered punk and emo music early. Right about the time that Blink 182 hit, I started hanging out with a new…
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fantasycouch · 10 months
Fantasy Football Rankings 2023
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datasportsgroup · 11 months
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moyalucom · 2 years
Early Addition: Chrysler gave Harvey Weinstein a Jeep as a gift? In 2017?
Early Addition: Chrysler gave Harvey Weinstein a Jeep as a gift? In 2017?
Because Weinstein is now suing the carmaker for $20 million alleging that faulty brakes caused him to hit a deer in upstate New York, here are your early links: crypto mining, mysterious big spender in Bronx Assembly race, the Taco Bell of the future, firefighter in Crocs, Life is Good t-shirt empire, and more. [ more › ] Click: See details
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livwritesstuff · 6 months
So I’ve made a few references to Steve being an Excel guy as an adult (because someone had to be in charge of Steve and Eddie’s money and it certainly wasn’t going to be Eddie).
He’s got the classic spreadsheets – monthly budget, college savings projections, income tracking because he and Eddie both work jobs with variable incomes (Steve is a counselor and Eddie is an author), the whole nine yards.
Steve also has some “extracurricular” spreadsheets. I’ve talked about how Steve has a spreadsheet tracking the combinations of Mario Kart racers/vehicles he tries out (there’s a ranking system involved, it’s very complex). He’s got one for his fantasy football league, obviously, and he and Moe put money on their March Madness brackets so there’s a spreadsheet for that too.
Eddie’s personal favorite is the one comparing monthly expenses by kid, which isn’t exactly a necessary metric per se, but from it stems a game Steve and Eddie secretly play: who is the most expensive Harrington daughter?
The winner tends to rotate throughout the year, but Hazel is usually their least expensive child in the long run. She does ballet, which isn’t too bad when she’s little but then she graduates to pointe shoes, and Steve had no idea that not only do pointe shoes set you back $100 minimum, they also wear out ridiculously fast, and, as he’s been told many times, you can’t wear the dead ones.
Moe usually takes that top spot in the winter – elite basketball teams aren’t cheap by any stretch of the imagination, and then in high school she gets into snowboarding, which is somehow even more expensive. She’s also consistently the reason they hit their health insurance deductible every year. 
Robbie is their overall most expensive kid by a mile. She drove up their car insurance by getting into an accident a month after she got her driver's license, had braces for five years, and the prescription on her glasses has changed every eighteen months since she was seven. She’s notorious for breaking her phone, so she racks up quite a tab in that regard too (the one year they got a protection plan was also the one year she had no phone-related incidents, so they didn’t even bother renewing it – they just make her suffer with a cracked screen for a few months before they finally drag her to the mall to get it fixed). There’s also the year Eddie bought her an electric violin which was, naturally, not cheap (Eddie argues it shouldn’t count because he was the brains behind that operation).
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sassyfrassboss · 4 months
I mean harry and Meghan will be the least interesting people at the Super Bowl! It’s always packed with celebrities for the half time show and Taylor will probably be there!
How do you feel about Harry presenting an nfl award as a British person who is unfamiliar with the game? I’m not American but I find that offensive
I was baffled. It's crazy. Like you said they had a British Prince present an award for an American sport that he knows probably nothing about. He has been in the US for 4 years. Sure he went to one Super Bowl but so what?
I grew up watching football every Sunday because of my dad. When the Direct TV football package launched that cost was factored into the yearly budget. From AM to PM it was football, then Monday night football.
At one time in my life I knew more about football than most guys. I actually filled out one of the original fantasy football leagues that was sponsored by Coors when I was in high school. It was printed on their 12 packs and you cut it out, picked from the selections they had listed, then mailed it in. I of course wasn't 21 so I used my mom's information but my dad filled out his selections and I did mine and we mailed them. I was ranked 3rd in the country for weeks and ended up finishing top 100 out of thousands of people. Got a T-shirt. First place was 4 tickets to the super bowl along with travel and hotel.
Anyways...after HS I haven't watched a game of football unless I'm at someone's football watching party. I legit had no idea Las Vegas had a team until like last May.
So yeah...baffled. Football, like baseball, is ALL AMERICAN so why would you have a non-American, a prince no less, present an all American sporting award.
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fantasy football. ( tecton x reader )
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It was Kaz's idea to place bets on which superhero could save the most Normos. You knew firsthand how competitive Tecton was and when you were placed on different teams, you knew the teenager's harmful betting would turn ugly. Soon hero turned on hero and you refused to be a party to the mayhem unfolding. After failing to try and talk Tecton out of placing the bets against the importance of saving Normos, you grew frustrated with your husband's competitive streak that was clouding his judgment.
After failing to reach his reasonable side, you decided to fight fire with fire and stole every rescue you could, raising the stakes. It made you smirk when you saw how frustrated he was becoming when you used your telekinetic powers to toss him aside, to steal his rescues.
You were in Mighty Med when you saw the news coverage of the bridge, setting down the weights when you saw Kaz and Skylar tied to the bridge. You took in as much detail as you could, recognizing the Franklin Bridge before making a swift exit from the hospital.
Using your powers, you landed gracefully and rested your hands on your hips. "You both okay?"
"Yeah," Skylar replied.
"Define okay," Kaz responded.
You looked at Sonic Shriek, "We can end this peacefully."
"I have a better idea." He blasted you with his powers and you covered your ears, groaning due to the ringing in your ears. You tried to blast him backward but felt yourself getting weaker and crumbled to the ground.
"What is happening?"
"Her powers stem from her mind. He's blocking them with the pressure!" Kaz explained. "She can't fight back!"
You turned onto your stomach when Sonic Shriek walked toward you, relieved he had ended your torment, feeling as if your head was going to explode. Kaz looked at you worriedly when you were tied up beside them, your movements sluggish, and he looked at Skylar when she began to yell about Tecton, knowing how protective your husband was of you, Kaz joined in.
"Oh, you are so gonna pay, pal!"
You looked at the two teenagers, "While I do appreciate your admiration for my husband, can you turn it down a notch? My head is killing me."
You closed your eyes tightly before looking at the supervillain, "What are your plans? To destroy a bridge, for what purpose?"
"My own amusement and relief knowing there is one less bridge out there."
"He really hates bridges," Kaz told you.
You expected the two had endured the full monologue of his evil plans and decided once was enough. "You won't get away with this. If you destroy the bridge, you will take us with it, and you will never know peace again. You will be chased relentlessly."
"By who? Tecton." He laughed, "Oooh, I am so frightened of that towering blond -"
Tecton landed in a crouched position, his fist on the ground. He rose to his full height as he narrowed his eyes at Sonic Shriek.
"Tecton!" Kaz grinned with relief.
"He blocked my powers." You explained.
Tecton frowned deeply before turning to Sonic Shriek.
Tecton stepped forward, stomping, shaking the ground, and causing your capture to be blown back a few feet.
"When I heard you three were in danger, I came as soon as I could."
"Finally! A hero who is not obsessed with stats or rankings." Skylar exclaimed.
"Actually, I need the Normo rescue because that stupid runaway Ferris wheel was empty." Your husband of two years complained. When you raised an eyebrow at his answer, he quickly added, "And to save you, of course."
"You poor baby!" You replied sarcastically. "Now that you're all cried out, do you think you can get us out of here?"
Tecton sent you a look, his lips pursed to hide his amusement. "You are so adorable when you're annoyed."
After knocking the supervillain unconscious, Tecton came to your side, untying you, and then helped Kaz. You swayed on your feet when you stood up and Tecton caught you before you stumbled. Kaz freed Skylar while the blond superhero fretted over you.
"My head is killing me." You whispered, placing your hands on his chest.
Tecton looked over his shoulder at Sonic Shriek before looking at you, "Come on," He handed Kaz his cell phone and told him who to call as he tied Sonic Shriek to the bridge, trapped with bent iron bars until backup arrived.
Tecton swept you into his arms and looked at you worriedly when you rested your head against his chest.
"I'll stay here," Skylar assured him.
"Yeah, me too." Kaz nodded.
Tecton sent the two a nod before crouching slightly, the ground shaking as he shot into the sky.
When you opened your eyes a short while later, Tecton was sitting next to you reading a newspaper that was tossed aside when he noticed you were awake.
"Hi," You smiled softly.
Tecton took your hand, flashing you a smile before kissing your forehead, lingering for a moment. "How are you feeling?"
"A little tired. But the pain's gone. Sonic Shriek?"
"Enjoying his cell downstairs."
"Who won?" You asked.
Tecton grinned, "Sorry,"
You rolled your eyes, "No you're not."
"Maybe a little." He placed a hand on your cheek, "I'll find Horace."
You watched him walk away and smiled fondly. You knew how you would react if your husband was weakened considerably, losing consciousness, and understood how he was feeling.
Passing the minutes, you sat up in the bed as you read the newspaper which detailed the imprisonment of Sonic Shriek, as you waited for Tecton to return. You noticed Kaz and Oliver following Horace and Tecton and sent the two Normos a smile.
"Hey, you're awake!" Kaz grinned.
"Am I right in assuming, I have you to thank for that?" You looked at Oliver who nodded, explaining how they were able to relieve the pressure in your brain with Absolute Zero's help.
Tecton grabbed Kaz by his shirt, throwing him aside and you reacted quickly, raising your hands, stopping the teen from colliding with the wall. You sent your smiling husband a stern glance as you lowered Kaz to the ground.
"That was awesome!"
You shook your head at his excitement, looking at Horace when he explained you could go home, his only recommendation being to rest for a few days.
"Don't worry -" Tecton interrupted before you could argue how much rest you required, "She will."
You playfully rolled your eyes and sent him flying in the air with a wave of your hand. Tecton raised an eyebrow as he landed gracefully.
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masculinepeacock · 2 years
fantasy high characters ranked by their final girl in a horror movie vibes (from least final girl to most final girl):
riz. sorry riz. you’re the least final girl 😔 they’d have to kill riz so the mystery of whodunnit doesn’t get solved too fast
kristen. sorry babe. you know how movies don’t like to leave their canonically queer characters standing.
adaine. she’s too smart!! she has to go!! she’d be the one that gets killed to make sure she doesn’t prevent the plot.
gorgug. i think gorgug has final girl potential. but. he’s a little Beefy, they have to kill him bc he can physically defend himself
fabian. ballet dancer? football player? he has it all <3 and he’s so attractive and charming they may leave him alive for the Views
fig. FIG. *THE* FINAL GIRL. she simply. won’t die <3 bitchy cheerleader turned rebel???? we LOVE that for her and it makes her the almost perfect final girl
Aelwyn. the ultimate final girl. requires no explanation <3
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fantasycouch · 1 year
Fantasy Football Rankings Week 17 (2022)
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datasportsgroup · 11 months
Revolutionizing Sports Engagement: The Power of APIs and Data Feeds
In the fast-paced world of sports, data-driven insights and real-time updates have become the driving force behind fan engagement, team strategies, and fantasy sports experiences. With the ever-increasing demand for seamless integration and comprehensive information, sports applications and websites rely heavily on robust APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) and data feeds to deliver the best user experience. In this blog, we delve into the transformative impact of APIs for Data Sports Group, focusing on the sports data API, NFL Fantasy Football API, Live score API, Football API for developers, Live Sports Data API, Sports Schedule API, and API Football Rankings.
1. The Power of Sports Data API:
At the heart of data-driven sports applications lies the Sports Data API. This powerful tool acts as a bridge, providing developers with standardized access to a wealth of sports-related data. From player statistics and team performance to live match updates and historical records, the Sports Data API empowers sports apps to provide real-time insights and personalized experiences to fans worldwide. With seamless integration, developers can focus on creating user-friendly interfaces and interactive features without the hassle of collecting and maintaining vast data repositories. 
2. The NFL Fantasy Football API - A Game changer:
For football enthusiasts, the NFL Fantasy Football API offers an unparalleled experience. This API enables developers to access live scores, player updates, and fantasy team data in real-time, enhancing the excitement of fantasy football leagues. Fans can create and manage their dream teams with the latest player statistics, injury reports, and match schedules, providing an immersive and dynamic gameplay experience. The NFL Fantasy Football API has revolutionized the way fans engage with their favorite sport, making fantasy football leagues more competitive and thrilling than ever before.
3. Live score API: Keeping Fans in the Loop:
In the fast-paced world of sports, staying up-to-date with live scores is crucial for fans. The Live score API offers a seamless solution, delivering real-time updates for various sports events around the globe. Whether it's football, basketball, cricket, or tennis, this API enables sports applications to provide accurate and timely score updates to keep fans informed, engaged, and on the edge of their seats. The Live score API has become a go-to tool for sports enthusiasts who want instant access to match scores and updates, enhancing their overall sports viewing experience. 
4. Football API for Developers: Empowering Innovation:
Developers with a passion for football can tap into the Football API for Developers to build innovative applications and platforms. This API provides comprehensive football-related data, including match results, player statistics, and team rankings. By harnessing this wealth of data, developers can create engaging football apps that offer in-depth analysis, match predictions, and interactive gameplay features. The Football APIs fuels innovation in the world of football-centric applications, giving fans access to cutting-edge technologies and data-driven insights.
5. Live Sports Data API: Real-Time Thrills:
Sports enthusiasts crave real-time updates, especially during live events. The Live Sports Data API fulfils this need by providing instant access to live match scores, player performances, and match statistics. This API empowers sports applications to keep fans engaged and excited throughout the game, delivering a truly immersive sports-watching experience. Whether it's a nail-biting football match or a thrilling basketball game, the Live Sports Data API keeps fans in the loop, amplifying their enjoyment and passion for sports.
 6. Sports Schedule API: Your Game-Day Companion:
Planning your sports-watching schedule is a breeze with the Sports Schedule API. This API provides detailed match schedules, fixture lists, and event calendars for various sports leagues and tournaments. Sports enthusiasts can stay organized and never miss a game with this convenient tool, which seamlessly integrates with sports applications, websites, and widgets. The Sports Schedule API enhances the overall sports experience, ensuring that fans are always prepared for game day and never miss a moment of the action.
7. API Football Rankings: Unlocking Sports Insights:
For those seeking in-depth football analysis, the API for Football Rankings is a treasure trove of data. This API provides comprehensive football rankings, team statistics, and player performance data. From historical records to current player form, the API Football Rankings offer valuable insights for sports enthusiasts, analysts, and fantasy football players. With access to accurate and reliable rankings, fans can make informed decisions, engage in spirited discussions, and truly immerse themselves in the world of football.
Conclusion: In today's data-driven sports landscape, APIs and data feeds have become indispensable tools for sports applications and websites. From real-time updates and fantasy football experiences to comprehensive rankings and live match scores, these APIs empower sports enthusiasts to engage, analyze, and immerse themselves in the games they love. As the sports industry continues to evolve, the power of APIs and data feeds from Data Sports Group remains at the forefront, shaping the future of sports engagement and fan experiences worldwide.
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xtruss · 9 months
Mohamed al-Fayed, Tycoon Whose Son Died With Diana, Is Dead At 94
An Egyptian businessman, he built an empire of trophy properties in London, Paris and elsewhere, but it was all overshadowed by a fatal car crash that stunned the world.
— By Robert D. McFadden | September 1, 2023
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Mohamed al-Fayed in 2003 outside the Court of Session in Edinburgh, where a judge was asked to consider whether the car crash that killed Diana, Princess of Wales, and his son Dodi, was caused deliberately. Credit...David Cheskin/Press Association, via Associated Press
Mohamed al-Fayed, the Egyptian business tycoon whose empire of trophy properties and influence in Europe and the Middle East was overshadowed by the 1997 Paris car crash that killed his eldest son, Dodi, and Diana, the Princess of Wales, died on Wednesday. He was 94.
His death was confirmed on Friday in a statement by the Fulham Football Club in Britain, of which Mr. Fayed was a former owner. It did not say where he died.
The patriarch of a family that rose from humble origins to fabled riches, Mr. Fayed controlled far-flung enterprises in oil, shipping, banking and real estate, including the palatial Ritz Hotel in Paris and, for 25 years, the storied London retail emporium Harrods. Forbes estimated his net worth at $2 billion this year, ranking his wealth as 1,516th in the world.
In a sense, Mr. Fayed was a citizen of the world. He had homes in London, Paris, New York, Geneva, St. Tropez and other locales; a fleet of 40 ships based in Genoa, Italy, and in Cairo; and businesses that reached from the Persian Gulf to North Africa, Europe and the Americas. He held Egyptian citizenship but rarely if ever returned to his native land.
Mr. Fayed lived and worked mostly in Britain, where for a half-century he was a quintessential outsider, scorned by the establishment in a society still embedded with old-boy networks. He clashed repeatedly with the government and business rivals over his property acquisitions and attempts to influence members of Parliament. He campaigned noisily for British citizenship, but his applications were repeatedly denied.
“It’s the colonial, imperial fantasy,” Mr. Fayed told The New York Times in 1995. “Anyone who comes from a colony, as Egypt was before, they think he’s nothing. So you prove you’re better than they are. You do things that are the talk of the town. And they think, ‘How can he? He’s only an Egyptian.’”
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Mr. Fayed at a party at the venerable London department store Harrods in 1989. His takeover of the store in 1985 struck many Britons as akin to buying Big Ben. Credit...Fairchild Archive/WWD, via Penske Media, via Getty Images
He reveled in the trappings of a British aristocrat. He bought a castle in Scotland and sometimes wore a kilt; snapped up a popular British football club; cultivated Conservative prime ministers and members of Parliament; sponsored the Royal Horse Show at Windsor; and tried unsuccessfully to salvage Punch, the moribund satirical magazine that had lampooned the British establishment for 150 years.
His takeover of the venerable Harrods in 1985 struck many Britons as shameless brass, something akin to buying Big Ben. A year later, as if securing a jewel in the crown of British heritage, Mr. Fayed signed a 50-year lease on the 19th-century villa in Paris that had been the home of the former King Edward VIII of Britain and Wallis Warfield Simpson, the divorced American woman for whom he abdicated his throne in 1936.
But Mr. Fayed’s triumph as an Anglophile was the made-for-tabloids romance between his eldest son, Emad, known as Dodi, and the Princess of Wales, who had recently been divorced from Prince Charles (now King Charles III) and alienated from the royal family. It began in the summer of 1997, when Mr. Fayed invited Diana and her sons to spend some time at his home on the French Riviera and on one of his yachts. Dodi was there too.
The Egyptian-born nephew of the Saudi billionaire arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi, Dodi was a notorious playboy who gave lavish parties, financed films, dated beautiful women and was once briefly married. He and Diana had been acquainted, but by many accounts they fell in love on the Mediterranean sojourn. As their romance bloomed, the British press pounced. Paparazzi hounded the couple everywhere they went.
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A cameraman filmed the site of the car accident in Paris that killed Diana, Princess of Wales, and Mr. Fayed’s eldest son, Dodi al-Fayed, in 1997. Mr. Fayed declared that they had been murdered by “people who did not want Diana and Dodi to be together.”Credit...Jacques Demarthon/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
In the early hours of Aug. 31, 1997, a Mercedes-Benz carrying Diana and Dodi and driven by Henri Paul, a Fayed security agent who was drunk and traveling at a high speed trying to elude carloads of pursuing paparazzi, slammed head-on into a concrete pillar in a tunnel in Paris. All three were killed.
Controversy exploded over the cause of the crash and the implications of the affair. Some tabloids suggested that an immigrant had been an unfit suitor for a princess. But friends said that the couple had planned to marry, and that the Fayed family had offered Diana and her sons a warmth that contrasted with the way Britain’s royal family had shunned her after the divorce.
As rumors and conspiracy theories swirled, Mr. Fayed declared that the two had been murdered by “people who did not want Diana and Dodi to be together.” He said they had been engaged to marry and maintained that they had called him an hour before the crash to tell him that she was pregnant. Buckingham Palace and the princess’s family denounced his remarks as malicious fantasy.
The deaths inspired waves of books, articles and investigations of conspiracy theories, as well as a period of soul-searching among Britons, who resented the royal family’s standoffish behavior and were caught up in displays of mass grief. In 2006, the British police ruled the crash an accident.
And in 2008, a British coroner’s jury rejected all conspiracy theories involving the royal family, British intelligence services and others. It attributed the deaths to “gross negligence” by the driver and the pursuing paparazzi. It also said a French pathologist had found that Diana was not pregnant.
Mr. Fayed called the verdict biased, but he and his lawyers did not pursue the matter further. “I’ve had enough,” he told Britain’s ITV News. “I’m leaving this to God to get my revenge.”
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Mr Al Fayed, with his wife Heini, at the funeral of Princess Diana in 1997. Diana, Princess of Wales, 36, Dies in a Crash in Paris. August 31, 1997.
Mohamed al-Fayed was born Mohamed Abdel Moneim Fayed in Alexandria, Egypt, on Jan. 27, 1929, one of five children of a primary-school teacher, Aly Aly Fayed. Details about his early life are murky.
His accounts of growing up in a prosperous merchant family were discounted by British investigators. He sold sewing machines and joined his two younger brothers, Ali and Salah, in a shipping business. In the early 1950s, Adnan Khashoggi set the brothers up in a venture that exported Egyptian furniture to Saudi Arabia. It flourished.
In 1954, Mr. Fayed married Mr. Khashoggi’s sister, Samira. Dodi was their only child. They were divorced in 1956. In 1985, he married Heini Wathén, a Finn. They had four children, all born in Britain: Jasmine, Karim, Camilla and Omar.
Information on survivors was not immediately available.
The Fayed shipping interests profited handsomely from an oil boom in the Persian Gulf in the 1960s. Acting as middlemen for British construction companies and gulf rulers, they helped develop the port of Dubai, the Dubai Trade Center and other properties in what is now the United Arab Emirates.
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Mohammed Al Fayed stands in front of the east stand of Craven Cottage, home of Fulham. Photograph: Kieran Doherty/Reuters
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Mr. Fayed at the Craven Cottage stadium in London in 2012 before an English Premier League soccer match between Fulham and Sunderland. Mr. Fayed was Fulham’s owner and club chairman. Credit...Alastair Grant/Associated Press
Mr. Fayed, who made all his family’s major investment and financial decisions, moved to London in the mid-1960s. He added “al-” to his surname, implying aristocratic origins. After buying the Scottish castle, he expanded its estate to 65,000 acres; after acquiring the Fulham Football Club, he built it into a top team in a nation infatuated with the sport. (He sold the team in 2013 to a Pakistani American businessman.) A heavy contributor to the Conservative Party, he nurtured relationships with members of Parliament and Prime Ministers Margaret Thatcher and John Major.
In 1979, the Fayed brothers bought the fading Ritz Hotel in Paris for under $30 million and, with a 10-year, $250 million renovation, turned it into one of the world’s most luxurious hotels. Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed dined in the Imperial Suite before their fatal crash.
In 1984-85, in their greatest commercial coup in Britain, the Fayeds paid $840 million for the House of Fraser, the parent company of Harrods and scores of other stores, and invested $300 million more to refurbish the chain’s flagship, in London’s exclusive Knightsbridge section.
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After the sale of Harrods to Qatar in 2010 Mr Al Fayed stayed on as honorary chairman for six months
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Mohamed Al Fayed in the Harrods food halls. Photograph: Mark Richards/Daily Mail/Shutterstock
Prodded by a business rival, the government investigated the Harrods deal and in 1990 concluded that the Fayed brothers had “dishonestly misrepresented” themselves as descendants of an old landowning and shipbuilding family. The government report said the money for Harrods had probably come from the Sultan of Brunei. The sultan denied it, and Mr. Fayed, who was not accused of wrongdoing, called the report a smear.
In investigative reports by the press and the police, Mr. Fayed was accused by many women of unwanted sexual advances, job-related sexual harassment of female employees at Harrods, and even sexual assault involving teenage girls. He denied the allegations and, although he was questioned by the authorities in Britain, he was never prosecuted on such charges.
Mr. Fayed was bitter about being stymied in his quest for British citizenship, although all his children by his second wife held that status. As he noted, he had lived in Britain for decades, paid millions in taxes, employed thousands of people and, through his enterprises, contributed mightily to the economy.
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Mohamed Al Fayed leaves the High Court in London, after giving evidence at the inquest into the death of his son, Dodi, and Diana, Princess of Wales. Photograph: Lewis Whyld/PA
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“They could not accept that an Egyptian could own Harrods, so they threw mud at me,” he told reporters. He sold Harrods in 2010 to Qatar Holding, the sovereign wealth fund of the Emirate of Qatar, for more than $2 billion, and announced his retirement.
— Robert D. McFadden is a Senior Writer on the Obituaries Desk and the Winner of the 1996 Pulitzer Prize for spot news reporting. He joined The New York Times in May 1961 and is also the Co-Author of Two Books.
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marley-manson · 1 year
@actingcamplibrarian tagged me to post a wip snippet, thank you!
I’ll tag: @beansterpie @ofdemonsandangels @hawkfawun @alovelyburn @majorbaby @undecimber-of-joy @bornforastorm @bipolarhawkeyepierce @yeehawkpierce @harpernovakaine @amrv-5 @nimuetheseawitch @diplogeek @hetakiba (I think I remember you mentioning writing fic at some point? If not disregard) And anyone else who has a wip and wants to post about it.
From the Flagg reports Hawkeye for deviancy out of petty revenge fic:
When Hawkeye’s number came up the next morning he was escorted to a metal and cement cell of an interview room with a single table and two folding chairs. He sat down to wait; the psychiatrist he imagined facing was certainly nothing like Sidney - more of a discount Sigmund Freud: white hair, beard, glasses he could judgmentally peer over, the works.
Instead she - yeah, he wouldn’t have guessed that one - looked like a librarian. Pretty enough under the harsh fluorescent lighting, the severe bun, and the loose gray blouse done all the way up to her neck, but waving more “do not touch” signs around than a museum. To flirt or not to flirt, that was the real question on his mind when he laid eyes on her. Risk pissing her off, or risk looking like the pure fairy they all suspected him to be? He settled on a quick look up and down and a suggestively emphasized, “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” after she introduced herself as a Doctor McKay. 
They got the preliminaries out of the way, she consulting a file probably written by Schafer and he confirming his legal name and rank with the kind of utmost confidence he’d like to hang onto throughout the rest of the session, and then she proved herself to be more Freud than not anyway with her first question. “Okay, Ben,” she said, clicking her pen and preparing to apply it to paper, “let's talk about your childhood. Tell me about your mother.” At least she knew her lines. Shame she didn’t have an Austrian accent.
He told her, keeping his sentences short and joke-free like he was tip-toeing through a jungle filled with tiger traps as she made her own set of notes. He didn’t think his life adhered too closely to the usual assumptions, so he stuck mostly to reality. His mother was talkative, she was a great cook, she always wore bright colored dresses. No, she wasn't overbearing. No, he didn't cling to her skirts. The psychiatrist didn't ask if he'd ever gotten into her lipstick, but she was probably hoping he'd let something like that slip. 
He told her about his father when asked too, by and large, only omitting a few potentially pertinent details like his verging-on-socialist friends. Nothing deeper than surface level.
“Did you have any difficulty fitting in at school?”
“No,” Hawkeye said truthfully. He'd always been reasonably popular. Never lacked for friends, never ostracized for hating football, rarely teased, and only playfully. He hadn't been homecoming king but he'd been friends with him. Even had a few fantasies starring him, not long after his first experience with another boy. He didn't mention that.
She didn’t have glasses to peer over, but she looked at him like she did. "Play any sports?"
"Basketball, casually," he said, and then threw in a lie to appeal to her patriotic sensibilities. "Baseball too, sometimes." Only in gym class, and he'd hated it - the damn ball could hit anything or anyone at a hundred miles an hour; why would anyone willingly subject themselves to that? 
He hadn't had to rely on sports for popularity anyway - he’d never lacked for friends and he’d always charmed the acquaintances around him too. He had a fond memory of a day back in junior high when a couple of Scarface wannabes had mistaken him for an easy target in all his skinny, gangly glory, and had snatched something off him to play keepaway with, a textbook probably. Unfortunately for them, they'd done it in front of half the school. Hawkeye had had thirty kids laughing at the idiot duo until one of them was in tears. It might’ve been his first real taste of the power he could wield without picking up a set of barbells - or, these days, a gun.
After that Hawkeye had made sure to walk to and from school with friends for a few weeks, but he'd never suffered any consequences for it. Consequences had always tended to slip right off him.
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ririglow · 1 year
Yes I’m so utterly confused and I’ve been running to everyone cause I’m so lost and most of you guys here are so much better then asking google or someone on Twitter or insta about it cause they’re more of assholes and aren’t that big of help but anyways if anyone could give me a helpful description on what fantasy football is but also like what are the leagues cause what does it mean when someone’s league ranked third and second is it like third and second place? Is like third the worst ranking? but also like are they betting money on their leagues I’m just so lost so if anyone can give the easiest summary on what the whole fantasy football thing is I’ll love you forever!😭💛
Someone help this anon!
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tvxqdbsk · 2 years
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favorite day of the month <3 i love watching everyone’s names rise and fall on the silly little chart. yknow how people play fantasy football… well i play idol brand rep rankings
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motheatenscarf · 1 year
Doing raids today, waiting forever in queue because I just want to dps and don't feel like tanking, thinking FF14 thoughts while I wait.
I'm at the halfway mark, and of the Final Fantasy games I've played, I would currently rank FFXIV as 5th.
Mostly because every single thing in Heavensward was tailor made for specifically me, repeatedly slamming the joy buzzer in my brain like a fucking quick time event.
I don't know if it's possible for this game to land in the top 3 for me; 6, 7, and 12 are too deeply ingrained in my psyche. But 10 is largely coasting on nostalgia, so... here's a hopes post of what I think 14 could deliver on to make it my 4th favorite.
Step 1: make the adult Scions more interesting, present, and fucking matter. A solid main cast is fucking required for a good Final Fantasy game, it's why I love 12 specifically as much as I do, it's a small but solid cast of characters who all go on satisfying arcs. The Scions would be the weakest element here if not for the twins. I joked that I thought Lyse would surely have to die now that she was fun and interesting, and then they literally wrote her out of the Scions. They already felt like a useless brunch club with how much more effective things became once it was just the WoL and Alphinaud, so the narrative repeatedly faking out killing them to excuse their absence and inaction is getting cheap. I get that they wanted to make the PC front and center in ARR and the expansion characters the focus as they're introduced. Unfortunately, it means there's no point to the Scions being here until we need them to clumsily pull lore out of their asses when it's immediately relevant. In between that they're comatose, missing, or presumed dead. If they're only gonna be here for plot contrived nonsense and not have personal goals, then at least spice up their personalities. Make Urianger weirder, Y'shtola meaner, and Thancred more pathetic. It's fine if they're forgettable and static if they're supporting characters, god knows Biggs or Slaffborn ain't nobody's blorbo, but the narrative treats them with the weight of main cast which... no...
Step 2: STOP. USING. RAPE. AS. SET DRESSING. This is an easy one! Maybe the story about evil darkness worshiping bad guys who want to blow up the moon or whatever other JRPG nonsense logic they're following is not a mature enough story to respectfully resolve plot elements like human fucking trafficking!
Step 3: More interesting villains. This really helps solidify 6 and 7 with being as iconic as they are and is the one I'm most hopeful for going forward. Solus is a campy nihilist and Zenos has NO setting on the dial between 1 and 11, they're so fun. Many of Solus' comments have me hopeful that his apparent bitchy disdain for the other Ascians will mean we get to finally see them have personalities and different goals and agendas. Even just temporary antagonists and not necessarily villains, like Ysayle and then later Fordolla, are getting more compelling and complicated. That's rad, more of that, less of Yotsuyu because again, check Step 2!
That's it! That's all it will take to be my 4th favorite Final Fantasy game! Heavensward and just how FUN the gameplay is and how pretty the world are have done enough for me to forgive a LOT. I have other ideas for steps they could take that would make me happier and rank it higher, but I'm not gonna delude myself into asking for better/more brown and/or queer characters, that's a monkey's paw wish and I ain't kicking that football.
So yeah, the bar is... low! Can they reach it?
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emeraldgreaves · 2 years
please em,,,,,info about miss americana and the heartbreak prince 🥺 👐
the lesson here is to never use placeholder titles. they will vie for space in your head and then your silly little high school au is named after a taylor swift song because you thought the vibes were amusing once upon a time.
honestly, i don't know how this happened. my high school and college years hold no particular nostalgia. i still can't play games with a major academic component because i've graduated recently enough that i can't really do school for fun in my free time yet. then at some point i looked at a mage reborn, a dark fantasy novel with tremendously high-stakes conflict, and went 'got it. leon needs a homecoming date' because what better way to cause him pain than to force his attendance at a school dance, i guess?
send me a title and i’ll tell you about a WIP!
To start with, he was voted homecoming king. Sure, Ilya had mentioned something about a nomination a while ago, and he might have missed some homeroom period where they passed out little pink slips of paper, and then heard his name announced over the PA system two weeks later. He didn’t even think you could vote for kings, but apparently high school was a lawless land where anything could happen. But honestly, that had all been fine up until the point where he’d been presented with tickets to the dance. A suit is involved. A tuxedo. He didn’t even know the word cummerbund until last Tuesday, which now ranks as one of the most tedious days of his life. Julius had glanced up from his case notes long enough to suggest that he at the very least show up, take a picture in a paper crown, and count it as one of his treasured high school memories. He already has treasured memories. They’re on the football field and in his battered Jeep, Saine and Ilya along for the ride. Four hours in a tinsel-filled gymnasium surrounded by suits is the furthest from his idea of a good time.
still very much a WIP. i took another pass at it and have diagnosed it with Not Enough Plot Elements, but with the book 1 release i've been thinking about it again. i'm sort of fond of any scenario where you get to set the stakes lower than saving the world, honestly. it's just fun to noodle around occasionally.
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