hellfirenacht · 9 months
Out of all of your FOs, which one would you say is your husband/wife/live in partner and which one is your favorite side piece?
Right now, I am so deep in Eddie Munson brain rot it has almost eradicated my ability to think about any of my other F/Os. I am so down bad for this man it's not even funny.
If I had to pick a favorite side piece though, it'd probably be Ciarog Shoggoth who's a mafia OC from back when I was really deep in the Beetlejuice the Musical fandom when an AU got way off the rails lol
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ciarog-archive · 1 year
I got access to one of my old urls, so time for a url change!
seanchas is now ciarog
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corkcitylibraries · 1 year
Cork in Verse | Ana Spehar Interviews Cara Kursh
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Cara Kursh is from the west of Ireland and has been in Cork for the last 8 years. She hosts a monthly spoken word night called Sling Slang and has previously hosted music nights and open mics around Cork over the years. She is a singer songwriter who will be releasing her single 'Lonely Alien' on the 3rd of March. She will also be releasing her album "Moth in the Moonlight" in the upcoming Summer. Her music has been described as being "rooted in the personal, and each song a visceral journey through the creative landscape of her mind."
You are organising Sling Slang, a spoken word night. Can you tell us more about that?
Sling Slang is a monthly spoken word night in Maureen's bar in Cork city. It comprises of two guest poets, my friend Richard Pierce is the MC, there is a communal poem written line by line by the guests on the night and an open mic as well. It’s a nice intimate little evening of sharing and I find it so rewarding being able to hold a space to see people share their words and selves amongst what is always, a receptive respectful audience. Every night seems to be so different, and I always have such an afterglow after it’s on.
Is there a common theme, structure or style that you find yourself leaning to in your poetry?
I am mostly a songwriter and usually write while listening to music. When it comes to my poetry, I find I can jot down a poem very quickly, in quite a free form, after I feel like something has had an effect on me. I do this to try and capture the feeling I had at the time. They are kind of like time capsules that bring me back to something that I felt or was registering in that moment. In ‘A mucky throne’, I wrote that as I felt anxiety going into a philosophy talk, and in the philosophy talk we were discussing how you can hold this idea about a golden life that you are striving and failing to achieve which can cause anxiety and trying to carve happiness by appreciating the life you have, can be the antidote for that. An ‘Aithnionn Ciarog Ciarog eile’ came from a moment when I felt a little bit alone, and a yellow ladybird landed on me while I was walking around town. It made me think of the people in my life that I feel are my kin, and how sacred I feel these connections are, and how they help me feel like myself. I went into the nearest cafe and wrote that poem after the ladybird landed on me to try and capture what I was feeling then. 
Do you show your work in progress to anyone?
I tend to share the progress of what I’m writing almost instantly after I’ve written anything. I used to care so much about how other people would perceive what I had written, I wouldn’t share anything. I think sharing my works in progress is a personal rebellion against the me that wouldn’t share anything for years out of a fear of judgement. I hope that doing this might help others do the same, as I know so many people that don’t share their creativity for fear that it isn’t perfect. If only one person connects with what I’ve shared and fifty people cringe, I still feel it’s a win! 
Would you look on writing as a kind of spiritual practice?
I definitely would see writing as a spiritual practice. I feel sometimes if I can succinctly try and describe something that is stuck in my gut, the release of that feeling/emotion can bring me such clarity and connection to myself. Even if sometimes what I write might possibly not make sense to someone else, I think writing things down creates a golden thread between the rational and spiritual sides of myself, which I get a lot from. 
What are you reading at the moment?
I am currently re-reading ‘Steppenwolf’ by Herman Hesse at the moment! 
A Mucky Throne 
What is in this current feeling, 
A knot, a lump
In throat, shoulders, heart. 
Friction like velcro.
Worry like lemon 
Juice curdling my milky way. 
My universe is static and still,
As I try to fight invisible obstacles. 
Chasing my tail. 
My story wasn't created before me, 
My essence has been imbued
In me & by me. 
The building blocks
I've used to make my tower;
I am the brickmaker & the bricklayer.
When I see my tower I make sure to protect it. 
By warding off other shapes I feel 
Aren't intended for it  
I reject the reality of a golden tower 
As I sit on my grey throne
Nursing my insecurities. 
In my dreams 
I can see a tree. 
Branches outstretched 
With an infinite periphery, 
A seat made just for me. 
The throne is not gold, 
It has roots, branches and muck. 
Singing serenely.
Aithníonn Ciaróg Ciaróg Eile
A beetle recognises another beetle, 
amidst a busy crowd. 
Amidst all that is 
dizzying, distracting and loud. 
When I am around these beetles,
I can feel the sense of their depth.
We are all linked underneath, 
far below, by sea bed. 
To see someone and know someone, 
And to be recognised, is magic. 
It's easy to trick myself into 
pretending that I don't need it. 
Real connection like the din 
of a hidden jungle drum, 
underneath layers of concrete. 
I want to support, and lean on,
My spotted ciaróg kin.
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the-conglomerate · 3 years
Can we ask for Hcs?? Because I need to know what the dons are like with a super affectionate s/o who wants kisses, cuddles, hugs, hand holding, everything lovey!!
But of course! Zhuk: -Zhuk is canonically one of the sweeter dons. He adores his lover(s) with all his heart. -Zhuk took over his mafia business after destroying the previous don, Mafia had been all that Zhuk had known prior, so having that harsh, and unyielding side was so tiring and exhausting. -But then you came along and allowed him to be sweet, and kind, and loving. He was finally able to let down those walls, to become the loving husband he always had wanted to be in life. -When you cuddle with him it is strong, protective, and borderline almost intense. He is a whole lot of man to be cuddling, but when he tucks you into that huge coat you notice the world doesn't feel as scary or big as it did before. -He's a big fan of reading to his partner, and if you were to fall asleep on him this man would turn so pink melt into a puddle of goo for you.
Gio: -Gio is a bit less inclined to be physically affectionate.... at first. -He tends to keep people at a distance until he can feel them out a bit better. -So when you finally prove to him that you aren't scared of him, nor that you would be going anywhere he slowly lets those walls down. -You notice him looking at you more, staring turns into 'accidental' touches, turns into gentle touches he tries to play off a lot more casually, like brushing some hair from your face or wiping away an eyelash from your cheek. After a while, his touches are incredibly gentle like he's afraid of breaking you. -He's still not quite as physically affectionate as Zhuk or Bajo, but he is incredibly indulgent and would do anything to spoil you the way you deserve, and to Gio, you deserve the world. Scarabee: -Far less inclined for touching than the others. -He prefers to be worshiped than he does the worshiping. So he will gratefully accept your physical affections if they make him feel big and powerful and strong. -Over time he will slowly fall victim to the softer, sweeter touches, indulging himself in leaning into your hand on his cheek in the privacy of his own room or when you're utterly alone with him. -When Scarabee wants to touch, he does so most often in acts of service like massages, of all the dons, he is the best at massaging. -His hands will work magic on your tired or sore body, and he will get a sick rise out of every noise you make while he's doing it.
Cia: -Cia tends to be pretty indulgent and affectionate. He can always seem to tell when you want to be touched before you even do. -It's not uncommon for him to sneak up behind you and place a bunch of soft kisses along your skin in a benign sort of way. -Cia is also incredibly fond of holding hands, and showing everyone just how much he loves you as often as he can, be that sitting you in his lap and holding you, or just walking around with you hugging onto his arm. -He always feels such a rise of power knowing how much you love and care about him, especially when you show him physically. -He always has to hold you at his pub when you come, the clones will take over running the place, he's got more important stuff to do, like melting and singing lovesick songs to you. Bajo: -Bajo's whole love language is touch. -This man has never once ever NOT wanted to be touched. -When you start showing him physical affection you better hold on because this man is going to DROWN you in love. -He is far more interested in skin to skin contact, hope you're okay with him seeing you naked because that's the only way he wants to cuddle, and if you're worried about your body you better believe he's going to kiss every inch of your skin he can find and tell you both in English and Spanish just how much he fucking loves you. -Bajo is so driven by touch that the others and himself will sometimes make games out of betting on how long before he will touch you. -If you cup his face and kiss him he will melt exactly 216% of the time.
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strawberrybouvine · 4 years
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POV: You're dating 5 demon dons and they're all staring at you while you're just vibing
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realmonsterboyhours · 3 years
4 & 6 for the Halloween ask?
4. what would be your f/o's favorite horror/halloween themed film? For Cia: I feel like Cia's favorite halloween movies where he genuinely enjoys them are things like Hocus Pocus and such. He definitely will sit through actual scary movies if he has Bajo or someone to cling to! For Bajo: Bajo is definitely a fan of psychological thrillers more than anything else. Movies like A Quiet Place, or Hush would definitely get him excited. He's not a super fan of jumpscare heavy movies cos it feels cheap but he watches them a lot so I'll cling to him. (Do I do it just to make him feel better when I wanna watch more horror movies? Yes. But it's the little sacrifices) 6. do you and your f/o attend any parties/festivals/other events? this can be either for halloween or just for celebrating the fall season!!
For Cia: The Estate doesn't typically celebrate Halloween too much but the Dons will indulge me in taking me apple picking, or to easier halloween stuff like that. Cia and I make hard apple cider together and we'll get plastered with bad horror movies on to laugh to. For Bajo: He's a lot more adventurous so we usually end up going on haunted house tours of all of them in the area, or even long distance ones. We pick out matching costumes for halloween even if we don't do much with them, but Bajo absolutely does like to go clubbing in our costumes, getting hammered on halloween cocktails, and then coming home and spending some time in the hot tub to relax.
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The Ciarog Cockwarming Fic
Cia is part of The Conglomerate, a Beetlejuice Mafia AU. For more info visit @beetlebitchywitch, @sofasmut, @realmonsterboyhours @do-ya-hear-that-sound  @monsterlovinghours  @beetlejuicebeadoll
This fic was made specifically to kill @beetlebitchywitch because of our mutual thirst for one (1) Irish Demon.
The Clones belong to @yankyo from their amazing series “Who’s Who?”
Exhibitionism, public sex, cock warming,
It had been months since you had the chance to go and visit Cia at his pub. The other had kept you so busy at home lately that you’d hardly been given the chance to leave the estate. Not that it was a bad thing- there was hardly a lack of entertainment with everyone around. But even with a large manor filled with so many people, it could still feel claustrophobic at times.
Not that being at Cia’s pub was much better in terms of crowds. In fact, the surprisingly small pub held quite a number of people in the small dining area. Out of all the Dons, you wondered how Cia could afford all that he could when it seemed like his Pub, while quite popular, wasn’t quite as... financially beneficial as the others fronts. You had asked him once, but he just gave a cheeky wink and said that after being alive as long as he’d been he was more than okay with a smaller mafia. You suspected that the Fae were involved somehow, but since he liked talking about that even less than the shadier parts of his dealings you decided to leave it well enough alone.
Normally when you visited, you sat at the bar and watched Cia work. He didn’t need to tend to the bar himself, but you got the feeling that he genuinely enjoyed it. Every time you were there he was bustling around and joking with customers and keeping your drinks topped off. He flirted and smiled and could make even the crankiest patron lighten up. Something about Cia just brought people in, even with that invisible wall he often put up to anyone who tried to get too close.
Tonight was slightly different, he had wanted to bring you here on a proper date. He asked you to wear a dress for him- not a completely uncommon request though that was normally when he and Bajo would take you out together. Even when wooing you he was still thinking of ways to tease his husband. But you'd been happy to oblige and had slipped on a flirty dress that Gio had brought you just the other week.
When you two had arrived, instead of taking his place at the bar he immediately started walking you around, introducing you to regulars and showing you off. It was a little embarrassing but the look on his face was so happy that you didn't have it in you to want to hide. He was proud to call you his partner, and you felt proud to be that.
Once he was done, he pulled you into a booth in the middle of the room with a perfect view of the stage ahead. For the next hour his attention was completely on you, buying you drinks and making you laugh. It wasn't often that you got his attention completely to yourself, oftentimes it was a tag-team with him and Bajo so this was very nice.
"This is nice." you commented after a few drinks, leaning against his shoulder, his arm wrapping around you easily. "I've missed you." you admitted.
"I'm sorry, leannan." he said, stroking your hair and pulling you onto his lap. "I know things have been busy for me, but I'm gonna make it up to ye, okay? I'm all yours tonight."
You smiled and leaned against his chest, playing with his hair. "I'm all yours too." you replied, leaning into kiss him. Cia kissed you back and ran his fingers along your side causing you to shiver a bit. The alcohol combined with being so close to your lover kept you relaxed and content even if there were other people around.
"Is that a promise?" he asked and you responded with a teasing nip to his neck and a sound of confirmation. "Good." His voice lowered into his chest, and it was at that moment you realized what your words would mean to the man.
Ah, fuck.
A hand slipped up your thigh and under the hem of your dress, tracing your sex over your underwear. A soft whimper escaped your lips at the feeling and you could already tell how amused your lover was.
"Hush now, we don't want everyone here to hear ye do we?" he purred lowly in your ear. You shook your head, but you didn't try to push him away either. The lights in the pub went dim, which almost startled you before you saw a few people hop on stage. Your eyes widened slightly as a few of his clones introduced themselves as the entertainment for the night. Cia had planned this well, hadn't he?
For the first two songs, Cias' fingers simply teased along your panties, stroking over your clit in small circles and occasionally tapping in rhythm with his fingers. Small jolts of pleasure were sent through you as he acted like he wasn't getting your panties soaked from his teasing. Occasionally his hand would stray down your legs and press into the hickies that his husband had left the night before, adding a little discomfort to the pleasure.
Once you were sufficiently squirming in his arms, he slipped your panties off. "Eyes on the stage, leannan." he chuckled. "They've worked so hard for this, so you better pay attention." Easier said than done as a finger slipped into your soaked entrance. Once again he was teasing you, not giving you what your body craved. His finger swapped between very lightly pressing against your g-spot and sliding in and out of you. Occasionally you'd snap back to reality as the drunken crowd around you would laugh and cheek for the clones onstage. It was a blessing and a curse- on one hand the volume of the crowd meant you were allowed to quietly moan and whine but on the other occasionally someone would be facing your booth and you'd have to pretend that you weren't being edged and teased to the point were you were close to begging for Cia to take you to the back room and fuck you senseless.
A firmer press to your g-spot had you biting your lip and a shudder ran through your whole body. "Hold still piseag." he teased, pressing another finger into you and massaging your insides deeply. You were trying so hard not to shake and writhe in his arms as he took you apart with so many people around. Your heart sped up as you made eye contact with another patron for a second, who just smiled before turning back to their friend.
"You're throbbin' around my fingers, piseag." He said in amusement. "Is this excitin' ye? Bein' all worked up while any o' these people could see?" You couldn't even try to deny it as you gave a miniscule nod. At that his fingers sped up for a moment and you let out a sharp gasp, clinging to his arms for a moment as you felt your orgasm approaching. You were so close, and stars danced in your vision as you tried to focus on the band. God it didn't help that Jazz looked at you while on stage and gave you a knowing wink. That nearly sent you over the edge before Cia's hands pulled away, squirming under you.
It didn't surprise you in the least that you felt his hard cock, but it did surprise you when you felt it slowly pushing inside you. Cia adjusted you in his lap, hissing in pleasure as you were seated. Oh god, his cock was inside you with so many people around. You tightened around him at the thought and his teeth nipped at your shoulder in response.
"Sit still." he ordered, holding you firmly on his lap. "And not a peep outta ye." God you wished you had never told these boys about your cock warming kink. First Zhuk on the train and now this. These boys really were going to be the death of you.
For a far too long drinking song, Cia held you completely still, not touching you other than the cock deep inside you. It was torture, you could feel yourself dripping and soaking on him and to make matters worse, you could see the clones occasionally glancing over at the two of you giving you carnal looks. Cia had promised tonight he'd be all yours and you wondered just how much of him there would be.
"I see you starin', piseag." Cia purred into your ear again. "Thinkin' about my clones while I'm inside ye?" You tried to shake your head, but you both knew that was a lie.
"Can't... can't help it." you panted quietly. "They look almost exactly like you."
Another song started, the upbeat tempo had the crowd cheering like made. You assumed it was a very popular song but you could hardly think to remember the name, especially when Ciarog's leg started bouncing in time to the beat. You almost let out a cry of pleasure as his cock bounced against your g spot as he jiggled his leg under you.
"Ciarog.... please" you begged quietly, but he pretended not to hear you- an easy task with all the noise in the pub at the moment. That Irish bastard, he knew exactly what he was doing to you at the moment. You were even begging and he still wasn't letting up. You let out a small frustrated whine as once again you were edged closer and closer to orgasm. You were so close now, closer than you had been before all he needed was to keep bouncing his leg just a little more-
As long as the last song was, this song was as short. You dug your fingers into his pants in protest at the edge, but he didn't seem to mind. After all, his husband had done way worse to his thighs before. The clones thanked everyone for coming before headed over to your booth, all of them piling in and looking at you hungrily. Each of the clones' hair was tipped magenta.
"Did ya enjoy the show, eun òran?" Jazz asked with a shit eating smirk.
"F-fuck off." you said weakly, earning a chuckle from the group before you let out a gasp as you felt something warm and wet begin to lap at your clit. You closed your eyes, rocking your hips forward desperately as that sinfully good tongue was giving you what you'd been craving all night. For a moment the group looked confused before Ren stuck his head under the table.
"Chamie, ye animal get out from under there yer gonna blow her cover!" he scolded, pulling the clone back by the collar. You let out a whine from the loss.
"But she smells so good...!" protested Chamie. "And Boss literally has his co-" Wasp was quick to throw a hand over Chamie's mouth.
"That's 'cause boss knows how to be discreet, amadan." Jazz snapped back quietly.
Ciarog held you tighter against his chest for a moment as he watched his clones squabble amongst themselves. As much fun as he was having teasing you, it was a double edged sword as he was also teasing himself. He was ready to drag you to the backroom and fuck you senseless against the barrels of ale.
"I think she's been good." Ciarog decided, finally dipping his fingers down between your legs to rub slow circles around your clit. Chamie tried to duck under the table again, but he was held firmly in place by the others. Cia had made it clear tonight- he gets first dibs on making you cum.
"Oh god... oh thank you thank you thank you." you whisper quietly, trying hard to look natural even as the clones stared hungrily at you, taking in every twitch and gasp that you gave as Cia's fingers slowly pushed you to the edge. Even when he was giving you what you wanted, Cia was still being a tease- how had he learned to touch you so gently but still keep you headed towards an orgasm. Oh, it was near torture as he slowly built you up as he started an easy conversation with the clones in front of him. Even though they were all chatting, their eyes never left your face, none of them wanting to miss the moment where your eye would roll back.
As you got closer, they moved in to keep you as best hidden as they could from the other customers. They didn't want a stony-faced orgasm from their girl- they wanted something more satisfying. So when you finally peaked from Cia's gentle stroking, you were okay with letting your eyes roll back and letting out a shaky gasp as your dripping pussy clenched around Cia's cock. He groaned at the feeling, rocking his hips into you just a bit to get some stimulation of his own. Oh, he was going to ruin you once you two were alone but for now he let you ride out  your bliss on his lap.
"Piseag mhath" He cooed as you came down. He nodded at Chamie who reluctantly slipped under the table again and helped you put your panties back on, unable to resist a quick taste of your dripping cunt before hand. You shivered at the touch to your sensitive clit before you were removed from Cia's hard cock.
He tilted your head to look at him, and he gave you a soft kiss before pulling back. "Backroom. Now." he said, getting up and out of the booth before offering his hand. "I'm not done with you tonight."
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monsterlovinghours · 4 years
Could I get some Don's with a s/o who has trouble asking for attention? (if Kat and Hax get to project so can I. A little. As a treat)
-Cia and Zhuk are the first to pick up on anything being wrong. You’re quiet, you’re withdrawn, you always seem to behind an invisible veil when you’re in the same room with them, and you always seem a little bit sad.
-They ask the other three if you’ve mentioned anything going on with you, and they’re just as confused as you. They even interrogate the clones, which seems pointless, because if the clones know something, they’d know it too.
-They don’t want to ambush you with questions, so Cia, who is the easiest to talk to and arguably the best listener, decides he’ll get to the bottom of what’s got you looking so down.
-He finds you in one of the libraries, curled up with a book in your hands, though your gaze is cast far out of the window. He kneels beside you and takes your hand in his. “Alright, a leanbh, out with it. What’s put that faraway look in your eyes?”
-You’re reluctant at first, insisting that you’re fine, that you’re just dealing with a personal issue, but he persists. Finally, you admit that they’ve been busier than normal, with the whole world seemingly falling into disarray, and they hadn’t been around as much as you were used to. As such, you were feeling a bit neglected.
-His brow furrows. “Why haven’t ye said somethin’, love?” Both of your hands now gathered between his, your lips finally loosened, you admit that you’ve never been good at asking for attention, and you’ve never had to ask them before now. Your default is to withdraw, to assume that they want you out of the way, that they are keeping you at arm’s length on purpose for some unknown transgression. 
-Cia can’t help himself; he gathers you up in his arms and crushes you against him in a big hug. He’s relieved when you immediately latch onto him, your fingers curling in the back of his shirt. “Darlin’, we would never give ye the cold shoulder without a damned good reason. I’m sorry you’ve been feelin’ this way, sweetheart, but...it’s okay to ask, y’know? I guarantee at least one of us’ll have time for ye.”
-After a while, the two of you inform the rest of the dons of what’s been going on, and they all look as chagrined and slightly relieved as Cia did. They kiss your hands, your face, reassure you that they’d never intentionally ignore you. They help you come up with a signal for when you need attention, and by the end of the night, all of your worries and sadness are a distant memory.
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justsassysworld · 4 years
Five Demons and a Baby Part 3
Five Demons Part 3
Word Count: 1683
The Conglomerate x Fem!reader
Shuddering in nothing like fear, you allow them to show you back to your seat. Instead of letting you sit on your own, Gio waits for Scarabee to settle back in before handing you off. This time he pulls you onto his lap instead of right next to him.
Zhuk sits next to the two of you as the rest choose their spots. Once everyone's settled, Bee turns you to face the group, your back to his chest, your ass cradling his dick.
With all their attention turned to you, you figure they are waiting for you to say something but that is so not happening.
"Shy, chaton," Scarabee whispers against your ear, obviously enjoying your squirming. "But you were so vocal a minute ago."
You turn your head to glare at him, and he just laughs, with some of the others joining in. Pouting, you spin back and let out a sign. "I'm sorry for the snark, but you guys need to understand, I'm a bit of a sardonic asshole. It's not in my nature to play doormat, and it's not a role I'll ever willingly take."
Taking your hand, Zhuk draws your attention. "That is not our intention, zaika. No self respecting man wants a doormat, but we are all dominant men in our own rights, and we will not allow one of our own to come to harm."
Gio interrupts you, "Make no mistake, topolina, you are ours, if not as a partner, as a member of the family."
A special warmth spreads through your chest. These men are trusting you, a person they don't know, a person who could be lying about the paternity, but they never doubted you. You were truly starting to believe the rumors of their evilness was drastically exaggerated.
"Thank you for saying that," you say after taking a moment to compose yourself. "What exactly do you mean by wooing? Will they just be dates? Sex? I need to know what to expect."
Chuckles surround you, Scarabee's rumbling against your backs; it would seem they weren't expecting such a blunt question.
"Oh gatita," Bajo sighs, "I for one must say how much I love your forthright nature."
Scarabee lets out a growl and you're confused until he bites out, "She is not your gatita, she is my chaton, pick something else."
"Seriously, amigo?" the Spaniard complains. "What can I call her then?"
"Not mouse.
"Not bunny." Zhuk and Gio say at the same time, making you roll your eyes.
"Fine, is paloma acceptable?" he asks, mainly to Cia.
"Don't fret, a chroi," Cia replies, sending him a wink. "I haven't yet thought of my name for our bonnie less."
Part of you wonders why they can't just call you by your name, while another loves how you feel when they use those pet names. Still, you need answers.
"Now that we have that sorted, could you please answer my question?" you cajole.
"Which one? About the dates or about sex?" Cia smirks. "If ya need a lesson in sex, I'll gladly volunteer, but considering your condition, I'm not sure how much I can teach ya." Yours are not the only eyes rolling.
Before any more jokes can be bandied around, Zhuk draws your attention, "Zaika, we are trying to woo you, you will decide what will happen, sex or no sex."
"I know what I'm voting for," Bajo murmurs, sending you a heated look.
"Now, if that's settled," Gio draws your attention by standing. "I need to get her vitamins ready, she needs to eat, and someone needs to help get her settled."
Seeming to agree, the others stand, even Scarabee, with you in his arms. You squirm to be let down, but he pays you no mind.
Gio quickly exits, but none of the others make a move, not even the man who still isn't letting you down. They start walking and speaking in some language you don't understand. Giving up on escape, you content yourself with mapping out this place, if the need for escape should arise. Of course all the damn doors are closed so you can't actually take stock of the rooms around you.
Huffing out a disappointed sigh, you pout from the cradle of the Cajuns arms, wanting to get where ever you're going so you can get some control back, or at least the option of moving on your own.
Finally you enter a new space, but it's not what you were expecting. It's far from the simple sleeping space you'd envisioned. The scene from the second Princess Diaries movie pops into your mind. Quite honestly, this suite is bigger than your apartment. Your mind is having issues comprehending how the luxury of the space is mixing with your stuff. Simple earth tones counter rich woods, while your more bright colors manage to blend without clashing too much.
Bajo and Cia make their way to the kitchenette, while Zhuk peruses your humble library, and Scarabee settles onto an over stuffed sofa, you in his lap. You watch how the others move about the space, trying to learn what you can about the mixed group without asking any questions.
The pair in the kitchen seem to dance as they work, letting you see their love; they flirt with their smiles, call each other ridiculously cute nick names, and even kiss once or twice. You catch the burly Russian casting longing glances their way, though you can't tell if it's because he wants to join them, or he just wants what they have. When he's not peering at them, he's checking out your small movie collection, obviously caught of guard by some of your selections.
"Well, cher," Scarabee suddenly whispers against your ear. "Ya learnin' anythin'?"
Biting your lip at getting caught, you turn your head slightly to see him. "Maybe, a little."
"Ah, don't leave me in suspense, tell me, mon petite chaton," he demands against your flesh.
"Well," you hedge, wanting time to fight your body's reaction, not that it'll do you any good with their sense of smell. "While you all seem very close, may haps even sexually, Cia and Bajo seem extra close. I'd even say they look like they're in love. I would say Zhuk is the quietest of you, and while some might think it would suggest a more submissive nature, I get the feeling he has more dominance in his little finger then a lot of doms have in their whole body, there's also a loneliness in his eyes. You and Gio seem to be cut from the same cloth, but he's got something hiding beneath the surface. I can't tell what's different between the two of you, but I think you are a bit extroverted to his introvert."
Looking into his eyes, you add, "Your power seems to surround you, where his comes from inside."
His gaze bores into you for a good while and you realize you don't hear anything coming from the rest of the room. Checking the others, you see they are also staring at you.
"What?" you ask, turning back to Scarabee. His palm cups your cheek as he stares at you in wonder.
"Cher, you surprise me," he whispers, drawing you in for a quick kiss.
"How?" Zhuk asks from behind you. You look behind you and see all of them, even Gio, who is standing in the doorway, watching you in shocked amazement.
Fear has you frozen. There is absolutely no way you're going to tell them the truth, that you've read so much fan fiction you've gotten really good at reading people. Nope, that's not something you'll ever admit to. "Uhh," you stall. "I read."
Before they can question you further, you ask, "What's for lunch?"
You get some glares, but Cia is smiling while he brings you a bowl of simple chicken noodle soup. Scarabee carries you to the table, setting you in one of the chairs. Gio hands you a couple of pills as Bajo sets down a glass of water. They each take a seat as the rest of the food is served.
Looking at the pills, you ask," Gio, are these prescription prenatals?"
"Yes, topolina," he replies, taking a bite of his soup.
"How?" confusion stains your voice. "There's no way you could get a prescription this fast."
He flashes you a cocky grin. "Is that so?"
You're about to snap back when strong hands trail down your arms, moving you hands to the table. "Please, a chuid, eat."
Biting your lip, you look up to see Cia staring down at you, concern and kindness swimming in the depths of his eyes. Not wanting to disappoint him, you quickly take a bite of the surprisingly delicious soup before swallowing your pills. Smiling, he moves to his own seat and starts eating.
The sounds of people eating fills the space until Zhuk says, "So, zaika, tell us all about you."
You do just that with a smile, answering every question they send your way. Favorite color, book, movie, and television show, your childhood, family and friends, and all of your dreams, you answer it all, but get very little info in return.
Finally tiring of the sound of your own voice, you ask, "Haven't you heard enough? When do I get to learn more abut you?"
Chuckles are your answer. "My dear, Zaika, we will each tell you all you wish to know, and more, in turn. I will be taking my day with you tomorrow, Gio will follow me, Bajo and Cia will share their days, and Bee will finish us up. Will this work for you?"
Mulling it over, you smile and nod. "Yes, I think I can live with that."
Various pleased looks answer, before the questions begin again. You're tempted to roll your eyes, but there is something so damn sweet about the curiosity of these mysterious men. As much as you don't understand how they can still have things to ask, you guess you'll have just as many when your turn rolls around.
@doyahearthatsound-after-dark,  @1-rosewiththorns
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yankyo · 4 years
Yan Ive changed my mind. Can I get both a clone and a mafia match up pls? Im love you 💚💚💚
You really want me to call you out like this? Oookkkaaay
So clones I'd match you with are Jazz or Cici
Jazz being the dommy boy would take to your bratty behavior with vigor. He'd see your misbehaving as a challenge and make it his mission to tame you and make you obedient - loving how you fought him every inch of the way. Be prepared for him to throw you bodily into subspace and have you on your knees almost constantly, bratty little pups don't get to cum, no, if you're gonna be using that mouth for anything, it should just be sucking his cock. And when he's done having you choke on his dick, he'll tie you down and rub himself between your legs until he cums all over you - maybe next time you'll be more behaved and he'll fuck you like you want.
Being the experimenting switch that Cici is, they will always have some new positions to try and since they are the clone most in tune with their demon half, be prepared for just how intoxicated you'll be by their presence. Even without being an incubus, Cici can amp up that demonic aura just enough that you'll find yourself weak and pliant around them - or you'll find yourself so unbearably horny that you just can't take it - either works for them really. Want to collar them? They'll kneel for you, but if course, you've gotta make sure you're a good master or they'll be quick to throw you on your back. Wanna devote yourself to them? Perfection, they'll take care of your every whim, so long as you listen obediently
The mafia boy I'd match you with is of course, no surprise here Cia
Ye, no surprise that the Irishman would legit own your ass. Playful and mischievous, as well as a huge switch, Cia loves to play your games and doesn't whether he wins or loses. He knows he might lose this one game, but he'll win the next round for sure, after all. Much like Jazz, he has exhibitionistic qualities and would fuck you in front of the other Don's just so they could see how cute you look cumming on his cock. Much like Cici, his touch is magical, as in tune with his fae side as he is, and just a puff of smoke from his cigar will burrow in your very soul and make you fall against him. Don't worry, he won't abuse this ability... much
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ciarog-ciarog · 2 years
cuirfimid sinn féin in aithne!!
'Aithníonn ciaróg ciaróg eile' -sheanfhocail sa ghaeilge
haigh a chairde!!! Hi friends!!!
Fáilte go dtí ár mblag! Seo é blag a dhéanamh ar beirt chairde. Bumbóg agus Banbhóg na t-ainmeacha atá orainn. We wanted to share our love of Irish, so we made this blog. We will make mistakes, so please correct us!!!
We will post short posts covering a variety of topics, such as drawings, music and book recommendations, and pictures of our pets. Our aim is to blog in Irish, as opposed to blogging about Irish.
Déanfaimid iarracht phostáil a dhéanamh gach lá! Chuir ceist againn má tá ceist agat!
Bumbóg agus Banbhóg
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hellfirenacht · 4 years
Hey there! I hope your day is alright, how about a garnet, ruby, and diamond for anyone in the conglomerate? -Lynnie @delinquentpkmnprof
I’ll go with Ciarog (my canon husband) for this one. @delinquentpkmnprof
garnet: have you or your f/o ever been highly unsure about your relationship? 
For me: a little bit on my side. He’s already married to Bajo (the Conglomerate is VERY poly), but I was still a little unsure until Bajo also started making some moves on me. He asked me to marry him after like, 3 month and I honestly couldn’t think of any reason to say no. These boys move FAST
For him: He’s a total romantic at heart and just always knew that we were supposed to be together.
ruby: does your f/o blush easily? He’s a pale irish lad, and he absolutely blushes a lot. It makes me happy when I can fluster him the same way he flusters me. <3
diamond: how difficult was it to win your f/o’s affection? how difficult was it for them to win yours? 
Us falling in love was VERY easy. He had long hair and an accent and I made him laugh and was able to be a comfort for him after some very rough stuff involving his Mafia. I know it’s cheesy but with Cia it’s just easy, you know?
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ciarog-archive · 4 months
remade this blog @ciarog
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strawberrybouvine · 4 years
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Whew finally finished this !! ^^
Jasper (+ amethyst) from Steven Universe (requested by anon)
Katherine Howard + Anne Boleyn from Six the Musical (requested by anon)
Hello Kitty from the Hello Kitty Series (requested by @rustybutterknife )
Ciarog + Escarabajo from the beetlejuice Mafia au (requested by anon + personal choice !)
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realmonsterboyhours · 4 years
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Hey so maybe I as an artist should occasionally submit art huh? Wild. 1) Scarabee 2) @yankyo and Chamie!  3) Chamie Angst! 4) GodNaga!Beej’s human form! 5) Zhuk’s Chamie 6) Gamer!Beetlejuice and a self insert 7) GodNaga!Beej’s Chamie collaring someone! 8) Goth Elf Self Insert teasing Ciarog 9) GodNaga!Beej in some shibari that I drew in 10 minutes absolutely sloshed weeks ago. 10) Sketch page of Chamie!
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Once again, I canNOT show the full thing but a few weeks ago @realmonsterboyhours​ also decided to come for my life with me as the filling of the Baja Blast ship. But let me just say.... oof.
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