#Chishiya shuntaro
phdinreidology · 2 years
i love my men pathetic, in need of therapy and with a long list of crimes
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chrollc · 1 year
chishiya in his hoodie psychologically scaring the fuck outta a poor stupid fool in a corner the minute a game begins
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butterflykisses86 · 1 year
Chishiya eating all dem snacks while everyone else be killing each other in prison...
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cainternn · 1 year
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my favorite cheshire cat
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Chishiya in season 1 had everything planned out to every possible detail.
Meanwhile, Chishiya in season 2:
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Mf ain't even hiding it that he lost control of his life and can't be bothered to deal with it
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How To Make A Cheshire Blush
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Chishiya Shuntarō x reader
You make it your goal to see Chishiya blush
Fluff - Suggestive
I have known Chishiya Shuntarō for a little over eight months since entering the borderland. In that time I have never seen him flustered… Ever.
How is that even possible? What man could be so calm and collected that nothing makes his cheeks flush the color of strawberries? Not even when facing death does his calmness fade…
I glanced over at Chishiya who was watched the group we teamed up with mild amusement as they betrayed each other one by one. How can they all be so foolish? If only they would put their fears aside and trust one another. Maybe then we could all make it out alive and find out who the Jack of Hearts really is. This entire game was so tiresome. I sighed loudly, earning a glance from Choshiya before he returned his gaze to a man sweating profusely as he told another player their suit.
“We’ve been here for days and it’s so…” I folded my arms on the table, “Boring.” I sighed again as my shoulders slumped.
“Find something to do.” Chishiya had zero interest in my boredom and did nothing to try and entertain me.
It wasn’t his problem nor benefit him, so why should he care?
My attention found its way to the pair, Aba and Kotoko. It seemed that they have been attached to the hip quite literally since the start of the game. Studying them closely, they reminded me of a business looking man and his personal assistant.
I chuckled at the thought of all the drama and scandal they might have caused in the old world, especially if he was high up there. I watched as Kotoko pressed herself even more into Aba’s side while he looked as if he held all the power. For a moment I wondered what it would be like to be just like her. To be someone who didn’t rely solely on herself.
I suppose in a way I have some trust to Chishiya, I considered him my friend. He did treat me as a friend though. I also considered Kuina a friend and I knew she thought the same about me. My mind briefly drifted to her and I hoped that she was doing okay, alive somewhere right now.
My thoughts drifted back to Chishiya. He was cool and highly intelligent, not to mention drop dead gorgeous, but something I wonder if he would sacrifice me for his gain.
“I wonder what that feels like.” I muttered as I placed my chin in the palm of my hand.
“What?” Chishiya took a bite from his own bag of cookies as his attention flicked over to where I was looking, “To be a self righteous prick?”
“No.” I shook my head leaning on my chin, “To rely so heavily on someone to protect you that you don’t learn how to protect yourself.”
“You wouldn’t make it very far with that mentality.” Chishiya muttered, “Luckily, you’re too smart for that.”
I grinned at the small compliment from the Cheshire man. It was rare to hear praise from him even if it was usually mixed with mockery. It was in that moment that my innocent grin turned sly as I thought of the perfect thing that could keep my boredom at bay.
His brows furrowed at my smile, “Quit looking at me like that, it’s weird.”
“What if the only person I knew to keep me safe was you?” My grin turned into a smirk.
“But it isn’t?” His answer came out more of a question as he tried to figure out my plan.
“But what if?” I leaned my weight onto his side, wrapping my arms around one of his, “Would you take advantage of my undying loyalty, Shuntarō?” I could see a blush coat his cheeks and I couldn’t help, but laugh, “Of course you would, you sneaky cat.”
He nudged me off him with a grunt. I leaned closer to make sure I was seeing this right… The Chishiya Shuntarō was in fact, blushing.
“Oh my stars.” I gasped in amusement as I pressed a hand to my heart, “Is that a blush I see, Chishi?”
I did it! I thought as excitement built up inside me. I made him blush!
“No.” He looked away from me.
“I think it is.” I poked his cheek, giggling as I sat back.
My giggling died down as I looked at him. He didn’t say anything, but he seemed flustered. Is it possible that he held some kind of feelings for me?
“Chishi.” I smiled when he looked at me, “You want some?” I held up my strawberry cake roll.
He eyed me and it suspiciously before he gave a simple nod. I opened the package, breaking off a piece for him to try. I shook my head as he reached for it as I brought it up to his lips. He opened his mouth slowly as he took a bite.
“So would that make you a self righteous prick?” I teased quietly as I fed the cake to him.
He rolled his eyes and he leaned back, taking time to chew and see if he liked the cake.
“Way too much strawberry.” He mumbled after he swallowed, but continued to eat the next piece I gave him.
He returned the gesture with his own bag of cookies as we munched on the others snacks.
“I am an asshole.” He spoke without hesitation, “I am not kind. I am manipulative and I do what I must to get ahead. I don’t care about anything so why are you always hanging around me?”
“You are those things, but I think you’re wrong about how you see yourself Chishiya. You are so much more than that. You are kind, to Kuina and to me. You are manipulative, but that just means how intelligent you are in understanding everything. You can solve the hardest puzzle on earth with just a glance. You say you don’t care, but deep down I know that you do. You have just built a wall that is worth climbing because you mean more than anything in the world to me.” I answered softly.
He wasn’t able to respond as the speaker dinged.
“I believe it’s almost time.” I sighed as I looked up at the clock.
My attention turned to Kotoko who grabbed a packet of cookies… The same brand that Matsushita grabbed a few minutes ago.
“Hm…” I hummed watching what would be a meaningless passerby between the two, “Maybe I do have more undying loyalty than Kotoko.”
“Seems so.” Chishiya smirked.
I turned in my seat, brushing my hair away from my collar.
“Heart.” He said and turned so that I could tell him his suit.
“Diamond.” I repeated the symbol I saw.
“Fits us well.” He muttered standing up to begin our journey to our cells.
“Aw does that mean I have your heart Chishi?” I stepped up to him teasingly.
“You have my headache.” He stated before walking into his cell.
I entered the one beside him with a warm feeling creeping in my chest. I think it’s the other way around, I think you have my heart Shuntarō.
“Heart.” I spoke my final answer as I waited to leave the cell.
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eufezco · 1 year
SUMMARY — you win the games and wake up in the hospital. remembering everything that happened in the borderlands and not knowing if chishiya made it.
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your mouth was dry and it tasted like blood. your eyes opened slowly, getting used to the bright lights of the hospital room and you hissed when your hand landed on your temples. you had some cuts on your face, covered with gauzes and medical tapes, and some bruises too, especially around your eyes and on your cheekbones.
you looked around the room and you could see your mom's purse next to your bed, but she wasn't in the room. somethings never change, not even when you are at the hospital after having been dead for a few seconds. once you tried to sit on the bed, you felt a stabbing pain in your lower abdomen and then on your forearm. your hand went directly where it hurt in your belly and you realized that you were wearing a bigger gauze there and another of the same size on your arm, and at that moment a wave of memories hit you making you feel dizzy. the beach. the next level. the king of spades. chishiya.
you gasped and forced yourself to remember when was the last time that you saw him. niragi's gun was pointing at you when he suddenly stepped in the middle of your body and the bullet with your name written in it.
"why would you do it?" you asked him with tears in your eyes. chishiya just showed you a smirk. you told him that he needed to resist, that there were only two games left and everything will be over. a little smile remained on chishiya’s lips as he nodded slowly. he knew that by the time you completed the games he wouldn't be there. you wanted to stay by his side but usagi and arisu dragged you out of there when the zeppelin of the king of spades appeared.
the last thing you remember from that day was lying next to kuina and ann on the cold ground. your back hurt and your wounds didn't stop bleeding as you watched the fireworks and listened to what you were being asked. "i decline." you finally answered, with tears in the corners of your eyes.
you got up from the hospital bed and noticed that you were sharing a room with someone else. that someone in the room with you was separated from your side with a curtain. with small steps and with a hand on your belly, right where your wound was, you approached the curtain, and being extremely careful, you had a quick peek to the other side. you took a sharp breath after you recognized the boy on the other side. his thick brown hair was stuck to his forehead, and just like you, he had some gauzes on his face. he gave a small jump on the bed when he noticed that someone was staring at him from a small opening in the curtain, but his frown relaxed once he recognized you.
"y/n?" he asked, still a bit confused.
"arisu." you removed the curtain completely and his eyes opened wide. he removed the blanket from himself and turned his body to let his legs hang from the bed, ready to get up from the moment he saw you. you were quicker than him and hugged him, maybe a little too hard because you both hissed when your bodies collided. you stayed like that for a few seconds more and then he asked you if you were okay, and how long had been since you woke up.
"a minute?" you asked him. your head hurt. "everything- everything happened in a minute. all the games, all the deaths? in a minute?"
arisu nodded. you gulped. all the things you lived with chishiya happened in sixty seconds. you felt like you could throw up. you shook your head and decided to talk about anything else. "did usagi make it?"
"yes. she was with me when we finished the last game."
you nodded, glad to hear that your friend was alive. "kuina and ann also made it. i think i heard aguni and akane too but i can't remember well."
arisu then understood. you knew that all of your friends made it but not if he did. "i'm sure- i'm sure he's here. i'm sure chishiya got out."
you shook your head with your eyes closed. arisu didn't know that. when the king of spades appeared and him and usagi separated you from chishiya, his white jacket was already soaked in blood. the first bullet hit him in a noncritical area, but the second one, the one that should've got you, went directly into his chest. you didn't need to be a med student to know that that was bad.
"come on. let's go for a walk." arisu got up from the bed and kissed your forehead after noticing how sad your eyes were. you hooked your arm in his. every now and then arisu would stop to check up on you, if you were breathing well, if you were too tired to continue but you assured him every time that you were fine.
you saw aguni in the icu. the doctors that came out of the room were pointing out how that man being alive was practically a medical miracle. akane was on a wheelchair looking at him through the glass. the girl was very pleased to see you both again. she asked about your injuries and she thanked arisu in a subtle way for winning the last game. she didn't know if you were ready to talk openly about what happened. she didn't even know if she was.
you tried to run and arisu had to hold you so you wouldn't fall down the moment that you saw kuina. her face glowed and she had to blink a couple of times to believe her eyes. kuina was kneeling in front of a woman in a wheelchair, a man was standing next to the two of them, and you guessed that they were her parents. she was quick to stand up, her father had to help her to get to you and arisu, and then you hugged her tightly. you were careful though, you saw how bad her injuries were. you remember the king of spades on top of her, stabbing multiple times her stomach, blood coming out of her mouth and you immobile lying on the ground after being shot by him.
"have you seen him? do you know if he made it out?" you held kuina's cheeks. defeated, you let out a sigh after seeing kuina's confused expression. she shook her head to both of your questions. kuina told you that the last time that she saw chishiya was when the king of spades attacked for the first time, and then each of you followed a different path and she never saw him again after that. but when she met arisu again, he said that chishiya was fine.
you slowly turned to look at arisu with raised eyebrows, and the boy just shrugged his shoulders. on second thought, you were sure that arisu didn't do it with bad intentions. you had to explain to her that niragi shot him twice. kuina gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. you told her that the second time niragi was aiming at you but chishiya stood in the middle. that did not come as a surprise to her. she knew him longer than you did. they were already at the beach when you arrived there with arisu and usagi, and as long as she had known him, chishiya had always acted unbothered. he wasn't a big fan of showing affection. he was selfish, arrogant, and really self-centered. but kuina knew that he would take a bullet for you.
she insisted on joining you and arisu on your walk. you three recognized some people who were in the games with you: people from the beach, that kid usagi fought so hard to save, people you tried to kill, and people that tried to kill you.
"excuse me?"
the hospital reception was chaotic, and you barely heard the woman at the other side of the counter humming to your question.
"i'm- i'm looking for someone."
you blinked a few times at her sudden question. you played with your fingers nervously. she raised her eyebrows waiting for an answer. "chishiya shuntarō."
you shouldn't have ask. you should have waited for him to find you. what if the woman told you what you didn't want to hear? no. no. no. you should've waited, or had arisu to ask for you. but now you were waiting for that woman to finish typing on the computer and maybe to tell you that he was dea-
"third floor, room 301."
"oh." you said in a sigh. you could feel all your body relaxing, your hands stopped trambling, your legs didn't feel like giving up anymore. but you could also feel your heart beating in your throat, and your chest slowly heaving. the woman raised her eyebrows at you again.
"do you need anything else?"
you gulped, shaking your head softly and coming back to you. "hm?oh. no, thank you."
you turned around and walked towards arisu and kuina, your eyes locked on the floor. your two friends arched their brows worried, by your face both of them expected the worse. kuina could feel that familiar lump that forms in your throat moments before bursting into tears. arisu approached you and his hands gripped your shoulders. your eyes connected with his.
"he's on the third floor."
arisu sighed in relief. kuina also let out a sigh and she wiped away some tears off her cheeks before you could see her. she approached the woman and asked for an and she told kuina that she was in the operating room, which was also a strong relief.
time passed slowly, and the way to the third floor was the longest you could remember. not when you were walking to the control room with him and kuina, escaping from the militants, not when you were heading to a game, not even when you ran to him after niragi shot him. the elevator was too slow for you.
arisu was checking up on you, kuina was too deep in her thoughts. once the elevator stopped and the doors opened, you gulped and looked at arisu. he nodded for you to be the first one out of the elevator. what you didn't expect was to see chishiya in the middle of the hallway, his body slightly curved and one of his hands pressing his lower abdomen. he was talking to his doctor, probably asking a million questions like why he had put him on that medication instead of the other one, and trying to convince him why the other one was better.
the boy quickly turned to see who was calling him and his eyes opened wide in surprise. "y/n." chishiya soon forgot about the doctor. one of his arms wrapped around your waist, the other one hugged your upper body, resting his hand on the back of your head and pulling you closer to him. he hid his face into the crook of your neck.
it was weird having him in between your arms in the real world. once you two were completely healed you'd go back to your normal life but you'll have each other. you were going to have to get used to his twenty-four hours shift as a doctor, and he was going to get used to hugs and kisses every day. but now, with his arms wrapped around you and after gone through that much, he thought that he could get used to that easily.
"i knew that you would make it." chishiya said with a small smile on his lips. one of his hands pushed your hair away from your face and tucked it behind your ear. the other one held your chin up trying to see through the gauzes on your face what type of injuries you had.
arisu and kuina were standing behind you. chishiya shared a glance with both of them. arisu was smirking, kuina was biting her nails with tears in her eyes, probably waiting for her turn to greet her friend but not wanting to separate you. you rested your head on his chest, careful to not touch where he was shot. your lower lip trembled, tears started forming in your eyes.
"i thought that you-"
someone talked before chishiya could. "that could never happen, you know what they say, only the good ones die young."
"you bastard." you looked over chishiya's shoulders and tried to move away from him the moment that you saw niragi at the end of the hallway, approaching the group from behind chishiya. he was quick to hold you tighter against him, to prevent you from hurting yourself even more by hitting niragi.
niragi was smiling. even though half of his body was covered with bandages you could see that disgusting smirk on his lips.
"i'm gonna kill you," you stated. niragi laughed at you. you couldn't see it but chishiya smirked, his arms still hugging you and not letting you part from him.
"it's not that big of a deal, honey. he's is alive and i got to shoot him. we both won."
chishiya could stop you but he didn't have enough arms to stop kuina. the girl passed by your side like a fury. arisu tried to grab her arm but she was mad. her fists were already clenched before she was even close to niragi, and arisu called her name in a last attempt of stopping her. niragi looked down at her with a smile on his lips. he knew what was coming. he had seen that face on kuina before.
her fist closed tighter and with all the strength in her body, she punched niragi. his mouth and nose started bleeding right after but he didn't stop laughing. she had her fist ready again but arisu grabbed her waist from behind pulling her away from him.
"better?" chishiya asked after feeling your breathing slowing down. you nodded and you both looked at kuina kicking in the arms of arisu. chishiya raised his brows looking at the doctors coming to assist niragi. "well, he deserved it." you rolled your eyes at him.
"you have to tell me a lot of things, i guess." chishiya said referring to your bruised face. you nodded, he was going to believe everything that happened between the time he was shot until arisu and usagi won the last game.
"i haven't seen banda and yaba."
chishiya smiled at your innocent. "i'm sure that they are fine but i'm also sure that they decided to stay." you already thought about that. you nodded understanding. what a shame because they were nice to you during the jack of hearts game, and they promised you that you'll see each other again. chishiya knew by your face that you didn't listen when he said that banda was a murderer and yaba was a scammer. people like that could only live freely in the borderlands.
not people like you two tho
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pocoyo-yo · 1 year
'𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐦𝐞'
SUMMARY: merry christmas/happy holidays to all the chishiya lovers and alice in borderland fans.. here is my gift you/our tiny fandom.
WARNINGS: smut, oral sex, handjob, kinda ooc chishiya (i'd think he'd be more silent tbh but that's goofy), mirror sex, doggy style, choking, breath play, praise kink, dirty talk, protected sex ya'll!!, fem!bodied reader, ive been crushing on him since the first time i saw him two years ago but tbh.. he got even finer in season two (i think i just get in my bag writing wise when i don't worry about punctuation like the perfectionist i am)
"I needed this.."
he stroked your hair and let his head fall back between his shoulders, silky blond hair falling with it.
"needed this so fuckin' bad.."
you looked up at him through your lashes, jaw muscles tightening and drops of tears rolling down your hot cheeks.
"oh shit," he groaned, rough hands forcing your head down further. you clung onto his thighs, gagging as he slowly thrusted his cock deep into your throat. "c'mon, c'mon m'close.. just a bit more, baby."
you dug your nails into his thighs, his thick cock in between your swollen lips muffled your whimpers.. he hissed, thrusts harsher and you were screwed your eyes shut. his balls slapped against your chin as a mix of his pre-cum and your drool rolled down it.
"that's it," he sighed, burying your nose in his dark happy trail as spurts of his cum shot into your throat. "that's fuckin it, baby.."
you whined as he thrusted a few more times before finally pulling your head off of his softening dick.
you coughed, some of his cum caught in your throat while some of it rested in your tongue.
"c'mon stand up," he tilted your chin up. "and swallow the rest of that f'me, won't you babe?"
you frowned, licking your lips and gulping down the rest of his thick cum.. it was slightly salty but nothing off putting.
"shun," you stumbled to your feet with a pout, your voice was raspy due to the pounding your throat had taken. "i hate you—"
chishiya leaned in with a smirk before cupping your cheek. he kissed you deeply, not minding tasting himself as he pushed his tongue into your mouth. you moaned and ran your hands diwn the fabric of his black shirt, slipping your tongue in between his lips. he hummed in surprise but only pinned your body against the wall. the old paintings and candles rattling on the bathroom shelves.
you pulled back with a 'pop' and begged, "please fuck me, shun.."
he glanced up at you through hooded eyes, one hand wrapped around his semi-hard cock. "give me your hand," chishiya ordered and you did so, giving him both instead. "get me hard again, baby."
"m'kay, y'better fuck me good though.." you wrapped both of your hands around his cock and he held one of your hands as well.
chishiya guided you hands up and down, not that you didn't know how to give a hand job, he just wanted to feel you do it first hand. he wanted to feel your hand slid up the twitching base and pump it, tease his leaking tip. he wanted to understand how you understood his body so well when you've barely known him.
the sight of your swelled bottom lip trapped in between your teeth as you pumped his cock until it was stiff and oozing pre-cum all over your knuckles and that sinful look in your eyes..
he loved it.
chishiya wasn't a horny fuck like most people in this new world. he could go weeks without even touching himself 'cause there were more important things to worry about (like figuring out what the hell was going on), but that look, that fucking lustful stare when you figure out how to beat a game— when you first stood next to him on that balcony as chaos ran rampant all around that apartment complex.
you were fucked up..
"damn," he kissed your forehead and you let go of his cock, licking your hands free of his pre-cum. "bend over the sink, i want you to see what faces you make when i fuck you.."
..and he loved it.
you giggled and pushed past him, stepping over your disgarded highwaisted tights. you gripped the edge of the sink, looking at yourself in the cracked mirror. your hard nipples peaked through the fabric of your tanktop and to be honest, you already looked like he had fucked you stupid.
you arched your back and stuck out your ass, chewing on your bottom lip once more as you heard the packet for a condom tear open. you stared down into the sink, water dripped from the broken socket.
chishiya pulled your damp panties to the side, rubbing his thumb teasingly over your drenched slit.
"hurry up, shun—"
you gasped, body jolting forward as chishiya sunk his fat tip into your weeping hole. you gripped the sink tighter, trying to supress your moans so that the others wouldn't hear what was happening from the outside. "shit," chishiya let go of your hip and rubbed your clit while he tried to fit the rest of himself inside.. "i knew i should've fingered you but 'no,' you said 'just skip the foreplay, shun!' now look.. can't fit my cock in your cunt.."
you wriggled your ass against him and whimpered, "I've just been so pent up.. just needed your fuckin' dick, shun, right now.. m'sorry.."
"don't apologize," he groaned as his girthy cock sunk deeper inside of you, splitting you open. "just thank me.."
your knees buckled when chishiya's cock finally rested in your gummy walls.. a long grunt left his lips once he bottomed out, your pussy drooling around his length. the hand that he used to guide his dick in found its way to your throat and he forced you to look at yourself in the mirror.
"number one," he squeezed your throat and you gasped, his cock sliding out and pushing right back into your cunt with much more ease. "you should thank me for saving your ass in games.." he chuckled as you choked on moans with each harsh thrust, your entire body moving foward (the edge of the sink and chishiya's stopped you from going too far)— allowing you to catch a closer look at yourself.
"th.. thank you," you mumbled, soft whimpers escaping your throat. "shun.."
chishiya kissed you jaw, the clap of your ass echoing from wall to wall of the bathroom as his thrusts sped up. his cock drilled into you with no consideration while he pinched and flicked your clit.. and your sensitive nipples rubbed against your tanktop with every bounce of your tits.
"mm shit.. number two," he continued, smiling at your fucked-out expression— eyes foggy, mouth stuck in a permanant 'o' whether your moans came out broken, loud, or slient, and droplets of tears clung to your lashes. "you should thank me for fucking you like i do.. this is a lot of work y'know.." he hummed, those last words more of a groan.
you could feel his heavy breathing tickle your ear and you whined as the tip of his cock plunged deep into that spongey spot in your pussy.
"thank you," you slurred, his grip on your throat now had you gasping. "thank— thank you s'much, shun! you fuck me s'good.."
strands of his blonde hair stuck to his forehead as sweat dripped from the tip of his nose. chishiya groaned, noticing you squeeze your eyes shut and scruch your nose. moans and gasps leaving your lips while you cried.
ah.. you were about to cum.
as cute as you were when making that face, he wanted you to watch yourself cum more than anything.
"eyes open," chishiya murmured, grip loosening to allow you to breathe. "look at yourself, baby.."
you reluctantly opened your eyes.
was the world was ending? yes.
so to get fucked should be on the bottom of your list of priorities, and it was, well until chishiya slid his dick in your pussy and made you look like that for the first time— the definiton of a slut. you didn't understand how he expected and managed to keep your relationship a secret when after every time you both were intimate it ended with you looking a mess.
"shuuunn! m'gonna cum.. let me cum please!" you whined, gasping as he quickly cut off your air intake with just a squeeze.
"number three," his voice was breathy and his thrusts had become sloppy. you both were close. the mirror had fogged up from his pants while you clawed at his hand, a smile curling from your lips. all you coud focus on was breathing and trying to reach your high. "thank me," he grunted as you began to roll you ass back against him. "for leavin' this pussy satisfied.. every," he thrusted deep. "single," he pulled his hips back. "time.."
chishiya buried himself deep inside of you while your entire body shook as your orgasm flooded through your veins. finally, he let you breathe, both of his hands now gripping your hips, as he continued to fuck into you messily.
chishiya hated messes.
but you creaming around his cock didn't count..
at least not in this moment, if this wasn't a quickie, he probably would have punished you for it.
"s'too much, shun," you moaned softly with a sniffle. "m'too sensitive.. can't— can't do it.."
"yes you can, c'mon m'almost there," chishiya hummed against your neck. "make me cum, yeah? only you can, baby.."
you shuddered as chishiya's thrusts came to halt, and he dug his fingers deep into your ass cheeks. then you felt it, the condom filling up with his warm release while he began to fuck you once again but slowly and far more gentle.
"congrats.. you did it," he rested his chin on your slumped shoulder and nibbled on your ear. ".. you look so pretty when you cum, don't you agree?" chishiya taunted you and he pulled out with a groan.
"fuck you.."
"ya just did," chishiya sighed while he watched your panties fell back in place, now covering your fucked-out cunt. "can you walk straight?"
chishiya tied the used condom off and tossed it in the trashcan next to the toilet, stuffing his cock back in the confinments of his boxers. he pulled up his sweats before laying your tights over the edge of the seat.
"your dicks' not that big.." you grumbled.
"answer the question."
"just barely," you replied and chishiya scratched the back of his neck with a frown before he gently kissed your forehead. ".. and that's not going to fix it, y'know."
"i'm aware, but in my defense, i only went that hard because your visa's still good for a while," he explained. "complain all you want but i know you enjoyed it."
"unfortunately for my arguement, as per usual, shun.. you fucked me good.. so,"
you spun strands of his blond hair around your index finger and smiled at him in the mirror.
with that sinful look that drove him insane.
"..thank you."
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chxshiya · 1 year
Alice in borderland cast
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drogonstone · 1 year
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The human heart is a beautiful thing. Human life is precious. I believe that, truly. And when I look at my life, I know I've been able to survive because of those ideals.
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buckyarchives · 1 year
second, first meeting | chishiya shuntarou
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spoiler warning for ending of aib season 2
after the meteor, chishiya notices the all too familiar person. their a pull towards you - like maybe you’ve met somewhere? (gn reader)
words - 1.1k
a/n: WOW AIB 2 FINALLY OUT AND THE ENDING WAS REALLY GOOD I THINK. anyways arisu and usagis ending was so cute and i needed literally the “have we met?” scenario with ALL of them. and i’m a weak so i made this, very shoot, not beta’d, just a small and sweet drabble. enjoy reading!!!
Chishiya is alive.
He sure as hell didn't feel like it, but he was. The meteorite took a lot out of him, physically and mentally. Waking up in the beeping hospital room with a sudden new look on life, and he was going to do something about it. No more being a messenger for bad news, slowly tearing down people's hope one referral after another.
Dozens of people just experienced the same pain and trauma as he walked around him, some looking better than others. A girl with an amputated leg, a man in a coma as he passed by his room, and a girl and boy walking hand in hand with injuries littered over them. Humanity– always finding love in terrible suitaions.
Chishiya stood in one of the hospital common rooms, people-watching as he always does. God– it feels like a lifetime had passed since the meteorite. Chishiya was familiar with the whirring and beeping sounds of hospitals, people chatting and crying, and the strong smell of disinfectants and bleach. He was a doctor, all these things filled his life to the brim, it was familiar.
Even you.
You, who stood across the room; tucked into a corner (like chishiya), people-watching, snacking on crackers, and keeping yourself comfortably hidden. Yes, you’d caught his eyes. But something felt off deep inside his stomach, something was off about you. Almost like you were too familiar, chishiya could see a lifetime in your eyes and this is the only time he's ever seen you. Maybe, it wasn't?
Chishiya knew better than to laser focus on one person in the room, because your head perked up. Right into his direction, but chishiya’s gaze didn't falter– he couldn't even if he wanted to. The pull towards you was too intense, it made him dizzy. shock, confusion, remembrance? Flashed across your face, similar to him.
A small, sweet smile grew on your face. Fuck, what medication did they put him on? That meteorite really did a deal on him because suddenly he can’t breathe. For a moment he thought maybe his stitched came undone, half expecting to see blood soaking his scrubs when he looked down. But no– it was just you. Chishiya’s has never seen a smile so familiar, yet foreign.
Your eyes narrowed in his direction, like you were trying to read him. Something many people found difficult in the past, Chishiya didn’t put up a fight or a stone-cold face. Chishiya narrowed his eyes back, like a challenge.
So wrapped up in you that he didn't see the teenage boy wheeling a little too close to his toes in a wheelchair. “Ow!” chishiya yelped.
“Ah! I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” the boy began to spew out a plethora of apologies, frantically bowing his head to the elder.
“It's okay!” chishiya reassure, the sting in his toe had already been subdued– an easy injury compared to the bandaged and stitched-up ones he gained a few days ago. “Seriously, it’s okay.”
The boys' apologies slowed and he wheeled off, practically still bowing. Chishiya chuckled under his breath at the gesture. Looking back up to find you again, weird– what's got into him? Your spot ghosted empty and chishiya’s eyes frantically searched for you, only to find your back now turned to him and trudging down the hallways. Right as his eyes landed on you, your neck turned and you glanced back at chishiya.
A challenge indeed.
Chishiya curiously cocked his head, looking something like a cat. And then one foot in front of another, chishiya was following you down the hallway. He wasn't sure why, maybe he didn’t need a reason. I mean, he almost died, chishiya felt like he didn’t need a solid reason to do anything anymore besides what he wanted. And he wanted to follow the beautiful, mysterious, and weirdly familiar person around in a hospital. Like cat and mouse.
And that's how chishiya ended up in a quieter, more intimate area. Middle of a hallway, near a set of tables and a vending machine. Usually, where loved one would sit weary-eyed and waiting for good news. You came to a halt, chishiya stopped. You turned around slowly, that sweet smile that made chishiya’s stomach feel weird (apart from the wounds.)
“You're following me.”
Something that would so usually sound like a question, was a statement. Because it was meant to be, because you knew he was from the beginning. You intended on it. Chishiya already likes you. And hell– your voice almost gave him whiplash, so silk and sweet. Echoing distantly in his head, like he's heard it a million times before.
“And you wanted me too,” chishiya replied coyly. His voice felt so scratching and his throat burned as he spoke, being without water and unconscious for too long. Shoving his hands in his pockets, leaning back slightly. Even half dead he must keep up his cool-guy image.
You didn’t reply, only a wider grin growing on your face. And chishiya found it hard to bite back one of his own. How so uncharacteristic of him – he felt so warm.
“Maybe.” you finally said.
Chishiya hummed, beginning to close the distance – one foot in front of another – between the two of you.
You watched him intently, chishiya knew it. Normally he’d perceive this as someone sizing him up, but your eyes told a different story as they trailed up his body. Something that'd make his ears hot and red.
“Meteor?” you asked, gesturing to his wounds. Chishiya nodded. “Me too.”
It was awkward for a moment, but not uncomfortable. The silence was deafening as if it wasn't meant for the two of you. Like there were so many words only on the tip of his tongue, words unsaid, words he didn’t even know – but they were begging to be spoken.
You were the first to break the silence, stepping closer. Now only 2 or 3 feet in front of him. “Have I, sorry, this is weird– but, have we met before? Like even passed each other on the streets.”
“Not to my knowledge.”
You hummed, looking around to avoid the intense eye contact that tugged you closer, and closer and–
“Would you like to know me?” chishiya said, his eyes not leaving yours. A weird sense of home lay in your eyes, chishiya was ready to jump fully in.
You tried to cover the eagerness in you, waiting a moment. Dramatically tapping a finger to your chin as you thought. “I think that’d be nice.”
Chishiyas lip quirked up, following yours.
He may not know you the way he feels, but he will.
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realisticjupiter · 3 months
haihaii!! your profile has been like.... THERAPY to me bc the aib fixation is back AND ITS STRONG ESPECIALLY TOWARDS CHISHIYA 💔💔💔 i love the way u write as well !!
so with this could i request a touch starved chishiya... like a chishiya that needs readers attention so bad but is too embarrassed to downright tell them "I WANT CUDDLES" or smth... still he does everything in his power to get readers attention atp the only thing left is to just BEG
also could i be 🎶 anon ? i picture myself being very active here from now on... have a nice day!!
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Summary: Chishiya can't sleep without you.
Genre: Fluffy
Pairing: Chishiya x gn!reader
Warnings: None! :)
Word count: 784
a/n: Aghhhh i hope this is okay!!!!! That is actually so sweet of you, I'm so glad you've liked my account!!!<3 And ofc you can claim an emoji, hello 🎶!!
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Chishiya tried everything to get you into bed with him. He tried seducing you, gaslighting you, and of course his manipulation tactics didn't work either.
All you were focused on was trying to fix the phone from last night's game. It was still on, so you thought it would be easier to get into before it powered off.
Every time he'd call your name, you'd brush him off. Mostly because he always used a certain tone of voice you've become far too familiar with when he tries to get what he wants.
All he wanted to do was kneel at your feet to tell you exactly what he wanted. To tell you he just wanted you to hold him, to tell you all he needed was your attention.
But he couldn't. He never has been able to ask for help, or ask for anything without feeling vulnerable for that matter. He was closed off, that's what people knew about him; that he didn't show those types of emotions in fear of being belittled.
Chishiya could feel his eyelids getting heavy and his eyes burning from keeping them open, but he knew no matter how hard he would toss and turn; he wouldn't be able to sleep without you.
It was pathetic, he'd admit that. It was a loop he found himself getting stuck into, and found there was no way out of it. He hid it pretty well, though. Through late nights where you'd fall asleep alone and wake up to him beside you. You truly had no idea he struggled so much.
He was so tired. He'd do anything if you'd just stop and sleep already.
And he found his last option, the one thing he dreaded the most.
"Y/n?" Chishiya whispered, his voice husky as he climbed out of bed and walked towards you with slow steps.
"What?" You hummed in response, never peeling your eyes away from the task at hand.
"Please," He spoke underneath his breath in an almost incoherent whisper as he stopped to stand beside the chair you sat in.
"I don't know what you want, Chishiya. No one is keeping you awake." You sighed, watching from the corner of your eye as he stood by your side, rubbing his eyes with his palms.
"You're keeping me awake." He murmured, watching your hands as they played around with the device's motherboard.
"How?" You said in defeat, finally turning your attention to him. You looked up at him with your hands thrown in your lap, clearly waiting for his response.
He let out a huff as he looked around the room; avoiding eye contact. When he finally looked at you, his eyes were soft and glassed over.
His next sentence was incoherent.
"Chishiya. Speak up, please." Your words were soft as you stood up from your seat, placing your hands on his upper arms.
"I can't sleep without you." He finally spoke, his words finally registering in your mind.
When he realized you had finally heard him, he felt like he could say anything. And with his new found confidence he continued to speak.
"Why is it so hard to ask you to touch me?" He breathed, letting his head fall onto your shoulder.
You smiled at his soft demeanour. You knew how hard it must've been for him to admit something so close to himself, especially since it was about you. You've found a new side of Chishiya you haven't seen before.
You brought a hand to comb through his hair as the other scratched up and down his bare back, "I'm sorry, Chishiya. I should've just read your mind." You whispered against his shoulder as you held him close to your body.
Your words were an obvious tease, trying to humor the situation at hand. Which did make Chishiya snicker.
"You should have. You've always been able to." He muttered, wrapping his arms lazily around you.
You smiled warmly as he spoke, pulling away to drag his hand towards the bed. You climbed in with him closely behind you. He waited for you to get comfortable, before he joined you under the covers to tangle his limbs with yours.
"I'm proud of you, Chishiya." Your sultry breath hit his forehead as you mumbled against his skin.
He stared down at the way your bodies fit together, processing your words with a smile he knew you couldn't see.
"Now go to sleep, 'm here." You spoke once more into his skin, kissing his forehead and massaging your fingers into his scalp.
His cold fingers danced around your bare skin, trying to bring himself impossibly closer to you before his body fell limp into a night's sleep.
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reposts and comments are appreciated <3
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chishiyashoodie · 1 year
Knowing Chishiya isn’t one to openly express his feelings I can totally picture him telling his s/o how he feels about her whenever she’s not aware.
Like she’s sleeping? He’ll be mumbling non stop about how much he loves her.
She’s in another room? He’d be whispering: “come here, I miss you”
She’s staring at the wall contemplating life? “I miss your eyes on me”
She has just woken up and she looks sleepy asf? “God, you look so beautiful”
And he thinks she can’t hear him but she often can and she has the biggest smile on her face every time.
She would pretend to be asleep just so she can hear him saying “I love you” until one day she says it back and he’s like 😦
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halbravd · 1 year
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is the sun bothering you my king
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cainternn · 1 year
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more aib thoughts
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homeslices · 1 year
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A/N: Sorry this I took so long to upload school is kicking my ass and I’m sick 😭 also a sentence in here made me think of a sequel, guess which part lol. Also I’m actually sort of happy how this turned out but let me know what you guys think!
Summary: Just some more Chishiya smut. Do y’all sense a pattern of what I post? He might be a little ooc but I tried.
Pairings: Shuntaro Chishiya x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: Smut
Up and down, up and down, up and down.
That’s the only thing going through your mind at the moment. That’s the only thing that can go through your mind at the moment.
Your thighs are so tired, but that coil in your stomach that has been building up is so close to snapping.
Chishiya is lying beneath you, casually holding onto your hips while watching you bounce on his cock while your cunt is tightly squeezing around it.
You’ve been at this for a while. It started with just some lighthearted teasing while you both were in Chishiya’s room at The Beach. But that lighthearted teasing led to you saying you can get off without Chishiya’s help, and now you're regretting your choice of words- and humor.
You let out a choked sob when Chishiya’s cock brushes against that spongy spot inside of you.
“I thought you said you could get off by yourself, didn't you?” Chishiya’s voice cuts through the room.
“ ‘m sorry,” you whine.
The frustration of not being able to cum made tears well up behind your eyes, which are so close to sliding down your face.
Chishiya doesn’t move, of course not. Even if you beg enough you’re not sure he’ll take mercy on you. He’s just watching you amusingly. His lips twitch led up in a small, condescending smile.
“ ‘m sorry, ‘m sorry, please!” You cry out, those tears finally spilling down your flushed cheeks.
Your pace was stuttering, legs too tired to keep the rhythm, and that blissful feeling that was building up soon disappears as you ruin your own orgasm once again.
Your cunt squeezes in desperation and your upper body soon slumps down onto Chishiya’s, both of your naked chests flush together.
You’re still grinding against him, your clit brushing against his pelvis. You can hear how sticky it is down there every time you move.
A desperate whimper leaves your lips when Chishiya lifts his hips slightly, giving more pressure to your sensitive bud while simultaneously pushing his cock deeper in your soaked hole.
“Please,” you whimper out.
The ache between your legs is getting too much to handle. The only things you can think of at this point is Chishiya and having him make you cum.
“Please what?”
The shift of his lower body makes you whine once again. He’s messing with you, you know that, but at this point you don’t care.
“Please make me cum,” you sob, tears still streaming down your face.
Your face was in the crook of his neck so you couldn’t see him, but you could feel the amused snicker vibrate his body.
“Backing out of a challenge so soon?”
All you can do is nod frantically hoping he’ll grant you some mercy. You feel him hum thoughtfully only to feel him tap your sides.
“Up, I’ll help you, but you have to stay in the position you were before.”
Knowing that that’s as far as Chishiya was willing to compromise, you use all your strength to sit back up.
Breathing heavily, you brace your hands on Chishiya’s chest. His eyes remain focused on your face, almost as if he’s entertained by your struggle. Knowing him, he probably is.
Gripping your hips Chishiya steadies you, only to thrust up into your cunt, his cock brushing against your g-spot precisely.
Letting out a broken moan, you lean most of your weight on your hands, only to have Chishiya thrust up again and again and having him hit your g-spot over and over.
Your eyes are unfocused, but you can make you the smug grin covering Chishiya’s face with every thrust. He doesn’t break his pace once, and the only thing coming out of your mouth now is whimpers.
That pool of arousal soon starts building up once again, and god you can’t take it any longer. You can feel every thrust of Chishiya’s cock dragging against your sopping wet walls.
Chishiya could see a white ring forming around the base of his cock, and knowing you're close again, starts to slow down, making you wait for your release even longer.
You let out another sob of frustration, only to hear Chishiya quiet chuckling.
“You didn’t think It’d be that easy did you?”
You knew he wouldn’t just give into you. You knew, yet you still thought that he might’ve given you a little leniency. Apparently not though. He’s stopped his movements and settled for controlling your hips in a slow grind, making sure your clit rubs against his pelvis every time.
“I said I would help, not do all the work.” There was a slight pause before Chishiya continued. “Unless you don’t want to cum?”
That last sentence cut through your foggy mind. You knew he wasn’t playing around. If he wanted to, he could deny you cumming at all. He has before, and he sure as hell would do it again.
So, you slowly begin to bounce on Chishiya’s cock once again. Of course, he follows through with his promise to you, gripping your hips and helping you go up and down like you were previously.
That coil in your stomach was beginning to tighten fastly, the four previous ruined orgasms making you so much more sensitive.
You’re right at the edge, so close you could practically see the bliss that was sure to take over you.
Chishiya’s hand slides up your soaked thigh covered in both of your juices, to your cunt, that is continuously riding his cock. His thumb brushes over your clit once, twice, only the third time he starts rubbing tight circles against it.
Your head falls back, jaw open, as you let out a silently moan. And when Chishiya’s cock hits your g-spot once again, that coil finally snaps.
A shutter racks your body as goosebumps cover your skin. You see white as you cum all over Chishiya’s cock, creaming around it. A euphoric sense passes through you and you don’t think you’ve ever felt this good.
Your body slumps safely onto Chishiya, who was currently helping you ride out your orgasm by continually rubbing your sensitive bundle of nerves.
Coming down finally from you high, you start to whine at the overstimulation, only to be flipped around on your back with Chishiya hovering above you, thrusting shallowly into your sensitive heat.
“You didn’t think we were done did you?”
The feeling of his lips kissing and sucking their way up your neck had you leaning your head back, giving him more access.
Only then does he brush them against your ear and whisper.
“I didn’t even cum yet.”
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