#Chishiya aib
catandrabbitt · 1 year
you arrive back at the beach later than expected after a game. chishiya can’t help but to assume that you’re dead
yandere! chishiya shuntaro x reader
warnings: mentions of supposed death, manipulation, aggressive behaviors from chishiya, references to sexual activities but nothing happens, mentions of drugging but once again nothing happens
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The blonde feels his patience running thin and his heart getting heavier. Every minute that passes by without you showing up only worsens his anxiety.
He has no right to be irritated. He knows that, but he can't help himself.
You had left to play a game earlier tonight, and still hadn't returned. The players that had come back to The Beach have already filtered through, and the only ones left in the hallway were Chishiya and Kuina.
"Chishiya, don't you think we should head back? It's getting pretty late—" Kuina was cut off by the bitter male.
"I didn't ask you to stick around. Go back if you want but I'm staying here." He snapped back, turning away from her.
Kuina knew that the blonde had a soft spot for you, loved you even. But she'd never seen him react this way before. Even Niragi had never managed to get him this worked up. He was practically bristling.
"She's intelligent and strong. I'm sure her car is just running late." Kuina said quietly, taking a hesitant step towards Chishiya.
The male didn't respond, choosing to ignore Kuina.
Kuina didn't know what to say. Chishiya usually kept his infatuation for you under wraps, but the way he was acting was worrying her. She feared what would happen if you did return tonight. Chishiya had already used his executive powers to move your bedroom next to his so that he could keep an eye on you.
"How about I stay and wait for her to come back? You need to get some rest." Against her better judgement, she stepped forward and placed a hand on Chishiya's shoulder.
Kuina flinched when the blonde turned around and shoved her hand off of him, an annoyed sneer on his face. "Don't touch me." He practically hissed at her. "Go back to your room, Kuina, and leave me alone for the night."
She swallowed thickly before lowering her hand, turning around, and heading back into the hotel.
A few more minutes passed, and Chishiya began to feel a soreness in the back of his throat. He was beginning to get choked up.
He shouldn’t be reacting this way. You weren’t a couple, but Chishiya was so infatuated by you. He couldn’t bare the thought of anything happening to you.
The sound of an engine coming closer pulled him from his thoughts. Hope blossomed in his chest as he saw headlights coming up the hotel driveway.
His eyes were glued to the car as the players pooled out, grumbling about a 'late game'. The last player to exit the car was you.
Relief flooded his system, but so did anger. How dare you scare him like that?
"Y/N." His cold voice called out, catching the attention of the tired girl. He noticed you had a cut on your cheek, and a deeper cut on your arm.
"Hey, Chishiya." You breathed out, clearly exhausted. "Late game tonight—"
"I don't care." He cut you off, his feline eyes narrowing into slits. Your eyes widened at his tone and blunt statement, and immediately noticed that he was angry.
"What's wrong—?"
"My room. Now." He said firmly, before turning around and beginning to walk inside. You were confused, but followed nonetheless. You were neighbors, after all, so there wasn’t anywhere you really could go.
You trailed silently after the fuming blonde, wondering what could have possibly set him off like this. He was usually so calm and collected that it was concerning to see him act this way.
"Chishiya, what happened? Did—" He cut you off once more by practically ripping his door off the hinges.
"Get inside." He ordered through grit teeth. You stared at him for a few moments, trying to get a read on him, before deciding it was pointless and hesitantly trailing inside. You heard the door slam behind him as he entered after you.
The two of you stood in silence. Chishiya had his hands in his pockets and you had your arms crossed.
"What the hell was that, Y/N?" Chishiya finally said, his eyebrow twitching.
You furrowed your eyebrows. "What are you talking about?"
"You know damn well what I'm talking about." Chishiya said lowly, stepping closer to you. "Coming back from your game late and nearly giving me a heart attack? I stood outside for almost an hour, waiting for you to return."
You scoffed, feeling a twinge of annoyance that he had the audacity to be mad at you. "I can't help that my game ran longer than it was supposed to. I didn't strike you as the type to care, anyway. Since when have you concerned yourself with other people's deaths?"
Chishiya was practically chest-to-chest with you at this point. While he was a generally shorter male, he still had a height advantage over you by a few inches.
He didn't answer you for a few moments, only glaring down at you.
"You reserve no right to be mad at me." You said, quiet enough for him to hear. "You'd sacrifice me if you had the chance just to save your own ass."
You shoved him away from you, going to leave his room. However, Chishiya caught your wrist and pulled you back towards him, wrapping his arms around you.
"You're wrong." Chishiya muttered, pushing your back into the wall where he now had you pressed against. "We're meant to be, Y/N. I can't help that I care about you."
"'Meant to be'?" She almost scoffed. "Ever since I've known you I got the vibe that you hated me, and now you're spouting this bullshit? Get a grip, Chishiya. You're manipulating me." You tried pushing him away again, but he only pressed you back into the wall.
"I'm not. You're mine, and I'll be damned if I let the games or anyone else take you from me." His breath was hot against your face. You had never seen Chishiya this riled up.
You didn't know what to say. You avoided his fiery gaze for a couple moments, before he sighed and pressed his forehead against yours.
"Allow me to bandage you up." He uttered after a few seconds, pulling away from you and tugging you towards his bed. "Sit."
You obeyed his simple command as Chishiya entered his bathroom. You could hear some cabinets opening and closing, items being shuffled around before he returned with a first aid kit and some napkins.
"Since when do you know how to tend wounds?" You raised an eyebrow, an attempt at trying to lighten the mood.
He glanced up at you, an unimpressed look on his face. "I'm a doctor." His statement was cold and blunt. You practically felt relief that he was finally back to acting how he usually does, rather than the side of Chishiya you saw moments prior.
The next few minutes passed in silence. Chishiya bandaged your arm and face up and cleaned up any blood, and you just watched him.
Your eyes trailed his figure as he got up to put the first aid kit back into the restroom. When he came back, you stood up. "Thanks for the help, doc. I think I'm gonna head back to my room for the night."
When you made a move for the door, Chishiya intercepted you, standing in front of the doorway.
You sighed, fed up with him tonight. "What has gotten into you tonight, Chishiya? Sure, my car was late, but—"
"Stay with me tonight." He stated, not breaking eye contact with you. "Don't worry, we won't do anything if you're worried about that. My bed has more than enough space for us both."
You would stay with him regardless. He could only hope that you’d stay willingly, so that he wouldn't have to use force on you.
"Please." He added after a few moments, for good measure.
There's a small, sadistic glint in his eyes that makes you uneasy. His behavior tonight was making you on edge.
Finally, you sighed once more and crossed your arms. "Will it make you feel better?"
"Definitely." There was no hesitation with his response.
"Alright then. I'll stay for tonight." You accepted, ignoring the voice in the back of your head saying that this was not a good idea at all.
"Glad to hear it. I wouldn't have wanted things to get nasty." Chishiya gave you his signature sly smirk. "Go ahead and get comfortable."
You made your way over to his bed silently as he heads off towards the bathroom. You were pushing your nerves down, convincing yourself that everything was going to be okay.
While he was gone, you contemplated rushing out the door. However, you knew that if Chishiya really wanted you to stay tonight, he’d either drag you back or just stay in your room.
You had barely made it under the blankets by the time Chishiya emerged from the restroom, a faint minty air surrounding him now. He got on the bed from the other side, slipping under his blankets.
You let out a squeak as Chishiya's surprisingly strong arms wrapped around you, effectively pressing you against him as he snuggled farther under the blankets. One of his hands gently rubs against your back, the other brushing against your hair.
"Chishiya..?" You whispered, a little nervous at the sudden contact.
"What? Not a big cuddler?" You could hear the teasing tone in his voice.
"It's not that. I just didn't expect you to be a big cuddler." You replied, cautiously wrapping your arms around his waist. If you could see his face, you would have seen the way his face reddened at your acceptance.
He actually smelled really nice, like fresh rain and peppermint. This might not be so bad.
Your head snuggled deeper into his embrace, much to his enjoyment. Very soon, you began to fall asleep in his arms, surprisingly relaxed.
A few moments of comfortable silence passed. Chishiya felt the way your breathing slowed, how your grip loosened ever so slightly on his waist.
He hummed, watching your chest rise up and down rhythmically. "Y/N?" You don’t respond, confirming that you were already fast asleep.
A cruel smile that he had been suppressing all night makes it's way across his face.
Finally, he got the chance to fall asleep with you. And even better, cuddle. He hadn't meant to scare you when he got mad, but he couldn't help it. If he lost you, he didn't know what he'd do, or if he could even handle it.
It's okay. It all worked out well in the end.
Chishiya smirks at your still-tight cling to his waist.
Maybe too well.
He's glad that you agreed without too much of a struggle. He sighed and pressed a ghost of a kiss to your cheek.
Of course, on any other night he could have dragged you from your room and forced you to fall asleep with him, but imagining you thrashing around and trying to get away from him left a bad taste in his mouth.
If you had walked out of his room tonight, he would have had to drug you or hurt you to get what he wanted.
He prefers this scenario much, much more, with you as a conscious and willing participant.
Maybe you two would have to do this again.
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imagine--if · 1 year
Hello! I see you are taking requests for Alice in Borderland? If I may, can I request some Chishiya boyfriend headcannons?? Thank you <3
A/N: Absolutely, Chishiya's my favourite character hehe 🥰️ thanks for requesting!! My inbox is open for Alice In Borderland characters until the 15th, so send yours in now 💙 I think I'm gonna get started on some Banda Sunato relationship headcanons afterwards tho, because DiD yOu SeE hIs EyeS??! And his smILE?? Imma have to start writing more 😍
Warnings: Small spoilers for season 2, fluff 😁
 ♡ Dating Chishiya Shuntaro Includes: ♡
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♡• Damnnn, I don't know where to start 😵 he's a clever, smug ass, and he knows it, but I'm a full believer that this man could fall in love with the right person surprisingly deeply. I'm not making him out of character in any way by saying he'd fall in love at first sight, because he wouldn't, but he would have a growing interest in you that develops over the weeks into something more without him even realising it.
♡• You probably met when you both caught on with an outcome of a game, or someone giving off weird vibes. Probably in the Jack of Hearts game? He'll watch the manipulation and secret communications going on, and then notice that you're looking in the same direction. Your eyes will meet, and you'll just know that you're thinking the same thing, which interests him, and he'll raise a brow at you with that smirk of his from the other end of the room.
♡• Your independence and surprising intelligence are what moved Chishiya to wander over to you and make a comment or something about how it's going, and you'll get short conversations afterwards that pick up from there. It's nice to see someone who's not already breaking down from the intensity of the bloody games or is too stupid to notice that they'll probably be one of the first to die. So he starts popping up in place you hang around, just to see if you really are different in the way he likes. You are, ofc 🙃
♡• Once you've properly got a chance to talk outside of the game and form an unspoken sort of friendship, Chishiya finds himself intrigued by your personality. He wants to know how you think. How you feel. What you like and don't like. As the games and days go by, he's kind of borderline obsessed in this way 😂 because he's never really found someone interesting and special enough to catch his attention and hold onto it before, so with you, he's mesmerised in his own way.
♡• You can feel his stare from a mile away and damn he's a shameless starer 😏 and him being him will just give you a smirk, hold your gaze and then look away again. It happens a lot, and it always leaves you puzzled. Or he'll wave at you from a different vantage point of a particular game like he did with Aguni. The other people in the game get kind of suspicious by how you're both so ahead, whispering to each other every now and then and making it out of everyone alive, but Chishiya doesn't really care. He doesn't make his partnership with you in games a secret unless it's necessary.
♡• He gets to that point of trusting your decisions and you as a person where he starts speaking his mind to you instead of quietly to himself as well, and when you're on the same page of finishing each other's sentences, Chishiya definitely compliments your thinking, especially when you pick up on something that he didn't. He looks uncharacteristically, mildly taken aback as he studies you for a quick moment, but then it's replaced with that signature smile with a hint of something more in those deep brown eyes. "Clever girl, aren't you?" It's not condescending at all, it's more admiration and fondness, enough to make you smile and look away.
♡• When Chishiya comes to the point where he realises that it's not just fondness as a captivating friend that he feels for you, it's turning into a lot more than he ever expected himself to feel. He has to be alone for a little while to think about it, since it's another life, another responsibility besides his own, and close relationships have always been something he's never thought right for him. Until you.
♡• Frustrates the hell out of him on the one side, but he doesn't want to deny and push it away either. So after a time, he'll come and find you again, and instead of straight up asking you out like a normal person, he'll softly comment about how you two just work, have a meeting of minds he's never felt before. Not only in games, but in other ways too. He's not sappy or anything, but it's obvious he really likes you by the unusually gentle look on his features.
♡• Just kiss him 😵 that'll seal the deal, and suddenly you're the power couple of the borderlands with a smug-looking grey-blonde haired man who casually says, "I guess we're in this together, then, hm?" in the sweetest and cockiest way, like you didn't just make out for a solid five minutes just a second ago. He's a surprisingly good kisser hehe
♡• He only really won games out of observance and amusement before, but since you've come into his life, Chishiya finds himself winning them in the hopes of seeing you again, and hoping even more that you'll both pull through to make it out of this twisted world and into a reality where you can have a proper relationship. That's what he wants. He wants you.
♡• A lot of people think he wouldn't be into PDA, and I agree to the point that he wouldn't go strutting around all affectionate and loudmouthed with you attached to his hip *cough* Niragi *cough* but I just know he'd be proud to have you as his partner, in and out of games, when you go to sign in for each one. Like the Jack of Hearts. You'll be watching everyone go mad and trick each other, the secret communications and all, while Chishiya watches with his casual, amused expression, sharing his snacks with you while your arms swing between you slightly as you hold hands.
♡• Again, power couple 100000% 😏 he knows it, he's silently proud and smug about it, but again, not a loudmouth. He won't hide your relationship in any way because he values it, but he won't make a big deal of it when the group start asking.
♡• Chishiya knows you can handle yourself, since he's seen you win games independently using your own skills and knowledge, but still, he doesn't want to take chances. Not with you. So outside of games, he'll give you precious insights into how he thinks, so that you can realise things more quickly and win more easily. Probably even goes as far as to help you win when you're sticking by communicating with you in a secret way too. You've got to stay alive for each other. That's his only priority. He refuses to even think about a mistake that could be made, and the price you'd have to pay. It won't happen, not with him around. And I mean, he's a doctor too, so if you get hurt, he'll fix it up pretty easily.
♡• If you get overwhelmed every so often by the deaths and the blood and the pain, like having to take a step back and control your breathing, stop yourself from crying, Chishiya will know straight away. He's not afraid to show part of his hidden soft side with you, even if it's only been a week or so since you've met or you're not officially dating - he's not shy. Just reserved. So he'll tilt your face to look him dead in the eye with a gentle touch, and whisper so only the two of you can hear, "Don't cry now. You've got to use that brain of yours to get back home with me. Understand? Come on, breathe, you can do it."
♡• Behind closed doors, he's a lot more open to affection. Chishiya is the warmest boy ever when you want cuddles after a particularly rough face card game, or just to be close to him. Sometimes you'll talk in hushed tones about your pasts, or what you'll do in the future outside of the borderlands, sometimes it's just a comfortable silence. He finds it hilarious when you make up stories and tell him exactly what you want to do back at home, like get a cat or travel somewhere and eat something particular. He'll be all teasing about it like, "I'm going to be dragged with you to all these places then, am I? Just because I'm a doctor and make good money, you're gonna spend it all for me?" "Yes." "Minx."
♡• He's a whole simp in his own way, so at the end of the day, when you make it out of there alive, you can take him anywhere. Chishiya hated his empty life anyways, so going back to it after all this effort would be ludicrous. He's a sweetheart really, for sure, just give him a little time, and he'll open up to you, be there for you whenever you need him... I want a Chishiya 🥲
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lunaasolstice · 1 year
A Midnight Show
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Pairings: Chishiya x Fem! Reader
Warnings: NSFW! Smut (18+), Public Sex, Oral Sex 
Summary: Chishiya helps you win a game. Now he wants something in return. 
Your body shivers as you dive head first into the clear blue water. It didn’t help that it was well past midnight, the cold breeze hitting your skin as the heat evaporates off your body. There wasn’t many people around, surprisingly, only a few at the other side of the pool drinking their beers and conversing with one another. You stand still as your back leans against the wall of the pool, giving your body some time to adapt to the temperature of the water. It was a stupid idea to go swimming at this time but you honestly couldn’t deal with all the crowded people during peak daylight hours.  Plus, you basically have the entire half of the pool to yourself so it’s an obvious win. 
“Surprised to see you here.” said a condescending voice. You look up and see that it’s him, giving you an arrogant smirk.
You met him earlier at one of the games. It was a diamonds game and the two of you were randomly paired together by the game master to work together. The objective was to try and save the other players that were trapped behind several doors before the time runs out. In order to open those doors you had to figure out the pass code with certain riddles that were given. If the task was not successful, then everyone dies. Your white-haired partner basically figured out every single riddle and all you had to do was punch the codes in and get everyone out.
“Thanks for saving us. I don’t know if I would’ve done that myself.”
“It wasn’t difficult. The name is Chishiya by the way.”
“Oh thank you Chishiya. I don’t know to repay you.”
“I’ll figure that out soon.” Were his last words to you before he stepped out of the building.
“What do you want?” You ask, rolling your eyes.
“Didn’t know it was a crime for me to come out into the pool.” He takes off his white jacket and gets in the pool, his body slightly shivering after making contact with the water. 
“I didn’t say that. I just asked what do you want?”
He’s right in front of you now, giving you that smirk once again. “Hm, well since you asked you do owe me from the game earlier today.”
“Okay? What is it?”
His cocky smirk only gets wider, “Well I know there’s something we could both use right now.”
You cock your head to the side, “Oh?”
He slowly inches toward you, his cat brown eyes never leaving yours. Your breath hitches and it was as if the water was frozen because you could not move at all.
“I know you want me, Y/N. I could tell by those pathetic heart eyes of yours.”
There was no way to respond to that because he is right. When you first saw him you couldn’t stop admiring his beautiful features. You were sure not to stare at him too much throughout the game but it was probably too obvious now that you think about it. 
His hands land on your hips, lifting you so that you are now sitting at the edge of the pool. Your legs were still dangling against the water, eyes never leaving his. You can feel something crawling under your skin, in your blood giving you a jolt of fire you couldn’t explain. 
You can feel your pussy tingling. There’s no denying now that you are horny for this man and  hope that he is thinking the same thing you are thinking right now.
“Let’s have some fun right here, yeah?” You immediately nod and his hands are now on your thighs, slowly opening up your legs as he looks at your pleading eyes. With ease he’s able to move your bikini to the side, his fingers delicately touching your folds.
“Huh, already wet for me?. Are you that horny for me Y/N?”
You are embarrassed to say the least, but oh how fucking good does this feel right now.
He inserts his index finger inside you, pumping in and out slowly as he carefully adds his middle finger.  This time, he was speeding up the pace of both his fingers inside you, and it was enough friction for your vaginal walls to want to beg for more. Soft whimpers escape your mouth, and you tried your best to hold it in. You didn’t want to be too loud as it would cause attention to the two of you. After all, there were still people at the other side of the pool. You never in your life expected to be in this position but you didn’t care. You wanted to enjoy this moment and if it meant you had to be his fucking whore for the night then so be it. 
His thumb starts circulating against your clit, your whimpers now turning into loud moans. You bite the back of your hand to prevent the moans from getting louder. Chishiya chuckles, bringing your hand away from your mouth, “Moan for me, princess.”
You were about to reach your high, his thumb keep circulating your clit as he finger fucks you and you couldn’t hold back the moans any longer. Your eyes look over to the people at the other side of the pool. Chishiya follows your gaze and laughs.
“Let them watch” He says, “They can enjoy this beautiful show we are giving them. All the world must know how fucking good I make you feel.”
You couldn’t take it anymore. His dirty talks were making your vaginal walls clench against his fingers, your eyes begging him to not stop this euphoric sensation. 
“Please don’t stop, Chishiya. It feels so good.” you whimper.
But teasing you is fun, and he slides his fingers out of you just before you were going to orgasm. 
“The show isn’t over yet princess,” he begins to completely take off your bikini.
“Tell me what you want.” He demands.
Your eagerness was through the roof and all you wanted was your pussy in his mouth.
“I want you, Chishiya. I want you right now.” The desperation was visible in your voice, and he gives you that same signature smirk as his mouth inches closer to your folds. The tip of his tongue licks your clit, a quiet moan escapes your lips.
“Say it again.” He commands.
“I want you so much Chishiya, I need you.” you beg. 
“Good girl.” Your legs wrap around his head as his tongue starts exploring the inside of your pussy. His tongue thrusts in and out, the soft moans desperately singing for more. His long tongue licking your clit gave you an intense stimulation that made you scream his name in pleasure.
He enjoys tasting the saccharine juices escaping your folds as your thighs suffocated his head deeper against your pussy. The waves of pleasure were out of this world, and you felt like you were on cloud nine. 
“Oh my god Chishiya, I’m going to cum.” you yelp. His mouth working over time as he licks your pussy faster while his thumb stimulates your clit. Chishiya’s brown cat eyes are boring into yours, and he enjoys seeing how much of a wreck he is turning you into. Your feet were shaking and you cried out his name as you reached your orgasm. Your heart was racing and your breathing was out of control. Looking down you see Chishiya giving you a wide smirk, along with huge boner peeking out of his swim trunks. 
“That felt really good holy fuck.” you complimented.
“Hmm, guess I don’t mind having another midnight show. ” He grins.
And you wouldn’t hesitate doing it again. 
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chishiyaisasnack · 9 months
Random Chishiya headcanons that lives in my head rent free. (Sfw)
Chishiya only wear black socks. Easy to wash, no work to match them afterwards and who even cares about socks anyway?
He only have one pair of shoes outside of work and when they get too worn out he gets the exact same brand again. He would be so lost if they stopped making that particular shoe.
He is very intrigued by eyelash curlers and why you would ever use one of those that close to your eyes. What if you sneeze?
He definitely have a robot vacuum and he has definitely named it after some random ass cat he saw on the street once.
He unironically loves instant noodles and lives off them. Not because he wants to save money, he just loves the taste.
He has decided to never show you how he looks with wet hair ever since you told him that he probably looks like ”a cute wet cat”. He’s not butthurt about it, just stubborn.
He lets you paint his fingernails and he would wear it if it wasn’t for the hospital not letting him. (They need to see that their nails are clean)
He only owns grey and black t-shirts, except for that one ugly christmas shirt you bought him that he just can’t get himself to get rid of.
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Minors, do not read! Contains mentions of smutty behavior!
MASTERLIST (up-to-date)
This is Part 1! !!HERE!! is Part 2! !!HERE!! is Part 3! !!HERE!! is Part 4!
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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Alice in Borderland/Imawa no Kuni no Alice characters or original stories, only the plot of this fanfic. Alice in Borderland/Imawa no Kuni no Alice characters and original storyline belong to Haro Aso, who made the Manga the Series is based on.
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Trigger Warning: Explicit Smut in later Parts, both Characters are Teens, Slight Toxic Behavior, Complicated Consensual/Not-Consensual Behavior Summery: Chishiya x Female Reader
BestFriend!Chishiya who you have known since Childhood. You were totally in awe how smart and independent he was, and he liked that someone viewed him as that, so you two became friends. Sort of. It’s complicated.
BestFriend!Chishiya who grew up with you around him, getting used to you calling him a genius in your sarcastic tone, whenever he informs you, sitting on his high horse, of all the errors you have done on the last test, especially the math ones. You are so bad at math, and he is so smart. You smile every time tho and he smirks cocky.
BestFriend!Chishiya smirks a lot, bit he gives you his honest ones. You know of his problems with his parents and them never really being there for him. You don’t know everything, just the bit he told you, but unlike other people, you are the person he trusts the most, so he shares some of his vulnerable moments with you. Not many, he is a cool guy after all and there is no way he lets something like his past destroy that.
BestFriend!Chishiya who you had sleepovers with since you were a little kid. You always come to his house. Your many siblings and overbearing parents don’t understand how you could befriend someone like him. They already tease you and sometimes try to push you to make new friends, but you don’t want to.
BestFriend!Chishiya doesn’t get along with many people and because of that you don’t make many other friends, but if you do, those friendships always break apart when your new friends like to point out how awful BestFriend!Chishiya is and downright mean. You don’t like what they say so you dump them.
BestFriend!Chishiya is more than happy about that. Your friends come and go, but he always stays with you and you with him. Even in your teens you two have regular sleepovers.
BestFriend!Chishiya is still way better then you at math and tutors you a lot. You do homework together and then he asks you if you want to stay for dinner. After dinner he tells you if you really want to walk home in this neighborhood and at this hour. He makes sure to point out how someone like you could easily get kidnapped and worse. He scares you so much, that he must hide his grin when you later ask him with a worried face and a shaky voice if he minds you staying for the night. Just this night, you say, tomorrow I will walk home after school.
But BestFriend!Chishiya asks you if you need help with homework after the next school day. He drops in passing that you are still so bad in math, that you maybe have to repeat this year if you don’t put in some effort, but hey it’s your future after all, right?
BestFriend!Chishiya walks away without another word and you follow him after hesitating for a moment, telling him that maybe you will take his offer “It wasn’t an offer, I was just stating the facts” he said, smirking when you panic for a moment, then adding “If you want me to teach you again you have to offer ME first something in return for the hassle”
You promise BestFriend!Chishiya to buy him his favorite chocolate but he waves this away. His parents have left him enough money to buy whatever he wants. You then ask him what he wants, and he will act like he is thinking for a moment and then whisper in your ear, that it’s a surprise.
Later, when all homework is done and Dinner has been eaten, BestFriend!Chishiya comes up to you and tells you it’s time to pay your debt. You smile, cause hey this sounds like a funny game, what will he make you do? Kiss a frog, or maybe scream obscenities from the balcony? But BestFriend!Chishiya has something else in mind.
BestFriend!Chishiya tells you that when you go to take a bath, he wants to stay in the bathroom and watch you. He is kidding right, you think and laugh but BestFriend!Chishiya remains totally serious and you tell him no, no way will you agree to that.
BestFriend!Chishiya knows what he is doing. He states facts to wrap you around his finger. He tells you that it’s just for research reasons, nothing sexual, but you don’t buy it. He then says that he wants to become a doctor, which you already knew of, so he needs to know the human body and he wants to know more than just what books and diagrams can show him. You are his friend so that’s okay right? It’s not like he wants something from you or you from him, right? The both of you are teens, 16 in age so there is nothing wrong with it, don’t you agree?
BestFriend!Chishiya sees you aren’t fully convinced but you have to agree that his reasons sound kind of reasonable, which they totally aren’t, BestFriend!Chishiya knows this, but he also knows very well how to talk you into things and he is using this knowledge to his advance.
You have to admit that BestFriend!Chishiya was always the more ambitioned one. The one who strived for understanding things and information’s beyond what the everyday person wants. He was very intelligent after all, consuming news and learning at a way higher speed then you could ever master, so maybe his request wasn’t unreasonable at all, you just didn’t understand it because you weren’t seeing the world like him, thru his observant wary eyes.
BestFriend!Chishiya has you hooked. You say yes and when you walk into the bathroom later, pushing the bath as far away as possible, you slightly shiver and your hands clench and unclench into fists. You want to undress first and then let him in, but he tells you that this is dumb. He will see everything anyway, so why making a fuss over it? Just get it done and you do, feeling like you act illogical, and he is right after all.
BestFriend!Chishiya watches as you take off your school uniform in front of him. You don’t face him, can’t. Your back is towards him, and you steal glances from time to time to look at his face but there is no expression at all. He looks like when he studied the dead frog’s corps during class. Focused and totally in his element. You on the other side feel so exposed and ashamed like never before. If you weren’t naked already, you maybe would take your legs into your hands and run, but there was no going back, not after he stepped forward, his arm expanding and his hand reaching for your body.
BestFriend!Chishiya raises his eyes to yours when you back away as a reflex. He knows he got you, but he still had to be careful not to let his true intentions slip thru the facade of reasons. His hand reaches for you again, this time you have yourself better under control and don’t move at all, while his fingers wrap lightly around your waist. Eyes travel down to every piece of exposed skin, and he likes what he sees, damn he really does.
BestFriend!Chishiya is thankful that he is able to control his body better then you and way better than his urges, specifically his carnal ones that made him trap you into this situation. Ever since you two got older, you starting to bloom into a young and beautiful woman, he also felt the changes in him. Like the first night when he woke up in the middle of his sleep, surrounded by pitch black nothing with a wet spot around the center of his crotch and his heart pumping the blood so fast thru him, his ears couldn’t hear anything else.
BestFriend!Chishiya had his first wet dream and you were a significant part of it. There wasn’t anything special about it. Nothing too sexual or overly bothering. In his dream the two of you had been sitting on the rooftop of your school building. It was breaktime and you starred into the sky while your head was lying on his lower body, and he was reading a book he couldn’t remember. Nothing else. Just this and still, after that night, many more followed, until one morning he woke up to his pants standing up like a tent with a hard on erection underneath, that he had to get rid of in the same bathroom you were standing right now, hoping you won’t wake up before he had finished.
BestFriend!Chishiya has felt his interest for you growing since then and it wasn’t in a friendly manner. Day after day passes and he beats his meat at night, with you sleeping next to him in his bed, cause that’s how you two have always done it since childhood so why changing it now? Oh, you were so innocent, so naïve. For you, nothing has changed since then. The two of you were still friends, best friends to be clear, so what if others didn’t understood your relationship, BestFriend!Chishiya was special so it was only logic for that friendship to be special too, right?
When BestFriend!Chishiya hands roamed your body up and down, grabbing your tits, pinching your nipples and squeezing your ass after turning you around, you were more than confused when he let go off you and walked to the tub at the end of the room, turning on the faucet and feeling the waters temperature until he was content with it and let the tub fill up.
BestFriend!Chishiya gave you a reassuring smile, as if everything was okay and you were going to take a bath like always. Nothing weird has happened between the both of you, that’s what you told yourself, but you still gauged at his crotch when he set down on the edge, expecting to see at least a hidden sign of an erection, but nothing. Dead pants. This all really must have been just for research for him.
BestFriend!Chishiya caught you starring and followed your gaze, snapping you out of your mind with a mocking comment “Hoping to see something?” you immediately shook your head, almost getting whiplash from how hard and fast you did it but BestFriend!Chishiya grin only widens “Sure” he said and you felt the need to defend yourself and your actions “I was not!”
BestFriend!Chishiya raised his arms, feigning defense “Hey, I’m not the one who makes this weird” You want to scream at him, to hit him on his shoulder and tell him he is the creep that requested you undressing for him, but you remember his reasons and his non-existent arousal, asking yourself, if you did hoped to see some reaction from him. You felt a little let down, that after seeing you naked, touching and squeezing parts of you no man has ever seen before, he could just turn around and go back to normal, with no effect on him at all. Where you that unattractive?
BestFriend!Chishiya made you question things you have never thought about before, your eyes side eyeing his hidden penis. BestFriend!Chishiya sighed, making you realize you have been caught again “Anything you wanna ask?” you didn’t answer “Just spit it out, unless you want to keep undressing me with your eyes” you gasp, shocked at his accusations “I wasn’t…” you stammered but he shut you up with a look that pretty much said, Bitch please.
BestFriend!Chishiya waited, watching you open and closing your mouth again and again. The wheels in your head turning, trying to find the right words “Do you not…feel anything?”
BestFriend!Chishiya scoffs “I feel bored” you shake your head “No I mean do you not feel something…else?”
BestFriend!Chishiya ask “Like?” and you fidget with your hands, the fact that you were naked in front of him, your chest and everything right on display for him to take in, completely forgotten “Like” you begin “Some…arousal…maybe?”
BestFriend!Chishiya takes a deep breath but you interrupt him before he can say something “I-I mean I wasn’t expecting something, it’s just usually, I mean no, normally, yes normally a man reacts differently to a female…naked” you end and BestFriend!Chishiya titles his head “Do I give off the impression that I am like normal guys?” and you don’t answer right away, instead search for better words, but nothing comes to your mind “No” you finally admit, but it sounds more like a question and BestFriend!Chishiya must hide his smirk, knowing now you were really hoping do see a different reaction on him after this whole scenario.
BestFriend!Chishiya plays it cool by shrugging his shoulders “I guess I need something more to really get into the mood. As I said, a naked body is something a doctor sees on a daily base and I have seen some for study reasons, so I guess I see yours with the same eyes. Meat on bones” that did hurt more then you had anticipated. You never wished for BestFriend!Chishiya to few you as anything else then a friend, let alone some sexually attractive female, so why did it sting so much to hear that he wasn’t looking at you in any other way than he looked at those human models in biology class.
BestFriend!Chishiya gets back on his feet, he takes a long look at you, which is okay, you are way too deep into your thoughts to realize him starring at your sex, imagining his cum dripping down your thighs, after he stuffs your body full of it.
“Wanna see it?” BestFriend!Chishiya asks and catches you by surprise. His dark orbs are now back on your face, erasing any signs of filthy thoughts he had. You don’t understand what he meant “Come again?”
“If it troubles you so much, there is no point in getting all worked up, when the solution is so easy.”
You still don’t understand what BestFriend!Chishiya is trying to say, so he tugs at the hem of his school uniform trousers and cocks his head with a smirk “You showed me yours, I’ll show you mine”
“Oh” is all coming from you, your brain short circuited at the thought of seeing him LIKE THAT and before you can really think about what this means, before you are able to calculate all the possible happenings after this and how your friendship could turn out when all this is over, your voice whispered a small “Okay” and BestFriend!Chishiya almost laughed at your reaction, which he totally saw coming.
BestFriend!Chishiya unbuttoned his pants, unzipped the clothing and pulled down his legwear. You were holding your breath, about to pass out, when he stopped and instead proceeded with his shirt, his bare chest making you gasp for air.
Then, BestFriend!Chishiya made a show of slowly sinking his thumbs into his boxers and pulling them down teasingly, until his cock was all out and he let the fabric pool around his ankles, stepping out of both clothing’s. You should look away, anywhere, best would be his face, to create some kind of normality, instead you stare at his at his long and girthy dick, unable to look away “How did you fit that into any clothes?”
BestFriend!Chishiya looked down and then smirked up at you, walking with cautions steps towards your form, so he doesn’t scare you away with his sight “Are you telling me I’m big?” he asked teasing, reaching for your hand, squeezing it, reassuring you that everything is alright, before pulling it towards his sex wrapping your fingers around the soft meat. Your breathing hitched, unable to comprehend what is happening right now.
BestFriend!Chishiya saw this. He saw how overburdened you were with all that happened so far, and he decided, even tho he wanted more, it was enough for the day. The tub was full now. He carefully took your hand from his cock, not missing the small twitch of every single finger, before maneuvering you towards the hot water, helping you step inside, carefully, then joining you by sitting down on the other side. Too much body contact and nudity would probably make you pass out, so he keeps that for another day. The foundation was there now.
BestFriend!Chishiya was free to build on it however he planned and he was good at planning things after all everything that happened today, from the moment you left school, to you touching him, was all well calculated and thought thru and you followed every step he laid out for you, right into the rabbit hole.
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jadeinretrogrde · 9 months
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kayfacedraws · 1 year
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my fave game and my fave guy ♦️ [id in alt text]
ko-fi - commission info
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iloveneilperry · 1 year
Oh how I love timothee chalamet, neil perry, Kento yamazaki and nijiro murakami
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Why can’t men be real
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tawus · 1 year
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same energy
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cmkren · 1 year
Light ‘Em Up, Buttercup.
Chishiya Shuntaro x Gn! Reader;
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Chishiya always gave you little DIY trinkets, though you were perplexed, you accepted them. Cherished them. Today, you seemed upset. It also happened that today, he finally wanted to tell you how he felt. How he could feel a storm brewing amongst this false paradise that was The Beach, and how he wanted to tell you before he could lose you to this place and its madness. Tell you that he, Chishiya Shuntaro, loved you with all his being.
a/n; no warnings really needed! Some fluff (chishiya’s a real lover boy in this one), awkward chishiya cause that man has no rizz you cant tell me otherwise,,, oh n’ niragi’s mentioned a little, a lil cheesy but bare w me 💔
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The first time he gifted you something, it was just about a month into knowing Chishiya. He hadn’t known it then, but about then was where the sparks of a flame were slowly being ignited. A flame that he couldn’t put out, as much as he tried to force it down his stomach.
As much as he tried to smother it with the lid of reality— that this utopia they lived in was nothing but a farce.
All of the Beach’s residents never seemed to realize it, well except for a handful. Most were the executives though, or people Chishiya spoke to directly. Like Kuina. But you, you were one of the exceptions. That’s what he found refreshing about you, someone who didn’t run from reality— as crude as it was. That was what he liked about you.
It was why he liked you.
The first thing he’d given to you was a shiv, a crudely crafted blade that had its own little sheath he, too, created. His background gave him steady hands, it was no hassle to sew together some scrap pieces of leather together to create a hold for the pocket-sized weapon. Sure it wasn’t the best weapon in terms of effectiveness, but he had hoped that someday it would come in handy.
To say that he had a part in your survival, it gave him a sense of security and comfortability. Along with a smidgen of pride.
The idea to give you a shiv had popped into his head when he saw the way Niragi looked at you. He’d just been strolling by, but he saw the way his brow raised in interest, the slight purse of his lips that quirked up into a bit of a smile. No matter what had crossed through his mind at that moment, Chishiya didn’t care.
The fact that you caught Niragi’s eye was all that he needed to feel the frown creep up on his face. Of course, before anyone could give anything a second thought he managed to distract him and his prying eyes.
But both of them weren’t dumb.
Something had happened just there. Something neither men could wrap their heads around— mainly Chishiya. Niragi now knew you were of some importance to the smug bastard, and Chishiya couldn’t figure out why he cared. Him, who only ever cared about himself, doing something out of his way to help someone out. Even though he probably just worsened the chance of guaranteed safety for you.
The day right after that, Chishiya approached you with the same nonchalance he did daily. But today, he pulled something out of his pocket that surprised you.
“For you. Protect yourself, don’t be careless and die here. It’d be a rather pathetic death, dying out here than in a game that was purposefully designed to kill you.” For many, being spoken to like that would probably be off-putting. Maybe a little bit offensive. But you had just let out an airy chuckle, your uncertainty showing through your laugh.
“How charming.” Was what you said, taking the unknown object into the palm of your hand.
Seeing as you seemed a little confused, he piped up again, looking down at the sheathed shiv then at you, “it fits in your pocket— it’s a makeshift blade. I made it. Don’t say I never did anything for you—”
“Thank you.”
He stared at you for a moment, seeing the small smile on your face. It was one that found some amusement in this display of… well, he wasn’t sure what it was. All he knew was that, with the way you looked at him, he felt this fluttering in his stomach. Perhaps he ate something wrong not too long ago.
That must have been… weeks ago now. Every week he came up with something new to gift you. Not all of them were shabby trinkets he created himself, like for example once he gave you a lighter. Where he gets these things, no one knows. But him, of course.
Though as weeks dwindled and passed by, he knew it was only a matter of time before shit hit the fan.
He already had his plan mapped out, the only person he trusted to work in this was Kuina. Why not you? Because for the slightest chance they might fuck up, he didn’t want you caught in the crossfire.
After a hectic day, he found his way to you. Ever since he figured out how to make bombs, he thought, why can’t he make something with the same technology to make you happy? Or at least, to provide a show. He even figured out a way to get them coloured. Of course, he didn’t have enough materials or knowledge to go beyond that but he thought he refined his craft pretty well.
So when he tried to find you, and you weren’t in your usual spots, he felt a pit forming in his stomach.
He didn’t dare call out your name, only searching for you in quiet. Had you finally been taken? Or… did you not come back from a game? Was this Niragi’s doing? Who would be out to get you?—
His head whipped around, pieces of hair briefly flying into his face. He staggered a little, just a bit out of breath from his frantic searching. Right. Here on the roof top, a place he had personally introduced you to. A place where no one knew you could go.
In an attempt to regain his composure, he let out a little cough. “You— why are you up here?” He spoke out, brows furrowing just a little at his own words that sounded a little colder than he meant them to be.
An amused scoff left you, as you approached him, the moonlight and dim lights of the rooftop being the only light source, “I needed the fresh air.” You breathed out, a somber look on your face. At the moment, he figured it out. You must know it too, a mutual understanding you both have.
How this place had reached its due date.
He’d never been the one for distractions. To wallow in your own self pity and pretending that something wasn’t there when it clearly was. But for you, he’d indulge just a little.
“I kept up with my weekly quota, as promised,” a promise he created himself. Out of his pockets, each of his hands pulled out two dynamite looking sticks. Thin enough to be sandwiched between his fingers. “Fireworks, impressive, right?” He spoke with just a bit of smugness to his tone. That wasn’t really a question he needed answering to. Either way, whatever your answer would’ve been it didn’t matter.
The way your eyes lit up as you let out an audible gasp, already fiddling with your pockets for (presumably) your lighter was enough of an answer for him.
“You’re amazing! I mean— first the bombs and now fireworks? What can’t you do? Oh my god, you should totally make me a little robot thing—” as you blabbered, he already made his way to place the fireworks a good distance away from where they’d plan to sit and watch. A little bit of a smile on his face.
When everything got set up, he gestured towards the fireworks. “What are you waiting for? Don’t tell me you’re scare—”
A boisterous laugh escaped you as you immediately grabbed him by his arm, having gone out of the way to light them up as he was in the middle of taunting you.
What did this remind him of?
This reminded him of those cheesy romance dramas, the moment where the main characters confessed their love under the fireworks. While he never understood that, he couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. The happy look in your eye, the way you held his arm, how you reminded him of him just a little but be on an entirely different plane from him as well.
As the first firework set off, he saw how your turned around and he could see the bright light cascade over the glimmer of your eyes. How the light in your eyes shone brighter than any firework he could manufacture.
At that moment, for the first time in his time being in this twisted land, he didn’t think. “I love you.” He whispered out, not even paying attention to the light show as he watched how your expression shifted. How your eyes met his in that moment, the way your expression went from amazement to surprise.
Maybe it was too quick to say something like that. But in this lawless land, what did he gain from holding onto every little thing he wanted to say and do?
Over the loud booming of the fireworks, he tried to speak as much as he could. Saying that he wasn’t entirely sure what he was feeling, or how it even happened, but all he knew was that he fell. Hard. And that he wanted nothing but to see you alive— protect you even though deep down, he knew you were capable on your own.
You couldn’t even hear him. How were you supposed to, with those fireworks? But he still kept speaking. With tears in your eyes, you could only let out a choked laugh as you cupped his face with your hands and pulled him into a kiss.
“Oh shut up, just for once.” You laughed, briefly separating to only pull him back in again.
He could only think about how soft you felt against him, your warm hands creating this sorts of contrast against his cold skin. Was this really love? He didn’t know. But one thing he did know for certain, as he finally planted his hands on your hips;
like those fireworks, you lit up his night sky.
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tofuxtea · 2 years
hi ^_^ if you're not busy can you pls make a drabble abt niragi x reader x chishiya?? tyy ⁽⁽◝꒰ ˙ ꒳ ˙ ꒱◜⁾⁾
best of both worlds
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✧ ft. niragi suguru x chishiya shuntaro x fem!reader
✧ cw. nsfw implied, light banter (between guess who lol), possessiveness, jealous boys (more on niragis end tho), they struggle lol, fluff, silly teasing, brainrot for these two
✧ notes. TY FOR THE REQUEST I REALLY APPRECIATE IT!! i hope you like it and i apologize for such a long wait <3 thank you so much for waiting!
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never did you imagine yourself in a situation like this. as if being thrown into the vile depths of the borderlands wasn’t already enough, you were crowned with the rather taunting title of the “Beach’s Bitch.”
while it was only partially true, no one let you live it down. especially the two walking reasons as to why you were given the name in the first place. while it certainly pinched your nerves like guitar strings, it was nice to see them agree over something.
even if it was at your expense.
chishiya shuntaro, the beach’s number eleven, and niragi suguru, the beach’s number four, were rivals by nature. chishiya was a fox of a man; skinny, dyed blonde hair that was starting to grow out to his shoulders, and eyes that could see down to your very skeleton. niragi was the exact opposite. he was about a head taller than chishiya with long, slicked back black hair, and had a stare so venomous it could bring a grown man to tears. or maybe it was the automatic assault rifle he had.
they never got along and it was no secret. months ago, they could never even begin to stand in the same room as each other before one of chishiya’s sly remarks was thrown at the other’s back.
the last thing anybody would expect was for the two to share a similar interest in the beach’s newest addition; you. no one paid any particular attention to you when you snaked your way in and blended right in. you helped earn your fair share of cards, sure.
but that wasn’t what they paid attention to. chishiya admired your wit. you observed from the sidelines and made the right moves at the right times. niragi admired you. you always carried yourself like you knew what you were doing, any poor guy who treated you like you didn’t be damned. plus, you had nice legs.
it wasn’t long until the two had gained your full attention. at first, it was a mess. back and forth banter between them while you sat unimpressed in the middle of them. you didn’t remember when you started to find it quite endearing.
fast forward a few months and you’ve found a way to make the impossible possible. you sat at the beach’s bar with both men at either of your sides. niragi had his arm slung loosely around the back of your neck while chishiya’s shoulder was pressed securely against your own.
you sipped at your drink, silently enjoying the side glances the bartenders would give the three of you and the whispers that were too loud to even be considered whispers that would have niragi perking up like a guard dog. a sudden giggle made your shoulders jump, alerting the two.
“what’s so funny?” niragi grumbled after a nasty remark from one of the two girls passing by. chishiya hummed, curiously staring at your smiling face.
your fingers twirled the thin black straw inside the glass. “nothing,” you began, unable to hide the grin that kept growing. “i can just kind of imagine why people are reacting like this.”
the weight of niragi’s arm suddenly left and you turned to find his bewildered face inches away from yours. if you were absolutely anybody else, he would have punched the grin off of your face. “huh?”
“the two who can’t agree on the color of the sky dating the same woman. and she’s actually aware of it.” you spread your hands out like you were revealing a billboard. amused, you directed your eyes to chishiya, trying to get him to crack a smile. “i guess even i’m stunned that neither of you have tried to fight to the death over me. like edward and-”
“trust me, i would’ve killed him months ago if you didn’t make us play nice, doll.” niragi scoffed as he stole the glass from its place, bringing the straw to his lips and taking a lengthy sip.
“you were singing a different tune last night.” chishiya muttered as he shoved a cocky smirk into niragi’s face. the man nearly spat the drink out, slamming the cup onto the counter and choking into his free palm. you buried your flushed face into your hands, allowing the two room to glare at each other from behind your back.
nudging your elbow playfully into chishiya’s side, you shot him a flirtatious glare. he shrugged, a satisfied little smile creeping onto his lips. “he isn’t wrong, though. is he?” you fought a giggle when you faced niragi, remembering how intimate the two of them had been - with you in the middle, of course - last night.
the fire behind niragi’s scowl was fuel to your stifled giggle. yet he refused to admit it. so you gave up and pressed a kiss to his thinly pressed lips, leaning into him. he begrudgingly accepted it, instinctively reaching out to hold your waist.
“i’ll take that as a ‘no’ from you. shall we settle this in our room?” you quickly pecked chishiya on his pouting lips before hopping down from the bar stool and bounding happily out of the bar.
“what happened to her being our bitch?” niragi asked aloud, glancing at chishiya. the blonde laughed and shook his head.
“dunno. but in about an hour, neither of us will really care, will we?” it was enough to stir niragi from his seat, the two quickly following after you. it would be a good afternoon.
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catandrabbitt · 1 year
King of Diamonds
a one shot au where the main four stayed in the borderlands as citizens instead of returning
yandere! king of diamonds chishiya x gn! reader
warnings: not much LOL, kinda s2 spoilers (more like references) but not really, manipulation, mentions of character death, references to starvation, kidnapping if you squint, let me know if i missed any
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You were definitely in a pinch.
It was just you and the King now, as the two men and the woman had lost long ago and were melted by the sulfuric acid.
The King, who's name you had discovered to be Chishiya from the game announcer, was acting differently now that it was just the two of you.
"Let's take a break before we continue on, shall we?" The King smiled with malice. "I'd like to talk."
"What is there to talk about?" You raised an eyebrow. You were incredibly intelligent, which is why you had allowed yourself to enter the King of Diamonds game, knowing exactly what situation you’d be getting yourself into. You wouldn't allow him to manipulate you.
The King leaned forward a little, allowing his elbows to rest on the table. He was silent for awhile, his feline eyes never leaving your figure.
"I've been observing you for awhile." His statement was blunt, and it definitely caught you by surprise.
"I would hope so. This game is about observing your opponents and predicting their next move, is it not?" You were off put by his statement.
A small smile reached his lips, but it was anything but comforting. "That is correct. But that's not what I mean." Chishiya leaned forward a little more. "I was an executive at The Beach before it was burnt down. I've kept a watchful eye on you for a few months now."
You kept calm, only narrowing your eyes at him. "For what reason?"
He sighed and leaned back a little, eyes wandering around the room as if he were deep in thought.
"You're interesting." He finally said, meeting your eyes once more. "Very intelligent, and not to mention you're not too bad to look at. I've been waiting for you to inevitably show up here after The Beach burned down, since your best suit is diamonds."
"Get to the point." You shut him down, not willing to listen to his nonsense anymore.
He quirked his eyebrow, a sly smirk forming on his face. "Feisty too." His fingers drummed against the table, before continuing. "You remember Kuina, don't you?"
"Of course I do." You replied, a twinge of worry forming at the back of your throat. Hopefully he hadn’t done anything bad to her. "I've been searching for her ever since The Beach burnt down. She seemed to completely disappear once the Ten of Hearts game ended.”
A dark look flashed across his face. If you didn't know any better, you would have assumed that it was a flicker of jealously. It was gone as fast as it arrived, replaced by a cruel and wicked smile.
"You want to know where Kuina is?" The grin on his face made you nervous.
"Do you actually know, or are you just wasting more of my time?" You fired back, growing irritated at his small talk.
Chishiya laughed dryly, before all emotion on his face dropped. "She's the new Queen of Clubs. Are you surprised?"
You were dead silent, not wanting to believe what he was saying. Yet, his statement made sense as to why you couldn’t find her anywhere. You didn’t like Club games, which is why you tried to avoid them at all costs. "Yeah, I am." You replied after a few moments, raising your eyebrows once more.
"I had Kuina keep a close eye on you as well at The Beach. Any information you told her was immediately relayed to me." Chishiya was smirking again. "I know more about you than you think."
"Why would it matter to you?" You were confused on why Chishiya had such an interest in you.
"You want to know?" He replied, quirking an eyebrow. "I'm very interested in you. Dare I say, in love with you?"
"You're lying." You were fighting back laughter, and Chishiya could see it. His face went stone cold, no trace of amusement on his features. "I don't know anything about you, but you're spouting all this nonsense? Do you really think—"
You were cut off by the Kings' fist slamming into the table. He was furious that you were dismissing his emotions like that.
"My love for you is very, very real Y/N. Don't ever assume otherwise." He sneered at you. "You have no idea how many strings I've pulled to keep you alive."
You scoffed before he could continue. "I'm alive because of my own volition and efforts." You were getting irritated as well, only wishing to continue on with the game at this point.
"I wouldn't be so sure. Why do you think the King of Spades has only came after you at Shibuya crossing, and never once more?" Chishiya narrowed his eyes at you. “Or that the Jack of Hearts gave himself up so easily? The fact that you were the only one to survive the Queen of Diamonds game?"
"I didn't ask you to do any of that. I didn't even know who you were before now." You glared at him. "Are you finished? Can we continue the game now?"
The King's eyes were cold and filled with malice as they stared you down. A smirk formed on his face after a long silence.
"Of course, my dear. Let's hear the third and final rule." He spoke coldly, relaxing his body and leaning back a little in his chair.
"Rule 3: If the remaining player defeats the King, they are allowed to leave the building. If the King defeats the player, the player must stay with the King until he is successfully defeated."
Your eyes met the King's once more, annoyed at the smug look on his face. "You planned for us to be the final two, didn't you?"
"Of course I did. You're one of the smartest people I know." Chishiya cooed out. "Unfortunately, you're not smarter than me. You were stupid to think otherwise.”
You were definitely in a bind. You had -8 points and Chishiya had -7.
Round 12: The winner is Y/N.
Round 13: The winner is Y/N.
Round 14: The winner is Chishiya.
"Round 15. This round will be the last." Chishiya taunted. "Are you going to kill me, or be mine forever?"
You didn't respond. You had a sinking feeling that you’d lose this no matter what.
Chishiya's eyes never left your figure until you input your answer. You clicked 1.
Chishiya smirked. He pressed two.
"The time for this round has finished."
The results flashed on the board. You felt your heart drop as you saw the results.
Y/N: 1
Chishiya: 2
1 + 2 = 3 x 0.8 = 2.4
"The winner is Chishiya. There is now a player with -10 points. The game is over for this participant."
You met eyes with Chishiya, who had a annoyingly smug look on his face.
"You're sure you can't just dump the acid on me?" You sighed, raising an eyebrow. This definitely caught the King off guard, not expecting that response.
"Shouldn't you be grateful? I've saved you from having to participate in other games." Chishiya scowled. "I already owe many of the other citizens favors just because I wanted to save your ass."
Chishiya's lock around his waist came loose, but yours stayed locked. Panic rose in your throat as he slowly made his way towards you on the other side of the table.
"As my 'prize'," he began, snaking towards you. "You're technically 'dead' to the other game masters. You won't have a visa anymore, and thus won't have to play other games."
You averted your gaze from his figure as he was inches away, only to feel a hand harshly grip your chin back towards him.
He brought his face closer to yours, your noses almost touching.
"Don't forget your place, Y/N. I may love you, but I am, in fact, the game master here." He smirked, his eyes scanning over your features. "I'll keep you in that spot until you're begging for forgiveness."
"I think I'd rather starve to death before that happens." You scoffed, rolling your eyes at him.
"We'll see about that." He was unwavered, his smirk never faltering. And with that statement, he pressed a kiss to your forehead before releasing his grip on your chin.
You had no choice but to sit and watch as he turned around and left you alone at the table, dread rising in your throat as you began thinking of ways to get out of here.
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imagine--if · 1 year
hi! i saw that u write for aib and i was wondering if i can request a chishiya x reader, where they get separated in the middle of a difficult game and ends with the reader badly hurt by another player? idk why but i want something really angsty with a fluff ending (established relationship if possible) <3
A/N: Sure; I followed the concept as much as I could, I hope this is okay!! I need to start writing moreee aghhh I'm doing this final project for my course so it's been a bit hectic haha 😅 sorry for the wait! Enjoy 🖤 WORDS: 1.6K
Chishiya x Reader Oneshot; Smartass
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Spades and Diamonds.
You already knew which person had to go where, which one between you and your partner was best for the very different survival games. One was all about using your head, outsmarting everyone to come out alive, and the other was about using your fists, your fight, physical strength rather than mental. And although you wouldn't say that you're the most physical person, especially in the Borderlands, you knew that in all the Borderlands, Chishiya Shuntaro could probably outsmart every single player. Maybe every gamemaster.
It was one of the first things you'd said to him when you met. During the Jack of Hearts, while the numbers of players were dropping on the screen, until it was just you and a handful of apprehensive, strange survivors left, Chishiya had stalked up to you and suggested you team up. The smirk that radiated self-confidence and amusement with the world, barely taking it seriously, but winning every game anyway, just because he could.
"Why don't you go solo?" You had questioned him with a raised brow, slightly defensive after he had called out your behaviour of just tagging along with the group but barely saying a word. You knew that trust was a priceless thing in the Borderlands, let alone in a Hearts game, and no one was worthy of it. "If you're such a smartass."
You thought that might get him annoyed, give him another reason to try and eliminate you from the game apart from being a survivor in the way of finding the Jack, or that you were the Jack yourself. But, if anything, his smirk grew, and those deep brown eyes looked almost curious as they glanced up and down at you.
"If I'm so smart, then what might you be?"
You scoffed under your breath, shrugging and looking away. "Wouldn't you like to know."
"Maybe I would," was Chishiya's answer, and you looked up at him, taken aback. But you could see that he meant it, that curiosity shining through his otherwise blank, assessing features, and so, after getting out of that game alive, and many others with him suddenly at your side, he did know. You both started to know each other, more and more, until you were practically inseparable.
No one announced that you were together. There was no proposal, no question of going out, no massive gesture. You were together before you were together. It only took one sealing kiss, where you were both alone in another long, tense night that somehow seemed a bit relaxed with your company. Chishiya always seemed so unbothered, so humoured by the world and people around him, like it was playing out for his amusement. But now, as you're faced with a dilemma that's hardly a dilemma, he doesn't look so amused. He looks almost as apprehensive as the players around you look when you and Chishiya breeze through the challenges, working together flawlessly. Chishiya found it odd how easy it was to know what the other was thinking almost all of the time during games, to find an interest in someone new and different, until it unfolded into something deeper and more loving. The whole thing was completely alien to the both of you, but you loved it, and let it blossom.
But now, as the large fluttering images of the face cards are dragged through the sky by fat blimps, Chishiya's brows twitch unapprovingly, searching for a solution that will guarantee both of your safety.
"Go," you urge him, and he knows what you mean immediately, staring at you thoughtfully. "It's your game, Chishiya. Go beat the King of Diamonds. I'll manage, I will."
Chishiya doesn't answer for a stretched-out few moments, still looking for another option, a way for you to stay at each other's side like you always do, but there isn't anything. You can't risk losing a Diamonds game, and Chishiya can't risk getting beaten at a Spade game.
"You will," Chishiya says finally, though he's not agreeing. He's making you promise him, convincing himself as well as yourself. You know that he'll have no interest in returning to the real world without you, and by this point, you can't imagine living any way without him. You don't want to, and you won't.
"I will," you repeat, and he nods, not fully satisfied. But it's the best you can do.
"Good luck," he says with a smirk that doesn't quite quirk up fully, and his hand lingers in yours until Arisu and Usagi come over to get you.
Chishiya nods again, letting your hands fall apart, and goes over to Arisu, walking up close to him and muttering some words in his ear. Arisu looks straight at you, then at Chishiya, and nods with a half-smile. Then, he wanders off casually, blonde locks tangling with the light breeze, and you watch after him, hands going cold and lips vaguely swollen.
"Come on," Usagi tells you with a smile, patting you on the back, "let's go."
You do go. And you do the best you can do. You feel like Chishiya's watching you every step of the way, like he watches the Borderlands' events in half-hearted amusement. It's like he's leaning forward in his seat, pools of deep brown searching the screen you're running through, dodging attacks and bullets and shielding your ears from the bangs and cracks of the King's gun. There's so much blood, more blood than you thought was possible to come out of anyone. The stinging smell of iron makes you feel sick, all the while you fight to the death. Usagi and Arisu and everyone are beaten and broken, right up until the King is defeated. But by then, everyone is defeated.
Even you.
You feel almost guilty, along with the rush of other emotions; shock, dread, fear, pain, desperation. You can't bleed out on him now. Not when you've come so far. Not after you promised.
Arisu and Usagi make it towards you, helping you up and practically carrying you out of the game zone, Arisu screaming for help, help for another person, despite his cuts and bruises and blood staining his skin. Overhead, you hear two blimps boom up in flames, falling apart and to the ground in crashes, the card images flailing and burning, as dead as the countless bodies sprawled on the floor.
Two booms.
You smile despite yourself. You knew he'd do it. The smartass.
"Chishiya!" you hear Arisu scream, and Usagi supports your weight as Arisu stumbles over to the blonde-haired man, grabbing at his arm. "Help us. Help her. I tried, but there was so much..."
So much blood. So many bullets. Arisu had tried, and he hadn't failed. But now, as your blurring sight latches onto that all-too-familiar figure who walked quicker than normal to get to you, you feel as if you've failed. All in a moment, one shot from the King at the nearest moving thing was all it took to make you collapse, all of a sudden losing the invincibility you had with your other half.
The blurring made the Borderlands and its sounds fade in and out, in and out, until you were able to blink a neutral, albeit run-down room into view. It was the back room of some kind of shop, with you lying back atop a table, your shot wound being patched up with delicate, expert hands and concentrating, meticulous eyes. Those eyes flick up to meet yours before they're back on the wound, and Chishiya's white, plastic-gloved hand pulls out a bullet. You wince, expecting more pain than you get, and watch him groggily.
"Isn't this supposed to hurt?" you find yourself whispering, and Chishiya shakes his head, not looking up.
"I gave you some pain relievers I found. Don't fidget, I'll mess this up."
You smile and roll your eyes. "I won't argue with a doctor."
"Good," he says with an absentminded, small smirk, carefully stitching up the hole and pulling a bandage closer to the table. "I know what I'm doing. Fortunately for you, the shot missed a vital organ, though the blood loss could have cost your life if I didn't stop it when I did."
You bite your lip, peering at your flushed, angry skin around the wound. "Oh. Thank you."
He hums in acknowledgement, putting the needle and thread down to unravel the bandage. "Stop fidgeting, you little annoyance."
You bite back a smile at his amused, fond tone, one you'd grown to love hearing, and started hearing more and more. But your smile fades as your thoughts run away with you, until you end up blurting them out.
"I'm sorry."
Chishiya glances up at you. "What for?"
"Getting shot," you mumble. "I know I promised. It was just really... I didn't die."
"You didn't die," Chishiya confirms. "That's what matters, isn't it? You kept your promise. And life and death here isn't something you can so easily promise."
"No," you agree. "I know. But you can. You're such a smartass, I knew you'd waltz out of that game alive and alone."
Chishiya smirks properly at that. "I'm still the smartass? I thought you would have started treating me nicer now I've saved your life and you've saved mine."
You frown at the last statement, confused. "I saved your life? How?"
Chishiya simply smiles, fastening the bandage and admiring his work. "You have. Maybe not from a gun. But you have."
You're lost for words for a short while, blinking at him. "Really?"
Chishiya nods, sitting beside you and reaching out hesitantly, stroking a piece of your hair so delicately, like you could break with a single hard tap.
"Really. You," he whispers dramatically, as if he's telling you his biggest secret, "are my biggest and best reason."
And then, just like that, he's back up and packing the medical aids away, looking over his shoulder at you with his usual, infuriating amusement and perceptiveness.
"You're blushing."
You scoff at him, rolling your eyes.
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shunchitaro · 1 year
AiB Incorect Quotes
Kuina: What’s the most dangerous thing you’ve ever done that nobody thinks you’re capable of doing? Niragi: Exist Chishiya: express emotions Arisu: kiss a girl? Tatta: dropping a car on someone and cutting their hand off Niragi:  Niragi: next time we have another game with each other remind me to refrain from calling you names <><><><> Kuina: I’m so happy that people actually care for me Chishiya: Since when have I not cared about you? Kuina: I thought you were incapable of emotions <><><><> Karube: You all are going to die without dating anybody! Chota and Arisu, inspecting their nails: sure <><><><> Niragi, minding his business Chishiya appearing, holding a water gun and a can of gas: Niragi, how do you want me to burn you tonight? Niragi, tired of his antics: Can I just jump off a cliff and kill myself instead <><><><> Chishiya: I feel sick Ann: did he eat something bad? he’s rarely sick Kuina: he accidentally displayed the happy emotion earlier and he thinks he’s going to die Chishiya, getting pale: I haven’t even prepared my funeral Kuina: Stop worrying Chishiya it doesn’t look good on you
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chishiyaisasnack · 1 year
Dare, part 2
Part 1 Part 3
Here it is! The smut fest continues. Thank you so much for the support on the last chapter. This is a direct continuation of the first part so make sure to remind yourself how it ended because I didn’t describe it in this. I am writing and posting this on mobile so I’m sorry if there are wierd formatting.
Disclaimer! This is smut and smut only. Very nsfw. Stay away if you aren’t of age. Also - this is pure fiction. Protect yourself, use condoms and always ask for consent.
You asked to be tagged when it was released @just0ncef0rme @jimingotjams
The circles that Chishiya had been drawing on your shins with his fingers were slowly moving further and further up your leg. It wasn’t until he reached the inside of your thigh that you looked over at him and raised your eyebrows, questioning where he got new energy from.
”Oh, really?” you asked him, slightly spreading your legs in response to his touch.
”As nice as that was, I still want to fuck you properly” he answered without an ounce of embarressment. His fingers were almost reaching your bikini bottoms again, lingering, waiting for your response. No matter how much he annoyed you he was always respectful of boundaries and consent and you cherished that immensely. ”I want to take my time with you” he murmured, eyes glued on where he was touching you. You moved your hand over to his and with a soft grip you moved it over to the fabric, sighing as you felt him press down over you. He knew exactly how to touch you to get you to melt, even when clothes were seperating you from his fingers. He had always been attentive to what you liked and he was a fast learner. His hobby of reading people really worked in his favor. It didn’t take many attemps for him to figure out exactly where and how to touch you in the beginning, and now that he knew what you wanted he had gained confidence to tease you instead. You could tell how much he enjoyed driving you to the brink of madness before giving you what you asked for. And you loved to get your revenge on him.
You let go of his hand and started to trace the tendons on the back of it with your fingertips. You felt them flex and move as he let his fingers graze over you.
”You’re still so wet” His fingers was on their way of dipping inside your bikini but moved away from the seam just as fast. He wasn’t going to let you have it that easily. You should’ve learned that by now.
”Well, it doesn’t just dry off” you answered sarcastically with a small eyeroll. ”And you’re supposed to be the smart one here”
”I am the smart one” He sounded very confident with himself as he continues to trace the seam of your bikini, occasionally moving back onto the center to give you a bit of sensation where you wanted it.
”You didn’t get me like that all over again if that’s what you think. You have to work a bit harder for that” you shot back at him.
”Oh, is that so?” His eyes landed on your face and as soon as you looked back at him his fingers found their way under the fabric and drew a long line between your folds, making you gasp and close your eyes. You heard him chuckle. ”Hmm, are you sure that you’re not enjoying this?” When you opened your eyes again his eyes didn’t leave yours as he started to draw circles around your clit with a touch so soft it was barely there. You didn’t bother answering, you both knew that you couldn’t lie your way out of this one.
”I thought you wanted to fuck me.” you stated breathlessly instead as he used a bit more pressure while touching you. You couldn’t help but to try to grind your hips to get him to press harder. Wrong move.
”I want to take my time with you” He took away the pressure again and went back to soft strokes. You whined. He smirked. Asshole.
”What about what I want?” You tried to sound like you were somewhat in control but when he pressed down on you again all that went away and you went straight back to submitting to his touch.
”It looks like you are already enjoying yourself y/n” He removed his hand, with a sour huff from you, and dragged his finger along your inner thigh. You could feel the wet line it left behind and you weren’t sure if it turned you on or if it felt gross. Either way he didn’t care. He reached over, hooked his fingers around the waist of your bikini, and removed them in one swift motion. Before you knew it he was hovering over you with your legs on either side of his hips.
You didn’t waste any time and pushed his hoodie off him so that you could finally touch him the way you wanted to. You let your hands roam around on his back, his shoulders, and dragged you fingers through the hair on the back of his neck.
Chishiya leaned down and let his mouth hover right above yours. You could feel the warmth from his breath mix with yours and you hoped to feel his lips against yours again.
”What do you want y/n?” He didn’t close the gap between you but he did press his pelvis down on you to let you know what he wanted. He was so hard against you that you desperately pressed your hips back up into him, whining and gasping under his lips.
”I want you inside me” you whispered with a hint of begging on the tip of your tounge. ”I want you to take me to the bed, bend me over and fuck me down into the matress until I can’t move” That was all it took. In a mere second he was standing up, dragging you with him and in a few steps you were laying on the bed with him standing in front of you, removing his shorts. You turned around and positioned yourself so that you were sitting with your legs folded under you, back against him and looking at him over your shoulder while taking off your bikini top. It didn’t take long before you felt his lips on your shoulders, tasting you like he hadn’t had you for ages. His hands were on your breasts, his chest against you and erection pressing into your lower back.
”Bend over” he commanded when his lips had reached your ear. You did what you were told and moved so that you were on your hands and knees. This was the first time you’ve tried this position together, and as awkward as it felt you were kind of relieved that he didn’t get to see it on your face. You felt his hands stroking and caressing their way from your lower back, over your waist and up to your shoulders, where he moved your hair from you neck so that he could bend forward and place a feather light kiss there before kissing his way down your spine, leaving a burning sensation wherever he touched you. You wanted him so bad. When he finally got up again and started positioning himself behind you, you were already a mess, panting and gripping the sheets, making your fingers turn white.
”Can I?” His voice was strained when he asked you for permission and you could feel him against your core, hard and hot and waiting impatiently.
With one hand digging into your hip and the other guiding himself he slowly sank into you and you couldn’t help the moan that came out of you. The further he pushed in the more your arms gave out and when he finally bottomed out you were laying on your elbows with your face in the sheets, panting and trembling with need. He felt so fucking good inside you.
”Please, Chishiya” you begged and just hoped that he knew what you were begging for because you couldn’t find a way to use your words anymore. He did know, and he showed it. He didn’t waste any time and started to move, his cock moving back and pushing in again with fervour. There was no slow start, no getting used to the feel of him, just the two of you needing to feel eachother coming undone. Chishiya was just as much of a mess as you, panting and gripping your hips like you would run away if he didn’t. You felt heat build up in the pit of your stomach and it didn’t take long for you to feel that fire that told you that you were close. You wanted to be pushed over the edge so bad and you wanted to take him with you. It got increasingly clear that you wouldn’t need him to touch you anywhere else, just his cock thrusting in and out of you was going to make you come. And it did.
Your orgasm rushed over you, stealing your breath away and making you moan way too loud for your own liking. Your body was shaking, insides pulsing and somewhere in the background you heard Chishiya hiss as he fucked you through it. He was holding his arms around your waist, trying to keep you in place while your body moved however it wanted. And then, when you finally came down from your high he carefully let go of you and pulled out of you completely. Wait, did he come too?
You gathered the bit of strength left in you and looked back at him just to be met by the most gorgeous look you had ever seen. He was panting through parted lips, eyes dark and filled with desire and the way he looked at you were so raw and intense that it almost made you blush. It was pretty clear that, no, he hadn’t come just yet but he was probably very close and chose to stop for a moment to last longer.
”Sit back on your legs, like you did before” he said and reached down to help you get up. You whole body felt like jelly, so when you got to a sitting position you let yourself fall backwards onto his chest, your head resting on his shoulder. His arms circled you again, stroking their way down your chest, over your ribs, and then back up again.
”Are you feeling okay?” his warm breath spread over your neck as he spoke, soft and almost like a whisper. It made you shiver under it, wishing that he would whisper something filthy next time.
”Yes, I’m very good”
”Good” he placed a kiss on your shoulder. ”Because I want to show you something. Remember how you asked me what it feels like to be inside you?”
”Umm, yes?” you answered, confused but intrigued by where this was going.
”Here, give me your hand” He placed his right hand on top of yours and gently moved it with his until you reached between your legs.
”Let me show you how you feel.” His voice went hot and dark, and you felt like you were drowning in it. For once you wished that he kept talking, just like that. With that voice, against your ear, saying every dirty thing he could come up with. Maybe you’d ask him to do that one day.
You let him move your hand down and then let two of his fingers press one of yours down between your folds. You drew a smooth line, your wetness making it easy to move around. Then he guided your finger back to your entrance just to slowly start pushing it in along with two of his.
”Can you feel how warm you are?” Chishiya murmured against your shoulder as you both sunk deeper into you. ”So wet and soft.”
You were still so sensitive and you both filling you up was almost overwhelming. You felt a shiver running through you as he praised you, wanting nothing more than to hear it again.
”And when I press here…” he bent both your fingers forward and put some pressure right against that spot that felt so good ”… you always clench around me.” You knew very well how you reacted to his fingers, even to your own, but having him showing you like this was one of the hottest things you’d ever experienced. He started to move your fingers in a thrusting motion, fingering you together and creating that blissful friction you craved. His other hand had made its way to your breast, just holding it while his concentration was on your joint hands.
When you started to get wound up again you removed your hand from under his and let him continue by himself. You put it around his wrist instead, holding his hand in place, making sure that he didn’t stop moving his fingers. Then you started to rock your hips back and forth, riding his fingers, making them hit the exact spot you wanted. And god did it feel good. His thumb made it’s way to your clit and the way you moved made you grind yourself against it, building up the pleasure even more.
Chishiya enjoyed it too. His cock was caught between your bodies and the way that you moved were affecting him too.
”Fuck, y/n” he whispered in that dark voice again. It sent shivers down your spine and made you clench around his fingers, trying to show him how much you liked hearing him. But no matter how good it felt, you wanted more.
”Chishiya…” You wanted him back inside you. You wanted to share the intensity with him, wanting to tighten around him and bring him to the edge with you. ”I want you, not just fingers, please” You weren’t above begging, he already had you right where he wanted you anyway. If begging made him do what you wished for then you’d beg shamelessly. With a final curl he pulled his fingers out and you quietly whined in disapproval from being empty again.
Chishiya worked fast, moving your hips so that he could push himself back inside you in the position you were currently in, your back against his chest and your head still resting on his shoulder. He was probably even needier than you and you loved the feeling of being that wanted. And when he was buried in you again you both let out a content sigh, relishing in the feeling of feeling good together. When he started to thrust he did it slow, dragging out the sensation that his cock created inside you, making you moan and dig your fingers into his arms where they were holding you around your waist. His hips rolled into you like waves, slow and steady, never faultering. You let one of your hands grab hold of his neck, pushing his face closer to you. And without even thinking about it you turned your face around and kissed him, slow and hot, your tounges searching for eachother.
When you felt your orgasm building up you gathered some strength and moved your hips in sync with him. It made him hit the right spot with every thrust and brought you closer to the edge with every movement. You broke the kiss and let your head fall back on his shoulder again, and with a final moan you came, slow and steady this time, waves of pleasure rolling through you over and over. Chishiya kept moving, dragging out as much of your orgasm as possible, and when he finally came himself, it was with a quiet groan buried in your hair. You could feel him twitch inside you as he pressed in as deep as he could.
When you both came down from your high you let yourself move off him and lay down on your stomach to try and catch your breath. You felt the bed shift and Chishiya was soon laying down next to you, on his back with his chest heaving and his eyes closed, looking way too pretty for his own good. If he wasn’t such a jerk you might have actually liked him. Well, looking at him was nice so that was always something. You could just turn off your ears and only use your eyes when he was around.
The sun had set completely and the only light in the room was coming from the party that was still going on outside. It was making his skin glisten and you got a strong desire to touch him. You didn’t though because you couldn’t move at all anymore. Then again, you had asked him to fuck you until you could’t move and he had done just that, so you couldn’t complain.
”You’re staring at me” Chishiyas eyes were still closed but appearantly he could read you even when he wasn’t looking.
”I can’t move my head to the other side and you are right in front of me so unfortunately I have to look at you” you answered. You would be caught dead before calling him pretty to his face. The corner of his lips curled upwards a tiny bit and you just knew that he enjoyed that answer a bit too much.
”Besides, you’re always staring at me. I get to stare back sometimes”
”I stare because you are confusing me” he answered honestly. You knew that he found you intriguing, he had told you that several times by now. You didn’t really get why because you thought you were very simple to read since you liked to be honest about things, but maybe that was what he was intrigued by.
He opened his eyes and looked right into yours with a tired but satisfied glint in them. ”Why are you staring?”
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Minors, do not read! Contains mentions of smutty behavior!
MASTERLIST (up-to-date)
This is Part 4 !!Here!! is Part 1 !!Here!! is Part 2 !!Here!! is Part 3
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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Alice in Borderland/Imawa no Kuni no Alice characters or original stories, only the plot of this fanfic. Alice in Borderland/Imawa no Kuni no Alice characters and original storyline belong to Haro Aso, who made the Manga the Series is based on.
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Trigger Warning: Explicit Smut in later Parts, both Characters are Teens, Slight Toxic Behavior, Complicated Consensual/Not-Consensual Behavior Summery: Chishiya x Female Reader
BestFriend!Chishiya activates his camera, searching for the perfect angle to snap a photo, but gets interrupted by a call. It’s your picture popping up on his screen, taking over the whole chat history and BestFriend!Chishiya marveled your balls when he realized it was a video call. You had some serious guts right now. He swiped to the right taking the call and your face, surrounded by dim light popped up on his screen, enlightening his slightly sweaty one. You instantly bite you lip at the sight.
“Hello stranger” BestFriend!Chishiya muses and you giggle on the other line, throwing your head all giddy back, but answering with the same sentence “How you doing?”
You scoffed and BestFriend!Chishiya couldn’t help then to smile amused. You demand, with an evident pink flush on your face, that he shows you the promised proof, but BestFriend!Chishiya only cocks an eyebrow, head tilting “What happened to the show me yours and I show you mine?” another scoff followed your first one and you reminded BestFriend!Chishiya how he already saw everything of you, even touched you, when he claimed so did you “Only one part” you defend yourself and your claim, feeling bold thru the whole situation. It wasn’t true tho. The blond had stripped down like he stripped you that day, it was just that unlike him, you hadn’t had the strength to look anywhere else, but that didn’t matter. Not anymore.
You know now that he wanted you just as much as you him, so it was okay to proceed that way, right? To make demands. After all, so did he “And that makes me your camboy now or what?” you laugh, finding the thought so funny you had to muffle the sound, so you wouldn’t wake up your parents. Thin walls and the lewd situation. The last thing you wanted was to stop right now, even less getting caught with your hands in your pants. It was the last thing BestFriend!Chishiya wished to happen too. Now that everything was out now, he had to think less of how to proceed and just allow the situation to follow its natural path. What hopefully led to you. In his bed. With him. And more? Who knows.
BestFriend!Chishiya smiled at your reaction. There was a warm feeling inside of him, knowing that you felt the same want he did. That it was okay. Thought he missed to be in full possession of the moment. Having everything in his hands and controlling every move of you, the knowledge that your eyes would remain on him, no matter if he had to turn his attention away for a second, was enough to accept the new outcome “Yeah be my camboy and show me some skin!” you chimed excited. At least you hoped it came over as so. You feel nervous. Your hands, holding your phone with both hands, sweat a lot and just like this whole situation was new for you, you could only hope that nothing you said was too off putting or wrong, but rather turned him on. Like it did with you.
BestFriend!Chishiya saw right thru it and praised you with an uplifting smile and a small nod, sinking further into his pillows “And how do you plan on paying me?” but he doesn’t wait for an answer. Not interested in one at all. Instead BestFriend!Chishiya switched his camera from the front one, to the back, giving you a sudden view of his still hard but less leaking cock. After all, with the whole conversation butting right into the moment, you basically blue balled him and he still hadn’t found release.
BestFriend!Chishiya watches how your smile changed to a mesmerized but shocked one. Your breathing went audibly up and the bit of your chest your phone catched let BestFriend!Chishiya know how excited he made you feel, so his right hand went down, stroking himself, like he did before. Boxers pulled all the way down, hanging loosely and uninterested around one ankle and since BestFriend!Chishiya always slept shirtless, his abdomen was also evidently clenching to the rhythm of every stroke.
BestFriend!Chishiya let you know, thru groans how good it made him feel, to know you watched him in such a vulnerable moment. With every other person, he wouldn’t have gone even that close. Exposing himself and his kinks was a complete no go, but you are his best friend. You have seen and accepted parts of him, no one has ever catched a glimpse of, so BestFriend!Chishiya felt confident to share this side of him with you and experience with you how it felt to know what the other was doing.
Until now, all BestFriend!Chishiya has ever beaten his meat to, was your sleeping figure at night. Unbeknownst to you, he had laid there, right next to you, his head to his left, watching your relaxed expression, while his fingers caressed himself up and down until he couldn’t hold himself any further. Was it wrong or right to do so? To use you as his jerk off temple while you had no idea it even happened? Probably not. But it wasn’t like BestFriend!Chishiya cared back then. Now he did.
“Let’s skip school tomorrow” he mumbles, hand moving faster “Come-come over. I want to cum on you so bad.”
As much as you wanted this, you shook your head to sign no and BestFriend!Chishiya hissed displeased “I am already behind and…god that’s so hot, tell me how you feel. Please”
BestFriend!Chishiya set up on his knees, his hand moving faster, precum running down the tip of his cock and dripped on the clean sheet, staining them forever “I feel…I feel like I’m gonna cum…soon. Want to come with me?”
“Don’t know how” is all you confess, moaning. You hand clutching at your mouth to keep any other unwanted sounds inside. Of course, BestFriend!Chishiya thinks laughing dryly, you are so naïve, so unknown to this topic. Writing with him gave you the confidence you didn’t have in reality and now, all you could do was sit right there, with a puddle between your legs, unknown how to handle it “You…You put your fingers into your panties and rub the hell out of you. And don’t you dare stop even if it feels weird. That’s how…how you are supposed…oh fuck, just the thought makes me want to cum right here. Come on, move your fingers, I don’t have much longer.”
You did as BestFriend!Chishiya told you, finger slipping past the waistband and if your mind wasn’t focused on his hand stroking the life out of himself, you probably would have proceeded with caution. But you had no time. Wanting to come with him, your fingers moved up and down your folds until you realized your clit was the sensitives’ one. Then your fingers made quick work to rub like BestFriend!Chishiya has told you and immediately your hips bucked upwards, leaving the secure space of your mattress and clenching around your hand. But you proceeded on, not wasting any time that could keep you away from your goal “Got it?” a hum followed as an answer to BestFriend!Chishiya question and both of you could feel your peak rising fast.
Your body, overwhelmed by the new feeling didn’t knew how to respond in any other way than in its most natural one, making you whine and moan into the phone like a bitch in heat. If only you could hear yourself, BestFriend!Chishiya thought. So submissive. Following every one of his demands. It would make you blush. But right now, the last thing you could care was how you looked, with your nerves on fire, electricity running thru them and enlightening everything like light bulbs. You panted his name. Again and again, like a mantra, tho you didn’t know what you were pleading him for. Release? He couldn’t give it to you. He wasn’t even there. You were alone. Then again, you have never felt so overwhelmed with someone’s presence.
BestFriend!Chishiya camera was focused on his erection, yours however on your face and so, BestFriend!Chishiya had the honor of witnessing every pressed together eyelids, how your eyebrows furrowed when you did so, and all the moans escaping your O shaped mouth. The way your breath hitched so close to your release. About to explode for the first time and he could see it. Had a front seat. No one was closer to you then him.
BestFriend!Chishiya cursed hard, as the electronic device slipped out of your hand and fell on your torso, painting his screen immediately black. You moaned unnerved, while rolling on your stomach. You phone fell of you and landed on your pillow, thankfully with its front upwards and so you let your head fall down between your shoulder blades, grabbing the headboard with your free hand to keep you upwards, all while your other went back to its work. Your knees pressed hard into the thin mattress of your bed, provoking the screeching sound of its slatted frame, as you rocked your hips back and forth into your palm.
“Shiya…Chish…oh god…I feel…I don’t know…I think something is wrong” you called out for his advice and BestFriend!Chishiya chuckled, closing his eyes at how drowning you sounded, lost in your high, but too afraid to take the last step and asking him, HIM for help. He had a hard time keeping his own phone in hand and not losing his grip on it. His mind, filled with you, begged him to let go just like his body, but BestFriend!Chishiya couldn’t. He had come so far, there was no way he would let you alone so close to both of your goals “It’s okay…” he mumbled, voice strangled “Let go. Its gonna feel good, I promise.”
And you did. Taking BestFriend!Chishiyas word and deeming them as the only true way, you felt your belly tightening. Insides clenching around nothing but yearning, you still let go and a thousand light bulbs exploded, or more, spending you completely, yanking you forwards. Literally, because you hit your head on the very same headboard your hand was holding on to. Thankfully, it happened after you rode out your very first and mind-numbing orgasm, so you didn’t destroy it stupidly.
Feeling wobbly and unsteady, you let your knees slide to the side, left and right, sitting down on the uncomfortable wet part of your panties. If you could think straight, you would worry of staining your sheets with your juice, but your brain wasn’t able to comprehend more than its existence and your eyes were still fixed on the smartphones screen, laying carefully on your comfy pillow and giving you the view of your live. Apparently BestFriend!Chishiya has given up his position and instead went back to a lying one, because all you could see now, was his softening erection fallen on his abdomen, with a mess of his own release framing it like a bouquet of flowers. His dick was the stem in this reference. A beautiful stem, that presented itself so promising, you licked your lips at the small slit on the tip, twitching and spurting the last drops of cum on his flexing lower body. Truly sinful the sight.
You gave up. Body falling heavily to the side and crashing on the remains of your wrinkled blanket, your hand reached weakly for your phone, but jerked back. It was the hand you pleased yourself with. Still covered in your own release, you looked at it with an eww sound before wiping it off on your pajama shirt, that you immediately took off, together with your pants and tried to clean your arousal off of you, before throwing it to the side. You heard BestFriend!Chishiya heavy breathing coming from the other line. The panting sound was both sweet and hot and made you reach out for your phone again, only to realize your overworked hand wasn’t able to pick its weight.
“You still there little one?” BestFriend!Chishiyas voice came curious from the other line and you turned to your side, propping your phone up to your best to face him and there he was, his own features this time taking up the whole screen instead of his sex “Hello stranger” you greeted him.
BestFriend!Chishiya laughed, the dimples around his mouth rarely visible, now only made him more handsome then ever “Right back at you” His eyes glistened, competing with the sweat on his skin. Damp blond hair sticking at some parts, others messed up striking into every direction “Feels good hm?” You squirmed, giving off a displeased sound “I wish I never left your home.”
BestFriend!Chishiya nodded “Me too. But then again, who knows how things would have turned out” that one you had to give him. Things turned out fine. Actually, they turned out very good. And nice. Damn nice. A smile formed on your face, and you bit your lip, teeth grazing over its sensitively thin skin at the memory of him pleasing himself and its result “May I…see it again?” you asked, suddenly shyly, earning yourself a snicker from the other person. Now, after everything, you suddenly felt like acting shy? That was so misplaced, but BestFriend!Chishiya couldn’t help but like that side even more after seeing your orgasm playing out on the same face and for him to witness.
“Sure. If you let me see yours first” of course BestFriend!Chishiya would say that. Since he asked for you to undress, tempting you to this outcome, you could only imagine how many times he thought of that sight, and you wanted to give it to him. Wanted it so much, but your hands just didn’t move, too embarrassed to let him see this part of yours. Instead, you gave him an apologetic half smile and mumbled a half whispered sorry, explaining yourself, in hope he would understand that it wasn’t a no, instead more of a not yet.
“It’s okay” BestFriend!Chishiya assured you, appeasing your strained nerves. After seeing that exposed side of him, you felt like a poser for not showing him what he asked for “We will get to that sooner or later. Everything needs it time” BestFriend!Chishiya was glad he got you hooked like that after his true motives have been found out. Things could have turned sour if you didn’t trust him as much as you did. Something he definitely wasn’t relying on enough, judging his actions of not communicating his needs, but instead manipulating you to his own liking.
You nodded agreeing, trusting that BestFriend!Chishiya knew what he was doing when it came to this part “You are not skipping school tomorrow, am I right?” now you shook your head, earning yourself a disappointed sigh. How was it that he, who was so much smarter than you, was less into learning for your future then you? “Then after?”
You agreed, assuming there wasn’t going to be much tutoring this time, just like today “Mind leaving the call on until you fall asleep. I will hang up when you do” his request confused you and per se, you had nothing against it, but you had to admit to him that you took your clothes off, since they got dirty due to your activities, collecting an amused raised eyebrow and a smirk from BestFriend!Chishiya side of the phone. You told him, that you were afraid you could turn funny in your sleep and flash him unintentionally.
“Nothing I haven’t seen before” BestFriend!Chishiya stated and while it was true, you still felt uncomfortable doing so. The blond sighed again frustrated but accepted your answer. Pushing you wouldn’t lead to any other outcome, than you feeling even more uncomfortable, probably self-sabotaging future good times
“Fine, but let’s have a sleepover tomorrow. Bring some clothes for the next days.You are going to stay a few” you asked him sheepishly if it’s to practice certain things and BestFriend!Chishiya didn’t deny it, but said first the two of you had to go thru other stuff. You looked at him, expecting, since he sounded so serious. Was it something regarding your virginity? Or was he going to have the safety talk with you, making sure the two of you are on the same page? “First, we have to find out who that axelot is, that conquered your pants. I need to know my rivals” you suddenly felt a jolt of power, reaching for the phone and ending the call.
BestFriend!Chishiya laughed loudly to himself.
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