shoujo-dump · 1 year
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Kokuhaku Suru Aite o Machigaemashita
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leftpostwerewolf · 1 year
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GoChi wedding
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Chirei doodle
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chigosenpai · 2 years
💚Chigo as Shego!💚
There was a thing going on, where people confused my girl for Shego constantly... !
Lets be real: They could be sisters, but are still very different! 😂🫰
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kyotodreamtrips · 2 years
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Various pictures of the Ayagasa Hoko (綾傘鉾) Float during Yoiyama (宵山) on the Eve of Gion Matsuri (祇園祭り) in Kyoto!
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ashta-kaaru · 4 months
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peculiarmarsu · 1 year
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zukaang | rajamandala | राजमण्डल | 羅闍曼荼羅 devdas, chigo, lengger lanang and layla-majnun inspired tale
the day zukō was born, agni bestowed him with a single eternal flame, everlastingly alight inside the gentur lamp which he would carry along with him everywhere he went. no one could extinguish and light it back at will except the one who’s destined to guide his fate, as prophesied at naloni mitoni.
after his genpuku as the successor of ōzai tennō, zukō accompanied azhura in attending durga puja and seren taun, hosted by baginda bhumi at the central port of canggu. the siblings then reunited with maiko and tài linh, who became patrons of entertainment in northern manjung.
their seventh generation of tawaifs featured the esteemed amrapali, whose swara and abhinaya effortlessly enamored kaldera royals. as she danced, not only did she take everyone's breath away, but also the life of every kindled flame in the room. then, when she lit them back with gentle sway of her hands, zukō knew that she's the one.
realizing that his son had set his eyes on a mere yìjì, ōzai warned the prince that he might be deceived by outlanders witchery, but zukō insisted that he trusted agni's sacred will. he continued to chase the tawaif in unquenchable desire to know about her more, unaware that the fate he would thread on was to become a madman, lost in utterly blind love which turned into the purest form of devotion.
because amrapali was, in fact, not merely a dancer and disciple of buddha. she was bodhisattva kannon in her avatar form-a man named āng, awakened in rana pota lake as the only living sky dweller. his kin were mercilessly wiped from existence milennium ago by zukō's ancestor, souzan tenshi, who begun the conquest of rajamandala.
āng's crimson henna, drawn by performers of tide drifters; adinda katara and kakanda saka, covered his distinguished irezumi, while his voice was trained to move even the most hardened heart by paduka běifāng and a hia haru, the stone wielders. together with his beloved shrivijayans, the avatar would liberate the victims of war under ōzai's tyrant rule.
however, it was out of āng's prior knowledge that he would possess karmic ties with the very son of his own enemy through vortex of conflicted, mortal feelings. willingly bestow thousands of blessings to zukō's thousands of prayers, he would, but even as the emanation of god, āng still could not simply pull the strings of fate as he selfishly pleased.
by the will of sang hyang widhi, āng was destined to succeed in ending the misdeeds of fire breather’s forefathers, but at the cost of his heart falling forever in unfulfilled love. for he knew, that even though zuko took the role of mirabai to krishna, their wish to be united would be granted only in death like that of layla and majnun.
for @zukaangweek third day prompt: sacred/possesive
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alongcameaspooder · 9 months
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Casual talk between an icy lady and a spider girl~ 💜
Bonus: "Please, take my bug~" 😳
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serpentariusart · 3 months
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I swear I'm alive! Something I've been working on is redeveloping my older OCs Haelda and co into my Godforged worldbuilding project. So far I've just drawn Acathera and Haelda, but I at least know what I want to do for everyone!
Haelda is a Tenku from a wealthy family. Her father was absent her whole life, breaking up with her mother when he found out she was pregnant and was never seen again. Her mother passed away when Haelda was very young, and she went to live with her aunt, uncle and cousin. Her aunt and uncle always saw her as something of a burden and disliked her for a variety of reasons, which made home life difficult. She is kicked out upon turning 18 despite her cousin's attempts to smooth things over, and forced to find her own way in the world. She's not sure what she wants to do with her life yet, but probably something with animals.
Acathera is a human werecat from the city. Infected when she was a teenager she's honestly pretty chill about the whole thing, she thinks its kinda cool and would shift more often if it wasn't for it being a somewhat painful process. She works at a cafe in the heart of the city, and volunteers at a cat rescue on the side. She has an interest in medicine and nursing but thinks she's too dumb to try it out.
Chigo is a human-deer chimera from a small rural "community". The leaders had a strong obsession with chimeras and were illegally turning infants born in the community into chimeras. The cult was discovered and appropriately dealt with when Chigo was still very young, leaving them in foster care. Chimeric sophonts are very taboo, Chigo luckily passes as a Satyr but despite that had trouble fitting in and struggles with their self-identity. Their foster parents meant well but had a hard time with Chigo's identity and giving them the support they really needed. Chigo started volunteering at the library as a teenager, and pursues it as a career in tertiary education.
Hava is a karura from the same town as Haelda, and briefly even went to the same school as her when they were younger. He aspired to be an athlete and was showing a lot of promise, however an injury took him out of it permanently. He's an optimist though and didn't let that stop his love for sports, coaching kids games and studying sport science.
Jack is an elven shapeshifter who can turn into a dragon. He grew up in a somewhat close-minded town, and while his parents really loved him they had a hard time coming to terms with him being trans + gay, which made his teenage years turbulent to say the least. Developing a shapeshifter form was a way for him to both feel out his identity and deal with dysphoria + dysmorphia, as well as rebel against his parents. He spent nearly all of his time as a teenager in his dragon form, though these days is coming around to his human form again. He's currently in art school.
Midei is a dragonborn from a secluded mountain village that has limited access to modern technology. She eventually moves to the city because she wants to try out this whole "university" thing the youths do and learn to become a teacher. She is incredibly out of touch but sweet and tries her best to fit in, despite feeling like a fish out of water (in more ways than one).
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alpinezro · 1 month
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arcann · 1 year
The worst part of fandoms becoming old and less known from my own personal perspective is people thinking the bleach fandom was so so normal and not the bloodier cousin of naruto bc this time they were fighting over Some Guy
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yloiseconeillants · 2 years
If Yloise could have a pet, what kind would they prefer?
Thank you for the question, @blucifermain!
The subject of pets is actually something that Yloise has gotten into arguments with her brother about in the past - she did not consider her Carbuncle to be a pet (and tried to frame the conversation about it not being alive in the first place) and Vallerin just pointed to it, perched on his shoulders, snuggling like "THIS IS A PET AND SHE DESERVES LOVE." She has felt guilty since that conversation, especially since she hasn't summoned her Carbuncle in ages (SCH main lmao), but I feel like she would trot Topaz out if she was super lonely once in a while.
(*I* as a player felt guilty about not having the Carbuncle out in an age and took her running around Empyreum for way longer than necessary for digital enrichment lmao)
I think, even aside from arcanima constructs, the only animals Yloise would consider keeping would have to have some practical value - maybe like raising spiders or toxic frogs for their venom (or Baby Buns, for that matter).
Also, if Sid and Rielle do end up moving into her abandoned Ishgard apt, Rielle adopts a stray cat and he ends up adoring Yloise, much to her surprise.
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getitfrenchship · 1 year
Granted it’s hard to match the lip sync when the animators decide to animate the specific lip flaps but wow. Shitsui’s dub scream sounded lame. Could’ve gone “OLD MAN, PLEASE!” to try and match it or. Y’know. Actually sound heartbroken
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chigosenpai · 2 years
💚Art Progress Chigo as Shego!💚
✨I Hope you like her ✨
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kyotodreamtrips · 2 years
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Various pictures of the Ayagasa Hoko (綾傘鉾) Float during Yoiyama (宵山) on the Eve of Gion Matsuri (祇園祭り) in Kyoto!
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