#Chase's kids
a-septic-mind · 1 year
"Is he gone?"
"....Yeah. I think so."
The eight-year old girl hugged her knees closer to her chest. "I wanna go home." She whimpered. "I'm scared, Grayson."
Her brother, Grayson, sighed, scooting over to put an arm around her shoulders. "Me too Sammy....but we don't even know where home is."
And that was true. Of all the things ten-year old Grayson Brody had expected to happen today, waking up in the middle of nowhere was not one of them. Well, it wasn't nowhere exactly, there was a city....if you could call a collection of ruined buildings and empty streets a city. It sort of reminded Grayson of one of the multiplayer maps in Call of Duty- all crumbling walls and burnt out shells- but no people.
No people except for the monster.
Even though they had no idea where they were, the kids were very familiar with the monster. He looked and sounded just like their Dad, but that was where the similarities ended. The monster was pure evil, constantly causing problems for their dad and uncles.
So when he appeared, a unsettling grin plastered on his face, they had tried to run.
They didn't get very far.
"How's your wrist?" Grayson changed the subject, gently reaching for his sisters arm. By the sliver of light that creeped under the door, he could just barely make out a bruise forming where Anti had grabbed her. Grayson didn't know how to tell if it was broken or not, but he figured it must be fine though, because Sammy wasn't crying.
Wait....that gave him an idea.
"Sammy." He said urgently, dropping his voice low. "I need you to cry."
Sam stared at him like he'd gone crazy. "What?"
"I need you to cry." He insisted. "Big and loud, like you do when Mom makes you clean up your room."
She sniffed. "I don't do that!"
He raised an eyebrow. "Oh come on, you totaly do that."
"Do not!"
"Sammy!" He pleaded.
"Why's it gotta be me anyway?" She demanded. "Why don't you cry?"
"Because youre the youngest." Grayson replied matter-of-factly. "It'll be more believable coming from you."
Sam scrunched up her face, but clearly couldn't think of a comeback because she simply grumbled out "...Fine."
To say Samantha exploded would be nothing short of an understatement. She let out an ear piercing wail, screaming and shrieking like only she could. Grayson had to stop himself from covering his ears at her fake tantrum, instead resigning to pounding both his fists on the door.
"Hey! HEY! You hurt my sister you big green JERK!" He screamed. He nodded at Sam to continue, and she did, turning her wailing up to a volume Grayson was pretty sure only dogs could hear.
They pouned and screamed and wailed for what seemed like hours. Yet nobody came.
Frustrated, Grayson gave the door another hard pound, and was caught off guard when it suddenly clicked open, dropping him into the middle of a darkened hallway.
I haven't written any ego content in a while so I figured, what the hey.
Meet my version of Chase's kids! Grayson and Samantha Brody- created before Sean confirmed Chase only had one kid.
This takes place in the Bunker AU and if you don't know what that is oh boy, do you actually have 90 minutes to spare because its a lot.
Hope you enjoyed this little snippet. Maybe I'll come back and add more to it later!
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mydairpercabeth · 4 months
Everyone holding Annabeth to an impossible Standard
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And then there’s Percy
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stevenrogered · 4 months
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Percy Jackson and the Olympians | 1x07 "We Find Out the Truth, Sort Of"
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wishingformoredogs · 23 days
Tired of “oh Percy would be a marine biologist” “oh Percy would be a teacher” that man is a stay at home dad. And I mean that.
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lilislegacy · 1 month
*percy controlling akhlys’ poison to use it against her and choking her on her own tears and saliva*
annabeth: never do it again. never do anything like it again. i’m begging you
many years later
*percy and annabeth’s teenage children being held at knifepoint by enemies, seconds away from being killed*
annabeth: percy, do it
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justsmth2 · 3 months
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re-reading pjo rn and this scene is always be funny
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ohposhers · 3 months
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troll who isnt allowed caffeine or she'll reenact the Hammy energy drink scene from over the hedge clay prefers tea anyway
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Do any of you ever wonder if Camp Half-Blood accidentally brought in a demigod of a different pantheon before?
This would be especially hilarious if it happens sometime after The Last Olympian/Heroes of Olympus, where the gods are required to claim their kids quickly.
A whole day passes, and the new demigod needs to sleep in the Hermes Cabin and Percy is furious. Meanwhile, the Greek Gods are pointing at each other and shouting, contacting the most obscure of mini gods. Chaos erupts on Olympus as every deity in Greek Mythology is called upon and interrogated. Hermes hasn't run around so much in centuries.
Hecate sits in silence, fully aware of what's happening, but enjoying the show too much to intervene.
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rileyclaw · 1 year
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bunch of silly doodles of these guys from the past week or so
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kat-rose-griffith · 5 months
What kind of shitty summer camp is Chiron running that kids are there year round and they’ve never once had a movie night?! No wonder half of them turn to the dark side
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counting-stars-gayly · 5 months
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annabethpursuit · 5 months
one thing that drives me absolutely insane is that ive seen so many comments talking about how tvpjo!annabeth isnt their annabeth bc shes not tan and blonde but i dont see people complaining about literally anyone else!! there are SO FEW characters if at all that stay faithful to their book descriptions! luke isnt a blonde guy, percy doesnt have black hair and green eyes, grover doesnt have a rasta cap on, chirons horse end is black not white, echidna is NOTTT supposed to be a conventionally attractive older woman i could keep GOING.
at the end of the day these people are portraying these characters essences incredibly, and this tv series is by far one of the best adaptations ive ever seen of any popular book. to take that for granted and complain because of different hair and skin, especially singling out ONE twelve year old girl is so childish and frankly! disgusting.
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stevenrogered · 5 months
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When this quest is done, can you maybe swing back here and try to get me out of this thing? You think you had to ask? Just making sure.
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judoflipped · 8 months
I've been obsessed with them since I was 13 guys they make me so sick I love them so much ughhhh
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bellaramseystan · 3 months
No one: Percy during TTC
“Day too without annabeth, I’m losing my fucking mind.”
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piedpip3rrr · 11 months
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The trio ever
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