#Charles Lever
uwmspeccoll · 11 months
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Marbled Monday
It's a mishandled Marbled Monday with this copy of The O'Donoghue: A Tale of Ireland Fifty Years Ago by Irish novelist and raconteur Charles Lever, Esq (1806-1872). The book was published in 1845 in Dublin by William Curry, Jun. and Company with illustrations by H.K. Browne (Hablot Knight Browne, 1815-1882), an English artist and illustrator also known by his pen name, Phiz. The first illustration in particular caught my eye—it's a guy (and his gun) being thrown out a window with the caption "The Reckoning." And what a reckoning, indeed!
The marbling is a pattern called Spanish Wave that also features brightly colored veining in red, yellow, and a darker blue. I called it a "mishandled Marbled Monday" because of the abrasions to the front and back covers of the book and the library accoutrement attached to the front inside covers. Certainly not how we would treat a book in our collection these days, though this one was recently transferred to our collection from the library's general stacks.
The bookplate that doesn't have a library pocket glued over it is that of the Earl of Mexborough, though which one we aren't sure. It is likely that it was owned by John Charles George Savile, 4th Earl of Mexborough, as he was alive from 1810-1899 and this book was published in 1845. The bookplate features the arms of the Savile family, with three owls on a diagonal stripe, a lion on either side in chains, and an owl atop a knight's helmet at the top. It includes the family motto: "Be fast."
View more Marbled Monday posts.
-- Alice, Special Collections Department Manager
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mariocki · 3 months
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Parasite (1982)
"That thing on your stomach..."
"A new strain of parasite. I deserve it, in a way. I created it."
"For the Merchants? Why?"
"I thought for the government. They're so mixed up with the Merchants now, they work for one another. This 'thing', as you call it, is growing. It's dormant now but it will soon grow larger... and kill me."
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movie-titlecards · 2 years
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Parasite (1982)
My rating: 6/10
I still don't quite understand why, exactly, the megacorp needed an evil parasite (maybe as a mascot? It would represent them well), but the effects are good, the plot moves at a good pace, and the characters are actually a little bit more nuanced than you'd expect from this kind of movie. Overall, pretty good.
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preacherman316 · 1 year
Psalm 91
The author Norman Vincent Peale was known for popularizing the “Power of Positive Thinking.” He once related the story of a stranger recognizing and approaching him on a New York City. “Please, Dr. Peale, you have to help me, I’ve got some problems, and I just can’t handle them any more,” the man cried desperately as he grabbed him by the lapels of his coat. “If you will let go of my coat,” Peale…
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dilemmaontwolegs · 2 months
The Perfect Life || CL16 {2}
Summary: Charles finally gets to see the person his brother was proud to call his best friend, and in doing so realises he has some amendments to make. Warnings: angst, swearing, sarcasm WC: 2.4k
One || Two || Three
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It was foolish to think the Leclerc’s would just leave you alone. It wasn’t so much of a surprise that Arthur stopped your door from closing but you did frown when his brother followed him inside your humble abode. 
It was dim inside, with only shafts of starlight coming in from the missing tiles above. You walked blindly through the sparse furniture to the fuse box and pulled the lever down, flooding the room with flickering fluorescent light. “Not quite up to your standard?” you challenged Charles with a daring arch of your brow. 
Arthur detoured to the small alcove that was once the factory staff room kitchen and grabbed two beers from the fridge that whined loudly to maintain its temperature. You immediately pressed your bottle to your cheek and moaned as the cold seeped into the bruised skin. Letting the makeshift ice pack do its job, you dropped onto the couch, avoiding the wayward springs that jutted out and tried to snag your clothes, and watched Charles walk around the cavernous room.
“This place is a dump,” he stated. He inspected the bed that consisted of a mattress thrown over pallets that had been abandoned inside the factory before eying up the punching bag that hung from the open rafters. 
“If you’re only staying to insult me, just go.” The exhaustion in your voice came from deep inside your soul and even Charles paused at the sound. 
You hated how he turned his inspection on to you instead. His eyes followed the length of your legs and you tucked your knees up under the hoodie, but then he finally noticed you had been barefoot the entire night. 
“Pack your shit, let’s go.”
You closed your eyes and tipped your head onto Arthur’s shoulder. “I liked him more when he ignored me.”
“I’m not going to tell you again,” Charles growled as he swiped your beer bottle from your face. 
“Charles, have you ever been beaten unconscious?”
“Unless you want to find out how it feels, give me my fucking beer back.” You didn’t even open your eyes to see if the threat was taken seriously but then the cold touch of the bottle in your palm was an answer enough. “Thank you.”
“You can’t stay here,” he said calmly. “Pack your things, or I can buy whatever you need in Monaco.”
“I am not marrying you.” The beer was cheap and left a bitter aftertaste but you used it to smother the hot anger that was quickly starting to bubble in your gut. “Twenty minutes ago you would have let me risk being mugged while I walked home and probably asked for popcorn too while you watched.”
The old recliner you found at a secondhand store squeaked under Charles’ weight as he took a seat and said, “I don’t like popcorn.” You cracked an eye open to see amusement gracing on his face. “I also picked you up, didn’t I?”
“Wow, pick a girl up once and expect her to marry you.” 
Arthur snorted a laugh. “I offered first.”
“Maybe you two can fight it out for my hand.” Sarcasm dripped from your lips as you tipped your head to Charles. “I wouldn’t mind seeing you land on your ass again.”
“It was a cheap shot.”
“Are you gonna let him disrespect you like that?” you asked as you nudged your friend. 
“I’m not hitting him again,” Arthur grumbled. “It really hurt.”
“Oh, so not out of concern for me, thanks little brother.”
“She did warn you to shut up but you had to keep running your mouth.” Arthur looked at his brother’s lip but it wasn’t all that swollen thankfully. “Please don’t tell ma.”
“I can do your makeup,” you offered to Charles with a smirk. “I’m actually pretty good at covering up bruises now.”
Charles' eyes turned down and he shook his head as he felt guilty for how he had treated you over the years. 
“I don’t want your fucking pity,” you snapped. “Stop looking like someone kicked your puppy.”
An awkward silence grew until you growled in the back of your throat and rose from the couch. “Tur, can you lock up when you leave?”
“Where are you going?”
You made your way to the ‘bedroom’ and pulled on a pair of riding leathers, not bothering with the jacket since you were comfortable and warm in the hoodie. “Home. I have to get ready for a charity brunch in Marseille.” 
Charles watched curiously as you unlocked a thick padlock to what he thought was just a storage locker. Those green eyes widened when you swung your leg over the seat of the sleek Honda motorbike and grabbed your helmet that hung on the handlebars. 
“You let her ride that?” 
Arthur shrugged and finished his beer. “One: I’m not her keeper. Two: she has a licence. And three: you’re an idiot if you think anyone has a say in what she does.”
“You’re her friend, you should stop her from getting herself killed.”
“I am right here,” you reminded him. “I love the vote of confidence you have in me, by the way, really endearing.”
Whatever he was about to say was silenced when you clicked the remote for the roller door, kicked the bike stand back and turned the ignition on. The roar of the engine was deafening in the space and you slapped the shade down on your helmet before shooting out of your sanctuary. 
“We have a lot to talk about,” Charles warned his brother. 
Arthur nodded as he got up and dropped his empty bottle into the recycling bin. “Yeah, I figured that. Let me just lock up real quick then we can go.”
Charles watched as Arthur walked around the room like it was a routine chore he was used to doing. He hit the button on the wall to close the roller door before checking the windows were locked. He turned the phone charger off beside her bed and slipped the cash he had in his wallet under her pillow. 
“She won’t accept it otherwise,” he said over her shoulder. “She doesn’t want charity, Cha. Your plan isn’t going to work unless you change your approach.”
“What do you mean?”
“Offering to buy her things. She won’t take it. Everything here was earned the hard way, independently.”
Arthur could see Charles was absorbing the information and already a plan was forming in his mind. 
“You look beautiful.”
The stem of the champagne flute in your fingers was nearly snapped when Charles startled you and you turned to find him in a tailored suit, the jacket left unbuttoned. “What are you doing here?”
“There aren’t that many charity events in Marseille today. I thought I would make an appearance, it’s good for the image.”
“What a humble philanthropist you are,” you said with a roll of your eyes while he scanned your face for any sign of the bruising from the night before. “Told you I was good.”
“You could be a professional.” 
A waiter passed by and you swapped your empty flute for a full one while Charles grabbed one of his own. Already you could see the inquisitive looks cast in your direction and knew they would only grow the longer Charles spoke to you. Not wanting to be the focus of the gossip mill you took a step away from him, ready to make your escape.
“I have a proposal.”
“Christ, not this again.” You stepped toe to toe with him so as not to be overheard when you hissed. “I’m not marrying you.”
“Not that kind of proposal,” he chuckled. “Arthur tells me you are quite good at fighting.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, wondering where he was going with it, but nodded confidently. “I am.”
“I have a team of security, but they struggle with the female fans when they get a bit too aggressive.”
“You think having a woman throw them down is more…polite?”
He winced and shook his head but it wasn’t very convincing. “I hope it doesn’t come to that but the guys aren’t very comfortable with the idea.”
“You do realise my father is never going to let me leave Nice to work for you, right? That would not fit the image of his social standing.”
“I know. Now before you shut it down completely, just hear me out.” He paused and you immediately knew you were going to regret even listening to him. “You work for me, secretly, but we tell your father we are engaged.”
“No, no, absolutely not,” you hissed. “Argh, you said this wasn’t a proposal.”
“It’s not, well, it’s a fake one so there’s no suspicion why you are always with me. No one will know you work for me, but I’ll pay you well. You can have new bank accounts in your name that your father can’t access. When you have saved up enough money to live on your own then we can break off the engagement and you will have your freedom.”
“Don’t give me an answer now, just think about it, okay?”
You turned on your heel and left the stately rooftop garden. The sun was suddenly too warm and the laughter of conversation seemed to mock you personally as you passed by. It would only be a matter of minutes before your father’s assistant came looking for you but you would take every second of freedom that could. 
You got exactly 97 seconds before the bathroom door swung open and Veronica sighed. “You don’t have a scheduled bathroom break until 11.”
“Too much bubbly,” you lied as you tossed the damp hand towel into the basket. It hadn’t even helped to cool your burning neck so you mentally pulled yourself back together and followed the wretched human back out to the event.
Veronica clasped her personalised diary full of notes behind her back as she nodded her head to a portly man ahead. “Mr Henri Cartier, two sons, wife - Charisse, $3 billion profit.”
You plastered a smile back on your face and approached with all the confidence that your father had trained you to fake. “Mr Cartier, how lovely to see you again. How is Charisse? It is a shame she can’t be here today.”
You zoned out as he started to recall how his wife had flown to London in their Lear as their sons had an important polo match. Cambridge versus Oxford, naturally. It obviously wasn’t important enough since he would rather be shaking hands with this lot instead of watching the game. “…the King himself will be there.”
“Ah, but this is France, we have no King,” you teased. “We take care of our own people. Now, a little birdy told me your business had a remarkable turnover this quarter. I hope to see a reflection of that in your donation.”
The Forbes billionaire laughed haughtily. “Of course, my dear. What else would I do with all the excess?”
You opened your mouth to list off all the other purchases he would rather spend his money on but a slick voice eased into the conversation.
“How many superyachts can one man own?” your father asked. “I’ll tell you, Henri, it’s the same thing I say when my wife makes her famous cannoli - there’s always room for one more.”
The two men laughed way harder than the joke called for, but the real joke was the fact that your mother had never stepped foot in a kitchen. 
“It’s a wonder your charity survives with that advice,” you said as you took a step back and let them pick out the shortcomings of their children, and your entire generation, together. You pretended that you didn’t hear them and let the passive blank face fall into place until a hand took yours and pulled you away.
Veronica’s hand lifted to alert your father to your absence but you took the rescue that Charles offered and trailed behind him, losing sight of the assistant in the crowd.
“Well that was uncomfortable to watch,” he murmured in your ear. It concerned Charles at how quickly you had fallen into the charismatic charade he was accustomed to as he watched. He had hated how comfortable you were at these events, and how you charmed everyone you spoke to. He never realised it was all an act, and that the real person behind the whimsical smile was an intelligent, and abused, woman. “I don’t think I have heard so many variations for the word ‘useless’,” he continued.
Charles was right, your father had used them all in his complaints about you. Henri’s response about his children was equally cold, ‘but at least you only have the one weed in your garden.’
“I’m convinced he reads the thesaurus to find new insults for me.”
“That’s so messed up.” This time he didn’t aim the words at you and you weren’t sure how you felt about that. It was easier to think of him as the asshole you had come to know for the last decade.
“Welcome to my life.”
Charles slowed his pace for you down the stairs but you were used to moving deftly in high heels and raced ahead, tugging his hand to hurry up. A smile grew on his face until you reached the last step that exited the venue and breathed in the salty breeze blowing in from the sea across the street.
“My offer still stands,” he said as the valet quickly brought his car around and he took a step off the curb. “You’re not scared, are you?”
Charles smirked as your eyes narrowed and you took a step closer. “Why are you suddenly so interested in helping me?”
The valet opened the passenger door for you and Charles faced you from over the roof of the black sports car. “Get in and find out.”
Your eyes traced the white and red stripe that ran along the car before looking back at the entrance. The choices weren’t overly appetising but you sighed and ducked down into the low seat, tucking the tail of the gown in before the valet closed the door.
“Don’t make me regret this, Leclerc.”
Part Three.
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𝐆𝐢𝐟𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 • 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐜
SUMMARY: Charles and your son buy you a meaningful gift for your birthday
Genre: fluff
Warning: none
Pairing: Charles leclerc x reader, dad! Charles leclerc
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Your sons hand was held tightly in Charles as they walked through the Store. The two were on a mission to find you a gift for your birthday. Your son was going on and on about how he wanted to get you a big gift. Macaroni necklace were no longer satisfying to the little boy anymore.
After a bit Charles caved and decided to take him to buy you something. After you left to go out with your girlfriends, the two leclerc’s went on their hunt
“We get a big gift Papa.” Your son said to Charles. The two looked through the aisles trying to figure out what to get. Charles suggested a mug and makeup but your son was quick to say no.
“Qu'est-ce qu'on va avoir ?" (What are we going to get).’ Charles stopped, kneeling down to your son’s height. The 4 year old pressed his pointer finger to his chin, eyebrows knitted as he started to think.
“I don’t know.”
Charles hummed. “Maybe we can get her some jewelry. Comment sonne un collier?” (how does a necklace sound?)
Your son face lit up and he quickly nodded. Charles stood back up and took his son’s hand leading them to the jewelry store.
“Wow, look at all these papa!” Your son peered into the glass case looking at all the different pieces of jewelry. Charles smiled. He loved watching your son getting fascinated by the little things in life.
“so which necklace should we get for Maman?” Charles asked after your son was done looking at the display.
“We get those most beautiful one.”
“how about we get something with your name on it?” Charles leads your son over to the necklace with names on it. Charles and your son spent a few minutes discussing what they should get.
After a bit of tiny bickering they settled on a necklace that said mama and a charm with both Charles and your son’s initials.
As Charles and your son walked out of the store after Charles paid your son couldn’t contain his excitement.
“Je suis vraiment enthousiaste.” (I’m so excited)
Charles chuckled placing the boy in his car seat. While Charles buckled him up he couldn’t help but tell him a few last words.
“When we get home you can’t tell Maman we got her the necklace. We have to wait till tomorrow. Pinky promise me you won’t say a thing.”
Charles held out his pinky finger. Your son quickly wrapped his pinky around his father’s. “I promise!”
Charles and your son made it home around the time you did. For the rest of the night Charles and your son kept their secret between them both.
Whenever you asked what they did while out all they did was mumble nothing with a little smirk.
The next day Charles woke up as soon as the sun peaked over horizon to get your birthday started. He slipped out of bed quietly so he didn’t wake you up and got dressed. It wasn’t unusual for Charles to get up early so if you saw him missing it wouldn’t be suspicious.
He left the apartment and ran to the store quickly. He got your favorite flowers and some pastries and tea from your favorite bakery.
When he returned home you were still fast asleep unaware of his run.
Charles creeped into your sons room quietly. The little boy was fast asleep in his car bed with his teddy bear tucked under his arm. He looked so peaceful. Charles didn’t want to wake him up, but he knew if he didn’t your son would be upset.
“Hey y/s/n, C'est l'heure de se lever.” (time to get up)
Your son sat up rubbing the sleep from his eyes. “Is it Maman birfday?”
Charles hummed. “Yes it is. Ready to get her the gifts we got?”
Your son nodded and tore the blanket off his body. He was ready.
You were fast asleep when you felt jumping on the bed. Groaning you Slowly opened your eye’s. The first thing you see is your smiley son standing In your bed in his Ferrari pajamas.
“Maman, Joyeux anniversaire!!”(happy birthday) your son leaned down and kissed your cheek gently something he learned from watching his dad.
“happy birthday Mon amour. We got you some breakfast from your favorite bakery and some flowers.”
Charles sat the breakfast bag and flowers on your nightstand before he leaned down and placed a kiss on your other cheek.
“maman me and papa got you a present yesterday!”
You son took the gift from Charles and handed it to you. The little boy giggled with excitement as you began ripping the paper off the present.
You gasped when you saw the necklace in the box. “ This is amazing baby!”
“It has Mama on it for you and me and papa’s initials.” Your son smiled proudly as he explained.
“I love it. I’m going to wear it every day.” You leaned over and kissed your son Chubby cheek making him giggle. you turning to Charles and doing the same.
“Can you put it on me?” you asked Charles. Your husband smiles, “of course.”
You turned around letting Charles place the necklace around your neck. You looked down at it taking it in. You weren’t lying when you said you were going to wear it every day. It was beautiful, it’s going to be your prize possession forever.
“Im hungry.” You heard your son say. He eyeballed the bag on the table. Charles laughed. “Ok let’s eat breakfast then later we’re going to get ready so I can take maman on to other surprises.”
My request are open for any Charles fics because I have no ideas. Also if I write more dad fics what should I call the boy?
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loving-barnes · 4 months
A/N: Here comes chapter FOUR! Oh wow. It's easier when I do this for fun. I don't feel that much pressure to write and put it out regularly. I think the pace of releasing new chapters will slow down soon, but I hope to finish this at least the way I want to.
Pairing: Logan Howlett x mutant female reader
Warning: violence, blood
Summary: In Salem, Logan and Y/N have the opportunity to save the boy.
Please, do not read if you are under 18. This story is suitable for mature audience.
Words: 5200+
Important note: Again, Logan is a tall MF, because they fucked up in the movies. Also, Hugh Jackman!Wolverine.
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The sky turned dark blue, and the moon showed high up. Y/N’s eyes were locked on it, watching as it illuminated the whole world. She found nights to be her favourite - calm, peaceful. Everyone’s soul would rest as their heads would travel into the dreamland. Then again, sleeping was difficult and unpleasant when nightmares entered uninvited.
“What happened today?” Logan brought her back to reality with the question. “Why the tears?” 
She exhaled, annoyed by that question. “I talked with the Professor,” she said, not looking at him. “He told me about slipping from Cerebro. And I know you know.” 
His eyes never left the road. “I know. We all do. He didn’t tell us why it kept happening.” 
Y/N turned her head to him and observed his focused face. His hands were resting on the steering wheel. “He discovered the reason.” Logan looked at her for a brief moment. “It has to do with my mutation. In his words, it is all about protection. Somehow, it shields my brain from telepaths or any mind infiltration.” 
“I thought he read your mind,” he was confused. 
“He did,” she nodded. “Until he couldn’t again. My mind decides for itself, it seems. One moment, you can come in and have a peak, and then, the doors close, and you are left standing outside in the cold.” 
“You’ll figure it out.” 
“I already figured out other things. I am dumb and naive,” Y/N scoffed. “That realisation hurt like a bitch.” 
His eyes were back on her. “Hey, what’s that supposed to mean? You are not any of those things.” 
She had to laugh. “Oh, if you only knew how many stupid things I did in the past. You’d then know that I am right.” 
“We all make stupid things,” he commented. “I have my own fair share of them.” 
Y/N shifted in her seat and turned her body to see him better. “Ah, will I learn something new about you?” she narrowed her eyes. 
“Only if you tell me more about your stupidity,” he grimaced at her. 
The smile disappeared from her face, and she lowered her eyes. The gear lever became more fascinating than anything else around. “My ex-boyfriend sold me to the lab,” she said timidly. 
“What?” his foot pressed on the break, the car coming to a halt. There was a stop sign that he almost didn’t see. “What the fuck?” He turned left on another road and continued driving to Salem. 
“I was barely nineteen when he found me and gave me a roof and food. He, Mars, was the leader of the group - Void.” She wasn’t ready to tell the story out loud. The fear of him judging her would be unbearable. Charles was sympathetic. Not a hit of judgement came out of his voice. Maybe Logan would be the same? “I’ve spent there almost four years before it went to shit.”
“Void? It sounds like Magneto’s ‘Brotherhood’,” Logan stated. 
“The Void consisted of mutants and humans. It was basically a criminal group. We would steal money, cars and do all sorts of shit,” she shook her head. “I am not proud of that part of  my life.” 
“What happened?” he was curious. 
Y/N huffed and closed her eyes. “Mars, such a weird name, could hypnotise people, manipulate them as he liked. He was a mutant. I didn’t know about it. Many of us didn’t. He used it to his advantage. He would force people to do things for him, even torture innocent people.
“At this point, I cannot be sure what was my own doing and what was his. All I know is he had me in the palms of his hands. It took some sweet nothings and a little attention, and this bitch,” she pointed at herself,  “fell for him.”
“So, you were in love,” Logan said after a while. 
“I think, I don’t know. Let’s say I was, but it was one-sided. Mars used me, used my power to protect him. He gave me some attention and fell for it.” She bit her lower lip, nervousness spreading over her body. “During that time with him, I did unspeakable things.” 
Logan noticed it was difficult to talk about that part. She twiddled her thumbs. “Why did he sell you to the lab?”
Y/N scratched her nape. “When I found out that he was a mutant and what was his ability - yes, it took me four years - I wanted to run away and never look back. Of course, being the stupidly brave woman I am, I went to confront him. Mars was one step ahead of me.
“The last thing I remember was hands holding me tight, pulling me away from him. They got me off guard and injected me with a drug. When I gained consciousness, I was locked in a cell. And thus started my five-year life as a lab rat, moved at least seven times around the country.” 
“Damn,” said Logan. 
“Dumb, blind, naive - that’s all I can say about myself. Lessons were learned. I thought about killing him, you know? A person like him doesn’t deserve to live. Who knows how many girls he had used since he sold me?” 
“If you had the chance, would you?” Logan asked, curious to know the answer to that. 
It took her a minute to admit it. “Yes. I would.” She reached into the pocket of her jeans and took out a black hair elastic. Her hands worked fast, and she brushed her hair into a bun. Some strands framed her face.  When her eyes found Logan staring at her, she gave him a faint smile. “You must think I’m crazy.”
“Not at all,” he admitted. “I’d do the same thing. Hell, I did it in the past. I killed people who used me and betrayed me. The list of people whose life I ended is long. I promised myself I’d never kill again. I quickly realised that’s not how it works in this world.” 
“You’d do anything to survive,” she added after that. “I did. You know the saying - I’d kill for love. And I did. Uh, maybe. I don’t know. Whether I did or didn’t, it doesn’t matter. There is blood on my hands. I have to live with that.” 
A gas station came into their view. Logan turned the car and parked on a free spot next to the building. “I’ll fill the tank, and then we can continue.” 
Y/N unfastened the seatbelt and stepped outside. She stretched her limbs. She went inside the building and bought two water bottles and a chocolate. As she was walking out, her eyes captured Logan filling the tank. Her eyes travelled over his body, admiring how well-built he was. Out of nowhere, her lips slightly curved up. There was a warm feeling in her lower stomach and even excitement. Where did that come from? 
He noticed. Logan saw her standing behind the glass door, holding the bottles and smiling at him. He flared his nostrils and moved his eyes away. Logan moved inside to pay for the gas just as Y/N walked out to the car. 
She put the bottles and chocolate on the roof. The smell of gasoline lingered around the place. One cigarette or a match, and the station would explode. Where was her mind going with this? 
“Hey there, pretty girl.” Two unknown men approached her. They were tall, one was bold, and the other had short dark hair. “Wanna hang out?” 
She hated this. Why did men need to talk to women when they were not interested? She glared at them. “No, thanks.” 
“Oh, come on, sweets.” 
She squinted at them. “I think you have trouble accepting when someone says no.” 
“Mouthy,” one laughed. “I like that.” 
“I suggest you leave me alone before-”
“Before what, sugar?”
Logan walked out, and his eyes fell on Y/N and two douchebags talking to her. “What the fuck?” he mumbled and walked straight to her. Instinctively, he stood behind her, giving the men death glares. “Can I help ya, fellas?” 
Y/N could feel Logan’s body heat radiating. He stood close to her, his front almost touching her back. She smirked, loving how the men’s faces paled. They stepped back. 
“I thought so,” Logan’s hand rubbed Y/N’s right shoulder and then walked around the car. 
Y/N winked at the men and stepped inside the car, smiling. She looked at Logan, who already had a cigar in his mouth, lighting it up. “Thanks.” 
“Eh, don’t mention it,” he said. 
They had another hour and a half before they reached Salem. Either they were silent, or they talked about random things. Y/N could still feel Logan’s touch on her shoulder, lingering there gently. 
“Will you tell me something about you?” she asked an hour later. “I told you about my stupidity. I’d like to know more about you. That is if you are willing to share.” He smiled and rolled his eyes. “You’ve said you killed a lot of people. Can you tell me more?” 
She noticed how he flinged. She must have hit a tough spot. Y/N wanted to apologise. Logan decided to tell her more. “I’ve seen wars, fought in them even.”
“First World War, Second World War,” he answered. 
Y/N’s mouth almost fell to her lap. “Wait, what do you mean?” 
“I was born in 1832,” he announced. Watching Y/N’s face change a few times was amusing. 
“No shit,” she didn’t believe him. “You cannot be over 170 years old. You look not older than 35.” 
“I ain’t lying, bub,” he grinned at her. 
Y/N’s mouth kept moving. No words came out. Many thoughts were running through her mind. Her whole body turned to him. “Okay, it makes sense when I know about your regenerative healing factor. I didn’t think it would make you immortal.” 
“I wouldn’t say I am immortal,” he took a drag from the cigar. The air filled with its heavy smell. “I once was a boy who grew up, and then, the ageing slowed down until it stopped, or I think.” When he looked at her, Y/N’s mouth kept hanging open. He put two fingers under her chin and helped her close her mouth. “Careful, or something will fly in there.” 
Their eyes met. Logan’s fingers rested under her chin longer than necessary. When he pulled away, she wanted to scream to put them back there. 
“So, both wars,” she tried to resume the topic. 
He wrinkled his nose. “Civil war, Korean war.” 
“Holy shit.” 
“Here’s the thing -  I don’t remember much. At some point, before I even came to the school, I lost my memory. Charles helped me restore some. There are big chunks of my past I still don’t know. I have concluded that it’s for the better.” 
“I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable,” she said. 
“No, it’s fine,” he waved a hand. “If you can share bits and pieces, so can I.” 
When they arrived in Salem, it was after midnight. Logan decided to park the car farther away from the lab. It wouldn’t be wise to drive all the way there. Once they left the vehicle, they walked through a calm residential district. The lab was around a ten-minute walk from there. 
The air got colder, and the moon got lost behind the clouds. The wind rose. There were signs it was about to rain. 
“We’ll keep it simple, Y/N,” Logan started to talk, explaining the plan. “We will look around the perimeter and map the surroundings. We count the guards and the security cameras and then leave.” 
“What if-”
“No,” he stopped her. “I will not let you risk your life without a back-up. Last time, the place was packed with armed men. I don’t think that changed since then.” 
There was no point in arguing. “Fine.” 
When they approached the facility, the place looked almost similar when she left it. There was a part of the building demolished. It used to be her escape window. One of the locked mutants wrecked that side with their ability. And yet, it brought her a lot of unpleasant memories. Her stomach turned upside down. 
Together, they moved around the demolished side until they were met with an entrance gate. “What the shit?” Logan mumbled. At the gate were only two men with guns. “Last time, there were twenty of them,” he stated. “The roofs were covered with them. Now nothing.” 
Shouting came out of the demesne. Then, there was the sound of an engine. Logan grabbed Y/N’s hand and pulled her to him, making them hide behind a thick tree. He kept her close while they watched a military truck exit the facility. 
“The boy is not here,” Logan stated. “This place is not what it used to be a few weeks back. It’s strange. We got satellite pictures a few days ago, and this was still a highly secured facility.”
When the truck was gone, they moved forward. The wall that surrounded the building was destroyed in many places. They would be able to get with ease. Y/N’s eyes travelled around the building. She knew a way in. She could still remember the interior. 
“We should go. The boy is not here,” Logan ordered, reaching for her arm. 
“No, wait,” Y/N stopped him. “I think this is the perfect opportunity to go inside. So far, there are not many guards. The lab, where they kept us, is underground. At least, that was a month ago. We have the perfect opportunity to look around.” 
He gritted his teeth. “I told you I will not risk your life. It is dangerous.” 
“Then stay here,” she talked back. “I’m here. I need to know. Even if it is only a little bit.” 
Y/N started to run away from him, heading to the fallen wall that was not guarded by the men. Logan cursed under his nose. What was he expecting? That woman was stubborn as hell. Before he lost her, he decided to follow her. His conscience wouldn’t let him let her go alone.
Y/N was careful when she entered the estate and ran to the demolished part of the building. Peeking inside, she saw a destroyed room filled with bricks, wood and damaged furniture. The interior was dark. There was nothing useful for her. Her eyes noticed light coming from the other side. It was a hallway leading further into the compound. 
Her feet automatically took her there. She walked over the bricks and stones until she reached the hallway entrance. If she remembered correctly, it led to a security room. 
A hand gripped her above her elbow and pulled her back. “What the fuck do you think you are doing?” Her eyes found angry Logan standing close to her. 
“There is a security room down the hallway,” she whispered. “We will be able to see more.” 
“I am so pissed right now,” he growled. “We had a deal.” 
“If I see a chance, I will take it,” she spat back, trying to keep her voice low. “Now let me go. Please. I must know more.” 
As much as he hated it, Logan let her go. His claws got out, ready to be used if necessary. Logan walked close behind her, protecting her back. They reached the end of the hallway. 
“Shit,” she cursed. There were dead bodies on the floor, covered in blood. It felt like a slaughter room. The scent of copper hit her nose, and she wrinkled it. She observed the dead bodies and discovered they had many bullet wounds on their bodies. It was all fresh. “We’re not alone.” 
Logan started to sniff the air, sensing something was off. Y/N approached the screens and looked at all the cameras installed around the place. There was another military vehicle outside that they didn’t notice. More men surrounded it. They wore different uniforms than the dead men in the security room.
“They are here for something,” she commented as her eyes drifted from one screen to another. “They are here for JJ,” she gasped when she found a screen with JJ’s cell. 
Logan got to her to see with his own eyes. The eleven-year-old was sitting in the middle of a cage, visibly distressed. He had a white gown on. No other mutants were present. As they watched, they saw men come to him, pointing guns at the innocent child. 
Unexpected. That’s how it could be described. How was it possible that the last time Y/N saw him, they wanted to take him away, and now, he was here? None of this made sense. 
“Shit,” Logan gasped. He pointed at one of the soldiers who was closest to the camera. “They work for Trask. If they take him, he’ll sure be dead by the end of the week.” 
That was the push Y/N needed. Logan didn’t have the chance to react when she ran away from him, heading outside to the other military track. She was sure it was waiting there for JJ. 
Anger filled her veins, her whole body. Last time, she couldn’t help him escape. He got her out. She was too weak to return the favour. This time, Y/N was determined to get him out and destroy anyone who would dare to stop her. The deal she made with Logan was out the window. 
Y/N ran outside but hid behind the closest corner, watching. She waited for the window of opportunity. At least ten men kept guarding the vehicle. The back door was opened. Her heart was beating rapidly. Adrenaline was high. Fear knocked on the back of her head, telling her to run away and never look back. 
She potted JJ coming out of the building with a thick collar around his neck. The boy was almost bald and alarmingly bruised. Two big men guarded him by holding his shoulders from each side. Another three men were walking behind them, guns ready to shoot him in his head. 
What can she do with her protective power? It has some offensive moves, Y/N remembered the Professor’s words. They echoed inside her mind. She thought back to when her ability turned deadly. 
One last breath, and she ran towards the heavily armed men. The moment they discovered her presence, their guns were up, pointing at her. Y/N wrapped her body into a protective shield and rammed the men with it. 
Bullets were pointless. They weren’t able to penetrate the protective veil of blue. Y/N turned on her heel and faced the rest of the men. As much as they tried, no one could get through the forcefield. 
Two men grabbed JJ and moved with him away from the fight while the rest of them did everything in their power to kill Y/N. She kept knocking down the men like a house of cards. And then a roaring shout came from the right side. Logan’s claws penetrated the men’s bodies, slicing through them. Some managed to shoot him. 
“No,” Y/N shouted. For a moment, he forgot he was indestructible. And yet, she worried about him.
The usage of forcefield was draining her energy fast. The more she held it on, the weaker her body became. She ran towards the men who got JJ. “Let him go!” she screamed at them. “He’s a child!” 
They threw the boy on the ground hard, making him cry in pain. That’s when Y/N noticed the colourful bruises around his face, arms and legs. He looked sick and beaten. The gun was now pointed directly at his head. “Make a step, and I will kill him in front of your eyes!” 
Y/N didn’t make a move. Her eyes were fixed on the boy. “Let him go,” she said through gritted teeth. “He’s just a child. An innocent child that hasn’t lived enough.” 
Once Logan killed the last man, he walked closer to Y/N and the men. His adamantium claws were covered in blood, as were his t-shirt and the unbuttoned flannel shirt. When he discovered how the boy was close to being shot, he stopped in his tracks, breathing heavily. 
“Y/N,” JJ whispered her name. Tears gathered in his eyes. “Y-you came for me?” 
It broke her heart to see him like this. “Of course,” her voice shook. Her eyes moved back to the soldiers. “Let-him-go. I won’t ask again.” 
“No,” the soldier said strictly. “If you want the boy to live, you will let us leave with him.” 
The forcefield started to glitch a little. Everyone noticed it. Y/N had to focus harder to keep herself protected. One mistake and she could end dead. 
“What do you want with him?” Logan asked instead.
“That’s none of your business, mutant,” he barked. 
Y/N thought about her next move. Her head turned to bloodied Logan, who was breathing heavily. His body was ready to fight. The veins popped out of his neck and forearms. She sighed. Y/N got them into this mess, and she didn’t know what to do. 
“We need back up to Salem’s lab,” her ears registered one of the men talking to a walkie-talkie. “We have two other mutants on our radar. They are trying to get the boy. 
Her eyes blinked a few times. She didn’t have much time left. Y/N kept breathing through her nose. Deep inhale and long exhale. 
“Y/N,” she heard Logan’s concerned voice. 
Focus on the object you want to wrap in the forcefield and send the energy flying to it. That’s what the Professor told her last week during her training. Picture it. Project the vision onto it. 
Her eyes locked on JJ, who was shivering on the cold ground. With that collar around his neck, he looked like a slave. She could feel his fear. All she wanted was to protect him, keep him safe from this fucked up world. Her right hand stretched forward. In her mind, she pictured the boy wrapped around the veil, protecting his soul and body. 
That’s when she felt the energy leaving her body and covered the boy in a light blue and silver veil. For the first time, she created a forcefield around another person. When it happened, the man shot a bullet at him. It got absorbed into it. 
It was Logan’s cue to bolt out of his place and kill both of those fuckers who dared to hurt Y/N or the boy. Blood splashed around them, covering the grass and Logan. It took him a few slices, and it was over. Every soldier who wanted to kill them was dead. 
“Fuck,” Logan cursed and retracted the claws back under the skin. His eyes moved to the forcefield wrapped around the boy and glitching around her. She created two at the same time.
Y/N’s eyes got heavier. Something warm tickled her upper lip. She broke the energy. The veil disappeared from her and from the boy. She exhaled the last breath she held. Her knees gave up, and she fell to the ground. Her head was spinning. She felt this weak before when she escaped the lab. 
“Y/N,” Logan called her name when he fell to his knees next to her. He ran to her the moment she went down. He lifted her head and noticed her nose bleeding heavily. His big hands brushed her cheeks. He put a strand of hair behind her ear. “Look at me, bub. Come on, look at me.” 
“I’m,” she started to talk but failed. She gulped loudly and took a deep breath. “I’m fine.” 
“You’re bleeding,” he wiped the blood with the sleeve of his flannel shirt. It didn’t help much. “Can you walk? We need to move. More will come. We must leave.” 
She blinked a few times. “Yeah, I guess. Get JJ, and we can go.” 
Logan helped her to her feet and made sure she was stable. He turned to the boy who was kneeling on the ground watching them. “You alright, kid?” he eyed the child, checking if he wasn’t bleeding as well. Fear was evident on his face. “I will not gonna hurt ya,” his voice got softer. 
JJ got up on his feet and ran towards Y/N, throwing himself into her weak embrace. “You came for me,” he cried. 
“I’m sorry it took me so long,” her voice broke, and she kissed his head. “You are safe now, JJ. Logan and I will take you to a safe place.”
As much as he hated to ruin the moment, Logan stepped to them. His ears registered the sound of helicopters in the air. “We need to move. Now.” 
Y/N grabbed the boy’s hand, and they ran away from the facility and into the woods. Logan was two steps behind them, making sure they were moving. His eyes were more fixed on Y/N than on the boy. 
Suddenly, her body bumped into a tree. She had to stop and take a few breaths. Everything was shaking, and her vision got blurry. “Shit,” mumbled. She looked at the boy, then at Logan, frowning. Why were there two of each? 
The woods spun in front of her eyes. It took her a few seconds before she pushed her body off the tree and moved. Her hand never let go of JJ. This time, Logan’s arm found her waist. He kept it there for support. He didn’t want her to fall or hurt herself anymore. He could smell how drained she was. Logan held her until they reached the residential district.
“You good?” he asked her when they slowed down. 
“Just weak,” she replied. “It’s going to be okay. I’ve never held the forcefield for this long.” 
“You projected it around the boy, also. That’s a huge step,” he patted her shoulder. “I’m still pissed at ya,” he added.
“Sorry, not sorry.”
Logan turned around, eyes scanning the woods behind them. His instinct told him to move and leave. He smelled more soldiers searching for them. To their luck, the car was closer than anticipated. He unlocked the car and opened the door for the boy. “Get in,” he ordered. 
Y/N climbed into the passenger’s seat and closed the door with a loud thud. She moaned. The sound was too painful. Once Logan got in, they were on their way away from Salem and back to the school. 
The tension inside the car could be felt until they were far away from the residential district. All of them relaxed when they connected to a main road. 
Y/N reached for her backpack and took out her denim jacket. She took off her hoodie and handed it to JJ. “Put this on so you’re not cold.” 
“Thanks,” he sniffled a little and grabbed the hoodie. He was only wearing a thin white robe covered in dirt. His legs were exposed, and he was bare feet.
Logan saw what she was doing, so he turned on the heat inside the car. Y/N grabbed a bottle she bought at the gas station and handed it to JJ. Then she gave him a piece of the chocolate. “Here, drink and eat some chocolate. It’s all I have now.” 
She watched him from the rear-view mirror, drinking the water and eating the chocolate. Her shoulders relaxed, and she exhaled loudly. As if the stress escaped her body when she saw him alive and well. 
“Everyone’s gonna be pissed,” Logan stated after a while. His eyes were on the road, here and there, checking the boy in the mirror. 
“I don’t care,” Y/N whispered. Her body rested against the car seat, eyes closed. “We didn’t plan on this.”
“Sure,” he scoffed. 
“No, we didn’t,” she opened her eyes and glared at him. “I would have left if it weren’t for the fact that soldiers from Trask came for him. Besides, if I didn’t intervene, we would have lost him forever.” 
“You don’t-”
“You said it yourself,” she snapped. “If they took JJ, he’d be dead by the end of the week. This was our chance. I don’t care that you are upset, disappointed or whatever. It had to be done.” 
Logan hit the steering wheel out of frustration. “Goddamit, Y/N. It was reckless to head inside without thinking. It could have gone to shits if there were more men.” 
“Enough,” she stopped him. “It’s done. We have him. He’s alive, and we made it out of there. End of story.”
Y/n turned her head to the other side. It was a sign that the conversation was over. She noticed a faint reflection of herself in the window. There was dried blood under her nose, lips and chin. She tried to wipe it off with the sleeve of her denim jacket. It didn’t work much. 
“W-who are you?” they heard the boy’s soft voice. He was still afraid. 
“Logan,” he said. 
“Y-you have claws,” JJ stated. “So you are like us, right?” Logan only grunted. “Where are you taking me?” 
Y/N turned around and faced the boy. She put a smile on her face. Her hand reached for his cheek and stroked it. “We are taking you to a safe place for people like us. It’s a school for mutants.”
“School?” his eyes sparkled. “There is a school?”
“Yes,” Y/N nodded. “You will be able to live there and learn. Many children are living their lives there. They helped me, too. Logan saved me when I escaped the lab.” Her eyes filled with tears. She tried to hold the cry but couldn’t. “I’m sorry I left you there. I’m so sorry, JJ.”
His smaller hand reached for her hand on his cheek. “It’s okay. You came back.” 
“No, no, it’s not,” she cried. “You got us out. I will be forever thankful for that. It upsets me that I couldn’t do the same for you that day. It took me a month.” 
Logan felt the pain in Y/N’s voice. He bit his lower lip, trying to hold himself back and not reach for her. The anger he felt was gone. Logan wanted to put her into his arms and protect her whole being from the world. When he saw the tears running down her face, he sighed. His right hand reached for her face, and his thumb wiped off the tears under her left eye. 
Her eyes met his. The touch was gentle, filled with something unspoken, new. “He’s fine. We got him out.” 
All she managed to do was to nod. 
“How long until we are there?” Jerome asked. 
“Four hours,” Logan answered when his hand left Y/N’s cheek and turned his attention back to the road. “Rest, kid. We have a long way ahead.” 
He wrapped his arms around his body, trying to warm himself faster. Y/N’s hoodie helped. He even put the hood over his head. It yanked the collar around his neck. “What about this thing?” 
Y/N observed the device. There was a small green light. It meant it was on. “We’ll figure it out once we are at school. They will get it off you.” 
“What does it do again?” Logan asked. 
“It suppresses our mutation. JJ cannot use his power while the collar is on,” Y/N explained. 
“I can use the claws to slice through it,” he suggested. 
Jerome’s eyes widened, and he gasped. “No,” Y/N said, shaking her head. “It’s dangerous. We don’t know what would happen if you’d try to destroy it like that.” 
“Okay. We’ll let Hank and Jean have a look at it. They will figure something out.” 
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my first attempt at music production; a rendition of “The Band Played On” (1895) by Charles B. Ward and John F. Palmer, with the lyrics edited to be about a man who wonders if he’s a mind with a body, or a body with a mind
featuring an emulation of the IBM 7094, the very first machine to sing
lyrics under the cut
Casey was born with a head and a hull. He'd muse if one day they would go separate ways And the band played on And his mind was so loaded it nearly exploded His poor husk would shake with alarm He'd never have the mar [to] put his brain in a jar And the band played on Casey was born with a tentative heart. He'd never decide if he saw with his eyes A veracious lie And the fear that he levered is if it were severed Would it have a home there at all? He'd never have the mar [to] put his brain in a jar And the band played on
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whetstonefires · 1 year
oh hang on so Oliver Twist as a book is largely about child labor, right.
like the commonality between the workhouse, the abusive apprenticeship, and the pickpocket gang is that Oliver is being exploited. for his labor. and Fagin's gang while crossing the line into illegality and therefore in some ways the most dangerous is also the most pleasant of the three.
and ofc which i have underconsidered until now, child labor was fully legal at the time and a major political issue--the 1833 Factory Act had only just recently outlawed employing under-nines on the factory floor, or working 9-13 year olds more than 9 hours a day, and 13-18 year olds more than 12.
it was a struggle to enforce and it was controversial.
so. Fagin's gang replicates that factory owner-child laborer relationship on a tiny, illicit scale, where the kids are taking all the risks and doing all the work and he's getting most of the profit, and it's not fair, but oh he's giving them food and a place to sleep and wouldn't they be worse off without him? (they would is the thing. but does that make it okay?)
with the goal of this being that next time Dickens' milquetoast middle-class readers encountered an argument for the benevolence of a guy employing child labor to maximize his profits they might go, hey! that's not true, he's just like that crook Fagin!
but of course this kind of political messaging works best when it can't be too readily clocked as such--if Fagin was obviously a stand-in for a respectable capitalist, a lot more of the readers would be comfortable excusing him.
which is why he's Jewish, and why the text belabors that point so obsessively--antisemitism is being used as a lever to discourage the public from identifying with Child Labor Exploiting Guy and to characterize his desire to accumulate wealth at the expense of others as greedy, selfish, and illegitimate.
i could never quite figure what the point of using that stock character in that context and so emphatically was. especially after learning that, having had it extensively explained that it was harmful to actual Jewish people to go so hard on this in such a popular novel, Dickens was like 'oh my bad' and walked it back a bit.
because in that case the antisemitism obviously wasn't an end in itself? but if it was incidental flavor, why so much?
but as a screen for his political agenda, it makes sense. using judaism to code an antagonist's profit motive as illegitimate had a long literary history already, but in this case Fagin was already manifestly a criminal so it was like. why.
anyway this isn't about justifying charles dickens' artistic choices that even he somewhat regretted. it's a bit about how easy it can be to fail to put together context even when you have all the pieces, especially at a remove from our own lived experience.
and a bit more about how the tools we use for political ends should be carefully inspected. no matter how ordinary and unremarkable they seem when we pick them up. because we might be missing different historical context due to being embedded in it.
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random-brushstrokes · 10 months
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Charles Guilloux - Lever de lune, vieille route de Treduder (1898)
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qqueenofhades · 4 months
I hope when Chuckie kicks it, Diana is waiting for him at the gates with a Comically Large Lever to pull that sends him straight to hell. It's what she deserves.
WRONG LEVER DIANA, Charles yells as he is dropped into an Eternal Pit of Crocodiles. Everyone cheers.
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spicyclover · 1 year
Summary: You have had enough of Charles and his stupid TikTok prank.
Hope you’ll enjoy this part. Let me know in the comments section! And to support me by tipping me!
Little information, I will, for now, only post on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Thank you, and Enjoy! :)
Lots of love, xxx Spicy Clover 
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Charles is with his friends in the living room enjoying an aperitif in front of a football game when you finally get out of your office to prepare food. Not even a hello or anything. They all ignored you. You don’t hold it against them, but it annoys you a little.
For some days, Charles has discovered a new passion: TikTok challenges. So it goes from dancing to food and even jokes. He laughs about it with his friends, who find it highly amusing. You, a little less.
Because yes, you have been taken as a prime target. You are entitled to everything to your own annoyance.
You don’t know that you’re being filmed without your knowledge for yet another joke. When Charles finally speaks, you arrive at the kitchen counter and put your phone next to the lever to wash your hands. 
“Bitch, what are we eating?”
Shocked, you turn off the running water and slowly gaze at your boyfriend. This is the last straw. You look at him silently without saying anything. Your eyes do not reveal any emotion; it is only when you decide to move that Charles begins to regret his prank.
You still answer nothing and walk to the door with his keys and coat. You slam the door and run down the apartment's stairs to reach the parking lot. You walk quickly towards Charles' Ferrari. You sit on the driver’s side and start the engine. You see in the distance Charles running in.
You don’t wait another second; you step out of the square and start heading out. 
“Wait! Wait Y/n. I’m sorry,” yelled Charles trying to open the door.
Annoyed, frustrated and sad, you don’t want to listen to what he says and go out. You drive towards Carqueiranne, a small town by the sea south of France. You drive for two hours before arriving on the coast. The sun slowly begins to set away. You got the music in the car, your sunglasses on your nose, and you’re singing the lyrics all over the place. You deliberately ignore the vibrations on your phone, which you know, from Charles. You finally get to the front of your grandparents' house.
“Open, it’s me!” You say through the small intercom. 
They let you in, and you go up the small slopes of the house to park on the side. You get out of your car and take off your sunglasses. You put on the hat you found in the back of the car and walk towards the garden where your grandparents are reunited with some friends for dinner.
“Sorry to barge in unannounced, but I was walking by, and I thought, why not,” you say, hugging everyone across the table. 
“You are always welcome. Have you eaten?” Ask your grandmother when you get up to give you a well-stocked plate. 
“No, but I’m super hungry.” You sit in the empty chair and take the wine we offer you. “Thank you.”
“So, what brings you? Is it your car? “ Ask your grandpa, looking at the car you walk in. 
“No, it belongs to my boyfriend, Charles.”
“Oh, Charles. Can we find out more? How long have you guys been together? Where did you meet him?”
“It will soon be eight months that we are together,” you answer, laughing in front of the many questions everyone is asking. “He’s a racer, and we met at the Austin Grand Prix in the states.”
“Charles, as in Charles Leclerc, the Monegasque driver for Ferrari.”
“Yes, he.” You’re smiling.
Continuous conversation is good for talking to people you’ve known all your life. They don’t see Charles' girlfriend, the great Charles Leclerc. No. They see Y/n as the one and the only. You even posted a small private story on your Instagram account to celebrate this moment. You’re having a wonderful evening when you suddenly hear honking noises coming from the road. You get up to see who the crazy guy is who honks like crazy.
“Y/n,” he yells once he sees people approaching. 
“Charles?” You exclaim as you get closer.
“I’m sorry! I’m an asshole.” 
“Yes, you are.”
“Please come back. I am gonna stop the TikTok thing. I just realized how much you...”
“No more TikTok or prank!”
“I promise,” he says, getting closer to you to hug you. “I told the guys to fuck off. I was so scared you left me for good.”
“Well, I was thinking about it if you didn’t run after me like you did,” You respond, your head on his chest and hugging him tightly. 
“If you ever let me talk to you like that. You better smack the shit out of me! If I ever speak to you like that, do you understand?”
“Good, because I love you too much, babe, to lose you.”
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capturecharlesau · 2 months
*ahem* 👀…….soooo….. an execution will be played tomorrow- :) sooooooooo lemme just….
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Will Sven pull the lever hanging Burt and Charles to their death? 👀 I dunno-???
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birindale · 4 months
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This time: Catra goes fishing, She-Ra has most of Aquaman's powers, and the scripts get even more unbearable to type. We all learn a lesson about capitalism, but perhaps not the one intended.
Transcript/Image ID below the cut
[Image Description: 14 comic pages from the She-Ra mini-comic, “A Fishy Business”.
Cover: Mermista (in her mermaid form) and Starburst She-Ra swim around underwater, smiling at a school of seven bright yellow fish. The Princess of Power logo is up top as always, and at the bottom of the page in blue, outlined in a desaturated red, is the issue title, "A Fishy Business". Below that, the copyright info reads, "Illustrations: (copyright symbol) Mattel, Inc. 1986. Hawthorne, CA 90250 U.S.A. PRINTED IN TAIWAN. All Rights Reserved. (registered trademark symbol) and TM designate U.S. trademarks of Mattel, Inc."
Page 1: A desaturated pink caption box reads, "In the forest near a stream that began at Crystal Falls, Catra was busy making mischief. She stood back to admire her handiwork, a big waterwheel over the stream. Along the wheel were small fishnets, and on the bank was a giant goldfish bowl filled with water." We do in fact see Catra standing before a giant wheel, though it can't really be described as a waterwheel because there's no way for the water to turn it; its only adornments are the 'nets', which look more like baskets but you saw the caption! Who am I to disagree? A slanted, equal-angle channel runs from the wheel closer to the bank, a sort of reverse salmon cannon into the fish bowl. Catra isn't wearing her mask, her clawed gloves are only silver bracers here, and her outfit still strays closer to red than pink. She has a crosscut or rip-cut saw in her right hand (can't say for certain without a closer look at the teeth), and a claw (heh heh) hammer in her left. Her gloves are only silver bracers here, so she doesn't have any claws, and her outfit is straying closer to red than pink. 
"'There. As long as I don't get wet, this water-stuff is a snap to handle," says Catra, with an evil little grin. 
End Page 1. 
Page 2: ""Now to see if it works." She said. Catra pulled a lever that released the wheel, and the wheel turned in the water. As the wheel went around, the fishnets bought up fish from the stream. The fish were then dumped into a trough that emptied into the goldfish bowl." [sic] on that whole paragraph. It's like they took a concept script for a picture book and just turned it into a comic with absolutely zero editing or forethought. 
Speaking of no forethought, Catra sure has made this contraption within sight of the Crystal Falls, notorious hangout of Mermista and Friends. She's gripping a lever with both hands (now gloved) and looking back over her shoulder instead of facing the wheel directly. Skip Simpson, bless his heart, seems to have colored her skirt black on autopilot despite Todd Kurosawa's careful delineation. In his defense, Skip was colorist for the whole first wave as well, so he's still getting used to Scratchin' Sound Catra's adjusted color palette. Four concerned-looking fish are scooped up and deposited in the goldfish bowl. 
Catra seemingly lies down in the sand to prop her chin dramatically on one hand and smirk at the captive fish. ""You don't know it yet, Fish-face, but you and I are going into business together."" Seriously though, who put all of these quotation marks in the dialogue bubbles? Why didn't Lee Nordling stop them? What kind of editor are you, Lee? Whatever. Three of the fish gape at Catra in shock. 
""I can see it now. I'll open the first marine world in Etheria," says Catra. This seems to be an attempt at genericizing Marine World (now called Six Flags Discovery Kingdom), which at the time of publication (1986) had just moved to Vallejo, California and was moderately big news, featuring such wild headlines 'professional basketball player called in to pull bolt out of dolphin throat', 'tiger bites the shit out of football player at pep rally' before Vallejo moved them over from Redwood City. The year after the move they dropped an orca on William Statner (who was, tragically, completely fine). Basically, I think Catra is envisioning an animal theme park with a heavy aquatic slant, rather than a flooded planet situation. But it's the kind of theme park which puts chimps on motorcycles and an elephant on water skis. So look out. 
End Page 2. 
Page 3: A pink caption box reads, "Catra saw herself as master of the show. The fish would do wonderful stunts! Catra herself would be the star. And how the crowd would cheer! Handsome men—maybe even Bow—would be madly in love with her." Oh so I didn't need to explain Marine World. Okay. Well I'm leaving that in anyway. This one's for you, Norcal.
Catra imagines herself in a series of fanciful situations, whipping the fish into a cheerleader-style pyramid (her gloves are bracers again, but the rest of her costume is Scratchin' Sound Catra-accurate, including ripped silver tights and a silver skirt); staring dreamily at Bow, who's offering her a bottle of milk; and waterskiing behind four moderately sized fish, which feels optimistic even for this fantasy. 
""So do some aerobics while I sew up your little swimsuits," says Catra, actually looking pretty reasonable despite the fish's shock. Can a fish do aerobics? I guess it doesn't specify that you get your oxygen through air instead of water, but I feel like it's implied.
End Page 3. 
Page 4: A pale pink caption box reads, "A few days later, Peekablue was riding in the Sea Harp near the beautiful Crystal Falls while Mermista swam alongside. Adora and Spirit stood on the shore. "Peekablue! Mermista!" Adora called. "Let's pick some berries for lunch." But just then a young seal swam up to Mermista with a message. 
We see the Crystal Falls in the background, and Mermista with her seal friend in the foreground, but the midground is the Sea Harp sitting on dry land next to Adora and Spirit. Is it not a boat…?
""Oh no! He says his friends, the sunfish and the tuna twins, are missing. And no one has seen the bluegills since yesterday,"" says Mermista, translating for a distressed seal with emanata that seem to indicate seal-speech. 
""Hmmmm, this could be trouble. I'll go look for help!" says Adora.
End Page 4.
Page 5: A pink caption box reads, "Hidden in a spot behind some trees, Adora raised high the Sword of Protection and said "For the honor of Grayskull, I am She-Ra!" And in a magical flash, she became the Princess of Power. Then, she changed Spirit into Swift Wind." Because god forbid we draw an action pose, I guess. 
Starburst She-Ra raises both arms to show off her cape, and Crystal Swift Wind raises both wings. They're so sparkly that light refracts all around them, twinkling and vibrant.
End Page 5. 
Page 6: A pink caption box reads, "Peekablue and Mermista were glad She-Ra had come to help. She-Ra suggested they split up. Peekablue said, "I don't want to get my lovely feathers wet, so I'll follow the stream leading into the forest. With my many eyes I'll be able to see any fish who went that way. Then I'll meet you later."" She-Ra stands beside Peekablue in front of the Crystal Falls, and Mermista watches them from the water.
A pink caption box reads, "Then She-Ra and Mermista dove into the Crystal Falls pool." 
She-Ra dives, Mermista just looks like she's floating downwards. It must be hard to slow down enough for a human (super-powered or not) to keep up. 
End Page 6. 
Page 7: A pink caption box reads, "Deep in the blue-green world, the two friends passed great sweeping fronds of sea moss, sparkling stones, many-colored shells, and the broken columns of old ruins. But, oddly enough, no fish. And no one seemed to know where they were!" She-Ra and Mermista swim past a coral reef, some decaying, vaguely Grecian ruins in the background. There's not a fish in sight. 
""Have you seen our friends, the fish?"" She-Ra asks an octopus, who shrugs and says, ""Nope."" Apparently She-Ra can breathe underwater in this one. 
""Fish should stay in one place, like I do," says a bivalve, "Then they wouldn't get lost!"" 
End Page 7. 
Page 8: ""Then I hope Peekablue has already found them,"" says She-Ra, looking concerned. 
A pink caption box reads, "But Peekablue found something else. As she followed the stream through the woods, her eyes searched the water. "I can see all the way to the bottom!" She exclaimed. But then her special eyes noticed something further upstream." Oh shit. Her brand. 
Peekablue is shown wandering alongside the stream, Catra's contraption bleary in the distance.
End Page 8. 
Page 9: ""Why, it's a wheel! I wonder what…?"" says a pink caption box, which was probably supposed to be a thought bubble. 
Another pink caption box reads, "Suddenly Catra rushed out of the forest. "What do you want, Feather-head?" "Catra! What are you doing here?" Peekablue asked. "I was taking a catnap. Now go away!" "Hummph!" Peekablue said as she walked away. But she thought, "I'm going to tell She-Ra about this.""
I really think they're doing this dialogue-within-captions schtick to torture me, specifically. 
Peekablue is shown looking startled, the Crystal Falls once more in the background, as Catra leaps out of the bushes in front of her. 
End Page 9.
Page 10: A pink caption box reads, "A little later the three friends met at Crystal Falls. Peekablue told what she had seen. She-Ra said, "I suspect Catra knows where the fish are. Let's find out." "Wait," Mermista said. "I want to go along." She dove, then flipped out of the water, her silvery tail dancing on its surface for a moment." We see Mermista, surrounded by a few perfect tendrils of water, suspended above the surface as Peekablue and She-Ra watch. 
A pink caption box reads, "Then with a spin she landed delicately on the shore on two legs!" and we see a four-stage, Animorphs-style transition between her two forms. 
""There. I'm ready!"" says Mermista, to a smiling She-Ra. Her hair is a little more purple than usual, but it plays off the yellow in the background well. 
End Page 10. 
Page 11: A pink caption box reads, "The friends soon found Catra's waterwheel and watched as more fish were caught in the nets. She-Ra said, "I thought so!" On the ground nearby were blueprints for Catra's plans, and She-Ra looked them over. "An amusement park! Leave it to Catra!" She-Ra stopped the wheel, but Catra, who heard their voices, came running. "
She-Ra stares at the plans in apparent wonder as Peekablue and Mermista look over her shoulder. Fifteen of the yellow fish are trapped in the fishbowl. Mermista's pants are orange. Peekablue is smiling for some reason. 
""Just what do you think you're doing here?"" asks Catra, who looks mildly affronted with her hands on her hips and a single eyebrow raised. She's missing her gloves again. 
End Page 11.
Page 12: ""Saving my fish friends from your clutches!"" says Mermista, with no expression whatsoever. Her necklace, which is a shell on the toy and a simple pendant in the Filmation show, is a tiny yellow fish. Presumably it spits water the same way. 
""They're mine now, Miss Scaley-tail! Now go away before I…"" says Catra, with a mild frown. 
A pink caption box reads, "But Catra had no chance to finish her threat because Mermista quickly drenched Catra with her water spray. "Yeee-ow!" Catra screeched, as she jumped back. "I think you're the one who should leave, Catra," said She-Ra "while we try to undo your mischief.""
Catra is soaking wet now. Would have been nice to show that action, instead of just telling us about it! Would have been a nice break from shot-reverse-shot close-ups! She-Ra, Mermista, and Peekablue all smile at her. Her gloves are still missing. 
End Page 12. 
Page 13: A pink caption box reads, "As Catra ran off, She-Ra lifted the giant fishbowl overhead and dumped it into the stream. "I think it's time you fellas went back home to Crystal Falls," she said. And the fish were very happy to do so." The illustration shows She-Ra doing that. You know, redundantly. 
""I don't think we should leave this here either, She-Ra. Catra may use it again," says Peekablue, pointing at the wheel contraption. 
""You're right, Peekablue. And I think I have a good idea," says She-Ra. 
End Page 13.
Page 14: A pink caption box reads, "Later, under the water at Crystal Falls, She-Ra and Mermista turned Catra's wheel into a ferris wheel. The nets were replaced by little seats. Their friends rode happily 'round and 'round! Mermista said, "I wish Catra could see her waterwheel now!"" The fish have set up a tiny admissions booth and everything. Various sea creatures gambol about. 
In an oranger-than-usual 'moral' font color, She-Ra says, ""Yes, and I wish Catra would learn that it's not right to use others to get ahead."" Girl, what? You mean the fish? You guys just assaulted her, stole her waterwheel, and undid days of work because she didn't immediately agree to your demands. Now is the time for a moral about how removing species can negatively impact a biome, or against cruelty to animals (not that 1986 was necessarily ready for that). Is this a good time to mention Mattel owned The Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus for a couple years?
""Now—how about a ride?"" She-Ra suggests to Mermista, beckoning her on. They won't even fit in the tiny little seats. Stop benefiting from using others, She-Ra. It's immoral. 
End Page 14. 
End ID.]
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aurevoirmonty · 2 months
Dette+guerre (https://t.me/kompromatmedia_2/353)–«On va sauter dans les 24 mois qui viennent»: Charles Gave annonce la banqueroute de la France
«Ils vont bloquer vos comptes, ils vont aller chercher l'argent dans votre compte», a mis en garde (https://youtu.be/IiZ0jB_LiWs?si=3eUEGoxYVbsEhccm) le fondateur de l’Institut des Libertés.
Avec une dette de plus de 3.000 milliards d’euros, notamment à cause des «quoi qu’il en coûte» de Macron pour le Covid et l’Ukraine, il va falloir lever environ 300 milliards d’euros sur les marchés financiers en 2024, a-t-il calculé.
«Il faut des années pour ruiner un pays comme la France, mais quand vous êtes vraiment ruiné, la chute est d'une rapidité…»
Là, il va avoir une baisse du niveau de vie effroyable. Et qui va prendre le plus dans la gueule? Les petites gens. C’est les agriculteurs, c'est les Gilets jaunes. Je trouve ça absolument odieux.
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lennies-blog · 1 year
Translation: Mick explaining the Miami GP track with Sky Sport Germany
Source: Sky Sport Germany
Sasha: "I've got Mick here with me - Mick, were standing here and the audience can look down on us, a pretty special atmosphere, isn't it?"
Mick: "Whooly different and you feel like you're on a pitch, which we actually are!"
Sasha: "Yes, this is our track, 5.4 km long - what are the special features here, besides it being built on a parking lot and around a football stadium?"
Mick: "Yeah, what's special is actually driving under the bridge here (points to turn 13-16) which is a really great part (of the track), really tight, really twisty, but we also have the really fast corners (turns 4-9). So we have a lot of variety of corners, you have a pretty nice flow actually, and the only part where the flow is not that good is here at at the turn 14/15 chicane, it doesn't fit in that well, yet, but I think it'll get better in time."
Sasha: "We can take a closer look at that using the example of Lewis Hamilton from the third Free Practice, so from this morning. It's exactly the turn that you spoke of earlier, these fast corners. What is the dangerous or the difficult part here?"
Mick: "Since the bouncing is still a problem occasionally - some cars still have it as you can also see severely with the Ferraris for example - you can see that the cars levers out here and since the car is jumping like that at the back, the rear axle will get very hot and it can cause this little slide just like with Charles and you loose the car pretty quickly. And what's really important: Since you have a long straight next you have to see getting a good exit (out of the turn). And you give in all the time so the front left tyre will be under pressure not to stall so have to act a little softer on the brakes."
Sasha: "And at this part (circles turns 13-16) which you mentioned earlier as well, the part that goes under the highway, you can already see with the onboards how difficult it is to stabilise the cars, apparently."
Mick: "Yes, it's a super tight part over here, a lot of walls as you can see here and you have to stay pretty close to walls, because if you are just a little bit off of the ideal racing line it'll get super slippery. And right here, as a new factor, the wall was brought in a little closer and the kerb right here was removed. So right here you can now go fully over it, but you gotta see that you won't go too much over it right here so that it won't throw off the car to the outside."
Sasha: "You can also see it right here, the tyre degredation and I noticed that the Mercedes is now jumping quite a lot when going over the kerb."
Mick: "Yeah, exactly. We actually drive over it with the whole car, others manage to only drive over it with the tyres and it's really important to have a good exit here. This passage can cost you a lot of time but can also save you a lot of time. If you manage it well and fast and have a good car for it, you're gonna be fast."
Sasha: "It'll be dangerous for the long straight to have a lack of top speed at Mercedes in comparison to the others - is that due to the dynamic?"
Mick: "You want to find a good compromise of aerodynamic and a good straight line speed and we have decided we would rather like more contact pressure to have it better in this fast part and to feel better. Here (you have) a lot of rear wind, so the tyres usually stall, so it'll definitely be tricky today."
Sorryy, a day late with the translation today 😅
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