#Chaotic Legacy Gen1
loveparfume · 26 days
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oh. the joys of motherhood
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commitmentissue · 11 months
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good kitty 🍀
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soulful-simmer · 1 year
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Nalu tried to be all independent and cook breakfast for herself and ended up setting the kitchen on fire. Kathy saved the day by taking the girls out for breakfast at the restaurant instead.
Also, remember Nalu's mean streak? Turns out Kathy has very little patience for back talk.
Oh--and Nalu started another fire making a grilled cheese that night.
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akitasimblr · 2 years
hello Ana, a random challenge for you. because your legacy is so expansive, how would you rank each generation? in terms of enjoyment, how memorable it was, etc.
awww this is so kind of you! and such an interesting ask! this will be a very long post, i fear 😊
i've completed the eleven generations of the life for something legacy challenge. and yes, i loved some generations more than others - not so much for the generational goals themselves (because they are pretty well drafted and very cohesive) - but the side-story for each character played an important role to the level of attachment and enjoyment of the game!
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it's going to be loooong 🤓
Zelda Harper - GEN5 - my favourite because of the side story, because of the generational goals, because of how relatable she felt to me and because it was during this gen that i started learning how to edit pictures!
Leonardo Harper - GEN7 - memorable because of how crazy this gameplay was! i derived a lot from the genrational objectives, but it was worth it! also loved the engagement and how other simblrs knew who leo was <33 thank you!!
Maria Harper - GEN11 - she hasn't appear yet but let me just say, her life was as crazy as leo's!! i decided to approach this generation following @ rebouks gameplay, which means i didn't focus so much on legacy goals and just captured the funny, fluffy and ridiculous moments while playing. i am eager to start posting this gen.
Ulysses Harper - GEN4 - because i loved the goals for his gen and i loved the traits of this gen too (ulysses is like a me-version). and also the idea of sending him to live alone on an island with a bunch of dogs was adorable. this gen allowed me to play in a very serene and fulfilling manner.
Theresa Harper - GEN1 - my founder! excelent generation goals and traits and loads of fun. i had never played a sim challenge before and theresa shall always be in my heart. she is also the responsible for my decision to hve all harpers immortal, simply because i couldn't imagine a game without theresa around <3
Virginia Harper - GEN6 - my favourite sim toddler EVER. i didn't enjoy her adult and elder life that much, i would have played it very differently if it was today. but her young adult days were chaotic in the partihaus!! other aspect i had never played with before - the clubs. but i loved it.
Heathcliff Harper - GEN9 - he is still being published, i know. but heathcliff life is very interesting! he recovers a bit of leo's adventures but it all turns around vampires - an occult i had never played before. and i really enjoyed it. loved forgotten hollow too.
Paris Harper - GEN8 - my sweet and silly paris doesn't get a top position mostly because after leo it would be diffcult to be THAT interesting! but sulani is marvellous and i really needed a vacation world after chaotic leo. however, paris elder days were... meh - i still haven't made peace with komorebi (it's a beautiful world, but i get bored too easily).
Ruth Harper - GEN2 - i loved child ruth soooo much now that i think of it! and this generation goals were amazing! i just had too much trouble in the beginning... i blame the mods i installed. i had planned a lot of things and then it all went poof! because she had a miscarriage. it made me so sad... that's probably why she's in this position, to be honest. also, i never got very fond of her looks...
Isaura Harper - GEN3 - isaura had such an interesting life it's almost unfair to be in this position. but the truth is that scientist career is soooooooo boring to me. and newcrest... i don't know, it was a gameplay that didn't sparkle!
Marcello Harper - GEN10 - my poor marcello... you haven't met him yet. he's such an handsome boy! but it's not his fault... the problem with this generation are: strangerville and evergreen harbor. i don't like these worlds and i was not imaginative enough to make the gameplay more interesting to me. i hope i can change it once i start editing pictures to publish!
honorable mentions to my new challenge founders -- grace harper and katherine harper, because alongside with charlie harper and wanda harper, they are my favourite spares and they totally deserve a chance to shine!
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jasminesilk · 4 years
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She just went up and stole a plate from someone else’s order... 
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mayorwhiskerss · 6 years
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Eddie: I got you a gift too!! I hope you like it
Thalia: I love it !!
Eddie: You haven’t even opened it yet
Thalia: so ?!
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simgerale · 3 years
okay, i just finished reading gen1 and it's midnight so i'm keeping gen2 for tomorrow 😂 your story is awesome, can't wait to wake up!!! (and sorry for all those asks....)
i CANNOT believe you’d go through the roller coaster that is my legacy from the VERY BEGINNING!!! thank you so much for being interested ahhh!! 💕💕 it compelled me to look back at all these moments you were commenting about... here are some of my faves lol
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for one THE AUDACITY!!! second LEILA’S RESPONSE PFFFTT peak writing, what can i say. that banner was hideous i’m so sorry you were forced to look at it for so long
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rhett was the sweetest thing i have ever created........i miss him so much
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*cracks knuckles* you KNOW i had to add some illness to spice up her story line. don’t worry......it has a bigger purpose in the start of gen 2, as you probably have already seen by the time this posts
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all i can say is that i laughed maniacally as i came up with that line because i think it was the end of a queue?? so i made people wait to see if he actually remembered roma or not lol. glad to know its effect still works today
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obviously my tags have always been chaotic and p.s. i’m sorry for getting it in your head ashdahaxhdacvdhu
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you’re excited now but..........well you’ll see ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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mayorwhiskerss · 6 years
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