#Carnelian blood
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bluem00n007 · 4 months
Karlheinz be collecting family like pokemon
3 wives
6 bio kids
One rando
His 5 kids
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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46snowfox · 10 months
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Vamos, toma mi mano ————Bienvenido a este misterioso mundo hecho de mentiras
𝓔𝓡𝓞𝓢𝓘𝓞𝓝     𝓲𝓷     𝓦𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓭
Ya casi es hora de la fiesta del té.  Parece que hoy hay más participantes de lo habitual. (NEIGHT) 
Tras perseguir al Toxin conejito~ 🐰❤🐰❤ Llegué a un lugar ~~~🫖🍪 ☕♠ ️ ♥ ️ ♦ ️ ♣ muy adorable💚💚💚 𝓎 ℴ 𝓊𝓇 🅑 ‌🅨 🅐 ‌🅚 ‌🅤 ‌🅨 ‌🅐
Parece que se va a celebrar una fiesta ❣❣ Oigan~ 🥺🥺🥺 denme dulces 🥺𝓎ℴ𝓊𝓇   🅑‌🅨‌🅐‌🅚‌🅤‌🅨‌🅐
Como imaginé, hoy tampoco prepararon ninguna comida picante. Que bueno que traje mi death sauce. 𝑏𝑦 ℭ𝔯𝔢𝔥𝔞
Pueden sentarse en donde gusten. Iré a preparar el té, así que espérenme un momento. (NEIGHT) 
¡Disculpen!  No tengo tiempo para tomar el té...  ¿Les parece si vengo en otra ocasión? (TOXIN) 
Oh, no digas eso, al menos quédate a comer una rebanada de pastel, hoy también lo preparó Yoru. (NEIGHT) 
Hoy preparé un pastel de chocolate. También se ve lindo cuando lo cortas. (YORU) 
¡El pastel de chocolate de Yoru...! ¡Pero tengo que darme prisa! (TOXIN) 
¿¿¿Y no puedes ir después❓❓❓No sé a dónde vas, pero llévanos contigo cuando acabe la fiesta del té. 🥺🥺🥺 𝓎 ℴ 𝓊𝓇 🅑 ‌ 🅨 ‌ 🅐 ‌ 🅚 ‌ 🅤 ‌ 🅨 ‌ 🅐
Ya lo corté. Come de una vez.  (YORU) 
¿Ya se va?  Entonces me comeré el trozo de Toxin. . 𝑏𝑦 ℭ𝔯𝔢𝔥𝔞
Ya está listo el té. (NEIGHT) 
...Supongo que puedo quedarme unos minutos... (TOXIN) 
¿Acaso alguien se enojará contigo por llegar tarde❓⏱ 🐰 De todos modos ya debes de estar atrasado😂😂😂𝓎ℴ𝓊𝓇   🅑‌🅨‌🅐‌🅚‌🅤‌🅨‌🅐
Se me va a acabar la batería. ¿Hay algún enchufe en este jardín? 𝑏𝑦 ℭ𝔯𝔢𝔥𝔞
¡Cierto!  Yoru, cuando acabe la fiesta, ¿podrías mostrarme el camino que debo seguir?  La verdad es que no sé por donde ir... (TOXIN) 
¿Tenías tantas prisas pese a que desconocías el camino? (NEIGHT) 
...Date prisa y come, yo te llevaré. (YORU) 
――――Ese grupo perdido en el misterioso mundo de mentiras es:
𝓔𝓡𝓞𝓢𝓘𝓞𝓝 𝓲𝓷 𝓦𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓭
Twitter de EROSION
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koumeowkami · 9 months
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someone needs to teach him how to use google maps For the love of god
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yaoisex · 1 year
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A cast MV for RADHEAD from EROSION 1st Live was released today. 
This Live was almost 2 years ago. I’m happy they released a video so we could witness all the beauty and hotness! *__* 
My favs in the group are Tosshi & ChibaSho, but goddamnit Ryouta!! I just HAD to make a gifset of him. Damn. 
I hope they’ll release a MV from the 2nd Live as well~
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animalpetcel · 4 months
I love how Carnelian Blood made me re-fulfill my promise to return to the DL fandom (I left bc I had more passionate interest at the time and wasn't interested in Chaos Lineage but if it got new characters I told myself I'd return) and it's like stepping into a time capsule
things, for better or worse, have no changed
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vampires-bitrs · 8 months
I'm a firm believer that most of Rejets games take place in the same universe it can be different points In time, but it's the same universe.
Especially when it comes to these next 4 games, I can go on a whole rant about it! (but most fans do agree upon this anyway.)
Diabolik Lovers
Dance with Devils
Black Wolves Saga
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pixi3n · 10 days
Uhh, i wanna post something about carnelian blood or diabolik lovers, but i don’t know what 😭😭😭, would you give me ideas please???
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sinful-liesel · 1 year
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EROSION 2nd ALBUM "NEW MIXTURE" ↳ On sale February 23, 2023
EROSION ⚡Toxin (CV: Shoya Chiba) ⚡Yoru (CV: Arthur Lounsbery) ⚡Neight (CV: Ryota Suzuki) ⚡Byakuya (CV: Yuya Hirose) ⚡Creha (CV: Toshiyuki Toyonaga)
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intomybubble · 1 year
So the VA of Trey Clover (Twisted Wonderland) is in this multimedia project called Carnelian Blood and voices the character Neight.
Basically where I’m going with this is that I really like his solo character song
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beauty-marked-beauties · 10 months
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Today's Beauty-Marked Beauty is: Toxin Akabane from Carnelian Blood
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¿Conoces Carnelian Blood? Si es así, ¿qué opinas de Carnelian? Se dice que él es una calamidad profetizada, alguien que va a cambiar "el equilibrio de la oscuridad", ¿pero qué crees que eso signifique? Además él necesita la luna roja para algo, y la verdad sigo pensando que podría tratarse de algún sacrificio, (cómo sacrificar a Yui).
No quiero hablar en profundidad al respecto porque realmente no tengo ni la menor idea hacia dónde va a ir Rejet con esto. Pero, tengo algunas teorías.
Estas son únicamente teorías basadas en mi manera particular de entender tanto a la franquicia de Diabolik lovers como al contenido que ha salido hasta el momento de Carnelian blood.
Personalmente creo que el final de Young Blood ocurre en la misma línea de tiempo en la que los Erosion van a Kaminashi. Lo que Karlheinz hace con los Sakamaki de niños ocurre, bajo esta premisa, porque nuevamente ha vuelto el tiempo atrás.
Suponiendo que la prueba realizada por Sócrates en Chaos Lineage no salió de la manera en la que esperaban, Karlheinz tendría entonces que hacer otra prueba, una que le permitiera saber a ciencia cierta (antes de poner nuevamente en marcha su plan) cuál de sus hijos está más capacitado para ser Adán (recuerden que en Dark Fate se establece el término “destino oscuro”, un destino inalterable que todo ser del Mundo demoníaco posee por defecto desde su nacimiento).
Acorde a lo que he expuesto con anterioridad, Karlheinz trata de crear un destino en donde su plan sea un hecho inevitable. Por eso la higuera. No solo se trata de una prueba para ver quién es el más apto para convertirse en Adán en un futuro, es Karl tratando de crear ese destino. Y habiendo sido Ayato, no es sorpresa que él sea quien, al final de Young Blood, se encuentra con Yui por casualidad.
Porque no es casualidad, es destino.
En resumen:
Considero todo esto como un reinicio del plan de Karlheinz, un reinicio en donde Carnelian es creado porque se convertirá en una de las piezas fundamentales de su jugada.
¿Por qué? No lo sé. Pero Karl está detrás tanto de su creación como de su transformación, y probablemente todo lo que Carnelian haya hecho como consecuencia de su transformación sea (directa o indirectamente) impulsado por el mismísimo Karlheinz.
¿Cuál es el papel de los chicos de Erosion en esto? No lo sé, pero hay un hecho a destacar, y es que cada uno de ellos pertenece a un clan diferente, además de que parecen haber sido quirúrgicamente alterados.
Otro dato destacable es que Carnelian parece tener una genética particular (una mutación). Esto puede verse en sus hijas, que nacieron con seis dedos. Quizás esta sea otra de las razones por la que Karlheinz lo necesita (y tal vez sea la razón del nombre de la franquicia “Carnelian blood” —que puede traducirse como “Sangre de Carnelian”—).
Si me lo preguntan diría que sí, tanto los Sakamaki como los miembros de Erosion van a toparse en algún momento; no por nada ambas tramas siguen transcurriendo en Kaminashi y en la Academia Ryoutei.
De ser así, este sería un proyecto bastante ambicioso, por lo cual, que se tomen su tiempo en crear contenido es buena señal, porque significaría que están haciendo algo realmente interesante e intrincado.
¡Al menos me encantaría que lo fuera! ( ˶ˆ꒳ˆ˵ )♡
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adiabolikpastel · 1 year
I'm not sure if you got the question I sent you the other day, so I'll send it again, (I hope this doesn't bother you, if so ignore this 😣).
If really this guy Carnelian was so dangerous and powerful as to make all the clans make an alliance to kill him, how do you imagine a battle between Karlheinz, Burai, Ajax and the king of the Wolf clan vs Carnelian? I guess it would be a fucking epic fight, because I can even imagine Alrick, Alexander and Shu helping their fathers in battle! Even MC/Yui could give them blood since from what I know, Cordelia's blood is like an elixir that heals and makes the one who drinks it more powerful.
Oh gosh! I sorry, tumblr must have eaten it! I am happy that you sent this in again, since I didn't get it before. You will never bother me with ask~ always feel free to send them in!
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First off, thank you so much for mentioning him by name! I am so honored that you remembered and even used Alexander in your ask! Ah, it means a lot to me that you know his name and that you see him in the blog. Thank you for that!
Okay the rest will be under the cut, I just needed to get that out! Thank you for this ask I love these world building ask! I have also reached out to @the-sloth-woman to ensure facts for her characters.
How do you imagine a battle between Karlheinz, Burai, Ajax and the king of the Wolf clan vs Carnelian?
I think that this battle - at least for the cannon in my own universe of Excruciating Duplicity - would serve as a catalyst for what is to come. From what I have seen / been told about the Carnelian Blood story line - it feels like some kind of battle is what it is trying to lead up to. Putting a fight between all of the major demon lords vs. Carnelian in the near coming future.
To that extent - I don't think it would only fall to Shu, Alrick and Alexander (as well as the Wolf's son! - Eberto perhaps is that was his son). At least not for our DL cannon boys. It will probably be something that needs all of the Sakamaki / Mukami / Tsukinami boys to be apart of - because it would most definitely involve Yui.
The battle itself, is hard to say. From the bits of information that I have learned about Carnelian himself (which BTW, the tragedy of this man, my goodness he's been through it), I don't think that he would have the man power to do a big war like battle. He barely has the 5 sons - unless he comes up with a way to amass an army. So to that, I think it would come down to a literal 4v1 situation.
Where Burai, Karl, Ajax & Gottfried (dead in cannon, but so is Burai - we play with the timeline here), are fighting Carnelian and the boys are fighting his sons. If there were any armies or followers outside of his son's that is where Alexander, Alrick & Eberto would come in - along with any other siblings from the Adlers or soldiers.
As far as Yui's involvement, because I know she is technically the MC of the cannon - I am sure Carnelian will either take her or she will be simply support for the boy of her choice. I don't think she herself will do much, but she would be present. Idk if she would be conscious though. I can see Callista there as well, doing her part to either keep Yui safe once returned to the 'heros' or there for support.
But this battle would be one for the older generation, and what is most important for it in my cannon would be the affect it has moving forward.
The Catalyst
I believe that it would be from this battle that Gottfried would die. Out of all the lords, he would be the one to fall - and it would be Ajax's fault that it happened. While I am not sure what his royal bird brain does, it is form this that the major war begins to stem.
Burai, while not particularly close with anyone, is upset by the loss of Gottfried. Whether that be from not liking his son Eberto who follows after him - or simply the fact that once again Ajax proves to be worthless (probably more this reason). This battle, while won, spells the end of the old regime.
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46snowfox · 2 years
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Sagas de CD Dramas💿
Diabolk Lovers Chaos Lineage♙♟
Carnelian Blood/EROSION XXXXX💉
Black Wolves Saga Last Hope🐺
Support me on Ko-fi nwn/Apóyame en ko-fi☕
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koumeowkami · 1 year
id really be interested to hearing about the carnelian blood lore— I have rarely seen much about it, if AT ALL other than the fact it exists in the same universe as DL skdhsj
guess it's time for me to spread some carnelian blood lore then :P thankfully we're still pretty early in the story so there's not that much to know (even tho a new drama cd has just been released and we have no translations for it yet)! i apologize in advance for sucking at explaining stuff, i don't get to do it often lmao
// spoilers ahead?? it's old stuff but anyways
as we see in the voice comics, the reason why CB is linked to DL is mainly Karlheinz (aka the root of every problem in the DL universe ever), who met Carnelian Brecht and turned him into a vampire. Carnelian gained powers that made him quite dangerous in the demon world, considering he even created the Endzeit, the disease that killed the Founders. he started experimenting with the different demonic species and creating beings with special powers (the EROSION members are also from different species: Toxin and Yoru are wolves, Neight and Byakuya are adlers and Creha is a vibora). these beings "grew up" on a island called Mayhem, where they were also taught music (which is important to Carnelian since it made him "free" despite all the abuse he went through ever since he was a kid). that's why the EROSION guys are in a band and often talk about music like something that gives them life!
so we finally get to the beginning of the actual story: EROSION moves to Kaminashi City (where DL is settled too) in search of "something" Carnelian needs. at their first live show in Kaminashi, they find the thing they were searching for, the MC!
now, something about the MC: we learn in both the voice comics and the EROSION With You cds that she was on that island too. this means that 1) she's not human and 2) she knew the guys way before they met at the concert. they all suffered memory loss (i think when they were sent in the human world), cause they only start remembering her as soon as they suck her blood. we learn in Toxin's EROSION With You cd that Carnelian needs her to bring his wife Adelheid back to life: in fact she's an homunculus, a vessel created by Carnelian that lived and died many times until it became strong enough to give a suitable body for Adelheid.
sorry for the super long reply! i hope it was understandable enough. if you wanna learn about EROSION in particular here's a guide i made <3
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yaoisex · 2 years
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From today’s EROSION 2nd Live. They look so good!!! 🔥
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