#Career counseling Counselor Anubha Verma
divyablog · 3 years
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counselorindelhi · 6 years
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Career Counseling can help in Decision making and Planning.Right Career choice leads to happiness and enjoyment in your work and fulfilling your dreams.
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counsloranubha-blog · 7 years
Counselling provide couples a proper environment to express about how they feel. When the going gets tough and it becomes difficult for couples to hear each other, then counsellors help bridge the gap between them by listening to their feeling.
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Anubha Verma (Counselling Psychologist)
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Unlocking the Benefits of Pre-Marriage Counseling in Delhi with Anubha Verma
Marriage is a significant milestone in one’s life, and preparing for it is crucial for a strong and lasting relationship. Pre-marriage counseling can be an essential step for couples in Delhi who are about to embark on this lifelong journey together. Anubha Verma, a renowned counseling psychologist, offers specialized pre-marriage counseling services that can help couples build a solid foundation for their future. This article delves into the myriad benefits of pre-marriage counseling, the importance of choosing the right counselor, and why Delhi is an ideal place for couples to seek guidance before their big day.
Why Pre-Marriage Counseling is Essential
Strengthens Communication Skills: Effective communication is the backbone of any healthy relationship. Pre-marriage counseling with Anubha Verma focuses on enhancing couples’ communication skills, helping them express their thoughts and feelings openly and honestly. This can prevent misunderstandings and build a deeper connection.
Identifies Potential Issues: Every couple faces unique challenges. Through pre-marriage counseling, Anubha Verma helps couples identify and address potential issues before they become significant problems. This proactive approach ensures that both partners are on the same page and can work together to find solutions.
Builds Conflict Resolution Skills: Disagreements are inevitable in any relationship. Counseling equips couples with effective conflict resolution techniques, enabling them to handle disagreements constructively. Anubha Verma’s expert guidance helps couples learn to navigate conflicts without damaging their relationship.
Enhances Emotional Intimacy: Emotional intimacy is vital for a fulfilling marriage. Pre-marriage counseling sessions with Anubha Verma foster a deeper emotional connection between partners, promoting empathy, understanding, and mutual support.
Clarifies Expectations and Roles: Discussing expectations and roles within the marriage is crucial for avoiding future conflicts. Anubha Verma helps couples clarify their individual expectations and roles, ensuring that both partners have a clear understanding of their responsibilities.
Prepares for Major Life Changes: Marriage often brings significant life changes, such as starting a family or relocating. Pre-marriage counseling prepares couples for these transitions, providing them with strategies to manage stress and adapt to new circumstances.
Why Choose Anubha Verma for Pre-Marriage Counseling in Delhi?
Expertise and Experience: Anubha Verma is a highly qualified counseling psychologist with extensive experience in pre-marriage counseling. Her expertise and compassionate approach make her one of the most sought-after counselors in Delhi.
Personalized Counseling Sessions: Each couple is unique, and Anubha Verma offers personalized counseling sessions tailored to meet the specific needs of each couple. Her customized approach ensures that every couple receives the guidance and support they need.
Convenient Location: Located in the heart of Delhi, Anubha Verma’s counseling practice is easily accessible for couples across the city. The convenient location ensures that couples can attend sessions without any hassle.
Confidential and Supportive Environment: Anubha Verma provides a safe, confidential, and supportive environment where couples can openly discuss their concerns and challenges. Her empathetic approach helps couples feel comfortable and understood.
Proven Track Record: Many couples who have undergone pre-marriage counseling with Anubha Verma have reported significant improvements in their relationship. Her proven track record speaks volumes about the effectiveness of her counseling services.
Pre-marriage counseling is an invaluable investment in the future of any relationship. With Anubha Verma’s expert guidance, couples in Delhi can embark on their marital journey with confidence, knowing they have the tools and skills to build a strong and lasting relationship. If you are planning to get married, consider scheduling a pre-marriage counseling session with Anubha Verma today to ensure a harmonious and fulfilling marriage.
For more information about Anubha Verma and her pre-marriage counseling services, visit Anubha Verma — Counseling Psychologist.
Pre Marriage Counseling
Counselor Anubha Verma
Family Counseling
Career Counselor In Delhi
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divyablog · 3 years
Career counsellors assume an entirely dependable part in forming a person’s life. A career counsellor is a person who has great information and abilities in different parts of training and life. Directly from knowing the A-Z of the K-12 industry to seeing each individual’s aptitude, their knowledge about the corporate world, and about various other fields is vast. A career counsellor also knows about requirements by universities in India and abroad, and so on.
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counselorindelhi · 6 years
Counselling Psychologist Anubha Verma Delhi NCR [9818412314]
The major benefits of hiring the services of Family Counseling
Each family has its fair possibilities of issues and challenges the vast majority of which must be taken care of extensively to avoid any sort of crisis. There are numerous examples where families have been compelled to separate in light of the fact that the issues developed and were not taken care of. The way that the family is comprised of various individuals with various perspectives makes it hard to resolve issues; however it can be simple if the correct way is taken after. There are distinctive methodologies that can be utilized to manage diverse issues, and this is the reason it is extraordinarily prescribed to get family or Child Parent Counseling Delhi.
Given below are some of the circumstances when your family needs advising, and how a family counselor can assist the family restore general prosperity.
Enhanced communication inside the family:
Usually most individuals from the family think that it’s extremely troublesome at being available to each other. This has a tendency to make separation and detachment between individuals subsequently making ready for considerably more serious issues later on. In any case, a family advocate or counselor can help all the relatives comprehend their parts in the family, and furthermore demonstrate to them the advantages of transparent communication.
On the off chance that an individual from the family is experiencing an inability all individuals would experience their own procedure about this and claim misfortune sentiments which can undoubtedly unsettle the family. By and by, a guiding session from counselor for all individuals can 'break the ice' and empower them to see each other emphatically without making clashes.
Better Parent-Child Communication
Appropriate and proper communication between a youngster and parent is a critical piece of a fruitful family. The guardians need to feel like youngsters are regarding them, and the kids need to feel like they are being heard. With a family counselor, both the guardians and children will get an opportunity to learn appropriate communication skills and have the capacity to relate better and manage any issue effectively.
Adapting Skills when tough situation arises -
There are numerous progressions that will occur, and it is vital to know how your family can adapt to them in future. At the point when these changes are disregarded, they can have lasting effect on the members of the family. On the off chance that for instance, somebody passes away, the other relatives need to learn methods for adapting and coping up without the member. It can be hard, and this is the reason it is a smart thought to get help of family counselor who will help your family through everything.
There are little changes that may appear like no major ordeal, however with time they turn out to be enormous. The greater part of the emotions must be tended to with regards to adapting, and it can now be difficult to do as such without proficient help from Career Counselor in Delhi. What you realize amid the sessions will prove to be useful in future, and the youngsters will recognize what to do once they have their very own group in future.
So it is always in the best interest of the family to seek help of counseling experts to tackle tough situation within the family. Essentially, counselors prove of great help by offering tremendous amount of counseling and motivation that plays crucial role in tacking major crisis without much difficulty.
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divyablog · 3 years
Top 5 Marriage Counselors in Delhi
Marriage counselors help couples identify the complications in their marriage and guide them to resolve the differences in their relationship. Therefore, if you are having trouble understanding your partner then you can take the help of a marriage counselor in Delhi to resolve the differences with your partner and improve the quality of your relationship. 
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In this regard, given below is a list of top 5 marriage counsellors in Delhi you can reach out to when the going gets tough in your marriage. 
Dr Anubha Verma: Counseling Psychologist
Anubha Verma is one of the best and most experienced marriage counselors in Delhi. Having completed her B.A (Hons) Psychology from Delhi University (1991), she also holds Masters in Psychology from Delhi University (1993). Besides, she is a diploma holder in Guidance and Counseling (1998). 
She has more than 20 years of experience in helping couples resolve compatibility issues and psychological differences between them. In addition to extending the service of marriage counseling in Delhi, she also exercises her expertise in the following areas of counselling;
1. Healthy Relationships
2. Career Counselling
3. Effective Parenting Skills
4. Managing Stress and Emotions
5. TeachingLife-Skills
Dealing with Adolescent Issues
Contact Details - Mrs. Anubha Verma Counseling Psychologist Address: Pankaj Plaza,  SECTOR-4 Dwarka DELHI.
Website: http://www.counselorindelhi.in/
2. Dr.Kamal Khurana - Marriage & Relationship Counselor
Another popular name in the field of marriage counselling in Delhi, Dr. Kamal has inspired hundreds of couples over the years to mitigate their differences and strengthen their marriage through engaging sessions. His marriage counselling sessions combine a mix of entertaining and engaging talks which help couples convey their issues with each other and resolve them amicably. Dr. Khurana’s workshops are interesting and engaging at the same time and he often shares real-life stories with his clients to help them resolve the problems in their marriage. 
3. Dr. Nisha Khanna - Ph. D. in Psychology
Dr. Nisha Khanna is at present working as a mental health professional and she has gained vast expertise in marriage counselling counseling and Psychotherapy. Being a senior psychologist, she has helped several number of couples during her career with her excellent approach to marriage counselling.  Nisha Khanna mainly extends her counselling expertise in the area of post-marital/marriage, parent-child relationship, anxiety and all other kinds of psychological as well as behavioral problems among people. 
4. Dr. Gitanjali Sharma - Best Marriage & Relationship Counselor
Dr. Gitanjali Sharma extends her expertise through her DGS Counselling Solutions facility. She provides marriage counseling services to couples belonging to different age groups. Additionally she deals in family counseling, divorce counseling, life coaching, depression counseling, anger spiritual counseling, as well as meditation. 
5. Dr. Tulika Bhandari - Psychologist Marriage Counselor
Tulika Bhandari is a well-known name in the field of marriage counselling and couples therapy. She is a psychologist and is currently associated as a therapist with TCI. Having completed her masters in psychology, she specializes in clinical as well as counseling psychology. She has performed profound research work in the areas of couples counselling, parenting, life satisfaction, dealing with stress, and organizational skills. 
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divyablog · 3 years
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Career counseling Counselor Anubha Verma
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counselorindelhi · 4 years
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⇨ Counseling Psychologist Anubha Verma, profoundly experienced counselor handling career, personal, marital, teenage and parents counseling. Rendering services in Family, Marriage, Child Parents, Adolescent, Relationship and Psychological Counseling. Contact us at 9818412314!
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counselorindelhi · 4 years
A Guide to the Different Types of Counseling
The procedure of counseling starts with setting up connection among instructor and counsellee and taking into certainty the counsellee by the advisor and permitting him to open their heart and subsequent to understanding the circumstance encouraging him to confront the cruel real factors of life and society strikingly and building his certainty and clearing approach to utilize his quality by defeating his weaknesses.
Counselling is a connection between the counsellor and counsellee described by trust and transparency, in a coordinated, or a little gathering relationship, whereby the counsellee is assisted with working through his relational and additionally intrapersonal issues and emergency. 
counseling permits a person to have a chance to enhance their comprehension of themselves, including their example of musings, practices, sentiments and the manners by which these may have been tricky in their lives. It likewise assists with analyzing how to take advantage of existing assets or grow new ones that improve their lives and connections. 
Counseling Psycholoists in Delhi and advisors help their customers in an assortment of ways, and there are various sorts of guides relying upon their claim to fame. 
Counseling Specialties 
"Counseling" in itself is a broad category that incorporates numerous types in any number of counseling subfields. 
Counselors work in schools, emergency clinics, restoration offices, among different areas, or they can keep up a private practice, and there are numerous manners by which to practice during your counseling profession
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Different Types of Counseling
Relationship and Marriage Counseling 
As the name recommends, relationship counseling is the counseling that the people of a relationship experience, so as to determine relationship issues and cultivate better connections. Commonly, relationship counseling includes couple treatment, which is a subset of relationship treatment, where accomplices engaged with an emotional relationship look for treatment, anyway relationship counseling isn't restricted to those associated with a sentimental or sexual relationship.
 It could be relationship counseling among guardians and a kid, chief and a representative and so forth. Marriage counseling by the best psychologist in Delhi  is mentoring of parties to a marriage, either before marriage or after marriage. It could be for a particular issue, or to evacuate the general poisonous quality of a relationship. 
Career Counseling 
Career counseling is for the students who are going to choose their professions, and experts guide them on how to approach their career. It for the most part is an appraisal of your qualities and finding where your inclinations lie. Profession counseling provided by a career counselor in Delhi, for the most part happens in a secondary school setting, and could likewise include help in determination of universities to best suit the needs of the students and prerequisites. In any case, career counseling can also be useful for professionals who need to change professions or need to figure out how to advance in the vocation they have picked. 
Substance Abuse Counseling 
Substance abuse counseling is a type of counseling which helps individuals in treating them and supporting them from being liberated from their drug and liquor enslavement. It assists individuals with examining the reason for this enslavement and reach to its foundation. The guide along these lines proposes adapting methodologies which have a constructive outcome on their lives. Besides, they additionally give them rehearsing aptitudes and practices which helps in their recuperation.
Our Services:
Counseling Psychologist in Delhi Career Counseling Counselor Anubha Verma Child and Adolescent Counseling in Delhi Relationship Counselor in Delhi Pre-Marriage Counseling in Delhi Marriage Counseling in Delhi Family Counseling in Delhi Best Psychologist in Delhi Counselor Anubha Verma Child Parent Counseling in Delhi Career counselor in Delhi
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counsloranubha-blog · 7 years
Trouble in a marriage starts taking place when both husband and wife fail to understand each other. It is at this time to avoid further escalation of the fight, you can tale help of marriage counsellor in Delhi NCR. Miss Anubha Verma is one of the most reliable names in the circle and provides marriage counselling to couples for giving their marriage the chance to restore peace and love through mutual understanding.
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