#Captain Bazz
incaseyouart · 10 months
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Bazz, the long-suffering Zora bodyguard <3 I feel like he probably puts up with so much BS lol~
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thezoraprince · 4 months
Valentines - Zora x reader headcanon
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“Now that Valentines Day has come to an end, do we have any headcanons about our favorite Zoras and how they’d react to/celebrate the human holiday of love?” - @rocklover719
i had nothing planned to post today. and then i saw this request and went so wild with it
let's just pretend they do celebrate, because i had a LOT to say... i hope you enjoy <3
would 1000000000% be down to do anything romantic with you
the guy is a simp frfr
daily prince/king duties? 
not today
he’d doing everything in his power to keep you as close to him as possible
expect loads of gifts and flowers
and the CHEESIEST Valentine’s card that he’s obviously made himself
anything you want is at your fingertips
and you bet he’s taking you out to the NICEST place for dinner
he’s staring at you the whole night
a sloppy, love filled grin plastered on his face
he’s entranced by the way you look tonight
not that he isn’t every night, but
‘Wow, [they’re] something…’ he’d thing to himself
you both share a dessert
and and when you get home, it’s all cuddles and affection
Bazz ends up working
not because he forgot to take off
but because he wants to go on a survey and find some of your favorite wildflowers for a bouquet
as well as pick the perfect spot for a picnic dinner
he has every intention to make you feel special today
but he also wants you to have some time for yourself as well
once he gets home, he gives you this beautiful bouquet of wildflowers
he wraps you up in his arms and plants a kiss on your cheek
you both get ready for your picnic dinner
and it can be a bit time consuming, because he’s trying so hard to keep himself together
as you’re getting ready, he’ll plant light touches and kisses on you
and he doesn’t do it often, so you’re bound to get at least a little flustered
something’s definitely in the air
once you make it the the cliffside looking over the Akkala region, everything is already set up
the sun sets as you eat
and it’s one of the most romantic dinners of your lives
if it’s a training day… he’s not going 
“Fuck you, Bazz. It’s Valentine’s Day.”
he gets up the same time he usually does
which is VERY early
and he makes you the absolute best breakfast you can imagine
once you wake, he brings it to you in bed
and on the tray he brings in, you find a small vase with flowers and a card
you both eat your fill, all while wrapped in the comfy cozy sheets
it’s cuddles and affection all day
unless you want to go out
whatever you want to do, he’s up for
he will show you off to the whole domain
he’s SO proud to be your Valentine
he’s so silly
silly in love
you two would cook dinner together
and you both would make the biggest mess known to Hyrule in your kitchen
it’s quite romantic to say the least
as you go to clean up the kitchen, he stops you, wiping some flour from the tip of your nose
“We can get to that in the morning. There’s something else I’d rather be doing right now…” *wink wink*
Ledo’s quite reserved when it comes to romance
today however…
he wants to give you all the attention you deserve
he’s always loved spoiling you with little trinkets and eclectic finds
but he’s got something special for today
your gift has been ready for weeks
and he’s had such a hard time not giving it to you already
he takes the day off to spend time with you
he gets up early to buy you flowers, arranging them neatly in a vase on the table
and he’s made you a card as well, everything written so neatly and precise
he’d spill his entire soul in this card
he takes you out to lunch somewhere nice
nothing too flashy of course
and after that, you both take a little stroll around the domain
once you get to one of the many secluded ponds, his heart would start pounding
it’s gift time
“Close your eyes.”
he’d stand behind you, slowly clasping a locket around your neck
and it’s BEAUTIFUL
he’d spent so much extra time in Dento’s workshop crafting this piece for you
“I wanted to make you something special. I hope you like it.”
he feels butterflies for the rest of the day
just looking at you is enough to set his heart ablaze
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rocklover719 · 1 year
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Decided to give his head tail a dorsal fin because he gives me orca vibes. Ugh I love this guy, Nintendo makes the best NPC’s and then forgets about them!
This is watercolor, btw
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candy-fae · 1 year
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ellies-chaos-corner · 12 days
Numien: bugging everyone
Bazz, to Sidon: "My King, can you do something about Numien."
Sidon: "I mean I can try, but if you want to get someone to shut up, then Link's the person for that job."
Bazz: "Link can you—"
Link: "Don't say any more, Bazz. I'm on it."
Numien: "And that's why—"
Link: "Hey! No one wants to hear why you think you deserve being a captain!"
Numien: :0
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bad-bazz-day · 8 months
second terrible chapter
Being a guard must be boring as hell if there is nothing going on
contains: yawning, a frog, Bazz being a grump, morning people
As of now, Zora’s Domain sleeps, but not all Zora are asleep.
Bazz opened his eyes, blinking the pool’s water out of them as he raised his head like clockwork to glance the skies outside.
The sun has yet to rise in the sky and is still hours away from climbing high enough to shine over the steep cliff faces and mountain sides.
Palms on the smooth stone he lifted himself from the waters with barely a ripple as not to disturb the other Zora’s rest passing the armor rack. 
Breastplate? Check.Spear? Check.Helm? Check.
As the guard fastened the last of the straps in place he continued on with his mental checklist.
Reservoir pathway? Manned.
Southern bridge? Clear.
Entry gateway? Manned.
Bazz nodded to himself with a hum.
Good. No sudden Lizalfos invasion overnight.
For now, Zora’s Domain sleeps, but the Guard never does. Some guards, however. Should.
As Captain it is his duty to be up before the others and track shifts so there is always a pair of fresh, well rested eyes present. Even if he himself felt anything but that right now.
He returned to the communal sleeping pools and bumped a select few of the Zora with the bottom of his Silverscale Spear to rouse them. Silently he pointed them to what post they will be taking over for the day.
As his subordinates readied themselves he visited each guard at each post notifying them of the upcoming switch and to get briefed on any occurrences that night.
“Nothing of note, Captain.”
Gaddison spoke, fighting back a yawn and barely winning.
“Of note?”
Bazz echoed.
“So there was something?”
His guard shook her head tiredly.
“Well if you must know, Sir.”  She started.  “A hot-footed frog leaped on the bridge and kept having it���s legs slip out from under it when it tried to jump back off up to five times, making it a most amusing sight.”
Bazz rolled his eyes.
“Is that all? I didn’t need to be informed of something that benign.”
“You insisted, Captain. As I said; nothing of note.”
Bazz fought down his own yawn, faring better than his underling had done.
“Come on,” She continued, far less formal now.   “It’s been quieter after the calamity has come to an end. You can take a break once in a while, Bazz. You look like shit”
“I am sworn by oath to protect the domain from any and all threats. Peace or no peace and I will continue doing so.”
“Yes, Captain.”
The other guards had equally or even less interesting nights behind them. Absolutely fuck-all had happened and when pressed for anything Bazz could write into a report of events it was just as useless as the frog’s misfortune.
‘I scratched a scale loose.”
“I watched Rivan yawn so hard his jaw cramped.”
“You should be watching the bridge and not my yawning!”
Really something to be etched in stone for the archives…
An uneventful morning to an uneventful night.
The day, eve and early night fared a little better.
Guppies played around the fountain. 
Fanclub fawned and giggled.
Mei yelled what fish they overstocked.
Dento clinked away at jewelry.
Most exciting thing was Ledo who completely missed his chisel and hammered his fingers instead, teaching Finley some new colorful vocabulary (to Kodah and Kaydan’s dismay).
Come end of shift Bazz briefed those on duty again, resulting in having nothing to write in reports once again, just the backlog of administrative work to slog through. Poked awake the night shift, hung up his gear and slipped in the pool to catch some shut eye.
Repeat, repeat, repeat.
Without the looming presence of threat from the past century everyone’s lives turned a whole lot more monotonous. Calm. Peaceful but so, so…
Another day. Another week. Another nothing at all.
Like clockwork. Like every day, Bazz opened his eyes the same time he always did. Got up, got dressed and ran the checklist in his head.
Breastplate? Check.
Spear? Check.
Helm? Check.
Prince? Expecting him.
“Your Highness?"
Bazz inquired, standing just a little straighter.
“Ah, there you are. On time, as always.”
Prince Sidon nodded down at him, joining his friend at his side and swinging a heavy arm across his shoulders.
“Go back to bed”
“I arranged for you to have a day off. Take a break!”
“Sidon, what?!”
Now it was the Captain of the Guard’s turn to drop the formalities in the privacy of a too early morning.
“You heard me! Take. A break. My friend, you have been on high alert working extra hours for decades now. Your oath to protect the domain does not prevent you from getting the proper rest you need. And to be frank, Bazz, with how tired you look all the time you look a century older already.”
“I- I- I can’t, my shift. The reports I- Wait, old?”
Before he had his tired mind wrapped around a proper excuse his prince, and friend, had pried loose his spear and popped his helmet off again.
“Are taken care of. I’m covering for you for the day, I will hear no -but-’s.”
Bazz watched Sidon spin his spear in his fingers as he processed what he had been told.
That thing is just comically small in his hands really.
“And do what, exactly?”
“Get some sleep! Go catch some fish down river, when’s the last time you even did that, huh?”
“...Your Highness.”
Prince Sidon continued.
“Back to the pools with you, old friend. You really need that beauty-sleep.”
Hand at his lower back the prince guided him right back the way he came, even adding the little flair of a ‘go on, get in’ wave of his hand.
As Bazz slipped back in between the other sleeping bodies he gave one last look to the prince walking off to be a bundle of bright morning sunshine to Gaddison’s tired eyes no doubt.
Poor thing.
A day off.
What was he even going to do with it?
A problem for when I wake up.
He didn’t even fight the yawn this time, blinking sleepily.
Maybe I could go fishing again…
As of now, Zora's Domain sleeps.
And for now, Bazz does too.
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lemillionade · 1 year
I had a fever dream that Bazz had a last name and that it was Briggs..
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hylianjo · 2 years
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Naughty Captain Bazz! Check out this scene from "Archery Lessons" in Chapter 7! This fanart was created by Charleigh Graham @rainbow.sparkle.grahams on Instagram! Read "Archery Lessons" here. Rated E, 18+ NSFW
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gabelew · 5 months
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i don't draw ship art often,,, but even I'm not immune to office desk smooching aesthetics
and i already had this whole room designed so
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The master
-Urahara is always a perfect start to an episode, big ol’ man tiddys out 🤤
-The Visord! Fuck yeah
-Hiyori here 0.38 seconds before she starts giving Urahara a hard time 😂 it’s an outrage she doesn’t have more screen time
-Urahara gets more ripped every episode. I don’t know who it is in charge of animating him, but I offer them my thanks
-Yushiro Shihoin is a lil cutie 🥰 love how sweet Urahara is with kids man
-love an all powerhouse fight! 🙌 Ichibe toes the line of juvenile and badass so well. He reminds me of Urahara and Kyoraku in that sense
So the requirements to become squad zero is to be absolutely batshit crazy, right?
Ishida.. you ok bro? -uhh….. where was Giselle sucking the blood from..? 👀
Kyoraku! My love 😭 so good to see you again!
Yhwach, my guy, have you not learnt it never turns out well for the top guy to use and abuse his underlings? Bazz B bout to shove a flaming fist up your ass
the end with Kyoraku and Ukitake 🥺. I love them . So many feels
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bazz-b977 · 8 months
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As promised a Limit Breaker Quest is out for this month hope everyone enjoys it. I decided to do the Quest with characters that are not intended to be used while having fun and what better way is there other than using a team full of Aizen's!!!
Tech Manga Aizen
Mind Manga Aizen
6th anniversary Aizen
A hell of a run.
Link to YT channel below!!!
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thezoraprince · 6 months
Ring Ruins Can Wait - Bazz x reader
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“Idk if you’re down for requests but if I may- It’s finals week in uni and I have one final left (Mineralogy) and I woke up today getting sick. It’s an absolute pain to be studying while you feel achey and gross. Maybe some of our favorite Zora’s taking care of the reader during a time like this?” - @rocklover719
i'm SO down!!
i already have a little list for that request, so i'll do you one better <3 
i hope you enjoy!!! 
(p.s.: i spent 20 minutes looking for a gif of Ring Ruins... i could not find one. the chuchu and the construct in this gif make it worth it though haha)
word count: 634 (just a little drabble) scenario: you’re on the zonai survey team, set to research the Ring Ruins… but you’re too sick to go. y/n - your name
Here you are, laying in bed on the big day. The sun is shining brightly on the the luminous stone architecture just outside your door, the breeze slightly cooler this morning due to the winds drifting north from the top of Mount Lanayru. You’re supposed to be traveling to Kakariko Village today to study the freshly fallen ‘Ring Ruins’, but…
you’re sick…
You let out a pitiful cough, your nose running like never before. You grab a tissue and blow your nose into it, tossing the tissue in the trash bin next to your bed just after. Your head is so heavy, and it’s hard to keep yourself sitting upright. You desperately want to go on this trip. It’s your dream, getting to study the unknown. But, wow, is your body telling you to stay in bed.
There’s a knock at the door.
Slowly, you get up, trying to not to move too quickly. You slide on your robe over your pajamas and put on your fuzzy slippers, making your way to the door. Once you open it, Bazz is leaning in the doorway with a smile. “Good morning, y/n! Are you rea—” His face drops when he sees you, noticing just how sickly you look. “Oh, y/n…”
He follows you back inside, insisting on making you a cup of tea. “Go lay in bed, y/n. I’ve got it.” 
You discard you robe and slippers and crawl back under the sheets, wrapping yourself in a cocoon to keep warm. Bazz comes into your room not soon after with a piping hot cup of tea and some medicine. “Here you are, my angelfish.” he says as he sets everything on your bedside table. He takes a seat next to you, wrapping you in his arms. “I’m sorry you’re not feeling well.”
You sigh. “I was supposed to be going to study the ruins today…” you say. Bazz can’t help but to look at you with worry as you speak, your voice sounding quite congested and hoarse. He holds you a little tighter in his grasp. “I wanted to go…”
“Oh, y/n…” he kisses the side of your head. “I know. You were so excited. And I was excited for you.” he says quietly. “But, I’m sure there will still be an opportunity once you’re feeling better.”
“Yes but,” you huff. “it’s my job! I’m supposed to be there!” 
You cough once more, Bazz giving you another look of worry. “Shh shh shh…” He leans over you and grabs the medicine on your bedside table, trying to remember the dosage. “Here,” he says. “take this and drink your tea. The ruins aren’t going anywhere.”
You take the medicine Bazz gives you, grimacing from the taste. “But, I have a huge report due about it, Bazz!” You take a sip of tea, the warmth of it soothing your throat. “I’m not going to finish it. Then my job will be in jeopardy, and I—”
“Y/n, darling…” Bazz interrupts. “You can’t control this. There’s no reason to get so upset. I know you well enough to say that your job will not be in jeopardy. It’s okay.”
You know Bazz is right. You sigh once more, taking another sip of tea. “I know…” You look as if you could cry. “But Calip wa—”
Bazz takes the cup of tea from your hands and sets it on the bedside table. “Calip can get over it.” he says softly, smiling at your tenacity. “Right now, let’s focus on making you feel better.”
You lay down, Bazz letting you rest your head on his chest. He runs his fingers through your hair, gently kissing the top of your head. You smile slightly, hearing his heart beat. “Get some rest, my sweet y/n. You need it.”
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rocklover719 · 1 year
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Do I want to finish this??? Yeah. Will it be good??? Debatable
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leechandoki · 1 year
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kenneduck · 6 months
If Sidon likes heroic strong dudes so much… and Bazz became captain of the guard and knew strong swordsmanship from Link…
I 100% believe Sidon’s first crush was on his personal guard, Bazz. Sidon just with his schoolboy crush on the strong guard who escorts him around the domain.
I believe Bazz isn’t that much older than Sidon. I know Link trained Bazz to use the sword before the calamity, but I imagined Bazz to be a kid when Link did so. So in my head, during their “teen” years, Bazz realizes one day that Sidon has a blush on his face while ogling him. That Sidon is like “wow, you’re so heroic” and Bazz is embarrassed, but excited for someone to appreciate his abilities as a guard.
If anything, they end up smooching and stuff before Bazz is like “yeah no” cause I HC Bazz as Ace. And Sidon is… not LMAO. But I can’t help but imagine Sidon’s first crush being him.
But also now I’m imagining present time Link being like “I can’t remember anything about my romance life before the 100 year sleep. You like anyone before me?” And Sidon just glances over to Bazz, who is guarding the two in the Domain, and Link is like… “ah, makes sense. Bazz is gorgeous”. And Sidon adds “and heroic”. And then Link teases Sidon for clearly having a type. Meanwhile Bazz is blushing and acting like he isn’t listening in on all the compliments.
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bad-bazz-day · 1 month
chapter 3: get going
Fish seen jumping down waterfall, more at 11
By the time the captain wakes up again not that much time has passed.
It must have been late morning, an improvement over ass-crack of dawn.
Less tired the second time around he rose from the pool with more grace this time.
Going to don his armor more out of habit than anything else he found it… missing.
Ah but wait, had he taken it off at all before getting back in?
Bazz glanced his arm for his bracers.
Still there, beastplate and crestcap too.
Not really ideal to go have a nap in them but, well a little late now.
What had today's order's been again? Check on the debris blocking the road to Inogo- ah no.
New ones had come up. To ‘get beauty sleep’ (he mentally checked that one off already) and what else? Oh. Go fishing.
Not exactly the lineup that had him jumping of joy for the day but... Sooner he got to it sooner he got it done.
“Dammit” Bazz kissed his teeth, berating himself mentally
“Si still has my Silverscale.”
He immediately missed it's absence. Hand feeling empty and his side unprotected.
Did he need it to go fishing? No but it still felt weird to be missing that extension of himself.
He felt a little less bad about having fallen asleep in his armor still. He was in it more than out to where it felt like a second coat of scales.
‘Well if Si's covering today he should be en route of the perimeter rounds somewhere. Can't exactly swim up and ask for my spear back.’
Passing Gruve Bazz gave him a short nod of acknowledgement.
‘A Zora Spear will have to do, then.’ 
The domain was beautiful and calm as ever.
Laruta nearly ran over his feet, head high in the clouds no doubt.
Keye seemed to have a little more energy today, chasing Tumbo in turn on occasion. Although he would deny it if called out on it, Bazz's mouth did pinch into something just shy of a smile at the sight.
Maybe the day wasn't so bad after all.
Lesser spear in hand and just that little spring in his step Bazz hopped over the bridge railing diving into the water below.
Bit hypocritical of him, seeing as he would scold his guardsmen for that same action.
Quick twist of his body had him reoriented in the waters after landing right side up again.
The waters were chillier than usual today, not that it affected him much but it always felt easier on the gills than the warmer pools.
While yes he was technically off duty and didn't need to be fully armored he miiight as well check on some less patrolled areas while he was out.
It never hurt to look after all.
Air whipped by his face as he broke the water's surface to jump down the waterfall head first with the lake below approaching fast.
The churned out bubbles rolled across his scales like silver pearls in the light, tickling just barely.
The Prince and Master Link would chatter about how great it is to swim up the waters but really? It was much more fun to go down like this.
And a few more waterfalls down was the best spot for the juiciest hearty bass the river had on offer.
Great waters, great fish.
Could a man ask for more?
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