bad-bazz-day · 1 month
Its ya good boie, Captain Bazz!!
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bad-bazz-day · 1 month
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bad-bazz-day · 1 month
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draws captain Bazz a THIRD time because i saw myself show up in his top google image results
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bad-bazz-day · 1 month
chapter 3: get going
Fish seen jumping down waterfall, more at 11
By the time the captain wakes up again not that much time has passed.
It must have been late morning, an improvement over ass-crack of dawn.
Less tired the second time around he rose from the pool with more grace this time.
Going to don his armor more out of habit than anything else he found it… missing.
Ah but wait, had he taken it off at all before getting back in?
Bazz glanced his arm for his bracers.
Still there, beastplate and crestcap too.
Not really ideal to go have a nap in them but, well a little late now.
What had today's order's been again? Check on the debris blocking the road to Inogo- ah no.
New ones had come up. To ‘get beauty sleep’ (he mentally checked that one off already) and what else? Oh. Go fishing.
Not exactly the lineup that had him jumping of joy for the day but... Sooner he got to it sooner he got it done.
“Dammit” Bazz kissed his teeth, berating himself mentally
“Si still has my Silverscale.”
He immediately missed it's absence. Hand feeling empty and his side unprotected.
Did he need it to go fishing? No but it still felt weird to be missing that extension of himself.
He felt a little less bad about having fallen asleep in his armor still. He was in it more than out to where it felt like a second coat of scales.
‘Well if Si's covering today he should be en route of the perimeter rounds somewhere. Can't exactly swim up and ask for my spear back.’
Passing Gruve Bazz gave him a short nod of acknowledgement.
‘A Zora Spear will have to do, then.’ 
The domain was beautiful and calm as ever.
Laruta nearly ran over his feet, head high in the clouds no doubt.
Keye seemed to have a little more energy today, chasing Tumbo in turn on occasion. Although he would deny it if called out on it, Bazz's mouth did pinch into something just shy of a smile at the sight.
Maybe the day wasn't so bad after all.
Lesser spear in hand and just that little spring in his step Bazz hopped over the bridge railing diving into the water below.
Bit hypocritical of him, seeing as he would scold his guardsmen for that same action.
Quick twist of his body had him reoriented in the waters after landing right side up again.
The waters were chillier than usual today, not that it affected him much but it always felt easier on the gills than the warmer pools.
While yes he was technically off duty and didn't need to be fully armored he miiight as well check on some less patrolled areas while he was out.
It never hurt to look after all.
Air whipped by his face as he broke the water's surface to jump down the waterfall head first with the lake below approaching fast.
The churned out bubbles rolled across his scales like silver pearls in the light, tickling just barely.
The Prince and Master Link would chatter about how great it is to swim up the waters but really? It was much more fun to go down like this.
And a few more waterfalls down was the best spot for the juiciest hearty bass the river had on offer.
Great waters, great fish.
Could a man ask for more?
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bad-bazz-day · 2 months
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Redrew my Zorasona, Pebbles!
I see a lot of people saying that Yona’s domain may be a coral reef environment, and I think it would suit Pebbles to be from there as well! She’s a Geologist, and her tentacles (which reach her tailbone) are all functional as individual arms- which is perfect for holding for rocks and tools! I like to think she’s my normal height of 5’2, because octopi can shrink down to squeeze through small cracks. I imagine her small stature would help her hide in the reefs or squeeze around in underwater caves to find the things she’s looking for. I could imagine maybe she has that octopus ability to camouflage ever so slightly.
Perhaps she came to Zora’s Domain with Yona and her entourage. She was definitely convinced because “oooh active continental margin…. subduction zone with resulting volcanic arc ooooh” like any geologist would be. Take a break from the M.O.R.B’s and turbidites, Pebbles. After all, Ledo and Fronk could use some help locating and mining luminous stones.
She also definitely has a thing for guards- wink wink. (But who wouldn’t). And maybe Ledo-
I guess other factors would be she’s a young adult (early 20’s for a Zora), and she’s a biromantic asexual. She’s also afraid of the deep open ocean, the only thing keeping her going down there is the hunt for pillow basalts.
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bad-bazz-day · 6 months
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i'd say this is more or less how I imagine Bazz to actually look like, outside his Generic Male Zora NPC model and also my usual, more cartoony version of him
like, there's this slight angularity in his features, and his scales are more dark grey with bluish undertones rather than black
he's also at least a bit roughed up around the edges
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bad-bazz-day · 6 months
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That one time when Bazz was s h a king with excitement at having his friend back, while Link was just like huh?? whuh??? whomst?
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bad-bazz-day · 7 months
Design a Zora : Master Post  🐳
🦈 Body References (including armour)
Anatomy / Anatomy 2 / Anatomy 3
Male / Female & children / Eldery
Sidon 3D / Sidon 3D 2 / Sidon rotatable model
Sidon / Sidon 2 / Sidon 3 / Baby Sidon
Mipha / Mipha 2 / Mipha 3
NPCs / Bazz
Dorephan / Dorephan 2
Tutorials: Tutorial 1 / Tutorial 2 / video tutorial / video tutorial 2
Bases (credit required): bases | fem base | fem base 2 | male base | male base 2 | base pack
Online Zora Maker
Height Comparison
Growth Cycle / Growth Cycle 2  / GrowthCycle 3
🐳 Design Inspiration
Zora Name Generator
Colour Palette Generator
Different Fin Shapes
Zora oc tag  /  Zora oc Twitter collection
Silicone mermaid tail patterns: FinFolk Productions: Facebook / Insta | Mertiful Mermaid | MiishyFins | MerTailor
🐠 Species
Random fish generator
Every Single Fish
Aquarium Saltwater Fish (pics are categories, click images for more of that type)
More Saltwater Fish / Ocean Fish
Freshwater Fish (pics are categories, click images for more of that type)
Deep Sea Fish
Prehistoric Fish  /  More Prehistoric Fish
🐬 In-game Zora Weapons
Individual close-ups:  Zora Sword  /  Zora Longsword  /  Zora Spear  /  Silver Bow  /  Lightscale Trident  /  Zora Shield
Video reference
🐟 Other
Zora May Event
Zoran Language   /  Zoran font download link
What’s your zora’s fav food?
fanmade Zora Clans
NOTE: this is a concept, so knowledge of the game isn’t needed. And If you have suggestions to expand the masterpost please shoot an ask :) Also if you’re stuck, start with a headshot first! 💙
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bad-bazz-day · 7 months
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Telling myself this every day here's a meme
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bad-bazz-day · 7 months
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Viscera 💀💜 she’s a venomous viperfish deep sea zora >:) need me some unhinged and scary fis gf (full bio)
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bad-bazz-day · 7 months
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///drains u/// Finished colouring Wraith for Zora May >:) full bio on toyhou.se. basically vampfish (lamprey)
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bad-bazz-day · 7 months
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bad-bazz-day · 8 months
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do you have the room?
You know what I need rn? The entire Zora gaurd. All of em.
god same
what i would give for the entirety of the zora guard to be in my apartment rn
i'd give a lot😭
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bad-bazz-day · 8 months
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This made me laugh, so here’s a meme
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bad-bazz-day · 8 months
second terrible chapter
Being a guard must be boring as hell if there is nothing going on
contains: yawning, a frog, Bazz being a grump, morning people
As of now, Zora’s Domain sleeps, but not all Zora are asleep.
Bazz opened his eyes, blinking the pool’s water out of them as he raised his head like clockwork to glance the skies outside.
The sun has yet to rise in the sky and is still hours away from climbing high enough to shine over the steep cliff faces and mountain sides.
Palms on the smooth stone he lifted himself from the waters with barely a ripple as not to disturb the other Zora’s rest passing the armor rack. 
Breastplate? Check.Spear? Check.Helm? Check.
As the guard fastened the last of the straps in place he continued on with his mental checklist.
Reservoir pathway? Manned.
Southern bridge? Clear.
Entry gateway? Manned.
Bazz nodded to himself with a hum.
Good. No sudden Lizalfos invasion overnight.
For now, Zora’s Domain sleeps, but the Guard never does. Some guards, however. Should.
As Captain it is his duty to be up before the others and track shifts so there is always a pair of fresh, well rested eyes present. Even if he himself felt anything but that right now.
He returned to the communal sleeping pools and bumped a select few of the Zora with the bottom of his Silverscale Spear to rouse them. Silently he pointed them to what post they will be taking over for the day.
As his subordinates readied themselves he visited each guard at each post notifying them of the upcoming switch and to get briefed on any occurrences that night.
“Nothing of note, Captain.”
Gaddison spoke, fighting back a yawn and barely winning.
“Of note?”
Bazz echoed.
“So there was something?”
His guard shook her head tiredly.
“Well if you must know, Sir.”  She started.  “A hot-footed frog leaped on the bridge and kept having it’s legs slip out from under it when it tried to jump back off up to five times, making it a most amusing sight.”
Bazz rolled his eyes.
“Is that all? I didn’t need to be informed of something that benign.”
“You insisted, Captain. As I said; nothing of note.”
Bazz fought down his own yawn, faring better than his underling had done.
“Come on,” She continued, far less formal now.   “It’s been quieter after the calamity has come to an end. You can take a break once in a while, Bazz. You look like shit”
“I am sworn by oath to protect the domain from any and all threats. Peace or no peace and I will continue doing so.”
“Yes, Captain.”
The other guards had equally or even less interesting nights behind them. Absolutely fuck-all had happened and when pressed for anything Bazz could write into a report of events it was just as useless as the frog’s misfortune.
‘I scratched a scale loose.”
“I watched Rivan yawn so hard his jaw cramped.”
“You should be watching the bridge and not my yawning!”
Really something to be etched in stone for the archives…
An uneventful morning to an uneventful night.
The day, eve and early night fared a little better.
Guppies played around the fountain. 
Fanclub fawned and giggled.
Mei yelled what fish they overstocked.
Dento clinked away at jewelry.
Most exciting thing was Ledo who completely missed his chisel and hammered his fingers instead, teaching Finley some new colorful vocabulary (to Kodah and Kaydan’s dismay).
Come end of shift Bazz briefed those on duty again, resulting in having nothing to write in reports once again, just the backlog of administrative work to slog through. Poked awake the night shift, hung up his gear and slipped in the pool to catch some shut eye.
Repeat, repeat, repeat.
Without the looming presence of threat from the past century everyone’s lives turned a whole lot more monotonous. Calm. Peaceful but so, so…
Another day. Another week. Another nothing at all.
Like clockwork. Like every day, Bazz opened his eyes the same time he always did. Got up, got dressed and ran the checklist in his head.
Breastplate? Check.
Spear? Check.
Helm? Check.
Prince? Expecting him.
“Your Highness?"
Bazz inquired, standing just a little straighter.
“Ah, there you are. On time, as always.”
Prince Sidon nodded down at him, joining his friend at his side and swinging a heavy arm across his shoulders.
“Go back to bed”
“I arranged for you to have a day off. Take a break!”
“Sidon, what?!”
Now it was the Captain of the Guard’s turn to drop the formalities in the privacy of a too early morning.
“You heard me! Take. A break. My friend, you have been on high alert working extra hours for decades now. Your oath to protect the domain does not prevent you from getting the proper rest you need. And to be frank, Bazz, with how tired you look all the time you look a century older already.”
“I- I- I can’t, my shift. The reports I- Wait, old?”
Before he had his tired mind wrapped around a proper excuse his prince, and friend, had pried loose his spear and popped his helmet off again.
“Are taken care of. I’m covering for you for the day, I will hear no -but-’s.”
Bazz watched Sidon spin his spear in his fingers as he processed what he had been told.
That thing is just comically small in his hands really.
“And do what, exactly?”
“Get some sleep! Go catch some fish down river, when’s the last time you even did that, huh?”
“...Your Highness.”
Prince Sidon continued.
“Back to the pools with you, old friend. You really need that beauty-sleep.”
Hand at his lower back the prince guided him right back the way he came, even adding the little flair of a ‘go on, get in’ wave of his hand.
As Bazz slipped back in between the other sleeping bodies he gave one last look to the prince walking off to be a bundle of bright morning sunshine to Gaddison’s tired eyes no doubt.
Poor thing.
A day off.
What was he even going to do with it?
A problem for when I wake up.
He didn’t even fight the yawn this time, blinking sleepily.
Maybe I could go fishing again…
As of now, Zora's Domain sleeps.
And for now, Bazz does too.
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bad-bazz-day · 8 months
the first terrible chapter
you are a little idiot at Woodlands Stable, north-northwest of the Lanayru wetlands
CONTAINS: swearing and mentions puking/ gagging/ vomit
“Shit. Fuck! Shit. Shitshitshit. SHIT!”
Fingers came scratching and scraping at the sides of your face. Feeling. Searching! For the edges of that… That damned mask!
That stupid fucking thing, you knew. YouKNEW they shouldn’t have touched and now this piece of Spirit-forsaken wood was EATING. YOUR FACE.
“You gotta be fucking kidding me!”Again and again you tried to jam their nails between the ancient wood and their skin but you just couldn’t find where your body ended and the mask began.“Kish can you- are you there? Kish can you hear me? Kish!”
Shouldn’t have touched it. Should NOT have touched it.
When that weird smiling creep with his big backpack left leaving one of his many little, just as creepy, masks behind you should have just. I dunno. Not putten it on?
Like YEAH we get it. It WOULD have been funny to put the thing on and then do a sideways crab waddle over to Kish going “Look at me, look at me! I’m a Zora!” And start grabbing at whatever was on the counter with your hands like they’re big meaty crab claws but MAN.
Surely this is fate punishing you for the blatant misuse of a customer’s property during your shift.
A pounding headache like one just took a big sniff straight from a bottle of ammonia rocked through your skull before it felt like carbonated water ran up your nostrils to eat away at whatever remained of their sanity.
You clutched Your head at the agonizing onslaught the mask undoubtedly caused with your grip on reality and the stables around you turning into a gross, warm pudding.
Down onto your knees on the floor, forehead pressed to the planks head in your hands all you could do was to hold on. Just hold on. Just. Just hold on until it is over. Nothing else matters, just gotta sit tight. Ok? Sit here and take the pain and-.
Just like that, like the snap of fingers it was. Over.
The world dripped back into place as if not a thing had just happened.
Sound and sight were back as they had always been and the old  damp floorboards smelled like they always smelled and they could hear Kish walk back up to the stable’s sleeping halls.
You laughed. One of those little short ones you do when you’re just so damn relieved and it tickled your arms and-
It tickled your arms?
You go to scratch and look at your arms and YEOWCH did that scratch SCRATCH, you know? Like damn did your nails suddenly grow into claws or- Oh.
Oh they did. Oh they very much did what in the-.
“Oh this is bad. Oh this is. Bad.”
Sitting back onto your feet you looked at their hands to see they very did grow thick curved claws. Literally. Not just long nails and it’s just a longer nail plate but like your hands grew actual thick meow-meow claws. And turned white on the palms and gray on the backs. And grew webbing. Between the fingers. Kinda ew.
“Oh Hylia. I grew… Duck-feet hands.”
As you went to inspect why your arm had tickled you found they had not only grown a whole FIN from your ELBOW but also just. Gills. From between your ribs. Straight up. Like the actual gills of a fish you could stick your fingers into and-. Could you? Stick your fingers in?
Bending your new fingers in half to turn the claws away you gently brushed your knuckle over the zig-zag opening in your chest.
It was kind of sensitive. Like your throat, or your pointy ears. Just one of those spots you can touch just fine but if someone else were to touch it you’d squirm away.
“Oh! Welcome to Woodlands stable! We don’t usually get any visitors from Zora’s Domain. We don’t have any uh... Accommodations for the night, but feel free to use the lake as you wish! Or the river if you don’t mind the current.”
Kish’s customer speech had you knitting your brows together in confusion.
“What the fuck, man?”
“Oh. uhm. I… I apologize if our stables aren-.”
“No, no nono. It’s me, man. I think- look, ok? When that weird guy left I wanted to be the funny guy and put one of his masks on to come scare the shit out of you but I think…”
You said as you look back at your not-yours body and your stupid duck-feet hands.
“I think i fucked up Big Time, ok? You would believe the pain I just went through. It’s ME ok? I’m not a- A… Wait, did you say Zora?”
Kish stared down at the gray Zora currently kneeled down in his stables and started scratching at his hair not knowing what to do, pushing his hat to sit crooked atop of his head.
“My boy what did you- how is? Well can you take the mask off?”
“Wh- no ofcourse I can’t! what, like I haven’t tried already?”
Kish looked back whence he came to see if that overly cheery mask salesman was still on the roads somewhere but… It was like he just vanished. He should have still been visible, it has only been like a strong few minutes. This day couldn’t get stranger.
“Ok just stay here ok?”
Kish shushed, motioning with his hands at you as if you’re one of the goats he’s trying to calm.
“I’ll go get Ashe, Alright? Maybe he knows something or or has SEEN something, anything in all his years running the place ok? We’ll figure something out.”
And off he was.
After two failed attempts at trying to find your feet on your new legs you had to throw the towel in and crawled to the front desk so you could pull yourself up on it.
You felt like a newborn foal trying to stand but also like you downed five times the volume of Noble Pursuit you could handle with how much you swayed and had to lean on the counter for balance. Just keeping your head on your shoulders was hard enough as is, didn’t even dare glance over your shoulder to look at what you might expect to see there.
This was all just too much really. Wanting to comb your fingers through your hair in frustration just ended with punching yourself in the nose. THE NOSE. All the way up there!
A lot more tenderly yo try to feel around for what has happened to your poor nose to be on your head like a hat now and. Ew.
As you toughed it you could just. Smell. But not like sniff sniff smell like your noce could do no. No this was smelling to the extreme.
You smelled your skin or scales, the wood floor your hands were on just seconds ago. You smelled the dirty rag you had in your hand from before you had even seen that mask and you even still smelled your apple you had as a snack that morning.
Foul. Just foul. to suddenly have to smell so much so detailed and so strong.
Especially when you almost tasted the smell of the dirty water that was in the rag that clung to your hands.
It had you gagging. 
It wasn’t until you nearly folded over in half to spill your guts on the stablemaster counter for the third time you noticed the little grabby hands pull somewhere on your body your brain hadn’t fully added to the map of nerves yet.
You looked down to where you heard the snickering down by your left leg you saw Shamae almost hanging onto a meatier fish growing out of your hip. The old stablemaster Ashe’s granddaughter.
When she saw she had your attention she pointed right up to your face and laughed.
“Haa-haa! Fish for a head, fish for a head! Wow, big teeth like wolf grandma from grandpa’s bedstories!”
The finger was just too close to your new overly sensitive nose and without having needed to even take a breath it picked up a whiff of the dirt she had been playing in.
“Shamsy please, not now I’m-!”
Again you folded over to hurl for real this time.
“Ew eeew!!!”
Shamae let go and jumped back to get out of the splatterzone, using you as a shield.
Man, not only were you being BULLIED by a CHILD but you also had puke dripping down what is probably Kish’s desk.
Oh great.
Ofcourse he and Ashe were back juuuust in time to see the woodwork get destroyed.
Kish danced around you and the vomit drips on the floor to pull his paperwork out of the puddle so he could shake them dryer outside.
Hanging above the smell of your own regurgitated lunch did absolutely no wonders for your nose-snout and you had to scoot away to the side so you wouldn’t lose any more.
“My my, m’boy. Always the little troublemaker but really done did it now huh?”
Ashe spoke, calm as ever.
He looked at your sorry state, tutting.
Wobbly legs, barf on your chin, uniform hanging on in tatters not to mention the whole full body transformation.
Miserable. You looked just so miserable.
Ashe had half the mind to give you a stern talking to for messing with customer’s belongings but from the sights of it you had been punished enough as it is.
“Shamae, could you go fetch us the pitchfork by the stables please? give it a good washing in the lake first.”
“Okidoki grandpa!”
“And now for you. Shall i fetch you a stool, or do you need a table for a chair now?”
Ashe joked in his usual grandfatherly ways.
“Now. lets have us a little sit down and a chat on what to do next, yeah?”
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