apstynsears 2 years
Hi! I would be interested in learning more about nefur'un and gara'ul. Can you say a bit more about them?
Yess! So first thing
TW: fantasy anatomy (mentions of s*x characteristics & g*nitalia)
I'll start with Gara'ul! Gara'ul can be both a kin and kingender. Gara'ulkin is seen as the elven sex, Gara'ul, and it not seen as a gender. As a sex, they appear extremely androgynous and have very few masculine secondary sex characteristics if any. Their genitalia is not similar to any human sex, and they are very close to infertile. They do have the slight chance to impregnate 3 of the 7 sexes. There are 3 sub categories of Gara'ulkin, called Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3, Type 1 being the most androgynous and Type 3 being the most masculine. Those who do not identify as Gara'ulkin or any form of Calamaor elfkin may still identify as Gara'ulkith or Gara'ulhearted (meaning otherhearted). The flags are here:
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Gara'ulkin Type 1
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Gara'ulkin Type 2
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Gara'ulkin Type 3
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There is also Gara'ul (kingender) which is the gender version of the Gara'ul, created by the society of the elves. The Gara'ul represents an androgynous, xenine, genderless, & masculine gender. The amount of masculinity in this gender can vary from being very strong, very weak, or fluctuate. This kingender is exclusive to those who are otherkin, specifically Calamaor elfkin. Those who do not identify as any form of Calamaor elfkin may still identify as Gara'ul kithgender (meaning otherhearted). The flag is here:
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Now for Nefur'un! Nefur'un can be both a kin and kingender. Nefur'unkin is seen as the elven sex, Nefur'unkin, and it not seen as a gender. As a sex, they appear extremely masculine and have many human male secondary sex characteristics (deep voices, body hair, facial hair, adams apple, muscle mass, etc.) Their genitalia is more similar to the female human sex, however completely different at the same time. They do have the slight chance to become pregnant from 3 of the 7 sexes. There are 2 sub categories of Nefur'un, called Type 1 & Type 2, Type 1 being closer to the masculine side and Type 2 being closer to 50/50, but still masculine leaning. Those who do not identify as Nefur'un or any form of Calamaor elfkin may still identify as Nefur'unkith or Nefur'unhearted (meaning otherhearted). The flags are here:
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Nefur'unkin Type 1
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Nefur'unkin Type 2
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There is also Nefur'un (kingender) which is the gender version of the Nefur'un, created by the society of the elves. The Nefur'un represents an strong tie to masculinity and/or manhood/boyhood (in a completely xenic and nonhuman way), but also with ties to androgyny and femininity, however the masculinity always outweighs them. The amount of androgyne and femininity can be strong or weak. This kingender is exclusive to those who are otherkin, specifically Calamaor elfkin. Those who do not identify as any form of Calamaor elfkin may still identify as Nefur'un kithgender (meaning otherhearted). The flag is here:
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I hope this answers your question fully! <3
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Greetings, I am Isadora Alvira. I WAS the host of the Calamaor system. I ask that you use the pronouns ce/cim/cir/cirs/cirself on me. Much of my identity is fluid, confusing, or untold. Please continue reading for this blogs DNI, BYF, about me, and any other information I deem necessary to share.
Not Isadora, but wanted to note this blog is currently inactive but will stay up for the time being until we hear from Isadora or learn of cir whereabouts.
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DNI is an acronym that stands for "do not interact." There are the blogs I ask to not interact with my blog for my personal comfort and safety as well as to respect others opinions, wishes, and boundaries. I ask that the following do not interact:
Basic DNI criteria. This includes but is not limited to homophobia, transphobia, xenophobic, islamophobic, misogynistic, racist, sexist, ableist, pedophiles, and those who support, justify, or tolerate any of the above.
Those who do not support xenogenders, neopronouns, LIOM labels, or MOGAI labels
Those who do not support therians, otherkins, otherhearted, copinglinkers, or other forms of nonhumanity.
Those who do not support self diagnosis or feel that one isn't valid until they acquire a medical diagnosis
Syscourse, shipcourse, heavily political, or any sort of controversial debate blog
Those who feel it is ever okay to fakeclaim another individuals experience
Those who feel it is ever okay to wish/threaten harm or death upon another individual
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BYF is an acronym that stands for "before you follow." I ask that you read over this list before following as to avoid accidentally breaking your own DNI as well as to understand some of my personal stances and boundaries. Before you follow keep in mind that:
I am part of a nonverbal DID system that is very traumatized and disabled. We will have episodes of delusions, episodes of paranoia, episodes of erratic behaviors, occasional tics that limit our ability to type, manic episodes, depressive episodes, episodes of disassociation, and more. To summarize, please be patient when interacting. Tone tags are very helpful and feel free to ask us how we are currently feeling to avoid negative or otherwise uncomfortable situations.
I am nonhuman and ask that you avoid calling me a human. Instead I am fine with being called an elf, angel, or just a creature.
I have many (in sys) children who may interact through this blog. My children will never front alone and will always have me present with them. If you are uncomfortable with littles interacting with your blog please let me know.
I will interact with both pro-endo and anti-endo blogs as I do not feel my personal opinion needs to be shared. I do not wish to participate in any syscourse or to discuss my thoughts on endos. This beings said, I will respects others boundaries and will remove my interaction if asked to do so.
Please do not ever reality check us. While for some, reality checking can be a helpful tool to define the line between reality and delusion, it does the complete opposite for us. When made aware of our delusions it only triggers paranoia and even more questions or delusions.
Our collective blog is @v-system. We also have an archived blog that belonged to an old host @apstynsears.
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About me
Here is some vital information about me that I feel I should share on this blog. My name is Isadora Alvira. I am part of the Calamaor system. I am part of the Vuldra T1 subsystem. If you are unaware of what the Vuldra are, please check out our old hosts archived blog @apstynsears or click here for the specific post.
While I am physically Vuldrakin, I identify as Nara'or kingender. While being Nara'or, I also identify with the terms transneutral, agender, autigender, angelbeing, angelgender, angelenic, asexual, aegoromantic, queerplatonic, and lesbian.
I use the pronouns ce/cim/cir/cirs/cirself. They can be used like the following: Ce went home. Me and cim are having a great time. Cir daughter is beautiful. I believe this is cirs. Ce can tell me cirself.
I am around 3,000 years old, as Calamaor elves live to around 20,000 to 25,000 years. I am quite young compared to most of my kind. I am also much more matured than most my age as well.
I have many roles within my system, some of which include being the current host, autism symptom holder, disciplinarian, emotional funnel, and protector.
My favorite food is orange chicken and white sticky rice, my favorite animal is a dove, my favorite color is ruby red, and my favorite emoji is the wine glass emoji 馃嵎
I try my best to use proper sentence structure but will sometimes have mishaps. Please feel free to correct me on spelling, punctuation, or any other type of grammar mistakes. I enjoy learning very much and appreciate others assisting me in doing so.
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apstynsears 2 years
Indrideye (kingender)
Indrideye is a kingender related to being Calamaorkin with "blessed eyes." Blessed eyes are solid colored eyes (usually white, gold, or black) with no iris or pupil, giving them "blessed sight." The blessed eyes are considered ethereal, angelic, and holy in Calamaor culture.
Indrideye (kingender) flag
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Coined by Apstyn, flag by Apstyn
Flags are available to use, credit not needed :>
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apstynsears 2 years
Calamaor elfkin flags
TW: Fictional anatomy (s*x characteristics)
Hi! First post here! I'm Apstyn, and I'm otherkin (specifically fictionkin & polykin) and want to share a flag I made for my kintype, as well as what exactly my kintype is. My kin is a specific type of elves called Calamaor elves. Calamaor elves do not have human sexes, and actually vary in 7 different sexes. I personally am Vuldarkin, which can be described as
"The Vuldra elves have the most similarities to the human female sex, sharing many secondary sex characteristics such as: thicker hair, rounded hips, breasts, menstrual cycle, increased body fat, decreased muscle mass generation rate, etc. The Vuldra can be impregnated by 3 of the 7 sexes. Please note that Vuldra is a sex and is not at all gender related."
I am Vuldrakin, specifically Type 4. Type 4 Vuldra have very high fertility due to the fact that they have 4 reproductive systems! Here is the flag I made to represent my kin:
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[6 stripe flag, from top to bottom: black, dark purple, dark magenta, neutral rose, magenta, and light pink. In the middle of the flag is a black elven star otherwise known as the otherkin symbol. On the upper black stripe, the elven star is colored white. At the bottom are 4 symbols of a uterus. The lower 5 stripes of the flag represents femininity, and the upper black stripe with white representing 2 different things. Firstly representing the Calamaor being born into the darkness as the light to fight the darkness. This ties into why their hair ranges from white, black, and everything in-between, meaning it can also represent hair color to less religious Calamaor. The 4 uteruses at the bottom of the flag represent the type of Vuldra and how many uteruses they were born with.]
I also made flags for each of the other types
Type 3:
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[6 stripe flag, from top to bottom: black, dark purple, dark magenta, neutral rose, magenta, and light pink. In the middle of the flag is a black elven star otherwise known as the otherkin symbol. On the upper black stripe, the elven star is colored white. At the bottom are 3 symbols of a uterus. The lower 5 stripes of the flag represents femininity, and the upper black stripe with white representing 2 different things. Firstly representing the Calamaor being born into the darkness as the light to fight the darkness. This ties into why their hair ranges from white, black, and everything in-between, meaning it can also represent hair color to less religious Calamaor. The 3 uteruses at the bottom of the flag represent the type of Vuldra and how many uteruses they were born with.]
Type 2:
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[6 stripe flag, from top to bottom: black, dark purple, dark magenta, neutral rose, magenta, and light pink. In the middle of the flag is a black elven star otherwise known as the otherkin symbol. On the upper black stripe, the elven star is colored white. At the bottom are 2 symbols of a uterus. The lower 5 stripes of the flag represents femininity, and the upper black stripe with white representing 2 different things. Firstly representing the Calamaor being born into the darkness as the light to fight the darkness. This ties into why their hair ranges from white, black, and everything in-between, meaning it can also represent hair color to less religious Calamaor. The 2 uteruses at the bottom of the flag represent the type of Vuldra and how many uteruses they were born with.]
Type 1:
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[6 stripe flag, from top to bottom: black, dark purple, dark magenta, neutral rose, magenta, and light pink. In the middle of the flag is a black elven star otherwise known as the otherkin symbol. On the upper black stripe, the elven star is colored white. At the bottom are 1 symbol of a uterus. The lower 5 stripes of the flag represents femininity, and the upper black stripe with white representing 2 different things. Firstly representing the Calamaor being born into the darkness as the light to fight the darkness. This ties into why their hair ranges from white, black, and everything in-between, meaning it can also represent hair color to less religious Calamaor. The uterus at the bottom of the flag represent the type of Vuldra and how many uteruses they were born with.]
Or just the Vuldrakin flag!
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[6 stripe flag, from top to bottom: black, dark purple, dark magenta, neutral rose, magenta, and light pink. In the middle of the flag is a black elven star otherwise known as the otherkin symbol. On the upper black stripe, the elven star is colored white. The lower 5 stripes of the flag represents femininity, and the upper black stripe with white representing 2 different things. Firstly representing the Calamaor being born into the darkness as the light to fight the darkness. This ties into why their hair ranges from white, black, and everything in-between, meaning it can also represent hair color to less religious Calamaor.]
(If this does not suit your interests or feels upsetting/sad/or any other negative emotion that you feel the need to express towards me please feel free to block me, thank you! /gen /pos /nm)
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apstynsears 2 years
ALL Calamaor kintypes
I have already posted about all of the kingenders, so here are all of the kintypes!
TW: Fantasy anatomy, mentions of s*x characteristics and g*nitalia
Remember these are not at all related to gender identity, and instead related to sex
Vuldrakin are closest to resemble the human female sex, however they come in 4 types, each type representing the amount of uteruses and determining fertility (type 1 being least fertile and type 4 being extremely fertile)
Vuldrakin flag
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Vuldrakin Type 1 flag
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Vuldrakin Type 2 flag
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Vuldrakin Type 3 flag
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Vuldrakin Type 4 flag
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Hfrenkin are closest to resemble the human male sex, however they come in 3 types, type 1 having 1 phallic genitalia, type 2 have 3 phallic genitalia (1 being most fertile and 2 being barely fertile), and type 3 having 3 phallic genitalia (all being extremely fertile)
Hfrenkin flag
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Hfrenkin Type 1 flag
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Hfrenkin Type 2 flag
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Hfrenkin Type 3 flag
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Caa'karukin are similar to a mixture of the human female and male sexes. They develop most similar to the human female sex and their genitalia more closely resembles the human male sex. There are 2 types, type 1 experiencing hyper femininity with little feelings of androgyny or masculinity, and type 2 experiencing femininity, but also experiencing a moderate amount of androgyny and masculinity.
Caa'karukin flag
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Caa'karukin Type 1 flag
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Caa'karukin Type 2 flag
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Nefur'unkin are similar to a mixture of the human female and male sexes. They develop most similar to the human male sex and their genitalia more closely resembles the human female sex. There are 2 types, type 1 experiencing hyper masculinity with little feelings of androgyny or femininity, and type 2 experiencing masculinity, but also experiencing a moderate amount of androgyny and femininity.
Nefur'unkin flag
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Nefur'unkin Type 1 flag
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Nefur'unkin Type 2 flag
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Nara'orkin are not very similar to either human sex, but having the most similarities to the human female sex's genitalia, however still completely different. Nara'orkin are considered partially sexless. There are 3 types, type 1 being closest the to sexless and barely any ties to femininity, and type 2 having ties to femininity, and type 3 having the strongest connection to femininity.
Nara'orkin flag
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Nara'orkin Type 1 flag
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Nara'orkin Type 2 flag
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Nara'orkin Type 3 flag
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Gara'ulkin are not very similar to either human sex, but having the most similarities to the human male sex's genitalia, however still completely different. Gara'ulkin are considered partially sexless. There are 3 types, type 1 being closest the to sexless and barely any ties to masculinity, and type 2 having ties to masculinity, and type 3 having the strongest connection to masculinity.
Gara'ulkin flag
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Gara'ulkin Type 1 flag
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Gara'ulkin Type 2 flag
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Gara'ulkin Type 3 flag
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Zeuikin are sexless, void of sex, or intersex elves. There are no specific masculine or feminine sex characteristics, and their genitalia varies from no genitalia, a mixture, or something else completely different. There is only 1 type, as it is an umbrella term for any form of Zeuikin.
Zeuikin flag
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These are all the kintypes! Hfren and Vuldra are the most fertile sexes, while the rest are barely fertile excluding Zeuikin, which are completely infertile. These again have ZERO correlation to gender and any kintype can identify as any gender! Also Calamaorkin exists and is an umbrella term for any type of Calamaor elfkin!
Calamaorkin flag
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apstynsears 2 years
Calamaor kingender flags
Within the Calamaor elves, there are 7 sexes, each of which can be used as a gender as well. I here have the flags of each of those genders based off their respective flags!
Vuldra (kingender) flag
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Vuldra's are linked strongly with femininity and/or womanhood/girlhood, but is not the same as a human femininity/womanhood/girlhood. It is xenine and feminine in nature.
Hfren (kingender) flag
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Hfren's are linked strongly with masculinity and/or manhood/boyhood, but is not the same as a human masculinity/manhood/boyhood. It is xenine and masculine in nature.
Nefur'un (kingender) flag
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Nefur'un's are linked strongly with masculinity and/or manhood/boyhood, but also with femininity and androgyne. It is xenine, masculine, feminine, and androgynous all at once, just with a stronger lean towards masculinity.
Caa'karu (kingender) flag
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Caa'karu's are linked strongly with femininity and/or womanhood/girlhood, but also with masculinity and androgyne. It is xenine, masculine, feminine, and androgynous all at once, just with a strong lean towards femininity.
Nara'or (kingender) flag
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Nara'or's are linked strongly with androgyne, xeninity, and any forms of agender/gendervoid, but also with a form of connection towards femininity. It is xenine, androgynous, genderless, and feminine all at once. This connection towards femininity could be very strong or very weak.
Gara'ul (kingender) flag
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Gara'ul's are linked strongly with androgyne, xeninity, and any forms of agender/gendervoid, but also with a form of connection towards masculinity. It ix xenine, androgynous, genderless, and masculine all at once. This connection towards masculinity could be very strong or very weak.
Zeui (kingender) flag
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Zeui's are linked strongly with androgyne, xeninity, and any form of agender/gendervoid. It is xeninie, androgynous, and genderless all at once.
Calamaor (kingender) flag
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Calamaor's are the elves who reject all of their societal genders and instead decide to identity as themselves, a Calamaor elf. This gender has no ties to anything, and can be expressed in any way the user see fits.
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