#CS Spoilers
bonefall · 21 days
The new arc’s first blurb came, and seems to be about Tawnypelt, Leafstar, and some random apprentice molly named Moonpaw btw. Can’t wait to see how awful that turns out.
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I'm going to go in with low expectations this time around. Admittedly, I'm not fond of the idea of following cats who I feel have massively overstayed their welcome. Leafstar should have been dead a long time ago, and Tawnypelt has been active for 20 years of arcs plus a novella.
When I say "I'd like characters from previous arcs to continue their stories" I don't mean that I want popular old cats to get forced into the spotlight constantly. I mean that I want interesting background characters like Icewing, Fringewhisker, or Breezepelt to get expanded upon with full POVs. It's a bummer that the Erins seem so bad at building up new characters that they're still relying on cats from Arc 1.
But, hey, maybe this will surprise me.
Moonpaw though... Moonpaw I've got my eye on. I'm listening. I'm paying attention. TBC and ASC had a "formula" for the three POV characters; Boy/Girl/The Horrors. It's not lost on me that Changing Skies seems to have dropped the Boy and the Girl, but kept The Horrors. I hope this signals that they listened to the positive feedback on Shadowsight and Frostpaw.
Other assorted thoughts;
I'm not even going to pretend to be kind to this; ANOTHER construction plot is just bad.
They're boring. I do not want another whingefest about how it's wrong and bad and mean to hurt humans for some reason.
Bone "Speckletail's Bulldozer" Fall: these darn cats better attack a bulldozer or I'm out
And goddddd why are we having ANOTHER "StarClan's really gonna be gone this time!" Plot. This is the third in a row.
I was already on board with it the first time. Burn the heavens down or shut up at this point.
Plus... it seems like a lot of this arc is going to be based around Tawnypelt trying to argue with people to get the plot to happen, Moonpaw warning everyone the plot is going to happen while they don't listen to her, and Leafstar acting in whatever way will be most annoying for the plot to not happen.
I cannot stress enough how much I dread this. I am so sick of buying books to hear about characters doing everything in their power to accomplish as little as possible. I can call my congressman for FREE.
Moonpaw though. I love her name. I hope that she has a strong personality to help her stand out from Frost and Shadow.
I'm hoping that she's more on the rough side than the sensitive side, tbh. Something I enjoy about Nightheart is that he CAUSES shit to happen because he's impulsive.
My ideal scenario for this arc is Leafstar trying to keep Tawnypelt and Moonpaw on two leashes and absolutely failing. PLEASE let my girls break stuff.
I hope that Leafstar dies in this arc. I'll be kinda sad if she's the first leader voted out, but she NEEDS to stop leading. So I hope it's a good death.
And God please I hope they keep the stupidity pills away from her. She has been at her worst in ASC.
IN A NUTSHELL; On paper, this seems like a middling idea for an arc at best. My expectations are low, but I'm hoping they surprise me.
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i-luv9 · 22 days
Rufus and Shyfrost are such cute names actually. I can’t wait to meet them.
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wolfsummoner · 17 days
Ohhh boy I hope Moonpaw's head-voice isn't another Ashfur
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safyresky · 7 months
27 and 3!
Warning! This one has HELLA SPOILERS. If you don't want to know who The Man is until it goes up (or you somehow have not picked up the hints he has been dropping) I'd skip this one 🤫🤫
Chapter 27: Scene 3
The explosion of snow across the way very briefly distracted the twin princes.
It was large enough that the fallout came pretty close to the pair of them. The flakes sizzled out as they barrelled towards the fiery pair, the air too hot for snow to stay snow.
Magic ran hot. So did both summer sprites. One of which was simmering as the pair fought. Smoke wafted off of Blaise’s shoulders as he and his brother darted around one another, flinging magic back and forth like they had in their youth.
Laughter and teasing as they threw spells towards one another, growing sillier and sillier as they progressed. The goopy explosions that’d hit the poor groundskeepers. The lecture that entailed.
But the laughter was gone. The teasing non existent. The spells serious, and potentially deadly, both warlocks meaning business. One out to protect. One out to seize. One growing distracted. The other taking advantage of that distraction very, very fast.
He was weak. He cared about others.
Pyros didn’t.
Using his finger to direct his next spell, Pyros lunged, the spell heading right for Blaise’s gut.
It hit.
Blaise deflated, a strangled noise making its way out of his mouth as his hands flew down to his midsection. He hugged his stomach, staff still clenched stubbornly within his grasp.
“Ou, that looked like it hurt,” Pyros taunted.
“Barely,” Blaise shot back, hoarse. Grimacing, he stabbed his staff into the ground, using it to push himself up. “I could do this all day.”
“I’ll hold you to it.” Grabbing his staff in both hands, Pyros flipped it, the tip of the crescent moon touching the snow below him. He whirled, drawing a large circle around himself in the snow.
Facing Blaise once more, he righted his staff. The tip glowed as he stabbed the pommelled base into the snow, the circle around him glowing the bloody red of his own personal magic.
Uttering a few words, magic went flying out from around him. It spread throughout the square, the magic covering the doors in a red glow. Open doors slammed, clicks and snaps ringing out all around the town.
Elves that had been running to the doors stopped as the magic hit, watching the enchantment settle. They tried to open the doors. They couldn’t. They were stuck. Locked.
And those that hadn’t made it in were trapped outside.
“Son of a bitch,” Blaise cursed, pulling himself up.
“No escape now, oh brother dearest,” Pyros said, using his staff to knock Blaise’s out of the ground. “Can’t have you undoing that enchantment now, can we?”
Lifting his staff high above his head he chuckled, the gem already glowing with a fresh set of spells.
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Excerpt from Cardinal Sins:
But he doesn’t run.
He finds the tether, the pull that drags him by his throat forward towards the murky blue-brown waters, wading into its cold with no regard for the way his clothes soak. His hands fall into the ripples the further it rises up his body.
Roman looks back at Tulip - who smiles with pride and encouragement.
Then he turns back with the utmost clarity, knowing the way a person knows how to hold a hand, bite an apple, or share a kiss, that he must sing.
And so, he does.
He opens his mouth to unused vocal chords that had never been trained a day in this art. The noise that comes out is his own - but it isn’t. What is used is not his throat, but his mind. It is the song of the dead and the living, of the tide and the moon, the forest and the sea, a love song between veils upon veils of in-betweens. It is knowledge no human can have, a sound no man should hear.
And the water begins to shake.
Gen Taglist:
@gabe-killed-me-with-ace-cream​ @carefulpyromancer​ @captain-kraken​ @moonshinemagpie​
CS Taglist:
@hghrules​ @author-a-holmes​ @e-lisard​
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herhookedhero · 2 years
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Interested in this Captain Swan pin!?!? Go to xxmoonlitsky_pins on IG and join the group. They need 30 people to agree to purchase this pin. All info on her IG. But please we want this pin made!!!
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lets-galaxy-things · 2 years
What I think will happen in chapter 28 of Cough Syrup in (/j):
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@nightmare-rivulets :D
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cutiesigh · 4 days
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Wuthering Waves has taken over all of my free time recently, so here's a sketch of Scar!Ren I originally shared in da 14DWY Discord!!
#14 days with you#to be tagged later#Sometimes a team is just Sephiroth; some random flower girl; and a dragoon from FFXIV#Like....... Look me in my eyes and tell me that one of Jiyan's abilities isn't just stardiver /silly#Anyways!! Sharing dis on my main only because it's just a sketch and doesn't feel ''official'' enough for da 14DWY blog#If I come back to this piece + retouch/put more effort into it maybe I'll reupload it there instead#But ya!! Any inconsistencies in Scar's outfit is because I was too busy staring at Taoqi <3#There was also absolutely no rhyme or reason as to why I drew Ren as Scar specifically too—#—Other than the fact that he WOULD rock da onigiri strip (RIP T_T) /ij /silly#Plus I was going to draw [REDACTED] as (WUWA SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!!!!) Geshu but?? Babes I don't think the timeline works out??#I really saw the marks in the same spot and was like “oh!! they're the same person :3” LIKE GIRL NO?? This is what happens when you skip cs#Geshu is still my number 1 next to Taoqi though (in terms of design) <3 I have a type teehee#Mayhaps I will draw [REDACTED] after all...... (It's currently 3pm and I'm nowhere near my tablet)#Also also!! A treat for those who've read this far: Day 3.5 will be made public very soon!! It's pride month n I wanna celebrate—#—With everyone's fave demi/pansexual enby (who sometimes does a bit of stalking) (as a treat) (he's a yandere)#Violet's birthday is also June 10!! Early birthday gift!! Yippeee!!#Ok I'll shuddup now <3
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tim-lucy · 22 days
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CHENFORD SCENES Season 6, Episode 9, "The Squeeze"
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eklaize · 9 months
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"Damen’s eyes fixed on him, and looked nowhere else; his breathing was still noticeable, and his pulse rapid, but anger produced all the same effects." Captive Prince by C.S. Pacat Them staring tensely at each other is my favorite thing to draw, but it's also super hard to get it right.... Probably the last one for a few weeks, because i'm waiting for my friend to come back from vacation so we can dive into the 2nd and 3rd book. (I love love love the slow burn, but i also want to get to the kissy bits !)
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laur-the-cat-prince · 7 months
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safyresky · 7 months
28 and 1!
CS Spoilers abound!
Chapter 28: Scene 1
Something sizzled.
Blaise was tearing up. But he was so warm that the tears were evaporating, sizzling away before they could even touch his cheeks.
Jack’s shoulders fell. He jogged over to Blaise, plopping down in the snow beside him. He placed a hand on his shoulder.
“I’m…I’m so sorry, Dad.”
“I am, too.” A warm arm wrapped around Jack as Blaise pulled him into a very tight side hug. “It shouldn’t have been like this.”
Jack hugged him back, trying to squeeze just as tight. “You didn’t deserve any of this.”
“None of us did. Not you, not me, not your sister…not even him.” Over Jack’s shoulder, Blaise glanced at the Pyros statue. He sighed. “I’m getting too old for this.”
Blaise sounded gruff; more gravelly than usual. Tired.
Jack could hardly blame him. Summoning a giant flow of lava from the depths of the Earth in the North Pole of all places took a toll, he imagined. Especially when the person you were summoning it for was your brother. Twin, even. Jack closed his eyes, tightening his hold around Blaise.
“It’s sad. It’s really, really sad, isn’t it?”
Jack felt Blaise nod in his shoulder. “It is. But it’s also…relieving. It’s over. It’s finally, finally over.” He pulled out of the embrace, holding Jack’s shoulders. “You’re safe. You and your siblings. He can’t hurt you anymore. He can’t hurt you sister anymore. And he won’t hurt your youngest siblings, ever, at all. I’m sorry this happened, Jack. I’m sorry I couldn’t stop him from hurting you.”
“It’s okay Dad. It’s really, honestly, not your fault. I mean, I knew us Frosts were crazy, but Uncle P? He’s on a whole new level of his own.”
In spite of it all, Blaise laughed. “Thanks, kiddo.”
Jack smiled. “Yeah. Don’t mention it, Dad.”
Blaise took a deep, steadying breath. “I should’ve listened to your mother all those centuries ago. She’s going to freak when she sees this. When she sees us.”
Below them, the ground began to glow white. Snow curled to life in midair, hovering above the ground.
“I think maybe she already has.”
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etuwubrutus · 7 months
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dark heir was a gay comedy
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gemsiiie · 2 years
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*shakes cs!ranboo by the shoulders*
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lets-galaxy-things · 2 years
It's Cough Syrup fanart time! I decided to draw cs!ranboo from chapter 28 because he makes me happy :]
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Background..? Who is she..? /j Really proud with how this came out, credit to the fantastic @nightmare-rivulets for writing such a great fic!
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picturebird · 7 months
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“James lay like a sleeping Ganymede, his enervated beauty belying the cruelty and destruction he rained down on the Stewards” —CS Pacat, Dark Heir
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