leonardalphachurch · 3 months
here take this real fucking random chucker excerpt from a cccr scene that’s literally like. years away i was just really inspired to write it now.
okay you get the smallest amount of context. this is post-tucker confession, the boys just started officially dating. and also church is finally on the “coming to terms with his past self” arc
“Yeah, well,” Tucker shifted on the bed to be facing Church, “I promise that if your wife ever dies and you decide to alienate all your friends and tear out a piece of your psyche to torture, I’d stop you instead of helping you do it.”
Church scoffed. “They told you about Price, huh.”
“Hey, this was a brand new type of Church breakdown, I needed to know the context.”
Church let out a bitter laugh, almost despite himself. “Well, did you learn the context? Did you have fun with my whole life out on fucking display for you?”
“Yeah, I learned that that guy was an asshole and I’m a way better Church’s man friday.”
Church laugh was a little less bitter, this time. “Pretty sure you’d be the dead wife in that scenario, anyway.”
If Church wasn’t so caught up in his own mind, he would’ve noticed the way that Tucker stilled. Cocked his head. Processed what Church had just said. Smiled.
When he spoke, it was soft, a little giddy. Almost as if he wasn’t addressing Church at all, but speaking a truth into the world, solidifying the unspoken into fact by allowing it to be named.
“…I’m your Allison?”
“Huh??” Church turned to face Tucker for the first time this conversation. It seemed to break him out of his own mind, at least, as he reversed back what he’d said. “That’s— That is NOT what I said!”
“That’s kinda exactly what you said, man.” Tucker’s smile was wide and bright. “Kinda the most romantic thing you’ve ever said.”
“Oh my god. That’s not romantic. It’s fucking, creepy and weird!”
“Creepy and weird and romantic.”
Church shook his head and turned away again. “I fucking hate you.”
Tucker laughed and moved to Church’s side. Looking over at his grinning face was like looking into the sun; it gave Church a fucking headache.
“I love you too.”
“Oh, fuck off!” Church said, and yet, despite his verbal protests, made no efforts to resist Tucker pulling him into a kiss.
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fabiansteinhauer · 1 year
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Vergleichende Meteorologie
Der amerikanische football, also das Objekt, mit dem gespielt wird, ist unausgewuchtet. Er rollt und springt nur schwer bis nicht vorhersehbar. Wie der europäische Fußball ist er ein Polobjekt, er ist für Wenden, Kehren und Kippen da. Beide sind Kinder des Kultes um Fortuna, beide spielen, beider Reiz liegt in der Kombination aus Kontrolle und Kontrollverlust, Macht und Ohnmacht, Schick- und Kippsal und nicht zuletzt darin, dass nach dem Spiel vor dem Spiel ist, also die Zeit zwar nicht zurückgedreht, aber doch gedreht werden kann. Wenn schon nicht Walter Benjamin, dann wenigstens Günter "Meister" Pröpper. Wenn schon nicht CCCR, dann wenigstens WSV.
Man spielt mit dem amerikanischen football auf einem Operationsfeld, das in seiner Rasterung einem Bratrost entspricht. Weil das Objekt des Spiels unausgewuchtet ist, ist es in der Form nach denjenigen Polobjekten identisch, aus denen heraus Aby Warburg sein Interesse für Polarität kultiviert. Wäre da nämlich kein Problem, gäbe es kein Problem, dann gäbe es keinen Reiz.
Nur das Spielprinzip stumpft mit seinen Greifmöglichkeiten und seiner direkten Orientierung an Raumgewinn und Verteidigung (statt, wie beim europäischen Fussball mit seinen Ungeifbarkeiten und seiner puren Orientierung am Einlochen oder Torschuss) den mit der Unwucht gesteigerten Kontrollverlust, also den eigentlichen Witz der Unwucht, wieder ab, gleicht ihn mit Kontrollgewinn wieder aus. Wenigstens gibt es (in beiden Spielarten) eine Gegenmannschaft, die stört.
Könnte man trotzdem einmal den amerikanischen Football eine Saison lang mit einem eingeölten oder eingeseiften europäischen Fußball und den europäischen Fußball dafür eine Saison lang mit einem unnützlich griffigen american football spielen, also nur die beiden Objekte einmal austauschen, eines davon noch glitschiger machen? Ist bestimmt schon passiert (ich kenn mich bei beidem nicht aus), aber könnte man das nochmal wiederholen, ich habe es nämlich verpasst, so wie ich leider alle Livekonzerte von Prince verpasst habe, und ich reagiere doch allergisch auf Irreversibilität.
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runtless · 7 years
Campbell - Witch  David - Brave Cookie Gwen - "Bright" Cookie Daniel - Mint Choco Cookie Jen - White Choco Cookie Max - Gumball Cookie Nikki - Ninetales Cookie Neil - Alchemist Cookie Nerris - Wizard Cookie Harrison - Cinnamon Cookie Nurf - Muscle Cookie Ered - Coffee Cookie Dolf - Snow Sugar Cookie Space Kid - Cherry Cookie Preston - Cherry Blossom Cookie Platypus - Drop of Choco I’m sorry ok I just needed to.
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leonardalphachurch · 7 months
another out of context excerpt. this one was written a while ago and is just dialogue
Wash: When I set off that E.M.P., it was to kill The Meta for good. [content cut for spoilers]
Tucker: Wait. What do you mean, “when you set off the E.M.P.?”
Caboose (suddenly nervous): Uhhhhhh.
Donut: Yeah, what’s an E.M.P.?
Tucker: That’s not—
Sarge, Grif, and Simmons (in unison): He means emp.
Donut: Ohhhhh, why didn’t you say that?
Wash (already exasperated): We are not having this discussion again.
Tucker: I wasn’t asking about—
Simmons: You should really be using the proper terminology, Wash.
Grif: Yeah, no one knows what the fuck you’re talking about.
Wash: Everyone knows what I’m talking about! You are the only people who don’t know what I’m talking about!
Tucker (increasingly frustrated): I don’t—
Donut: See, Tucker didn’t know what you were talking about!
Tucker: I was not saying that.
Wash: Tucker agrees with me.
Tucker: I wasn’t saying that either!
Caboose: Maybe we should talk about something else…
Wash: Please.
Tucker: No—
Carolina: Look, it doesn’t matter how it’s pronounced.
Sarge: Right! It doesn’t matter that it’s pronounced emp.
Wash: Carolina doesn’t pronounce it like that
Carolina: Well…
Wash (utterly betrayed): No.
Carolina: I’ve… typically said emp…
Wash: Oh my god.
Tucker: Will you all stop arguing about dumb bullshit? I’m trying to—
Epsilon: Tucker’s right; let’s all just agree that Wash is wrong and move on.
Tucker: Shut up! That’s not what I’m—
Wash (desperately): I am not wrong! Please, Dr. Grey,
Grey: Oh, I have long since learned to stay out of these discussions.
Kimball: And that’s something we should all learn. Let’s get back to—
Tucker, screaming: EVERYONE STOP TALKING!
Grif: Whoa.
Donut: Oop!
Carolina: Do not talk to Kimball like—
Wash: Tucker, you don’t—
Tucker, furious, directly at Wash: SHUT UP! WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU KILLED CHURCH?
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leonardalphachurch · 7 months
the funniest part of that scene isn’t in the excerpt i post but it’s when everyone’s discussing and arguing shit with Serious Ramifications and donut is like. why do people keep saying church is dead he’s right there??? and it’s revealed that this entire time no one told donut alpha died and epsilon is different from him
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leonardalphachurch · 7 months
do you all want to read an incredibly out of context excerpt for a fic that will probably not get written for. let’s just say a while.
“I’m bisexual and Church is dying.”
“Uh, yeah.” Wash placed hand on his shoulder. “That just about sums it up.”
“Right.” Tucker replied. “Great.”
They sat like that for a moment, awkwardly perched at Wash’s breakfast bar. Eventually, Tucker started again. He sucked on his teeth, not sure how to say what he needed to say. But he needed to say it anyway.
“Kai asked me something that I… didn’t know how to answer.”
“I get that I’m like… processing things or whatever. Coming to terms with- with all my bullshit I’ve been repressing. But why now? Why at the same time? Y’know?” Tucker looked down at his hands, as if they’d somehow give him the answers to his questions. Or, at the very least, give him the strength to ask what he was going to ask next.
“What does Church dying have to do with me being bi?”
Wash stared at him for a moment, lips pursed, as if he was considering his next words carefully. When he finally spoke, it was soft and slow, like every word he said could be the one to break Tucker. “Do you… really need me to answer that question?”
And maybe they did break Tucker.
Because no, Tucker did not need Wash to answer that question. He knew the answer. He’d known it since the day Caboose had told him—
Tucker sighed and put his head in hands.
“I think we got it wrong, Wash.”
“Got what wrong?”
“It’s not that I’m bisexual and Church is dying.” Tucker leaned back on his chair, precociously balanced on its back two legs. One wrong move and the whole thing would collapse.
“It’s that I’m bisexual and Church is dead.”
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