#but i still feel like there’s probably a smoother way to to get tucker yelling at wash
leonardalphachurch · 7 months
another out of context excerpt. this one was written a while ago and is just dialogue
Wash: When I set off that E.M.P., it was to kill The Meta for good. [content cut for spoilers]
Tucker: Wait. What do you mean, “when you set off the E.M.P.?”
Caboose (suddenly nervous): Uhhhhhh.
Donut: Yeah, what’s an E.M.P.?
Tucker: That’s not—
Sarge, Grif, and Simmons (in unison): He means emp.
Donut: Ohhhhh, why didn’t you say that?
Wash (already exasperated): We are not having this discussion again.
Tucker: I wasn’t asking about—
Simmons: You should really be using the proper terminology, Wash.
Grif: Yeah, no one knows what the fuck you’re talking about.
Wash: Everyone knows what I’m talking about! You are the only people who don’t know what I’m talking about!
Tucker (increasingly frustrated): I don’t—
Donut: See, Tucker didn’t know what you were talking about!
Tucker: I was not saying that.
Wash: Tucker agrees with me.
Tucker: I wasn’t saying that either!
Caboose: Maybe we should talk about something else…
Wash: Please.
Tucker: No—
Carolina: Look, it doesn’t matter how it’s pronounced.
Sarge: Right! It doesn’t matter that it’s pronounced emp.
Wash: Carolina doesn’t pronounce it like that
Carolina: Well…
Wash (utterly betrayed): No.
Carolina: I’ve… typically said emp…
Wash: Oh my god.
Tucker: Will you all stop arguing about dumb bullshit? I’m trying to—
Epsilon: Tucker’s right; let’s all just agree that Wash is wrong and move on.
Tucker: Shut up! That’s not what I’m—
Wash (desperately): I am not wrong! Please, Dr. Grey,
Grey: Oh, I have long since learned to stay out of these discussions.
Kimball: And that’s something we should all learn. Let’s get back to—
Tucker, screaming: EVERYONE STOP TALKING!
Grif: Whoa.
Donut: Oop!
Carolina: Do not talk to Kimball like—
Wash: Tucker, you don’t—
Tucker, furious, directly at Wash: SHUT UP! WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU KILLED CHURCH?
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