#But you'll always be my unhinged little meow meow
narudoodles · 2 years
I love how Sasuke is the OG blueprint of the edgy emo anime boy. No one's done it like him. No one will ever compare. The swag. The sass. The endless bitchy energy. The absolute disrespect shown to any form of authority. The PTSD that would probably require more years of therapy to resolve than he's been alive. The complete unhinged meltdowns. The sheer aggressive confidence in the face of near death situations.
All other edgy boys are but mere watered down photocopies of Sasuke. They wish they were him. But they'll never be. He's the one. The only.
What a king 👑❤️
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Eeeek I binged worship and chapter one of the pregnancy fic and it’s all ART. It’s all so cuteee (and feral and a little squicky cause Daemon does that by simply existing), I loved the scene where Babey was picking out eggs. She’s definitely having twins right? Or triplets and one just doesn’t have an egg 😭 The AU of her dying in childbirth was so deliciously sad 😭😭 and are you really going to do a cheating AU? I’m excited for the angst but I swear I’ll probably want to morph into the story and stab all people involved with Dark Sister and then cry a little lol. Also! The little thing you wrote about the “behind the scenes in the toilet”? Was very informative, strange to read at 2am but freaking hilarious😭 Your search history while writing various scenes must be really interesting. I’ve been sooo busy lately but I have missed reading your tumblr on the daily. Also I have finally decided that Daemon might be an Aries sun and a Scorpio rising, idk his moon sign but it’s probably a difficult placement lol.
Hey, 💎! Thank you so much! Daemon is always bringing the squicky, isn't he? He's just constantly bulldozing forward, red flags and all, knocking down all those carefully constructed relationship boundaries to swing his obnoxious meow-meow self around. I love him. You'll find out about the egg question in time, I promise! I anticipate it only being a couple chapters until I reveal the point of that narrative choice.
I'm so glad you liked that AU; it already seems like people are wanting the ANGST to pile up, and I'll just casually remind everyone that it's coming (DUN DUN DUN) with the Dance (or at least, my version of it). People gon' DIE. I did write the cheating AU, it was so hard to do but I got there eventually! Only very short, so there's not a hell of a lot plot-wise but still a fun exercise.
I am... SO sorry about the toilet thing. We is unhinged, for REALZ. And I'm always doing research for this fic, but it's been so helpful for me to have a PROJECT, you know? Like, I try to make sure any plot device I use is at least slightly relevant to the actual universe (the Dorne thing), or it's a medieval practice (the wine test thing).
I hope things slow down for you soon! I'm having some nice relaxing time lately, being on holiday from work and all that. Make sure you get some rest! OOOH, and I'd love to know what qualities Daemon has to prompt that astrology assignation (lol is this correct? I'm utterly clueless).
Thanks so much for checking in! I'm so glad to hear from you as always, 💎!
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0viciouslyvague0 · 3 years
What it's like keeping them as cats part 2:
◇Character(s) Involved: Venti, Xiao and Zhongli
◇Genre: Fluff
◇Format: Headcanons
◇Au setting: Crack au where the Genshin characters are now cats
◇Summary: A continuation of my first headcanon! This time with Venti, Xiao and Zhongli as your cats. My wording may be slightly unhinged at times so just a heads up!
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◇My brother once told me that Venti reminded him of Thurston Waffles (please check that adorable fluffball out) and till this day the thought hasn't left my head, so because of that Venti is most likely a Siberian cat that may just be on the smaller side with white fluffy fur.
◇Venti is rather mischievous when left to his own devices, thankfully nowhere near Childe's level of chaos since he does have his lazy moments but you may find a few things out of place here and there with his toys being thrown about. He never bothers you when he thinks that you're busy but the moment you show any signs of having a slither of free time you can bet that he's meowing his heart out to you, trying his best to get your attention. The quickest way to quiet your little opera singer down is by carrying him close to you and smothering him in affection.
◇Venti is a rather lazy cat, usually choosing to sleep the day away under any ray of sunshine he can find in your home but on the off chance that he is in the mood to be active, he really does enjoy taking walks with you. You'll know that he wants his walkies by grabbing his walking harness by himself, plopping said item down by your feet and meowing loudly as if to convince you to bring him outside with you. During your walks, Venti likes to meow at any strangers he comes across, as if giving them a friendly greeting.
◇Venti is a very friendly cat so he's always more than happy to see you bring guests over. He adores the attention he receives and is very patient when being handled. If there's a particular guest that he really likes or is familiar with, he may meow and paw at them to pick him up and haul him around. He's honestly such a spoiled little furball but nobody seems to be able to deny his cries when they look at him with his big ole' eyes.
◇His favourite time to hang around you is in the kitchen, just like Diluc. However, unlike Diluc, this lil' shit actually tries to steal your food. He usually hovers by your feet when you're cooking, hoping to snatch a bite of whatever it is you're making, but if by chance nothing falls, then he may resort to stealing tiny nibbles of your food when you're eating. Luckily, he's usually satisfied after getting a taste and will leave you alone after you scold him.
(More under the cut!)
◇I think we all know what kind of cat Xiao would be. He's definitely a short-haired black cat, most likely a stray you picked up and cared for if I'm being honest.
◇Xiao likes to keep to himself for the most part but you realize that he often does so while being in the same room as you, usually hanging out in the darker corners of said room as if to blend in and remained unhidden. He tries his best to remain uninterested and unaware of your presence, as if he isn't following you around, but the moment you choose to move somewhere else, he's always hot on your tail.
◇Xiao isn't really fond of going outside, not really having the most pleasant of memories from his time as a street cat, so he much prefers being indoors, thank you very much. Though, despite being accustomed to a more domestic life, Xiao still has rather strong predatory instincts so he does have a tendency to hunt down any creature he finds lurking around the house. It's usually bugs that he catches and he'll always bring them to you as if to show you what he did. You can never hear it well because of how quiet it is, but Xiao will always purr when he brings you his latest victim, as if proud to have been able to protect you from a foreign being in your home.
◇Lord, Xiao hates when you have guests over but he also despises leaving you alone. He'll usually hide himself in an empty room to avoid being seen by anyone but the moment you let out any noise that he deems distressing you can bet that he's running over to where you are, claws barred and ready to fight anyone who may be hurting you. When you see him in such a state, please comfort and reassure to him that you're safe and unharmed. He may not seem like it but he cares a lot about you and is very protective.
◇His favourite time to hang around you is definitely when you're asleep. Bedtime is the only time you'll find Xiao willingly cuddling up beside you, but not for the reasons you may initially think. You see, when you're asleep it's easier for Xiao to take care of you because you're not moving around too much. In your sleepy state, it's much easier for him to protect you, something he's very adament on doing ever since you took him in and patiently cared for him.
◇I know I've picked a bunch of weird cat breeds to represent the others but Zhongli's may be the oddest to some. I totally see him as a black Oriental Shorthair, they're very mature looking but in the most adorable way possible. Everything about them screams Zhongli to me.
◇Zhongli likes to keep close to you when he can, and he's very well-behaved while he does so. He's very mellow thanks to his old age so it doesn't take much to make him happy. One sure fire way to entertain him though is definitely by talking to him. He's a very chatty mister when he wants to be and he always perks up when you talk back to him as well. You once kept a conversation going with him for a whole hour, it was honestly rather entertaining.
◇Zhongli really appreciates his usual walks, and will often times hint that he would like to go out on one by meowing a little louder than usual by the front door, pawing at it a bit as if to show you what he wants. When outside he sniffs and observes everything he comes by, ocassionally tugging at his harness to go somewhere he finds especially interesting. He loves collecting shiny objects and pretty stones while out on his walk with you and is always delighted to see you hold onto the things he gifts you.
◇Zhongli doesn't mind if you have guests over, enjoying the sudden change in atmosphere if those you bring over are good friends or close family members of yours. He has a tendency to find himself on the lap of the more quiet guests you have in your home. Meowing in response to them if they ever decide to humor him by cooing or talking to him. He likes making sure none of your guests feel left out if others are talking.
◇His favourite time to hang around you is usually when you're watching something, be it on your tv, phone or computer. You found out that he really enjoys documentaries out of everything the two of you watch together, his eyes will always stay focused on the main topic at hand, never breaking his gaze from the screen unless you call out to him. It's honestly really cute watching him concentrate so hard on something he may not really understand.
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A/N: Hello! Thank you so much for reading if you did and I hope you enjoyed it! This post caused me so much trouble, I swear- but at least I had fun writing it. I may do another part involving the woman if I ever get the inspiration to do so. Also a big thank you to those who told me that letting your cat out solo is a no go, I really hope this change is at least a little better!
(Requests are open and Anon is on!)
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