#But it's not gonna magical fix you
novantinuum · 3 months
gnawing at the bars of my cage
can we please Stop telling SU blind reactors all the fandom drama and SU crit that came out of every episode so we can allow them to just enjoy the show like a normal person at their own leisure and make their Own opinions thank u
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tswwwit · 2 years
Bill being forced to say the truth is such a fun concept though. I imagine Ford's the most likely candidate to hit Bill with a truth spell. Now he can expose Bill's nature once and for all! And find out what secret evil plans the demon has involving his nephew. 😠
Only it completely backfires because Bill acts the exact same as he usually does? After all, Bill usually doesn't have a reason to lie to the Pines family. Will he omit the truth? Totally! But rarely does he outright lie.
(But anyway, the plan backfires and Stan and Mabel are not convinced. "Yeah Bill's a jerk but he's not actually harmful", they say, with no knowledge of the countless atrocities he's committed.)
So Bill continues to act like his usual asshole self, completely unaware that he's under the influence of a truth spell. Until he sees his husband do something smart/cute/whatever. Before Bill even realizes, he's saying the sappiest, most gooey sedimental shit any demon has ever heard. Like "You're perfect, I love you so much". Completely unfiltered thoughts. The stuff he even lies to himself about. "You make me so happy. I'm so glad I met you".
The best part is that the situation is even worse (for Bill) the angrier he gets. "I hate you" comes out as "I love you". "You're the worst thing that ever happened to me" comes out as "The best thing". At one point, he accidentally says you're lucky I love you when he meant to be threatening. Everything is terrible. Dippers trying to figure out a cure and Bill can't help because he's to busy throwing up his organs. All the sedimental bullshit is making him sick.
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#This much sincerity is terrible for a demon like Bill#It's like he's got a terrible cold as well as throwing up all the time as his organs rebel against the honesty#Bonus: Ford DID learn Bill's horrible plan for his nephew. Eventually#Except what Bill ended up saying was something like#'I'm going to keep him until the stars burn out of the sky and this entire galaxy crumbles into dust AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME'#He hissed it out while hugging Dipper to his chest so tight that he almost squashed the guy#Trust Ford to focus on the 'can't stop him' part and not the rest of that statement#Dipper absolutely caught the rest of the implication though#Dipper already knew he was in love himself but hearing all of this is just. So Much.#It's so so nice. Really nice! But also waaaaay overwhelming for him#Anxiety and overthinking go hand in hand. Stress from Ford being around and trying to fix Bill exacerbate it#He knows it's honest but it leaves him confused#What the hell did Dipper do to cause this? (deserve this)#Is there way to fix Bill?? (is he ever gonna change his mind)#He's happy and he's worried. Again he's overthinking#He's flustered and he fumbles and wow he *really* should cure this before they both die of embarrassment somehow#I bet these two assholes still find a way to miscommunicate during a bout of magically-induced honesty#But THIS time it's all on Dipper#SMH my guy he's your husband and he loves you#Too bad overthinking gets in the way of enjoyment.#Also Bill puking a lot. That puts a huge impediment in the way when Dipper can't find an outlet for his feelings#His FIRST impulse was to kiss Bill senseless but since he couldn't do that his brain got stuck in a loop of unexpressed emotion#What a shame; he probably wants to do it so very very much#answers#Once Bill is cured he's grumpy. Turns out he loves Dipper even *more* because his human doesn't want him to suffer just to hear ily#How Dare He love Bill back so purely. He's never going to escape for that sentiment
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grinchwrapsupreme · 3 months
being super normal about White calling Billy "a dreamer"after the events of Maybe No Go
#truly alarming amount of tags on this post don't click read more fr#the venture bros#pete white#bily quizboy#billy whalen#idk man the way they balance each other is really interesting#the things they agree on and disagree on are almost arbitrary#'you can't put mouthwash in a cookie' 'trust me' vs 'we should spend 10 mil on a motorcycle instead of housing' 'that's such a cool idea'#billy trying to pep white up about the ball#'this was your dream too' like come on dude when have pete's dreams ever worked out#when have yours#'what are we gonna do now billy?' 'we'll cross that bridge when we come to it'#baby the bridge has never been more present#ALSO white calling billy the dreamer when HE'S the one who pushes so hard for things#billy has dreams that might not be realistic but they give him hope and he works around the way the world works to make things happen#like being a self-taught surgeon and believing in a magic ball#pete has dreams IN SPITE of what is realistic and he will mold reality to be what he wants in order to make it happen#like fixing the quizshow and pretty much everything that happened in invisible hand of fate#and they both have disabilities that affect them in vastly different ways and impact their relationship with realistic goals#like billy's hydrocephalus being presented to the audience as mostly a social issue for him and the hand and eye being marks of trauma#rather than like an actual block for him beyond needing to tune the hand up every now and then#vs white's albinism making him physically unable to be in direct sunlight and making him actively fearful of doing certain things and#being certain places#to be clear i know the actual effects of hydrocephalus as well as the hand and eye but this is based on how the show presents it#like billy took these things about himself into account and went ok these are part of my reality and i will work with them#and pete took his reality and went ok i will cover it up with fake tan and wigs or sunscreen and hats and make reality what i want it to be#and that's what makes them a good team!! that's why they science together well#it's also why they argue so much#accepting reality and playing within its constraints vs hating reality and changing it to suit you#these are the hallmarks of scientific progress
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kazieka · 3 months
chronic pain thots in the tags
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dreamyprinx · 1 year
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I bring to you, actual art but it’s me trying to replicate my friend @spaceshmuck’s art style
✧ reblogs are appreciated ✧ | ♡ buy me a kofi ♡ | ☾ commission info ☽
#whimsy whispers#crystalart.png#others ocs#strand von zarovich#curse of strand#space tag#GOD this was so difficult and I don’t even feel like I did that good a job but it was also fun#also hi I’m not gonna shut up about my art program crashing and this corrupting right as I was almost finished with it I need people to know#that the universe tried to stop this from existing >:| I did not spend hours going ‘is this how it would draw hands’ and cursing myself for#the damn art to not see the light of day#anyways please look at my friends art it’s SO good like god I’m jealous of its art style and character designs >:’)#like literally such lovely art y’all will check it out because I said so and my word is like law or whatever#I’m like writing these at 4:25zm on a Monday and like this won’t even be posted for another week or so but like#sorry if I’m especially stupid rn I didn’t wanna go to sleep yet so I’m saving drafts and listening to off the wall magical! on loop#y’all should also check out junie & thehutfriends because I find their music fun#just listen to me when I tell you to look at ppls art because I have good taste okay? you can trust me I’m holding your hand and we’re going#to have fun I prommy#also please do not talk about the background it was one of the things I was gonna work on when the art program crashed#the only thing I fixed after that was minor mistakes like not colouring in buttons#anyways ily pretty vampire man and ily my dear friend who’s art style vexes me 💖
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ladyluscinia · 2 years
Ok, Dark Sea God Izzy thoughts...
Edward can't forget what Izzy is - being trapped in the middle of a burning ship and knowing death is coming only to have a god offer to save you... well that leaves an impression - but he tries not to think about it too much. Both for the aforementioned horror and because (he'll die before admitting this to another soul) everything happened so fast and chaotic that he doesn't fully remember what he agreed to. He just wanted to live.
Izzy, meanwhile, didn't actually intend to stay by Edward's side for decades. He grabbed a perfectly serviceable corpse, fixed it up, and then only meant to watch his new devotee / partner / master for a bit. But he hadn't actually been in a form much like a human in so long, he kinda forgot what it was like and everything was so novel. It was fun. He got distracted, and then by the time he remembered he'd planned to go back to the water he was fully enamored.
I like the fear thing. Maybe Izzy can only more directly do Sea God type things when part of or at minimum in the sea, so a lot of his day to day powers are more subtle and (initially) underwhelming then you'd expect from an eldritch being. Things like Fear. I also like the idea he can inflict people with Thirst (the saltwater kind).
He can talk to Button's seagulls but he refuses to unless they pay respects. Which they won't, because he's doing a stellar job of pretending not to be a god and also seagulls are stingy.
I think he should have eaten someone at least once. Sacrificial offering and all that. Or maybe he just makes a habit of licking spilled blood off his fingers and looking way too thrilled about it.
Back to the whole devotee / partner / master thing, literally neither of them knows who is actually in charge in this magic arrangement, assuming anyone is. Izzy is doing the thing where he's got an entirely different frame of reference, so "serving" Edward is not something he has to do or sees as work. He just wants to. But of course Edward occasionally remembers Izzy could change his mind and then that tricky little blood oath he owes him could come up again.
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arolesbianism · 2 months
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Some stuff I've drawn semi recently
#keese draws#oc art#oc#ocs#furry#furry oc#furry art#Ive been going thru it recently but Ill survive#on the bright side the pet sitting job for my aunt is coming up soon#so Ill have a house to myself for a bit at least#Im probably still gonna be fairly offline for the foreseeable future unless I somehow manage to fix my sleep schedule anytime soon#not to say I will be on any sorta complete hiatus or anything just that Im not getting any more active most likely#not that I think anyone rly cares at this point since its been the norm for a while now but yknow#Ill still be around to answer asks and stuff just dont freak out if I take a lil bit to see it 👍#anyways enough of being a downer Im actually pretty happy with these even if theyre mostly just doodles#also I havent posted any art of these guys in a While but say hi to them while you can cause theyre back into the void of my brain now#first is keese (the oc™) second is toon and third is clyve#all from different stories but toon and clyve are both from the magic cat universe#their paths never meet tho the closest connection they have has to go through like 4 characters first#you can also tell theyre from different stories because one is anthro and the other isnt lol#generally speaking I consider anthro designs slightly more canon but both are canon depending on the story#not in a shapeshifting way just in a me being an inconsistent bitch sorta way#but yeah keese the oc is much older than either of those two I just dont talk abt them or their story ever#but hey if any of yall remember suckerz those two are besties#suckerz is sort of younger than the other two and sort of much older than all three#shes a sort of updated version of a reallyyyy old sona sort of character I had in like 6th grade I think#back during my lilo and stitch experiment oc era where I had one that was music themed#I also had a digimon variant of her she was called like beatramon or smth like that#she was basically a hypothetical music mascot and shes kind of still that tbh#if I ever get enough into making music that I start posting shit it will be my music mascot
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ickypuppi3 · 1 year
one of my biggest pet peeves has to be when i tell someone i can’t do something (academically) in casual conversation and they take it upon themselves to try to ‘teach me’ even when i’ve explicitly told them not to like !! don’t piss me off ..
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rindemption · 10 months
I'm so so so tempted to just let Elamrael have one good fuckup in the middle of the game
Mid game spoilers below
They met Raphael, were offered a way to get Orpheus out of the prism, a way to stop relying on the tadpoles, an ally who has the power to fight an elder brain-
And Ela takes it. Signs away either a powerful weapon or his own soul, because he finally broke. Voss didn't bother to tell him what it was they were trying to get from Raphael, he went into the discussion fully blind. Ela got put on the spot; no one was giving him any help aside from one saying take it and one saying don't. He heard someone else broke into a demon's vault, but those were much more powerful beings against a much less ambitious demon. That didn't even register as an option for him, not against Raphael.
He'd just fought against being coerced into evolving into an illithid, nearly failed, and that shook him. He's hated every minute of having a tadpole, of having a voice in his head pressuring him and manipulating him.
The stakes keep getting higher and higher and higher and so do everyone's expectations of him. There's an army marching on the city with the intention of ending the world, and he can't see a way they would have the means or time to seek another way to free Orpheus or find a better alternative. Everyone was waiting for him to make a choice that could ultimately lead to the salvation or damnation of the world. He falters, and cracks, and makes the wrong one under the pressure.
Of course he gets an earful for it, and the people who care about him go on the warpath to get the contract nullified. Only after he's signed does anyone suggest their group goes to the hells to steal the hammer (now knowing what they need and where it is), and they seem actually intent on finding a way to make it happen, rather than just offering it as a suggestion.
(He'll still be the one doing most of the work, designated leader and all, but at least it feels like the others are bearing some of the mental and emotional weight. It feels urgent now, and like he's not alone in making the choices. They want to go raid Raphael's lair, of their own volition, not because he said to).
It's going to weigh on him for a long time, that he signed. And in the end it's not going to be the quickest option either. They still get to go find a diabolist, break into the House of Hope. Pray it all works. All because he fucked up. But his team is the one leading the charge now, because they care about him and want to help fix his mistake. Not because he's forcing them to take the hard route. He's already done that plenty.
He tried to throw himself into the pit to make his loved one's lives easier, but they're yelling at him while pulling him back out. As much as it hurts, and as horrible as he feels about it, it's nice to finally get a shoulder to lean on.
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krbkss · 1 year
mr compress would entertain eri by being very dramatic and theatrical about everything chisaki is doing to make fun of him a little bit and by showing her magic tricks and teaching her the simple ones 🥹
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charmfamily · 11 months
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Transcript Below.
[A moment passes in uncomfortable silence, spent waiting for Damien to say something... anything.] EMILIA: You have until next summer to quit. I do work at a health center, so I shouldn't have to explain to you why that's not really an acceptable look.
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universestreasures · 10 months
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This was a risky move. Leaving the Akaba House unexpectedly and without her father's permission was practically a death sentence. He never liked any of his eight children making moves on their own, especially ones that involved escaping the reaches of the estate. However, at this moment, Yuzu doesn't care. For her escapade today was not to escape the horrible life she had been condemned to by a controlling parent, but rather to seek aid in finding the person she held most dear.
Yuya's disappearance was sudden, leaving the entire estate in a stat of chaos. His brothers, in some shape or form, had been dragged into conflict after conflict over these past few weeks. And then out of nowhere, her companion suddenly went missing overnight with no explanation. Yuzu knows Yuya wouldn't escape this place without his brothers or without telling her. So, the only logical conclusion is that he was taken by someone, but...who? No one knew of the true nature of the dragon retainers except for the Akaba Family, meaning no one knew of their true value.
The entire situation was puzzling. No one inside the Akaba House could provide any semblance of information, and...she didn't exactly feel comfortable contacting the Rainsworth or Dragon Star houses for assistance. Doing that would require, most likely, disclosing Yuya's true nature, something she wasn't exactly comfortable with doing with people she didn't know well.
That meant she only had one option, only one person she could turn to in a time like this: her aunt and sister to her mother, Eve.
Her aunt was rather estranged in a sense. Though, Yuzu knows tha'ts not my choice. It's no secret that her father wasn't exactly a fan of the Eden House's head mistress considering his ideals clashed with hers. Eve was always a proponent of helping people and the world around, while Lord Akaba was out for himself and his own ambitions. It was only natural the two would clash.
However, Eve still made sure to at least pay her nieces a visit whenever she could, usually through a public function. During those times, Yuzu and her would bond over a love of flowers and singing. Truly, they were precious memories for the young girl, ones that reminded her of her short-lived time with her mother. If there was anyone she could come to during a time of crisis, it would be Eve.
The young noble stands at the entrance to the Eden House, one that was beautifully surrounded by flowers and hedges. The building wasn't as big as the Akaba House, but that was mainly because her aunt preferred to keep most of the natural beauty of this area intact, only building the building to the size that would be needed for everyone to live and work. Those who admired her didn't call her 'Nature's Protector' for nothing.
Before she could even make it to the grand doors covered in flowers and vines, sapphire blue hues hone in on the sight of a figure approaching her. His rusted hues and turquoise hair were in sharp contrast to the greens that surrounded the place. Even without that difference, however, Yuzu figured out right away who it was. Only one person who lived in the Eden House looked like that, after all.
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"C-Cousin Olivier! H-Hi! I-It's been a while, hasn't it?"
Despite speaking to family, Yuzu felt awkward in conversing with him. She doesn't know Olivier that well, other than his reputation as the Eden House's golden child who was loved by children of all the orphanages the house supported. If her father didn't hate her aunt and her ideals so much, there is no doubt that he would have tried to arrange some sort of marriage with Olivier and Ray. That was how notable a figure he had become among the noble houses.
Still, she couldn't forget why she was here. She had a mission, one she promised to herself she'd see through no matter what. Yuya...was counting on her. He was, in all in tense and purposes, her charge. She was the one responsible for him. Thus, it is up to her to bring him back home to where his brothers, his family, was waiting for him.
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"I-I know it's very impolite to show up without notice, but...it's an emergency. A very, very dear friend of mine has gone missing, and...I need Auntie's help to find him. She's...the only person I can turn to for this. Can...Can you bring me to her?"
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skyllion-uwu · 1 year
I have discovered many gamer themed euphisms for sex with this one song
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penisliker-moved · 1 year
started replaying tp (NOT TOILET PAPER!!!!!) with my sibling yayyy yayyyy skipping around
#I LOVE THIS GAME !!!#im also excited to play it saur soon after. i ws gonna say oot AND mm but oot ws like.. half a year ago bc we took ages to finish mm#BUT. i am excited nonetheless..bc ik theres a ton of references#4 now..ots my bedtime#everybody use yr magical abilities to repair hals cell tower !!! likes to charge Dont rb this bc its personal. idk how we cast#i didnt think that far ahead#but um yay :] i have umm work tmrw#and the day after tmrw as well even... but after that day off 4.therapy...#i have soo much t tlk abt but also ik as soon as i get in there ill be like Umm ya ive been pretty good..smile#but m excited t have th full session since last time j got there so late....#BUT YA that ws yr connor update. everybody if you have any magical power left over from fixing hals cell tower. manifest#th hotel not having enough rooms tmrw Grins.. its unlikely since weekend but who naurs. not me#forgor this post ws abt tp. NAYWYS i love twilight princess.. my first zelda game AND STILL my number one always and 4ever#everytime they say Twilight Princess i go :Y#itis super fun.. basically :]#sry i always ramble sm. i hope u guys see it as like little Connor updates. like im a segment in th newspaper#i wish newspapers were still a fing ik they r but theyre lame now.. me in 1976 or wtvr.. i wouldve loved newspapers bc well! there wouldnt#be anyrhin else 2 do. so ya#ok thats all. i gotta make my lunch 4 tmrw justtt in case I GET PAID TMRW YAYYY YAYYY .. its all going into savings but im still excited :D
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cowboyb1ues · 1 year
I just don’t understand why Chelsea want to get new players, work on the players on the squad that seemingly have forgotten how to play football
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ace-malarky · 2 years
Heads Up Seven Up #13
@writingamongther0ses tagged me for this one!! Thanks!
So these aren't the last seven lines I wrote, I just. I just really like Kaua's entrance ok. She deserves this.
Llinos grabbed her knife and pushed forward, running towards Selene. “Run!” she yelled, and then screamed as she stumbled, falling forward and only barely getting a hand up to stop from slamming her face into the stone path.
Selene started towards Llinos.
“Get the fuck away from her!” someone else roared.
Selene blinked – it was almost as if the words were visible, sharp edged and fleeting in the rain – and there was… a bird-person, all slick black feathers and a giant sword in their grip slamming into their assailants.
Together with the fox – who’d leapt clear as the man fell – the bird-person attacked with unhinged ferocity until the four men were running down the path away from them. The fox chased after them, barking, until it deemed that they were far enough away not to be a threat.
“Gods, Kaua, I’m going to marry you some day,” Llinos said, propping herself back up.
Llinos, in any situation where Kaua makes an appearance: hey that's my girl she's a fucking badass we're gonna be married some day I love her so much
to be fair, Kaua is very much the same.
@zmwrites (I almost went for your old handle lmaooo), @tracle0, @fields-of-ink if y'all feel like it?
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