#Buoy Barnacles
thecreatureawaits · 5 months
Creature Awaits #241
Each week I plan to feature an amazing creature, admiring God's fantastic artistry. Hopefully it’ll brighten someone’s day to see something new and interesting if they haven’t seen it before. : )
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(Beautiful photograph taken by WestPark (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Deed))
Buoy Barnacles
Scientific Name: Dosima fascicularis
Region: Temperate waters across the Atlantic and Pacific
Size: About a .47"-.78" (~1.2cm-2cm) long shell portion
Interesting Notes: If unable to find a suitable floating surface to attach itself to, this delicate and unique barnacle secretes a gas-filled cement, creating its own natural float. It is the only known barnacle to do this. This structure is the pale yellow shape, similar in appearance to expanding foam, visible at left in the photo above. (Hopefully the little guys pictured found their way back to the sea after this photograph was taken! : ) )
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montereybayaquarium · 4 months
Just like a school of sardines, life is better when you stick together!
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So we made you some Pal/Gal/Valentine’s Day cards to sealebrate your fronds!
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... or your anemones!
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rstarsims3 · 1 year
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TS3 - (Barnacle Bay’s) Barrel as Scuba Buoy
For my fellow medieval / castaway simmers, here’s a scuba buoy to fit the theme.
Mesh credits to EA/Maxis;
Requires, of course, Island Paradise;
You don’t need Barnacle Bay;
All LODs; polycount: 1016;
Fully recolorable: 1 preset, 2 recolorable channels;
Found in  Outdoor / Outdoor Activities & Debug / Misc. Debug;
Price: 0§ ;
Sims3pack & package format;
Created with S3PE, Blender, Milkshape, Photoshop and TSRW.
* the barrel should probably be flipped all the way, but because of visibility concerns I chose this position. For the same reason, I scaled up the mesh by about 15%.
** this is NOT a default replacement!!!
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Toontown: Corporate Clash Recap: Barnacle Boatyard Tour
Okay so, something funny I learned: The NPC Toon who runs the Gag N’ Go vans, Reid Stock, will use the “Greened Cat” Sticker if a Toon goes sad on the street near the Gag N’ Go.
This makes her the only NPC to use Stickers.
Additionally, the Derrick Man has unique Friend Request rejection messages:
The Derrick Man pauses before answering, “I can’t draw that kind of attention to myself right now.”
“Not exactly the kind of message I was hoping to send,” the Derrick Man says.
“That’s not in the cards, Toon,” the Derrick Man growls.
The Derrick Man responds with a series of burbles.
But now, for a tour of the new Neighborhood.
Barnacle Boatyard can be accessed via the tunnel at the end of Punchline Place. This tunnel leads out into Buccaneer Boulevard.
The Fisherman for this street is a purple cat named Barney.
Buccaneer Boulevard’s Cogs are 10% Lawbot, 80% Bossbot, and 10% Boardbot.
Every non-Manager Cog that spawns on this street has a 7.5% chance of being an executive.
The street forms a sort of coily, zig-zaggy, boxy, rectangle shape. Not sure how to describe it.
The minimum level for Cogs on the Street is 2 while the level cap is 5. This is true across all of Barnacle Boatyard’s Streets.
Barnacle Boatyard’s Playground has a large body of water in the center, with piers that rise and lower into the water, and an island with a palm-tree growing out of it in the center, where Tumbles will be stranded if you completed his task in Toontown Central.
It is possible to swim UNDER the Toon headquarters and into the fishing pond. Yes, this is one of the few places outside of the Toon Estate with water deep enough to swim.
The S.S. Day-Sea sails around the island, stopping at the piers as she passes them, her captain (a light blue duck by the name of “The Captain”) will announce arrivals and departures and sing shanties while sailing around the Playground’s waters.
Clerks Bill (a maroon mouse) and Will (yellow rabbit) run the Gag Shop.
The fisherman for this playground is a red cat named Furball.
The Pet Shop is red, and staffed by Barky, Bloop, and Purr (who do not have articles on the Corporate Clash Wiki, so I don’t know their species).
The Clothing Shop is primarily red with yellow stripes, and is staffed by an orange cat named Longhorn Leeroy.
Toon HQ is designed to resemble a hybrid boat, sailor’s cap, and buoy.
Like all Taskline Playgrounds, there’s also a Trolley here.
The playground’s only unique building is a shop by the name of “The Tell-Tale Carp”, run by a black kiwi named Edgar Allen Pole. He’ll sell you Fishing Rods and Fishing Buckets when you’re a high enough Fishing Level, though you also have to buy the Rods and Buckets in order.
While in the Playground, Toons passively regain 2 Laff every second, and by collecting the Starfish Treasures that spawn underwater, Toons can regain 4 Laff per Starfish.
The other three streets are as follows: Anchor Avenue, Lighthouse Lane, and Seaweed Street.
Anchor Avenue connects Barnacle Boatyard to an under-construction tunnel, and has fewer shops than the other streets.
Across the street from it’s Gag N’ Go is the only remaining Street Toon HQ, and behind that Toon HQ is an alleyway that leads into a pavilion in front of an oddly colored Cog Building. If you attempt to enter this building, your Toon will hear the sounds of security cameras and change their mind.
(Note: The Anchor Avenue G.U.M.B.A.L.L. Machine shares its inventory with the G.U.M.B.A.L.L. Machine in the Playground.)
Past this strange building is the both the street’s fishing pond AND the local fisherman, a red beaver named Freshie.
Anchor Avenue’s Cogs have a 10% chance of being executives, and the Cog population is 55% Sellbots, 35% Bossbots, and 10% Boardbots.
Lighthouse Lane connects Barnacle Boatyard to the Brrrgh. Halfway through the street is a lighthouse. Behind this lighthouse is a series of gear sigils in front of a gateway, and behind this gateway is a foggy pier. Going behind the lighthouse to watch this causes ominous music to start playing.
Across the street from the Lighthouse is a fishing pond, and this street’s fisherman is a sienna cat named Shane.
Cogs on this street have a 15% chance of being executives.  The Cog population is 5% Sellbots, 5% Cashbots, 35% Lawbots, and 55% Boardbots.
The fourth and final street is Seaweed Street, which connects to Acorn Acres.
The fisherman is Reed, a coral cat.
Cogs on this street have a 10% chance of being executives, and the Cog population is 30% Sellbots, 60% Cashbots, and 10% Lawbots.
When fishing, this is the best place to catch Dogfish, and the following  fish species can only be fished up here:
Bull Dog Fish
Hot Dog Fish
Dalmation Dog Fish (can also be found at Estates)
Old King Crab (Lighthouse Lane, can also be found more commonly in a later Neighborhood)
Kiddie Pool Sharks (can also be found in a later Neighborhood)
Swimming Pool Sharks (can also be found in a later Neighborhood)
Olympic Pool Sharks (can also be found in a later Neighborhood)
Next time, we go over the new Cogs you can fight here.
I am screaming(derogatorily affectionate)
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twolegsnowings · 3 months
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A glowing sunset sparkles over the sea and paints gold the clouds in the sky. A lone person perches atop the degrading framework of an old pier as waves splash against the barnacle-encrusted bases of the wooden poles. Dripping water falls from the structure into ripples on the restless ocean surface. A sea serpent watches the figure closely, craning its long neck above the waves. With swim-wings partially submerged to keep afloat, the paintbrush-like tendrils of its tail are poised to flick water onto its exposed back.
Image description:
A portrait ink drawing of a detailed ocean landscape. Digital orange and yellow lighting glows from a setting sun at the top of the page. The light reflects onto the surface of the sea and into the clouds in the sky. At the horizon, several windmills stand with starling murmurations flying behind them. A small sailing ship rides a wave behind it leaving a trailing wake of water drawn toward the bow. In the midground is the framework of an old pier, with ropes connecting the poles of the structure and waves splashing against the barnacle-encrusted bases. A person in shorts and a vest top perches atop one of the poles. Their wooden canoe is chained to a buoy nearby and a life ring is tied to the pier structure. Ripples form around the floating objects and the water that is dripping off them. In the foreground is a large dragon-like sea serpent watching the figure. Its head, neck and the tips of its swim wings and tail are visible.
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ifindtheartifacts · 7 months
Commenting on insta boys post tomorrow. If anyone has good puns or jokes about caves, dragons, buoys, or barnacles help a girl out
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k00279452 · 2 years
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(work in progress)
After looking at Stephanie Kilgast , i decided to decorate the clay bottle rather than plastic. When i found the yellow buoy when beach combing , goose barnacle's were living inside , which prompted the muscles idea. I reversed the idea of the ocean being overwhelmed with plastic , as now the plastic is being overwhelmed by the bio life of the ocean .i had originally planned to embellish the bottle with plastic, how ever i decide on clay for the muscle forms as i could control the shape better. I want this piece to look like its been in the ocean for a long while .
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thunderbottle · 2 years
me and the boyhole boys we are like barnacles on the underside of a really shitty old buoy out in the ocean somewhere. you wouldn't understand
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I just remembered Commander Vera, and how she’s able to leave her eyes uncovered without them getting eaten by fungi and bacteria.
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Maybe... maybe the cocoon that appeared in my dream wasn’t going to go so far as to turn me into something else, but maybe it was still supposed to make me “go native” in a sense, the way Vera has.
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The “backstory” to the dream must have been that Rev set up a nonexistent HBG episode as a trap to “fix” me and the other HBG fans by making us all like Vera, so we could be in the red hi- uh, Formicosa without having to cover our eyes, or something. Something like that. I’m on to something, I swear. Maybe.
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Rev, you sly dog. I mean, uh, you sly... buoy barnacle. Yeah.
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leximize · 1 month
100 words, with nuts tightened
Down between granite boulders, a sparkle in the dark drew Tommy’s eyes. Beach combing rarely turned up actual treasure. Glass fishing balls, hand-carved buoys, and messages in bottles, though rare, lined his cabin’s mantel. This, though, looked like gold. He wedged himself in. The slap of the surf sprayed his face. Barnacles scratched at his shoulders but deeper he pushed. Caught like this, a…
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mindutterances · 4 months
The Boat Will Not Save You
There's not enough room in this boat for the thirteen of us.
Your friends, who have known each other since middle school or high school, who shared single-digit birthdays together, count the seats. There's enough space as long as you remain bobbing and useless like a buoy.
You can do that, right?
Obseqious, growing barnacles, you nod.
They flash their teeth and say oh, thank you! Thank you! And speed away.
They were saved!
Knocked aside by the wake, you are once again alone.
You kick your feet and paddle your arms. The wind pushes the strings of your hair back. Your mouth is salty and bitter. The shimmering blue ocean tickles the horizon.
It's beautiful, you think. It's beautiful where you are.
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lovromajers · 10 months
Most exciting moment of my holiday was scratching my ass open on some stupid barnacles that for some reason r stuck to a buoy
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deeganmarine · 1 year
3 Ways to Prevent Marine Growth on Boats
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Marine growth is unavoidable for anything that stays in the marine waters, such as rocks on the shore, shipwrecks, buoys… and even your Stabicraft boat, especially if you’ve never hauled it out of the water even since you first used it. Any object left in the water for some time can be quickly covered with slimy algae and will eventually be colonised by other marine organisms such as barnacles, mussels, and seaweeds. Water conditions, changes in tides, water temperature, the salinity of the water, and the quality of nutrients present in the water are the main factors in how fast marine growth can accumulate at the bottom of your boat’s hull.
The process of plant and animal life growing on human underwater structures is known as fouling. Its impact on all water vessels is disadvantageous for everyone involved in maritime activities. For example, shipping industries see this as an annoying infestation since It makes ships far less efficient when they travel through water. When boat pilings are infested with seaweed and barnacles, the hull of the ship will corrode fast requiring more maintenance work.
For smaller water vessels such as boats, marine growth on your boat’s hull creates drag that slows down your boat and reduces the maneuverability of your boat. This can make it a bit more difficult in driving the boat. All these instances will negatively impact fuel efficiency. If left untreated, the growth can spread to other parts of your boat. If marine organisms enter your Honda motorboat engine, they could damage its parts which will prevent it from operating.
Prevent all of those unfortunate events from happening by following these tips:
Paint Your Hull’s Bottom with Anti-Fouling Paint
A boat’s hull needs to have a layer of protection to stop marine growth from sticking onto its surfaces. Anti-fouling paint is designed to prevent marine growth from clinging to the boat’s hull. Make sure to slap on two coats or more to make it effective. You can find anti-fouling ingredients in marine paint or gel coat paint. Make sure that’s the type of paint you will buy when you’re planning to repaint your boat’s hull.  
Invest in Marine Growth Prevention System
In addition to anti-fouling paint, you can also invest in an anti-fouling system to further help with marine growth prevention on your boat’s hull and running gear. There are a few types of anti-fouling systems to choose from.
Electrolytic Anti-Fouling System: This is how it works: A DC current is passed through pairs of copper and aluminium or iron anodes which produces copper ions. Copper ions prevent marine organisms from settling down on the boat’s surface.
Ultrasonic Anti-Fouling System: High-frequency waves are used to prevent marine growth and even reduce fouling on a boat’s piping system. 
Chemical Dosing: Small doses of an anti-fouling chemical will be periodically injected into the seawater cooling system close to the seawater intake point which can be found in seawater boxes. This creates a protective layer that prevents marine growth and corrosion in the boat’s pipework.
Regular Bottom Cleaning Sessions
Anti-fouling paint and marine growth prevention systems can only go so far in keeping your boat’s hull and boat gear clean and free from microorganisms. Eventually, these irksome critters will find a way to stick onto your hull’s surface and quickly expand. That’s when consistent boat bottom cleaning comes in so you can regularly scrub away marine growth build-up from your vessel. Make sure to regularly clean your boat every month. 
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annapolisrose · 5 years
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“ I keep my eyes wide open all the time “
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rabidseraphim · 5 years
HEY HELP my mum got this video down on the beach this morning and we have no idea what it is. After many reverse searches, I’ve determined it to be a Dosima fascicularis. BUT Dosima have tentacle-like things.
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Maybe it’s just holding it’s tentacles close together but I don’t know! So if anyone has any other ideas hmu.
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midcenturymyrtle · 3 years
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