#Bollywood Entertainment Blogs
techvivek07 · 1 month
www kokoa tv
In the ever-evolving landscape of digital entertainment, Kokoa TV emerges as a beacon of innovation and creativity. As the world transitions from traditional television to online streaming platforms, Kokoa TV stands at the forefront, offering a unique and immersive experience for viewers worldwide. With a diverse range of content spanning across various genres, Kokoa TV aims to redefine the way we consume entertainment. In this article, we delve into the features, offerings, and impact of Kokoa TV in shaping the future of digital media.
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Unparalleled Content Selection
At the heart of Kokoa TV lies its vast and diverse selection of content. Whether you're a fan of thrilling dramas, side-splitting comedies, gripping documentaries, or captivating documentaries, Kokoa TV has something for everyone. From timeless classics to the latest releases, the platform curates a meticulously crafted library that caters to the diverse tastes and preferences of its audience.
Original Productions
One of Kokoa TV's standout features is its commitment to producing original and exclusive content. By collaborating with talented filmmakers, directors, and content creators from around the globe, Kokoa TV brings forth a myriad of original series, movies, and documentaries that are not available anywhere else. This emphasis on originality not only sets Kokoa TV apart from its competitors but also fosters creativity and diversity within the entertainment industry.
Personalized Viewing Experience
Kokoa TV understands that every viewer is unique, which is why it offers a personalized viewing experience like no other. Through advanced algorithms and machine learning technologies, the platform analyzes user preferences, viewing habits, and feedback to tailor content recommendations specifically for each individual user. Whether you're looking for your next binge-worthy series or exploring new genres, Kokoa TV ensures that you'll always find something that piques your interest.
Seamless Accessibility
Gone are the days of being tethered to your television set. With Kokoa TV, you can enjoy your favorite content anytime, anywhere, and on any device. Whether you prefer streaming on your smart TV, laptop, tablet, or smartphone, Kokoa TV provides seamless accessibility across multiple devices. This flexibility allows users to indulge in their favorite shows and movies on their own terms, whether they're at home or on the go.
Community Engagement
Beyond merely providing entertainment, Kokoa TV fosters a sense of community and connection among its users. Through interactive features such as live chats, forums, and social media integration, viewers can engage with each other, share their thoughts and opinions, and connect with like-minded individuals from all corners of the globe. This sense of community not only enhances the viewing experience but also reinforces Kokoa TV's commitment to building meaningful relationships with its audience.
Social Impact and Responsibility
In addition to entertaining audiences, Kokoa TV recognizes its role in driving positive social change. Through its platform, the company promotes diversity, inclusivity, and social awareness by showcasing stories and perspectives that are often underrepresented in mainstream media. Furthermore, Kokoa TV actively supports various charitable initiatives and causes, using its influence and resources to make a meaningful impact on society.
Looking Towards the Future
As Kokoa TV continues to evolve and expand its reach, the future of digital entertainment looks brighter than ever. With its unparalleled content selection, commitment to originality, personalized viewing experience, and emphasis on community engagement and social responsibility, Kokoa TV is poised to revolutionize the way we consume and interact with media. Whether you're a casual viewer or a die-hard fan, Kokoa TV offers a world of entertainment possibilities, waiting to be explored.
In conclusion, Kokoa TV isn't just another streaming platform; it's a cultural phenomenon that is reshaping the landscape of digital entertainment. With its innovative approach, diverse content offerings, and unwavering commitment to excellence, Kokoa TV has cemented its position as a trailblazer in the industry, inspiring audiences and content creators alike to embrace the limitless possibilities of the digital age.
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fruitfulstuff · 11 months
Welcome to Hollywood Spicy, your ultimate destination for all things Hollywood, Bollywood, lifestyle, entertainment, and famous characters! Step into a world where glitz, glamour, and excitement blend seamlessly with the latest news and exclusive insights from the realm of movies, celebrities, and the entertainment industry.
At Hollywood Spicy, we pride ourselves on being the go-to source for the latest and most comprehensive coverage of Hollywood and Bollywood. Our team of dedicated writers and industry experts are passionate about bringing you the hottest stories, trends, and gossip from the world of cinema. Whether you're a film enthusiast, a celebrity fanatic, or simply seeking an escape into the world of entertainment, we've got you covered.
Explore our diverse range of articles, features, and reviews that cater to every cinephile's taste. From in-depth interviews with your favorite actors and actresses to behind-the-scenes glimpses into the making of blockbuster movies, our content offers an immersive experience that takes you beyond the silver screen. Stay up-to-date with the latest film releases, box office records, and award ceremonies, ensuring you never miss a moment of the action.
But Hollywood Spicy isn't limited to just the glitz of Hollywood. We also delve into the vibrant world of Bollywood, bringing you the best of Indian cinema. Discover the latest news from Bollywood, exclusive interviews with Bollywood stars, and reviews of the most talked-about Hindi films. We celebrate the diversity and richness of both Hollywood and Bollywood, providing a comprehensive platform that caters to fans from all corners of the globe.
In addition to our entertainment coverage, Hollywood Spicy also focuses on lifestyle and famous characters. Explore articles on fashion, beauty, health, and wellness inspired by your favorite celebrities. Get insights into their lifestyles, fashion choices, and secrets for looking and feeling your best. Dive into the captivating world of famous characters, from superheroes to iconic villains, as we explore their origins, histories, and the impact they've had on popular culture.
Whether you're seeking the latest Hollywood scoop, a glimpse into the colorful world of Bollywood, lifestyle inspiration, or a deeper understanding of famous characters, Hollywood Spicy has it all. Join us on this exciting journey as we celebrate the magic and allure of the entertainment industry, one captivating story at a time.
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eforentertainment · 11 months
अमिताभ भट्टाचार्य- सिने जगत के जादूगर
"बरामदे पुराने हैं, नयी-सी धूप है" जैसा सुकून से भरपूर गीत लिख लोगों को ताज़गी प्रदान करना हो या "चन्ना मेरेया-मेरेया" लिखकर लोगों को भावुक करना या "अभी मुझ में कहीं..बाकी थोड़ी सी है ज़िन्दगी" लिखकर जीने की प्रेरणा देना या फिर " एक बार ही किया तो यारो, प्यार क्या किया" पर लोगों को झुमाना। यह कलमकार हर तरह के भाव को अपने शब्दों से जीवंत करने में माहिर हैं। इस कलमकार को अपनी कलम से जादू बिखेरना का आशीर्वाद प्राप्त है । अगर आप अब भी अंदाजा नहीं लगा पाएं हैं कि हम यहाँ किस की बात कर रहे हैं, तो हम आपको बता दें , बात हो रही है-भारतीय लिरिसिस्ट और गीतकार अमिताभ भट्टाचार्य की। जी, हाँ ये वही शख्सियत है जिनके गाने आपकी जुबां पर चढ़े रहते हैं और जिनके गाने आपकी प्लेलिस्ट में कब्ज़ा किए रहते हैं । लेकिन क्या आप इस गीतकार से परिचित हैं ? आज इस आर्टिकल में हम आपको बॉलीवुड की इसी प्रतिभावान शख्सियत से रूबरू कराएँगे। आइये शुरू करते हैं।
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शुरुआती जीवन
अमिताभ भट्टाचार्य का जन्म 16 नवम्बर, 1976 लखनऊ, उत्तर प्रदेश में हुआ। वह बंगाली परिवेश से ताल्लुख़ रखते हैं। अमिताभ भट्टाचार्य का बचपन लखनऊ में बीता तथा उन्होंने अपनी प्रारंभिक शिक्षा वहीं से प्राप्त की। फिर लखनऊ विश्विद्यालय से 1999 में स्नातक किया। बचपन से ही भट्टाचार्य एक सिंगर बनने का सपना देखते थे। इसी के चलते 1999 में स्नातक पूरी हो जाने के बाद अपने सपने को मूर्त रूप देने के लिए लखनऊ छोड़कर मुंबई आ गए। 2013 में टाइम्स ऑफ़ इंडिया को दिए अपने एक इंटरव्यू में अमिताभ भट्टाचार्य ने बताया कि 'वह 1999 में मुंबई आने के बाद बड़े-बड़े संगीतकारों के ऑफिस के बाहर लम्बी कतारों में खड़े रहते थे और उन्हें अपनी "डेमो कैसेट" देते थे लेकिन इसका कोई फायदा उन्हें नहीं हुआ'। अमिताभ भट्टाचार्य ने अपने संघर्ष के दिनों में काम ना मिलने और काम ना मिलने के अवसाद से बचने के लिए कई एड्स जिंगल्स लिखे । बतौर भट्टाचार्य एड्स के लिए जिंगल्स लिखते- लिखते ही उन्होंने गाने लिखने की कला सीखी ।
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कब मिला अमिताभ भट्टाचार्य को ब्रेक?
1999 से लगातर संघर्ष करने के बाद 2009 में अनुराग कश्यप की फिल्म "देव डी" से अमिताभ भट्टाचार्य को ब्रेक मिला। इस फिल्म में उनके काम को लोगों और क्रटिक्स द्वारा खूब सरहाया गया। बात 2004 की है जब उनके एक दोस्त ने अमिताभ भट्टाचार्य की मुलाकात म्यूजिक डायरेक्टर अमित त्रिवेदी से कराई। उस समय अमित त्रिवेदी टेलेविज़न के लिए संगीत बनाया करते थे। उस दौरान अमित त्रिवेदी ने अमिताभ भट्टाचार्य को बतौर डमी सिंगर रख लिया और उनसे कुछ लिरिक्स लिखने को कहा। अमिताभ भट्टाचार्य ने कहे अनुसार लिरिक्स लिखे। अमिताभ के लिरिक्स अमित त्रिवेद्वी को बेहद पसंद आए। कह सकते है कि तभी से अमिताभ भट्टाचार्य की संघर्ष के दिन ढ़ल तथा जौहरी ने हीरे को पहचान लिया। परन्तु औपचारिक तौर पर वर्ष 2009 में अनुराग कश्यप की फिल्म "देव डी" के लिए लिखे गाने "इमोशनल अत्याचार" से उन्हें सिने जगत में पहचान मिली और फिर उनकी किस्मत का सिक्का चल पड़ा।
अमिताभ भट्टाचार्य से जुड़ी अनकही बातें
आज के जाने-माने और मशहूर लिरिसिस्ट अमिताभ भट्टाचार्य अपने शुरुआती दौर में गाने "इंदरनील" के नाम से लिखा करते थे। अब वे ऐसा क्यों करते थे? इसका जवाब केवल वही जानते हैं।
एक इंटरव्यू में अमिताभ ने कहा था कि वे किसी धुन पर लिरिक्स लिखना अधिक पसंद करते हैं क्योंकि इससे उनका दिमाग 10 गुना ज़्यादा तेज़ी से काम करता है।
गीतकार और संगीतकार अमित त्रिवेदी अमिताभ भट्टाचार्य के खास मित्र हैं।
अमिताभ भट्टाचार्य को अपना पहला फिल्म फेयर अवार्ड 2012 में आई फिल्म "अग्निपथ"के लिए लिखे गाने "अभी मुझ में कहीं के लिए" मिला।
अमिताभ भट्टाचार्य को अपने करियर में सबसे ज़्यादा अवार्ड 2020 में आई फिल्म "ऐ दिल है मुश्किल" के लिखे गाने "चन्ना मेरेया" के लिए पूरे 9 अवार्ड्स मिले हैं।
अमिताभ भट्टाचार्य शब्दों के जादूगर। हालंकि अमिताभ भट्टाचार्य आए यहाँ सिंगर बने थे लेकिन उन्होंने बॉलीवुड में बेहद कम गाने गए। शायद अमिताभ भट्टाचार्य अपने अंदर की प्रतिभा पहचान चुके हैं और इसलिए वे अब लिरिसिस्ट के तौर पर काम कर रहे हैं। अमिताभ भट्टाचार्य द्वारा लिखे गानों में अलग ही रोचकता है, रस है। उनके गाने ऐसे लगते हैं मानो कोई कविता हो। उन्हीं के लिखे गानों को हम आपके साथ यहाँ साझा कर रहे हैं। पढ़िए और आंनद लीजिए।
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maddly-manikjors12 · 1 year
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Parar more' e dariye mora , tomar opekkhaye , tomar bhoye shurjo mama aro kaache ashte chaye. Chaarchhe mama gorom hawa , legeche Victoria'r loo , jaani tumi ashbena , God knows! Dil phir bekarar kiyun kaarta hoon!
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pen2print · 2 years
Korean wave in India.
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View On WordPress
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From development news, Bollywood entertainment news, law & justice, society, interview to politics, it covers it all, that too on a single platform so you do not have to visit separate website for political news, sports news and entertainment blogs!
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desiblr-gapshap · 11 months
Gapshap is here again to entertain you.
Good evening everyone, I'm your self proclaimed host तितली (@alhad-titli)
Humans can't endure boredom... Hence we found many things to entertain ourselves with. Plays, music, books, movies, shows, and many more things.
Most of the time, we indians get rid of our boredom by watching bollywood movies (old era ofc. new bollywood is uhh well we all know what am I talking about.) No matter what kind of international web series, show, drama you may watch but you will feel home in only movies which are in your native language. We are separated by states, languages, culture but united by bollywood.
Yes today is bollywood night. There are many masterpiece movies, Mughal-e-azam, umrao jaan (both), woh kaun thi, om shanti om, kabhi khushi kabhi gam, mein hoon na, but our tonight's guest's personal favorite is "Jab we met" can you guess who's that? Keep guessing.
If geet and aditya ever come out of movie and had to say something to us then it would have been this:
Aditya: "In your opinion, what keeps a person going?"
Geet: "Golgappe yaarrrrrrr."
Aditya: "Geet, I am serious, give me an answer, tumhe ek baar me samjh nhi aata?"
Geet: *stares at him with puppy eyes*
Aditya(sighs): let me answer it, it's the love that keep us going, love has the power to change us, rebuild us, love can make a dead person alive and can also kill a living being. love hurts but its important. There are many types of love, platonic, romantic. For example, you dont like your family in many terms but you still love them right?
Geet: *nodding*
Aditya: similarly we love the love things that may hurt us , because those things those people are our people . love is simple and very complex at th esame time its fragile like a bomb but remember in all these ups an downs of life dont forget to love yourself and the people around you .
Geet: *glares at him*
Aditya: so Geet meri sardarni, tell me who do you love the most now ???
Geet: *laughs* golgappeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!
Aditya sighs and takes her on date.
Back to reality everyone.
"Geet is not only person who loves pani puri" I said. Who else love it? We, brown GIRLS idiot.
But but the girl who loves panipuri the most is our own @mainapnifavouritehoon humari desiblr ki professional simple and desi girl.
Vo sab to theek hai but it's golgappeeeeee not pani puri *says chai* (@masalalala-chaii)
*Smacking her head!* Ignore her guys please.
Let us start the interview with rapid fire questions.
So Geet tell us,
About yourself, your blog.
What kind of vibes you want to give by your blog?
how you became simp for him? *ahm ahm*
And you golgappe wali come with me at the backstage for a second, let's have a talk. *Smiling and dragging chai away with her dupatta trying my best to not strangle her with it.*
So Arunima, the stage is all yours now. Do bhangra or whatever you want here.
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tuesday again 9/5/2023
moving closer to your best friend means hanging out in big groups a lot of the time. while this is theoretically good for mental health or whatever, in practice i overextended myself this weekend and am going to wake up tomorrow with the mental equivalent of a sore lower back
listening (2x bonus)
very fond of måneskin's new single HONEY (ARE U COMING?). sonically different from their other stuff, lyrics and tone-wise another incredible sad banger! spotify
my sister viewed the film Party Girl (1995, dir. von Scherler Mayer) last week at a party in philly and sent me this song featured in the film with no further explanation. Double Cross by First Choice (a Larry Levan remix) has what i want to call bollywood strings, a flute, and the funkiest bassline backing up some really classic disco vocals. First Choice were a group out of philly, which no one at the party knew at the time, and this blog calls this specific remix "dancefloor soul" which is probably as good a descriptor as any. i have had it on loop for a solid week. lyrics include
Love stealing, double dealing, two-timing lowdown son of a gun
which is just so much fucking fun to sing in the car. spotify
reading (2x bonus here also)
i read the mandalorian comics in between volumes of berserk, which feels a bit like saying i took a break from watching the evil dead franchise to watch some cocomelon.
the mandalorian comics are a remarkably uninspired nearly shot by shot breakdown of the episodes. not in the way most film/tv comics are, where they’re very clearly traced screencaps, but screenshots redrawn. this would be interesting if the artist was not contractually obliged to the very flat marvel comics style. i am constantly reminded of how the mandalorian is simply…not very good. it’s entertaining as a spectacle of television to watch, but there are not a lot of fun ideas in there. something that made me fucking scream with laughter are these panels of baby yoda
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pápá, your son is So high
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back to the other series with a dark haired, roaming, grouchy, reserved man on a mission. unfortunately i don't have a lot of berserk thoughts just yet, i am waiting on vol 4 to come off my library holds and my brain is still digesting it. anyway i think not wanting random "friendly" embraces from strangers is a very reasonable thing for guts to dislike and i truly do not understand why ppl in-universe get so fucking offended. unfortunately reading these late at night did lead to an unpleasant sleep experience.
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bitches love a fucked up interior space that can't ever actually exist (it's me i'm bitches)
not to be all therapeutic but im trying to be Curious About and Gently Interrogate why i get a real bee in my bonnet once a year to read some horror comics/manga when i am big squeamish baby about film depictions of those things. i think mostly bc comics gore is so much more stylized than some of the very effective practical and cgi effects? and crucially nothing is actually like writhing around on screen it’s a still image? does anyone else’s brain have a much easier time handling still images over moving images of gore? much to consider
as with many other things, me reading berserk is indirectly @dying-suffering-french-stalkers ' fault
i have viewed the first four episodes of Fire Force, the urban fantasy mercenary firefighter anime and do not think i will be continuing. while i have a great many questions about the worldbuilding (gravitational anomalies?? genetic predisposition to spontaneous human combustion?? solar god nuns??) it has a dead mom plot, which i am allergic to. this is also a 7.5-8 on the Ass part of the Weeb Ass Shit scale, and has a lot more casual assault than i try to encounter in anime. it's by the soul eater guy, remember the level of Stuff going on in soul eater? a little bit more ramped up groping and stuff that makes me say out loud "wow i don't like this" than soul eater.
the animation re: aforementioned fire is really top notch tho. visually complex and interesting television program.
how i found this: me and my best friend and my best friend's husband morosely poking around the anime section on hulu, looking for something to fill the spy x family void. this ain't it tho
i have no fun genshin tidbits to share bc i am grinding talent mats while catching up with the podcast episodes of the road to partizan and i don’t have much to say about the not-fun parts of gachas. why am i playing something if it’s not inherently fun? great fucking question
making (3rd 2x bonus)
very uninspired (derivative, even) abbreviated sofrito thing over rice. with heavy application of Worcestershire sauce it was fine. no pics
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also i finally bought a couch bc salvation army had 50% off everything for Labor Day. this is a question of ethics vs money i have decided for myself, and encourage you, the reader, to go off and quietly make your own philosophical choices without explaining them to me in detail.
it will be arriving on friday bc that is when the strapping young men who own trucks are available. my front door is a very non standard size and i have a very awkward front stair, so i needed something that could fit under the overhang while standing on its end. this one was the best size and (fortunately) the cheapest at $150. it is some sort of extremely flammable early polyester and 100% has a grandma’s soul trapped within its fibers. i will probably buy a cover at some later date to deter miss macaron but in the meantime we will do the strips of brown painters tape, which does successfully deter her. this really really does not want to be steamed so i will also be procuring some chemicals.
here are some other couches i could have bought but didn’t.
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bollywoodhotactress · 8 months
Kiara Advani in Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 Bollywood Movie
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Check out more 🔻
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dweemeister · 3 months
2023 Movie Odyssey Award for Best Original Song (final results)
TAGGING (even some folks who didn’t do this but I hope will join/rejoin us someday): @addaellis, @birdsongvelvet, @cinemaocd, @doglvr, @dog-of-ulthar, @emilylime5, @exlibrisneh​, @halfwaythruthedark, @idontknowmuchaboutmovies, @introspectivemeltdown, @machpowervisions, @maximiliani, @mehetibel, @memetoilet​, @metamatar, @monkeysmadeofcheese, @myluckyerror​, @phendranaedge, @plus-low-overthrow, @qteeclown, @rawberry101, @rosymeraki-blog, @shadesofhappy​, @shootingstarvenator, @stephdgray, @the-lilac-grove, @theybecomestories, @umgeschrieben, @underblackwings, and @yellanimal
Hello all,
I know it's mid-January, but the book is finally closed on the Movie Odyssey for 2023 and the 2023 Movie Odyssey Award for Best Original Song (MOABOS XI) Final. For those who need a refresher, I refer to the whole collection of films I saw for the first time in their entirety over a calendar year as "My Movie Odyssey". It forms the backbone of my classic film blog on tumblr, which has been featuring the Movie Odyssey Awards (of which MOABOS is one category out of 26 total). The true reason for the blog's continuing existence are my film write-ups, tagged "My Movie Odyssey" (which remains stuck, unfortunately at 799 as of the writing of this wrap-up post).
Whether or not you participated in 2023's Movie Odyssey Award for Best Original Song (MOABOS XI), I thank you for your consideration, your time, and your support. This eleventh edition of MOABOS was the tenth with outside involvement from family, friends, and tumblr followers.
Late Sunday night, I was asked by a MOABOS newcomer what was the true purpose of this strange competition/holiday tradition/social experiment/whatever you want to call it. It was, admittedly, a little jarring to hear that question again for the first time in perhaps a few years. Of course, there's the fun in seeing everybody's comments and rankings. The drama of folks complaining about the musical tastes of others they have never met is hilarious (high school friends side-eyeing coworkers; my undergrad and grad school friends having no overlap in taste – yes, I even find the disparagement towards my musical tastes as horribly funny. I get a strange kick out of conducting the single transferable vote of a few dozen people.
In the end, the purpose of MOABOS is twofold.
First, at the most basic level, it's to keep in touch with all of you. The second purpose is more complex, and may or may not be of coequal importance. Like the Movie Odyssey Awards it is a part of, and especially those movie write-ups stubbornly stuck at 799, MOABOS is meant to introduce all of you to films you may not have otherwise encountered – especially classic movies of yesteryear.
No one looks at you funny when you say you read an old book, or go to see centuries-old art in a museum, or listen to what is now being called "oldies" music. But for film? Not so much. I hope MOABOS has helped demystify and make more accessible/less intimidating the movies featured here. Yes, I'll always toot the horn of Old Hollywood. Unabashedly so, as it has so much to teach us and entertain us. But may you also have found enjoyment in MOABOS's brushes with animation from outside the major American and Japanese studios, the formative decades of Bollywood (far removed from the Hindu nationalism of the present day), the largely unexplored works of classic film south of the American border (preservation, restoration, historical neglect, and lack of access forming a hydra of problems from Mexico to Brazil and in-between), and even works that come my way as Artistic Director of Viet Film Fest (VFF).
It's been a privilege for the last eleven years to take you all on this cinematic/musical journey – one aspect of many of the Movie Odyssey. And I'm honored to have your trust in me to be a guide.
Remember: the MOABOS final is not like the prelim. It isn't primarily decided on the points system used in the final. It, since 2018, is decided on single transferable vote.
First, the standings on points. It should be noted that MOABOS XI just pipped last year for the participation record for a final. We had 40 rankings (including yours truly) last year; this year had 41 in the final (the only bad news: we had 44 people participate in this year's prelim and I invited extra people in the final, so this number definitely could've been higher).
STANDINGS ON POINTS (USED ONLY AS THE FIRST TIEBREAKER... the actual final result is the list below this one). Using the method used in the preliminary round, the count would’ve looked like this (“Song”, Film title (points) / #1 votes).:
“Miss Celie's Blues (Sister)”, The Color Purple (225) / 11
“Suzume”, Suzume (223) / 4
“Qu'est-ce qu'on fait de l'amour?”, Ernest & Celestine: A Trip to Gibberitia (207) / 7
“Esse Mundo é Meu”, Esse Mundo é Meu (179) / 1
“Chattanooga Choo Choo”, Sun Valley Serenade (164.5) / 3
“Ciao Papa”, Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio (160) / 4
“Hooked on Your Love”, Sparkle (154) / 3
“I'm Just Ken”, Barbie (153.5) / 3
“Danger Zone”, Top Gun (139) / 1
“Tiền”, Good Morning and Good Night (129) / 0
“Trời Sáng Rồi, Ta Ngủ Đi Thôi (Good Morning and Good Night”, Good Morning and Good Night (102) / 1
“Return to Sender”, Girls! Girls! Girls! (98) / 0
“Animal Crackers in My Soup”, Curly Top (95) / 1
“Barsaat mein hamse mile tum sajan (In the Rainy Season, We Met One Another)”, Barsaat (94) / 0
 “I Know Why (And So Do You)”, A Mighty Wind (90) / 2
Using the points system tiebreaker alone, this was a nailbiter. "Miss Celie's Blues (Sister)" eked out a 2-point lead over "Suzume". What was even more surprising is that "Miss Celie's Blues" has set the record for most #1 votes in MOABOS final (11, breaking the nine #1 votes that "9 to 5" received in last year's final).
When looking solely at points, this is tied for the third-smallest margin ever recorded at the top (there have been two ties on points: MOABOS VII in 2019 and MOABOS IX in 2021). 
THE OFFICIAL TABULATION FOLLOWS AND DETAILS CAN BE FOUND IN THE READ-MORE. We used a single transferable vote (which is explained visually here). With 41 respondents, a song needed 50% + 1 vote of all #1 and transferred votes to be declared a winner. Thus, a song needed 21 votes to win. One ballot was discarded very late during the final tabulation due to that person ranking nine songs, but having their top nine completely eliminated as the count progressed. 40 ballots remained, but the magic number to win remained 21. The top ten songs became nominees; the bottom five are considered honorable mentions:
2023 Movie Odyssey Award for Best Original Song (FINAL STANDINGS) (playlist)
“Miss Celie's Blues (Sister)”, The Color Purple (1985)
“Suzume”, Suzume (2023, Japan)
“Qu'est-ce qu'on fait de l'amour? (What Do We Do with Love?)”, Ernest & Celestine: A Trip to Gibberitia (2022, France)
“Chattanooga Choo Choo”, Sun Valley Serenade (1941)
“Ciao Papa”, Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio (2022)
“Hooked on Your Love”, Sparkle (1976)
“I'm Just Ken”, Barbie (2023)
“I Know Why (And So Do You”, Sun Valley Serenade (1941)
“Esse Mundo é Meu”, Esse Mundo é Meu (1964, Brazil)
“Danger Zone”, Top Gun (1986)
“Trời Sáng Rồi, Ta Ngủ Đi Thôi (Good Morning and Good Night)”, Good Morning and Good Night (2019, Vietnam)
“Animal Crackers in My Soup”, Curly Top (1935)
“Tiền”, Good Morning and Good Night(2019, Vietnam)
“Return to Sender”, Girls! Girls! Girls! (1962)
“Barsaat mein hamse mile tum sajan (In the Rainy Season, We Met One Another)”, Barsaat (1949, India)
The bottom five all received honorable mentions. The top ten received nominations.
"Miss Celie's Blues (Sister)" from The Color Purple (1985) eked out the title in the closest result MOABOS has seen since adopting the single transferable vote in 2018. With forty ballots remaining and on the twelfth and final count, "Miss Celie's Blues" and "Suzume" were actually tied, 20-20. In other words, when you eliminated all the other songs, twenty respondents had "Miss Celie's Blues" ranked higher than "Suzume" and twenty respondents had "Suzume" ranked higher than "Miss Celie's Blues". One person (the discarded ballot) did not rank either - and could have easily swung it had they put one or both of those songs down.
So when the transferred votes are tied, the first tiebreaker is points (as seen in the preliminary round). And from there, "Miss Celie's Blues" edged out "Suzume", 225-223. 
(Hypothetical): If we were somehow tied on points, it would then go to #1 votes. "Miss Celie's Blues" would have won that tiebreaker, 11-4. If #1 votes were somehow tied, it would have gone to the average placement on my ballot and my sister's. We both ranked "Miss Celie's Blues" 3rd for an average placement of 3rd. I ranked "Suzume" in a three-way tie for 13th (effectively rendering it 14th on my ballot) and my sister ranked it 10th - an average placement of 12th.
With the music written by Quincy Jones and Rod Temperton and lyrics by Jones, Temperton and Lionel Richie, "Miss Celie's Blues (Sister)" was nominated at the 58th Academy Awards for Best Original Song, losing to Lionel Richie's "Say You, Say Me" from White Nights (1985); yes Richie lost to himself that night). Steven Spielberg's 1985 adaptation of The Color Purple is based on Alice Walker's book of the same name. Set in rural Georgia, it follows Celie Harris (Whoopi Goldberg in her breakthrough role; Desreta Jackson as young Celie), who suffers of parental and spousal psychological, physical, and sexual abuse. Her light in the world is her sister, Nettie (Akousa Busia), and the two form a world of their own – away from the darkness of their world. It was one of the best books I read in the 2010s, and the film adaptation – despite the limitations of its LGBTQ+ depictions and themes due to American politics and studio politics at the time – was one of the best films I saw in 2023 for the first time ever.
The 1980s becomes the first decade to defend a MOABOS title. But it comes in the form of a song that no one would peg as being written in the 1980s. It comes the blues, a distinctly American musical genre that grew from the spirituals and work songs of black slaves and freedmen in the American South. It is the first song from the blues tradition to win MOABOS.Runner-up "Suzume" is the best-performing anime song ever in MOABOS, eclipsing the title song from My Neighbor Totoro (1988, Japan) 
– which earned 4th place in MOABOS V (2017). Makoto Shinkai, perhaps these days moreso than Hayao Miyazaki, is the most important director in anime film at this moment.
Those who saw our rankings will know that my sister and I were deep outliers here. "Suzume" was tied for 13th on my ballot; 10th on my sister's. For the sizable anime fan faction who are currently sharpening their knives, I would consider yourselves lucky that, even though MOABOS is somewhat modeled on Academy Award processes, it doesn't replicate it entirely. "Suzume" was ineligible for Academy Award consideration because it is the second song in the end credits. Arbitrary as this sounds, only the first song during the end credits are eligible for the Academy Award for Best Original Song, in order to ensure that the category honors songs that significantly contribute to a film itself. No such rule exists for MOABOS.
* * * * * * * * * * *
If MOABOS was truly a popularity contest, then two films that defined their respective years would have won this in a walk – Barbie and Top Gun. In the end, "I'm Just Ken" and "Danger Zone" – the two most visible contenders of the whole bunch – finished a disappointing 7th and 10th. Reading many of your comments, the reasons for their underperformance often had to do directly with the films themselves (whether or not one has seen them).
Elsewhere, no MOABOS entry featuring Glenn Miller and His Orchestra has failed to secure a nomination in the MOABOS Final. "I Know Why (And So Do You)" and "Chattanooga Choo Choo" – the latter one of the most popular songs of its era, an unofficial anthem for Golden Age 20th Century Fox – will be the last appearance for Miller and His Orchestra as they made only two films on their contract and no more. Thanks to Glenn Miller and his mates for wonderful contributions to MOABOS IX (2021) and MOABOS XI.
And hey, I'm just happy fellow Fox contractee Shirley Temple finally made a MOABOS final. Many of you vehemently disagree, but Temple's mark on film and film music history is undeniable. When I started MOABOS a decade ago, the last generation of moviegoers who saw her films in theaters could attest to that. Today, that generation is almost all gone.
Moreso than the other major American studios, 20th Century Fox was one of the least willing studios to make its back catalogue available for home media/streaming/general availability. Following 20th Century Fox's purchase by the Walt Disney Company in 2019, the situation has only gotten worse, as Disney (for all intents and purposes) decides to further bury the Fox library for anything that might not perform well on streaming or isn't franchise-able. But hear it from me: there are still 20th Century Fox musicals from Golden Age Hollywood to come for MOABOS. No one is saying that they have they have the musical mastery of MGM or Warner Bros., but Fox's musicals need to be treasured, too.
Speaking of access, last February, I saw Esse Mundo é Meu at the Academy Museum in LA and found the a capella version of the title song a hopeful, plaintive ode to better days. The print was not in good shape; the Museum had to redo the subtitles themselves. But it was a glimpse into classic Brazilian cinema seldom seen outside of Brazil itself. How lucky I was; and here's hoping that the telling of Latin American film history becomes more than the afterthought it too often is.
Sparkle (1976) is not a great movie. Black audiences in America might disagree furiously with what I just said. But, as someone who grew up with '50s-'70s R&B and soul as a major part of the soundtrack of his childhood, it had to have a place here. Congrats to all those on Sparkle.
A disappointing result for Good Morning and Good Night, failing in both instances to secure a nomination. But we shall see more VFF entries in the future.
Oh yeah, Elvis made a lot of movies. The King will be back again, certainly, in hopes of a second MOABOS title.
I'm glad that many of you liked "Ciao Papa" from Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio (2022) – the film is on Netflix for those who have it, and it's a beautiful take on the original tale.
Lastly, I was perhaps most heartened how many of you were exposed to Ernest & Celestine for the first time and how much "Qu'est-ce qu'on fait de l'amour?" resonated with many of you. I saw the sequel with my sister last summer in a near-empty theater at a prime weekend timeslot; it was still one of my favorite watches of the year. And as for the original, when it was first shock-nominated for the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, I must have mentioned it to everyone who would listen. No one I knew outside of my sister saw the film.
Please find Ernest & Celestine (2012) and its 2022 sequel. Both films shatter the fictions that 1) non-English-language animation is inherently more "serious" than English-language animation and 2) a "children's movie" can only best be enjoyed by children. Please seek out and learn more about animated films beyond the major American and Japanese studios.
MOABOS is only a small glimpse into the larger 2023 Movie Odyssey. But I hope you enjoyed even this sliver of a look into that moviewatching journey.
Our winner joins these past winners for MOABOS (winners' playlist):
2012 (Special): To be contested
2013 (I): “The Gold Diggers’ Song (We’re In the Money)”, Gold Diggers of 1933 (1933)
2014 (II): “Rainbow Connection”, The Muppet Movie (1979)
2015 (III): “Amhrán Na Farraige (Song of the Sea)”, Song of the Sea (2014)
2016 (IV): “Stayin’ Alive”, Saturday Night Fever (1977)
2017 (V): “Remember Me (Recuérdame)”, Coco (2017)
2018 (VI): “Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing”, Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing (1955)
2019 (VII): “I Wish I Didn't Love You So”, The Perils of Pauline (1947)
2020 (VIII): “Can't Help Falling in Love” , Blue Hawaii (1961)
2021 (IX): “Lullaby in Ragtime”, The Five Pennies (1959)
2022 (X): “9 to 5”, Nine to Five (1980)
2013 final 2014 final (input from family and friends began this year) 2015 final 2016 prelim / final 2017 prelim / final 2018 prelim / final 2019 prelim / final 2020 prelim / final 2021 prelim / final 2022 prelim / final 2023 prelim
Every time MOABOS comes to an end, I never know whether or not we are going to do MOABOS for the new year. I never know what movies I will discover come my way during a calendar year (and which ones have original songs in them to be a part of this). So it is my hope that I will see you again next year, for what might make it a dozen editions of the Movie Odyssey Award for Best Original Song. For the final time for MOABOS XI, thank you so much for participating!
41 ballots were submitted; twenty-one #1 votes and transferred votes needed to win
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2ND COUNT: 1 ballot to "Qu'est ce qu'on fait de l'amour"
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3RD COUNT: 1 ballot to "Suzume"
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4TH COUNT: 1 ballot to "I Know Why (And So Do You)"
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5TH COUNT: 1 ballot to "Ciao Papa"
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6TH COUNT: 2 ballots to "Chattanooga Choo Choo", 1 ballot to "Hooked on Your Love"
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7TH COUNT: 3 ballots to "Suzume"
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8TH COUNT: 2 ballots to "Chattanooga Choo Choo", 1 ballot to "Ciao Papa", 1 ballot to Miss Celie's Blues"
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9TH COUNT: 3 ballots to "Suzume", 1 ballot to "Chattanooga Choo Choo", 1 ballot to "Miss CElie's Blues", 1 ballot to "Qu'est-ce qu'on fait de l'amour?"
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10TH COUNT: 4 ballots to "Miss Celie's Blues", 1 ballot to "Qu'est-ce qu'on fait de l'amour?", 1 ballot to "Suzume"
1 ballot was DISCARDED on the 10th count; 40 ballots remain; 21 to win
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11TH COUNT: 8 ballots to "Suzume", 3 ballots to "Miss Celie's Blues"
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12TH COUNT: "Miss Celie's Blues (Sister)" 20, "Suzume" 20. "Miss Celie's Blues (Sister)" wins on the first tiebreaker on points, 225-223.
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aeternallis · 4 months
the nice thing about having friends who have faith in you, having a twin brother you can rant to and not be judged poorly (considering he himself has also been in some hot water with our extended family before, lol), having a sister-in-law you can talk to about the technicalities of things, is that it grounds you to reality. it gives you perspective, and just outright reminds you that you shouldn't let what people say online get to you, because at the end of the day, all this will pass, yknow?
i'm excited for the day i can look back on all of this and laugh about it; it'll make for a neat conversation starter with my friends. lol there's no regret in what happened. i only regret the way i let it get to me, and how i'd forgotten one of my other personal rules when i engage in fandom. but having talked to my loved ones now (and listening to bollywood music), i'm on solid, firmer ground again, so i think it's a lot safer for me now to think and talk about it, to get all my thoughts out onto paper and onto the same solid ground with me.
usually i'd write about this sort of thing on my journal, but i gotta keep the carpal tunnel at bay, so onto this blog it goes.
what happened this week was a double-whammy for me: individuals called me out for a post I'd reblogged on here with some tags I wrote on there, and a meta post that garnered some controversy about a generally accepted fanon take on a character (said take being fanon is my opinion, just so we're clear, future me).
i have hurt a number of individuals with the tags i wrote in that post, and i do feel remorseful for the way i came off, but ultimately, i do stand by them. my reasons were not stated in that post, because i spoke only in the tags; we have a limit of 30 tags, y'all. i'm not able to give all my justifications onto those tags because i'm limited (30!), and i never thought i'd have to (despite the fact that i understood that i had no obligation to), in the first place.
whether or not people choose to discern and draw conclusions about my character based on those tags alone, or if they want to reach out to me to get further clarification, that's entirely up to them. i can't control how people perceive me online, so why expend the energy to giving their opinions about me any weight, when i can use said energy for other things (like smutty kimchay art--//hits)?
the way i see it, the people who choose to discern my character and jump to conclusions about it based on those tags alone says a lot more about them than it ever will about me.
having said that...
cat!kim, bottom!kim, submissive!kim...I don't like any of these headcanons (that hasn't stopped me from reading some amazing bottom!kim fics though, lemme just say XD) because in my mind, they're heavily influenced by jeff satur's media personality and disregards the boundary between actor and character. no one has to agree with me on this, nor should anyone feel the need to explain themselves to me about why they may think the opposite, because at the end of the day, these are just my opinions. anyone else is more than welcome to think the contrary. i cannot control what people think of me through these opinions any more than i can control people giving weight to them in the first place.
autistic!kim and basically any headcanon that applies a medical diagnosis onto a fictional character...is an idea i choose not to engage in, or entertain in any capacity. that's all there is to it. am i stopping others from engaging in this idea? not at all; explore this idea as much as you want in the capacity it makes you happy. that's one of the purposes of fandom, after all. but for my part, i cannot engage in it whatsoever; i'd much rather people in this fandom just think the worst of me, call me all types of names and labels in the book, and live in ignorance about my character, than to compromise on this. i can explain myself in limited capacity in a private chat, but otherwise, i won't share any more of myself than what i feel i can or should in this public space, yknow?
as for my meta posts...i'm very glad they do encourage conversation, even if others disagree with me, but just please be nice about it. i don't mind engaging in friendly debate in private, but i will also admit that debate about character interpretation in public gives me hella anxiety, alas. it's harder to discern people's tones online, and what was once originally a debate can quickly spiral into yelling matches because of this loss of context.
but yeah, i think now i can safely say i've made a little bit of peace with this incident(s), even if i'm still processing a lot of emotions!
and with that, back to my metas and kimchay art, i've kept them waiting long enough~
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twopoppies · 1 year
Hey Gina!! I was just scrolling thru your blog and all I'm saying is that I totally agree with the anon that said that they don't want H&L to come to India.
I'm Indian too and trust me the objectification and judgement faced by celebrities is crazy here. The homophobia here is absolutely mind blowing too.
Celebrities are treated as if they're just objects for people's entertainment and nothing else. You don't like what a celebrity wears? Fuck them. You don't like that two celebrities wanted their marriage to be private? Fuck them.
The objectification of women here, oh my god. Every single fucking thing they wear is objectified, every single fucking thing they do is faced by judgement.
Once an actress went to her husband's cricket game here, and the team didn't really perform very well. Guess whose fault it was? The actress's.
(Not that the celebrities are all innocent either. A celebrity ran over 5 homeless people sleeping on the street once. One died. The worst thing is that he never really faced any repercussions. And he also poached two blackbucks once.)
Ed Sheeran came here once, as the anon mentioned, and all the Bollywood actors treated him like he was their ticket to fame, and not a real person.
Don't get me wrong, I love my country, but sometimes the people here act rally shitty.
I'd love to see Harry and Louis one day but I really don't want them to experience this shit.
Sorry, I was trying to tell that I don't want them too come here but it soon turned into a rant about my country😅
TL;DR- I love my country but also hate the situation in here and I really don't want the boys to come here. I also wholeheartedly agree with the anon. And also love your blog.
Hi sweetheart. Oh wow. I honestly can’t even imagine how it would be if they went there. It really would be so nice if more artists did live streams so that countries who rarely get tours could experience these shows.
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anon cuz im shy::
1) whats the bl in your header?
2) any gls you’d recommend?
3) any desi gay shows that are worth watching?
Hi anony! :D
Oh, thats My School President (ep. 9 if you're curious)
Unfortunately, i haven't watched many gls and don't have any expertise at all in the matter 😔. BUT you can ask or go through @ahxu-laowen's blog for that! I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for 😊. Also, the one I have watched is GAP the series. It's quite nice, but sometimes a bit too angsty for my tastes (my angst tolerance is pretty low though so don't take that to scale) but if you're okay with it, go ahead! :D
Desi gay shows, huh. . . I've not actually even heard of desi gay shows. There are a few "Bollywood' movies though, and I've watched a couple. To be very honest, after watching them, I'm kinda afraid to watch the others, because the stereotypes make me want to laugh and sob at the same time (as a person studying Sociology it's extra hard to not bang my head against the wall). But. If you want entertainment but are too tired of het couples, you can watch them. One is Badhai Do. It's about a lavendar marriage (gay person marrying a lesbian person because they can't marry who they really want to) and what the "couple" gets up to, both as individuals as well as together. Second one i haven't watched but is on my watchlist is Cobalt Blue (or just Cobalt, I think 😅). Both are on Netflix. If you want other movie recs though, I have a few (they're neither desi nor South/South-East Asian).
Hope that helped! :D
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myrefersofficial · 1 year
KL Rahul Weds Athiya Shetty: Another Bolly-Cricket Love Story 
People in India are obsessed with Bollywood and cricket, having a high degree of glitz and glamor. Fans will go to any lengths to take a picture with their favorite cricketer or Bollywood star, and they will do anything to have a sight of them or to take a picture with them. 
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Bollywood and cricket are linked because the celebrities who work in both fields enjoy a strong connection with one another. There have been many affairs between Bollywood stars and cricketers, and most of those couples have gone on to get married after a romantic relationship. 
Some examples of these couples include Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli, Geeta Basra and Harbhajan Singh, and many others. Most of these couples are enjoying a happy married life and the freshers to join the gang are the newly wed Athiya Shetty and KL Rahul. 
Read our blog on "Stunning Wives of Cricketers From the Bollywood & Entertainment Industry" to learn about such sassy couples. 
The Beginning Of Athiya And KL Rahul's Romance 
Reportedly beginning their relationship in 2019, cricketer KL Rahul and actor Athiya Shetty were introduced to one another by a mutual acquaintance. In December 2019, the pair shared their first Instagram post, which quickly garnered much attention. 
It was stated that the pair celebrated the arrival of the year 2020 in Thailand with some of their close friends. Fans kept wondering about the couple's relationship because they celebrated birthdays and vacations together. 
After that, Athiya and Rahul shared images of themselves on their social media accounts, which led to speculation that the two were dating. Although the pair never acknowledged their relationship in public, they also never denied that it existed.
As fresh photographs of the couple circulated on social media, speculation about their relationship intensified. After that, Athiya started traveling with Rahul on the international tours of Team India. In 2021, Rahul and Athiya collaborated for an endorsement. 
They were spotted advertising the luxury eyewear brand NUMI Paris. In December 2021, Rahul and Athiya made their first appearance in public during the film "Tadap" screening the following year. On the red carpet, they were seen walking hand in hand with one another.
When it was Athiya's 29th birthday, the couple made their relationship public when Rahul uploaded a post on social media that was specifically devoted to Athiya. Afterward, the couple can be seen posting their emotional images together on their respective social media accounts.
Shetty Anna's Reviews Regarding Daughter's Choice
Both Bollywood starlet Athiya Shetty, the daughter of actor Sunil Shetty, and cricketer K.L. Rahul have been dating for over three years. There have been multiple reports regarding the pair's wedding over the past few days, and it was reported that their wedding would take place soon.
Although the speculation about the wedding has been circulating on social media for the past few months, neither she nor Rahul has spoken. On the other hand, the actress's father, Sunil Shetty, has recently disclosed the actress's engagement to K.L. Rahul. 
He went on to say that at the moment, Rahul is scheduled to play in several tournaments, including the World Cup, the Asia Cup, the South African Tour, and the Australian Tour, and that the couple plans to be married as soon as they have a break from their responsibilities.
When rumors began to spread about the marriage, Athiya responded to them via her Instagram story by writing, "I hope I'm invited to this wedding that's taking place in three months, lol." However, her father recently disclosed that he approves of their intentions to wed.
Celebration Of KL Rahul and Athiya Shetty's Wedding
On January 21, the festivities surrounding KL Rahul and Athiya Shetty's wedding got underway. The wedding festivities were held with a low profile to protect the privacy of the newlyweds. Though, immediate family members and close friends attended the functions. 
Athiya and KL Rahul invited their guests for a sangeet the night before the wedding. During the celebrations, Suniel and his wife Mana, with Athiya's best friends Krishna Shroff and Akansha Ranjan, lit the dance floor on fire.
On the wedding day i.e. January 23, it was seen that the pair was color-coding their wedding attire. Anamika Khanna, a well-known Indian fashion designer, was responsible for the bridal attire of the couple. Athiya adored a chickankari lehenga in pink tones with embellishments.
She matched it with a full-sleeved blouse with a sweetheart neckline and an uneven hemline, and she topped it off with a semi-translucent dupatta. The actress finished off her ensemble with a maang tikka, a delicate kaleerey, and a hefty stone-studded choker with dangling earrings.
The newlyweds Athiya Shetty and KL Rahul appeared in front of the excited paparazzi waiting outside the venue. Following the conclusion of the ceremonies, the newlyweds made their way out of the restricted area to strike poses for the photographers.
KL Rahul was wearing an ivory sherwani to complement his new bride. The couple complimented each other exceptionally well and appeared to have a good time together. It has been reported that KL Rahul and Athiya Shetty will throw an extravagant after-party.
Rahul shared photos from the wedding and wrote, "'In your light, I learn how to love...' Today, with our most loved ones, we got married in the home that’s given us immense joy and serenity. With a heart full of gratitude and love, we seek your blessings on this journey of togetherness."
Kartik Aaryan, Alia Bhatt, Kiara Advani, Kriti Sanon, Parineeti Chopra, Ananya Panday, and Kareena Kapoor were among the numerous Bollywood superstars who were present to offer their wishes to the newlywed pair as they exchanged their vows. 
Many famous people rushed to their social media platforms to send well wishes to a recently married pair. Anushka and Virat Kohli both congratulated the couple on their social media accounts. There are showers of blessings from both communities. 
The newlywed couple will have a reception party in Mumbai for their pals in the industry and their buddies who play cricket for the Indian national team. The reception party will be attended by numerous relatives, close friends, and acquaintances.
Wrapping Up
MyRefers wishes the couple a very delightful married life and a serene bond of togetherness. Stay connected for more such trending news and articles entertaining you to the fullest and letting people get a sneak peek into the lives of your favorite celebrities.
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petnews2day · 2 days
Latest Entertainment News, Live Updates Today April 28, 2024: Ranbir Kapoor shocked as paparazzo abuses in front of him at Surat event; internet reacts: 'How embarrassing'
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Latest Entertainment News, Live Updates Today April 28, 2024: Ranbir Kapoor shocked as paparazzo abuses in front of him at Surat event; internet reacts: 'How embarrassing'
Get the latest news updates and breaking news stories from the world of entertainment. Track all the latest developments in Bollywood, Hollywood and more right here. Latest entertainment news on April 28, 2024: Ranbir Kapoor at an event in Surat on Saturday.(Instagram) Disclaimer: This is an AI-generated live blog and has not been edited by […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/qho1Q #OtherNews
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weinvert · 26 days
Unveiling the Influence of Bollywood on Mumbai's Video Production Industry: Valuable Lessons Learned
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In the bustling metropolis of Mumbai, Bollywood stands as a towering symbol of creativity, glitz, and glamour. As the heart of India's film industry, Bollywood exerts a profound influence not only on the country's entertainment landscape but also on the local video production industry. In this blog post, we delve into the significant impact of Bollywood on Mumbai's video production sector and uncover the invaluable lessons learned along the way.
Understanding Bollywood's Influence
Bollywood isn't just a film industry; it's a cultural phenomenon. Its global reach and mass appeal have shaped the way storytelling is perceived and executed in Mumbai's video production realm. From larger-than-life narratives to extravagant song-and-dance sequences, Bollywood's trademark style has permeated various facets of video production in the city.
Lessons in Storytelling Mastery
One of the foremost lessons gleaned from Bollywood is the art of storytelling mastery. Mumbai's video production companies have learned to infuse their projects with captivating narratives that resonate with audiences on an emotional level. Whether it's a gripping drama, a heartwarming romance, or a pulse-pounding action sequence, the emphasis on compelling storytelling remains paramount.
Embracing Diversity and Inclusion
Bollywood's kaleidoscopic portrayal of characters and themes has inspired Mumbai's video production industry to embrace diversity and inclusion wholeheartedly. Recognizing the importance of representing diverse voices and perspectives, production companies in Mumbai strive to create content that reflects the rich tapestry of Indian society. This commitment to inclusivity not only fosters social cohesion but also expands the market reach of video productions.
Innovation in Visual Aesthetics
Bollywood's penchant for visual extravagance has spurred innovation in Mumbai's video production techniques and aesthetics. From breathtaking cinematography to stunning visual effects, the quest for cinematic excellence drives video production companies to push the boundaries of creativity. By leveraging cutting-edge technology and artistic ingenuity, Mumbai's filmmakers continue to raise the bar for visual storytelling.
Marketing and Distribution Strategies
Bollywood's savvy marketing and distribution strategies offer valuable insights for Mumbai's video production companies seeking to maximise their reach and impact. The art of creating buzz through teaser trailers, promotional events, and social media campaigns has become integral to the success of video projects. Moreover, strategic collaborations with streaming platforms and international distributors enable Mumbai-based productions to access global audiences effectively.
Collaboration and Networking
In the highly collaborative ecosystem of Bollywood, partnerships and networking play a pivotal role in driving success. Mumbai's video production companies have learned the importance of forging alliances with talented professionals across various disciplines, including actors, directors, writers, and technicians. By fostering a culture of collaboration and mutual support, they cultivate a thriving creative community that fuels innovation and excellence.
Conclusion: A Tapestry of Influence
In conclusion, the impact of Bollywood on Mumbai's video production industry is undeniable, shaping everything from storytelling techniques to marketing strategies. By embracing the lessons learned from Bollywood, Mumbai's video production companies continue to evolve and thrive in a dynamic and competitive landscape. As the legacy of Bollywood endures, so too does its enduring influence on the vibrant tapestry of Mumbai's creative endeavours.
With each project undertaken, Mumbai's video production companies weave a narrative that celebrates the spirit of Bollywood while carving out their unique identity in the ever-expanding realm of visual storytelling.
By embracing the lessons learned from Bollywood, Mumbai's video production companies continue to evolve and thrive in a dynamic and competitive landscape. As the legacy of Bollywood endures, so too does its enduring influence on the vibrant tapestry of Mumbai's creative endeavours.
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