#Blondie’s hair too AUGH
ratfullyeverafter · 3 months
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hypocriticaltypwriter · 6 months
Helllooooo I am here and have a cold🤧 but! ya know what will really cheer me up???
Soooo, What’s something that chrysta does or says that makes the boys REALLY flustered🤭✨
OMG I WAS GONNA ANSWER THIS YESTERDAY BUT MY PHONE DIED WHILE I WAS GETTING ON THE RIDE 💀 (fam left me while I charged it with my mom's spare charging block AUGH)
I hope you don't mind the late response pookie 😔🙏🩷 I'm happy you decided to leave me an asky! It always makes my day a bit brighter teehee~😚
The thing that makes David flustered is anything to do with his hands... NO NO NOT LIKE THAT-
This man wears his gloves so much you'd be surprised they haven't grown onto him. So when his darling wants to take them off to look at them, trace the lines in his palms and kiss his knuckles, or simply to intertwine her fingers with his own just to feel his skin against hers, who is he to refuse? 🥺
When he's flustered, he's just super quiet, and stares a lot. So if she starts doing it she knows not to be alarmed if he's just watching her like a lost puppy.
Now the thing that makes Marko a puddle of goo is anytime Chrysta clings to him. Whether it be hugging his waist while he drives the bike a little too wreckless, or when something scares her and she hugs his arm a little tight, or when she reaches for him if she ever trips.
He just gets all smug and giggly, like a toddler. Looking at the rest of the boys with a cheeky grin before Chrysta sees or notices.
Dwayne is kinda a hopeless romantic as is, anything could make him sappy as syrup. And one of those is when Chrysta plays with or touches his hair.
You watch him melt in this little lady's arms as she runs her fingers through his scalp or brushes it in her bedroom. She's works at a salon, so her head messages are heaven.
Nicknames. Paul is weak for nicknames. Whenever Chrysta calls him stuff like Pauly, blue eyes, blondie, baby, ect, its like the man has won a kiss or something. He's a lot like Marko when he gets one, he's super giggly and playful, and always asks her to say it again. 😚
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atherix · 2 years
Cracked open a word doc for this because this one is gonna be long, settle in. It might be screaming. It’s probably mostly gonna be screaming. Frankly. God. I read this for the first time at 6 am.
GOD THE CALM AFTER THE STORM THE WAY THIS STORY STARTS MAKES ME INSANE GOD THE PARALLELS??????? THE FACT THAT RIGHT FROM THE START I JUST WANTED TO SCREAM BECAUSE SCAR’S HAIR HAD LEAVES AND STICKS AND BLOOD IN IT? AHHH I do love that it took the three of them to be this beat up to actually lay it all out on the table to be honest. It’s very fitting. I do also love how they only talked about what they were supposed to talk about for like 5 minutes before completely derailing to emotionally devastate themselves and each other
Related but the fact that they never come back to grian going up against blondie on his own is so funny the man avoided so hard that he would rather tell them he killed three gods. Mood, Grian.
Now. We are going to deal with the fact that Grian can SPEAK ANCIENT bc of the WATCHER BIBLE because its making me insane. He’s got two supernatural boyfriends who speak their language [and I think the fae had their own?] AND Natural and Grian just. Casually. Bc of this holy tome. Knows Ancient and didn’t even realize it was disconnected from Avian bc of the midnight alley. I’m. I am shaking him.
WE’RE ALSO GOING TO TALK ABOUT THE CHANGELING THING. ‘Don’t worry about it’ SCAR I AM GOING TO. Especially w my secret friend knowledge slkdfhs GOD. I AM WORRIED
And then the whole magic flux thing and scar’s dad dying and SCAR WATCHING HIS DAD DIE AUGH. The fact that this whole time everyone’s been saying watching a sorcerer go out isn’t pretty and somehow I didn’t properly connect the dots until the lead up to the talking about it my LITTLE HEART AH. This scene genuinely made me cry while I was reading it.
I love that with Scar the story always come back to not being able to make decisions for other people. It’s a cycle – Scar tries to let go of that part of himself, something happens that puts someone in danger, he clams back up but he clams up too tight and gets himself on the path to hurting himself, someone puts him  on the right path – ad infimum until the cycle breaks. God. Parallels between that and Mumbo’s ‘Putting myself back out there to try and do some good – Oh god Ive fucked up and everything is bad – I need to hole myself away for decades and hide from my mistakes – the coast is clear and this time I’ll do it right’. Mwah.
Also the Dad stuff going on here. How Scar and Mumbo get either other on a deeper level because they are/were parents. They can put themselves in each others shoes in a way grian can’t [yet]. But also Grian fucking chirping and making bird noises is. So.
‘I was useless as a natural and Im useless now” right okay that’s why Scar has what I believe to be a good handful of history books ABOUT YOU AND HOW USEFUL YOU WERE EVERY STEP OF THE WAY IN YOUR LIFE okay jumbo. But god also the fact that the thing he talked about was all his friends dying in the revoltion and not his wife getting slaughtered means that is probably still locked away so tight in his lil noggin oh boy. That’s gonna rear its head hard and fast one day if I know anything about you. But also ‘a memory only he can pass on’ H I T me. Like a moving car.
And then all his kids dying lsdakg this poor dude. He just wanted a kid. [its fine hes got tubbo now] and then Anna dlgkfh lord. Mumbooooooooooo
I did notice he didn’t actually talk about Anna he just got in his head and G O D that is gonna come back to bite all of them in the ass at some point huh. Isnt it.
‘four and a half centuries is plenty of time’ NO????? FOUR AND HALF CENTURIES IS PLENTY OF TIME TO HAVE MORE TRAGEDY, SURE. SURE. RECOVERY? NO.
Also his name being Alexandre Moore is so cute and fitting for c!Mumbo wow. Mwah. AND I WANT HIM TO START INVENTING AGAIN PLEASE THE REDSTONE CONSTANTLY BUZZING IN MY HEAD BEGS FOR IT LDKSGHSD
Also grians nestmates are fucking dead aren’t they. They’re like absolutely fucking deceased in that cave huh. Bottom of the cavern, never came out? Dead. Dead dead.
But the fact that Grian talks about being chosen but he was just like a servant l;dsaghklllkdf a servant to the watchers is my guess that fucks me up so bad like he thought his life was so elevated and im never ognna forget when him and scar were talking and scar realized grian was definitely not a noble im.
And the WAY grian talks himself in circles and into corners like Scar and Mumbo’s shit is clearly emotionally devastating but they’ve clearly at least processed it somewhat but we KNOW bc we’re often is grian’s pov that he avoids even thinking about midnight alley for himself so he probably hasn’t processed anything properly and ahhhhh just the way he talks about midnight alley is so different from how scar talked about his dad or mumbo talked about his friends and family. Part of that is character difference sure but. But part of that is definitely that grian hasn’t actually processed anything isn’t it. Oh god going to the alley again is going to fuck the three of them up like crazy isn’t it.
AND THEN THE WHOLE DREAM THING ON TOP OF THAT TOO I REFUSE TO BELIEVE THAT GRIAN WAS ACTUALLY UNWORTHY BECAUSE IF HE WAS THEN WHY THE HELL IS HE HAVING PROPHETIC DREAMS!!! Heres a theory I just pulled out of my ass – Grian was already a watcher, he didn’t absorb a watcher soul when he killed three of them because he was already a godling. Something about the fact that he’s held onto the god soul for 2 years with basically no side effects. Somethings not adding up here. His body should be having to fight it based on how Scar is talking about it – ATHERIX I AM SHAKING YOU
And then the fact that Mumbo and Scar and Fate and Tying Grian back to everything good that’s happened and the way it grounds him I am shaking the bars of my enclosure like a New York sewer rat.
And the fact that theyre all sitting there realizing that Grian is now basically a ticking time bomb the same way scar is. That Mumbo is realizing sitting there that his mates, the two people he loves as deeply as he loved Anna, are ticking time bombs. That Scar who just confessed he doesn’t want people to die because of him, is now looking at his boyfriend like hes a ticking time bomb. DESPITE ALL MY RAGE I AM STILL JUST A RAT IN A CAGE. AND GRIAN DOESN’T EVEN REALLY PROCESS IT EITHER DOES HE he just files it away in his ‘Traumatic Junk’ FOLDER.
BUT then they go to bed and mumbo has to go to bed with thew knowledge that both his mates are ticking time bombs and he doesn’t know how to stop it. I AM SHAKING YOU SO HARSHLY.
See me cracking my fingers bc I need to go to bed but I'm stubborn-
YEAH MY MANS WAS MESSED UP HJFSKJS. I mean what's a little emotional instability without Near Death Experiences to highlight what's at stake here hjgfkfd Ah yes, avoidance. They're all very good at that. Nothing like a good Emotional Talk to distract from the fact that they'd all rather let themselves die than Inconvenience Each Other or Put Each Other In Danger hjkgfdkjfd
Look, man swerved so hard they ended up on a completely different plane. What's a little battle against Blondie when you find out you're dating a literal god-
Yis, the Fae have their own language yis <3 Haha Midnight Alley speaks Avian and reads/writes Ancient. Honestly it's a miracle Grian even knows Natural. Wonder if he had to crash-course learn it in his first year out of the Alley because I highly doubt they taught it there :) hehe-
LMAAOOOO you have every right to be worried. Scar has too much faith honestly <3
This is even funnier considering I PROBABLY GAVE YOU MORE HINTS TO IT THAN ANYONE ELSE LMAAOOOO JKFSKJS good good, I was going for emotional devastation. Max angst and trauma for the little Elf man AND the readers-
You get it <3 I love parallels and bookends and themes. Vicious cycles that need to be broken and lessons that need to be learned and just jhfdjksk it's something I wanted to explore from the start with this story. It's all about the regrets and the fears. Mumbo learning to accept he's a Vampire and taking his place in Vampire society, Scar learning to accept that he deserves to be happy, too, and he can't make the decision for other people...... also has anyone noticed the irony in Scar? He rejects a lot of his Fae instincts and attributes because Fae magic is naturally manipulative and he doesn't want to control people, but then he tries to manipulate them anyway. Has- has anyone noticed this? I'm-
LOOK. I love that Scar and Mumbo have that Dad to Dad communication and understanding <3 And you just KNOW if Mumbo had found out about Tubbo earlier things would have been so Different jhfskj I love it. ALSO GRIAN deserves to make bird sounds sorry not sorry <3
Hahaha he sure skipped over that part :) You know. Blondie looks a LOT like her sister. I'm sure that :) won't come back to bite :) The fact that he instantly stumbled when talking about Anna dying :) The fact he froze up when Blondie got Grian :):) hehe. LOOK. LOOK. Something that KILLS me about history is that there are SO MANY LITTLE THINGS we will never know, because they weren't "important" enough to record and only the people who were there could ever pass it down. It destroys me on a deep emotional level so I knew I had to include that line somehow-
Pretty weird how all three children died huh- cough cough anyway he will acquire children one day <3 Which sounds. Vaguely threatening but I swear it's wholesome, he becomes Dad again <3 Though the moment Tubbo realizes Mumbo has elevated to Other Father is hilariously tragic but. But. You know all about that-
Heheh :) Maybe :)
The name popped into my head and I was immediately like "Yep that's it <3" HE WILL START INVENTING AGAIN I PROMISE. HE WILL REAWAKEN THE PASSION <3
:) Hahaha guess you'll have to wait for Midnight Alley to find out huh :)
Grian's life view was greatly skewed growing up, he was too young to really understand what was happening and by the time he was old enough it was just Normal to him and he felt like he owed them so much... hjfkjskd sometimes I think about that scene from Scar's perspective tbh, just listening to Grian talk about his life inside the Midnight Palace and unconsciously comparing it to your own and realizing This Is Not The Same and just jkfgdkjdk-
YEAH. They may not have recovered but they've at least processed. Grian has been avoiding this for- gee, I think in-story it's been almost 4 years now?? I know my timeline is vague as SHIT but Midnight Misunderstandings didn't happen until nearly a year after Grian met Scar, so this conversation comes roughly 4 years after Grian left Midnight Alley. That's 4 years he's been avoiding even thinking about this shit. (quick timeline note- Tubbo turned 18 shortly after Scar met Grian; this is when Scar told Grian he has an apprentice now. Tubbo is 19 during Midnight Visit, and now Tubbo's 20th birthday is approaching- so it's been roughly 2 years since Grian met Scar and Mumbo hjkfdkj.) Hahaha going to the Alley is. Going to uh. Be. Um. Yeah :) That is going to be Fun and I am CHOMPING to start writing it-
Haha I told you on Discord but you're paaaartially correct here, not 100% but definitely onto something :) But you know. It's interesting :) Isn't it :) that all of this stuff with the Watchers is happening now :) After Grian has Mumbo and Scar and the Coven... :) You know. Like he. Uh. Like he's fulfilled part of the Tenets to be a Watcher. :)
Grian will Always be on the lookout for Blondie now. Soft moments? He's glancing around. No more walks in the woods at 2 AM, no more dancing in the clearing, none of that. He is. Definitely worried. :)
KFSKLFJKS yesssss. Grian came into their lives and broke down Scar's walls at exactly the right moment and just. So much would be different if Grian wasn't there and if that's not Fate then idk what is hjfgdkkd-
Grian is very good at compartmentalizing. Unfortunately he's NOT good at the "get back to it later" part. This bird man. I swear- BUT YEAH HHHJSHJ Mumbo already having to deal with and accept that Scar is basically one magic overload from his deathbed finding out Grian is one step from either Death or Immortality and just hjfdhjsjks it's scary fhjdskfds SHAKE THE BARS ON YOUR RAT CAGE HEHEH-
Hehehehehe I hope they sleep well :) I'm sure there won't be any nightmares after this :) I'm sure Mumbo will sleep just fine even knowing that both his mates could literally die any minute-
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ssatxr · 2 years
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   Strike a match is as simple as drawing a card. You draw your lucky pick, drag it against the rough, cold surface of a table, and lite the scene ablaze. Of course, on a night like this, huddled away in the cold dark attic, Lichen was merely looking for some comfort--in the form of some nicotine. She used to do it back home all the time; the other adults did it, and she was becoming grown too, so why would she resist a luxury? Well, it became more of a curse now, a haunting stimulant.
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   "Hey, Girl--!" Before she even could bring that little star up to her cigarette, she was meant with a rather annoying gasp from the older boy. He wasn't much older, maybe more so a year. He had the most striking of brown eyes, his hair a curly black with tanned skin--almost reminded her of the way oak tree's bark would look. Teal eyes could only blink towards him tiredly, resuming to light her escape with an audible fizzle.
   And if he could gasp any harder, this would be it.
   "Oh, nononono--not in my house, girlie! Not when the customers are starting to come in. Just...Augh, where you up here this whole time?! I thought yous was asleep with the other Blondie?" He provokes, running over and grabbing the lit cigarette right out of her hands. The moment he does, she stands right up, her gaze interlocked with his with an irate glare.
   Thing was?
   She's heard many things about Connor, from Amelia. If anybody could replicate such a stern scowl, it was him. And to be honest, she couldn't stare at him for very long....those eyes had to make her look away. "Have you ever thought that someone would catch yous doin' this? You aren't even grown yet, so why bother?"
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   "Because nice."
   "Because nice? Wh--?"
   Lichen voices cuts in quietly, "Es...feels nice."
   A irritated groan comes from the boy, letting the now dead bud fall from his hands. "Finally! Took you long enough before I could hear something I understand. For a while I just thought the Blondie found a little clone of herself. But still...She don't smoke! So quit it, at least while you're under my mom's roof."
   Ah, how the mighty now fall to their knees as she sits back down, hugging her knees close to herself. Connor goes to sit next to her, albeit...just to look at his own hand. Cigarette burns hurt--he should know, since getting them on the street didn't exactly feel the best.
   Lichen only looks at him, swiftly pulling out yet another cigarette, and another match, only to light it and take a quick puff. As a huff of smoke leaves her mouth, she crushes it with her boot, rubbing it in for good measure.
   "...Es wird meine Leistung verbessern."
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   "Es whahuh?"
   "Vill preform good."
   It takes a few minutes until his gears get turning, but he does look...somewhat sad; still mad because he sees the 2nd cigarette, but not aggressively so. The tanned boy only sighed, letting his free hand run through his hair. "Preform? For what, the opera? Isn't that like a huge thing where Amelia is from, or am I thinking Broadway or--Hollywood, maybe?"
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   The German girl only shrugs, looking back outside to see the customers below. She could see the steam coming from up the window...it contrasted so harshly with the dark colored smoke in the attic. It...smelt nice; she could feel her stomach rumbling.
   "Ja, But...no more. Just...habits die badly."
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gaamagirl565 · 4 years
Matters of the heart Ep 1
Matters of the heart
Book 1 Episode 1
{zoom on a hot air balloon floating in the sky then fade to a sleeping ruddiger; he jumps in surprise when varian swings into frame down next to him by a rope}
Varian: *narration as he moves around working on the balloon* It’s been almost a year since I've seen Corona. A year since I left home. 3 years since I was labeled the traitor of Corona. Since then I’ve been traveling the kingdoms. Finding out more about “magic”. I’ve encountered so many amazing things. Things that science would fail to recognize. I’ve seen so many countries. 
{He flips through a book he has filled with creatures and machines he’s encountered}
Varian: *narration as we see cuts of memories of him fighting villains* nothing has been easy. People still try to threaten the kingdoms. But in order to redeem my name I've fought them all with the power of alchemy and the studies of the great lord Demanitus  A small cult following Zahn tiri has recently risen up. I’ve been following their actions for some time. It seems they want to form a new Zahn tiri somehow and hopefully I can stop them before it’s too late for Corona.
{Ruddiger jumps on his shoulder}
Varian: as far as I’m aware Ruddiger, they need a host to hold Zahn tiri’s power,a vessel if you will. Even then I don’t know how they would force the power into the host. And to be honest I don’t want to think about it... 
{sighs and thunks head}
Varian: OW!... *pulls out an invite from Rapunzel* ugh...the winter ball...I know the cult is heading to Corona for the device blueprints. Heaven knows why. but...I would rather deal with Zahn tiri itself than the Corona nobility.
Ruddiger: *chitters*
Ruddiger: *chitters*
Varian: HEY! Watch your bloody mouth!
Ruddiger: *hisses*
Varian: yes I know it would mean a lot to the queen, and I could see Dad again, and I could catch the cult in action but..I... auuughh! *leans on the balloon basket and sadly stares at the clouds rolling by*
{Begins song “fight for you”} Varian: Every chance get to prove myself I blow it No matter what I do I’m the “traitor”
Wouldn’t you know it? But even if I never get a thank you I’ll still fight for you Why do they still hate me? I need something to sate me From this growing hole inside! They scream for help and oblige Even if I know my hopes for praise are just a lie But no matter what I go through I’ll continue to fight for you. But you know once in a while If for once someone would show me a smile Perhaps a lady with eyes of a lovely hue Someone I could look to And say I’ll fight for you. {End song}
Varian: *tears up but brushes them away before looking at the invitation Ruddiger then jumps on his shoulder* sigh...well Ruddiger I guess we’re going home huh?
Ruddiger: *chitters happily and running around*
{Varian walks over to a rope in the balloon and pulls it}
Varian: Corona...here I come. 
{cut to Corona castle with Rapunzel in the middle of the Ballroom watching it be set up}
Rapunzel:  Looking good everyone! Careful! Don’t fall off that ladder!
Eugene: there’s my beautiful queen!
{Eugene walks over and smooches her} Eugene: That nausea getting better? Rapunzel: *walks over to pick up a box of decorations* nope! But that doesn’t stop me from being queen!
Eugene: *takes the box from her* look Blondie I know you're excited about the winter ball and everything but should you really be up and about like this?
Rapunzel: Eugene, we talked about this.
Eugene: Yeah I know you still have duties as leader yadda yadda, blah blah. But seriously you need to consider your condition. 
Rapunzel: Eugene this baby isn’t coming for a few months I’m sure I can handle it.
Eugene: I'm never going to win against you am I?
Rapunzel: not a chance.
Eugene: so...Did our “special” guest ever reply? 
Rapunzel: no...I don’t even know if he’ll show up... I get that he’s nervous but...I miss my friend…
Eugene: *cups her cheek* He’ll show...I’m sure of it.
Rapunzel: thank you...Eugene…
{Cut to nighttime at the castle and Varian walking into the ballroom dressed in his best clothes but still with goggles he gets glares from many as he hands his invitation over} Announcer: Announcing Friend of the Queen Mr. V- Varian: *whispering* Wait no sto- Announcer: Mr.Varian!
{The room stops talking and some gasp in horror; He facepalms in annoyance before shoulder checking the announcer and walking into the ballroom} Rapunzel: Varian! Varian: My lady queen...*bows* Rapunzel: Varian we’ve been over this. Just Rapunzel!
Eugene: Varian! There’s my old buddy... Really with the goggles dude? Varian: huh? oh...I must’ve forgot...oops… Rapunzel: That’s alright you look dashing! It’s so good to see you! *hugs* and you know there are many lovely ladies here maybe you’ll oh I don’t know...stick around?
Varian: *sees a hooded man in the background and gasps* y-yes...of course, If you’ll excuse me, Your majesty…. Eugene: ...he’s here for work? Rapunzel: oh yeah… Eugene: Double the guards? Rapunzel: Yup. Eugene: on it.
{He tries to make his way across the ballroom comically bumping into people and things before tripping over a woman's dress and breaking a vase of roses} Estelle: {Runs over} are you alright? Varian: {takes fallen rose and presents it} Flowers m’lady? Estelle: {laughs and helps him up} you’re Varian yes? Varian: Seems my reputation precedes me...Traitor of Corona at your service. Estelle: {laughs} What a witty mouth you have sir, I’m Duchess Estelle. I’ve heard many things about you...Perhaps your feet work as well as your tongue? may I have this dance? Varian: uhhh...*sees the villain in the background* ummm...
Estelle: You CAN dance? can you not?
Varian: *looks at Rapunzel whos nodding* Um...uhhh yes? I think?
Estelle: Wonderful! well then shall we?
Varian: *whimpers and nods taking her hand*
{When she's not looking Varian turns back to look at Rapunzel clearly annoyed}
Varian: *makes a throat slit motion and whispers* I'm going to KILL you!
Rapunzel: *snerk*
{Song “Hello” begins} {VARIAN}
Stepping on the ballroom tile Shall we begin? One look at your eyes and I feel the beguile This strange new feeling is quite hard to pin But with the melodic cello guiding me through I might as well listen to the feeling within And say Hello to you {ESTELLE} Your eyes hold such mystery within them tonight And though the rhythm is mellow Our feet do so take flight And even if look away my cheeks are aglow So why not bestow a friendly hello {BOTH} As we both dance here my heart feels so light It’s as if we’re in a starlit meadow No one else in sight And as the music bids our bodies to flow I must say to you hello {VARIAN} More lovely than a rainbow {ESTELLE} Here in the ballrooms glow {BOTH} hello
{Estelle and Varian stare lovingly at each other before leaning in to kiss; Varian looks up and sees Rapunzel excited then looks at Estelle. at first, he looks heartbroken but then he just scowls and pushes her away before walking off leaving her confused and hurt}
Varian: Of course you’d do that...
Rapunzel: V-Varian? Varian: no offense Rapunzel...but I don’t need a matchmaker or pity {runs in the direction of the villain with Estelle following} Estle: Varian!? wait!....I did not mean to offend you… *she gets a determined look and follows {Varian walks into the room housing the device blueprints} Varian: *throws vial at the Villain*
Noremoth: AUGH! Varian: put it down and we won’t have a problem Noremoth: eh? Who? Wait aren’t you that six-year-old running around and warning us “don’t hurt Corona” or some crap like that? Why don’t you run off to mummy...I’m not about to fight a baby… Varian: S-SIX!? YOU THINK I’M SIX!? YOU SIR DOUBT MY CAUSATION OF NIGHTMARES! If I were you I’d be asking for mercy! Noremoth: PFFFFTTT!!! HAHAHAHA! Oh, sweet mother of the 7 kingdoms, that’s funny! Now here’s what’s going to happen...I’m going to walk out with these blueprints...and you’re going to let me… {Varian takes out his sword}
Noremoth: wrong choice! HAHAHA! *grabs him and throws him*
Varian: ugh why do we always have problems?
Noremoth: *goes to swing a sword at him* Varian: *stops it with his own sword*
{They struggle for a few seconds before a vase is smashed on Noremoth’s head} Varian: What the-!? *sees Estelle*
{Noremoth grabs the device blueprints and makes a portal with a wave of his glove and escapes}
Varian: NO!!....
Estelle: What just happened? Varian: They got the blueprints...Why are you here!? What did you think you were doing!? I don’t need some precious pampered duchess helping me! Estelle: well that's debatable. 
Varian: What do you want from me? Following me like a lost puppy. I don’t need your pity! *runs out* Estelle: What Pity!? V-Varian UGHH! *follows* {Cut to Varian running outside in the dead of night} Varian: Their glove portals can only go so far...where are you….* he scans the area outside and sees a glow from the Royal gardens* THERE! {Varian runs for the gardens; Estelle follows him} Estelle: Wait! Is this not a job for the royal guards!? *she trips and falls* AUGH! Blast these shoes! *she throws her heels off and runs after him* {Noremoth meets up with 4 others in the garden.} Noremoth: I got the blueprints for the device...
Cult member 2: Excellent! Let us retreat before- Varian: Before me? *cocky smile* Yeah I don’t think SOO-AHHH!
{Varian falls to the ground as Estelle has tripped onto him}
Estelle: oh i’m sorry! My dress is quite long. Not for running… Cult member 2: is this a joke? Because this is ridiculous Varian: *gets up* the only thing that will be ridiculous is your defeat... *he takes out his sword* Estelle: Eep! *moves out of the way as the fighting starts* {Varian holds his own against all 4. He even kills one leaving only three members now and kicks the body to the side. But one knocks him down. His ponytail comes out and his long hair falls on his shoulders} Varian: AUGH! Estelle: *gasps* ohh what am I doing!?...*looks around and sees the dead cult members sword* ….today is just not my day! {Estelle rips her dress so it’s shorter and grabs the sword; As a cult member prepares to stab Varian from behind Estelle swoops in and deflects the attack*
Varian: What the f-Have you ever fought before!? Estelle: to be honest dear sir no I have not! Varian: OH GREAT!
{ the fighting continues for a few more seconds before Estelle swings the sword cutting off a cult members arm} Cult member 3: AUUUGHH! Estelle: I just cut off a man’s arm! I feel unwell! Varian: Please don’t vomit! {Estelle is punched to the ground by a Noremoth} Estelle: AHH! Varian: Don’t you know it’s rude to hit a lady!? Noremoth:  you’ll pay for what you’ve done to us Varian! We’ll be back! thanks for the blueprints! {They Escape through a portal} Estelle: *moans as she gets up* Varian: Easy! Catch your breath...Are you alright m’lady? Estelle: Yes...some hot brandy and I’ll be right as rain… Varian: *is suddenly angry* I told you I don’t need your pity! You could’ve gotten killed just now! Estelle: And if it weren’t for me you would have been dead! Varian: I was handling it! Do you know what the kingdom would have done had you died!? Oh, that’d be a field day for me! Estelle: You fopdoodle! Your head is bleeding and you call that handling it!? Varian: At least I was actually fighting you were swinging the sword about like it was a tree branch! You dew-beater! Estelle: your tongue may be sharp but this rock it sharper! Hyah! *throws rock and it bounces off his chest and back at her face* OW! Varian: HAHAHA! Estelle: oh bleeding heck...oww..oh yuck it up you…*snerk* you idiot..haha {They both laugh together} Estelle:...I’m sorry that I got your blueprints stolen… Varian: it’s alright...I’ll get them next time...you know normally I dread coming to corona...everyone normally hates to see me...ya know since I'm a “traitor” but...despite everything ...tonight was fun…
{Estelle smiles but Varian frowns and sighs} Varian: well I best be off… Estelle: T-to where? Varian: anywhere but here...sorry...but there is no place for me in Corona...not anymore...Lovely meeting you Duchess Estelle. *bows* {he goes to leave} Estelle...Wait!...we could make a place for you! Varian: huh? Estelle: Corona may feel small but it doesn’t have too! There is always a place for someone! No matter their past! I know you may not believe me, Matters of the heart such as friendship, love and regret are hard to understand but...If I may...Perhaps I could help you!..
Varian: You...want to be a friend of mine? Estelle: If you’d stay!...please dear sir? I’d hate you see you go all alone. Varian…..*grins* alright...I haven’t seen my old lab in a while...why not? Estelle: we have an accord then sir? *holds out hand* Varian:....deal… {they shake hands}
{begin the flashes of them together through the years}
{flash one}
{Estelle sits with him in his lab as he prepares to combine chemicals}
Estelle: is this a good idea?
Varian: I don't know but alchemy is always an-
{it explodes in his face making Estelle jump and fall off her chair}
Estelle: Oh my God are you okay!? {laughing}
{end flash one begin flash two}
{Estelle walks in with a fake sword in her gut} Estelle: Varian...I...Please...hel...p..me Varian: ESTELLE! Oh my lor- *gags at blood* oh lord the blood...S-stay with me Estelle..You���re gonna live! You-
Estelle: *laughs* got you! *holds up fake sword while Varian has an ‘are you serious?’ face*
{end flash two begin flash three}
{Estelle is reading a book but sets it down}
Estelle: Varian do you Believe in love?
Varian: Oh! Umm..well Scientifically as an emotion yes! There are many examples of love, platonic, familial, romant-!?
{Estelle kisses him and then they stare at each other}
Varian: Feel anything?
Estelle: Nope!
Varian: Good me neither! 
{end flash three begin flash four} {Varian hands her a box} Varian: it’s a gift… Estelle: a gift? For moi? Varian: you bet… {Estelle pulls out a lovely peasant dress and gasps Varian: it’s not much but I figured it would make you look less out of place when in Old Corona...Sorry i know it’s not the silk you’re used to but- Estelle: Varian it’s perfect! Varian: Really!? Estelle: are you serious!? No crinoline, no tight corset, soft cotton!? It’s perfect! {she jumps on him in a hug} Estelle: oh! Um… right...sorry.. Varian: heh...yeah...it’s..all good… {fourth flash ends; fifth begins}
{Estelle is told she is to marry the duke in front of a crowd. She looks distraught}
Varian: {gets a determined look and he runs to his lab; shows him working on something}
{estelle gets a note telling her to meet him at the orchard; when she arrives jars with fireflies hang from the branches and Varian sits by a picnic blanket}
Estelle: Varian what is th-?
Varian: Estelle...you are a strong, beautiful, intelligent woman that any man would be lucky to have. I know you're scared but I want you to know you don’t have to be. I’ll be here for you. Forever and always… *gets on one knee* I know you have to marry this duke but...I hope  if you could have me....Would you marry me? *opens the box to reveal an opal necklace*
Estelle: *crying happily* Yes!... Yes, I will! 
{they kiss and then it cuts to Estelle marrying the duke in a grand ceremony. Cut to Estelle and Varian at night in front of the lake wearing simple clothes. Varian puts the opal on her neck and she gives him a sunstone necklace. They then kiss and Ruddiger on a branch above them drops flower petals on them}
Estelle: Ah! Haha! Varian: Ruddiger!...
{cut to later in the year at night and the streets of Old Corona are lit and a band is playing with people dancing in the street; Varian dances happily with Estelle and they’re happily laughing; Estelle trips on her feet but Varian catches her and holds her} Estelle:....I love you… Varian: *visibly surprised but then softly smiles*....I love you too...
{cut to Estelle looking nervous standing in Varians arms with Varian clearly upset and holding Estelle close}
Varian: any normal couple would be happy...but we aren’t normal...are we?
Estelle: *crying* I’m afraid not.
Varian: you’re of noble blood…a noble house…I’m the traitor of Corona. Estelle, our child deserves so much more than me. *strokes her cheek*
Estelle: Varian! You are the man I love...But I understand...Please forgive me for this...
Varian: there is nothing to forgive...I’ll always be here...You know that don’t you?
Estelle: *sobs* Yes of course I do...and I will always love you...forever. 
Varian: *bends down to her stomach* I love you too...both of you...I don’t even know them and yet I love them...
Estelle: our baby….
Varian:…hey there...you be good for your mother okay? You may not know who I am in life but...I will know who you are. You’re my kid...and I will always be there for you. I’ll always protect and love you...even from afar. I promise. 
Estelle:…I love you…I always will. goodbye…Varian…
{she leaves crying as Varian collapses to his knees; Cuts to Varian sadly standing out in the snow watching the sunrise}
Eugene: Hey, there he is! man of the hour!”
Varian: huh? Oh, My king welcome to old Corona.. what do you mean ‘Man of the hour’?”
Eugene: aw come on Ver’…The duchess Estelle..she had her little bundle of joy last night.”
Varian: What!?… Is she okay!? how is she!? and the Baby!?
Eugene: whoa easy there! don’t blow a gasket! she’s fine and the little guy is pretty cute too!”
Varian: wait…little..guy? it’s..It’s a boy?”
Eugene: yup all snip and snails and puppy dog tails..
{Varian cries a bit}
Eugene: we getting emotional daddy-o?
Varian: h-how do you know?
Eugene: blondie told me months ago. after you uh…broke it off with the Duchess..
Varian: It was to protect her reputation…plus she’s married…
Eugene: Yeah, I know…she named the kid Isaiah…kinda old-timey..
Varian: better than Eugene.”
Eugene: ah-…touche…oh but kid…Congrats…
{Cut to baby Isaiah sleeping in his crib}
Varian: Yeah...thanks.. {END CREDITS}
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kegareki · 4 years
the episode opens to tanjiro asking for a basket and some bamboo and straw and the worker is like “sure? the basket’s full of holes though” and tanjiro is like “that’s fine, i’ll pay you” and they’re like IT’S FULL OF HOLES YOU DON’T NEED TO PAY FOR IT and tanjiro is like “i’ll pay you though!” and the worker is like “it’s alright! the bamboo and straw are free too!” and tanjiro is like NO!!!! I’LL PAY!!!! and he slaps money into the worker’s hand and yells “PLEASE ACCEPT THIS ALTHOUGH IT’S ONLY SMALL CHANGE!!”
tanjiro is the sweetest boy alive
he left nezuko in a cave and crouches in front of it and calls out to her. the cave is empty. he begins to worry. “ah?! she’s gone!” and then ... nezuko’s head pops out of the ground. she dug herself a hole in the cave. sweet girl
in the opening: are tanjiro and nezuko holding hands while boar head chases blondie with identical looks of  (´・_・`)??? so cute
oh! another hand-hold in the opening! i love family!!!! i love when families are allowed to be affectionate with each other in media!
“... nezuko?” she dug a hole? my kid sister’s turned into a mole...
“can you fit in the basket?” she crawls into it headfirst and just fwumps onto the ground. 2/3 of her body sticking out of the basket. i love her
at tanjiro’s suggestion she makes herself mini and fits in the basket and he rubs her head and praises her
imagine turning child-sized to fit into a basket and your brother pats you on the head and goes “good girl! good girl!” this is the future that dogs want
is this their thing? do they just hold hands? am i going to get to see the two sweetest characters hold hands every time they’re together???
... so, like, the family that was murdered before tanjiro and nezuko could get there... they were depicted as attractive young men with dark hair and clean jaws and i mourn what we have so narrowly missed
oh no nezuko is salivating
she’s standing in the doorway, frozen, saliva dripping from her jaw, hands clenched and shaking at her sides, hunger awakened at the sight and stench of blood but trying so hard to resist it--
and it’s tanjiro’s cry of pain that snaps her out of it
sh-she killed him...! ah, but, he’s a demon, so...
the body part of the demon reaches for tanjiro with trembling fingers and she kicks the body away too
we stan a protective sister
me, eating at the same time i watch this: (bites into my pepperoni roll) (sees the head scurrying over to tanjiro now with two muscled arms sprouting--not from the neck hole--but the sides of the neck)
me, with my mouth full: HA? WHAT?
okay 1) tanjiro’s thought processes are SO fucking funny. he’s like AH? WHAT’S WITH SPROUTING ARMS FROM YOUR NECK?! AUGH I DON’T HAVE TIME FOR THIS, I NEED TO HELP NEZUKO! and he headbutts the head and flings him and his axe into a tree and then runs off into the forest to find nezuko
nezuko is getting beat up by the headless body so tanjiro tackles him like D:< GET AWAY FROM HER oh no i’m falling off a cliff oh no--
nezuko: (grabs the back of his shirt)
thank you nezuko for his life
2) tanjiro’s thought processes are still funny but also so so sweet. there’s still the head of the demon to take care of, and he’s got a tanto in his hand but he’s hesitating. he’s telling himself that he has to do this, but he’s shaking
tengu mask man shows up and tells him that the tanto isn’t going to work, so tanjiro finds a large rock
but he’s thinking “... but, to completely smash his head, i’ll have to hit him many times, won’t i? he’ll suffer a lot. is there a way to do this in one blow...?”
like... this demon HAS killed people, and tried to kill him, and he needs to kill the demon, but he doesn’t want to make the demon suffer
have you EVER seen a sweeter boy in your LIFE?
like. i mean. technically this is a low bar to set--wanting to kill your enemies cleanly without inflicting more suffering than necessary--but like... i don’t remember the last time that i saw a protagonist with that concern? usually the protagonist ... gores the enemy unrestrainedly and comes back to themselves after, chest heaving with gasping breaths as they stare in horror at what they’ve done. maybe i’m just consuming the wrong media but what tanjiro does strikes me as uncommon
tengu mask man thinks to himself that tanjiro isn’t going to cut it because he’s too kind and i’m like “FUCK, if tanjiro’s crime is being too kind, i hope he remains a criminal for the rest of his life”
tengu mask man: “tanjiro. what will you do when your sister devours a human?”
me, out loud, offendedly: “she WON’T, though?”
tanjiro, running after tengu mask man whose name i’ve already forgotten: he’s so fast! just how old is he, anyway?!
i love tanjiro
tanjiro thinking about how nezuko’s always been patient and how she’s been setting aside her own needs/desires in order to take care of their siblings, like refusing to get a new kimono because they can use that money to buy more food instead, and tanjiro thinking to himself “i swear i’ll buy you a beautiful kimono. everything i couldn’t do for the others, i’ll do it all for you.”
i Love these siblings So Much?????
traps set by human hands have a different scent after all! but that doesn’t mean that i’m suddenly athletic enough to dodge all of them...!
Okay yes this is good. this is a good anime.
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