#Best Pediatrician in Nashik
tile-hospital · 3 days
Best Pediatric Hospital in Nashik - Dr. Tile Hospital
Dr. Tile Hospital is One the top pediatric hospitals in Nashik. View our extensive range of paediatric surgical services available in Nashik. To provide your child the best paediatric care available, Visit Dr. Tile Hospital.
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shreeganpatihospital · 11 months
Shree Ganpati Hospital: A Multispecialty Hospital in Nashik
Introduction: In the heart of Nashik lies Shree Ganpati Hospital, a leading multispecialty hospital that aims to provide holistic healthcare services to the community. With a dedicated team of skilled medical professionals and state-of-the-art infrastructure, Shree Ganpati Hospital offers a wide range of specialized services to cater to the diverse healthcare needs of its patients. This article will delve into the various departments and services provided by the hospital, highlighting their expertise and commitment to patient care.
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Multispecialty Hospital: Shree Ganpati Hospital is equipped with advanced facilities and modern technology to ensure a comprehensive approach to healthcare. With a broad range of medical disciplines under one roof, the hospital offers specialized care across various fields, enabling patients to receive integrated treatment and personalized attention.
Diabetologist: Managing diabetes requires specialized expertise, and Shree Ganpati Hospital boasts a team of experienced diabetologists who provide comprehensive care for patients with diabetes. From diagnosis and treatment to lifestyle counseling and education, the diabetologists at the hospital employ a multidisciplinary approach to help patients manage their condition effectively.
Accident Hospital: Emergencies and accidents demand immediate attention, and Shree Ganpati Hospital houses a well-equipped accident and emergency department that operates 24/7. With highly trained medical professionals and advanced facilities, the hospital ensures timely and efficient emergency care, thereby saving lives and providing much-needed support during critical situations.
Consultant Physician and General Physician: For primary healthcare needs and comprehensive medical consultations, Shree Ganpati Hospital offers the services of highly qualified consultant physicians and general physicians. These specialists provide thorough evaluations, accurate diagnoses, and personalized treatment plans, emphasizing preventive care and overall well-being.
General Surgeon: Shree Ganpati Hospital boasts a team of skilled general surgeons who are adept at performing a wide range of surgical procedures. Whether it's appendectomies, hernia repairs, or other general surgical interventions, the hospital's surgeons employ the latest techniques and equipment to ensure successful outcomes and speedy recoveries for their patients.
Joint Replacement Surgeon: With the rising prevalence of joint-related ailments, Shree Ganpati Hospital has a dedicated department for joint replacement surgeries. Highly experienced joint replacement surgeons utilize advanced surgical techniques and state-of-the-art implants to alleviate pain and restore mobility in patients suffering from conditions such as arthritis, osteoporosis, or joint injuries.
Laparoscopic Surgeon: Minimally invasive surgery has revolutionized the field of surgery, and Shree Ganpati Hospital takes pride in having skilled laparoscopic surgeons on board. These experts perform a wide range of laparoscopic procedures, including gallbladder removal, hernia repair, and appendectomy, ensuring faster recovery, minimal scarring, and reduced post-operative pain for patients.
Best Pediatrician: Shree Ganpati Hospital understands the unique healthcare needs of children and provides expert pediatric care. The hospital's team of best pediatricians ensures comprehensive health management for infants, children, and adolescents. From routine check-ups and vaccinations to the diagnosis and treatment of childhood illnesses, the hospital strives to promote the well-being and development of young patients.
Gastroenterologist: Digestive disorders can significantly impact one's quality of life, and Shree Ganpati Hospital houses experienced gastroenterologists who specialize in diagnosing and treating gastrointestinal conditions. With cutting-edge diagnostic procedures and effective treatment modalities, the hospital's gastroenterologists aim to improve digestive health and provide relief to patients suffering from conditions like acid reflux, gastritis, and irritable bowel syndrome.
Conclusion: Shree Ganpati Hospital in Nashik stands as a beacon of exceptional healthcare services, catering to a diverse range of medical needs. With its multidisciplinary approach and a team of highly skilled professionals, the hospital ensures that patients receive the best possible care across various specialties. Whether it's general medical consultations, surgical interventions, or specialized care for chronic conditions, Shree Ganpati Hospital continues to set new benchmarks in providing comprehensive healthcare to the residents of Nashik.
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What is the IVF treatment procedure?
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The IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) treatment procedure is a widely used assisted reproductive technology that helps individuals and couples struggling with infertility to conceive a child. The procedure involves several steps and is conducted under the guidance of fertility specialists. Here is an overview of the IVF treatment procedure:
Ovarian Stimulation: The first step in IVF treatment is ovarian stimulation, where fertility medications are administered to stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple mature eggs. The medication regimen is personalized based on individual needs and may involve self-administered injections or oral medications. Regular monitoring through blood tests and ultrasound examinations is done to track the response of the ovaries and adjust the medication dosage if needed.
Egg Retrieval: Once the ovarian follicles containing mature eggs have developed, an egg retrieval procedure is performed. This is typically done under sedation or anesthesia to ensure patient comfort. A thin needle is guided through the vaginal wall into the ovaries using ultrasound guidance, and the eggs are aspirated from the follicles. The retrieved eggs are then immediately handed over to the embryology laboratory for further processing.
Sperm Collection: On the same day as the egg retrieval, the male partner or sperm donor provides a semen sample. The sperm sample is prepared in the laboratory to isolate healthy and motile sperm.
Fertilization: In the embryology laboratory, the retrieved eggs and prepared sperm are combined through a process called insemination or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).Insemination involves placing the eggs and sperm together in a culture dish and allowing fertilization to occur naturally. ICSI is used when there are concerns about sperm quality or previous fertilization difficulties. It involves injecting a single sperm directly into each mature egg.The fertilized eggs, now called embryos, are monitored for cell division and development over the next few days.
Embryo Transfer: After a few days of development, the best-quality embryos are selected for transfer into the uterus. The number of embryos transferred is typically decided based on factors such as the woman's age, the quality of the embryos, and the recommendations of the fertility specialist. The embryo transfer procedure is usually a painless and quick process that does not require anesthesia. A thin catheter is guided through the cervix into the uterus, and the embryos are gently placed into the uterine cavity.
Pregnancy Testing: Approximately two weeks after the embryo transfer, a pregnancy test is performed to determine if the procedure was successful. This is usually a blood test that measures the level of the pregnancy hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the bloodstream. If the test indicates a positive pregnancy, further monitoring and follow-up appointments with the fertility clinic are scheduled. If the test is negative, the next steps and options can be discussed with the fertility specialist.
It's important to note that the IVF treatment procedure can vary slightly depending on the specific clinic and the individual's circumstances. Consulting with a fertility specialist is crucial to receive personalized guidance and information regarding the IVF process.
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narayanihospital · 2 years
Super Speciality Hospital Nashik | Chest Physician In Nashik | Critical Care Centers - Critical Care Centers
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Multi-Superspecialty hospital is Narayani Hospital. The population served by these services ranges from newborns to the elderly. General medicine, chest medicine, general surgery, oncology, surgery, nephrology, neurology and neurosurgery, orthopaedic, and other services are provided with care, compassion, and dedication.
Services & Amenities
24/7 Emergency and Critical Care
Availability of all Specialists
Medical Intensive Care Unit
Perioperative Critical Care Unit
ICU and Critical Care Illness
Pathology Service
Rehabilitation Facility
Dialysis and Kidney Care
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Critical Care Centers
Our 22 bedded Medical Critical Care Unit and dedicated surgical ICU is equipped with the latest technology to handle emergency situations.
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Heart Specialist Nashik
All medical problems-fever, URTI, LRTI, gastroenteritis, other infections, critical care, myocardial infarcts (heart attacks), pneumonias, ventilator management, sepsis.
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24x7 Medical Near Me
With a dedicated team of emergency and trauma physicians, we provide dependable emergency care round the clock.
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Oncologist In Nashik
All types of cancers arising from mouth, oesophagus, GI tract, lungs, breasts, cervix etc.
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Best Pediatrician Near Me
Treatment offered for GI problems, appendicitis, cholecystitis, diabetic foot, bes sores, all other surgically treatable conditions.
Contact us:
Mumbai Naka, Shri Vallabh Nagar, Nashik, Maharashtra, 422009 Email: [email protected] Phone: +91 838-009-2580
Home Page: https://www.narayanihospital.co.in/
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hopitalhealth · 2 years
pediatric surgeon in Nashik
pediatric surgeon
Pediatric surgeons specialize in treating children's health issues. They have received training to do surgery on infants, kids, and teenagers. One of the longest and most difficult career paths in medicine is that of a paediatric surgeon. Some of the most skilled, knowledgeable, and specialised surgeons will treat your child if they need surgery. Contact Dr. Rushikesh Kute, the best paediatric surgeon in Nashik, if your child needs paediatric surgery there.
Kids are not just miniature adults. They often struggle to express what is upsetting them. They are not always able to be kind and understanding during a medical examination, and they are not always able to respond to medical queries. Pediatric surgeons are skilled in examining and treating kids in a way that makes them comfortable and compliant. Pediatric surgeons also work in facilities and with equipment that are kid-friendly. The majority of paediatric surgery offices are set up and embellished with kids in mind. This includes the waiting areas and exam rooms, which may feature kid-friendly toys, movies, and reading materials. This makes the setting for your child more welcoming and safe.
You may be confident that the paediatric surgeon your child will visit if your paediatrician recommends it has the broadest range of treatment options, the most thorough and comprehensive training, and the most skill in dealing with children and surgical disorders.
Why You Should Consult a Pediatric Surgeon
Pediatric surgeons can be consulted by kids and teenagers for a number of conditions, including:
The issues they were born with (congenital)
malignancy or tumour removal
endoscopy or a colonoscopy to examine the digestive tract
What area of surgery is targeted at children?
All paediatric surgical issues or conditions that call for surgical treatment are treated by paediatric surgeons using their skills and knowledge. They take part in transplant procedures and, like the majority of modern surgeons, do some procedures laparoscopically. Additionally, they have specialised knowledge in the following areas of accountability:
Neonatal - Pediatric surgeons are experts in the surgical correction of birth abnormalities, some of which can be fatal to premature and full-term newborns.
Prenatal - Pediatric surgeons use ultrasound and other technology to look for any anomalies during the foetus stage of a child's development in collaboration with radiologists. Before the baby is delivered, they can then arrange the necessary surgery and inform the parents. Fetal surgery, a new frontier in the area of paediatric surgery, may result from prenatal diagnosis. The majority of foetal surgical methods are currently being used in experimental settings.
Trauma - Pediatric surgeons frequently deal with emergency cases involving children who have suffered traumatic injuries that may or may not necessitate surgical intervention. In order to reduce the number of children suffering traumatic injuries, many paediatric surgeons participate in accident prevention initiatives in their local communities.
Pediatric Oncology - Both children with malignant tumours and those who have benign growths are treated surgically by paediatric surgeons.
Dr. Rushikesh Kute is one of the best Pediatricians in  Nashik. The doctor has been a practicing Pediatrician for 13 years. The doctor is a qualified MBBS, DCH, DNB Pediatrician.
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drrushikesh · 2 years
When Your Child Needs Surgery, Here Are Tips for Parents
For many families, paediatric surgery is a frightening but essential condition. While the child may be the one undergoing surgery, parents might be just as concerned about the process. With that in mind, we've compiled a list of suggestions to assist both parents and children in preparing for surgery. These pointers will assist in making the process less stressful for all parties involved. If your child needs surgery, call  Dr. Rushikesh Kute best Pediatrician in Nashik.
Dr.Rushikesh Kute is one of the best Pediatricians in Nashik. For the past 13 years, he has worked as a paediatrician. Rudra mother and child care clinic in Nashik provides skilled care for your kid. We love your tiny one just as much as you do!
Pediatrician in Nashik, Rudra, mother & child care Clinic is a one-stop paediatric care centre where you can get all paediatric services, surgical procedures, and immunisation services. We provide a comprehensive range of medical and emotional assistance to children and their parents. Dr. Rushikesh Kute is a renowned Nashik paediatrician. He has been a practising paediatrician in Nashik for the past 13 years. Pediatrics is the medical specialty that deals with the treatment of infants, children, and adolescents. Pediatricians are professionals who look after your child's health, including physical, behavioural, and mental problems.
·         Take Care of Yourself
It can be extremely stressful and frightening for you and your child when your child has surgery. As a result, while children are young, they take a lot of emotional cues from their parents. They can detect your stress, anxiety, and terror and respond accordingly. As a result, it's critical that you lead by example. Ask the team any and all questions you have concerning the procedure. When you have more information, you and your child will be able to put your anxieties aside. Taking care of your emotional well-being will help your child have a more effective operation and recovery.
·         Talk It Out
Take the time to explain why your child is going to the hospital, why they need an operation, and when the treatment will take place to your child. Inquire about their feelings regarding the situation so you can dispel any misunderstandings they may have. Because of a previous experience with a grandparent, some children may perceive surgery as a punishment or have a dread of hospitals. When you're open and honest with your child, they'll have more faith in both you and the medical team. The healthcare team will be able to assist you if you are ever unsure of how to describe something.
·         Consider Your Words
It's critical that you choose your words carefully while describing surgery and anaesthesia to your child. Because children lack the life experience necessary to grasp idioms, they frequently take words literally. When describing anesthesia, for example, avoid using the words 'put you to sleep,' as it may evoke memories of a family pet who had to be 'put to sleep.' This also applies to scary terms, since you can usually substitute them with something a little gentler. Avoid using words like 'cut' and instead use the phrase'make an opening.'
·         Let Them Play
When children are having surgery, it is critical that they be able to play and laugh. This allows people to maintain a typical sensation in their lives when confronted with a frightening situation. Give them hugs, because nothing beats some gentle loving care when you're in the hospital.
·         Make Them Comfortable
Allowing your youngster to play and laugh goes hand in hand with this. Bring any items from home that can help them feel more at ease in the hospital. It may take some time for them to return to their room, depending on the operation. Bringing their favorite toys, blankets, movies, novels, stuffed animals, and activities will help them reclaim their sense of belonging. It goes more than just items that appear familiar; familiar odours can also make individuals feel more at ease. When babies are surrounded by things they recognize, they feel secure. A blanket or a parent's T-shirt that smells like them can often be left with a child to keep them comfortable and relaxed.
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Pediatrician in Nashik
Pediatrician: Pediatricians are experts who handle the health of your child, including physical behavior, and mental health issues. They are trained to diagnose and treat childhood diseases, from minor health difficulties to critical conditions.
Why do you need a Pediatrician?
A pediatrician is a doctor who provides professional medical care to infants, children and teenagers. Doctors must do an extra six years of training after finishing their medical degree to become a pediatrician.
They advise to stop sickness and wounds. Also, provides early and proper care of critical illness to stop its progress. Manage life-threatening childhood diseases challenging intensive care. Guide you in assuming your child's needs from a newborn to 21.
How to choose a Pediatrician?
1.       Talk to your buddies, co-workers and family members.
2.       Ask for a suggestion from your family doctor.
3.       Explore the internet for best Pediatrician closer to your place.
4.       You can consider suggesting the local chemist for good references.
5.       Make sure the doctor is up-to-date with current practices
 Best Pediatrician in Nashik:
Dr. Rushikesh Kute with 13+ years of experience
Dr. Kute is a Consultant Pediatrician & Neonatologist. He is the best Pediatrician in Nashik.
·         MBBS from Dr. PDMMS Amravati
·         Diploma in Child Health (DCH)
·         DNB
·         Pediatrician
 Services provided by him:
·         General Pediatric Disorders
·         Vaccination Centre
·         pediatrician Reference Center
·         Pediatric ICU
 He is currently practicing at the following hospitals:
 1.       Rudra Clinic, Prabhus Atlantis, Near Wisdom highschool, behind Pipeline road Nashik
2.       NIMS HOSPITAL Saraswati heights, Thatte Nagar, Gangapur Road
3.       Ramalayam Hospital, Panchavati Karanja, Panchavati
4.       Safalya children’s hospital, Vidya Vikas circle, Gangapur Road, Nashik.
Website: https://www.pediatriciannashik.com/
Appointment: https://www.pediatriciannashik.com/contact-us/
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meddcohealth1 · 2 years
Pediatrician in Nashik-Meddco
Looking for the best pediatrician in Nashik for your kid, then find the pediatrician on our website within your budget Check out our website to know more about doctors and clinics
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nimshospital · 2 years
Nursing Homes and the COVID-19 Delta Variant
The highly contagious Delta version of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to pose a hazard to nursing facility residents. As the Delta variant spreads, learn how you can safeguard nursing home residents you care about.
Does the Delta Variant Bring Nursing Home Residents at Risk?
For unvaccinated nursing home residents, the aggressive COVID-19 Delta form can cause serious sickness or death. The Delta variation of COVID-19 spreads significantly more quickly than other COVID-19 variants, especially in communal settings such as long-term care institutions, posing a risk to inhabitants.
As the Delta variation spreads, a wave of new COVID-19 cases may restrict staff's capacity to appropriately care for people in long-term care institutions. As a result, there is an increased risk of nursing home negligence and possibly abuse.
The NIMS Nursing Home in Nashik is a 30-bed multi-specialty hospital. It is a full-service critical care and multi-specialty hospital with the most advanced technology and equipment in its category, allowing it to provide the most advanced preventive, diagnostic, and curative health care services under one roof at a reasonable cost.
NIMS Nursing Home is committed to providing high-quality health-care facilities that are both excellent and cost-effective, based on a thorough understanding of the patients' current and future needs. All surgeries and procedures are performed till patients are discharged after a comprehensive clinical history is gathered and each case is monitored.
NIMS Hospitals is Nashik's largest and the best multispecialty health care group with best in class treatments for ENT, Plastic surgery, psychiatry, Pediatrician, Critical Care physician, general surgery, Obstetrics & Gynecology etc. We are highly qualified and experienced team combining with advanced technology and 24 hour services are committed to treat whole person: mind and body.
Nims Nursing home patients and their loved ones must do everything they can to keep safe while the coronavirus pandemic continues to be a big threat. Compounding the danger posed by the Delta variant, recent data reveals that only 60% of nursing home staff members across the country are fully vaccinated.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) believes that this low percentage puts residents at risk of contracting COVID-19 since unvaccinated people can spread the disease more easily. Because long-term care facilities host a large number of residents at once, the risk of coronavirus is increased.
Fortunately, the risks of COVID-19 can be reduced through practices implemented in nursing homes to protect residents, including the vaccination or regular testing of staff members who provide care within the facility.
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seedsivf · 3 years
Pregnancy: What You Should Do Before It Comes
Pregnancy is a great feeling and feels even better when you are healthy, strong and energetic to welcome your baby. Everything you do as a pregnant mother affects your unborn baby, so you should learn everything you need from the beginning to the end to have a healthy pregnancy.
Welcome your baby by creating the right environment for him to be born. Here are the things every mother does to ensure safe delivery and good health.
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Eat the right food
Before you get pregnant, one of the smartest decisions you can make is to make your eating lifestyle healthier. You should ask your spouse to do the same. Folic acid is rich in fat, calcium, iron and protein. So get more greens, fruits, grains, vegetables, low-fat dairy products and nuts. Reduce consumption of soda, baked goods, chips and junk food.Eat healthy for 3 months before TTC (trying to conceive) and remove toxic chemicals from your body by keeping your home clean and healthy.
Achieve the right body weight
Too thin a body may be unable to conceive. And too much body weight increases the chances of health problems, including high blood pressure and diabetes, and this leads to prolonged labor. To avoid this, go for regular and moderate exercise as you plan to get pregnant.Start a safe but serious workout that you feel comfortable with for half an hour to 1 hour. You can do this 5 or 6 days a week. There are beautiful ways to lose weight, such as cycling, swimming and walking long distances. There is a good recommendation related to exercise class for pregnant women.
Create a convenient budget for your baby
Plan for your baby! You want the best for them, right? So consider diapers, baby food, baby clothes (casual and occasional), baby care, visits to the pediatrician, and equipment. Let yourself and your spouse discuss the financial responsibilities of having a child and adjust your budget accordingly.Check and review any insurance policy you have, including health and life, to accommodate your pregnancy plan. Be clear about maternity leave policies in your workplace.
Attend medical appointment
Visit your OB / GYN, dentist and general practitioner before pregnancy. Start by taking an effective prenatal vitamin like folic acid seed three months before pregnancy.
Lower your caffeine intake
If you decide to get pregnant, reduce your coffee intake to just one cup. Experts do not recommend more than 200 mg of caffeine (about 12-ounce cup of coffee) daily before and during pregnancy. Alternatively, you can drink warm spicy milk - it's fresh.
No alcohol, please!
This is important. It will do no harm if you have had alcohol before you realized you were pregnant. But it is better to avoid alcohol completely. The report found that alcohol consumption during pregnancy increases a child's defects or learning difficulties.
 Smoking is a no-no
Are you trying to get pregnant and still smoke? This will not help as smoking makes it difficult to get pregnant. Not so much. The risks of smoking while pregnant include miscarriage, premature birth and low birth weight. Smoking also puts your baby at risk for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).If your partner smokes, tell them to stop because it is harmful for someone to breathe in the smoke. Need help stopping smoking? Consult your doctor.
Planning for a baby? Do you know you need to stay healthy, keep fit and generally maintain good hygiene to have a healthy baby? Visit to SeedsIVF, one of the best gynecologist hospital in nashik. SeedsIVF Nashik’s one Fertility Center and gynecologist hospital in nashik  for the latest and world class Equipment, Technology and machineries with State of the Art infrastructure, IVF Lab and IVF Operation Theatres.
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pushp123 · 4 years
Paediatric surgery in Nashik
Paediatric surgery in Nashik. Book Doctor's Appointment Online, View Fees, User feedbacks, Address & Phone Numbers of Pediatricians in Nashik | Contact Dr. Pravin Kasliwal he is one of the best child specialist Doctor in Nashik.
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Shree Ganpati Hospital is the leading multispeciality hospital in Nashik that offers a wide range of health care services for patients suffering from various medical problems, trauma, and life-threatening diseases. The hospital is well-known for its accident and emergency care, and also provides gastrointestinal, general surgery, joint replacement, laparoscopic surgery, pediatrician, and diabetologist services. The hospital has a team of expert consultants, physicians, and surgeons who are dedicated to providing the best possible care for their patients. If you are looking for a reliable and multispeciality hospital in Nashik, look no further than Shree Ganpati Hospital!
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pkasliwal123-blog · 4 years
Why do you Need a Paediatrician?
Paediatricians are experts who handle the health of your child, including physical behaviour, and mental health issues. They are qualified to diagnose and handle childhood diseases, from minor health difficulties to critical conditions. If You are looking for Paediatrician in Nashik Contact Dr. Pravin Kasliwal at Pushp Hospital.
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Pushp Hospital Provides a healthy environment all year round, but lately, rising temperatures and pollution levels are combining to make our children fall sick. Apart from producing common cold, cough, headache and skin diseases, our children are also falling prey to many lifestyle diseases. With busy parents unable to constantly monitor their children’s dietary habits, our kids are consuming more junk food that is acceptable, drinking colas every day and also not stepping out to play in the fresh air as much as they should. The result? Our kids are suffering from weakened immunity and also such serious disorders as childhood obesity. If your child falls ill frequently or has gained or lost a lot of weight recently, it is time to get the help of a specialist paediatrician for your child. As such, every child must have his own specialist doctor who knows his health history from the time of birth. The health profile of a child differs from that of an adult, so a general physician may not be able to effectively treat a child. If your family GP has not yet recommended a child specialist in Nashik for your child, we recommend that you walk into Pushp Hospital. Why do you need a Paediatrician?
A paediatrician is a doctor who provides professional medical care to infants, children and teenagers. Doctors must do an extra six years of training after finishing their medical degree to become a paediatrician.They advise to stop sickness and wounds. Also, gives early and proper care of critical disease to stop its progress. Manage life-threatening childhood diseases challenging intensive care. How to choose a Paediatrician?
1. Talk to your buddies, co-workers and family members.
2. Ask for a suggestion from your family doctor.
3. Explore the internet for the best Pediatrician closer to your place.
4. You can consider suggesting the local chemist for good references.
5. Make sure the doctor is up-to-date with current practices
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The benefits of breastfeeding for infants and how pediatricians can provide support.
The benefits of breastfeeding for infants and how pediatricians can provide support
Breastfeeding is a natural and essential way for mothers to nourish and bond with their babies. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, breastfeeding provides numerous health benefits for infants, including a reduced risk of infections, allergies, and chronic diseases like asthma and diabetes. Additionally, breast milk contains essential nutrients and antibodies that help babies grow and develop. In this article, we will explore the benefits of breastfeeding for infants and how pediatricians can provide support.
Benefits of Breastfeeding for Infants
Breast milk is the ideal source of nutrition for infants, as it contains the perfect balance of protein, fat, and carbohydrates to support their growth and development. It also contains antibodies, enzymes, and other bioactive components that protect against infections and diseases. Here are some of the key benefits of breastfeeding for infants:
Reduced risk of infections: Breast milk contains antibodies that help protect infants from infections like ear infections, pneumonia, and meningitis. Breastfed babies are less likely to develop these infections, and if they do, they often have milder symptoms.
Improved digestion: Breast milk is easily digestible and contains enzymes that aid in digestion. Breastfed babies are less likely to experience constipation, diarrhea, and other digestive problems.
Better cognitive development: Breast milk contains essential fatty acids that support brain development and cognitive function. Breastfed babies have been shown to have higher IQ scores and better academic performance in later life.
Reduced risk of chronic diseases: Breastfeeding has been linked to a reduced risk of chronic diseases like asthma, allergies, and diabetes in later life. Breastfed babies are also less likely to develop obesity and other weight-related problems.
Improved bonding and emotional health: Breastfeeding provides a unique opportunity for mothers to bond with their babies and promote emotional well-being. Skin-to-skin contact during breastfeeding can also help regulate the baby's body temperature, heart rate, and breathing.
Pediatrician Support for Breastfeeding
Pediatricians play a crucial role in supporting breastfeeding mothers and ensuring that infants receive the best possible care. Here are some ways that pediatricians can provide support:
Breastfeeding education: Pediatricians can provide education and resources to help mothers understand the benefits of breastfeeding and how to overcome common challenges like latching and milk supply.
Breastfeeding counseling: Pediatricians can provide one-on-one counseling to help mothers troubleshoot breastfeeding problems and provide guidance on positioning, latch, and milk expression.
Infant feeding assessments: Pediatricians can monitor infant growth and development to ensure that breastfeeding is meeting the baby's nutritional needs. They can also provide guidance on introducing solid foods and transitioning to a bottle if necessary.
Referral to lactation consultants: Pediatricians can refer mothers to lactation consultants or other breastfeeding support services if they require additional help.
In conclusion, breastfeeding provides numerous benefits for infants and is an essential part of their development. Pediatricians play a crucial role in supporting breastfeeding mothers and ensuring that infants receive the best possible care. By providing education, counseling, and resources, pediatricians can help mothers overcome common challenges and ensure that their babies receive the optimal nutrition and care they need.
Shree Ganpati Hospital is the Multispeciality Hospital in Nashik. Shree Ganpati Hospital is the premier healthcare facility providing High-class infrastructure, a team of dedicated, professionally trained specialists and comprehensive diagnostic and treatment services to patients. Dr. Prachi Kiran Birari at shree ganpati hospital is the best pediatrician in Nashik, She holds an MBBS and DCH, and is a consultant pediatrician and neonatologist. She has years of experience providing physical and mental care for children from birth to age 18. Her polite and optimistic nature makes her an obvious choice as the Best Pediatrician in Nashik.
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Dr. Prachi Kiran Birari, the Best Pediatrician in Nashik, practises at Shree Ganpati Hospital. If you are looking for Pediatrician in Nashik, Consult Her Now.
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