adarkrainbow · 7 months
Given I haven't seen people talk about this, here is the simple thing you need to know about the "Snow-White live action battle".
Everybody heard and talked of the upcoming live-action remake of Disney's Snow-White. Everybody had a part in the never-ending debate this caused. This seemed to be all rounded up, and we were awaiting for the movie to be released to be finally able to speak about it...
And then, something came up. This to be precise:
A trailer for an upcoming movie called "Snow-White and the Evil Queen". This is set to be released on Bentkey, a new streaming platform part of the DailyWire+ group - basically DailyWire has recently decided to create a whole branch dedicated to the making of kid content. Children-aimed movies, children tv shows and cartoons, all that. And what everybody has been talking about is how this movie was made with one specific design: to oppose and contrast Disney's own Snow-White release.
The people behind this movie, openly dismissing and disdaining the live-action remake project of Disney, decided to create their own movie adaptation of the fairytale, which would be more traditional and closer the folktale, and thus show what an "actual" live-action remake of the Disney cartoon might look like. A lot of people have been chering and celebrating at this "anti-woke" and "anti-Disney" move, and they're all amused and all that...
And if you don't know who or what is behind Daily Wire and Bentkey, you might be tempted to support this movie. Well, please, DO NOT. Because I personally did not even know what DailyWire was - but I went searching for Bentkey, this "brand new streaming platform". And I found the Youtube video posted on the DailyWire channel introducing Bentkey, where the platform's creator explains why they launched this project and... And this is vile and frightening. You can see it down there but if you don't want to give more views to this I'll give you a little breakdown below:
I only watched one minute and a half of this nauseating thing, and it was already enough to make me identify this whole project as just pure evil. Under the pretense of fighting against "woke extremes" and "far-left politics", the creator of Bentkey and its team explain very clearly their homophobic, racist and misogynistic views. The guy literaly opens up by saying that Disney is pushing a "queer agenda" to "brainwash" and "indoctrinate" children into the "LGBT cult". He also criticizes some of the things the Disney company does such as "paying for abortions" as dangerous political extremes ; and to add a cherry on top, he accuses the fact of Disney making shows acknowledging the existence of racism and discrimination in the USA as being "anti-American" and against everything Walt Disney stood for.
So, funnily enough, while we all mocked and insulted and accused Disney of being an homophobic, racist company... Turns out THIS, DailyWire and Bentkey, is the actual "evil Disney" people have been denouncing and criticizing all along. As in... Our fear of a massive corporation making tons of kids' shows and movies while pushing forward homophobic, racist and far-right agendas is now real. These guys do not even hide their intentions, they blatantly say "We will make kids movie so that they will grow up straight and only straight, we will make kids show that will not mention anything about racism or discrimination, and we will certainly not allow any of our employees to have any abortion".
So yes if you see people cheer for this "Snow-White and the Evil Queen" movie, make sure to check if they are aware of Bentkey's socio-political goals and intentions. And if they are... well I don't need to say anymore, do I?
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artist-issues · 6 months
so it turns out the daily wire show, which is a conservative youtube channel are making a new version of snow white. it will have politics and conservative views in it.
I saw that! I’m learning that movies should communicate values; the studios making them should let those movies speak the values for themselves.
Example: one of my friends was shown a screening of Zootopia while it was still in development and he said that the Disney execs working on it introduced the clips like “check out this movie we’re making! It will have amazing worlds designed totally by animals, for animals.” And all the scenes were of animal puns and chases through the mice town, et cetera.
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Now, we know that Zootopia’s values and themes are all about trying to make the world a better place, and racism, and how everyone actually has a lot in common. But none of the trailers or promotional material made that the sole focus. It was more about how the world was entirely “animal.”
Everybody likes animals. Everybody is likely to have very little problem with going to see a movie about animals. Left or right, liberal or conservative, they’ll go see a story about animals. And the they’ll let their “guard” down. And they’ll be open to learn what the story has to say about what might otherwise be considered “political.”
But if Disney had come out and said (like they do in a lot of their promotional stuff for new movies like Snow White) that the movie was ABOUT racism, or sexism, or oppression, less people would have given it a chance. Only people who agree with Disney’s views on racism would have gone to see the movie; and they would have done it without objectivity, because they would’ve walked in, ready to champion a movie that represents their values, no matter how good or bad the movie actually was.
The problem with Daily Wire’s Snow White is that it is so obviously a political move, or a swipe at Disney, or a swipe at “woke” values. It is being made to do that, or it will be associated with that, no matter what. So people who think poorly of Daily Wire will not go see this movie, unless it’s to hate-review it, because they know it’s made by Daily Wire. The movie isn’t allowed to speak for itself.
That’s the problem. The stories are becoming all representation of politics and sides, and no genuine communication.
The whole point of a movie is to convince people of a truth statement. The story of Snow White should say “Innocent love is valuable.” It should not say, “I believe that innocent love is valuable.”
See the difference?
The first example of a statement is about the value. The second statement is about the person making the statement about the value. One is virtue-signaling, and here’s-the-side-I’m-on. The other is simply a demonstration of truth, regardless of who’s side you’re on.
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Nobody who is liberal or left-leaning or just plain doesn’t like the Daily Wire will go and see their Snow White in good faith. Instead, they’ve probably pushed liberal people toward the Disney version, out of a desire to demonstrate who’s “side” they’re on. Just like nobody who is conservative or right-leaning will go see the new Disney Snow White in good faith. Instead, Disney’s pushed conservative people toward the Daily Wire version.
Cuz it’s not about the story anymore. It’s not a story. It’s just an obnoxious political flag to rally under.
Stories are supposed to be HOW you open your mouth and talk about values. Whether it’s through your company’s press or the trailers or whatever, you’re not supposed to say what the story is really about; it’s supposed to say that for itself.
It’s like saying, “Snow White, tell everyone here your name!” Well, why? You just gave it away. Now nobody cares what Snow White has to say.
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xxxsimplyhookedxxx · 7 months
Snow White and the Evil Queen, Coming to Bentkey in 2024.
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speaking of Bentkey, the producer of Chip Chilla and Mabel Maclay is the creator of the Tangled animated series
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joemerl · 6 months
Do I think that The Daily Wire's cheap attempt at a "Snow White" movie is going to be a groundbreaking piece of cinema? No.
Do I think it'll be better than the Disney live-action remake with the $250 million budget? Yes, obviously.
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ultramaga · 6 months
The Next Snow White Is… ME?!
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chaifootsteps · 6 months
Funfact: the streaming service that released Chip Chilla (Bentkey) was released on the day of Disney's 100% anniversary as a direct dig to Disney because they apparently hate the fact that Disney refused to support the Dont-Say-Gay bill. The co-founder, Jeremy Boreing, stated that the Walt Disney company "pushes all the worst excesses of the woke left"
Is anyone else deeply annoyed that Chip Chilla is a legitimately cute name and the idea of a kids' show starring chinchillas is adorable and it's something Ben Shapiro made?
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godtears · 7 months
I'm surprised that no one is talking about the ugly new conservative Bluey Rip Off that The Daily Wire is putting out. It's apparently Matt Walsh approved 🙄 it was made in response to Disney being against the Don't Say Gay bill. They literally advertised it as "to challenge the left".
Apparently Ben Shapiro and Jeremy Boreing made a new Daily Wire streaming service called Bentkey, which is making a bunch of "anti-left" shows.
Boreing (apt name) even said; "Kids go to school for 40 hours a week and then they engage in pop culture for 40 more hours every week. That means for 80 hours of a child’s week, you are turning them over to the left. A good parent might spend 15 minutes a day in meaningful conversation with their kids … A great parent might take their kid to church for one hour, or two hours, or three hours a week. The other 80, they’re watching Disney … they’re online … they’re in public schools."
So this dude basically said "we can't let our kids go to school, they'll learn something!" Can't make that shit up.
So far apparently this show (called "Chip Chilla" btw) has just basically been super boring and sinfully flat. There's not a lot of info on it at the moment, and I would rather stab my eyes out than sign up for that shitty streaming service just to see how bad this is.
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But like come on, really? And the dad looks like Stitch. Not a single person on that team that made this has an original thought.
Ludo however said they "respectfully refuse to comment" which is hilarious. Like yeah no, it's probably best they don't say what they're thinking because it might fan the fire but I can probably take a guess at how they feel about it lol.
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adarkrainbow · 6 months
An introduction note: I was originally going to reblog one of these posts on Tumblr that praised the upcoming release of the Bentkey Snow-White's movie, and I was hoping the original poster was actually someone who wasn't informed of Bentkey's political propaganda... But then I checked their blog and I realized they were a very convinced "Bible-loving" (yeah as if) homophobic and anti-abortion activist who would block anyone not sharing their views.
So as to not promote or give attention to their post which made it seem as if everything was okay, I will post my original reply underneath so that it won't go to waste:
Yeah! Try this movie by a new company whose introduction video carefully explains how they are convinced the queer community is a cult that is trying to brainwash children with the help of Disney!
I am certain supporting the spite-production of a platform who proudly and openly says that abortion is evil is the best way to show respect to the fairytale!
And please do not look at Bentkey's introduction video on Youtube where they openly say that claiming the USA used to rely on slavery is an anti-American call for racial war...
If you didn't know about it, OP, Bentkey and the DailyWire company behind these two productions are paranoid conpiracy-theorist organizations on the extreme-right political spectrum - and who very openly advertise their product as political pieces that will keep your children straight and your girls abortionless and your Black people docile. Just look at the promotional videos on their Youtube channel, they do not hide it.
If you knew about this and still decided to advertise them because either A) you share their view or B) you think having a more "faithful" depiction of a 19th century German fairytale is more important than not supporting people obviously even worse than Disney ; then fuck you.
And for those who read it, I'll repeat it again : with these two movies it seems we have two poisons, one of bad taste and unthought moves, the other of wicked intentions hidden under a pretty appearance (much like the poisoned apple itself), and I'll chose NONE because there's already almost a whole century of Snow-White adaptations and we already had all the good and the bad we need, I don't need anymore, especially if it is to serve some venomous socio-political battle between fools who don't get their own work and fanatics who actually try to harm others.
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mgsiglesias · 7 months
Snow White and the Evil Queen, Coming to Bentkey in 2024.
the teaser is beautiful and beautiful voice
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xxxsimplyhookedxxx · 2 months
Snow White and the Evil Queen – First Trailer (2024) Brett Cooper | Dail...
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takecareofwomen · 4 months
An non-feminist media outfit
A company called Bentkey is producing a new film, Snow White and the Evil Queen.
It should be a healthy alternative to Disney's new feminist version (as usual, feminism and the big end of town working hand in hand). Hopefully people like Bentkey will start to break the stranglehold that corporate wokeness has over film and TV
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ok but why does Bentkey's Runes look SO GOOD
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deadlinecom · 7 months
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purpleisnotacolor · 6 months
Bentkey, what is the point of making trailers for your shows when those individual trailers are only on the app you're advertising 😭
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ultramaga · 7 months
Snow White and the Evil Queen, Coming to Bentkey in 2024.
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