#Belfast Private Tours
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margareth-lv · 6 months
🫣🤰🏻 Tips to Hide Your Pregnancy Before Going Public 🤰🏻🫣
Let me stay in the past and continue the 'Story of a Lost Photograph' as there are no current issues to analyse.
Back then, in January 2022, I was already an aware Tumblr user. I was also more than aware of the half-truths, lies and manipulation that the public and fans of Sam and Cait had been fed for years. During the nightmarish promotional tour for 'Belfast' we were inundated with photos of Cait. As I revisit old notes from the archives, memories come flooding back.
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One big area to lie about is how the body looks. The appearance of the body. Body modifications. The official version of the body and the unofficial one. It is not at all a question of body shaming. It is purely about manipulation.
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On the day Cait appeared on 'The Late Show with Stephen Colbert', a series of IG stories were published on her Instagram account. One of the photos was the one below, on the left. ⬇️⬇️⬇️ Morning vs. evening. Amazing body changes.
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There's a popular note in our fandom (I can't find it now). It's about hiding Caitríona's first pregnancy, in May 2016.
The photos compared the pregnant bellies of tall, slim, athletic models with Caitríona's 'bloat' from the 'Money Monster' promotional events in Cannes.
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I would like to show you photos of a Polish influencer who once demonstrated how easy it is to manipulate photos published in the media. This can even be done without the use of graphics software. This is how the influencer hid her third pregnancy. The pregnant belly, which is sometimes there and sometimes not, is from just before the birth.
(Note: the influencer is not very tall, very slim or athletic. She is of medium build).
Instagram. Slim and beautiful.
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A private photo. Still beautiful, but nine months pregnant.
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Instagram. Slim and ...
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A private photo. Ninth month...
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TV Show vs. reality. Look at the dress with a cut-off under the breasts in the top left corner.
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Doesn't that remind you of something?
I have a feeling that playing Hide Your Pregnancy Before Going Public is Caitríona's passion.
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[December 7, 2023]
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jdmcdonagh · 2 months
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Bisexual Undertaker
Damian x JD
Smut. Based on TJD's Damian, JD and Finn's European Tour.
Minors don't interact.
78% upvotes for a smut on TJD boys, so I had to share this with y'all💜🩷
Damian, Finn and JD were on a UK tour, they finally landed in London after Cardiff and Birmingham wrestling trip, and the next stop was to Belfast, staff led them to their private rooms. Finn took shower and put some loss outfits on and landed at JD 's door, Finn knocked on, few minutes later JD slightly open the door and found Finn outside he hugged him slightly and they decided to meet at nearest bar, Finn taps on JD's chest and walks away, JD salutes him and goes back in to his room and changes the clothes and as he locked his room and turns his head to the way out he got Pearce's call, JD attended the call.
" Yeah, Pearce, is it JD? Ugh okay I'll be there in a minute!" JD answers the call.
Pearce sends him to autograph signing convention center, nearby the hotel, JD arrived at it the perfect time, Pearce grabbed him by his shoulder and show him his seat, JD thanked him and took his seat, half hour later, autograph signing was almost over, JD pulled his phone out and start scrolling on it, then he opened the camera he was about snap some photos of himself but as he opened the camera he found Damian there, Damian was sitting in ankle on knee position, those tight jeans and black lines tee were looking fascinating on him, JD smiles then he just remember Rhea's sexual comments on Damian's post, that memory just made JD smile, JD without letting anyone know about his thing, without permission JD took some shots of Damian.
It works miracle, Damian found the tweet about JD signed on Damian's face from some guy, Damian slowly tilted his head a bit and he saw JD sitting right there and scrolling on his phone, as Damian raised his eyebrow on him suspiciously, JD's just started to hide his smile, and that was enough for Damian to find out what's JD up to exactly, he immediately realizes JD is keeping eye on him through his phone's camera.
Damian slowly titled his head, as convention over Damian got up and began his steps forward to JD, JD immediately got up from his seat, with a naughty smile on his face, all the staff guys were talking loudly, JD approached Damian after putting his phone back in his back pants pocket.
JD stopped right next to Damian.
" Sup bis... ahem, big Damian?" JD clears his throat.
Damian smirks off.
" So you also learned this trick from her, right?" Damian asked, while watching over the staff, his hands were in his pocket.
" Trick? What trick? I ain't no magician you know eh! " JD replied, he didn't get what Damian just said.
" Keepin an eye on me? I know you were filmin me! " Damian finally looked down at him with a smirk on his face.
" Wasn't filmin, snappin some pictures of ye, if you know, you know? '' JD replies with a huge naughty smile on his face.
" Fair enough, I saw what you did on 'x' to my graphic, guess what I don't like it, JD! Damian said as he croaked his head a bit and leaned towards JD.
" Woah, take it easy big lad, don't get me wrong, I'm a nice guy you know! " JD clarified and put his hands up, bending his elbows a bit.
" I kid, I didn't mind, JD!" Damian said with a badass sexy smile on his face as he turned his head back to the staff and they asked something Damian just signals them with an up thumb, Damian now turns his attention back to JD.
JD was staring at Damian's body reading his every single move.
" And that's my line, ace, whatcha starin at?" Damian asked with a chilling voice.
JD smirks and starts curving his hair on his finger then croaks his head to the other side.
" Eyes on the prize, a big bisexual one smooches " JD 's demeanor changes as he starts flinging at Damian.
" Uh come again? " Damian tilted his head slightly.
" Surreal she was right, you're a baby girl! " JD spilled out mistakenly then his eyes widened as he realized what he just said.
" I'll show you what bisexuality really is, JD! " Damian muffled his voice as he leaned against JD then he grabbed JD from his collar and took him out of the convention center, JD was panting a bit scared.
Damian took him into the elevator and pressed some buttons, the elevator just started.
Damian stalls JD against the lift and leans forward to him that much closer so JD can even feel Damian's hot breath on his temple.
" You just run your damn mouth too much this time and now it's up to me to teach you where you actually need to run your mouth! " Damian whispered in JD's ear, making him panted out a little sigh.
" D..." JD kept panting heavily, he immediately put his hand on Damian's chest.
Damian just licks off his own upper lip, as the elevator stops and its door opens Damian dragged JD out and took him into Damian's room and locked the door, Damian gently let go JD now but he pushes JD a bit to the shower.
" Go and take off your clothes, JD!" Damian whispers in JD 's ear from behind.
" Oh, okay... h" JD said goes to the shower and took off his clothes while mumbling.
JD slowly entered back to the room as he reached the doorframe he saw Damian naked sitting on the bed in a Fowler's position, scrolling on his phone.
" Woah.. a big naked baby gal view here!" JD smirks at Damian.
Damian heard him, he gently loosened his hair and put his phone aside, next to the pillow he used his fingers to invited JD back to him.
" C'mere, you talk too much, I'm gonna teach you a good lesson! " Damian said, as his voice curved into the sass.
" Oopsy woopsy!" JD smirks and approaches Damian, he slightly hops on the bed and crawls to Damian.
Damian grabbed his arm gently and placed JD on his thighs in a cowgirl position.
" Nicely done, now run your mouth here, JD..." Said Damian then he panted out a sigh and led JD to suck him on Damian's nipples.
JD began his sucks on Damian's nipples and gasping from the chest, JD made muffled sounds while sucking on Damian's nipples.
" Yeah... keep runnin your mouth just like that... while uh.. I fuck you!" Said Damian and moans softly then grabbing JD from his hips Damian just enters it inside of JD.
JD immediately puts his hands on Damian's shoulders as he feels the body's connection with Damian.
Damian closes his eyes and stalls his head back to the bed board, the relaxing look on his face was priceless.
JD slightly opened his eyes and gazed at Damian then closed back.
JD fastens his movements then gathers himself and slowly puts his head on Damian's left shoulder.
" Uh... goodies, I can sense your glistenin juice inside of me.... uh.. " JD moans softly and tenderly, he gently kisses three times in a row on Damian's shoulder then places his head back in the very same position.
" you're soakin my thighs, JD... hh.." Damian whispered in the air.
JD turned his head to Damian then he slowly pulled Damian's hair gently and kissed him deeply. Damian puts his hand on JD's back while kissing him back, JD can even feel the warmth from Damian's hand on his back.
JD slowly pulls out Damian's lips from his mouth and JD slowly leaning towards Damian's ear and he slowly kisses there and begins to lick on Damian's ear.
Damian tenderly blinks then he trims JD's hair with his bare fingers then he opens JD's hair and puts his hair catcher aside.
Even Damian's world title was placed next to his pillow.
Damian gently pulled JD's hair to make him stop licking his ears, Damian dragged JD's head a bit back and started licking on JD's neck, JD 's eyes started to roll back into his head, this movement just making him smile shamelessly.
JD's phone was vibrating but too bad he left his phone in the shower where he took his clothes off like Damian said.
" Am sure you're enjoyin as much as I do... JD " Damian slowly let go of JD 's hair and stalls his head back in the very position.
" D' Damian.. do me a favor... don't stop..." JD panted a short but loud sigh out.
" So you're here and demandin... not a bad th'ang JD, dime cuándo parar.. okay?" Damian whispers in JD's ear and kisses on his temple and takes JD's face in his palms and stares him in the eyes.
" Uh.. I will... D.." JD replies with a short sigh then he holds on Damian hugs him tightly.
Damian closes his eyes.
1 and half hour later, JD was sleeping on Damian's chest while Damian was scrolling on his phone.
JD breaks from his sleep as he finds himself on Damian's chest. JD smiles deeply and kisses there.
" Welcome back, JD!" Damian said softly and smirked.
" Thanks for the early thang Damian.... '' JD smiles back then he suddenly remembers Finn's face.
" Uh, how could I lose track of time, Finn invited me earlier, I gotta go D, I'll catch up on ye latah " JD slowly got up and looked at the clock and got off of the bed gently.
" My pleasure, JD, oh hey ace?!" Damian scrolled on the phone while smiling. He called JD.
JD slightly turned his head to Damian. " Yeah, big guy?" JD asked.
" Don't tell Finn, or it won't be cool for your bones, you got it?" Damian moved his phone a bit away while asking for favor.
Damian's decent threatening just brings a huge smile on JD's face.
" Alright I won't, happy!?" JD replies.
" Good, I'll be there in a minute! Damian said and winked.
" Okie dokie D, see ya there!" JD says and goes to the bathroom and gather his clothes and put them on and he waves to Damian then snaps a picture of him from his phone.
" Good Lawd, not again, just go away!" Damian chuckles and signals JD to get out.
JD giggles then turns around and walks out.
Finn was still at the bar drinking while scrolling on his phone, he sensed the presence of JD.
" My my that delay? Finn said then looked at JD.
JD smiles and takes a seat next to Finn.
" Pearce put a heavy autograph signing on me, sorry bout delays, mad professah!" JD smirks and replies.
" Mm hm, how's Damian, JD I know you were with him, I can read it from your eyes kid!" Finn smirks at JD.
JD was sipping from his beer ; he chuckled and put his glass aside.
" Alright uh admitted, he asked me not to spill it to you, Finn, oops I guess!" JD replies with a smiley look on his face.
" Oh I see, well I think I should ask Damian bout it then, it's ok you can have your drink, JD! '' Finn smiles then drinks his beer after cheers with JD, JD smiles back and drinks his one.
" This is my sixth one, you know!" Finn says and smiles.
" Jayzus! you okay?" JD checks on Finn's forehead and smiles.
" Am fine, let's move on, Pearce texted earlier, you remember our next stop is Belfast, right?" Finn asked.
" Yeah, dyin to get back to Ireland baby, woo, wish Dom and Rhea could join us on this trip! " JD said.
" Yeah, and she said to video call her and Dom when we got to the plane! " Finn said and got up.
" Hookay, hey money's on me I made ya wait so long! " JD said and put the money with the glasses and walks out of the bar with Finn.
As they reached the hotel, Damian was waiting with their suitcases and other stuff.
" Pick your stuff I ain't your butler, dawgs!" Damian said and walked to the airport with swag of his own.
" Good God, why did I boyfriend him, uh!" Finn sighs then chuckles and takes his stuff and follows Damian.
" Goody bags, hey ye both wait for me!" JD shouts and runs after them with his stuff.
As they finally got on the plane they all received a group call video from Rhea and Dom they all attended and connected with them.
Pearce was watching the three TJD boys shake his head as he walked away.
" Nowadays people, phone scrollers!" Pearce mumbles before leaving for his seat with Aldis and Triple H.
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Touring St. George’s gorgeous Gothic Revival home in Dublin, Ireland. It’s actually a smaller castle home with 5 bds. and 3 baths. Someone bought it  for €8.500.000 (APPROX $10,000,000 USD). So, let’s see what they got:
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The timber staircase forms the dramatic rise to the first floor from the entrance hallway. It has a solid Oak handrail and Pitch Pine detailing St Brigid’s cross shapes.
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Two drawing rooms can be separated by pocket doors.
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I’m guessing that those are stairs in the turret.
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The main drawing room opens to a conservatory added in the early 20th century.
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The fireplace is made of Portland Stone with decorative frieze detail, pink polished marble columns and delicate brass inset.
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Doorknob detail.
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There is a Pitch Pine fireplace in the inner hall with Portland Stone inset and Arts and Crafts tiled detail. The hall, in keeping with Victorian tradition, is essentially symmetrical, with two doorways positioned on either side, leading into the principal rooms; the drawing room and the dining room respectively.
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The dining room faces the front of the house with views out towards the Bay through a canted bay window.
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This is a traditional European Oak kitchen with black granite worktops, Belfast sink and a pale cream Aga.
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A breakfast nook in the main bd.
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The main bedroom is described as luxuriously appointed, so it seems that the furnishings came with it, or at least the draperies.
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St George’s is an impressive towered and gabled red-brick Gothic-Revival house built in the late 1870’s designed by George Coppinger Ashlin, one of the leading Irish architects of the 19th century.
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It’s one of the finest examples of both the neo-Gothic and Arts and Crafts movements.
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All of the homes are on very private tree-surrounded properties near the water.
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cryptid-killjoy · 10 months
After a lovely evening with his husband, lovely. Lovely. Flotsam's mind started to realize a part of them was always Valerie and just like parts of Flo remained in Val, Val's manner of speech/thinking was still in Flo. He did. He had a god damn lovely evening with his husband before packing for Ireland. Now he remembered why he missed having a dick though. How lucky was he to experience his handsome husband every way possible?
He woke in a good mood. Even going back to bottle mode didn't feel as intense as it did the first time now that he'd gotten to switch back and forth. There was a safe feeling in knowing all he had to do was take off the necklace if Valerie really needed to. All Flo's little secret fears and true wishes were out of the bag so to say and Thomas and his wolf helped put Flo at ease there too. Halloweening was on the list of to dos. So Flo wasn't freaking out. Everything was going to be okay no matter where in the world they were. He still wanted to get away after all he'd learned of himself in the middle of what else had been stressing him. So he was back to escapism mode with the vacation wanting to get away, but really, it wasn't so heavy anymore. Thomas was still being the fix it guy for him and all it took was a conversation he never wanted to have.
The first thing Flotsam did was start to write a list of things he wanted to do before leaving Ireland. Order mattered not. He found the basics, as far as basics go for him. He isn't the sort to want to tour every damn castle in Ireland or anywhere else in Europe. But, Blarney Castle he'd go for.
"Babe. So fair warning. I'm taking the kids to carry out their first felony. We will accomplish a family heist at the Blarney Castle and steal plants from the Poison Garden. Goals. I have them."
Go to Blarney Castle
Kiss the Blarney stone
Steal plants from the Poison Garden
The Northern Lights
See The Rocky Horror Picture Show at the Grand Opera House in Belfast ((because it has to be fate that's playing while they're there))
The National Leprechaun Museum
Titanic Museum
Goals indeed. "Northern lights. Pretty sure there's somewhere in Ireland you can see them. I so wished you were there when I got to go to Alaska. I wished it the whole time we were staring at the sky. Not that I told anyone this back then because I was still in young crush me who refuses to tell anyone I like you in that wayish. But, we can see them in Ireland too. Even better. Your green world. Meant to be. Has to happen."
He was googling things on their way there, in parking lots, in lines, sitting around waiting for flights, all those boring moments he took his moment to play tourist. He spoke as they were on their way to the rental.
"Rocky Horror is playing at the Grand Opera House. Feels like an authentic Irish experience to me." He laughed having a hard time picturing Rocky Horror being done with Irish accents and couldn't help not smiling. "Leprechaun museum for cheesy pictures with the kids and Titanic Museum for morbid pictures of us having fun taking end of ship movie photos at what's essentially a memorial of dead people's things drudged up from bottom of the ocean, Captain. Gotta love capitalism." He said with his own cheesy grin.
He grinned over at him when he called him Captain remembering their date on the boat. He really liked that. "We should buy a boat. Also this is the last trip without Pippin. I'm getting her a damn plane for real. The one I would have ended up getting Chip. I halted on that because of his zombie-thing worried that maybe he shouldn't be flying around after all wings or not. But, Pip's still clear headed. If anything they can fly together and she can take over if he zombies out."
They were building an air strip out in Nola. It's all Feral now. They were probably never going back any how. Time to consider where to keep a private plane elsewhere.
When they finally pulled into the rental and Flotsam got to see where his escape was going to be he smiled. It felt like something Thomas would pick.
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"Look at you giving us the real deal experience, Cap. This is so great. Perfect for all of us." He kept picturing him with the sea behind him. Something kept making his mind go back to that date. He remembered how Thomas looked with the blue waves of adventure behind him. But, he really did like the privacy there. With the triplets he liked their own space. He'd accept the maid service for the time being. Flo's one of those people who would rather do something himself than have people near him sometimes. So, it would be no wonder if he ever called them off or put a do not disturb on the property as a whole because fuck people. No maid outfit required for Thomas. It would probably weird Flo out if he did.
"Oh, you know what else I want to do at some point? Go to the rebel poet's pub. James Clarence Mangan. I don't know the name of it. But, I know it's in Ireland. I'll find it if I look it up. But, I heard he haunts a pub in Ireland. I'm going to find out if it's true." Leave it to Flotsam to want to go get autographs of dead celebrities, not live ones. "Maybe Leap Castle, but only because I know it's like one of the hauntedier ones and I would love to see the murder hole, but really. I don't need to see every castle in Ireland, ya feel me?"
Then right as he said ya feel me as he walking through the quaint style cottage of neutral colors he spotted the prize winner of the property. The ocean.
It was ocean front property. Flotsam started to glow. He didn't need River's inner physical glow to see this beaming straight from the inside out. He stopped yick yacking and his whole face lit up.
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"Oh my fucking a-hole. Look at that. Look what you did. We are sitting next to the ocean. Like... on purpose. We can just walk outside and it's... it's right there." He pointed out at it over top of the stroller he'd been pushing. "Right there." He jumped enough to where both feet came off the floor and knees rose waist high. His feet in those heavy kicks stamped back down. "Right there, Thomas. It's right there. Real ocean."
They didn't have to get into a car and drive there first, get the car and go home after, consider the light of day, or night, length of travel back for drying off, cleaning up, anything that beach brings on. It wasn't a lake shore. It wasn't a river's shore like on the old Mississippi. It wasn't a swamp. It was a real life ocean shore.
"Right. There." He kept pointing.
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whatsonmedia · 1 month
Music Monday: Eurovision, Retro, & They Might Be Giants
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This week's music roundup brings you a diverse mix of artists making waves in the industry. From Eurovision contenders to artists reviving past decades, here's a look at what's hot in the music scene. Olly Alexander - the Years and Years hopeful takes to the stage in Sweden to represent the UK with Dizzy As a Years and Years fan myself I am looking forward (as well as crossing all fingers) for Dizzy. For one it's got that potential for the Eurovision standard, the song choice itself is something of an improvement. Most importantly we have someone we actually know. Good luck Olly  Watch https://youtu.be/lLNUj7kvn2w?si=9rOYpmLvns1Rsz7G Natalie Gray takes us back into the late 80s with a touch of Pink & Kelly Clarkson on new single 'Last Orders'! As someone who grew up listening to some 80's music (in private) I quite enjoy this song as it's energetic and has that real upbeat quality to it. From first appearances, or sound, It sounds like something from a movie soundtrack.  Listen  https://open.spotify.com/track/6KBs8PHrHh8RUM5TpE8ZEU?si=780c9ee3ae0c4497 Watch https://youtu.be/NNqNHMx8i_0?si=VGYqPUMrNRkZBV1d Palmistry serves up stellar remix of Past Life Romeo's acclaimed single "Sometimes, Most Nights" Now we all know that writing a song about a relationship with issues isn't easy but definitely full marks for effort. I like Sometimes, Most Nights because it has that emotional bitterness to it which takes it on a slightly darker path  Listen  https://open.spotify.com/track/3HDJAwY0YfYgPqQQjvFCXL?si=5492250951474b19 HIFI SEAN & DAVID McALMONT NEW ALBUM "DAYLIGHT" OUT 20.06.2024 WATCH VIDEO FOR LEAD TRACK Video for new track "Sad Banger" Watch https://youtu.be/TYJPpYD_tsQ?si=bRYXS-DTsFOK0XLm Quote a good track, not what I was expecting whilst listening to the song but I'm open to being surprised. Nonetheless a really good video for the song. A nice preview ahead of the album release  https://twitter.com/hifi_mc X (Twitter) Facebook THEY MIGHT BE GIANTS release new rendition of "Lazy" by Irving Berlin! Calling all fans of They Might Be Giants (TMBG) they are planning an An Evening With They Might Be Giants later this year. Tickets, dates and previews below  Listen  https://open.spotify.com/track/4lIWjen36IJon89y6cqJBV?si=1580d9ee2a8e4dc4 Though I have to say that it's not actually my thing even I would have to admit that it does have a catchy feel quality about it. And if you feel like singing along the pace is perfect for it  Listen to the premiere on WNYC here An Evening With They Might Be Giants: Flood, BOOK and Beyond’ 2024 UK Tour On Sale Now! Tickets + dates available here UK Tour Dates: - 1 Nov- Southampton - 2 Nov- Cambridge SOLD OUT - 3 Nov- London - 5 Nov- Glasgow SOLD OUT - 6 Nov- Newcastle - 8 Nov- Belfast - 9 Nov- Dublin SOLD OUT - 12 Nov- Manchester SOLD OUT - 13 Nov- Leeds SOLD OUT - 15 Nov- Nottingham - 16 Nov- Bristol SOLD OUT - 17 Nov- London at The Roundhouse! SOLD OUT For more latest music updates visit Read the full article
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6 Best Places to Travel in Style on a Private Car Tour in Ireland
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As a private car tour Ireland service, DM Executive Line offers you a special adventure with your family. Have you been planning to visit Ireland for a long time? We’re ready to offer you a private tour of this beautiful country. So, no matter where you are from, it’s time to pack your bags. You can book our services before arriving in our country.
You may be wondering how to make the best use of your time while visiting Ireland on a private tour. We’ve got a quick list to help you get started.
6 Best Places to visit in Ireland on a private car tour:
The capital of the Republic of Ireland, Dublin is located on Ireland’s east coast at the mouth of the River Liffey. You can visit the city’s museums like the Irish Emigration Museum or a former jail but now a museum called Kilmainham Gaol. Another museum that might capture your curiosity is the Dublin Writers Museum as it pays a tribute to the Irish poets, authors, and playwrights.
Blarney Stone
Cork is Ireland’s second-largest city lined with restaurants and pubs. This place is also home to wildflower-studded mountains and stones, and a rugged coastline. You must pay a visit to the Blarney Stone, which is five miles outside of Cork City. It is a tower fortress that includes a water garden and gardens dedicated to poisonous and carnivorous plants.
Killarney National Park
County Kerry is a county located in the southern region and the province of Munster. Here, you can visit the Killarney National Park which is amazingly beautiful during the winters. It gives you sparkling lakes, hiking trails, and snow-capped mountains which you can explore while you station your private car tour at a safe spot to come back.
Bunratty Castle
The Bunratty Castle will spellbind you. It is a 15th-century tower house located in County Clare in the centre of Bunratty village. This beautiful castle boasts of stunning collections of art, tapestries, and furniture.
More details here:
Political Murals and the Titanic Quarter Dock
Visit Belfast in Northern Ireland if that’s where you’ve planned your private car tour in Ireland. You can spend the day visiting the city hall, political murals, and the Titanic Quarter Dock where the ship Titanic was constructed. After that, you can spend the evening at the historic pubs.
Star Gazing
We have saved the best for the last. You can just have your private car tour park the vehicle while you admire the stars above. Travel to the South West of Ireland where you can visit the Ring of Kerry, a place of mountains, lakes, and scenic landscapes. It’s a great place for star gazing, while you can also visit the Muckross House, Ross Castle, the Gap of Dunloe, and quaint villages.
So, don’t waste any more time! Book your trip to this beautiful country where our private car tour Ireland services will be waiting for you.
Blog Source: https://www.dmexecutiveline.ie/6-best-places-to-travel-on-a-private-car-tour-in-ireland/
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workpermitz · 9 months
Breakdown Of Living Cost In The UK While Working Under Work Permit
The United Kingdom is one of the most popular destinations on the globe. Professionals from all over the world are drawn here by the robust economy and abundance of employment prospects. 
You may be aware of the cost involved in the UK visa application. However, other than that, there are also some other expenses that you need to consider before moving to the UK. 
Due to factors like high housing costs and wage rates, the cost of living in the UK is relatively higher than other countries. 
Keep reading this article to get a detailed analysis of the cost of living in the UK. 
What Is the Cost of Transportation in the UK?
The majority of public transit in the UK is controlled by private businesses, with little to no influence from the government. As a result, it is quite expensive. You can get a regular monthly pass for £ 65 whereas a one-way ticket for local transport can cost you £ 2.5. Buses and trains are owned by private companies; hence they are slightly pricey. A monthly bus pass can cost you £ 160. 
What Is the Cost of Accommodation in the UK?
Depending on where you live and the kind of housing you have, the average rent in the UK will vary. The average monthly rent for a one-bedroom apartment is £758 (about $1000 USD) in the city and £614 (around $810 USD) outside of it. 
If your energy bills are covered by the rent, the amount can be higher. Nevertheless, if you opt to share your apartment, the cost of living and utilities will be reduced by 50%.
What Is the Cost of Food and Groceries in the UK?
You can effectively control your expenses if you avoid eating at expensive restaurants. Instead, cook your own meals. You can get basic food items in the UK for a minimal cost. 
For instance, one bread packet will cost you £ 0.97 whereas you can get rice and vegetables for £ 2. 11. Additionally, you can buy dairy products like milk and cheese for £ 0.92 and £ 5.57. Lastly, chicken and eggs will cost you somewhere around £ 7.37. 
What Is the Cost of Entertainment and Recreation in the UK?
Living in the UK also involves entertainment and other recreational activities. It is beneficial to engage in some leisure activities to expand your social network, tour the nation, and discover the culture and people in greater depth. 
Here's a list of different recreational activities and their costs - 
Movies - £ 9 - £ 15
Amusement parks - £ 40
Fast food - £ 6 
Sports - £ 10 - £ 20 
Concerts - £ 40 - £ 50 
Clubs and pubs - £ 10 - £ 40
Coffee shops - £ 3 -  £ 4
West End theatres - more than £ 25 
Which Are Some of The Affordable Cities To Live In The UK?
Some of the affordable cities to live in the UK are Durham, Lancaster, Liverpool, Manchester, Sterling, Belfast, Norwich, Nottingham, Cardiff, Coventry, Lincoln, and Warwick. 
What Are Some Of The Ways In Which One Can Minimize The Cost Of Living In The UK?
Living in the UK can burn a hole in your pocket. However, here are some ways in which you can save some money and live comfortably in the UK. Let us learn more about these ways in detail. 
Live In an Affordable Place
The most important factor affecting the cost of living in the UK is the place where you live. Here you can find places with higher to lower costs of living. To save money, you can opt to stay in a relatively cheaper place. Some of the pocket-friendly places to live in the UK are Sterling, Lincoln, Liverpool, Warwick, Manchester, Lancaster, etc. 
Cut Down the Transit Expenses
Transportation in the UK is expensive since it is governed by the private sector. However, you can reduce your travel expenses by using a travel card. A commuter oyster card is also available. However, the best strategy is to compare the prices online and choose the best alternative for you. 
Eat Home-Cooked Meals  
This can save a lot of your money as the restaurants in the UK are quite expensive and cost you somewhere around £ 40 - £ 50. 
What Are the Other Miscellaneous Costs Involved? 
The other miscellaneous costs include food, television, internet, mobile plans, taxes, and other services. In the UK, it is mandatory for you to possess a TV license to watch TV even on your computers or tablets. For colour television, you will be charged approximately £ 158 annually and £ 53 for black and white TVs. 
You may also need to get a local phone number while you are staying in the UK. Using mobile phone services can cost you somewhere around £ 15 to £ 50 per month. The housekeeping charges are £ 160 - £ 200 per month, and bills including gas, electricity, and water will cost you £ 40 - £ 50 per month. 
What Is the Cost of Visa Renewal in the UK?
Now that you are staying in the UK as an immigrant, you need to renew your visa after a given interval of time. You are required to renew your UK visa after every 2.5 years. The cost for the UK visa renewal is £ 2593. 
If you wish to extend your UK work visa, you may be charged £ 719 per person for a 3 years extension and £ 1,423 per person for more than 3 years. 
The cost of living in the UK lies in a slightly higher price range. However, with effective planning of your expenses, you can comfortably live in the UK as an immigrant. However, as an immigrant, apart from expenses during your stay, you also need to take care of uk visa renewal costs. These costs may vary depending upon whether you have a skilled worker visa or any type of visa. 
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navalvessels · 9 months
The Vibrant UK Summer Market: A Seasonal Delight
Seasonal Festivals
Music Festivals
The UK is renowned for its music festivals, attracting top artists and music enthusiasts from around the world. Events like Glastonbury, Reading and Leeds Festival, UK Summer Market and Cream fields set the stage for unforgettable summer weekends filled with live performances, camping, and community spirit.
Food and Drink Festivals
Summer in the UK means indulging in delicious treats at food and drink festivals. From traditional fare to international cuisine, these festivals celebrate culinary diversity. The Taste of London, Edinburgh Food Festival, and the Great Yorkshire Show are just a few examples.
Outdoor Markets - UK Summer Market
Street Markets
Summer brings an abundance of street markets across the UK. These markets offer a wide array of goods, from handmade crafts and vintage clothing to fresh produce and street food. Borough Market in London and St. George's Market in Belfast are iconic destinations for foodies and shoppers alike.
Arts and Crafts Markets
Artists and craftsmen showcase their talents at outdoor arts and crafts markets during the summer. Visitors can browse unique creations, meet the artists, and purchase one-of-a-kind items. The Edinburgh Festival Fringe hosts an impressive arts market.
Garden Tours and Flower Shows UK Summer Market
Open Gardens
Many stately homes and private gardens open their gates to the public during the summer. These open garden events provide a chance to admire the beauty of British landscapes, from lush green lawns to vibrant floral displays.
RHS Flower Shows
The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) hosts a series of flower shows during the summer season. Events like the RHS Chelsea Flower Show and RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival showcase stunning gardens, plant collections, and horticultural expertise.
Sporting Events
The Wimbledon Championships, one of the world's most prestigious tennis tournaments, takes place during the summer. Tennis enthusiasts and fans of the sport gather to witness thrilling matches and enjoy the traditional strawberries and cream.
Cricket Matches
Cricket enthusiasts can immerse themselves in the quintessentially British sport during the summer months. Test matches, one-day internationals, and county cricket matches are held at various iconic venues. For more segment insights into the UK summer market, download a free report sample
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dmctoursireland · 1 year
DMC Tours Ireland offers a limited number of extended tours every year, the main body of our work is in Dublin. We offer day tours from Dublin in private cars and walking tours with gallery and museums visits included. Browse through our directory of tours and get in contact to book a tour. Two hours north of Dublin lies Belfast the second largest city on the island of Ireland. It was once the pre-eminent city on the island. It is also widely known for ‘The Troubles’ – the sectarian conflict that erupted into a para-military war over 30 years.
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Game of Thrones and Belfast Private Tours: Hire a Professional Guide to Get Best Tour Experience
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Immersion tours called "Game of Thrones Tours" transport viewers to the actual sites where the hit fantasy drama series was filmed. With the help of these excursions, viewers may enter the worlds of Westeros and Essos and see the breathtaking landscapes and well-known sites that were highlighted in the program. There are several Game of Thrones trip options to suit a range of interests and price points. 
Some tours provide a more thorough experience by escorting guests around many filming sites and offering behind-the-scenes looks at the show's development. A tour firm provides a range of trips, such as the Tollymore Forest Locations Trek, the Winterfell Trek, and the Iron Islands & Giant's Causeway tour. 
Game of Thrones tours provide an enjoyable and unforgettable way to see the worlds of Westeros and Essos, regardless of whether you're a devoted fan or just searching for something different to do while traveling. For fans, going to these locations is similar to entering the worlds of Essos and Westeros. These trips frequently offer opportunities to view famous locations mentioned in the program, behind-the-scenes stories, and insights into the production process. Plus, visiting these places with other fans may provide a fun and memorable experience.
Belfast Bites & Sights: A Culinary and Cultural Private Tour 
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With Belfast Private Tours, you can get a customized and individualized experience that lets you see the city at your own speed and based on your interests. Private excursions provide you the freedom to tailor the schedule to your preferences and speed, in contrast to bigger group trips. You have the option to select particular attractions, change the length, and even ask to pause for refreshments or pictures. 
Your guide will only be concerned with you and your group; he or she will give you individualized attention, thoroughly address any concerns you have, and share insights that might not be discussed in a group situation. Whether you're interested in history, culture, architecture, or food, this may be tailored to your tastes. You can frequently access locations and experiences on private trips that aren't always available on public tours. 
This can include unique events, off-the-beaten-path destinations, or behind-the-scenes access. Smaller groups or perhaps just you and your friends are common on these trips, which enables the guide to provide more individualized attention. This implies that you will be able to engage with the guide more directly, ask questions, and have a more engaging experience. It frequently includes travel planning, guaranteeing a hassle-free and enjoyable visit. You don't need to stress about figuring out how to get about in new places or on public transit.
Choose a Best Travel Company for Enjoy Giants Causeway Private Tours in Belfast UK 
With its distinctive hexagon-shaped basalt columns, the Giant's Causeway, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a natural wonder that astounds tourists. However, taking a Belfast private tour to witness this geological wonder elevates the experience to a whole new level. Private tours provide you the flexibility to choose an itinerary that suits your interests and speed, unlike big group trips that have set itineraries. 
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At your own speed, stroll the Giants causeway private tours in Belfast UK, pausing to see the elaborate rock formations, take breath-taking pictures, and take in the gorgeous seaside surroundings. Would you want to take a detour? Your guide can lead you off the main path to see undiscovered treasures such as the spectacular ruins of Dunluce Castle or the quaint settlement of Bushmills. 
Savor the comforts of a private automobile, steer clear of congested public transit, and guarantee a stress-free and joyful travel experience. Professional tour operators provide unique experiences not available on regular trips. This might involve visiting restricted sections with specific permits or getting early admission to avoid the throng and have a completely different perspective on the Giant's Causeway. Take a private trip from Belfast to witness the Giant's Causeway's beauty in a way that will stay with you forever. Customize your journey, learn more about the history of the area, and make lifelong memories.
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unusedrooms · 1 year
Belfast: Private Black Taxi Cab Murals Tour GetYourGuide
Belfast: Private Black Taxi Cab Murals Tour GetYourGuide
Belfast: Private Black Taxi Cab Murals Tour USD 42.29. Discover Belfast’s political history through the medium of the city’s wall murals in an iconic black taxi. Learn the story of the conflict between two communities and see stunning artwork with a local guide.. Review the Belfast: Private Black Taxi Cab Murals Tour direct from GetYourGuide.
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abcnewspr · 2 years
Hosted by Luke Bryan, ‘On the Road to the CMA Awards’ Features In-Depth, All-Access Interviews with Wynonna Judd, and Kane Brown, Russell Dickerson, Little Big Town, Martina McBride, Carly Pearce, Lainey Wilson
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*ABC News
ABC News announced today a special, hosted by country music superstar Luke Bryan. ABC News teams travel across the globe to three different continents — Australia, Europe and North America — for a behind-the-scenes look at some of today’s top country music stars in the lead up to the 2022 CMA Awards.
“On the Road to the CMA Awards” explores the highs and lows of life on tour, including the more private offstage moments, while meeting the artists’ most passionate and loyal fans. “On the Road to the CMA Awards” airs on Monday, November 7 at 10pm EST, on ABC, next day on Hulu.
The special gives viewers an all-access look at Wynonna Judd, as she makes her emotional return to the stage after the death of her mother Naomi Judd, with the help of her friends Martina McBride and Little Big Town.
The program also features reigning CMA Female Vocalist of the Year Carly Pearce in London; this year’s CMA Awards most-nominated artist Lainey Wilson in New York City; singer-songwriter Russell Dickerson in Belfast, who tours with his wife and two-year-old child; and country chart record-breaker Kane Brown as he tours through Australia and New Zealand for the very first time.
“On the Road to the CMA Awards” is a production of ABC News. Janice Johnston serves as executive producer.
As part of CMA's mission, the organization is dedicated to expanding Country Music around the globe, supporting numerous initiatives that bring artists, fans and industry together on the international stage. Learn more at CMAworld.com/international.
*COPYRIGHT ©2022 American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. All photography is copyrighted material and is for editorial use only. Images are not to be archived, altered, duplicated, resold, retransmitted or used for any other purposes without written permission of ABC News. Images are distributed to the press in order to publicize current programming. Any other usage must be licensed. Photos posted for Web use must be at the low resolution of 72dpi, no larger than 2x3 in size.
-- ABC --
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rhonddaandallaneuro · 2 years
The last night in Belfast we spent at the Crown in our own private booth sharing with some Canadians and a local tour guide. It was amazing to sit within the sanctuary of privilege in such surrounds, ended up being a much longer session then we expected. Finished the night off with some amazing Thai food before retreating to our next ready for the 7am start.
Recovered a lot better then expected and way ahead of time so decided to drive the east coast down to Dublin. Not very good at navigating so after the few wrong turns elected to head back to the highway where we remembered our old car park and left our chariot for a tour of the “Trinity College” to witness and admire the “book of Kels”. Rhondda and I have done before but the ability to witness living history should never be understated.
The book on display was “John”, one of six that make the complete set and entering the library that it is enclosed within is just stunning and mind blowing in an instance. One could spend hours here just taking in the experience with the aura of history and knowledge mind blowing. A true experience in life and your feeble existence within. Will do every time I come here, just to understand what came before and the ability to ponder what is possible should one be able to open your mind to thoughts not just creations.
Back into the real world we visited the local hamburger bar and drove on to what some call Mecca, the Guinness distillery. Now I have to admit I find this substance worse then medicine but to those (Rhondda and Lindsay) that appreciate what can be improved it is heaven. Did the seven flights of stairs knowing each floor got me closer to getting to a pub where I could get a real drink. On the seventh floor those who want get to drink a pint of the medicine. Not I nor Julie.
Time was now ticking away so we headed off to Moyvalley where we will stay for two nights so we can attend the wedding of our niece Kirsten. Arrived late so a quick unload saw everyone but Allan head to the bar. Being the responsible one I elected to shower first and then meet everyone in the bar.
Bad things happen to those that are good and so it began. The bathroom wall rack broke off as I was to remove my towel just after the edge of the bath gave way. This was after the fridge shelf broke leaving our cooling drinks in various positions. Not one to complain I moved forward with my cold shower due to the fact that modern technology does not always know when a person will seek to shower, especially those arriving late.
All obstacles are just a small part of the challenge of life and I was thirsty so headed to the bar that was until I got to the door which would not lock. Given no one had a phone on them I could call my only way forward was to contact reception to request assistance only to be told that as the place was completely booked everyone had gone home. What was I to do? This place charges $500 a night.
Remembering what many people have told me I remained calm for close on an hour then speaking in a well used and more direct voice explained to the reception that is was not my fault and they needed to respond. Talking in other languages does inspire others at time so a night attendant was dispatched to my room asap.
At this time my adoring wife had been reminded by her brother that I was taking a long time to take a simple shower and she had returned to admire my patience and tolerance. The matter was resolved with staff being assigned to the room while I joined the wedding party. Despite the initial issues it turned out to be a great night and following morning we were all moved to an accommodation experience. Very much appreciated.
Now the wedding started at 2:30pm on the Saturday and the experience of another culture and rituals has to be experienced. The entire ceremony saw the very best that can happen as two people are joined. I have never been to a happier wedding. Kirsten did not forget anything and Gary my brother-in-law has to be simply admired for his complete faith and trust in what she organised. So many unexpected things took place and while we did not make the fourth session, a disco starting at 1am I must admit that for session three our table was the last to leave the dance floor.
That was only after we had experienced a live show, a band, a four course meal (with two more later in the night), lots of wine and access to a lolley shop. The best wedding we have ver been to. Thanks everyone involved.
Tomorrow we are heading south via the west coast and hoping to see a lot of the real Irish community.
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joealwyndaily · 2 years
Joe Alwyn currently occupies one of the strangest spaces in the greater celebrity matrix. He’s not yet the sort of movie star your parents would recognize at the airport and text you about, nor does he have the box-office draw of a Chalamet or Pattinson, at least not yet. The 31-year-old has been working steadily in film and television since his straight-out-of-British-drama-school debut as the lead in Ang Lee’s 2016 high-def experiment Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk. He racked up a series of well-received supporting roles in big period Oscar dramas and small critically appreciated indies, usually playing a Ken-doll-faced dick (Harriet, Operation Finale, Boy Erased, The Last Letter From Your Lover) or a blushing Brit from a bygone era (The Sense of an Ending, The Favourite, The Souvenir Part II, Mary Queen of Scots). Now, his first lead role since Billy, in Hulu’s second Sally Rooney adaptation, Conversations With Friends, threatens to make him fully Recognizable to Moms.
For a specific and rather substantial subset of the global population, however, Alwyn is not only a household name but a dinner-table centerpiece. To Google him is to stare straight into the stan-culture abyss. Lengthy YouTube videos are dedicated to his rare and rather unremarkable public interactions with his overwhelmingly famous longtime girlfriend — “Taylor Swift turns around to look at her boyfriend, Joe Alwyn, and sticks her tongue out at him” — or to the opaque references the two have made to the mere fact of each other’s existence. Breathless lists of “everything Taylor and Joe have said about their private relationship” abound in the Us Weekly universe. Alwyn is left to choose his words and body language wisely or risk their becoming permanent parts of the elaborate Swiftian canon. The man is not simply well-versed in the art of concealment; he is the Criss Angel of conversational dynamics. In interviews, he often demonstrates an ability to politely answer a question while revealing absolutely nothing about himself, sometimes even backtracking mid-answer to negate a benign detail. (From a recent piece in Mr. Porter: “Well, do you like football?” asks the reporter. “Football?” replies Alwyn. “Yeah. Am I allowed to say those kinds of things?”)
Yet he believes he has gotten better at the whole press thing over the years. “I don’t think I don’t enjoy interviews,” he says carefully. “I think I have seemed guarded.” He definitely “would like to not seem so guarded in them.” I can see those contradicting desires roiling inside Alwyn now, sitting across from him on the patio at Fairfax, in the West Village, for lunch. His energy is vaguely uncomfortable but determined, like that of someone preparing to swim laps in the English Channel in January to prove something to themselves. Perhaps sensing he has already revealed too much, he falls back on one of his tried-and-true lines: “If you were to ask a stranger on the street questions about their private life, let alone with the intent to then post it everywhere, why would that person not be like, ‘Sorry, what, why?’ So why would I not be like that?” He points at a woman sitting across the way from us who is, to my knowledge, not on a press tour. “I’m not going to go over there and ask that woman about her personal life.” “Actually, maybe you should,” I suggest. “I mean, I might do later,” he says, now looking cheered. “I’ll just holler across the street.”
Alwyn orders a Guinness (which is not available, so he opts for an IPA) after confirming I will also be drinking. “I’m just clinging on to that Irishness,” he says, referring to the five months he spent filming Conversations With Friends in Belfast. I start with some simple questions — When did he realize he wanted to act? What was he like as a child? “See, these are the questions I find hard,” he says. Was he introverted? Outgoing? Sporty? “I was on the introverted side but not a crippling introvert. Like an extroverted introvert,” he answers. “Is that allowed?”
In small spurts, I learn Alwyn was “not hammy” as a youth — instead, he was the family baby, “displaced” at age 12 by a new sibling, and an athlete who realized what he really wanted was to act. He kept his burning theatrical desires quiet, à la Zac Efron in High School Musical. He admits to an early obsession with Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo + Juliet and talks joyfully about how he was brought up watching “random French movies” with his documentary-filmmaker father and psychotherapist mother. Occasionally, he broke free from the chains of jockdom and played Banquo in a version of Macbeth performed entirely on Rollerblades, and Snowy the dog in a production of Tintin despite looking exactly like Tintin: “Snowy was more of a stretch.”
Alwyn says he “secretly would look up drama schools online” as a teenager. Once in university, he applied to four and was rejected by all but one. He was yanked out in his last year by Lee, who had fought with the studio to cast an unknown as the naïve, PTSD-ridden Billy Lynn. “It was terrifying and surreal and happened so quickly,” Alwyn remembers. Critics were almost unilaterally derisive of the film, but Alwyn was praised for his naturalism, his believable innocence, and, per one review, a “cuteness roughly akin to that of Matt Damon in Good Will Hunting.” Like most things that have happened to Alwyn, that image has proved to be both a boon and a curse. Directors feel they must either play off it directly (place him somewhere in the past when evidently it was more normal to look like that; make him the evil, rich trophy husband to 1960s amnesia victim Shailene Woodley; cast him as Margot Robbie’s devoted, winsome courtier) or subvert it (he looks this way because he is an actual Nazi). Before filming Billy Lynn, Lee had been concerned that Alwyn was “too handsome” to play a run-of-the-mill contemporary dude; ultimately, he decided Alwyn’s face is “so compelling it doesn’t matter.”
The conversation about his looks gets meta in Conversations. In the series, he plays Nick, an emotionally walled-off, married, 30-something actor who begins an affair with a college student and slowly lets his guard down. His character is a classically attractive, heavily restrained man with hidden depths who struggles to be taken seriously while everyone around him says stuff about his face. In one scene, he and his paramour, Frances, are bidding each other farewell after a drawn-out romp when she blurts out, “You’re so handsome.” Nick turns pink. “I thought you were attracted to my personality,” he jokes half-heartedly. “Do you even have one?” replies Frances, who then looks equally humiliated. Alwyn begins mock-pulling at his cheeks and widening his eyes at any talk of said face. “Two eyes, one nose, one mouth,” he says. “I don’t know what to say.” But did he relate to that moment with Nick and Frances? “It’s not something I wrestled with,” he says, studying me as he spoons up some steak tartare. He tenses a bit. “What are you trying to get me to say about my face?” I explain that I have no specific face-related agenda, and he visibly relaxes. “No, sorry, I’m sure,” he says. “I would much rather work with an interesting director in a smaller, weirder, darker part, than something big and obvious and getting typecast just for the sake of it.”
COVID had messed up his plans to star in an “Emily Brontë origin story,” so he put himself on tape for Conversations director Lenny Abrahamson one weekend at an unnamed friend’s “beautiful, immaculate” house. Thinking he needed to look older than his three decades to play the mid-30s Nick, he went upstairs to find a jacket from his friend’s “older husband,” where he found a paperback copy of Conversations With Friends lying on​ the bedroom floor​. He got the part a week later. “I’m not superstitious,” he adds, b​efore spending the next five minutes discussing the things he actually is superstitious about — namely, and randomly, magpies. (“If I see one, I’m like, ‘Oh, shit,’” he says, whipping out his phone to show me a photo of a magpie, appearing genuinely thrilled to be talking about this.)
Alwyn’s performance in Conversations is his best yet. He’s convincing as a sensitive, depressive guy who desperately wants to open up to someone but doesn’t quite know if it’s safe to do so. The role is bold. There are more sex scenes per capita in this series than anything he has ever done, scenes of the caliber and intimacy that turned Paul Mescal, the previously unknown star of Hulu’s first Rooney adaptation, Normal People, into an icon of early-pandemic-era sensuality. “When they sent the audition, they said, just as a heads up, that it would be to sign up for the possibility of full frontal,” Alwyn says, though he ended up going tush-only. Is he prepared to be the subject of a new type of public frenzy? “To be honest, I forget that other people will see it.”
In the summer of 2020, Swift surprise-released the Grammy-winning album Folklore. Fans speculated endlessly about the identity of William Bowery, a mysterious co-writer on two songs. That November, Swift revealed that Bowery was in fact Alwyn and that the pair had taken up songwriting together in quarantine. I assume Alwyn will give me one of his speak-arounds on the subject. Instead, he leans forward, putting his English Channel–swimming face back on. “What would you like to know?”
Although he grew up playing a bit of piano and was the guitarist in a “crappy school band called Anger Management,” Alwyn doesn’t consider himself a musician or songwriter and insists that he is, in fact, an awful singer. He was merely “messing around” on the piano when Swift heard and walked over, intrigued. He had been singing the fully formed first verse to the song that became “Exile.” (Bon Iver handles the male vocals on the final version.) “It was completely off the cuff, an accident,” he says, shrugging. “She said, ‘Can we try and sit down and get to the end together?’ And so we did. It was as basic as some people made sourdough.”
I press him on this point — he wrote an entire verse to a Taylor Swift song without trying? “Who doesn’t walk around the house singing?” he asks. I explain that it’s unusual for hit songs to spring forth like that from nonmusicians’ heads. He says he wasn’t trying to write to Swift’s personal sound but had been listening to a lot of the National (Aaron Dessner ended up producing the album). Alwyn wrote the chorus for “Betty” just as casually, albeit less soberly: “I’d probably had a drink and was just stumbling around the house. We couldn’t decide on a film to watch that night, and she was like, ‘Do you want to try and finish writing that song you were singing earlier?’ And so we got a guitar and did that.”
Initially, Alwyn didn’t want his name credited, anticipating that what he describes as the “clickbait conversation” would distract people from actually listening to the music. So he went by William Bowery as a nod to his music-composer great-grandfather and the Manhattan street. But then he recognized the “clickbait conversation” was happening anyway — “I don’t say that vainly,” he adds quickly — so why not let the world know it was him? He stresses his blissful ignorance of, say, those videos dissecting his relationship with Swift: “I’m aware of those when people tell me in these situations.” It seems like a healthy, practiced denial; he has worked at tuning this shit out because otherwise he might never utter a single syllable again. And despite having a face that launched a thousand Swift songs, at certain angles in his normal-boy outfit, he does have a certain ability to blend. None of the other 30-somethings lunching at Fairfax seem to have any clue who he is. “I suppose it’s not as if you’re Jennifer Lopez,” I joke. “I beg to differ,” he shoots back with a laugh. “I am Jennifer Lopez.” I start to warm to Alwyn. He knows that what he wants (privacy) and what he has to do (publicity) are fundamentally at odds and has embraced that contradiction with dry, charming wit.
We’ve finished our food, which means the moment we’ve both been dreading can no longer be avoided. “You have things you have to ask,” says Alwyn, folding his hands together. “And I’ll either choose to answer or not.” I look him gamely in the face and ask if he is, indeed, betrothed to marry one Taylor Alison Swift. He exhales. “The truth is,” he begins, “if I had a pound coin for every time someone told me I’ve been engaged or I’m getting engaged, I would have a lot of pound coins. If the answer was yes, I wouldn’t say. If the answer is no, I wouldn’t say.” I’m struck briefly speechless. It is perhaps the best non-answer I have ever received. I ask him how often he’s practiced it, and he explains that recently, back home in the U.K., a journalist had tried to sneakily phrase the engagement as a statement rather than a question. “You’re not the first person to ask,” he says. His tone conveys that he understands I will also not be the last.
Before I release Alwyn back into the wild, I ask why, in one of his rare forays into celebrity endorsement — a perfectly confusing Tom Ford perfume commercial — he appears physically appalled by the sight of his own neck in the mirror as he sprays himself with the scent. “How dare you!” he says, laughing, looking both offended and delighted. “If that’s not how everyone puts perfume on themselves, then I’ve been lied to.” He suddenly remembers his professional obligations: “Tom Ford’s amazing as a person.” He stands up and bids me a polite farewell. Walking solo toward Tribeca, he is instantly snapped by the paparazzi.
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brian-in-finance · 2 years
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Jamie Dornan Makes 50 Shades Joke with Handcuffs in Award Show Speech: 'Going to Need a Participant'
The actor was honored Thursday at the 16th Annual U.S.-Ireland Alliance Oscar Wilde Awards for his role in the 2021 Academy Award-nominated film Belfast Award-nominated film Belfast
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Jamie Dornan got a little cheeky at the 16th Annual U.S.-Ireland Alliance Oscar Wilde Awards.
The 39-year-old actor was honored Thursday night at The Ebell Club in Los Angeles for his role in Belfast, a 2021 semi-autobiographical film from Kenneth Branagh about an Irish working-class family during the 1960s.
In his speech, Dornan noted that honorees previously received a highlight reel featuring key moments from their acting career. With none in store, he opted to improvise.
"In the absence of a reel, I'm just going to act out my entire career. Only the things you know best," he said before whipping out a pair of handcuffs, in a nod to his role in the Fifty Shades of Grey films.
"I'm going to need a participant from the audience," he quipped while holding the cuffs.
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Jamie Dornan and wife Amelia Warner | CREDIT: GREGG DEGUIRE/FILMMAGIC
Dornan appeared in films of all kinds in the years between his starring roles in Belfast and the Fifty Shades of Grey franchise, from his work in the 2018 biographical film A Private War to voicing a troll named Chaz in the 2020 animated movie Trolls World Tour.
Speaking with PEOPLE Thursday on the green carpet ahead of the Oscar Wilde Awards, Dornan said he was initially "slightly non-committal in a good way" by not rushing to move to the U.S. as he found his footing in Hollywood.
"It was always just come out, spend a lot of time here, take on a load of meetings," he said. "So the longest I ever did was probably four or five months or something, maybe even three or four months, to be honest, in the early days."
"And then it felt like slightly non-committal in a good way: If you failed, you didn't fail as hard because you hadn't properly moved out there," Dornan explained.
The actor said it took some "self-belief" to reach this point in his career, but now, he's pleased with his progress.
"My whole ethos in life is, 'Back yourself,' so I guess I backed myself to be able to make something happen," he said Thursday. "And I always felt I had something to offer ... things needed to fall into place, and you need a bit of luck in this time. So luckily it worked out in the end."
Dornan is also proud of the "important message" he helped to convey in his latest film Belfast — which is up for seven awards at this Sunday's Oscars, including Best Director for Branagh, 61, and Best Picture — telling PEOPLE that it was "a very cool thing to be a part of it."
"I am just beyond proud to be from that part of the world and to tell a story that resonated with so many people across the world, and maybe change some people's opinion of that part of the world, in the north of Ireland and Belfast, and the people and the hard-working families," the actor said.
Remember… man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth. — Oscar Wilde
🎭 Mask. Christian Grey. Too much?
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