#Beijing transportation
liu-yu-xin · 4 months
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A wayv themed transportation pass to promote sustainable transportation options... its like they reached into my brain and broke me down to my bare parts i want this more badly than anything they have ever put out im so serious about buses and trains and subways and trams this is suuuuuuch a slay collab
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nicolasfolch · 2 years
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subway on, Beijing
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goodpix2021 · 7 months
Chinese Traffic
Impressionistic look at a taxi driver W hen I rode in Chinese taxis I knew that I was taking my life in my hands. All you have to do is look at the top photograph. Some rider is trying to cram everything that he owns into a taxi… in the middle of traffic. The bottom picture shows the frenetic energy of Beijing mass transportation. In case you are wondering, I have no idea how, where or when I…
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travelsfinders · 8 months
Beijing China Travel Guide and Beijing China Maps for: Streets, Hotels, Metro, Airports, Restaurants
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Beijing China Travel Guide and Beijing China Maps for: Streets, Hotels, Metro, Airports, Restaurants Read the full article
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reportwire · 2 years
Japan, US, Philippines to step up maritime security ties
Japan, US, Philippines to step up maritime security ties
2022-09-06 05:30:01 TOKYO — An American diplomat in Tokyo on Tuesday criticized China‘s “increasingly hostile maritime actions” as a threat to the safety of waterways in the resource-rich Indo-Pacific, as the United States seeks to strengthen security cooperation with allies Japan and the Philippines. U.S. Deputy Chief of Mission Raymond Greene said disregard for international law and…
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annawong5 · 2 years
Liulichang Culture Street 流利厂文化街 & Qianmen 前门 # Beijing - China
Liulichang Culture Street 流利厂文化街 & Qianmen 前门 # Beijing – China
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zvaigzdelasas · 25 days
Hydrogen-powered trucks are expected to reach life-cycle cost parity with their fossil-fuel-burning peers in China by 2027 even without the aid of subsidies, a milestone which the world’s biggest producer and consumer of the zero-emission energy source, seeks to achieve eight years ahead of Europe.
This will push forward the country’s ambition to dominate the market for hydrogen fuel cells in the transport sector as Beijing’s enabling environment starts paying off, an industry executive said.[...]
“China has developed a world-leading industry in commercial vehicle applications for hydrogen fuel cell technology, with enterprises ranging from upstream raw materials to downstream products over the past decade,” said Robin Lin, chairman and president of Refire Group, a Chinese supplier of hydrogen fuel cell technologies.[...]
China has stepped up its game this year with the central and local authorities releasing a variety of hydrogen-related policies and incentives, following the release of its first national-level guidelines for the hydrogen energy industry in 2023.
Nearly a third of its end-2023 fleet of 18,000 hydrogen fuel cell vehicles were sold last year alone, according to data from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, indicating the gathering pace. In a further sign of accelerating offtake, China targets to have at least 50,000 units on the road by 2025, according to its national plan.
According to Lin, China has seen significant reduction in the manufacturing cost of hydrogen fuel cell systems, which account for roughly half the cost of a hydrogen vehicle. The cost has dived from over 30,000 yuan per kilowatt in 2015 to less than 4,000 yuan per kilowatt now.[...]
“In transport, heavy-duty trucks could be the first to achieve successful commercialisation of hydrogen fuel cell technology,” he said.[...]
In China, high-purity hydrogen generated as a by-product from industrial processes, such as Shanxi province, is around 25 to 40 yuan per kilogram at local hydrogen refuelling stations, while high-purity hydrogen in other regions, such as Shanghai, is around 50 to 70 yuan per kilogram at local hydrogen refuelling stations, according to Refire.
13 May 24
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fatehbaz · 1 year
On the night of April 30, 1541, the Ming Ancestral Temple in Beijing was struck by lightning and burned to the ground. [...] 
[T]he fires forced the Jiajing Emperor to resurrect one of the dynasty’s most expensive, difficult, and destructive projects: the logging of old-growth timber in the far southwest of China. Disaster struck again in 1556, when fires burned the Three Halls that form the central axis of the Forbidden City. The Three Halls burned yet again in 1584. [...] Yet the lightning strikes in Beijing were also a disaster for the old-growth forests of the southwest, where the logs to build the palaces had first been cut in the early 1400s. As logging supervisors soon learned, ancient trees could not be felled on a regular basis. Officials pressed ever deeper into the gorges of southern Sichuan and northern Guizhou to find them, bringing massive transformations to the environment in the process.
The foundations of Beijing were laid between 1406 and 1421 by the Yongle emperor, a junior son of the Ming founder, who moved the court to his personal appanage in north China. [...] Grasping the sinews of power that connected his court to far-flung regions of the empire, Yongle pulled one million laborers to Beijing to build his palaces. Because the weight of Chinese buildings is carried by their pillar-and-beam frameworks (liangzhu), monumental buildings required monumental trees (Figure 2). So Yongle also dispatched a similarly large labor force to the old-growth forests of the far southwest to cut the fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) and nanmu (Phoebe zhennan) that grew straight and tall enough to be used for imperial construction.
We cannot be certain just how many logs were cut to build Beijing, but the figure must have been astounding. In 1441, two decades after the completion of the project, 380,000 large timbers were left over from the earlier construction. By 1500, these too were gone, used for repairs or too damaged by rot to be used for construction purposes.
In the sixteenth century, logging officials wondered how their predecessors had been able to obtain so many giant timbers. Li Xianqing, who supervised more than 40 logging sites in the 1540s, noted that large trees could still be found, but they could only be transported out with great difficulty and at great expense. The majority had to be discarded as hollow or insect-damaged. Even when a quality log was found, it took five hundred workers to tow a log over mountain passes.
Skilled craftsmen were on hand to build “flying bridges” (fei qiao), stone-lined slip roads, and enormous capstans (tianche) to tow the logs up slopes (Figures 3 and 4). In the remote forests of the southwest, loggers faced attacks by snakes, tigers, and “barbarians” (manyi); “miasmatic vapors” (yanzhang, probably malaria); storms, forest fires, rockslides, and raging rivers (Figure 5). Labor teams had to carry their own food and often starved. At the rivers, logs were tied into massive rafts bound with bamboo for buoyancy, towed by teams of 40 men, and then launched on the three-year, three-thousand-kilometer journey to Beijing (Figure 6). Only a small fraction of the trees reached the capital in a condition where they could be used for palace building.
Expeditions exceeded their budgets up to fiftyfold.
One official remarked, “the labor force numbers in the thousands; the days number in the hundreds; the supply costs number in the tens of thousands each year.” Another saying held that “one thousand enter the mountains, but only five hundred leave” (rushan yiqian chu shan wubai). To make matters worse, logging mostly occurred within territory that was under only loose Ming control [...].
The Yongle Palaces were said to replicate the otherworldly atmosphere of the old-growth forests where their pillars originated. The presence of these timbers in Beijing linked the capital, materially and symbolically, to the southwestern landscape of cliffs and gorges where the trees had grown.
But ancient sentinel trees could not be reproduced on demand. The fifteenth-century logging project was a millennial event, removing the growth of hundreds or even thousands of years. Later officials were forced to come to terms with the transformations their predecessors had wrought in the ancient forests. Eventually builders had to switch to smaller, commercially available timber, using ornate artisanship and commercial efficiency to substitute for the austere majesty of the early Ming palaces, and the thousands of years of tree growth on which they rested.
All text above by: Ian M. Miller. “The Distant Roots of Beijing’s Palaces.” Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Environment & Society Portal, Arcadia no. 39. Autumn 2020. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me. Presented here for commentary, teaching, criticism purposes.]
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rainbowsky · 4 months
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Yuehua posted a statement that someone using DD's identity booked a flight in his name, and then posted a bunch of false stories about his itinerary. Honestly, so shocking.
This is a perfect example of why we should be cautious about believing melons. I saw several melon accounts posting about this 'itinerary' earlier.
STATEMENT Today, our company discovered that our artist Mr. Wang Yibo was booked for a flight without any reason, and various false rumors have been fabricated around the itinerary. This behavior has been suspected of seriously infringing on Mr. Wang Yibo's legitimate rights and interests, and has also seriously affected his normal work. We are currently at the peak of the Spring Festival passenger flow. This kind of bad behavior that wastes precious transportation resources is not only against social ethics, but also suspected of violating the law. Our company will strictly investigate this and pursue it to the end. I hope we can work together to practice social ethics and be good citizens in the new era. Beijing Lehua Yuanyu Culture Communication Co., Ltd. February 3, 2024
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cinematheory · 4 months
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WINWIN for the WayV Beijing Municipal Transport Card collaboration
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ivys-garden · 1 month
The thing that continues to shock me about the modern world is the multitude of ways we let cars ruin are lives.
Private cars continue to be a Blight, an obsession and focus on speed and size in car culture leads to accidents becoming more and more deadly.
Counties like China used to be completely dominated by bikes, now Beijing has some of the worse air quality in the world. Globally respiratory conditions in adults and children continue to rise. And co2 drives us ever closer to climate collapse
Switching to electric and hydrogen doesn't fix this either, parts still need to be mined, rubber still needs to be produced, as does plastic and old cars and bygone petrol stations need to be scrapped as many cannot be converted
Streets and cities used to be a place of community, but now they are dominated by cars. Want to go to the park? Sorry, it was torn up for a parking garage. Want to cross the road? Yeah, just wait ten minutes for all the cars to pass and get over in 10 seconds before someone decides that getting to mcdonalds is more important than traffic laws. Oh, and I hope you've not got a motor disability or are in a wheel chair or your royaly fucked.
Pedestrians used to have the right of way always, never cars. You never had to teach children to look both ways because cars were expected to stop. Of corse motor companies started paying schools to teach traffic safety and over the decades streets became devoid of people to the point where some see hanging around on a conner or playing curby as a crime.
Cars themselves cut of connections, drivers get ever more angry at simply mistakes and spend acumelate years of there life in traffic Jams. And don't think Lane expansions help, that just means the jam expands to meet the new capacity
The private car in the modern day is pointless and dangerous, cars do have a place, like for businesses or the police or I'd your disabled and public transport in nonaplicable, but other than that the car is of a bygone era
There's a reason that more young people don't buy cars and not just because there expensive and bad for the planet - though that is a factor - cars are simply to dangerous and difficult to use.
Edinburgh has experimented with banning cars from several Streets, reinstating conections and allowing kids to play. They up parking charges to dissuade people from using there car and clogging up the narrow streets, they instal low emissions zones to stop the most polluting cars entering.
And it works.
More and more people in Scotland are using public transport, the tram lines have been expanded, as have the train and bus routes. Travel becomes cheaper and these measure have begun to spread.
It's not just Scotland either, Ireland and prodigal have done similar. Brazil has expanded bike lanes to make cycling safer and introduced a bike share system.
Spain went even further and made train travel free and German citizens even tried to get Berlin to completely ban cars
The era of the car is ending, and the sooner people accept that public transport is safer, more affordable and better for the environment, the sooner and smoother the change will occur.
One day, when I'm and old lady sitting on by garden chair, I will look out and smile because coming down the street will not be and endless cavalcade of cars, it will be the odd company van, the single decker bus carrying passengers and merry children running down the streets.
Or you know we could keep using the car and literally destroy the world via climate change whatever you want really.
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accio-victuuri · 5 months
xiao zhan - cctv drama awards interview 🎤
On the road of being an actor, Xiao Zhan continues to unlock new roles. #中文字幕片年Celebration# Ceremony Road interview site, he looked back on his mental journey along the way, which has both changes and changes. . What has changed is that I am more calm, but what remains unchanged is that I always put myself in the position of a new person and study hard↓
Q: We know that in 'Where Dreams Begin', Xiao Chunsheng is born and raised in Beijing. But, Xiao Zhan, you are from Chongqing. When portraying the character, how did you capture the spirit and essence of Xiao Chunsheng?
XZ: At the initial stage of filming, I watched a lot of footage on old Beijing, I also worked closely with the director and production team to discuss the core of the character. I learn and imitate how Beijing people talk, their attitudes towards life, and the spirit they display.
Q: It must be tough for a Southerner to nail the Beijing dialect. Also, in 'Sunshine by My Side', you play Sheng Yang, a very cheerful, caring, and fearless young man. You once said Sheng Yang is like you in a parallel universe. Why’s that?
XZ: Sheng Yang's experiences and family background are very similar to mine. So, during filming, seeing familiar scenes and experiences, it kinda transported me back to myself in a parallel universe.
Q: We've seen you take on many new roles, and each time filming wraps, you share your insights and reflections. On a great day today, could you also sum up your thoughts and changes in mindset from when you first started acting?
XZ: In terms of insights, it's all about self reflection. With each new role, I push myself to do better and to unlock different characters. As for changes in my mindset, it’s changed, but yet still the same. What’s changed is that I've become more composed. But what’s remained the same is that I still see myself as a newbie and constantly learning.
Host: What Xiao Zhan says the most is learning. With that mindset, we look forward to seeing more of the roles you'll unlock in the future, and seeing you do better. We've witnessed Xiao Zhan’s growth over the years and are excited to see you continue to grow. Thank you, jiayou!
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ronearoundblindly · 1 year
for the comfort ask!! ☺️🫶🏻💕💕
🛎 - Someone at their beck and call + any character you want
Ransom Drysdale x rich!Reader from The Root of All Ransom
ooo, big shock: warnings for cursing and sexual references (nothing explicit)! WC 1.2k
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‘The Wank’ is a fucking terrible friend who Ran is more likely to set fire to than embrace if he ever sees that rat bastard again.
Oh sure, it’s all fun and games, riding ATVs around this British lord-boy’s estate until that drunk idiot cuts too close in front of his invited guest, clips the tire, and launches Ransom over the front and into some ancient stone wall. He looks like a million bucks—Million Dollar Baby, that is—with all his bruises and lacerations. At least his face is unscathed for the most part. Ran couldn’t handle being fucking ugly on top of the embarrassment of being bedridden for a couple of weeks.
It was only supposed to be a quick few days' visit before he went back to the States, but instead, he’s stuck in the Wank’s mansion while the fucking prick leaves to go do other stupid things with their other stupid friends…
Why Ran keeps thinking of these people as friends, he’s not really sure, but once the doctor—who showed up with two nurses to a sprawling estate in the middle of goddamn nowhere—tells Ransom he has to remain like a vegetable in this musty four-poster, he calls you furious.
He calls to complain loudly, but Ran knew you would come.
Even though he is anxious and pissy for the whole thirty-six hours it takes for you to handle what business you can, book transport from Beijing to London, and then get a car to drive all the way to the boonies, he thinks he’s doing reasonably well when you arrive.
In reality, he’s already cursed out every member of the household staff willing to enter his room. Ransom is a terror when sick, and no one has the luxury of him drugged during this lay-up.
You’re graciously given a room to work out of but keep your Bluetooth in your ear all day every day unless you are in bed asleep. He fucking hates it. Ran is given a bell to signal he needs something and has no ability to distinguish needs from wants when bored.
“Would you stop talking like I’m not here?” he hiss-yells as you try to go back to work one day after bringing him a tray of breakfast.
You cover the end of the device and snap back, “These are prime business hours where I am supposed to be right now. I have to stay on the phone.”
When you turn to leave, Ran hits the bell.
You face him, challenging with narrowed eyes, so he hits it again. Twice.
But you don’t take the bait and shut the door behind you.
Ran’s bored—horrifically bored—and lonely. He beats down on the bell in cacophonic irritation for a solid minute before you rage back into the room.
Your hand slaps over his on the cool metal chime.
“Hugh Ransom Drysdale,” you intone between clenched teeth, “you are abusing your bell privileges. If you do not stop, I will go back to Beijing tonight, and no one here will help you. Do you understand?”
His brow is just as angry as yours, but Ran’s lips pout. He huffs anyway, nodding his head, and after you let go of his hand, he admits quietly, “I want to go outside.”
Your face softens.
You sit by his hip, seemingly exhausted by the thought of coming all this way, acquiescing to his every whim, and returning to work. Outside the tall windows shines a lovely English morning after days and days of clouds.
Ransom watches you sigh hopefully.
“I’ll see what I can do,” you whisper, patting his knee to avoid reaching over his tray. “Do me a favor though?”
“What?” Depends on the favor so Ran promises nothing.
“Will you please use those damn wipes for something other than masturbating?”
His whole body stiffens uncomfortably.
“Even a whore’s bath will do and don’t act all innocent, Hugh! I know you,” you giggle, relishing the tease and the pink stain blossoming on his neck.
He glances over at the packet on the night stand. “A…a wh—“
“Pitties, titties, and bitties.” You stand and fail to smother your grin.
He hates this. You know he hates this. He knows you know he hates this, and yet Ran chuckles involuntarily. He knows you’ll try—knows that you are trying—to make him happy. It makes him so mad.
You’re the one with a job and a business and the money, and you’re forced to nurse him like a fucking invalid. A year ago, he would have loved this shit. Now he just feels like the fucking wanker.
He has several remaining bandages which cannot get wet, so he can’t shower. Ran can, however, get himself to the ensuite but it takes all of his energy and turns him into a ball of rage until he takes a nap.
Which is so fucking stupid, he thinks, but it’s the truth of it.
He struggles for the whole morning. He actually has to split the tasks of picking out clothes to change into, resting, using the bathroom, resting again, cleaning himself as best he can to put on boxers, resting atop the covers because he now notices the sheets smell, and then gets dressed.
He waits, puttering around social media on his phone, head shooting up to the door at any tiny noise from anywhere beyond his cage of a bed.
You come back at lunchtime, sans earpiece, and look genuinely impressed that he’s decent, which is so fucking sad that he wants to die, but he wants to go outside more.
He has to lean on you to get all the way to the lawn, fiercely focused on the blanket laid out under the closest tree, taking comically huge breaths of fresh air before collapsing when you give him the okay.
The picnic and tea are nice. The formality of the service, even though the staff only brings out the dishes and a basket of food, reminds him of Sunday brunches with Linda, so he doesn’t really fucking care about the food. He’s not really hungry.
Ran lays down flat on the grass-padded blanket and drifts to the soft rustle of leaves and birds chirping.
After who knows how long, he peels his eyes open to see the sun in a completely different spot and you still right next to him, relaxed and peering up, hands tucked behind your head.
“Hey,” he finally says to get your attention.
You shift your head, lips pulled into a squinty smile he can’t resist. “Hey, yourself. Have a good nap?”
Ran nods, getting his bearings from the murky waters of sleep. He notices you stayed. You didn’t go back to work. You didn’t trade off taking care of him. You got something you needed, too: peace and quiet, so he says the most obvious thing that comes to mind.
“You’re welcome.”
He’s rewarded with you bursting into laughter.
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from this game of "Comfort My Characters"
Thank you for asking!
@supraveng @1950schick @patzammit @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @yiiiikesmish @starkleila
[Main Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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MAD Architects @madarchitects reveals winning design for the new terminal of Changchun Airport, as its first large-scale air transportation junction Read more: Link in bio! MAD Architects, led by Ma Yansong, and in collaboration with China Airport Planning & Design Institute Co., Ltd. and Beijing Institute of Architectural Design Co., Ltd. has won an international competition for the design of Changchun “Longjia” International Airport Terminal 3 in China… #china #airport #changchun #архитектура www.amazingarchitecture.com ✔ A collection of the best contemporary architecture to inspire you. #design #architecture #amazingarchitecture #architect #arquitectura #luxury #realestate #life #cute #architettura #interiordesign #photooftheday #love #travel #construction #furniture #instagood #fashion #beautiful #archilovers #home #house ‎#amazing #picoftheday #architecturephotography ‎#معماری (at Changchun, China) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoWPmPAMOGw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ykzzr · 11 months
“Alapaevsk Martyrs” 18 July 1918
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105 years ago, only one day after the brutal execution of the last Tsar and his family in Yekaterinburg, six more members of the extended Romanov family and two of their confidants met their tragic end in Alapayevsk.
In 1918, Lenin ordered the Cheka to arrest Elizabeth Feodorovna, the Empress’ sister. She was then exiled to different cities across Siberia, including Perm and Yekaterinburg, where she was joined by seven other people. On 20 May 1918, they were all transported to Alapayevsk, where they were imprisoned inside of a school.
In the early hours of 18 July, the prisoners were awakened and driven in carts on a road leading to a close by village where there was an abandoned iron mine with a pit 20 metres deep. Here they halted. The prisoners were aggressively beaten up by the Cheka before being thrown into this pit. Hand grenades were then hurled down the shaft.
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According to the personal account of one of the executioners, Elizabeth and the others survived the initial fall into the mine, prompting one of the executioners to toss in a grenade after them. Following the explosion, he claimed to have heard Elizabeth and the others singing an orthodox hymn from the bottom of the shaft. Unnerved, he threw down a second grenade, but the singing continued. Finally a large quantity of brushwood was shoved into the opening and set alight, upon which he posted a guard over the site and departed. The Bolsheviks tried to hide their tracks and blamed the crimes on an “unidentified gang”.
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Cataverna (morgue) in St. Catherine's Church. Alapaevsk. 1918 ( The bodies of the Alapaevsk martyrs)
On 8 October 1918, White Army soldiers discovered the remains of Elisabeth and her companions, still within the shaft where they had been murdered. Despite having lain there for almost three months, the bodies were in relatively good condition. Most were thought to have died slowly from injuries or starvation, rather than the subsequent fire. Elisabeth had died of wounds sustained in her fall into the mine, but before her death had still found strength to bandage the head of the dying Prince John with her wimple.
The victims were first buried in the cemetery of the Russian Orthodox Mission in Beijing. In 1921, the bodies of Elizabeth and Varvara were moved to Jerusalem.
Source: marianikolaevnas
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usafphantom2 · 5 months
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China offered its Y-20 transport plane to Nigeria
The air transport plane was placed on the international market in November, when it was shown to the head of Nigeria's defense.
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 01/13/2024 - 19:00 in Military
China is trying to sell its Y-20 Kunpeng transport plane to foreign buyers, with its manufacturer expanding production capacity in preparation, according to media reports.
The strategic military transport aircraft was placed on the international market in November, when the Y-20BE model was shown to Nigeria's Defense Minister Mohammed Badaru Abubakar in Beijing, the military magazine Ordnance Industry Science Technology reported last week.
The heavy transport plane, nicknamed the 'chubby girl' (chubby girl) for its large fuselage, is comparable to the Soviet Ilyushin Il-76 and the American Boeing C-17.
According to the report, it will be an opportunity for China to “establish deeper strategic relations and cooperation with countries as soon as they have the Y-20”.
Although Nigeria currently depends on the C-130 Hercules as its main tactical air transport aircraft, military experts say the Y-20E would provide the country with genuine strategic air transport capabilities.
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The aircraft manufacturer, XAIC, operates assembly lines for mass production, according to the Chinese state broadcaster.
Its manufacturer, the state-owned Xian Aircraft Industrial Corporation (XAIC), has been operating assembly lines for mass production to increase efficiency and expand capacity, the state broadcaster CCTV reported in November.
Instead of mounting the aircraft on a fixed workstation, its parts are moved along a "pulse line" as the work steps are completed - similar to the way cars are produced. These assembly lines are used to build some of the most advanced aircraft in the world, including the Lockheed Martin F-35 and the Boeing 787.
More than 90 percent of the parts of the Y-20 are manufactured by a digitized system, according to the CCTV report, which showed images from the XAIC factory of robotic arms, remotely controlled maneuvers and laser-assisted high-precision assembly work.
The broadcaster's report said that the production capacity of the plant could meet the demand of both the Chinese air force and international customers.
"The production speed of the Y-20 is the fastest in the world in this type," he said.
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The People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) has received almost 100 planes so far, half of them in the last two years.
The plane, which is 47 meters long and 50 meters wide, has become the flagship of the People's Liberation Army since it entered service in 2016. It can transport up to 66 tons.
XAIC has delivered almost 100 planes to the PLA Air Force so far - about half of them in the last two years. It also changed from Russian-made Soloviev D-30KP-2 engines to the most powerful Chinese-made Shenyang WS-20 turbofan engines.
Variants were also developed, the Y-20U tank plane and the Y-20AEW airborne alert and early control aircraft.
Tags: Military AviationChinaNAF - Nigerian Air Force/Nigerian Air ForceXian Y-20
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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